ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS ES INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING AND FLOWLINES 7 July 06 6 FEB,04 SSpE(KG) HE(Bab) HE(JD/FG) SME(MTA) SME(MTA) HE(NEB) Revised for EMPD engineering Standard t REV. DATE ORIGINATOR REVIEWED APPROVED DESCRIPTION (Custodian) (Forum Facilitator) General Update THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED FOR USE BY ADCO AND ITS NOMINATED CONSULTANTS, CONTRACTORS, MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS. ORIGINATOR: ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION ADCO DOC. No. PROJ. No. MASTER Pages 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 SCOPE 3 2.0 REFERENCE, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS 3 3.0 GENERAL 4 4.0 RIGHT OF WAY 6 5.0 MATERIALS HANDLING AND SUPPLY 6 6.0 PIPE BENDS AND BENDING 7 7.0 WELDING 9 8.0 PIPE SPECIFICATIONS AND REPAIRS 10 9.0 HYDROSTATIC TESTING 12 10.0 LEAK REPAIR 14 11.0 PIPE CROSSINGS 15 12.0 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 16 13.0 PAINTING OF ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATIONS 16 14.0 PROTECTION OF BURIED PIPING 17 15.0 DELIVERABLES AND AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION 17 16.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 17 17.0 PIPELINE MARKERS 18 18.0 CLEAN-UP OPERATION 18 ATTACEMENT • Drawing No: 30-78-76-0037-1 TYPICAL FLOWLINE CROSSING • `` Drawing No: 30-78-76-0002-1 TYPICAL RIG CROSSING OVER BURIED PIPLINE & CABLES DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 2 of 18 1.0 SCOPE This specification covers the installation, inspection and testing of: Crude oil flowlines from wellheads to remote or central station manifolds. This shall include: - o On-Plot pipework between X-mas tree wing valve and the 100 meters battery limit isolation valve at the wellhead area and between the CDS or RDS fence battery limit isolation valve and flowline gathering manifold. o Flowlines between the battery-limit valves at wellhead area and CDS/RDS fence (Off-Plot). Water Injection Flow lines from water supply wells to water injection wells, including piping, valves fittings and other associated works at water supply wells as well as water injection wells. - 2.0 REFERENCE CODES, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION (LATES + EDITIONS) 2.1 ASME B31.3: Chemical Plant Petroleum Refinery Piping. 2.2 ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section IX: Welder Performance Qualifications. 2.3 ASME B31.4: Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia and Alcohols. 2.4 API 1104: Standard for Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities. 2.5 NACE MR-01-75 / ISO 15156 : Material requirements Sulphide Stress Resistant Metallic Material for Oil Field Equipment. 2.6 ES Specification for Welding and Welding Inspection of Shop and Field Fabricated Carbon Steel Process and Utility Piping. 2.7 DEP Welding of Pipelines and related facilities (for off-plot pipelines) (Amendment). 2.8 DEP Shop and Field Fabrication of steel piping (Amendment) 2.9 DEP Gen. for Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of New pipelines. Welding procedure and 2.10 DEP : Painting and Coating of New Equipment (Amendment) 2.11 ES Cold Applied Tape Wrapping of Buried steel piping. 2.12 ES Tag Plates for Field and Indoor Equipment. 2.13 DEP Site Preparation and Earthworks (Amendment). `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 3 of 18 2.14 DEP Reinforced Concrete Foundations (Amendment). 2.15 DEP Steel Structure (Amendment). 2.16 DEP External Polyethylene and Polypropylene Coating for Line Pipe (Amendment). 2.17 ES Quality Control Requirements for wellhead tie-ins and flowlines. 2.18 ES Engineering Procedure for Preparation of Project Drawings, As Built Drawings and Documents 2.20 3.0 Order of Precedence This specification. Contract drawings and data sheet ADCO specifications Shell DEPs Amendments Shell DEP’s International codes and standards. GENERAL 3.1 All materials, welding, installation, testing and inspection shall be in accordance with ASME B31.4, Latest Edition, and this specification, except inside station battery limits and wellhead area up to wellhead battery limit valve where codes and specifications applicable to on-plot piping shall govern. 3.2 Each flowline will originate at a flange adjacent to a wellhead, as shown in the relevant Drawings, and will terminate at a flange either on the remote manifold skids or central manifold skids inside the station. 3.3 WORKS inside station shall include but not necessarily be limited to construction of foundations for pipe supports, pipe anchors, fabrication and erection of all pipeworks and all in-line items such as ball valves, checks valves in-line instruments, insulating flanges and corrosion access fittings… etc. CONTRACTOR shall furnish, all material equipment, consumable, tools as required to complete the WORKS inside the station other than ADCO’s free issued materials as specified in the construction package. Constructor shall strictly adhere to ADCO’s work permit system and safety procedures stipulated in Volume 10. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 4 of 18 3.4 It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to check all quantities, bill of materials, material compatibility …. etc.. to ensure its fitness for purpose and highlight to ADCO any shortcomings, variation or errors. 3.5 The flowlines shall be installed as above ground unrestrained lines, resting on graded surface, except at the following locations:- 3.6 • At crossings of existing above ground pipelines, services the pipelines shall be installed on hurdles with a minimum clearance of 300 mm from the existing facilities. • At road / track crossings the pipelines shall be laid buried below road / track. • At rig crossings the pipelines shall be laid buried below rig road. • At Sabkha areas the pipelines shall be laid on hurdles. The CONTRACTOR shall make allowance for underground pipe crossings of recognized desert tracks for flowlines and test lines as required. Otherwise, the lines shall be unrestrained and shall lie on the surface of the ground except When traversing “active” sand dunes. The route of the flowlines and the location of the pipe crossings shall be as directed by ADCO. All underground crossings shall be un-sleeved (direct burial). 3.7 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible at his own cost and expense for locating existing installation of whatsoever nature, for avoiding damage to them and for making repairs or paying for any damage thereto. The CONTRACTOR shall limit traffic on the right of way to such vehicles as are necessary to the operation thereon. 3.8 CONTRACTOR is responsible for fabricating and fixing the tag plates physically on all piping component as per ADCO Specification ES- 3.9 CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for preparation of “as-built” mark-up drawings for wellhead area and inside station as per ADCO specification ES Flowline (s) routing (s) shall be shown on 1:10,000 scale maps of ADCO fields. These routings shall be the actual (As-laid) path(s) of flowline (s) (no coordinates are to be shown). `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 5 of 18 4.0 RIGHT OF WAY 4.1 The CONTRACTOR shall jointly with ADCO, survey, and select the shortest practical routes for the flowlines. 4.2 The CONTRACTOR shall prepare the pipelines routes so that the flowlines may lie without stress on ground free of rocks and stones throughout their length, being subjected to as little restraint form the supporting ground as is practicable. The width of the right of way at any point shall be 5 meters or consistent with the CONTRACTOR’s equipment and stringing and welding operations or as other wise as approved by ADCO. 4.3 The flowlines may pass through sand dunes subject to ADCO’s approval. 4.4 Flowlines from wellheads shall not be laid alongside the roads wherever an alternative route is possible. 4.5 Flowlines to be laid alongside main roads / tracks shall be at least 10 meters away from the edge of the road / tracks. 4.6 Flowlines which crosses the tracks / roads and rig crossing shall be constructed as per ADCO standard drawing ad 4.7 Flowlines shall not cross sterile flare fenced compounds. 4.8 Minimum clearance of pipelines from wellheads shall be as follows: 4.9 • From Oil/gas wellheads 150m • From Water wells 100 m Flowline laid alongside the overhead lines shall be at least 30 meters away form the overhead lines. 5.0 MATERIALS HANDLING AND SUPPLY 5.1 Materials Furnished by ADCO ADCO shall supply all pipe and fittings (valves, flanges, bolts, etc.) required for the complete installation of the flowlines. These materials will be furnished to the CONTRACTOR at ADCO’s Bab 13 stores. • All pipes, fittings, valves, flanges, bolting gaskets • All instruments including PI, TI, and Wellhead Control Panel and its Stainless Steel tubing The flowmetering skid structure Scrap pipes for hurdles Precast concrete for pipe and WHCP supports • • • `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 6 of 18 5.2 Materials Furnished by CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all materials and constructional plant required to complete the WORKS except those materials stated in para 5.1 above. The cost of all materials furnished by the CONTRACTOR including welding consumables, external coating material and the like, shall be deemed to be included in the price as set forth in the Schedule of prices. All materials Furnished by the CONTRACTOR for incorporation into the Permanent WORKS shall be new and shall comply with the specifications. CONTRACTOR shall submit test certificates, catalogues …. etc. for the items procured by them as required by ADCO. These shall include but not be limited to: • Welding consumables and material required for welder pre-qualification. • Pipe support structural material • Hydrotest equipment, including water for hydrotesting • Wrapping / coating material for buried pipework. • Tie-in material including mechanical stoppers, mud plugs etc. • Tag plates. • Paint including all material required for surface preparation, shot and grit etc. • Instrument bulk items such as cables, glands, cable trays and tray fitting, cable tapes, cable tiles, cable markers, impulse fittings. • All civil and structural items not covered in para. 5.1 • Steel caps for hurdles • Field supports for instruments and hydraulic tubing 5.3 Depots and Handling of Materials 5.3.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be required to take custody of all ADCO furnished materials after issue from the storage areas. The CONTRACTOR shall nominate a representative to receive and inspect all ADCO’s furnished materials at storage areas jointly with ADCO’s Representative. Any damaged material must be clearly marked and duly recorded at this time. Damages and deficiencies shall be reported to ADCO within three days otherwise materials will be regarded being acceptable by the CONTRACTOR. Damaged or doubtful pipe shall be marked and set aside by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall repair damages or defects as approved by ADCO and will be paid for making these repairs in accordance with the Schedule of Prices. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 7 of 18 5.3.2 Materials handling by the CONTRACTOR shall be defined as all planning, control, supervision, handling & loading onto and from any means of transport and the transportation thereof including all other work whatsoever required and the provision, operation, maintenance & repair as applicable of all constructional plant, permanent WORKS & temporary WORKS. 5.3.3 Pipe Stringing Pipe shall not be rolled from stringing trucks nor handled in any manner which would distort the round form of the ends or scratch, scar or dent the pipe and the CONTRACTOR shall, at his own cost and expense, make good any such damage. The stringing of the pipe on the right of way shall be done in such a manner as to cause the least interference with the normal use of the land crossed and gaps shall be left at intervals to permit the passage of animals and equipment across the right of way. On or along roads, pipe stringing shall be done such a manner as not to cause a hazard to or be subjected to possible damage by traffic. Other materials including coating materials, fittings and the like forming part of the permanent work shall be handled, stored and strung by the CONTRACTOR in such a manner as to prevent damage or loss to the site Permanent Work. 6.0 PIPE BENDS AND BENDING `` 6.1 The CONTRACTOR shall provide for changes of vertical and horizontal alignment by making cold field bends, pipe to be set to fit the natural ground profile and the pipe may pass through sand dunes. Over bends shall not be used to pass over unstable ground or active sand dunes. 6.2 Additional 6° (minimum) horizontal deflection bends every 150 meters shall be installed for line flexibility where terrain is essentially leveled. 6.3 The CONTRACTOR shall use a recognized and accepted method of bending the pipe in accordance with good pipeline construction practice. Bending machines shall be of a type approved by ADCO. CONTRACTOR shall submit a pipe bending procedure for ADCO approval. 6.4 Bending of flowlines shall be obtained by progressive pipe bending by cold stretching. All bends shall have a smooth contour or surface. For each successive bending of the same pipe, the longitudinal axis of the pipe shall not be deflected more than 1 ½ (one and one half) degrees in each diameter length. DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 8 of 18 6.5 No bend shall have a difference between the maximum and minimum diameter in excess of 2 ½ (two and one half) percent of the nominal diameter. 6.6 No two field bends shall be placed nearer than 5 (five) meters tangent between them measured along the axis of the pipeline. 6.7 On lengths to be bent, the seam (if present) shall be, where possible, arranged so that it is close to the neutral axis of the bend. 6.8 No length of pipe containing a circumferential weld shall be subjected to cold bending. 6.9 The CONTRACTOR shall keep records of all cold pipe bends made by him in the course of flowline construction. The records shall include details of location, pipe number, angle of bend, place of bend, and such other details as ADCO may require. 6.10 No mitre bends will be permitted in the construction of the pipeline. 6.11 No flat or distorted pipe or other defects in the pipeline shall be permitted. 6.12 Cold bends shall be produced using a cold, smooth-stretch technique utilizing purpose-built equipment as approved by ADCO. The cold bend radius shall not be less than 40 times the pipe’s nominal diameter. Prior to commencement of the work. CONTRACTOR shall submit and demonstrate to ADCO a bending procedure, which shall conform with the recommendations of the manufacturer of the bending machine. The procedure shall include lengths, maximum degree per pull and the method and accuracy of measurement during pulling of the bend. The procedure and equipment used shall be subject to approval by ADCO. The tangent ends of each bend shall be straight and shall not have been subjected in any way to the cold bending operation. The length of the straight section shall be preserved to permit ease of alignment and field welding. Under no circumstances shall the start / end of the bend be any closer than 1.5m from the pipe end or within 1m of a girth weld. 7.0 WELDING For all activities related to welding and NDT, refer to the fabrication and welding specifications and Amendments / Supplements to Shell DEPs listed under section 2.0 in this document. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 9 of 18 8.0 PIPE SPECIFICATION AND REPAIRS No pipe shall be welded into the pipelines which does not meet the specifications herein. ADCO will be given the opportunity to inspect fabricated items, before installation and the CONTRACTOR shall repair injurious defects in accordance with provisions of the standard or specification applicable to such repairs. Defects in the pipe which are determined by visual inspection other than those specifically mentioned herein, shall be brought to the attention of ADCO. 8.1 Pipe Wall Defects and Repairs Distortions, dents, flattening, gouges, scratches or notches and all other harmful defects to the pipe wall shall be handled as follows:A dent (as opposed to a notch, scratch, gouge or groove) may be defined as a gross disturbance in the curvature of the pipe wall which does not break the surface or noticeably reduce the wall thickness. The pipe wall shall contain no dent greater than one-quarter (1/4) inch, measured as the gap between the lowest point of the dent and a prolongation of the original contour of the pipe. The length of the dent in any direction shall not exceed one-half (1/2) the pipe diameter. Such dents which are too deep or too long shall be removed by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe as a cylinder. A dent containing a point of stress concentration, such as a scratch, gouge, groove or arc burn, shall be removed by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe as a cylinder. Distorted or flattened lengths of pipe shall be discarded. Any arc burn on the pipe shall be repaired to prevent notches removed acting as stress raisers. The pipe surface, after removal of the arc burns, shall be examined by magnetic particle inspection. The section of pipe containing the arc burn must be removed if the arc burn cannot be repaired to the satisfaction of ADCO. Gouges, grooves, scratches or notches having a depth more than five (5%) percent but less than nine and one-half (9.5%) percent of the nominal wall thickness, and not longer than six (6”) inches, shall be ground to remove the defect and provide a smooth contour. Defects deeper than nine and one-half (9.5%) percent of the nominal wall thickness may be ground out provided the wall thickness is not reduced to less than ninety-five (95%) percent of the nominal wall thickness. Defects deeper than five (5%) percent of the nominal wall thickness and over six (6”) inches long shall be removed by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe, unless the defect can be ground out without the resulting wall thickness being less than ninety – five (95%) percent of nominal wall thickness. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 10 of 18 Laps, cracks or laminations which are visible to the naked eye shall be removed by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe as a cylinder. 8.2 Pipe End Defects and Repairs. Distortions, dents flattening, gouges, grooves, notches, laps, cracks or lamination, and all other harmful defects to the end of the pipe shall be handled as follows:Laps, cracks or laminations on pipe ends shall be removed as a cylinder and the pipe end properly beveled. If the end of the pipe is pressed inward, so as to encroach upon the bore of the pipe, the pipe shall be ground to the original contour of the inside of the pipe provided the wall thickness is not reduced to less than ninety – five (95%) percent of the nominal wall thickness. Dents, gouges or depressions in the bevel shall be repaired if their depth exceeds five hundredths (0.05) of an inch. The root face (land), if damaged, shall be brought back into tolerance by filing. After such filing, a straight edge shall be placed along the surface of the original root face spanning the field area. The maximum gap allowable shall not be greater than one thirty-second (1/32) inch over a maximum length of threequarter (3/4) inch, or three sixty-fourths (3/64) inch over a maximum length of three-eighths (3/8) inch. Only two (2) such repairs are allowed on any one bevel. Damage to a bevel surface, other than the land, shall not exceed five sixty –fourths (5/64) inch. If the damage is five sixty-fourths (5/64) inch or less it is acceptable if it is smooth and rounded. Similar denting to the top edge of the bevel (shoulder) need not be rejected if ground smooth and round. Where the end of a pipe has been cut off as a cylinder and there is not serious loss of pipe length, the weld preparation shall be remade in accordance with the requirements of this specification. 8.3 Straightness The pipe joints shall be straight. If visual examination indicates any permanent set, a tight line measurement shall be made. Any deviation greater than onequarter (1/4) inch from every three (3) meters of length will not be acceptable. 8.4 Corrosion No pipe shall be welded into any pipeline having a corrosion pit greater than 12.5 percent of the nominal wall thickness measured as the gap between the lowest point of depression and a prolongation of the original contour as measured by a pit gauge. The section of the pipe containing the pit shall be removed as a cylinder. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 11 of 18 8.5 Ovality A rod gauge must pass freely through the end four (4) inches of all pipe joints at any orientation normal to the pipe axis. Length of the gauge shall be equal to the nominal inside diameter of the pipe, minus one-half (0.5) inch. On pipes having bevel protectors, this measurement shall be made at points directly behind the bevel protector but not greater than four (4) inches from the face of level. 9. HYDROSTATIC TESTING 9.1 Upon completion of the WORKS, the CONTRACTOR shall supply, at his expense, all necessary labor, equipment and materials including vent and drain connections to pressurize and test flowlines and associated fittings. 9.2 Hydrostatic testing shall be carried out in accordance with this specification and Shell DEP Gen (Hydrostatic Pressure Testing of New Pipelines). 9.3 All leaks resulting from faulty workmanship or faulty materials furnished by the CONTRACTOR shall be repaired by the CONTRACTOR, at his own cost and expense. 9.4 ADCO shall bear the cost of replacement or repair of pipe furnished which fails or is damaged through no fault of the CONTRACTOR during the pressure test. 9.5 In the event that a failure shall occur during any such test described in paragraphs 9.3 and 9.4, then the CONTRACTOR shall, after effecting the repairs, retest the line until a successful test is attained to the satisfaction of the ADCO. 9.6 All other leaks caused by circumstances beyond control of either ADCO or the CONTRACTOR, such as leaks caused by the third party or acts of God, shall be repaired by the CONTRACTOR on a day work basis or as directed by ADCO. ADCO’s approval, in writing, must be obtained prior to any work done on a day work basis. 9.7 The CONTRACTOR shall review the drawings to ensure that adequate vents, drains, spades and relief valves are provided to test the WORKS in accordance with the provisions of this specification. 9.8 The CONTRACTOR shall submit, in writing, no later than seven (7) days prior to testing, to ADCO for approval, a schedule for testing the WORKS, to include but not by way of limitation, testing procedures, time schedule, diagrams (including ISO’s and P&ID’s), and proposals for installation of any additional vents, drains, spades and relief valves which may be required. 9.9 Hydrotest pressures shall be as specified in the table below in accordance with the requirements of ASME B31.3 & 31.4 as follows:- `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 12 of 18 a. Test pressure = 1.5 X Design pressure for piping (ASME B31.3) at: • Oil producers wellheads up to the battery limit isolation valve. • Remote and central degassing stations between the station fence battery limit isolation valve and gathering manifold. • Water injection supply well between the well wing valve and the last isolation valve downstream of the water injection surface pump. • Water injection well between the isolation valve upstream of the injection skid and the well wing valve. Contractor shall refer to the relevant system drawings for better understanding of the above. b. Test pressure = 1.25 X Design pressure for Oil and Water Injection Flowlines (Cross Country Flowlines) (ASME B31.4): Service / Field Oil Producers Flowline:- Piping Test Pressure & Piping (ASME B31.3) - ANSI class 2500# (Asab & 7500 psig Sahil). 1500 psig - ANSI class 2500# (Bu Hasa) 7500 psig - ANSI class 1500# (Bu Hasa & 4650 psig Shah) 1875 psig - ANSI class 1500# ( Bab). 4650 psig 3875 psig - ANSI class 2500# (Bab) 7500 psig 5000 psig Water Injection Piping and Flowlines:All Fields - Piping between supply well & 2000 psig surface pump (class 600#). `` Flowlines(ASME B31.4) 1875 psig N/A - Surface Pump Piping.( class 1500#) 4100 psig N/A - Water Injection Flow line. N/A 4200 psig - Water Injection Well Piping. 5000 psig N/A DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 13 of 18 10 LEAK REPAIR The following are the general requirements for repairing leaks caused by a line break during l pressure testing: 10.1 Water used in pressure testing the pipeline may reach high temperatures and have a relatively high content of Hydrogen Sulphide. Hydrogen Sulphide is highly toxic and adequate precautions including the provision of suitable breathing apparatus, must be taken for the safety of personnel, as approved by ADCO’s Site Engineer. 10.2 The CONTRACTOR shall have available an explosive atmosphere detector such as J.W. SNIFFER, Model G (or equivalent), a Hydrogen Sulphide pollution atmosphere detector, pipe cutters, suitable for the sizes of pipe being installed, material such as balloons and mud to provide an adequate vapor seal and an air driven pump for the disposal of free oil, as approved by ADCO’s Site Engineer. 10.2 The damaged section of pipe shall be removed from the line by means of two cold cuts. After the flow is stopped, 2 (two) inch vents shall be cut into the pipe by cold cutting process at a minimum of 50 (fifty) meters or as otherwise agreed by ADCO’s Site Engineer upstream and downstream from each free end. Two inch carbon steel flanged nippolets of same pressure and series rating, supplied and welded into position by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall also provide forged steel blinds plugs for closing off the vents after the new section of pipe has been finally fitted into position. The free ends of the pipe shall then be effectively plugged and made vapour tight. All oil soaked sand within the vicinity of the welding shall be covered with clean, dry sand, and the entire area shall then be checked with a combustible atmosphere indicator to ensure that no explosive mixture is present. This check shall be done in the presence of the ADCO’s Site Engineer and to his satisfaction. No open flame, electric welding, or vehicles, etc. shall be permitted in the vicinity of the leak until the area has been pronounced safe by ADCO’s Site Engineer. 10.3 After the area has been pronounced safe for welding and the open ends of the pipe have been prepared for welding, a new section of pipe shall be provided, care being taken not to jar the free ends of existing pipe and when the new section is in place a further check shall be made with a combustible gas indicator and, if the area is found to be free of any explosive mixture, the new section shall be welded into the line. At all times during welding, at least one man for each welder shall be stationed alongside the pipe with a fire extinguisher to ensure the welder’s safety. 10.4 After the new section of the pipe has been welded into the line, and prior to filling the line, the vents shall be secured by blind flanges. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 14 of 18 11 PIPE CROSSING 11.1 Special consideration shall be given to flowline crossing: a) Existing pipework b) Recognized desert tracks and Rig crossing. c) Surfaced roads d) Existing / overhead lines e) Existing cables (power, fiber optic, Itisalat, control, etc….) 11.2 Where a flowline meets an existing pipe or other obstruction that requires to be traversed, the new flowline shall be generally routed under the obstruction with minimum clearance of one meter or as otherwise approved by ADCO. 11.3 The minimum cover to top of pipe at road / track crossings shall be as follows: • • • • Asphalt Road Crossing Gatch Track Crossing Sandy Desert Track Crossing Rig Tracks 2 meters 1.5 meters 1.2 meters 2 meters ONTRACTOR shall check if existing culverts are available at road crossings and may utilize the same if available subject to ADCO’s approval. CONTRACTOR shall first expose the culvert, clean it and confirm suitability for installation of the new pipeline. Following confirmation of suitability and approval by ADCO, CONTRACTOR may utilize the existing culvert. The pipeline route shall be optimized for utilizing the culvert. CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed method statement for ADCO review and approval including details of all necessary works required for utilizing the culvert. Following ADCO review / approval, CONTRACTOR shall execute all works without any cost implication to ADCO. All new crossings shall be un-cased. 11.4 The CONTRACTOR shall do all trenching necessary for these crossings. To avoid settlement, the pipe shall have firm bearing on the bottom of the trench for a distance of not less than five meters from each end of the crossing. This shall be accomplished either by compacting the bottom of the trench or by placing sand filled bags under the pipe at one meter intervals. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 15 of 18 11.5 At each crossing the flowline shall be coated and wrapped in accordance with ADCO specification from a point 1.5 meters up stream of where the flowline first goes underground to a point 1.5 meters downstream of where it re-emerges on the surface. At the crossing of major (metalled) road crossing, where trenching for installation pipeline is not permitted by authorities, the pipeline shall be installed by drilling / boring. At these locations, the buried pipeline section shall be externally coated using 3-Layer Polyethylene coating as per ADCO’s specifications. 11.6 When a road is to be crossed by an open-cut crossing, the CONTRACTOR shall provide means whereby traffic on the road is not unduly inconvenienced while the crossing is under construction. The means adopted shall be agreed / approved by ADCO’s Site Engineer, bearing in mind the nature and volume of the traffic to be expected. The means shall include, but not necessary be limited to installation of tiger tapes, temporary lighting, flags, etc. Preparation of temporary gatch road shall be in accordance with ADCO specification ES30.99.75.056. 11.7 When flowline crosses ADNOC, GASCO, ADWEA etc. facilities, the CONTRACTOR shall follow work permit procedures and pipe/track crossing procedures adopted by the custodian of such facilities. Where the pipeline section is required to be installed below a road / rig crossing using thrust boring, CONTRACTOR shall submit calculations to demonstrate that installation of pipeline by thrust boring shall not impose excessive stresses on the pipe external coating and the mechanical pipeline joints. Otherwise the pipeline coating shall be additionally protected by the application of 50mm thick concrete coating over the parent coating. Alternatively, CONTRACTOR can propose use of suitable coating system with high abrasion resistance and appropriate for the pipeline design conditions for use at the crossing location. Use of alternative coating system shall be subject to approval by ADCO. 12. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS. All Civil & Structural steel works shall be carried out in accordance with the civil specification listed under Section 2.0 in this document. 13. `` PAINTING OF ABOVE-GROUND INSTALLATIONS. 13.1 All new works (except cross-country flowlines) shall be painted / coated in accordance with ADCO specification. 13.2 Prior to painting, all nameplate and glasses and any other items as may be required shall be covered with masking. Upon completion of painting all masking shall be removed and adhesive washed off. DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 16 of 18 14. PROTECTION OF BURIED PIPING. 14.1 All new piping, which shall subsequently be buried, shall be prepared, coated and wrapped as hereinafter specified and in accordance with ADCO specification. 15. DELIVERABLES AND AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION. In addition to requirements under item 3.9 the as-built dossiers and deliverables to be submitted by the CONTRACTOR shall include the following as a minimum: i) Material test certificates / traceability for both ADCO and CONTRACTOR supplied material. ii) Pipe tally / girth weld identification and location in the line. iii) Approved welding procedures and welder certificates. iv) Approved inspection, NDT and testing procedures. v) Inspection and NDT reports including radiographs. vi) Preheat and post weld heat treatment charts, if any. vii) Hydrostatic test records with charts. viii) “As-built” mark-up drawings. ix) Coating inspection reports. 16. QUALITY ASSURANCE. The CONTRACTOR shall plan, implement and maintain a quality system for the inspection of construction and pre-commissioning of the flowlines and wellhead / station tie-ins. The CONTRACTOR shall submit his proposed inspection / test plans along with the copies of inspection / test report formats to ADCO for review and approval prior to starting the work. Test plans should indicate hold witness, review points by CONTRACTOR and ADCO Inspectors. CONTRACTOR should allow minimum 24 hours notice to ADCO for attending such inspection. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the quality control requirements for wellhead tie-ins and flowlines as per the document No. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 17 of 18 17. PIPELINE MARKERS. Distinctive markers shall be installed along pipeline route and at major road / track crossings to indicate the alignment of pipeline and shall give information in both Arabic and English. Well no. shall also be painted (in white colour) on the flowline at 100 meters intervals. 18. CLEAN-UP OPERATIONS. As soon as possible after testing, all construction debris, tools and equipment shall be removed and the working width and any access ways and storage sites shall be reinstated as instructed by ADCO. `` DOCUMENT TITLE: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF WATER INJECTION & OIL PIPING FLOWLINES PROJECT No. MASTER ADCO DOC. No. REV. 7 DATE: July,06 Page 18 of 18