Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 Rich-information reversible watermarking scheme of vector maps Yinguo Qiu 1 & Hongtao Duan 1 & Jiuyun Sun 2 & Hehe Gu 2 Received: 18 June 2018 / Revised: 11 February 2019 / Accepted: 24 April 2019 / Published online: 16 May 2019 # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019 Abstract With the increasing rampant infringements of vector maps, rich-information watermarking technology is being more and more essential for forceful copyright declaration. Most of the existing watermarking algorithms of vector maps, however, cannot embed abundant copyright information. In this paper, a rich-information and reversible watermarking scheme is proposed for vector maps based on the ideas of compression coding of watermarking image and decimal-hex conversion of vertex coordinates. It recodes the original watermarking image to shorten the length of the final watermark data and groups map vertices to choose cover data for watermark embedding. And the reversible embedding is then carried out by modifying the polar coordinates of map vertices. While the proposed compression coding method of watermarking image and the decimal-hex conversion of map vertices guarantee the embedding of rich-information watermark data, the reversible watermarking method provides recovery of the original map content. Comprehensive experimental results show that the proposed scheme is suitable for vector map applications where abundant copyright information is required while the number of map vertices is limited. Keywords Rich-information watermarking . Reversible watermarking . Vector map . Copyright protection 1 Introduction Big spatial data, the main data set of big data, forms the basic framework and spatial datum for describing various geo-objects and phenomena in the era of big data. As the basic component of big * Hehe Gu 1 Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China 2 School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China 24956 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 spatial data, vector maps are playing a more and more important role in all walks of life in the construction of national economy [26]. On the one hand, vector maps need to make breakthroughs in data opening and sharing to make full use of their own value [24]. On the other hand, the content of vector maps is of both high positioning precision and high production cost [22], and the rights of map owners, the sharing of map data and even the national security will be affected in the event of piracy, tampering, illegal dissemination, etc. Accordingly, it is an urgent problem to realize copyright protection of vector maps in the environment of data sharing. In the past decades, steganography [1–5, 9, 10, 12–16] and digital watermarking [6, 7, 11, 17–21, 23, 25] have been widely employed for security protection of various digital products. Traditional methods, however, may cause distortion to the original data and affect its value in use to a certain extent. Consequently, reversible watermarking, also known as lossless watermarking, has been considered as a promising solution for copyright protection of digital products. Under this background, reversible watermarking technology has been applied to the area of copyright protection of vector maps, and lots of efficient algorithms have been proposed. The research emphases of current reversible watermarking schemes of vector maps are algorithms of watermark embedding and extraction, while few works have been done focusing on rich-information watermark generation and embedding. Voigt et al. [20] proposed a reversible watermarking scheme, in which watermarks are embedded by modifying the coefficients in the 8-point integer DCT domain. To improve the watermark capacity, Voigt et al. [21] proposed another optimized algorithm, exploiting both a bit-shift method and a distortion-limitation scheme to guarantee a maximal map difference after watermark embedding. Watermarking algorithms in [20, 21] focus on the selection of the best watermark embedding position, which have been considered as two representative watermarking algorithms of vector maps. Another reversible watermarking algorithm was proposed for vector maps by Yang et al. [25] based on coordinate mapping, which realizes the blind detection and extraction of watermarks by constructing mapping relationship between embedding position and watermark bits. Nevertheless, the watermark data of the scheme in [25] consists of only several simple characters, and it cannot express efficaciously rich copyright information. Cao et al. [6, 7] proposed two improved reversible watermarking algorithms for vector maps based on nonlinear scrambling [6] and iterative embedding [7], and some progress has been made by them in enhancing the robustness and capacity of watermarking algorithms. The performance of their algorithms with regard to rich copyright information expression, however, is not significantly improved. Qiu et al. [17] proposed a reversible watermarking algorithm of vector maps, which focuses on the detection and correction of error bits after watermark extraction. In the algorithm in [17], the final watermark data consists of both the copyright watermark data and its corresponding ECC, which is conducive to the robustness improvement of the watermarking algorithm. This scheme, however, has little contribution to rich-information watermark embedding, and complex copyright information embedding is still not supported. Another watermark algorithm was put forward by Sun et al. [19] based on BP neural network, in which watermarks are converted to binary bits and manipulated as the coefficients of neural network. The scheme in [19] is robust and with preferable invisibility, but its performance in the respect of rich-information watermark embedding is not promoted obviously. With the purpose of embedding more watermark bits, Xiao et al. [23] designed a reversible watermarking algorithm for 2D CAD vector graphics based on an improved difference expansion method. By improving the watermark embedding capacity, this scheme improves the length of the original copyright information to a certain extent. Qiu et al. [18] presented a high-payload reversible watermarking scheme of vector maps based on QR code, which Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24957 realizes the embedding of rich-information watermark embedding to some extent by taking a QR code as the container of copyright information. In summary, the existing watermarking schemes of vector maps mostly concentrate on the methods of watermark embedding and extraction, while little attention has been paid to the generation and embedding methods of rich-information watermark data. With the increasingly rampant torts of vector maps, rich-information watermark data is being more and more significant for powerfully declaring of ownership. In the case of a limited number of vertices, researchers used to improve watermark capacity to the best of their ability, for the purpose of embedding more watermark information into vector maps. The effect, however, is not ideal. In some special applications, where the number of map vertices is limited and rich copyright information is required, current watermarking algorithms cannot meet the demand. To fill this gap, a novel rich-information reversible watermarking algorithm is put forward for vector maps in this paper, based on the compression coding method of watermarking image and the decimal-hex conversion of vertex coordinates. The original watermarking image, containing rich copyright information, is firstly losslessly compression coded to shorten the length of the final watermark data, so that the robustness of this scheme can be guaranteed under the condition of rich-information watermark embedding. After watermark extraction, the original watermarking image can be generated by decompressing the extracted watermark data. The most important innovation of this paper is that the length of final watermark data is reduced significantly exploiting the designed lossless compression coding method, which will also be a certain reference for some other technically related applications, e.g., steganography, data hiding, etc. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the basic principle of lossless compression coding of watermarking image. Then, the designed rich-information and reversible watermarking scheme of vector maps is introduced in detail in Section 3. Finally, performance study and conclusions are given in Section 4 and Section 5, respectively. 2 Compression & decompression coding of watermarking image 2.1 Compression coding of watermarking image For a given meaning of copyright information, whether its type is text, sound, image or video, it is generally required to be converted into a sequence of binary values (0 and 1, or 1 and − 1), so that it can be embedded expediently into the host data. Accordingly, binary images are usually exploited in common digital watermarking algorithms, as the carrier of copyright information. Given a a × b (unit: pixel) watermarking image s, the process of compression coding can be demonstrated as follows: (1) Divide s into several 2 × 2 blocks. It is obviously that both a and b should be even numbers, so that the division process can be successfully completed. Here, if a (resp. b) is an odd number, a new column (resp. row) on the right (resp. bottom) side will be added into s, and all the newly added pixels are set white. (2) Replace every 2 × 2 block with a single value. It can be inferred that there are 16 (24) possible values of 2 × 2 blocks in s, for the two-value characteristic of pixels. Therefore, each 2 × 2 block can be expressed by a hex value. The correspondence established in this paper between hex values and all possible 2 × 2 blocks is shown in Table 1. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24958 Table 1 The correspondence between hex values and 2 × 2 blocks Hex value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 2×2 block Hex value 2×2 block (3) Generate a 2D array s′ based on s, replacing every 2 × 2 block with its corresponding hex value. s′, the result of compression coding of s, is taken as the final watermark data. It can be inferred that the size of s′ is a =2 b 2 . Here, 〈∙〉 means the rounding function. An example of watermark generation based on compression coding is shown in Fig. 1, where Fig. 1a is the original binary watermarking image whose size is 22 × 17 (unit: pixel), Fig. 1b represents the pretreated counterpart of Fig. 1a whose size is 22 × 18 (unit: pixel), and Fig. 1c is the final generated watermark data whose size is 11 × 9. 2.2 Decompression coding of watermark extraction result Let w ′ , a a ′ × b ′ 2D array, be the result of watermark extraction. The original watermarking image can be generated by decompressing w′, the process of which can be described as follows: (1) Define a 2a′ × 2b′ blank image, named s′′. (2) For each w′[i, j], exploit its corresponding 2 × 2 block (assumed M[i, j]) to assign s′′. Let M[i, j]1 M[i, j]2, M[i, j]3 and M[i, j]4 denote the upper-left, upper-right, lower-left and lower-right pixel of M[i, j], respectively. Then, order s′′[2i, 2j] = M[i, j]1, s′′[2i, 2j + 1] = M[i, j]2, s′′[2i + 1, 2j] = M[i, j]3, s′′[2i + 1, 2j + 1] = M[i, j]4. (3) For the assigned s′′, if the row (resp. column) at the bottom (resp. right) side is composed of only white pixels, remove it from s′′. (4) The processed s′′ is considered as the decompression result of w′, i.e., the obtained watermarking image. (a) The original binary image (b) The pretreated counterpart of (a) Fig. 1 An example of watermark generation (c) The obtained watermark data Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24959 Figure 2 shows an example of decompression coding of watermark extraction result, where Fig. 2(a) stands for the result of watermark extraction whose size is 11 × 9, Fig. 2(b) denotes the generated binary image according to Fig. 2(a) whose size is 22 × 18 (unit: pixel), and Fig. 2(c) stands for the final obtained watermarking image whose size is 22 × 17 (unit: pixel). 3 The proposed scheme The proposed watermarking scheme will be described in four stages in this section. The method of map vertex grouping will be explained firstly in Section 3.1. Then, it will be represented in Section 3.2 that how to generate watermark data. After that the procedure of watermark embedding and extraction will be described in detail in Section 3.3 and Section 3.4, respectively. 3.1 Vertex grouping Map vertices are grouped in this paper to enhance the robustness of the proposed scheme, based on feature vertex extraction. Given a vector map, the procedure of vertex grouping can be summarized as follows: (1) Extract feature vertices exploiting the classic Douglas-Peucker algorithm [8]. Given a polyline, the procedure of feature vertex extraction can be demonstrated as the following steps: Step 1: Make a dotted line which connects the starting and the finishing vertex of the polyline. Step 2: Calculate distances from each vertex to the made dotted line, and then select the maximum distance value (assumed dmax). Step 3: According to the given simplified threshold T, the extraction of feature vertices can be summarized as follows: If dmax < T: Ignore all vertices of the polyline, and there is no feature vertices. If dmax ≥ T: Select the corresponding vertex of dmax, based on which the polyline can be divided into two individual parts. Then, repeat the extraction operation for each part, respectively. An example of Douglas-Peucker algorithm is shown in Fig. 3. (2) Determine the reference vertex of the given vector map, based on the extracted feature vertices. The coordinate of the reference vertex can be calculated by Eq. 1, where (xr, yr) represents the rectangular coordinate of the determined reference vertex, (x*i ; y*i ) denotes (a) The extracted watermark data (b) The assigned Fig. 2 An example of decompression coding of watermark extraction result (c) The obtained watermarking image Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24960 v3 v3 v1 v4 v2 v1 v5 v0 v4 v2 v6 v0 v5 v6 (a) Step 1 (b) Step 2 v3 v3 v1 v1 v2 v0 v6 (c) Step 3 v0 v6 (d) Step 4 Fig. 3 An example of feature vertex extraction the integer portion of rectangular coordinate of the i − th feature vertex, n means the number of feature vertices and 〈∙〉 stands for the rounding function. 8 n−1 > > xr ¼ 1 ∑ x*i < n i¼0 ð1Þ 1 n−1 * > > : yr ¼ ∑ yi n i¼0 Assume that vf = {v1, v2, v3, v4, v5} is the sequence of feature vertices, and (137.365467, 269.654654), (256.565845, 452.944654), (217.346216, 328.415594), (319.761462, 442.573615) and (618.721209, 411.436385) are the rectangular coordinates of v1, v2, v3, v4 and v5, respectively. Then, 1 ð137 þ 256 þ 217 þ 319 þ 618Þ ¼ h309:4i ¼ 309 xr ¼ 5 yr ¼ 1 ð269 þ 452 þ 328 þ 442 þ 411Þ ¼ h380:4i ¼ 380 5 (3) Group map vertices based on the obtained reference vertex. Make a number of concentric circles, taking the determined reference vertex as the center. The vertices between every two adjacent concentric circles form a vertex group. The diagram of vertex grouping is shown in Fig. 4. It is obvious that the result of vertex grouping is immune to geometric transformation, which can improve theoretically the robustness of the proposed scheme to a certain Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24961 ĂĂ Reference vertex Map vertex Fig. 4 The diagram of map vertex grouping extent. It can be also concluded here that the value of radii of the concentric circles determine directly the result of vertex grouping. Consequently, radii of the concentric circles must be systematically chosen so that the result of vertex grouping can be relatively stable. In this paper, radii of the concentric circles form an arithmetic progression, the common difference of which is calculated according to the vertex density of the host vector map, i.e., the number of vertices per square kilometer. And the obtained common difference of radii of the concentric circles is taken as secret key, which will be exploited again in the watermark extraction phase. 3.2 Watermark generation Given a D × D (unit: pixel) watermarking image, the procedure of watermark generation can be summarized as the steps listed below: (1) Scramble the given watermarking image exploiting Arnold transformation, so that the security of the original copyright information can be further enhanced. Eq. 2 shows the formula of Arnold transformation, where (x, y) and (x′, y′) denote the original and the transformed coordinates of a pixel respectively. x′ 1 1 x ¼ mod D ð2Þ y′ 1 2 y An example of Arnold transformation is shown in Fig. 5, from which it can be seen that Arnold transformation is cyclical. It can be thus inferred that the scrambling operation has a small secret key space due to the periodicity of Arnold transformation. An optimized scrambling algorithm is exploited in this paper to solve this problem, which can be demonstrated as the following two steps: Step 1: Select four square sub-images Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3 from the original image, satisfying the condition that Q0 ∪ Q1 ∪ Q2 ∪ Q3 = P and Qi ∩ Qj ≠ ∅ (0 ≤ i ≤ 3, 0 ≤ j ≤ 3). Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24962 (a) Original image (b) Once (c) 12 times (d) 24 times (e) 48 times Fig. 5 An example of Arnold transformation Step 2: One after another, conduct Arnold transformation on Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3 for t0, t1, t2 and t3 times, respectively. Take the image shown in Fig. 5(a) as example, whose size is 64 × 64 (unit: pixel), the result of sub-image selection is shown in Fig. 6. Here, the sizes of Q0, Q1, Q2 and Q3 are 40 × 40, 50 × 50, 55 × 55 and 45 × 45, respectively (unit: pixel). And t0, t1, t2 and t3 are assigned 10, 20, 26 and 40, respectively. The scrambling result exploiting the optimized algorithm is shown in Fig. 7. From the example shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 it can be obviously seen that the security of copyright information is doubly guaranteed. Firstly, the selection result of four sub-images is secretive, it is accordingly difficult to break through the scrambling method. Moreover, the confidentiality of both the times and the order of transformation of the four sub-images can further enhance the security of original copyright information. Consequently, it is hardly possible in theory for unauthorized users to break the optimized algorithm. (2) Generate the final watermark data based on the scrambled watermarking image, as described in Section 2.1. It can be inferred that the obtained watermark data is a 2D array, the number of rows and columns of which is both D =2 . Here, 〈∙〉 means the rounding function. 3.3 Watermark embedding It is obvious that the final watermark data in this scheme is a sequence of hex values. To embed watermarks, vertex coordinates are decimal-to-hex converted accordingly, and the watermarked hex coordinates are converted into decimal ones after watermark embedding. Given the original vector map V and watermark data D D w ¼ w½i; j; 0≤i ≤ =2 −1; 0≤ j ≤ =2 −1 , the procedure of watermark embedding is shown in Fig. 8, which can be demonstrated as the following steps: Step 1: Group map vertices as described in Section 3.1. Step 2: Group by group, convert rectangular coordinates of map vertices into polar ones, taking the reference vertex as coordinate origin and any random direction as basic axis. The formula of polar coordinate conversion is shown in Eq. 3, where (xi, yi) and Q0 Q1 Fig. 6 The selection result of four sub-images Q2 Q3 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 (a) Result after scrambling (b) Result after scrambling 24963 (c) Result after scrambling (d) Result after scrambling Fig. 7 An example of the optimized Arnold transformation (ρi, θi) are the rectangular and the polar coordinate of the i − th vertex respectively, (xr, yr) denotes the rectangular coordinate of the reference vertex. 8 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > < ρi ¼ ðxi −xr Þ2 þ ðyi −yr Þ2 y −y > : θi ¼ tan−1 i r xi −xr ð3Þ Step 3: Establish correspondence between watermark bits and map vertices. Take a vertex Vt as example, the homologous watermark bit wt can be calculated by Eq. 4, where Hash1(∙) and Hash2(∙) are two existing functions which transform an input with arbitrary length into an output with a fixed length, x*t ; y*t denotes the integer portion of the rectangular coordinate of Vt, and (xr, yr) means the rectangular coordinate of the reference vertex. 8 ¼ w½ f ðxÞ; gðxÞ ffi wtffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > q > > > 2 2 < f ðxÞ ¼ Hash1 mod D 2 x*t −xr þ y*t −yr ð4Þ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > > D 2 2 > > mod x*t −xr þ y*t −yr : gðxÞ ¼ Hash2 2 Feature vertices Original vector map V Feature vertex extraction Non-feature vertices Vertex grouping Vertex groups Polar coordinate conversion Decimal-to-hex conversion Watermark data w Watermark embedding Watermarked coordinates Converted coordinates Hex-to-decimal conversion Fig. 8 The flow chart of watermark embedding procedure Rectangular coordinate conversion Watermarked vector map V Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24964 Step 4: Embed watermark bits into polar coordinates of all map vertices. Take a vertex Vn as example, let (ρn, θn) and wn be its polar coordinate and corresponding watermark bit, respectively. The portion after the fifth digit after decimal point of ρn is firstly converted into hex values and a new number (assumed ρn(h)) can be obtained, and wn is then inserted into ρn(h), between the fifth and the sixth digit after decimal point. Finally, 0 0 convert the watermarked ρn(h) (assumed ρn ðhÞ) into a decimal value (assumed ρn ). For example, assume that ρn = 693.52761263 and wn = 6, then, ρn ðhÞ ¼ 693:52761107 ↓ 0 ρn ðhÞ ¼ 693:527616107 ↓ 0 ρn ¼ 693:5276124839 0 It can be obviously seen from this step that Δρ ¼ ρn −ρn < 1 10−5 . Moreover, it can be 0 0 inferred that Δx ¼ xn −xn < 1 10−5 and Δy ¼ yn −yn < 1 10−5 , in the light of the relation between Cartesian and polar coordinates. Therefore, the integer portion of rectangular coordinates of map vertices will not be changed during the watermark embedding process. It can be accordingly concluded that the established mapping relation between map vertices and watermark bits is constant during the watermark embedding procedure. Furthermore, the result of vertex grouping will not be distorted during the watermark embedding procedure in theory. Step 5: Convert the watermarked polar coordinates of map vertices into rectangular ones. Taking a vertex Vn as example, the method of rectangular coordinate conversion is 0 0 0 shown in Eq. 5, where ρn ; θn and xn ; yn denote the watermarked polar and rectangular coordinate of Vn respectively, (xr, yr) means the rectangular coordinate of the reference vertex. 0 0 xn ¼ xr þ ρn •cosθn 0 0 yn ¼ yr þ ρn •sinθn ð5Þ From the aforementioned watermark embedding process it can be inferred that a watermark bit can be embedded into several vertices simultaneously, which can improve the robustness of this scheme under certain map attacks, e.g., vertex deleting, data compression, map clipping, etc. 3.4 Watermark extraction As shown in Fig. 9, the watermark extraction procedure is the reverse procedure of watermark embedding. Given a watermarked vector map V′, the procedure of watermark extraction can be demonstrated as follows: Step 1: Group map vertices and convert rectangular coordinates of map vertices into polar ones, as described in Step 1 and Step 2 of Section 3.3. 0 0 0 Step 2: Extract watermark bits from map vertices. For each map vertex V n ρn ; θn , convert the 0 portion after the fifth digit after decimal point of ρn to hex values and a new number 0 (assumed ρn ðhÞ) can be obtained. Afterwards, extract the sixth digit after decimal point Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24965 Feature vertices Watermarked vector map Vÿ Feature vertex extraction Vertex grouping Vertex groups Non-feature vertices Polar coordinate conversion Decimal-to-hex conversion Converted coordinates Original watermarking image Recovered vector map Vā Watermark data wÿ Decompression Arnold inverse transformation Rectangular coordinate conversion Watermark extraction Hex-to-decimal conversion Non-watermarked coordinates Fig. 9 The flow chart of watermark extraction procedure 0 0 0 0 of ρn ðhÞ as watermark bit wn . Then, remove wn from ρn ðhÞ, and another new value 0 (assumed ρn0 ðhÞ) can be generated. Finally, convert the portion after the fifth digit after 0 0 decimal point of ρn0 ðhÞ into decimal values, and a new number (assumed ρn0 ) can be 0 0 0 obtained. ρn0 ; θn is considered as the recovered polar coordinate of V n . 0 Take the data in Step 4 of Section 3.3 as example, i.e., ρn ¼ 693:5276124839, then, 0 ρn ðhÞ ¼ 693:527616107 ↓ 00 0 ρn ðhÞ ¼ 693:52761107; wn ¼ 6 ↓ 00 ρn ¼ 693:52761263 0 0 Step 3: Define a 2D array w ¼ w ½i; j; 0 ≤i≤ D =2 −1; 0≤ j ≤ D =2 −1 , and assign it based on the extracted watermark bits. Correspondence between elements of w′ 24966 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 and the obtained watermark bits can be established by the same method with that in Eq. 4. And a simple statistical strategy is used here for optimal value selection. Step 4: Decompress w′ exploiting the method mentioned in Section 2.2. And a binary image can be obtained, assumed c. Step 5: Conduct Arnold inverse transformation on c. Firstly, select four square sub-images 0 0 0 0 Q0 , Q1 , Q2 and Q3 from c, as described in Section 3.2. Then, one after another, 0 0 0 0 conduct Arnold transformation on Q3 , Q2 , Q1 and Q0 for (T3 − t3), (T2 − t2), (T1 − t1) and (T0 − t0) times, respectively. Here, T0, T1, T2 and T3 respectively stand for the 0 0 0 0 Arnold transformation cycle of Q0 , Q1 , Q2 and Q3 , and t0, t1, t2 and t3 are explained in Section 3.2. The transformed c, assumed c’, is considered as the obtained watermarking image. 4 Experiments and discussion Fifty different vector maps (in .shp format) are adopted in this section as original data to test the performance of the proposed watermarking scheme. Table 2 lists some basic properties of the fifty maps, i.e., scale, number of features, number of vertices and coordinate range. The experiments mentioned in this section are implemented on a PC with Intel Core i5 CPU (2.9GHz), 4G RAM and Win7 Professional, exploiting ArcGIS 10.2, Visual Studio 2010 and C# programming language. The exploited watermarking image, a 60 × 54 (unit: pixel) binary image, is shown in Fig. 10. The watermark data is generated according to the method mentioned in Section 3.2, which is then embedded into the fifty experimental vector maps respectively, exploiting the method introduced in Section 3.3. In addition, to evaluate further the ability of the proposed watermarking scheme in aspects of robustness and rich copyright information expression, four representative watermarking schemes are selected for contrast experiments. The basis for selecting schemes in this paper contains two aspects, i.e., published in recent five years and has a preferable performance in aspects of both robustness and rich copyright information expression. 4.1 Discussion about rich-information characteristic It is a common goal for all watermarking algorithms to embed watermark bits into cover data as more as possible, and a great deal of achievements have been obtained. The main purpose of conventional schemes, however, is to increase the repeated embedding times of watermark bits and thus enhance the robustness of watermarking algorithms, and watermark capacity is generally exploited as the evaluating factor. Nevertheless, traditional evaluating methods cannot be directly applied to estimate the rich-information characteristic of watermarking schemes, for the essential difference between the total embedded watermark bits and the length of copyright information contained in the watermark data. To evaluate effectively the performance of watermarking algorithms in terms of rich-information watermark embedding, watermark payload is exploited in this paper as the evaluating indicator, which means the ratio of the length of copyright information and the total number of watermark bits. The watermark payload of this scheme is higher in theory than traditional schemes, owing to the significant reduction of the length of watermark data. To evaluate the performance of the Scale 1:500,000 1:500,000 1:500,000 1:500,000 1:500,000 1:500,000 Vector map map-0 map-1 map-2 map-3 map-4 Average of 50 maps 151 219 599 221 48 328.6 Number of features Table 2 Properties of experimental vector maps 8757 9420 15,936 8106 7609 10,165.2 Number of vertices Coordinate range (y) 2,375,444.14238~6,309,648.62964 4,641,428.40461~5,907,139.84753 3,594,108.59874~3,846,608.94995 516,977.54559~6,385,320.29008 1,574,799.81646~6,106,427.17171 2,434,361.75436~3,853,206.23831 Coordinate range (x) −1,506,755.72638~2,041,078.07683 −2,543,657.93085~ − 693,356.65491 670,494.17024~976,724.06626 −1,878,821.94721~2,092,054.12033 −2,499,621.79553~1,962,910.54399 −3,240,483. 68,131~202,054.09658 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24967 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24968 Fig. 10 The watermarking image proposed watermarking scheme in terms of rich-information characteristic, comparisons have been made among this scheme and four state-of-the-art works. The comparison result is shown in Table 3, from which it can be obviously seen that the length of watermark data in the proposed scheme is shortened by a big margin without affecting evidently the expression of copyright. The result in Table 3 indicates that the proposed watermarking scheme has a satisfying performance in terms of rich-information characteristic, compared with conventional schemes. 4.2 Discussion about reversibility The watermark extraction procedure explained in Section 3.4 shows that the embedded watermark bits can be precisely removed from the watermarked vector maps. The proposed algorithm is thus accurate reversible in theory. A set of experiments were carried out to verify the reversibility of this scheme, exploiting the fifty watermarked vector maps. Firstly, extract watermark bits and recover the original map content, as described in Section 3.4. Afterwards, calculate coordinate difference between original map vertices and their recovered counterparts. 0 0 0 Taking an original vertex vi(xi, yi) and its recovered counterpart vi xi ; yi as example, the corresponding coordinate difference can be calculated according to Eq. 6. Erðvi Þ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 2 0 2 ðxi −xi Þ þ ðyi −yi Þ ð6Þ The experimental result shows that for each vi(0 ≤ i < n), Er(vi) = 0 (n denotes the amount of map vertices). The reversibility of the proposed scheme is thus well validated. Table 3 Comparison result of watermark payload Watermarking scheme The length of copyright information (bit) The length of watermark data (bit) Watermark payload Scheme in [24] Scheme in [6] Scheme in [19] Scheme in [18] This scheme 16 232 328 688 320 2048 6400 2112 2401 810 0.0078 0.0363 0.1553 0.2865 0.3951 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24969 4.3 Discussion about invisibility As discussed in Step 4 of Section 3.3, only the digits after the fifth digit after decimal point of vertex coordinates are disturbed during the watermark embedding procedure. Accordingly, the original vector maps will not change tremendously in sight after watermark embedding in theory. Figure 11 shows one of the fifty experimental vector maps, as well as its watermarked counterpart. Figure 11 verifies that it is difficult to distinguish the two vector maps from the visual point of view. Error analysis was then carried out between the original vector maps and their watermarked counterparts to thoroughly test and verify the invisibility of this scheme. Max. Error and rootmean-square error (RMSE) were adopted here to express the distortion of the experimental vector maps, which can be calculated by Eq. 7. Here, n means the total number of map 0 0 vertices, (xi, yi) and xi ; yi stand for the rectangular coordinate of the i − th vertex and its watermarked counterpart, respectively. qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8 0 2 0 2 > > ðxi −xi Þ þ ðyi −yi Þ ; 0≤i ≤n−1 > < Max:Error ¼ Max ffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > 1 n−1 0 2 0 2 > > ∑ xi −xi þ yi −yi ; 0≤i ≤n−1 : RMSE ¼ n i¼0 ð7Þ The result of error analysis is illustrated in Table 4, from which it can be seen that both Max. Error and RMSE of the fifty experimental vector maps are acceptable (less than 1 × 10−5). A conclusion can be thus drawn that the visualization of the fifty vector maps is not affected during the watermark embedding procedure. (a) The original vector map and its local magnification effect (b) The watermarked vector map and its local magnification effect Fig. 11 An example of watermark embedding Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24970 Table 4 Result of error analysis Vector map Max.Error RMSE map-0 map-1 map-2 map-3 map-4 Average of 50 maps 0.00000876 0.00000835 0.00000908 0.00000785 0.00000896 0.00000835 0.00000488 0.00000364 0.00000420 0.00000408 0.00000293 0.00000364 4.4 Discussion about robustness As a kind of digital products, vector maps may be attacked during the process of both transmission and application. According to the different types, the possible attacks that vector maps frequently suffer can be classified into geometric attacks and non-geometric attacks. While geometric attacks (e.g., translation, rotation, etc.) may change vertex coordinates directly and thus affect the result of watermark extraction, non-geometric attacks (e.g., simplification, vertex reordering, etc.) disturb watermark extraction by changing the storage order of vertices, increasing (decrease) the number of vertices, etc. A series of simulating experiments were carried out in this section to evaluate the ability of the designed algorithm in resisting common attacks, using BER (Bit error rate, the ratio of error pixels to the total pixels of the obtained watermarking image) and NC (Normalized Correction, the similarity between the original watermarking image and the extracted one) are used to evaluate the effect of watermark extraction. Eq. 8 shows the calculation method of NC, where w and w′ stand for the original and the extracted watermarking image respectively. 0 ∑ wi; j wi; j i; j NC ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffisffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 2 2 ∑ wi; j ∑ wi; j i; j ð8Þ i; j 4.4.1 Vertex reordering Vertex reordering, one of the common attacks of vector maps, may change the organization structure of the watermarked vector maps, and thereby influence the result of watermark extraction. In this scheme, both the vertex grouping result and the watermark embedding procedure are independent of the result of vertex ordering, and it can be thus inferred that the designed algorithm is immune to vertex reordering operation. 4.4.2 Map translation and rotation It can be inferred from the angle of theoretical analysis that the proposed watermarking algorithm is immune to map translation and rotation, due to the stability of both vertex grouping result (described in Section 3.1) and polar coordinates of map vertices under geometric transformation. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24971 Afterwards, a set of simulating experiments were conducted to test the robustness of this scheme under map translation and rotation. Table 5 shows the experimental results, where s (θ) means the distance (angle) of translation (rotation). A conclusion can be drawn from Table 5 that the designed watermarking algorithm is quite robust under map translation and rotation operations. 4.4.3 Vertex addition and deletion Vertex addition and deletion are two common attacks that vector maps frequently suffer, which may impact on the robustness of algorithms for vector maps. Vertex addition attack may draw into some interference vertices which will affect the result of watermark extraction, while vertex deletion operation will lead to the loss of a section of map vertices, as well as the embedded watermarks. As described in Section 3.3, the mapping between watermark bits and map vertices is a one-to-many relationship, which is theoretically helpful to enhance the robustness of this scheme under vertex addition and deletion attacks. In addition, the statistical method for optimal value selection exploited in the watermark extraction phase can further help to prevent the result of watermark extraction from being affected by the introduced interference vertices. Accordingly, the watermarking algorithm put forward in this paper is robust under vertex addition and deletion attacks in theory. To verify the robustness of this scheme from the angle of simulation experiment, a set of experiments were designed and carried out in this section. Watermarks were firstly embedded into the fifty experimental vector maps using the method mentioned in Section 3.3, and then add (resp. delete) randomly some vertices into (resp. from) the watermarked vector maps. Finally, extract watermarks from the fifty attacked vector maps based on the method introduced in Section 3.4. Table 6 shows the experimental results, where p and q denote the portion of the added and deleted vertices, respectively. It can be obviously seen from Table 6 that the algorithm presented in this paper has a satisfactory performance in resisting vertex addition/ deletion attacks. 4.4.4 Data compression Data compression is another kind of operations which vector maps frequently suffer during the process of data transmission and application. It is obviously that data compression will lead to the loss of some watermarked vertices and thus influence on the result of watermark extraction. Table 5 Results of watermark extraction after map translation/rotation Vector map map-0 map-1 map-2 Average of 50 maps Translation (s) Rotation (θ) s=6.42365 s=58.374512 s=252.385407 θ=3.65° θ=33.52° θ=90° BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 BER = 0.00% NC = 1.0000 Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24972 Table 6 Results of watermark extraction after vertex addition/deletion attacks Vector map Vertex addition Vertex deletion p=40% p=50% p=60% q=40% q=50% q=60% BER=1.85% NC=0.9570 BER=3.15% NC=0.9277 BER=6.27% NC=0.8586 BER=2.01% NC=0.9534 BER=3.24% NC=0.9258 BER=6.48% NC=0.8527 BER=1.79% NC=0.9584 BER=2.99% NC=0.9307 BER=6.02% NC=0.8634 BER=1.88% NC=0.9562 BER=3.09% NC=0.9288 BER=6.14% NC=0.8590 BER=1.70% NC=0.9606 BER=2.84% NC=0.9344 BER=5.59% NC=0.8727 BER=1.67% NC=0.9612 BER=2.90% NC=0.9330 BER=5.77% NC=0.8679 BER=1.77% NC=0.9591 BER=2.95% NC=0.9312 BER=5.98% NC=0.8655 BER=1.84% NC=0.9575 BER=3.03% NC=0.9301 BER=6.03% NC=0.8610 map-0 map-1 map-2 Average of 50 maps Simulation experiments have been carried out in this section to evaluate the ability of the proposed algorithm in resisting data compression operations. Watermarks were firstly embedded into the fifty experimental vector maps exploiting the method introduced in Section 3.3, and the classical Douglas- Peucker algorithm was then conducted on the watermarked vector maps with different intensities. Finally, watermarks were extracted by the method mentioned in Section 3.4. To further validate the performance of this scheme under data compression, comparisons have been made among this scheme and four reprehensive schemes [6, 18, 19, 24] under the same conditions. The comparison result is illustrated in Table 7, indicating that the watermarking scheme presented in this paper has a stronger ability than state-of-the-art works in resisting data compression operations. 4.4.5 Map clipping Map clipping refers to delete all vertices within the specified area in the original vector maps. Similar to vertex deletion and data compression, map clipping will also lead to the loss of some watermarked map vertices and thus have an effect on the result of watermark extraction. Another set of simulation experiments were designed and done in this section to test the robustness of the proposed scheme under map clipping attacks. And to further evaluate the performance of the proposed watermarking scheme in resisting map clipping attacks, comparisons were made among this scheme and four reprehensive schemes [6, 18, 19, 24] under the same conditions. The comparison result shows that the Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24973 Table 7 Robustness comparison among this scheme and state-of-the-art works under data compression operations Vector map Scheme 40% 50% 60% BER=2.10% NC=0.9511 BER=3.12% NC=0.9283 BER=6.57% NC=0.8516 BER=2.90% NC=0.9328 BER=4.20% NC=0.9026 BER=8.58% NC=0.8061 BER=2.96% NC=0.9315 BER=4.29% NC=0.9023 BER=8.80% NC=0.8026 BER=3.06% NC=0.9294 BER=4.44% NC=0.8981 BER=9.20% NC=0.7954 BER=2.78% NC=0.9358 BER=4.01% NC=0.9074 BER=8.21% NC=0.8147 This scheme BER=1.92% NC=0.9553 BER=3.05% NC=0.9293 BER=6.07% NC=0.8613 Scheme in [2] BER=2.78% NC=0.9355 BER=4.09% NC=0.9057 BER=8.44% NC=0.8099 Scheme in [20] BER=2.85% NC=0.9342 BER=4.16% NC=0.9043 BER=8.64% NC=0.8068 Scheme in [23] BER=2.94% NC=0.9325 BER=4.30% NC=0.9016 BER=9.02% NC=0.7993 Scheme in [25] BER=2.63% NC=0.9389 BER=3.86% NC=0.9114 BER=8.03% NC=0.8191 This scheme Scheme in [2] map-0 Scheme in [20] Scheme in [23] Scheme in [25] Average of 50 maps watermarking scheme put forward in this paper has a stronger ability than state-of-the-art works in resisting map clipping attacks. Table 8 illustrates the experimental result, taking one of the fifty experimental vector maps as example. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24974 Table 8 Robustness comparison among this scheme and state-of-the-art works against map clipping Clip ratio Extraction result Clip position This scheme Scheme in [2] Scheme in [20] Scheme in [23] Scheme in [25] BER =2.01% NC=0.9537 BER =2.81% NC=0.9352 BER =2.87% NC=0.9337 BER=2.90% NC=0.9327 BER=2.56% NC=0.9404 BER =2.96% NC=0.9320 BER =4.04% NC=0.9068 BER =4.17% NC=0.9043 BER=4.32% NC=0.9005 BER=3.77% NC=0.9136 BER =6.30% NC=0.8560 BER =8.30% NC=0.8118 BER =8.58% NC=0.8066 BER=8.89% NC=0.8043 BER=7.75% NC=0.8259 40% 50% 60% 5 Conclusions Aiming to realize powerful copyright declaration, this paper proposes a richinformation and reversible watermarking scheme of vector maps based on compression coding of watermarking image and decimal-hex conversion of vertex coordinates. The proposed watermarking scheme is robust under both geometric attacks (i.e. translation, rotation and vertex reordering) and common non-geometric attacks (i.e. vertex addition, vertex deletion, data compression and map clipping). Both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments have demonstrated the rich-information characteristic, reversibility, invisibility and robustness of the proposed scheme. The main idea of this paper is to realize rich-information watermark embedding by shortening the length of watermark data, and there are two kinds of work which are valuable to be further studied in the future work. Firstly, one of the disadvantages of this scheme is that it cannot resist map scaling attacks, for the instability of polar coordinates of map vertices under scaling operations, which is the cover data for watermark embedding. More efforts should be put in the near future to find geometric invariants of vector maps and consider them as the carrier for watermark embedding, so that the robustness of watermarking algorithms against geometric transformation can be effectively enhanced. In addition, the method of shortening the length of the final watermark data should be further investigated, and lossless compression methods of images, e.g., Huffman coding, Run-length coding, etc., may provide novel solutions. Acknowledgements This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41171343) and the Start-up Project for Talents of Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS (Grant No. NIGLAS2018QD07). Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24975 References 1. Abu-Marie W, Gutub A, Abu-Mansour H (2010) Image based steganography using truth table based and determinate Array on RGB Indicator. International Journal of Signal and Image Processing 1:196–204 2. 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He received his Ph.D. degree in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. His main research directions are digital watermarking and remote sensing of lake water color. He is now a reviewer of a number of International Journals. In recent years, he has published more than 50 papers that are indexed by SCI/EI retrieval. Multimedia Tools and Applications (2019) 78:24955–24977 24977 Jiuyun Sun is currently an associate professor and a Master Tutor in School of Environment Science & Spatial Informatics of China University of Mining & Technology. His main research directions are security of GIS data and photographic survey. Hehe Gu is currently a professor and a Doctoral Tutor in School of Environment Science & Spatial Informatics of China University of Mining & Technology. His main research directions are cadastral surveying, land use monitoring and security protection of vector data. In recent years, he has published more than 50 papers that are indexed by SCI/EI/ISTP retrieval.