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Arguments Against Affirmative Action

Affirmative action cause a lot of harm not only to all segments of society in general, but particularly
their most destructive effect is on the very minorities who are the supposed to be the very
Equal opportunity such as widespread information sharing and advertising employment
opportunities, have benefitted minorities, but forced equality such as quotas do not benefit them.
Affirmative action cause particular harm to the highly competent people of minority, by making it
seem as if their achievements are less because of their own qualities and efforts, but more because
of government largesse.
Affirmative action cause harm to the unqualified minority people by placing them in such positions
where their incompetence is exposed.
Minority people, who are excluded from affirmative action, get harmed by increased frustration and
lowered motivation to acquire qualifications on their own.
Affirmative action increases animosity among racial and other inter-minority groups.