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Calculus III for Engineers Course Outline

Course Outline
Course Details
Course Name:
Calculus III for Engineers
Course Number:
Course Code
Year & Term:
MATH 223
Required Text:
Course Website:
Importaot Note:
81087 (secton 01) & 81088 (secton 05)
2018-2019 Term 1
Calculus: A Complete Course, 9th editon, Robert A. Adams and
Christopher Essex. We will not use MyMathLab.
Blackboard/Course Tools
Enrolment in the College of Engineering or enrolment in the College of
Arts and Science with a major in Mathematcal hysics or hysics
MATH 123 and 124
Engineering students may take this course with prerequisite of MATH
110 and 116 if they seek permission of the Engineering Students' Centre.
Arts & Science students majoring in Mathematcal hysics or hysics
may receive permission to take this course by contactng the
Department of Mathematcs and Statstcs. Students with credit for
MATH 225 or 276 may not take this course for credit.
Instructor Details
Course coordioator:
Dr. George atrick
211 McLean Hall
306-966-6084, patrick@math.usask.ca
Office Hours:
By appointment
Dr. Mohamad S. Alwan
212 McLean Hall
306-966-6108, m.alwan@math.usask.ca
Office Hours:
By appointment
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M. Alwan
G. atrick
ARTS 146
ARTS 146
ARTS 134
ARTS 133
ARTS 263
ARTS 102
Course Description
Vectors and coordinate geometry in 3-space; vector functons and curves; partal
differentaton; applicatons to partal derivatves; multple integraton.
Course Overview
We will cover the following topics from Calculus: A Complete Course by Adams and Essex:
vectors and coordinate geometry in 3-space (10.1-10.7), vector functons and curves (11.111.5), partal differentaton (12.1-12.9), applicatons of partal derivatves (13.1-13.4), multple
integraton (14.1-14.7), as tme permits. The topics in Chapter 10.1-10.6 are review material;
you are responsible to independently study those sectons. You must atend the lectures: the
actual topics are a selecton from those in the textbook and the lectures may include details
and techniques that are not in the textbook.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completon of this course, students should be able to:
calculate and apply cross product, dot product, and equatons of lines and planes;
be familiar with polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems;
calculate and apply derivatves and integrals of vector-valued functons;
be familiar with radial and transverse velocity and acceleraton in polar coordinates;
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calculate partal derivatves, including the use of the chain rule and implicit
calculate and use multvariate linear and Taylor approximatons;
determine if a symmetric matrix is positve defnite, negatve defnite, or indefnite;
calculate and classify critcal points of multvariate functons;
calculate constrained extrema by the method of Lagrange multpliers;
calculate global extrema of multvariate functons on simple closed and bounded
calculate and apply double and triple integrals in Cartesian, polar,
cylindrical, and spherical coordinates;
atain overall familiarity with the theory of multvariate calculus; synthesiee the
concepts of multvariate calculus in a problem context.
Labs 10%; Online blackboard assignments 10%; Midterm tests 40%; Final examinaton 40%
Your actual fnal grade will be based upon your raw fnal grade, subject to the discreton of the
instructors. We are constrained in the assignment of grades to the University-wide standards,
which are published here.
In all assessments your solutons will be assigned a leter grade of A, B, C, D, F+, F, or 0,
according to the following schedule. Your fnal grade on any assessment will be obtained using
the percentage grades assigned to each leter grade, subject to instructor discreton.
A (100%) A perfect solutoon aod clearly preseotedi ossibly one trivial error or
omission, near the end.
B (85%) Nearly perfect solutooi Only minor errors, but they should have been caught.
C (70%) Mostly adequate solutooi A complete but errored executon of a correct
method. No conceptual error. ossibly one signifcant error or omission.
D (60%) Barely passiog solutooi ignifcant omissions or extraneous informaton.
resence of one or more severe errors.
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F+ (40%) Failiog solutooi rogress, but signifcantly incomplete. ossibly a defnite
conceptual error or multple severe errors.
F (20%) Clearly failiog solutooi Something relevant occurs in the soluton.
0 (0%) No relevaot progress or ooo−compliaoce with iostructoosi A grade of eero will
be given to a blank page.
Academic Misconduct and Appeal Procedures
This course will conform to the rules and guidelines for both academic misconduct and appeal
Term Tests and Final Examination
There will be two tests, scheduled as follows:
Test #1: Monday 15 October 2018, 4:30-5:50 M
Test #2: Monday 19 November 2018, 4:30-5:50 M
There will be a three-hour comprehensive fnal examinaton held in the regular exam period
Dec 8-22. The tme and locaton of the exam will be published here.
Tests and examinatons are closed book, no notes, and they are the same for the two sectons
of this coordinated course. Essental formulas will be posted on Blackboard and provided with
the tests and examinaton. Solutons to the tests are posted on Blackboard at 7:00 M on the
day of the test.
Midterm and Final Examination Scheduling
Midterm and fnal examinatons must be writen on the date scheduled. Final examinatons
may be scheduled at any tme during the examinaton period; students should therefore avoid
making prior travel, employment, or other commitments for this period. If a student is unable
to write an exam through no fault of his or her own for medical or other valid reasons,
documentaton must be provided and an opportunity to write the missed exam may be given.
Students are encouraged to review all examinaton policies and procedures.
Examinations with Access and Equity Services (AES)
Students who have disabilites (learning, medical, physical, or mental health) are strongly
encouraged to register with Access and Equity Services (AES) if they have not already done so.
Students who suspect they may have disabilites should contact AES for advice and referrals. In
order to access AES programs and supports, students must follow AES policy and procedures.
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Students registered with AES may request alternatve arrangements for mid-term and fnal
examinatons. Students must arrange such accommodatons through AES by the stated
Calculator Policy
You may use a simple scientfc (non-graphing, non-programmable) calculator for all tests and
the fnal exam. Approved calculators include: TI 30Xa, TI 30XII, Casio fx-260, Casio fx-300MS,
Sharp EL-531X, H 10s. Whether or not a calculator was used, insufciently detailed solutons
may not receive full credit.
There are four 80-minute lab sectons as indicated above. Students will be assigned to one of
these lab sectons during the frst week of classes. Space in the lab rooms is limited so you must
go to your assigned secton. There will be weekly lab assignments as indicated on the Tentatve
Schedule below. You must hand in your own solutons, although you may discuss the problems
with others and with the teaching assistant. You should bring your textbook and notes to the
lab. Solutons to the problems will be posted on BlackBoard at 7:00 M on the day of the lab.
Blackboard Assignments
Blackboard assignments will be posted on a regular basis. You may not collaborate -- the
assignment is to be done individually. The use of extraordinary aids -- beyond a simple
calculator, notes, and the textbook - such as a symbolic manipulator, or internet collaboraton,
is not permited. Hand compute the answers to each queston using only a simple calculator,
pencil, and paper.
Course Policy on Incomplete Work
There will be no “make-up” or “substtute” assignments or tests: the weight of a missed
assignment or test will be transferred to the fnal exam if the student has a legitmate reason
and provides adequate documentaton. Contact the instructor as soon as possible if you have
missed, or will miss, an assignment or term test.
You must write the fnal examinaton in order to receiving a passing grade in this course. If for
any reason you are not able to write the fnal examinaton at the scheduled tme, contact your
College to apply for a Deferred Final Examinaton.
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If you have a queston or require help, frst try to resolve the queston by yourself, using your
book, your notes and the material posted on the course website. You will fnd beter success in
the course by spending a good effort to understand a concept or problem in your own way. If
that fails, try the University Math Help Center.
Your instructor can resolve many questons by e-mail. lease include “Math 223” in your
subject heading when you e-mail us: do not assume that we know you or to which course you
are referring. If you are stll having problems, try to arrange an appointment with your
instructor. The Department maintains a list of tutors here.
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Tentative Schedule
Sept 5, 7
Vector functons and curves
(11.1, 11.3-11.6)
Vector functons and curves
(11.1, 11.3-11.6)
Vector functons and curves
(11.1, 11.3-11.6)
Vector functons and curves (11.1-11.5)
artal differentaton (12.1-12.9)
artal differentaton (12.1-12.9)
Read 10.1-10.3
Sept 10, 12, 14
Sept 17, 19, 21
Sept 24, 26, 28
Oct 1, 3, 5
Oct 10, 12
artal differentaton (12.1-12.9)
Oct 15 17, 19
artal differentaton (12.1-12.9)
Oct 22, 24, 26
Oct 29, 31
Nov 2
Nov 5, 7, 9
Nov 12-16
Nov 19, 21, 23
Multple Integraton (10.6,14.1-14.7)
Fall Break
Midterm #2
Nov 26, 28, 30
Multple Integraton (10.6,14.1-14.7)
Lab #7
Dec 3, 5, 7
Multple Integraton (10.6,14.1-14.7)
Lab #8
Applicatons of partal derivatves
Applicatons of partal derivatves
Multple Integraton (10.6,14.1-14.7)
Read 10.4-10.6
Lab #1
Lab #2
Lab #3
No lecture Oct 8
No lab Oct 8
Midterm #1
Lab #4
Lab #5
Lab #6
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