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Reading & Writing Assessment Study Guide

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Assessing Reading
1.What is Reading in foreign language learning?
R. / is likewise a skill that teachers simply expect learners to acquire.
2.What are the two reading bundles that must be clear in order to become efficient
R. // 1. They need to be able to master fundamental bottom-up strategies for processing
separate letters, words and phrases, as well as top-down, conceptually driven strategies
for comprehension.
2. Second language readers must develop appropriate content and formal schematabackground information and cultural experience-to carry out those
interpretations effectively.
3. Which are the types (genres) of reading? Provide examples for each.
R. / /1. Academic reading. Examples, general interest articles (magazines, newspaper,
Technical reports (e.g., Jab reports), professional journal articles
Reference material (dictionaries, etc.)
2. Job-related reading. Examples, messages (e, g. phone messages)
Letters/ emails
Memos (e.g., job evaluations, project reports).
3. Personal reading. Examples, newspaper and magazine.
Letters, emails, greetings cards, invitations messages, notes, lists.
Schedules (train, bus, plane, etc.)
4.Which are the three of the micro skills for reading?
R./ / 1. Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and orthographic patterns of
 Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term memory.
 Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.
5. Which are 3 macro skills for reading?
R. // 1. Re cognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for
Recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to form and
Infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge.
6. What are 5 out of ten principal strategies for reading comprehension?
R. / Identify your purpose in reading a text.
 Apply spelling rules and conventions for bottom-up decoding.
 Use lexical analysis (prefixes, roots, suffixes, etc.) to determine meaning.
 Guess at meaning ( of words, idioms, etc.) when you aren’t cetain.
 Skim the next for the gist and for main ideas.
7. What are the types of reading? (Just mention them).
R. / /1. Perceptive
8. Which are the literary tasks that exist?
R. / /Recognition of alphabetic symbols, capitalized and lowercase letters, punctuation,
words, and grapheme-phoneme correspondences. Such tasks of perception are often
referred to as Literacy tasks.
9. What are the examples or types of receptive reading?
R. / /Reading aloud.
 Written response.
 Multiple –choice
 Picture- cued items
10. What are the aspect of language that are the forms we use to perform all four
R. // lexical and grammatical aspects of language are simply the forms we use to
perform all four of the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
11. Which are some of the possible task we can use to assess lexical and
grammatical aspect of reading ability?
R. / /Multiple – choice ( for form – focused criteria)
● Matching tasks
● Editing tasks
● Picture- cued tasks
12. What are the assessment tasks for interactive reading?
R//Cloze tasks
 Impromptu reading plus comprehension question
 Short- answer tasks
 Editing ( longer texts)
 Scanning
 Ordering tasks
 Information transfer: reading charts, maps, graphs, diagrams
13. What does extensive reading involve?
R. // Involves somewhat longer texts than we have been dealing with up to this point.
Journals articles, technical reports, longer essays, short stories, and books fall into this
14. What is skimming?
R. / / Is the process of rapid coverage of reading matter to determine its gist or main
Assessing Writing
15. What does the author mean when he says that “the ability to write has become
an indispensable skill in our global literate community?
R. / Writing skill, at least at rudimentary levels, is necessary condition for achieving
employment in many walks of life and is simply taken for granted in literate cultures.
16. Which are the genres of writing? Provide three examples for each one,
R. / / Academic writing. Examples, Papers and general subject reports. Essays,
compositions. Academically focused journals.
 Job-related writing. Examples, Message ( e.g. ., phone messages)
Letters / emails. Memos ( e. g ., interoffice).
 Personal writing. Examples, letters, emails, greeting cards, invitations messages,
notes. Calendar entries, shopping lists, reminders financial documents example,
checks, tax forms, loan applications.
17. Which are the four categories of written performance that capture the range of
written performance?
R. / Imitative
● Intensive
● Responsive
● Extensive
18. Which are the two examples of micro and macro skills of writing?
R. / Micro skill. 1. Produce graphemes and orthographic of English.
 Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose
 Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order patterns.
Macro skills. 1. Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.
 Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts
according to form and purpose.
 Convey links and connections between events and communicative such relation
as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information,
generalization, and exemplification.
19. Which are the types of tasks commands used to assess a person’s ability to
produce written letters and symbols?
● R. / Copying
● Listening
● Pictured- cued tasks
● Form completion tasks
● Converting numbers and abbreviations to words.
20. Which are the task types used to assess the ability to spell words correctly and
to process phoneme- morpheme correspondences? P. 223 bottom
● R. / Spelling tests.
● Picture- cued tasks
● Multiple – choice techniques
● Matching phonetic symbols
21. Which are the tasks for intensive (controlled) writing?
● R. / Dictation and Dicto-comp
● Grammatical transformation tasks
● Pictured- cued tasks
● Vocabulary assessment tasks
● Ordering tasks
● Short-answer and sentence completion tasks
22. What is writing?
R. / Is the art of emulating what one reads.
23.Forms that the assessment of paragraphs takes?
● R. / Topic sentence writing
● Topic development within a paragraph
● Development of main and supporting ideas across paragraphs’.
Reading Test
1. What are the advantages of limited-response items?
R. / There are quite easy to construct and score
 Only the recognition of letters is required, making this a simple task for
beginning students.
2. What are the limitations of limited-response items?
R. // This is not an integrative skill involving actual reading.
 Overemphasis on this technique could reduce reading speed.
3. What are the elicitations techniques?
R. // Picture cue
 Phrase and sentence cues
 Instruction preparation
 Alternate forms of sentence comprehension
4. What are the advantages of sentence comprehension items?
R. / It is rather easy to write true-false items on pictures.
 There are good for testing the skills of near beginning students.
 This is a rapid way to test reading comprehension.
5. What are the advantages of limitations of sentence-comprehension items?
R. / /Finding good pictures can be rather time consuming.
 Not all reading skills are covered in sentence-comprehension question.
6. Mention the two useful approaches for testing beginning students?
R. / /True- false items
 Matching technique
7. What do typical objections to multiple-choice tests include?
R. / /They are passive
 They expose students to errors
 They may indicate that student who has just guessed on the test is successful
Writing Test
8. What are the five techniques for evaluating pre-writing?
R. / /Sentence combining
 Sentences expansion
Sentence reduction
Oral cloze
9. What are the advantages of limited-response items?
R. / These are generally quite easy to construct
 These are suitable for students with limited ability in English
 Except for the open-ended variety, these are rather objective for writing-related
10. What is the objective in guided writing?
R. / /Is to check student ability to handled controlled or directed writing task.
11.What are the advantages of guided-writing tests?
R. // Guided- writing tests are rather quick and easy to construct
 Because they require an active rather than a passive response, guided testing
techniques give the appearance of being an effective measure of writing
 Guided- writing tests provide a appropriate control for those students who are
not ready to write on their own.
12. What are the limitations of guided writing tests?
R. //Guided- writing tests do not measure ingredients such as organization found in
extended writing.
 Guided writing of the paragraph – outline variety is often rather time consuming
and difficult to grade
 Guided writing of the paragraph- outline variety is difficult to score with real
13What are the advantages and disadvantages of dictation tests?
R. / /Advantages:
 They can measure general proficiency in English , including
many of the integrative skills used in writing
 They are easy to prepare
 They can e scored with good consistency
 They are much harder to cheat on than multiple-choice,
completion, or cloze tests.
They are difficult to use for diagnostic purpose
 They are not usually helpful in measuring short- term
 They are no t as easy to correct as multiple- choice,
completion, or cloze tests.
14. What are 3 advantages and 2 limitations of free writing approaches?
R. // Advantages: This is an important, sound measure overall writing ability.
 This can give a good effect on instruction
 There is virtually no chance of getting a passing grade on a free
writing test by cheating.
Disadvantages: Grading of free writing tends to lack objectivity and
 Free writing is time consuming to grade.