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Ultrafast Optics Term Paper Assignment - ECE616

Fall 2013
October 4, 2013
Term paper: reading list and suggested topics
Term projects will involve an in-class oral presentation (~15 minutes) and a written
report (10-12 pages assuming line spacing of 1.5, including figures and bibliography). Both will
be due last week of classes. You will pick your own topic (with my consent). To aid you in
selecting a topic, I have provided a list of suggested (not exhaustive) topics as well as a list of
reading resources that hit current research topics. You may choose a topic from my list or come
up with your own topic. One rule: you should NOT do your class project on your current thesis
To make sure you are starting on the project, I will require a proposed title and a short abstract
by Monday, November 4 (However, I prefer that you hand this in earlier to reserve your
At least broadly, your topic must be relevant to ultrafast optics.
To avoid repetition in oral presentations, any given topic may be taken by at most one student.
I will be the judge of what is or is not too close.
I would like your report to include discussion of the important physical principles relevant to
your topic, which hopefully will relate at least in part to principles discussed in our course.
You should also try to explain what the problem or goal of the research is, why (or if) it is
exciting, and what the state of the art of this field is. Optionally, if some idea for some
simulation work related to your topic occurs to you, I would encourage you to include some
simulation results – but this is not required.
In most cases there should be at least 10 entries in your bibliography. One good resource is
the electronic database and search tool called the Web of Science, which is available on the
web from the Purdue Library for technical journal articles. Also Google Scholar.
• Please be sure to look for recent work on your topic. You should not base your whole paper
on “old” references without making sure you are aware of and can discuss newest work on
your topic.
Some suggested topics (not exhaustive; you may also identify a different topic):
Photonic generation of ultralow timing jitter RF signals
Synchronization at the femtosecond level
Laser frequency combs and optical clocks
Lidar and ranging with frequency combs
Filtering and enhancement of frequency combs with optical cavities
Ultrashort pulses in quantum optics
Various pulse measurement techniques beyond those covered in class
Pulse-shaper-assisted pulse measurement
Attosecond pulse generation
Ultrafast spectroscopy with x-rays
Attosecond spectroscopy
Nonlinear optics of ultrafast optical filaments
Ultrafast spectroscopy – various topics
Ultrafast spectroscopy of plasmonic structures
Coherent (quantum) control of chemical reactions
Coherent (quantum) control in the solid-state
Terabit/sec optical communications
Nonlinear microscopy using ultrafast pulses – various topics
Terawatt – petawatt optical parametric amplifiers
Ultrafast nonlinear optics in microstructured fibers – various topics
Dissipative solitons in femtosecond fiber lasers
Femtosecond Bessel beams
Coherent imaging with ultrafast x-rays
Stretcher-compressor technology for high power chirped pulse amplifiers
Recent top download lists
One source of work drawing significant recent interest is lists of top-downloaded papers. The
Optical Society of America (OSA) compiles and makes available various lists of top downloaded
papers in selected subjects in OSA journals. Recently they compiled a list of top downloaded
ultrafast optics papers in the last two years from Advances in Optics and Photonics, Optics
Letters, and Journal of the Optical Society of America B. At my request they compiled a similar
list of top downloaded ultrafast optics papers from another OSA journal, Optics Express. Both
lists (which are attached) may offer some current ideas for your term paper. (Note: the links
seem to work, but if there is a problem, papers should be available online through Purdue
Reading resources
a) Proceedings books from the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (held every 2
years). For example:
EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 41 (2013), XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast
Phenomena, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 8-13, 2012, M. Chergui, A. Taylor, S. Cundiff, R. de
Vivie-Riedle and K. Yamagouchi (Eds.) , ISBN:978-2-7598-0956-1. All the proceedings articles
are available with open access online at
b) Recent issues of journals such as Optics Letters, Optics Express, Science, Nature, Nature
Photonics, etc.
c) Search for a specific topic of interest using electronic tools such as Web of Science or Google
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The Best in Ultrafast Optics from OSA’s Journals
As the nexus for innovation, many optics and photonics scientists regularly turn to the high-quality content in
OSA Journals to meet their research needs. One area that OSA has a significant corpus of content is in
Ultrafast Optics. To keep you up-to-date on the most downloaded articles in this field, OSA has put together
a collection of the most downloaded papers from Advances in Optics and Photonics, the Journal of the
Optical Society of America B and Optics Letters over the past two years.
This Ultrafast Optics collection has been organized by article type for ease-of-use (i.e.: tutorial, review article,
research article), and access to all the articles will be FREE for the 30 days.
Review Articles
Research Articles
Angular dispersion: an enabling tool in nonlinear and quantum optics
Abstract | Full Text: PDF
Advances in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 2 Issue 3, pp.319-369 (2010)
Torres, Juan P; Hendrych, Martin; Valencia, Alejandra
Characterization of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Advances in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 1 Issue 2, pp.308-437 (2009)
Walmsley, Ian A; Dorrer, Christophe
Application of space–time duality to ultrahigh-speed optical signal processing
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Advances in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 274-317
Reza Salem, Mark A. Foster, and Alexander L. Gaeta
Generation of single-cycle THz transients with high electric-field amplitudes
Abstract | Full Text: PDF
Optics Letters, Vol. 30 Issue 20, pp.2805-2807 (2005)
Bartel, T; Gaal, P; Reimann, K; Woerner, M; Elsaesser, T
Quantitative investigation of the multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan
method for simultaneous phase measurement and compensation of femtosecond
laser pulses
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 23 Issue 4, pp.750-759 (2006)
Xu, Bingwei; Gunn, Jess M; Cruz, Johanna M Dela; Lozovoy, Vadim V; Dantus, Marcos
All-normal-dispersion femtosecond fiber laser with pulse energy above 20nJ
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 32 Issue 16, pp.2408-2410 (2007)
Chong, Andy; Renninger, William H; Wise, Frank W
Millijoule pulse energy high repetition rate femtosecond fiber chirped-pulse
amplification system
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 32 Issue 24, pp.3495-3497 (2007)
Röser, F; Eidam, T; Rothhardt, J; Schmidt, O; Schimpf, D N; Limpert, J; Tünnermann, A
Properties of normal-dispersion femtosecond fiber lasers
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 25 Issue 2, pp.140-148 (2008)
Chong, Andy; Renninger, William H; Wise, Frank W
Generation of high-power terahertz pulses by tilted-pulse-front excitation and
their application possibilities
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 25 Issue 7, pp.B6-B19 (2008)
Hebling, János; Yeh, Ka-Lo; Hoffmann, Matthias C; Bartal, Balázs; Nelson, Keith A
Mode-locked 1.93 µm thulium fiber laser with a carbon nanotube absorber
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 33 Issue 12, pp.1336-1338 (2008)
Solodyankin, Max A; Obraztsova, Elena D; Lobach, Anatoly S; Chernov, Alexander I; Tausenev,
Anton V; Konov, Vitaly I; Dianov, Evgueni M
Single-diffraction-grating and grism pulse compressors
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 27 Issue 4, pp.619-624 (2010)
Chauhan, Vikrant; Bowlan, Pamela; Cohen, Jacob; Trebino, Rick
Area theorem and energy quantization for dissipative optical solitons
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 27 Issue 10, pp.1978-1982 (2010)
Renninger, William H; Chong, Andy; Wise, Frank W
Supercontinuum generation from ~1.9 to 4.5?µmin ZBLAN fiber with high average
power generation beyond 3.8?µm using a thulium-doped fiber amplifier
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 28 Issue 10, pp.2486-2498 (2011)
Kulkarni, Ojas P; Alexander, Vinay V; Kumar, Malay; Freeman, Michael J; Islam, Mohammed N;
Terry Jr , Fred L; Neelakandan, Manickam; Chan, Allan
Characterization of polarization shaped ultraviolet femtosecond laser pulses
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 28 Issue 11, pp.2718-2725 (2011)
Seidel, Marco Thomas; Zhang, Zhengyang; Yan, Suxia; Wells, Kym Lewis; Tan, Howe-Siang
90 GW peak power few-cycle mid-infrared pulses from an optical parametric
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 36 Issue 15, pp.2755-2757 (2011)
Andriukaitis, Giedrius; Balciunas, Tadas; Ališauskas, Skirmantas; Pugžlys, Audrius; Baltuška,
Andrius; Popmintchev, Tenio; Chen, Ming-Chang; Murnane, Margaret M; Kapteyn, Henry C
Broadband supercontinuum generation in air using tightly focused femtosecond
laser pulses
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 36 Issue 19, pp.3900-3902 (2011)
Liu, Xiao-Long; Lu, Xin; Liu, Xun; Feng, Liu-Bin; Ma, Jing-Long; Li, Yu-Tong; Chen, Li-Ming; Dong,
Quan-Li; Wang, Wei-Min; Wang, Zhao-Hua; Wei, Zhi-Yi; Sheng, Zheng-Ming; Zhang, Jie
Ultrashort pulse characterization with a terahertz streak camera
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 36 Issue 22, pp.4458-4460 (2011)
Schubert, O; Riek, C; Junginger, F; Sell, A; Leitenstorfer, A; Huber, R
1 MHz repetition rate hollow fiber pulse compression to sub-100-fs duration at
100 W average power
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 36 Issue 23, pp.4605-4607 (2011)
Rothhardt, Jan; Hädrich, Steffen; Carstens, Henning; Herrick, Nicholas; Demmler, Stefan; Limpert,
Jens; Tünnermann, Andreas
Optical nonlinearity of silver-decorated graphene
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 29 Issue 4, pp.669-675 (2012)
Kalanoor, Basanth S; Bisht, Prem B; Akbar Ali, S; Baby, Tessy T; Ramaprabhu, S
Ultrabroadband supercontinuum generation in a CMOS-compatible platform
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Letters, Vol. 37 Issue 10, pp.1685-1687 (2012)
Halir, R; Okawachi, Y; Levy, J S; Foster, M A; Lipson, M; Gaeta, A L
Generation of 30 fs pulses tunable from 189 to 240 nm with an all-solid-state
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
| Spotlight
JOSA B, Vol. 29 Issue 10, pp.2765-2769 (2012)
Homann, Christian; Lang, Peter; Riedle, Eberhard
Tailoring a 67 attosecond pulse through advantageous phase-mismatch
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
| Spotlight
Optics Letters, Vol. 37 Issue 18, pp.3891-3893 (2012)
Zhao, Kun; Zhang, Qi; Chini, Michael; Wu, Yi; Wang, Xiaowei; Chang, Zenghu
Theory of second harmonic generation of ultrashort pulses for collinear
achromatic phase matching
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
JOSA B, Vol. 30 Issue 2, pp.431-438 (2013)
Huang, Jin Jer; Zhang, Liu Yang; Zhang, Wen Chao; Yan, Shi Rong; Pu, Shao Zhi; Ren, Wei Xin
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Access to an article's abstract is free. Full-text access to the articles in this email will last until 26 October 2013. After
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our pay-per-view option. For author submission information, please visit
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parties without your consent. Please see OSA's privacy policy.
Contains multimedia files.
Contains a video abstract.
Contains Interactive Science Publishing (ISP) elements.
Open access (note that all Express articles are open
Also appears in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.
Free Spotlight on Optics summary available for this article.
Appears in Energy Express, a supplement to Optics Express.
© Copyright 2013 Optical Society of America
All Rights Reserved | Privacy Statement | Terms of Use
View Top Downloads from Optics Express for Ultrafast Optics
Below is a list of the most downloaded articles from January 1 2012 to September 15, 2013 in the Ultrafast Optics
table of contents category of Optics Expess.
The development and application of femtosecond laser systems
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 7, pp.6989-7001 (2012)
Sibbett, W; Lagatsky, A A; Brown, C T A
Some background as well as recent progress in the development of femtosecond lasers are
discussed together with a brief outline of a few representative emergent applications in biology and
medicine that are underpinned by access to such sources. We also provide a short summary of
Octave-spanning ultrafast OPO with 2.6-6.1µm instantaneous bandwidth pumped
by femtosecond Tm-fiber laser
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 7, pp.7046-7053 (2012)
Leindecker, Nick; Marandi, Alireza; Byer, Robert L; Vodopyanov, Konstantin L; Jiang, Jie; Hartl,
Ingmar; Fermann, Martin; Schunemann, Peter G
We report the extension of broadband degenerate OPO operation further into mid-infrared. A
femtosecond thulium fiber laser with output centered at 2050 nm synchronously pumps a 500-μmlong crystal of orientation patterned GaAs providing broadband gain centered at 4.1 µm. We
observe a...
Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in tapered chalcogenide fiber for
producing octave-spanning frequency comb around 3 μm
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
| Spotlight
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 22, pp.24218-24225 (2012)
Marandi, Alireza; Rudy, Charles W; Plotnichenko, Victor G; Dianov, Evgeny M; Vodopyanov,
Konstantin L; Byer, Robert L
We demonstrate mid-infrared (mid-IR) supercontinuum generation (SCG) with instantaneous
bandwidth from 2.2 to 5 μm at 40 dB below the peak, covering the wavelength range desirable for
molecular spectroscopy and numerous other applications. The SCG occurs in a tapered...
Modelocking and femtosecond pulse generation in chip-based frequency combs
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
| Spotlight
Optics Express, Vol. 21 Issue 1, pp.1335-1343 (2013)
Saha, Kasturi; Okawachi, Yoshitomo; Shim, Bonggu; Levy, Jacob S; Salem, Reza; Johnson, Adrea
R; Foster, Mark A; Lamont, Michael R E; Lipson, Michal; Gaeta, Alexander L
We investigate simultaneously the temporal and optical and radio-frequency spectral properties of
parametric frequency combs generated in silicon-nitride microresonators and observe that the
system undergoes a transition to a mode-locked state. We demonstrate the generation of sub-200-fs
pulses at...
All-normal-dispersion femtosecond fiber laser
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 14 Issue 21, pp.10095-10100 (2006)
Chong, Andy; Buckley, Joel; Renninger, Will; Wise, Frank
We demonstrate a modelocked ytterbium (Yb)-doped fiber laser that is designed to have strong pulseshaping based on spectral filtering of a highly-chirped pulse in the cavity. This laser generates
femtosecond pulses without a dispersive delay line or anomalous dispersion in the cavity. Pulses as...
Terahertz emission from ultrafast ionizing air in symmetry-broken laser fields
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 15 Issue 8, pp.4577-4584 (2007)
Kim, Ki-Yong; Glownia, James H; Taylor, Antoinette J; Rodriguez, George
A transient photocurrent model is developed to explain coherent terahertz emission from air irradiated by
a symmetry-broken laser field composed of the fundamental and its second harmonic laser pulses. When
the total laser field is asymmetric across individual optical cycles, a nonvanishing...
Nonlinear polarization dynamics in a weakly birefringent all-normal dispersion
photonic crystal fiber: toward a practical coherent fiber supercontinuum laser
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 2, pp.1113-1128 (2012)
Tu, Haohua; Liu, Yuan; Liu, Xiaomin; Turchinovich, Dmitry; Lægsgaard, Jesper; Boppart,
Stephen A
Dispersion-flattened dispersion-decreased all-normal dispersion (DFDD-ANDi) photonic crystal
fibers have been identified as promising candidates for high-spectral-power coherent
supercontinuum (SC) generation. However, the effects of the unintentional birefringence of the
fibers on the SC...
Ultrafast mid-infrared spectroscopy by chirped pulse upconversion in 18001000cm−1 region
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 10, pp.10562-10571 (2012)
Zhu, Jingyi; Mathes, Tilo; Stahl, Andreas D; Kennis, John T M; Groot, Marie Louise
Broadband femtosecond mid-infrared pulses can be converted into the visible spectral region by
chirped pulse upconversion. We report here the upconversion of pump probe transient signals in the
frequency region below 1800cm−1, using the nonlinear optical crystal AgGaGeS4,...
Coherent supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fiber with all-normal
group velocity dispersion
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 19 Issue 6, pp.4902-4907 (2011)
Hooper, L E; Mosley, P J; Muir, A C; Wadsworth, W J; Knight, J C
We demonstrate supercontinuum generation in a photonic crystal fiber with all-normal group
velocity dispersion. Pumping a short section of this fiber with compressed pulses from a compact
amplified fiber laser generates a 200 nm bandwidth continuum with typical self-phase-modulation...
High-power, high repetition-rate, green-pumped, picosecond LBO optical
parametric oscillator
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 7, pp.7008-7014 (2012)
Kienle, Florian; Teh, Peh Siong; Lin, Dejiao; Alam, Shaif-ul; Price, Jonathan H V; Hanna, D C;
Richardson, David J; Shepherd, David P
We report on a picosecond, green-pumped, lithium triborate optical parametric oscillator with
record-high output power. It was synchronously pumped by a frequency-doubled (530 nm), pulsecompressed (4.4 ps), high-repetition-rate (230 MHz), fiber-amplified gain-switched laser diode. For
a pump power...
Frontiers in passively mode-locked high-power thin disk laser oscillators
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 7, pp.7054-7065 (2012)
Baer, Cyrill R E; Heckl, Oliver H; Saraceno, Clara J; Schriber, Cinia; Kränkel, Christian; Südmeyer,
Thomas; Keller, Ursula
Semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) mode-locked thin disk lasers define the state-ofthe-art performance for high average power and high pulse energy femtosecond laser oscillators. To
date pulse energies above 30 µJ and average powers above 140 W have been demonstrated. In
Enhancement of high harmonic generation by confining electron motion in
plasmonic nanostrutures
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 24, pp.26261-26274 (2012)
Ciappina, M F; Acimovic, Srdjan S; Shaaran, T; Biegert, J; Quidant, R; Lewenstein, M
We study high-order harmonic generation (HHG) resulting from the illumination of plasmonic
nanostructures with a short laser pulse of long wavelength. We demonstrate that both the
confinement of the electron motion and the inhomogeneous character of the laser electric field play
an important role...
Multi-microjoule, MHz repetition rate Ti:sapphire ultrafast regenerative amplifier
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 7, pp.7015-7021 (2012)
Zhang, Xiaoshi; Schneider, Eric; Taft, Greg; Kapteyn, Henry; Murnane, Margaret; Backus, Sterling
We demonstrate a cryogenically cooled Ti:sapphire ultrafast regenerative amplifier laser system
producing >20 μJ energies at 50 kHz, >12 μJ at 200 kHz and >3.5 μJ at 1MHz with repetition rates
continuously tunable from 50 kHz up to 1.7 MHz in a footprint of only 60x180...
Terahertz field enhancement to the MV/cm regime in a tapered parallel plate
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 8, pp.8344-8355 (2012)
Iwaszczuk, K; Andryieuski, A; Lavrinenko, A; Zhang, X -C; Jepsen, P U
We investigate field enhancement properties of a tapered parallel plate waveguide for ultrashort
terahertz (THz) pulses. We use two independent methods, air biased coherent detection inside the
waveguide and free-space electro-optic sampling, respectively, which enables a calibrated,
All-fiber normal-dispersion femtosecond laser
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 16 Issue 15, pp.11453-11458 (2008)
Kieu, K; Wise, F W
Spectral filtering of a chirped pulse can be a strong pulse-shaping mechanism in all-normal-dispersion
femtosecond fiber lasers. We report an implementation of such a laser that employs only fiber-format
components. The Yb-doped fiber laser includes a fiber filter, and a saturable absorber based...
Bandwidth tunable THz wave generation in large-area periodically poled lithium
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 8, pp.8784-8790 (2012)
Zhang, Caihong; Avetisyan, Yuri; Glosser, Andreas; Kawayama, Iwao; Murakami, Hironaru;
Tonouchi, Masayoshi
A new scheme of optical rectification (OR) of femtosecond laser pulses in a periodically poled lithium
niobate (PPLN) crystal, which generates high energy and bandwidth tunable multicycle THz pulses,
is proposed and demonstrated. We show that the number of the oscillation cycles of the THz
Simultaneous compression and characterization of ultrashort laser pulses using
chirped mirrors and glass wedges
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 1, pp.688-697 (2012)
Miranda, Miguel; Fordell, Thomas; Arnold, Cord; L’Huillier, Anne; Crespo, Helder
We present a simple and robust technique to retrieve the phase of ultrashort laser pulses, based
on a chirped mirror and glass wedges compressor. It uses the compression system itself as a
diagnostic tool, thereby making unnecessary the use of complementary diagnostic tools. We used
Full characterization of RF compressed femtosecond electron pulses using
ponderomotive scattering
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 11, pp.12048-12058 (2012)
Gao, Meng; Jean-Ruel, Hubert; Cooney, Ryan R; Stampe, Jonathan; de Jong, Mark; Harb, Maher;
Sciaini, German; Moriena, Gustavo; Dwayne Miller, R J
High bunch charge, femtosecond, electron pulses were generated using a 95 kV electron gun with
an S-band RF rebunching cavity. Laser ponderomotive scattering in a counter-propagating beam
geometry is shown to provide high sensitivity with the prerequisite spatial and temporal resolution to
Ultrafast pump-probe microscopy with high temporal dynamic range
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 20 Issue 9, pp.10330-10338 (2012)
Domke, Matthias; Rapp, Stephan; Schmidt, Michael; Huber, Heinz P
Ultrafast pump-probe microscopy is a common method for time and space resolved imaging of short
and ultra-short pulse laser ablation. The temporal delay between the ablating pump pulse and the
illuminating probe pulse is tuned either by an optical delay, resulting in several hundred
Stable UV to IR supercontinuum generation in calcium fluoride with conserved
circular polarization states
Abstract | Full Text: PDF | Enhanced HTML
Optics Express, Vol. 17 Issue 24, pp.21488-21496 (2009)
Johnson, Philip J M; Prokhorenko, Valentyn I; Miller, R J Dwayne
The supercontinuum generated with a linearly polarized near-IR (775nm) pump in rotated calcium fluoride is
shown to have intrinsic intensity and polarization modulations. To mask the rotation of the crystal plate, we
circularly polarize the pump and find greatly improved output parameters for the...
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Privacy - OSA respects your privacy and does not disclose or sell your personal information to any unaffiliated third
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Contains multimedia files.
Contains a video abstract.
Contains Interactive Science Publishing (ISP) elements.
Open access (note that all Express journal articles are open
Also appears in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.
Free Spotlight on Optics summary available for this article.
Appears in Energy Express, a supplement to Optics Express.
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