1. Add to your hosts file (by default: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) these lines: cap.cyberlink.com activation.cyberlink.com If you have done it before, skip this step. 2. Install pre-activated setup. This will install required patched files for activating extra features. 3. Merge reg file. 4. Open software and use one of the keys below: AGHF3-CRN88-NLEGY-GN2FH-XR96C-436RX 3UL3E-GNHV5-NTCNV-J7X79-BU6RS-STPRL 5R9SX-7TDC7-N2T96-ZH4SA-EZ4D7-6Y4WA 86UB4-TE3HE-UZJWB-2HG9V-2Q2FQ-EKFC4 CK64B-JWG6D-XB8FS-K9RC6-3NLSL-TDN5U ================= Getintopc.com