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Mobile Technology & Society: Essay Plan Template

Part A – Essay Plan Template
Essay Topic (copy and paste the essay topic here)
Mobile technology is advancing society
Position statement (1 sentence)
Mobile technology facilitates the application and development of health care and communication-based
Four (4) paragraph plans for the essay body
Mobile technology simultaneously encourages independence and improves quality of life for the
Introduce different mobile technology applications that are supporting elderly independence
and analyse current ageing trends. (Anderson, Burford, & Emmerton, 2016).
Explain the role of digital technology and how it is improving quality of life for the elderly
(Kim, Gollamundi, & Steinhubl, 2017).
Mobile monitoring systems are linking health care providers with patients within their home.
They are able to provide intervention, detection and identification aid for the elderly therefore
reducing the need for institutionalized care. (Majumder & Deen, 2019)
Facilitating independence and early intervention, mobile technology has not only empowered patients
and increased their quality of life by allowing them to remain in their own homes but also lessened the
economic burden for the rest of society.
Mobile health technology improves the overall health status of society by making it easier for patients
to initiate, participate and steer their care.
Introduce and discuss mobile health technologies that are influencing patient engagement
(Bhavnani, Narula, & Sengupta, 2016; Hilty, Chan, Hwang, Wong & Bauer, 2017).
Explain how these technologies are improving the overall health status of society (Hilty, Chan,
Hwang, Wong & Bauer, 2017).
By increasing the accessibility of health, mobile technology has heightened the probability of early
intervention and ultimately improved patient outcomes.
Mobile technology is advancing society’s health, however the increased consumption of screen time by
adolescents is having a negative effect on their academic performance and mental health
Discuss the links between mobile device use and academic outcomes (Arora, Albahri, Omar,
Sharara, & Taheri, S. 2018).
Identify the negative relationship between large amounts of screen time, physical activity and
negative mental health. (Hrafnkelsdottir et al., 2018)
Despite the negative implications of excessive screen time, society will continue to benefit from mobile
Anderson, K., Burford, O., & Emmerton, L. (2016). Mobile Health Apps to Facilitate Self-Care: A
Qualitative Study of User Experiences. PLoS ONE, 11(5). doi:
Bhavnani, S. P., Narula, J., & Sengupta, P. P. (2016). Mobile technology and the digitization of
healthcare. European Heart Journal, 37(18), 1428–1438. doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehv770
Doyle-Lindrud, S. (2014). Mobile Health Technology and the Use of Health-Related Mobile
Applications. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18(6), 634–636. doi:
Hilty, D. M., Chan, S., Hwang, T., Wong, A., & Bauer, A. M. (2017). Advances in mobile mental
health: Opportunities and implications for the spectrum of e-mental health services.
MHealth, 3, 34. doi: 10.21037/mhealth.2017.06.02
Kim, K., Gollamudi, S., & Steinhubl, S. (2017). Digital technology to enable aging in place.
Experimental Gerontology, 88, 25–31. doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2016.11.013
Majumder, S., & Deen, M. J. (2019). Smartphone Sensors for Health Monitoring and Diagnosis.
Sensors, 19(9). doi: 10.3390/s19092164
Riggs, W., & Gordon, K. (2017). How is mobile technology changing city planning? Developing a
taxonomy for the future. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science,
44(1), 100–119. doi: 10.1177/0265813515610337
Arora, T., Albahri, A., Omar, O., Sharara, A., & Taheri, S. (2018). The Prospective Association
Between Electronic Device Use Before Bedtime and Academic Attainment in
Adolescents. The Journal of Adolescent Health : Official Publication of the Society for
Adolescent Medicine, 63(4), 451–458. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.04.007
Hrafnkelsdottir, S., Brychta, R., Rognvaldsdottir, V., Gestsdottir, S., Chen, K., Johannsson, E., …
Arngrimsson, S. (2018). Less screen time and more frequent vigorous physical activity is
associated with lower risk of reporting negative mental health symptoms among Icelandic
adolescents. PLoS One, 13(4), e0196286. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0196286