Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge D1.HBS.CL5.02 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge D1.HBS.CL5.02 Trainer Guide Project Base William Angliss Institute of TAFE 555 La Trobe Street Melbourne 3000 Victoria Telephone: (03) 9606 2111 Facsimile: (03) 9670 1330 Acknowledgements Project Director: Chief Writer: Subject Writer: Project Manager: Editor: DTP/Production: Wayne Crosbie Alan Hickman Alan Hickman Alan Maguire Jim Irwin Daniel Chee, Mai Vu The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. The ASEAN Secretariat is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. General Information on ASEAN appears online at the ASEAN Website: All text is produced by William Angliss Institute of TAFE for the ASEAN Project on “Toolbox Development for Front Office, Food and Beverage Services and Food Production Divisions”. This publication is supported by Australian Aid through the ASEAN-Australia Development Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II) Copyright: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2013 All rights reserved. Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication is free from errors or omissions. However, you should conduct your own enquiries and seek professional advice before relying on any fact, statement or matter contained in this book. ASEAN Secretariat and William Angliss Institute of TAFE are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage as a result of material included or omitted from this course. Information in this module is current at the time of publication. Time of publication is indicated in the date stamp at the bottom of each page. Some images appearing in this resource have been purchased from various stock photography suppliers and other third party copyright owners and as such are non-transferable and non-exclusive. Additional images have been sourced from Flickr and are used under: File name: TG_Develop_&_mantain_F&B_product_knowledge_Final Table of Contents Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers .......... 1 Competency standard ..................................................................................................... 11 Notes and PowerPoint slides .......................................................................................... 17 Recommended training equipment ............................................................................... 185 Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View ................................... 187 Appendix – ASEAN acronyms ...................................................................................... 189 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Competency Competency refers to the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to effective participation, consistently over time and in the workplace environment. The essential skills and knowledge are either identified separately or combined. Knowledge identifies what a person needs to know to perform the work in an informed and effective manner. Skills describe the application of knowledge to situations where understanding is converted into a workplace outcome. Attitude describes the founding reasons behind the need for certain knowledge or why skills are performed in a specified manner. Competency covers all aspects of workplace performance and involves: Performing individual tasks Managing a range of different tasks Responding to contingencies or breakdowns Dealing with the responsibilities of the workplace Working with others. Unit of Competency Like with any training qualification or program, a range of subject topics are identified that focus on the ability in a certain work area, responsibility or function. Each manual focuses on a specific unit of competency that applies in the hospitality workplace. In this manual a unit of competency is identified as a „unit‟. Each unit of competency identifies a discrete workplace requirement and includes: Knowledge and skills that underpin competency Language, literacy and numeracy Occupational health and safety requirements. Each unit of competency must be adhered to in training and assessment to ensure consistency of outcomes. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 1 Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Element of Competency An element of competency describes the essential outcomes within a unit of competency. The elements of competency are the basic building blocks of the unit of competency. They describe in terms of outcomes the significant functions and tasks that make up the competency. In this manual elements of competency are identified as an „element‟. Performance criteria Performance criteria indicate the standard of performance that is required to demonstrate achievement within an element of competency. The standards reflect identified industry skill needs. Performance criteria will be made up of certain specified skills, knowledge and attitudes. Learning For the purpose of this manual learning incorporates two key activities: Training Assessment. Both of these activities will be discussed in detail in this introduction. Today training and assessment can be delivered in a variety of ways. It may be provided to participants: On-the-job – in the workplace Off-the-job – at an educational institution or dedicated training environment As a combination of these two options. No longer is it necessary for learners to be absent from the workplace for long periods of time in order to obtain recognised and accredited qualifications. Learning Approaches This manual will identify two avenues to facilitate learning: Competency Based Training (CBT) This is the strategy of developing a participant‟s competency. Educational institutions utilise a range of training strategies to ensure that participants are able to gain the knowledge and skills required for successful: Completion of the training program or qualification Implementation in the workplace. The strategies selected should be chosen based on suitability and the learning styles of participants. 2 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Competency Based Assessment (CBA) This is the strategy of assessing competency of a participant. Educational institutions utilise a range of assessment strategies to ensure that participants are assessed in a manner that demonstrates validity, fairness, reliability, flexibility and fairness of assessment processes. Flexibility in Learning It is important to note that flexibility in training and assessment strategies is required to meet the needs of participants who may have learning difficulties. The strategies used will vary, taking into account the needs of individual participants with learning difficulties. However they will be applied in a manner which does not discriminate against the participant or the participant body as a whole. Catering for Participant Diversity Participants have diverse backgrounds, needs and interests. When planning training and assessment activities to cater for individual differences, trainers and assessors should: Consider individuals‟ experiences, learning styles and interests Develop questions and activities that are aimed at different levels of ability Modify the expectations for some participants Provide opportunities for a variety of forms of participation, such as individual, pair and small group activities Assess participants based on individual progress and outcomes. The diversity among participants also provides a good reason for building up a learning community in which participants support each other‟s learning. Participant Centred Learning This involves taking into account structuring training and assessment that: Builds on strengths – Training environments need to demonstrate the many positive features of local participants (such as the attribution of academic success to effort, and the social nature of achievement motivation) and of their trainers (such as a strong emphasis on subject disciplines and moral responsibility). These strengths and uniqueness of local participants and trainers should be acknowledged and treasured Acknowledges prior knowledge and experience – The learning activities should be planned with participants‟ prior knowledge and experience in mind Understands learning objectives – Each learning activity should have clear learning objectives and participants should be informed of them at the outset. Trainers should also be clear about the purpose of assignments and explain their significance to participants Teaches for understanding – The pedagogies chosen should aim at enabling participants to act and think flexibly with what they know Teaches for independent learning – Generic skills and reflection should be nurtured through learning activities in appropriate contexts of the curriculum. Participants should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning Enhances motivation – Learning is most effective when participants are motivated. Various strategies should be used to arouse the interest of participants © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 3 Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Makes effective use of resources – A variety of teaching resources can be employed as tools for learning Maximises engagement – In conducting learning activities, it is important for the minds of participants to be actively engaged Aligns assessment with learning and teaching – Feedback and assessment should be an integral part of learning and teaching Caters for learner diversity – Trainers should be aware that participants have different characteristics and strengths and try to nurture these rather than impose a standard set of expectations. Active Learning The goal of nurturing independent learning in participants does not imply that they always have to work in isolation or solely in a classroom. On the contrary, the construction of knowledge in tourism and hospitality studies can often best be carried out in collaboration with others in the field. Sharing experiences, insights and views on issues of common concern, and working together to collect information through conducting investigative studies in the field (active learning) can contribute a lot to their eventual success. Active learning has an important part to play in fostering a sense of community in the class. First, to operate successfully, a learning community requires an ethos of acceptance and a sense of trust among participants, and between them and their trainers. Trainers can help to foster acceptance and trust through encouragement and personal example, and by allowing participants to take risks as they explore and articulate their views, however immature these may appear to be. Participants also come to realise that their classmates (and their trainers) are partners in learning and solving. Trainers can also encourage cooperative learning by designing appropriate group learning tasks, which include, for example, collecting background information, conducting small-scale surveys, or producing media presentations on certain issues and themes. Participants need to be reminded that, while they should work towards successful completion of the field tasks, developing positive peer relationships in the process is an important objective of all group work. Competency Based Training (CBT) Principle of Competency Based Training Competency based training is aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of participants, through a variety of training tools. Training Strategies The aims of this curriculum are to enable participants to: Undertake a variety of subject courses that are relevant to industry in the current environment Learn current industry skills, information and trends relevant to industry Learn through a range of practical and theoretical approaches Be able to identify, explore and solve issues in a productive manner 4 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Be able to become confident, equipped and flexible managers of the future Be „job ready‟ and a valuable employee in the industry upon graduation of any qualification level. To ensure participants are able to gain the knowledge and skills required to meet competency in each unit of competency in the qualification, a range of training delivery modes are used. Types of Training In choosing learning and teaching strategies, trainers should take into account the practical, complex and multi-disciplinary nature of the subject area, as well as their participant‟s prior knowledge, learning styles and abilities. Training outcomes can be attained by utilising one or more delivery methods: Lecture/Tutorial This is a common method of training involving transfer of information from the trainer to the participants. It is an effective approach to introduce new concepts or information to the learners and also to build upon the existing knowledge. The listener is expected to reflect on the subject and seek clarifications on the doubts. Demonstration Demonstration is a very effective training method that involves a trainer showing a participant how to perform a task or activity. Through a visual demonstration, trainers may also explain reasoning behind certain actions or provide supplementary information to help facilitate understanding. Group Discussions Brainstorming in which all the members in a group express their ideas, views and opinions on a given topic. It is a free flow and exchange of knowledge among the participants and the trainer. The discussion is carried out by the group on the basis of their own experience, perceptions and values. This will facilitate acquiring new knowledge. When everybody is expected to participate in the group discussion, even the introverted persons will also get stimulated and try to articulate their feelings. The ideas that emerge in the discussions should be noted down and presentations are to be made by the groups. Sometimes consensus needs to be arrived at on a given topic. Group discussions are to be held under the moderation of a leader guided by the trainer. Group discussion technique triggers thinking process, encourages interactions and enhances communication skills. Role Play This is a common and very effective method of bringing into the classroom real life situations, which may not otherwise be possible. Participants are made to enact a particular role so as to give a real feel of the roles they may be called upon to play. This enables participants to understand the behaviour of others as well as their own emotions and feelings. The instructor must brief the role players on what is expected of them. The role player may either be given a ready-made script, which they can memorize and enact, or they may be required to develop their own scripts around a given situation. This technique is extremely useful in understanding creative selling techniques and human relations. It can be entertaining and energizing and it helps the reserved and less literate to express their feelings. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 5 Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Simulation Games When trainees need to become aware of something that they have not been conscious of, simulations can be a useful mechanism. Simulation games are a method based on "here and now" experience shared by all the participants. The games focus on the participation of the trainees and their willingness to share their ideas with others. A "near real life" situation is created providing an opportunity to which they apply themselves by adopting certain behaviour. They then experience the impact of their behaviour on the situation. It is carried out to generate responses and reactions based on the real feelings of the participants, which are subsequently analysed by the trainer. While use of simulation games can result in very effective learning, it needs considerable trainer competence to analyse the situations. Individual /Group Exercises Exercises are often introduced to find out how much the participant has assimilated. This method involves imparting instructions to participants on a particular subject through use of written exercises. In the group exercises, the entire class is divided into small groups, and members are asked to collaborate to arrive at a consensus or solution to a problem. Case Study This is a training method that enables the trainer and the participant to experience a real life situation. It may be on account of events in the past or situations in the present, in which there may be one or more problems to be solved and decisions to be taken. The basic objective of a case study is to help participants diagnose, analyse and/or solve a particular problem and to make them internalize the critical inputs delivered in the training. Questions are generally given at the end of the case study to direct the participants and to stimulate their thinking towards possible solutions. Studies may be presented in written or verbal form. Field Visit This involves a carefully planned visit or tour to a place of learning or interest. The idea is to give first-hand knowledge by personal observation of field situations, and to relate theory with practice. The emphasis is on observing, exploring, asking questions and understanding. The trainer should remember to brief the participants about what they should observe and about the customs and norms that need to be respected. Group Presentation The participants are asked to work in groups and produce the results and findings of their group work to the members of another sub-group. By this method participants get a good picture of each other's views and perceptions on the topic and they are able to compare them with their own point of view. The pooling and sharing of findings enriches the discussion and learning process. Practice Sessions This method is of paramount importance for skills training. Participants are provided with an opportunity to practice in a controlled situation what they have learnt. It could be real life or through a make-believe situation. 6 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Games This is a group process and includes those methods that involve usually fun-based activity, aimed at conveying feelings and experiences, which are everyday in nature, and applying them within the game being played. A game has set rules and regulations, and may or may not include a competitive element. After the game is played, it is essential that the participants be debriefed and their lessons and experiences consolidated by the trainer. Research Trainers may require learners to undertake research activities, including online research, to gather information or further understanding about a specific subject area. Competency Based Assessment (CBA) Principle of Competency Based Assessment Competency based assessment is aimed at compiling a list of evidence that shows that a person is competent in a particular unit of competency. Competencies are gained through a multitude of ways including: Training and development programs Formal education Life experience Apprenticeships On-the-job experience Self-help programs. All of these together contribute to job competence in a person. Ultimately, assessors and participants work together, through the „collection of evidence‟ in determining overall competence. This evidence can be collected: Using different formats Using different people Collected over a period of time. The assessor, who is ideally someone with considerable experience in the area being assessed, reviews the evidence and verifies the person as being competent or not. Flexibility in Assessment Whilst allocated assessment tools have been identified for this subject, all attempts are made to determine competency and suitable alternate assessment tools may be used, according to the requirements of the participant. The assessment needs to be equitable for all participants, taking into account their cultural and linguistic needs. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 7 Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Competency must be proven regardless of: Language Delivery Method Assessment Method. Assessment Objectives The assessment tools used for subjects are designed to determine competency against the „elements of competency‟ and their associated „performance criteria‟. The assessment tools are used to identify sufficient: a) Knowledge, including underpinning knowledge b) Skills c) Attitudes Assessment tools are activities that trainees are required to undertake to prove participant competency in this subject. All assessments must be completed satisfactorily for participants to obtain competence in this subject. There are no exceptions to this requirement, however, it is possible that in some cases several assessment items may be combined and assessed together. Types of Assessment Allocated Assessment Tools There are a number of assessment tools that are used to determine competency in this subject: Work projects Written questions Oral questions Third Party Report Observation Checklist. Instructions on how assessors should conduct these assessment methods are explained in the Assessment Manuals. Alternative Assessment Tools Whilst this subject has identified assessment tools, as indicated above, this does not restrict the assessor from using different assessment methods to measure the competency of a participant. Evidence is simply proof that the assessor gathers to show participants can actually do what they are required to do. Whilst there is a distinct requirement for participants to demonstrate competency, there are many and diverse sources of evidence available to the assessor. Ongoing performance at work, as verified by a supervisor or physical evidence, can count towards assessment. Additionally, the assessor can talk to customers or work colleagues to gather evidence about performance. 8 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers A range of assessment methods to assess competency include: Practical demonstrations Practical demonstrations in simulated work conditions Problem solving Portfolios of evidence Critical incident reports Journals Oral presentations Interviews Videos Visuals: slides, audio tapes Case studies Log books Projects Role plays Group projects Group discussions Examinations. Recognition of Prior Learning Recognition of Prior Learning is the process that gives current industry professionals who do not have a formal qualification, the opportunity to benchmark their extensive skills and experience against the standards set out in each unit of competency/subject. Also known as a Skills Recognition Audit (SRA), this process is a learning and assessment pathway which encompasses: Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC) Skills auditing Gap analysis and training Credit transfer. Assessing competency As mentioned, assessment is the process of identifying a participant‟s current knowledge, skills and attitudes sets against all elements of competency within a unit of competency. Traditionally in education, grades or marks were given to participants, dependent on how many questions the participant successfully answered in an assessment tool. Competency based assessment does not award grades, but simply identifies if the participant has the knowledge, skills and attitudes to undertake the required task to the specified standard. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 9 Competency Based Training (CBT) and assessment – An introduction for trainers Therefore, when assessing competency, an assessor has two possible results that can be awarded: Pass Competent (PC) Not Yet Competent (NYC) Pass Competent (PC). If the participant is able to successfully answer or demonstrate what is required, to the expected standards of the performance criteria, they will be deemed as „Pass Competent‟ (PC). The assessor will award a „Pass Competent‟ (PC) if they feel the participant has the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes in all assessment tasks for a unit. Not Yet Competent’ (NYC) If the participant is unable to answer or demonstrate competency to the desired standard, they will be deemed to be „Not Yet Competent‟ (NYC). This does not mean the participant will need to complete all the assessment tasks again. The focus will be on the specific assessment tasks that were not performed to the expected standards. The participant may be required to: a) Undertake further training or instruction b) Undertake the assessment task again until they are deemed to be „Pass Competent‟. 10 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency standard Competency standard UNIT TITLE: DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN FOOD & BEVERAGE PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE NOMINAL HOURS: 55 UNIT NUMBER: D1.HBS.CL5.02 UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to develop and maintain food and beverage product knowledge in a range of settings within the in the hotel industries workplace context ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA UNIT VARIABLE AND ASSESSMENT GUIDE Element 1: Obtain product information on food and beverages Unit Variables 1.1 Research general information on food and beverage products 1.2 Identify information required to fulfil responsibilities of job role 1.3 Develop and maintain product knowledge in line with job role and responsibilities 1.4 Identify features of specific food and beverages which have potential customer appeal The Unit Variables provide advice to interpret the scope and context of this unit of competence, allowing for differences between enterprises and workplaces. It relates to the unit as a whole and facilitates holistic assessment This unit applies to all industry sectors that require food and beverage product knowledge within the labour divisions of the hotel and travel industries and may include: 1. Food and Beverage Service Information may be obtained from: Trade magazines and feature newspaper articles Food and beverage reference books Element 2: Provide customers with relevant food and beverage product knowledge Recipes and menus 2.1 Offer advice on suitable combinations of foods and food and beverages where appropriate Tastings and other promotional activities 2.2 Provide assistance to customers on selection of food and beverage items Internet Trade shows, exhibitions, food and beverage festivals. 2 Food and cooking demonstrations © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 11 Competency standard 2.3 Respond courteously and authoritatively to customer questions in relation to menus and drink lists 2.4 Provide advice on menu items that reflect the special dietary or cultural requirements of customers Sales representatives Customers Chefs, cooks and other food service personnel. Food knowledge may be required for: Appetisers Soups Meat, fish and seafood Vegetables Desserts and sweets Snacks Cheeses Fruit Salads Pre-packaged food items Specialist cuisine items. Beverage knowledge may be required for: Wines Spirits Liqueurs Beers Non-alcoholic drinks. 12 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency standard Features should relate to: The relationship between specific foods and beverages Knowledge of specific foods, including characteristics, region of origin, expert opinions, cultural aspects Knowledge of specific beverages, including characteristics, region of origin, expert opinions, vintages, value, cultural aspect Foods and wines sourced from the local area Enterprise menus, specials and trends. Combinations of foods and food and beverages may relate to: Customer preferences Traditional combinations of foods and food and beverages Balance of textures, colour and nutrition Cultural. Cultural requirements should include: Kosher Halal Food exclusions for allergies and food intolerance Vegetarian. Assessment Guide The following skills and knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit: Knowledge of the features of commonly prepared dishes as appropriate to the industry sector Knowledge of traditional accompaniments for different types of food Knowledge of service styles for different types of food © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 13 Competency standard Knowledge of compatibility of common food and beverage items Knowledge of common cultural and dietary issues and options Knowledge of special dietary requirements, including food exclusions for allergies and food intolerance. Linkages To Other Units Provide a link between kitchen and service area Provide food and beverage services. Critical Aspects of Assessment Evidence of the following is essential: Demonstrated ability to update and maintain current and relevant food and beverage product knowledge Demonstrated ability to apply relevant food and beverage product knowledge Demonstrated ability to offer customers options that reflect common cultural and dietary issues Demonstrated ability to provide customers options that reflect food exclusions for allergies and food intolerance. Context of Assessment This unit may be assessed on or off the job Assessment should include practical demonstration either in the workplace or through a simulation activity, supported by a range of methods to assess underpinning knowledge Assessment must relate to the individual‟s work area or area of responsibility Assessment must include work activities that allow the candidate to respond to multiple and varying customer service and communication situations that require the application of food and beverage product knowledge relevant to work area, job role and area of responsibility. 14 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Competency standard Resource Implications Training and assessment to include access to a real or simulated workplace; and access to workplace standards, procedures, policies, guidelines, tools and equipment. Assessment Methods The following methods may be used to assess competency for this unit: Case studies Observation of practical candidate performance Oral and written questions Portfolio evidence Problem solving Role plays Third party reports completed by a supervisor Project and assignment work. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 15 Competency standard Key Competencies in this Unit Level 1 = competence to undertake tasks effectively Level 2 = competence to manage tasks Level 3 = competence to use concepts for evaluating Key Competencies 16 Level Examples Collecting, organising and analysing information 1 Collect information on a range of food and beverage products Communicating ideas and information 2 Respond to customer queries and provide accurate information Planning and organising activities 2 Identify the most appropriate way to maintain food and beverage product knowledge Working with others and in teams 2 Respond to internal and external customer requests that require product knowledge of food and beverages Using mathematical ideas and techniques - Solving problems 2 Provide advice to customers with specific dietary needs Using technology 1 Use computers for research © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 1. Trainer Notes Trainer welcomes students to class and encourages participation. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 17 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 2. Trainer Notes Trainer advises students this Unit comprises two Elements, as listed on the slide explaining: Each Element comprises a number of Performance Criteria which will be identified throughout the class and explained in detail Students can obtain more detail from their Trainee Manual The course presents advice and information but where their workplace requirements differ to what is presented, the workplace practices and standards must be observed. 18 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 3. Trainer Notes Trainer advises students that assessment for this Unit may take several forms all of which are aimed at verifying they have achieved competency for the Unit as required. Trainer indicates to students the methods of assessment that will be applied to them for this Unit. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 19 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 4. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies for students the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide. Class Activity – General discussion Trainer leads a general class discussion on student experience and knowledge about food and beverages by asking questions such as: How have you developed you F&B knowledge? What sources/reference material have you used to gain and maintain your F&B knowledge? What have you done/might you do to determine the facts/information about a dish/menu item you knew nothing about? What information might a food waiter need to know about food items on their menus? What information might a drink waiter need about beverage items available from the bar? 20 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 5. Trainer Notes Trainer stresses need for „product knowledge‟ defining it as knowledge about: The venue – policies and procedures, layout, manager‟s name Its facilities – what they are and where they are Products and services offered for sale – more on this on following slides The local area & country – geography, attractions, shopping, history. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 21 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 6. Trainer Notes Trainer explains all customer contact staff must have excellent levels of „product knowledge‟ in order to: Demonstrate professionalism – and create customer confidence Promote dishes – and explain what they are Recommend beverages – to match food with appropriate drinks Generally assist customers – in relation to their time in the business and the country. 22 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 7. Trainer Notes Trainer indicates food waiting staff need the following information (product knowledge) about the products they sell: Menu items (dishes offered on the menu - you should know what is available and what is not Serve sizes – what is big, small; the size of steaks Prices – different prices for entrees, main courses; how eat-in prices differ from take-away Cooking styles – which dishes are Western; which items reflect local cuisine Cooking times – which dishes are ready to serve immediately; how long will others take to cook and be ready to serve Ingredients – what ingredients are in the dishes; which ingredients are local What is fresh and what is bought in, frozen, pre-prepared Suitability for those with certain dietary or cultural requirements – which dishes suit (for example) people of different faiths/religions and/or those with a variety of health-related or diet-related needs Cutlery and crockery required for service of individual menu items – so you know what items to set at the table/provide for diners. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 23 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 8. Trainer Notes Trainer indicates for beverage service staff product knowledge should include information about: The drinks/mixed drinks available from the bar – including cocktails where applicable The brand names and types of spirits and liqueurs available The table (still – red and white), sparkling („Champagne‟) & fortified wines (such as sherry, port) available The soft drinks available – including juices, aerated waters and mocktails The beers available – draught and packaged: brands, country of origin, styles. 24 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 9. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to indicate for beverage service staff product knowledge should include information about: The pre-mixed/ready-to-drink beverages available Prices – per glass; bottle Knowledge about individual beverages – such as wine knowledge, how various liqueurs may be served, the alcoholic strength of different liquors, whether products are domestic or imported Knowledge about matching menu items to menu items Glassware for the service of all drinks. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 25 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 10. Trainer Notes Trainer states all staff should have general information about the venue itself, such as: Opening hours – when the venue opens and shuts; when the bars and dining areas open and shut Methods of payment accepted – in terms of cash, foreign money, exchange rates, credit cards, cheques, „charge to room‟ Booking policies and procedures – including need for deposits and requirements in relation to booking confirmations Complaint handling procedures – the standard procedures for handling complaints from customers about F&B products and/or service: what is allowed, what may be done to fix a complaint situation Facilities and services available elsewhere in the venue Names of managers/owners – and how long they have been there Legal issues – as they apply to issues such as the service of liquor and safe food handling; health and safety. 26 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 11. Trainer Notes Trainer notifies trainees they can obtain product information from the following internal sources: Menus, drink lists, wine lists and cocktail lists – many of these contain descriptions about beverages and dishes Taste the products – subject to whatever workplace restrictions apply, one of the best ways to really learn about food and beverages is to „experience‟ them – smell them, feel them, taste them! Recipes – for information on individual dishes such as ingredients and cooking styles Experienced staff – such as chefs, cooks, cellar staff, senior F&B service staff, purchasing officers, bottle shop sales assistants, managers and owners. Class Activity – Handouts Trainer obtains recipes, sample menus, drink lists, cocktail lists and similar from local venues and: Distributes to class Explains their layout and contents Identifies how trainees can gain product knowledge from what they contain. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 27 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 12. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to identify internal sources of product knowledge: Operational manuals – for details relating to the way things should be done in the room/property Policies and procedures manuals – for background information about the venue Wrapping and packaging material – many items are delivered in packaging that contains information about the product Doing a tour of the premises – to meet staff, find the locations of departments and facilities, and to generally learn about the property Talking to customers – to benefit from their experience/s, what they have learned and their preferences. Class Activity – Handouts Trainer obtains operational, policy and procedure manuals, wrapping and packaging material and similar from local venues and: Distributes to class Explains their layout and contents Identifies how trainees can gain product knowledge from what they contain. 28 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 13. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies „external‟ sources of gaining product knowledge: Product suppliers – by asking direct questions to the sales office or sales representatives, or by asking them to send you product information sheets The media – it must become standard practice for you to read, watch or listen to anything that relates to food and beverages: this should include reading, watching and listening to the general media as well as obtaining and reading trade magazines and journals Books – see what your local library has, check out the newsagents, visit the local library Internet – loads of information is available through targeted searches: see below for some examples Trade shows, exhibitions and F&B festivals – keep an eye on the media and invitations sent to your employer. Make the time to go – many shows/exhibitions are free to industry personnel and they are a great way to establish industry networks and keep abreast of what is happening in the industry Food and cooking demonstrations – you can always learn something from these events even where they are conducted by a company with a vested interested in promoting their range of products Promotional activities – many suppliers run promotional events to advertise their products and you should attend these whenever possible. Trade magazines, local media and invitations sent direct to your workplace are the best sources of when and where these are conducted. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 29 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Internet Research Trainer arranges for class to have internet access and suggests trainees visit the following sites to view the sites, take notes and gain product knowledge: 30 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 14. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies more specific information required by food staff stressing: Knowledge must relate to the individual workplace Generate product knowledge relating to your job position first – then expand this knowledge out into other areas, products and services. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 31 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 15. Trainer Notes Trainer explains trainees need to know about the following to gain thorough product knowledge: Appetisers are menu items offered for guests to eat prior to their main course. They may include: Hors d‟oeuvres Canapés Antipasto Tapas Finger foods Sandwiches – You need to know what ingredients are used, what things taste and look like, what they cost, how long they will take to prepare and cooking styles Soups are a traditional course on many menus; soups provide low food cost items for many premises. Soups may be classic or contemporary, may be served hot or cold and can reflect ethnic flavours from many countries. Options include: 32 Clear soups Broths Purées Cream soups Bisque. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 33 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 16. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Meat includes: Beef Lamb Veal Goat Pork Cuts and options vary between the meat item but can include: Steaks Chops and/or cutlets Mince Joints for roasting You need to know the cuts being used, whether things are fresh or frozen, the type of product being used as well as what things taste and look like, what they cost, how long they will take to prepare and cooking styles You also need to know the answer to the question “Is it tender?” 34 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 35 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 17. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Poultry includes whole birds or cuts and includes: Chicken Turkey Squab Pheasant Duck Goose Commonly used options are whole birds (cooked whole) and/or legs, wings and breast You need to know the cuts being used, whether things are fresh or frozen, the type of product being used as well as what things taste and look like, what they cost, how long they will take to prepare and cooking styles. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 36 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 18. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Fish may be fresh, frozen or preserved and can be obtained from the sea of from freshwater. Fish can include: Flat fish and round fish Whole fish and fillets Whitefish Oily fish Seafood includes: Shellfish (also known as „crustaceans‟) – generic term for seafood from a fish with a shell (such as crayfish, crabs, lobster, prawn, shrimp) Molluscs – octopus, cuttlefish, squid, clams, whelks, winkles, mussels, scallops, cockles, oysters You need to know the type of fish or seafood being used, whether things are fresh or frozen (a very common question in relation to fish and seafood) as well as what things taste and look like, what they cost, how long they will take to prepare and cooking styles. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 37 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 38 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 19. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Desserts are served after the main course and also known as „sweets‟ In some properties a separate menu is used for desserts Desserts can be either hot or cold – many are served with sauces - and include: Puddings Pies, tarts and flans Fritters – Banana fritters, or pineapple fritters Custards and creams Prepared fruit – fruit which has been peeled and cut ready for eating Charlottes – such as Apple Charlotte Bavarois and mousse Soufflé Sabayon Meringues Crepes and omelettes Sorbets Ice cream Bombes Parfaits. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 39 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 40 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 20. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Snacks are light meals, commonly provided for people who are in a hurry or who are not especially hungry One characteristic of a „snack‟ is that it can often be easily taken away by the purchaser Snacks can include: Hot chips and potato wedges Biscuits, crisps and crackers Hot dogs Pies, pasties and sausage rolls Croissants Sandwiches and rolls Baguettes Hamburgers Ploughman‟s lunch – cheese, greens and pickled onion Some snacks can also be meals – for example, a slice of pizza is a snack, but a whole pizza is a meal. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 41 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 42 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 21. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Cheese can be made from cow, sheep or goat‟s milk. Basic cheese options include: Soft cheeses – Brie, Camembert and cottage Semi-soft cheeses – Edam and Gouda Hard cheeses – cheddar and Parmesan Blue vein cheese (such as Gorgonzola, Stilton and Roquefort) – coloured by an edible penicillin mould Cheese can be used in sauces or served on its own on a cheese platter. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 43 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 22. 44 Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Pasta can be bought-in as „dried‟ pasta and re-constituted on-site, or it may be made fresh on-the-premises Pasta comes in a wide variety of types (flat, tubular and shaped) and sizes and may be filled or plain Pasta is traditionally served with a variety of sauces – can also be used in soups and as a substitute for potato • Examples of pasta include: Gnocchi Spaghetti Fettuccini Lasagne Tagliatelli Noodles are made from flour (wheat) and water, and/or eggs In many ways they are similar to pasta. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: • Actual samples of foods, and/or • Texts books, and/or • Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 23. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Vegetables are traditionally used as an accompaniment to a main dish Some vegetables can also be used in salads Examples include: Root vegetables – potatoes, onions, carrots Green vegetables – broccoli, sprouts, celery, peas, beans, spinach, cabbage Tomatoes – technically a „fruit‟ but commonly referred to as a vegetable. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 45 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 24. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: A growing focus on healthy eating has seen increased up-take of fruit in premises Fruit is almost mandatory with breakfasts, and supplied free-of-charge by some properties to house (in-room) guests and/or at reception Fruit options include: Pieces and platters of fresh fruit – pineapple, watermelon, apples, bananas, rambutan, jackfruit, star fruit, mango Fresh fruit salad – available with or without cream, yoghurt or ice cream Tinned fruit – such as pears, peaches and apricots Dried fruit – dried apricots, figs, sultanas, raisins and currants. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 46 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 25. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Healthy eating has also seen the popularity of salads rise Salads may exist as a stand-alone menu item (such as a „Warm Chicken Salad‟) or as an accompaniment to a main course dish – such as Green Salad or a mixed salad Salads may be classical or contemporary, varying in ethnic and cultural origins, served either cold, warm or hot, and may contain a variety of cooked and uncooked ingredients Dressings are applied to some salads Salad vegetables include: Lettuce – various types Tomato – including cherry tomatoes Radishes Celery Onions and spring onions Shredded cabbage – in coleslaw (salad made with shredded/grated cabbage, onions, carrots, seasoning and mayonnaise) Mushrooms Carrots © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 47 Notes and PowerPoint slides Beetroot Peppers – red, green and yellow Many „vegetables‟ can be used as „salad vegetables‟ and many „salad vegetables‟ can also be used as „vegetables‟. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 48 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 26. Trainer Notes Trainer continues introducing and explaining foods that staff should know about: Pre-packaged food items include: Food items are items bought in from suppliers and sold behind the bar or in other retail areas – they include items such as chips and nuts Portion control items – these are the single/individual serve units such as pats of butter and margarine, sachets of sugar and sugar substitute, foils of jams and sauces Any food item bought-in and served (or sold) „as is‟ – such as cakes and cheesecakes Some pre-packaged foods may: Require some basic preparation – such as boiling or heating Be further prepared prior to service by the addition of extra ingredients and/or sauces to enhance presentation and taste. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 49 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 27. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces concept of „specialist cuisine food items‟ explaining they may include: Special cuts of meat (for example, eye fillet) or products grown under special conditions (such as grain-fed beef and organic vegetables) National dishes – see following slide Signature dishes – see later slide Other specialist food see later slide. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 50 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 28. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to tell students about concept of „specialist cuisine food items‟: National dishes – it is vital you understand the traditional national dishes of the country in which you work Many tourists visit your country and your workplace to experience the local cuisine and you must know: The names of these dishes The ingredients in them Any relevant history – (as applicable) how and when they were invented; who they were named after The cooking processes used to produce them Their flavours Serve size and how it served Cost. Class Activity – Question and Answer Session Trainer asks trainees to: List national dishes Identify ingredients of each Describe cooking processes Describe flavours and appearance Explain how they are served/presented. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 51 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 29. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to tell students about concept of „specialist cuisine food items‟: Signature dishes Venues may – or may not – have one or more „Signature dishes‟. These are dishes the venue (or the chef) is famous for Many visitors will come to the venue just for this possibly world-renowned dish Signature dishes may be a local/regional dish or from another culinary area Venues will strive to always have the Signature dishes available, all the time the venue is open. 52 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 30. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to tell students about concept of „specialist cuisine food items‟: Other food items that could be seen as „specialist‟ in some properties could include: Offal Aromatics, flavourings, spices, spice mixes and herbs Garnishes Seeds and nuts Grains, rice and pulses Fungi Preserves, condiments and accompaniments. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 53 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 31. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to tell students about concept of „specialist cuisine food items‟ highlighting other specialist foods may be „special‟ in one venue but common in another – it is there lack of common usage in this case which make them special. Fruits, vegetables, flowers and salad items – not commonly available/used Aquatic plants such as seaweeds Specialist cheeses and dairy products Sweeteners such as palm sugar, honey and glucose Fats and oils Local food items/ingredients. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of foods, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the food items identified on this slide. 54 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 32. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces the beverage knowledge students may need stressing: Need to know what the venue offers/has available for purchase – start with learning this and expand on it Need to learn brand names of products – so an alternative can be offered if the one the customer wants is not available/stocked. Class Activity - Class Exercise/Internet Research Trainer asks trainees to give brand names for the following spirits (internet research may be used if appropriate): Whisky/Scotch Rum Gin Vodka Brandy. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 55 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 33. Trainer Notes Trainer informs trainees they should be able to answer the following questions about the beverages they have for sale in their workplace: Which ones are suitable drinks for aperitifs Which ones are suitable for drinking during and after a meal Suggested basic wine and food combinations What they taste like, look like, smell like and where they come from What their alcoholic strength is. 56 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 34. Trainer Notes Trainer adds extra details about the information trainees need to learn about beverages: Whether they are domestic or imported beverages Information specific to wines – details relating to wine makers, wine styles, wine growing areas, grape varieties, wine characteristics and information relating to wine shows and the wine industry Size of serves, bottles, cans and glasses The variety of ways in which different liquors can be served. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 57 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 35. Trainer Notes Trainer presents „wine knowledge‟ beginning by explaining the basic production process for white table wine: Grapes are harvested Grapes are crushed at the winery - to release free-run juice Pressing occurs – to remove all available juice Sulphur dioxide is added – to prevent yeasts that are naturally occurring on the grapes from starting an unwanted and unpredictable natural fermentation process The juice (called „must‟ at this stage) is chilled – and allowed to settle Must is filtered – through a centrifuge to remove large particles/matter not wanted in the final product. 58 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 36. Trainer Notes Trainer finalises production process for white wine: A commercially prepared yeast is added to the must – to start a fermentation process that is predictable and stable Fermentation occurs under refrigeration – to control the heat generated during the fermentation process Fermentation is stopped when the wine has reached the required level of dryness or sweetness – or as the wine maker‟s scientific and taste-testing observations indicate Yeast protein, skins and other residue are allowed to settle out – and the wine is pumped out to undergo a 'fining' (filtering) process to remove the unwanted matter generated during the fermentation process The wine is aged (sometimes in wood but often in large stainless steel tanks (the „tank farm‟ at the wineries) – it is then bottled, may be bottle aged and is then sold. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 59 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 37. Trainer Notes Trainer explains basic process for making red wine, explaining: Red wine can only be made from red wine grapes. The main difference between the production of red and white table wines is that in red wine production, the grape juice is allowed to spend time in contact with the grape skins to pick up colour (and tannins which play critical roles in the ageing of the wine). The basic process for red wine making is: Grapes are harvested Grapes are crushed - and juice stays in contact with skins Winemaker determines how long juice stays on the skins Grapes pressed to extract all the juice and other juice may be added – many red table wines are „blends‟ of different grape varieties Fermentation occurs Wine is fined, filtered and stored in wood Bottled for age and then sale. Class Activity – Guest Speaker Trainer arranges for wine representative to attend and: Talk to class about wine making procedures Provide samples and conduct guided tasting Supply examples of wine (tasting) notes. 60 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 38. Trainer Notes Trainer gives trainees more information about wines explaining they may be classified in various ways: Red or white – usually refers to „still, table‟ wine to differentiate from „sparkling‟ Varietal or generic – see following slides Sparkling – see following slides Fortified – see following slides. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 61 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 39. Trainer Notes Trainer presents information on Varietal wines explaining; „Varietal‟ wines are wines made from one (or more) nominated grape varieties – the name of this/these grapes appears on the label of the bottle Where a wine claims that the wine is made from a certain grape variety, the wine must be made from a minimum percentage of that stated variety Where a wine claims to be made from grapes of a certain year, then a minimum percentage of the wine must be from that specified year Where a wine claims it comes from a nominated area, then a minimum percentage of the wine must come from the stated area. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of wine/s, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the wines identified on this slide. 62 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 40. Trainer Notes Trainer gives examples of white varietal grape varieties: Chardonnay – a full-flavoured dry white wine Chenin Blanc – a pleasant fruity 'drink now' wine with a refreshing acid finish Rhine Riesling – a delicate wine with fruit character and a trace of sugar that varies hugely depending on the region in which it is grown Sauvignon Blanc – a dry white wine with distinct varietal flavour (melon, pineapple, tropical fruit) Semillon – a dry, crisp white wine Traminer – a fresh and fruity wine with a spicy smell and taste Common bottle size is 750 mls. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of wine/s, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the wines identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 63 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 41. Trainer Notes Trainer gives examples of red varietal grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon – an aromatic red with berry, mint, capsicum and blackcurrant highlights Malbec – a fruity, soft wine Merlot – another fruity and aromatic red reminiscent of plums, pumpkins and fruitcake Pinot Noir – a lighter style red, thin in taste and colour Shiraz – this grape produces fine full-flavoured reds that vary greatly from region to region; often blended Common bottle sizes are 200 mls, 750 mls and 1 litre. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of wine/s, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the wines identified on this slide. 64 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 42. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces generic wines stating: „Generic‟ is the term used to describe wines are made to a style, usually naming a European location as its origin, such as Hock, Moselle, Claret and Burgundy Generic white wines include: Chablis - a very dry, flinty wine Hock - a very dry white wine Moselle - a popular and pleasantly semi-sweet wine, less sweet than Sauternes Riesling - drier than Moselle: often described as fruity and has its fruitiness confused with sweetness Sauternes - produced from fully ripe grapes; a very sweet wine White Burgundy - a fairly dry white with full flavour Generic red wines include: Burgundy - a soft and fruity red wine Claret - a dry red with more astringency than burgundy. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of wine/s, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the wines identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 65 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 43. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces „blended wines‟ stating: • Blended wines, as the name suggests are made from two or more grape varieties • This may be done by a wine maker to create a unique taste, to mask a deficiency in one grape (such as lack of colour, lack of flavour) or because of economic necessity (some grape varieties are cheaper than others) • A blended wine is not to be seen as inferior to a straight varietal wine – it is just different. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: • Actual samples of wine/s, and/or • Texts books, and/or • Internet sites to illustrate the wines identified on this slide. 66 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 44. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces „sparkling wines‟ stating: • The word „Champagne‟ is now legally reserved for sparkling wine produced from the Champagne region in France • All other similar wines are called by the generic term „sparkling wine‟ • Sparkling wines may be made using one of four options, each producing vastly different quality products – see following slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 67 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 45. Trainer Notes Trainer lists the four main methods for making sparkling wine: Méthode champenoise – Naturally carbonated wine The traditional way of producing sparkling wine is using the French method known as „méthode champenoise‟, whereby bubbles naturally occur in the bottle as a result the fermentation process Many sparkling wines are made using this process and highly regarded around the world as outstanding of the champagne style even thought they are not by strict definition „champagne‟ This method is also called „méthode traditionelle‟, or „méthode classique‟. Carbonated or Injection method This is the cheapest and quickest method and the one producing the lowest quality sparkling wine The base wine is placed in a closed tank and chilled. Carbon dioxide is pumped in under pressure and absorbed into wine: cola and lemonade is made in the same way This method produces wine with comparatively large bubbles which disappear quickly in the glass. The wine may be called 'Carbonated wine'. Cuvee close, Charmat, Bulk or Tank method The base wine is pumped into stainless steel tanks, where yeast and sugar is added to start a second fermentation (the first fermentation has happened to get the initial base wine) 68 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides It is this second fermentation which puts the bubbles in the wine The wine is allowed to settle, filtered and transferred to another tank – still under pressure – where it receives a dose of sweetener/liqueur for the desired level of sweetness. Transfer method This represents a compromise between the Charmat method and the best, most expensive and most time-consuming method – méthode champenoise The secondary fermentation takes place in the bottle in the méthode champenoise way, and wines are also aged for a short while in the bottle The wine is transferred under pressure from bottles (after the secondary fermentation) to tanks where it is allowed to settle and is filtered: a sweetener is added while the wine is still under pressure and then it is bottled for sale The label will state 'fermented in the bottle'. Class Activity – Sample Sparkling Wines Trainer obtains sample sparkling wines for each of the production methods listed on the slide and: Discusses the labels on each bottle Pours a glass of each so students can see the difference Allows taste tests so students can experience the difference. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 69 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 46. Trainer Notes Trainer advises students on the different styles of Champagne: Non-vintage (N.V.) This is the most common style and is made from base of two to three wines every year to enable consistency of product The end product cannot be legally identified as coming from a specified year, hence the term N.V. Vintage This is a rarer, and more expensive wine made solely from wine of the one nominated year It is usually a better quality champagne Vintage champagne not made every year – it depends on grape quality and the season. Rosé This style may be made from leaving the grape juice in contact with the red/black grapes for a period so as the wine can pick up some colour from the skins (or some red wine may be added), white base wine prior to the second fermentation. Crémant 'Crémant' means 'creaming' The wine is a gently sparkling wine, giving the impression of creaminess, preferred by many especially with desserts. 70 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Blanc de blancs This wine is made exclusively from white grapes. Blanc de Noirs This wine is made only from red grapes. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 71 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 47. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses sweetness levels of sparkling wines: Sugar levels vary between brands so a brut in one brand may well not be as dry as a brut in another. The following is a general guide to sweetness/dryness: 72 Driest Extra brut Sweetest Doux. Brut Extra dry © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Sec Demi-sec Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 48. Trainer Notes Trainer explains Champagne is available in a range of bottle sizes: Champagne comes in half bottles (375ml) and full bottles (750ml) – some are also available in 200 ml bottles - as well as a range of larger bottles each with their own name Magnum – equivalent to 2 bottles: commonly used for parties. Other sizes usually reserved only for „special occasions‟ include: Jeroboam – equivalent to 4 bottles Rehoboam – equivalent to 6 bottles Methuselah – equivalent to 8 bottles Salmanazar – equivalent to 12 bottles Balthazar – equivalent to 16 bottles Nebuchadnezzar – equivalent to 20 bottles. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 73 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 49. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces „fortified wine‟ stating: Fortified wines are base wines which are strengthened or 'fortified' by the addition of grape spirit or brandy The addition of the grape spirit stops fermentation, increases alcoholic strength, adds sweetness, imparts keeping qualities, and in the case of port provides the brandy character – table wines need to be consumed within 2 days of opening but many fortifieds will keep for months after opening Fortifieds range between 17 – 22% alc/vol The standard industry size serve for a fortified wine is 60 mls. 74 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 50. Trainer Notes Trainer advises students fortified wines include: Sherries Served as an aperitif, sherries are available in: – Dry – which is often kept under refrigeration and served chilled – Medium – Sweet – Cream You can tell the difference between a dry sherry and a sweet sherry that are on a drinks tray because the sweet sherry is darker in colour Vermouths Ports Muscats. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of sherries, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 75 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 51. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses vermouths: Vermouth is a white wine that has been infused with various herbs, spices, flowers, fruits (depending on the manufacturer) It is available in red (rosso) often referred to as Italian, or white (bianco) which is also referred to as French It is used (or mixed) as a pre-dinner drink. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of vermouths, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 76 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 52. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses ports: White port is produced in the same way as other red port, with the same difference in production as the difference in production of red and white table wines - the time on skins is either far less, or non-existent. The final product in white port is usually much sweeter than the red port, even where the labels read 'dry' or even 'extra dry'. Ruby port is amongst the simplest and most inexpensive due to the fact that it is aged in bulk vats - not smaller barrels - and bottled young (after 2 - 3 years) after blending. It retains a deep ruby colour and a 'fiery' taste. Mulberry flavours are often traditionally associated with ruby wine. Tawny port gets its name from the tawny colour that port gets from its wood ageing and/or the use in tawny of a lighter base wine, or the blending of a red port with a white one. Vintage port is a port that is simple to make being made blended wines from the one vintage, yet is the most expensive in part due to the fact that only the very best grapes are used. Not every year will be a year when a 'vintage' can be declared. Despite being a fortified wine, vintage port has a limited shelf life: after opening it should be consumed within 2 – 3 days. Liqueur port is produced when after some time tawny ports become so concentrated (or liqueured) through evaporation through casks that their very nature has changed. The evaporation reduces the liquid volume but concentrates the sugar, colour and flavour present and results in a port of liqueur-like character. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 77 Notes and PowerPoint slides Alternatively, and more cheaply, a sweet white wine can be added to the tawny before bottling producing a vanilla/nutty flavour. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of ports, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 78 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 53. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses muscats: The name can refer to either grapes, or to the wine they make Muscat is a red dessert wine with a rich raisin taste and smoky characteristic The Liqueur Muscat is made in the same way as the natural liqueur port. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of muscats, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 79 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 54. Trainer Notes Trainer informs trainees about wine producing countries: Many countries have established a reputation for wine. Notable wine-producing countries include: Australia France Italy Germany New Zealand Chile South Africa Spain America – California, Washington Portugal. Class Activity – Internet Research Trainer directs trainees to view wine producing countries of the world and identify other countries which produce wine but are not listed on the slide. 80 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Websites may include: © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 81 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 55. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces trainees to „spirits‟: The type of wine used as the base dictates the spirit produced – grape wine for brandy; sugar wine for rum; grain wine for whisky, gin and vodka There are five basic spirits: Whiskey Rum Gin Vodka Brandy. Class Activity – Question & Answer Session Trainer asks students to identify brand names for the spirit types listed on the slide. 82 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 56. Trainer Notes Trainer tells trainees about „whisky‟: Whisky is distilled from grain (barley, rye, maize, cereal) made in either a Continuous or Pot still Whisky is produced in many with the four main ones being Scotch, Irish, Bourbon and Rye. Scotch Whisky There are two distinct types – malt and grain Blended together they make a third Blended version – the common whiskies such as Haig, Johnnie Walker and J & B are blends The standard blend is 60% grain to 40% malt Blending can involve up to thirty whiskies of different ages and from various distilleries making a standard blend Traditionally only the malt whisky from the Highlands was true whisky: malts are well liked by whisky connoisseurs who have personal preferences – a malt whisky is lighter in colour and smoother than other whisky. Grain Whisky Scotland's grain whisky is made from maize with malted and sometimes un-malted barley The product is light with no peat flavour © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 83 Notes and PowerPoint slides There is little demand for it to drink straight and it is primarily used for blending. De Luxe Scotch Whisky Is older and mellower with a blend age of seven to twelve years. Malt Whisky Is made from malted barley Malting consists of spreading wetted barley on a warm floor, so the seeds begin to germinate – this converts starch into sugar (maltose) To halt the process it is next dried at a hotter temperature using peat The peat fumes give the unique flavour. Popular brands of scotch include: Johnnie Walker – red label, blue label, black label, green label and gold label Ballantines The Famous Grouse Teacher‟s Grants Dewar‟s Black and White Vat 69 Chivas Regal Haig‟s Dimple Glenfiddich Single Malt 12 years old. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 84 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 57. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses Irish Whiskey and Bourbon and Rye Whiskies: Irish Whiskey Always spelt with an 'e' and is made basically the same as whisky with some variations. The base cereals may not be wholly barley, drying is by coal fire not peat, and stills differ in design. Examples of Irish Whiskey include: Jameson Paddy‟s Tullamore Dew. Bourbon and Rye Whiskies Bourbon is made in USA originating in Kentucky. Rye is made in USA and Canada. Both are produced from grain (mainly maize) distilled in a Continuous still, and aged in charred oak barrels. Bourbon is aged in cold warehouses, Rye in heated rooms: both are lighter than scotch. Popular brands include: Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 85 Notes and PowerPoint slides Jack Daniels Sour Mash Whiskey Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Cougar Bourbon. Canadian Club is a whisky and not a bourbon. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 86 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 58. Trainer Notes Trainer presents facts about „rum‟: Rum is distilled from molasses which is a by-product of cane sugar Rum is distilled by Pot or Continuous still and often blended It is aged in oak and caramel can be added for colour. Jamaican rum Known for highly-flavoured rums, but today light rums are distilled too with a trend for these. Barbados and Trinidad rum Both specialise in lighter, colourless rums. Popular brands Popular brands of rum include: Captain Morgan – spiced gold, dark, deluxe, white and gold Cougar Bacardi – white, black and gold. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 87 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or • Texts books, and/or • Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 88 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 59. Trainer Notes Trainer explains concept of „proof‟ spirits: „Proof‟ is another way of indicating the alcoholic strength of drinks. „Alcohol by volume‟ as a percentage is the more common way „Proof‟ is double the alcohol by volume figure For example, a product that is ‟80 proof‟ is 40% alc/vol. Class Activity – Samples Trainer shows class a variety of bottles/labels with different alc/vol and proof readings. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 89 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 60. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces facts about „gin‟: Gin is produced by rectifying a pure spirit with berries and botanical herbs – juniper berries and coriander seeds are the main flavouring agents, along with calamus root, cardamom seeds, angelica, orange and lemon peels, almond and orris root. London Dry Gin May be clear (like Gilbey's London Dry and Gordon's), or straw coloured (like Booth's) The most commonly asked for type. Sloe gin With an emphasis on the sloe berries used in its production. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 90 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 61. Trainer Notes Trainer presents „vodka‟: Is distilled from a base of grain or molasses and is highly rectified meaning impurities have been removed No flavourings are added, indeed charcoal is used to filter it and produce a clean and smooth spirit. Flavoured vodkas Polish vodka is also excellent, some varieties being flavoured with fruit or herbs Growing in popularity, flavoured vodkas can feature cherries, rowan berries, pears, cranberries, green apple, strawberries, raspberries, vanilla, oranges or lemons Popular brands include: Enistoff Karloff Finlandia Wyborowa Smirnoff Skyy. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 91 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 92 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 62. Trainer Notes Trainer looks at „brandy‟: Is distilled from grapes and is produced in nearly every wine growing region: it may be consumed neat but is popular with a mixer, or in cocktails Popular brands include: St Remy Hardy‟s Black Bottle. Cognac The most famous brandy is Cognac made in the Cognac region of France When drinking cognac, a nip is poured into a balloon glass of moderate size: the hand is cupped around the balloon and the cognac gently swirled, warming it and releasing its bouquet Popular brands are Courvoisier, Remy, Camus and Napoleon. Class Activity 1 – Brandy Balloon Trainer obtains cognac and range of brandy balloons and demonstrates procedures for serving and warming cognac. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 93 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity 2 – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 94 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 63. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses „tequila‟: Is a Mexican spirit ranging from clear to pale gold in colour True Tequila is made in the areas surrounding the city of Tequila Some bottles feature the classic worm in the bottle Tequila is made from Maguey cactus plants Popular brands include: José Cuervo El Toro Coyote. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of spirits, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites. to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 95 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 64. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses service of spirits: With spirits, there are several options available to customers They may order a full nip (30 mls) with a mixer in a short or long glass, or they may order a half nip (15 mls) with a mixer in a short or long glass Sometimes customers order a double (60 ml) but many venues have banned these due to Responsible Service of Alcohol concerns Drinks may be ordered with ice, or without ice Industry practice where the customer does not specify nip size, glass size or ice requirements is to prepare a drink comprising: A full nip Ice Long glass Guests may also order the spirit 'neat' – which means without any mixer, and without ice – or they may order it 'on the rocks' which means neat with the addition of ice. 96 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 65. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces common mixers (soft drink) used with spirits as follows: Gin – tonic water (Gin & Tonic; G&T), lemon squash (Gin Squash), bitter lemon, lemonade, orange juice: „Pink Gin‟ is gin with the addition of a few drops of Angostura bitters that have been swirled around the glass Brandy – dry ginger, cola, lemonade Whisky - dry ginger, cola Rum – cola Vodka – lemon squash, orange juice (Screwdriver), tomato juice (Bloody Mary). Class Activity – Demonstration Trainer shows trainees how to mix/make a range of drinks as identified on the slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 97 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 66. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces „RTD s‟ to students explaining: „RTD‟ stands for „Ready To Drink‟ and refers to the large and growing range of premixed drinks that are available in bottles and cans They may be spirit or wine-based Examples include: Bacardi Breezers Kristov Cruisers Canadian Club and cola Jack Daniels and cola Cougar bourbon – with cola; cola zero. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of RTDs, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 98 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 67. Trainer Notes Trainer presents basic information on a range of other alcoholic products as listed: Applejack Brandy distilled from the fermented mash of cider apples in the New England region of the USA The best is Pot distilled with a minimum maturation of 2 years in oak casks It may be bottled straight or combined with neutral spirits and sold as blended applejack. Aquavit Is the drink of Scandinavia and the word comes from 'aqua vitae', Latin for „water of life' Grain or potato is distilled to produce a neutral spirit which is then redistilled with caraway and other flavourings such as citrus peel, cardamom or anise Aquavit is served ice cold and as it is highly alcoholic it is usually served with food. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 99 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 68. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of other alcoholic products as listed: Calvados A brandy made from a mash of cider apples produced in the defined areas of the provinces of Brittany, Normandy and Maine The fermented mash is double Pot distilled and then matured in oak casks for up to 25 years, picking up colour and flavour from the wood. Eau de Vie These are true fruit brandies made by distilling the fermented mash of fruit They usually have a higher alcoholic content than most liqueurs and are dry to the taste and the majority are colourless because they are aged in glass. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 100 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 69. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of other alcoholic products as listed: Kirsch Originally double Pot distilled cherry brandy from the Alsace region in France. Kirschwasser German or Swiss cherry brandy. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 101 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 70. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of other alcoholic products as listed: Ouzo Aniseed flavoured spirit of Greece and Cyprus Quality ouzo made by double distillation of the basic spirit and then the addition of aniseed and other herbs before redistillation The better quality the ouzo the more milky it becomes with the addition of water. Pernod Origin is in Southern France. It was named after Monsieur Pernod who bought the recipe in 1897 The original recipe contained absinthe, however this was banned on 14th August 1914 for making men mad and vicious Pernod has a similar taste to ouzo and goes milky with the addition of water. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 102 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 71. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of other alcoholic products as listed: Poire Williams Eau-de-vie de poire is distilled from the pear known as Williams or Bartlett It is sometimes marketed in a pear-shaped bottle with a ripe pear inside. Slivovitz Plum brandy from Yugoslavia and other Balkan countries. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 103 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 72. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces „Liqueurs: Liqueurs are spirits flavoured with fruits, herbs, roots and plants, sweetened and sometimes artificially coloured Liqueurs are proprietary or generic Proprietary brands are those produced by a single company such as Grand Marnier, Cointreau, Tia Maria, and Galliano Generics are types of liqueurs that can be made by any company. As an example, Continental produce a range of generic liqueurs that includes Advocaat, Banana, Blue curacao, Butterscotch, Crème de cacao, Crème de menthe, Melon, Mint chocolate, Triple sec Many liqueurs trace their ancestry back to the monasteries where monks collected herbs and turned them into medicines: in fact, many do have digestive properties Liqueurs are made by soaking flavouring materials in a spirit – the number of flavourings is huge with Chartreuse having a hundred and thirty herbs, and Benedictine at least thirty Liqueurs may be mixed, used in cocktails or served straight. May be lit (set on fire) and served „flaming‟ Standard serve size for a liqueur is 30 mls. 104 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 73. Trainer Notes Trainer presents basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Advocaat A low strength liqueur, thick yellow and creamy from raw eggs and spirit. Anisette Sweetened version of Anis, a name that comes from the star anise plant. Apricot Made by macerating apricots with brandy. Bailey's Irish Cream Fresh cream blended with whiskey, neutral spirits, coffee and chocolate. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 105 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 74. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Benedictine DOM DOM stands for Deo Optimo Maximo – To God most good, most great It is a famous and popular golden liqueur with a complex, herb flavour. Chartreuse green and Chartreuse yellow Brandy distilled with numerous herbs: yellow is sweeter – but weaker. Cointreau Colourless liqueur of the Curacao family made by the Cointreau company. Clear in colour, orange-flavoured with a dry finish. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 106 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 75. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Crème de Bananes Sweet, banana-flavoured liqueur which can be consumed on its own, or poured over ice cream. Crème de Cacao Sweet liqueur made from cocoa and vanilla beans. Crème de Cassis Sweet liqueur made from blackcurrants. Crème de Menthe Sweet, mint-flavoured liqueur, available in either a clear or green colour. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 107 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 76. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Drambuie Made from scotch whisky, herbs and honey: sweet and golden. Grand Marnier Distilled oranges steeped in cognac. Irish Mist Liqueur Made from heather, honey and whiskey. Kahlua Mexican coffee-flavoured liqueur. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 108 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 77. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Curaçao Distilled from peel of bitter oranges Normally colourless but may be orange or blue using food colouring agents to achieve this. Jagermeister A bitter tasting liqueur made from herbs, roots and spices Recommended to be served from the freezer. Kummel Distilled grain spirit flavoured with caraway seeds. Maraschino Sweet liqueur made from cherries. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 109 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 78. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Midori Green, melon-flavoured liqueur. Parfait d'Amour (‘perfect love’) Sweet, highly scented, violet-coloured liqueur. Peach Brandy Peaches steeped in brandy. Royal Mint Chocolate Like a liquid after dinner mint. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 110 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 79. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on a range of liqueurs as listed: Sambuca Aniseed-flavoured liqueur – blue (deep blue/black), red or white/colourless Often served with three coffee beans in the glass. Strega Means 'witch' in Italian: features many herbs and barks of trees. Tia Maria Distilled from sugar cane and flavoured with Blue Mountain coffee. Van Der Hum South African cape brandy with tangerine (naatje) and a touch of rum. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 111 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 80. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces topic of „beer‟: Beer is available in draught and packaged form Draught beer is beer drawn through the tap from barrels or kegs Packaged beer is beer in large and small bottles and cans. 112 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 81. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on beer as listed: Beer production Beer is made by a process known as 'brewing' Precise times, temperatures and yeast type vary between breweries and brews The major production steps are: Barley is steeped in water and germinates It is dried by warm air and ground in the brew house It is then mixed with water to make a liquid called 'wort' The wort is boiled up with hops and sugar The wort is then cooled and the yeast added to start the fermentation process The beer is then clarified, stored and matured Finally it is filtered, packaged and despatched for consumption. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 113 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 82. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on beers as listed: A boutique beer is a beer that is not mass produced It is usually made by a small operator such as a pub brewery (sometimes referred to as a micro-brewer) Boutique beers may be domestic or international, with many boutique beers only being available in the premises where they were brewed, while others enjoy national exposure. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of beers, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites. to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 114 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 83. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on beers as listed: Commercially produced beer may be seen as beer that comes from commercial brewers others than boutique breweries These beers may be available in different alcoholic contents which are classified generally as: Standard strength – which is around the 4.9% alcohol/volume mark Mid-strength – around 3.3% alc/vol Light – about 2.2% alc/vol Low alcohol – 0.9%alc/vol These beers may be domestic or international. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of beers, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 115 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 84. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on beers as listed: A relatively recent addition to the beer market has been the introduction of citrus infused beers These beers may be infused with orange, lemon and/or lime. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of beers, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 116 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 85. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on beers as listed: Most countries now offer beers from many countries – at least in packaged form. These beers are in addition to the local brews. Popular imported beers include: Fosters – Australia Lowenbrau – Germany Beck‟s – Germany Fürstenburg – Germany König Pilsener - Germany Corona – Mexico Budweiser – USA Hollandia – Holland Heineken – Holland Miller – USA Maes – Belgium Chimay – Belgian Duvel – Belgian Asahi – Japan. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 117 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity 1 – Supply the Name of the Country Trainer asks trainees to supply the name of the country producing the beers listed on the slide. Answers appear above. Class Activity 2 – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 118 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 86. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on beers as listed: Most beer is consumed „neat‟ but some people prefer to add a little something to their beer, in order to get a different taste Beer variations include: Shandy – Beer and lemonade Beer with a dash – Beer with a dash of lemonade Lager and lime – Beer with a dash of lime juice Red eye beer – with tomato juice Black and tan – Beer and stout Half and half – Beer and stout Portergaff – Stout and lemonade Stout with a dash – Stout with a dash of lemonade Wedge of lime in neck of a Corona. There is a wide variation in sizes of beer glasses from 200 mls upwards. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 119 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 87. Trainer Notes Trainer provides information on non-alcoholic beverages as listed: Non-alcoholic drinks should be available in all liquor outlets to comply with general RSA principles. Non-alcoholic drinks may be hot or cold. Examples of non-alcoholic beverages include: Varieties of tea – black, semi-black, blended, green, scented Coffee – including all espresso-based coffees and the flavours that may be added Milk shakes and flavoured milks Smoothies Hot/iced chocolate Juices – bought-in and freshly squeezed juices. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of non-alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. 120 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 88. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present basic information on non-alcoholic beverages as listed: Cordials and syrups Waters – still, sparkling, flavoured Soft drinks – also known as aerated waters: either bulk „post mix‟ products or products from bottles or cans Non-alcoholic cocktails – known as „mocktails‟ Health drinks – including energy drinks Frappés Children‟s specialty drinks. Class Activity – Samples, Texts or Internet Trainer arranges for trainees to have access to: Actual samples of non-alcoholic beverages, and/or Texts books, and/or Internet sites to illustrate the products identified on this slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 121 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 89. Trainer Notes Trainer highlights the basis of doing any job properly is knowing what is required explaining all jobs have unique activities (or „tasks‟) attached to them and, in theory, if everyone does what they should then the mix of everyone‟s efforts will result in the intended objectives and outcomes for the business and good service to customers. General requirements Head waiter This role has the following responsibilities: 122 Organising staff for the room/dining session Creating a table/floor plan for individual sessions Conducting the staff briefing before each session Liaising with all service staff, guests and management Welcoming guests on arrival – known as „greeting and seating‟. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 90. Trainer Notes Trainer continues providing advice on general work requirements for Head Waiter: Overseeing activities during service to co-ordinate service duties, assist as required, deal with complaints, respond to issues as they arise Monitoring service standards – speed of service, waiting times, courtesy, service techniques used by staff, quality of products served Conducting de-briefings at the end of service sessions Making suggestions regarding changes to operational matters, recommendations for special events and advising in relation to optimising sales and service. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 123 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 91. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies general skills and knowledge required by food waiters: Setting up of the room – laying tables, preparing the room Greeting guests – on arrival („greeting and seating‟) Taking orders – for food Serving – which can involve: Plated service Silver service Semi-silver service Gueridon service Clearing tables Preparing and presenting accounts Class Activity – View Online Videos Trainer enables viewing of: „Silver service‟ at: „Gueridon service‟ at: 124 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 92. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to identify general skills and knowledge required by food waiters: Receiving payment – cash handling, processing charges and electronic payments, giving change Farewelling guests – on departure Stripping the room – at the end of service. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 125 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 93. Trainer Notes Trainer explains general job requirements for beverage/drink waiters: Setting glassware at tables before the session Taking drink orders Delivering drinks to the table Serving drinks including wine Making recommendations for drinks/wine to accompany meals. 126 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 94. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to explain general job requirements for beverage/drink waiters: Clearing glassware and empty bottles Preparing and presenting the beverage account: liaising with food waiter for presentation Processing the drinks account Farewelling guests Stripping the room in association with food waiters at end of session Assisting with designated cleaning duties. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 127 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 95. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses combined roles of food and drink waiters: The roles of the food waiter and the drink waiter may be combined into one in situations where: The property is small – and cannot afford to hire a separate food and drink waiter Management prefers the food and beverage service roles to be combined in to the one position – for example, management may feel that service flow for a table will be better if the one person provides the food service and the beverage service as opposed to having a separate person for each role The duties involved are a combination of the duties listed above for the „Food Waiter‟ and the „Beverage/Drink Waiter‟. 128 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 96. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses role of „runners‟: „Runners‟ provide a support role for the food waiter. Also known as busboys/girls. Their duties include: „ Running‟ dishes/meals from the kitchen to the waiter‟s station – for the waiter to serve Taking used/unwanted items from the room to the kitchen for either cleaning or storing Preparing butters and napkins prior to service Fetching extra things for a table/waiter as required during service Conveying messages between waiting staff and/or kitchen staff Dealing with spills. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 129 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 97. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies work requirements for bar staff explaining role involves: Prepares the bar for service by putting away stock, preparing/polishing glasses, cutting fruit, and preparing drink garnishes, fruit juices and cocktail requirements (gomme syrup, sour mix) Serves the beverages and mixes the drinks as ordered by the drinks waiter Serves customer direct – where bar service is part of the dining experience Accepts payment for drinks/wines served May be responsible for running the beverage accounts, finalising individual beverage accounts for payment and reconciling the beverage takings Orders stock to replenish supplies at the end of trading Cleans/tidies bar at end-of-trade. Specialist bar attendants are „Cocktail bar attendants‟ who specialise in the making of cocktails and generally also create new drinks and display a high level of „showmanship‟ in the discharge of their drink mixing tasks. 130 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 98. Trainer Notes Trainer advises trainees they can identify details of the job they have \been employed to do in the following ways: Formal documents These include Position Descriptions, Job Descriptions, Job Specifications and Job Analysis sheets. Where they exist they should: Set out the main activities each position is responsible for – which should provide a fairly comprehensive list of the activities for each role Name specific pieces of equipment that the person needs to be able to use – this may be a point of sale unit/register, or a hand-held ordering unit/system Describe the nature of any relationship that exists between the position and other positions Who the position reports to Other staff the position may be responsible for Date the document was created – and should be reviewed/up-dated. Many Job Descriptions usually contain a statement at the bottom of the list of stated tasks along the lines of “Any other work as required by management”. This is a catch-all statement that allows management to ask any staff member to undertake virtually any work that needs doing even though it may not be specifically spelled out in the main body of the document. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 131 Notes and PowerPoint slides Verbal advice from others Commonly a staff member will simply be told by experienced or senior staff about the work they are expected to do. This may occur as part of a formal Induction program or be part of learning on-the-job. The advice should: Identify what needs to be done Indicate when it needs to be done – and by when it needs to be completed Describe any standards that apply to the work Include any special house techniques that are approved or used for the work Detail any legal compliance issues that need to be observed. In many cases additional advice is given where actual practice by individual staff demonstrates they cannot/do not meet enterprise requirements. Formal on-the-job training Where an establishment provides formal on-the-job training, one of the first training sessions usually covers the requirements for the job you have been employed to do. Checklists Some properties provide checklists for staff to follow to assist them in making sure that all tasks have been completed as required for their role These may be posters/lists on walls in back-of-house areas. Class Activity – Handouts Trainer obtains, distributes and discusses documents as identified on slide. 132 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 99. Trainer Notes Trainer explains the hospitality industry in general and food and beverages in particular are a constantly changing landscape where new products, tastes, trends are constantly emerging and some products lose popularity and fade away. Trainer highlights this creates a need to stay for staff up-to-date with what is happening you need to use a mix of informal and formal research techniques to keep pace with these changes especially as they relate to the workplace. Research Research is the only way to develop and maintain product knowledge and you have to be proactive It is not usually the case information will seek you out – you have to take the initiative and seek it out. Informal research Informal research is not structured or formal. It almost occurs „by the way‟ as you do other things. Informal research occurs when you use workplace observation, or ask another team member or supervisor/manager about the product and services offered by the establishment and by your competitors It also occurs when you obtain information from catalogues or promotional and information material provided by suppliers, and product manufacturers Other informal research options are reading F&B articles in the local newspaper, watching F&B shows on the television, and reading books with information on food and beverages © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 133 Notes and PowerPoint slides You could become proactive and ask for verbal customer feedback on a particular product or service by (for example) engaging people in conversation as part of their eating/drinking experience You may also talk to the delivery driver who delivers your F&B products, or the sales representatives who call in at the workplace and notify the venue of new products and price rises, and who also take orders for F&B products. Formal research Formal research is more structured and planned than informal research. Examples of formal research include instances when you seek out further product information by: Enrolling in a recognised course at a school or training college Attending product launches and promotions conducted by growers, manufacturers and/or suppliers Attending seminars or industry nights where certain aspects/products are the focus of the session – and where you can grow your network of industry contacts • Included in this research is attending or participating in in-house training. Class Activity – Guest Speaker Trainer arranges for industry manager to attend and: List ways to stay up-to-date with industry and product knowledge Identify examples of formal and informal research Highlight the need for and benefits of staying up-to-date. 134 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 100. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces importance of customer feedback and workplace observation in relation to developing and maintaining product knowledge: Staff can learn a great deal about products and services by observing the workplace and obtaining customer feedback This information can also be used to evaluate products, services and promotional incentives offered by the establishment Observation in the workplace may include: Being aware of new products and services offered on menus and drink lists Being aware of product returns – that is being aware of which products are frequently returned, and finding out why Familiarising yourself with promotional displays and printed materials – so you understand the information the venue is providing to customers Speaking with other team members about the services and products they are familiar with – so you can benefit from their knowledge and experience Observing customers' reactions to a particular product or service – do they appear to like the new drink or not? Do diners seem happy with the new food items on the new menu? How pleased/displeased are they with the new/higher prices? © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 135 Notes and PowerPoint slides Class Activity – Excursion Trainer arranges excursion to workplace to: Observe F&B roles at work Talk to staff and management View facilities. 136 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 101. Trainer Notes Trainer states for any research, questioning or observation to be successful it must be done with one (or more) specific purposes in mind – there must be a definite idea of what needs to be found out. It is also good to know „why‟ you want to know this information. To obtain customer feedback the following have proved effective strategies to use: Ask a customer for their comments after they have bought, eaten or consumed a product/drink Seek written feedback by distributing „Customer Comment/Feedback‟ cards and encouraging customers to compete and return them – these cards can be written to request feedback on any topic of interest/concern to you Advise patrons (where applicable) of your online „Tell Us What You Think‟ feedback facility – and encourage them to provide feedback using this option Talk to customers – as part of their dining/drinking experience and ask them questions designed to elicit information about topics you want o find out about Observe customer reactions to certain thing – are they happy or unhappy about a certain aspect of service? Do they appear to like or dislike a new dish? © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 137 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 102. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies things about which knowledge should be developed and maintained: Current market trends – identifying new products, determining what is gaining in popularity and learning what is losing popularity/flagging in sales Local area products – this means knowing what is produced/grown locally and keeping in touch with developments in F&B produced by local growers and/or businesses: many tourists to venues are eager to sample the „local product‟ and you need to know what is local and what is not Seasonal produce – learning, for example which products are in season, and when fruit and vegetables come in, and go out of, season Enterprise menus and specials – talking to chefs and participating in tastings at work is essential so you can accurately pass on information to customers based on real-life, personal experience of the food/drinks Enterprise trends – you should to keep up-to-date with changes in customer needs, customer profiles (age; where they come from) and customer preferences as well as management plans for the property Current food and beverage festivals – so you know what you can attend, and so you can pass this information on to interested customers/tourists Promotional activities – to identify the Special Events that the venue is organising: so you can promote it to patrons. 138 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 103. Trainer Notes Trainer encourages trainees to share any new/updated F&B knowledge they have with other staff advising this can be done through: Informal sharing Examples of sharing information informally include: Talking to colleagues casually while at work or during work breaks Telling people in a random manner about the information you found out Replying to question by including the new information as part of the response. Formal sharing The following are ways you might formally share new F&B information you have discovered: Passing on information at a staff meeting Sharing what you know with other employees at daily briefing and de-briefing sessions Developing a written handout containing the information – and distributing it to other workers. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 139 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 104. Trainer Notes Trainer stresses need for trainees to identify features of F&B items which may have appeal for customers stating: They must be able to describe the special features of F&B items in order to: 140 Meet customer expectations – patrons expect you to know about this: they will rely on you to advice them, provide information and make recommendations/suggestions Optimise sales – the more you know about what you have to sell, the more likely you will be to make increased sales. Knowledge is not only power but it also usually translated into revenue and profit Enhance the customer experience – the more you can talk intelligently and professionally with customers, the more they will enjoy the experience and the higher the levels of satisfaction Increase the likelihood of extra business – the more you know and the better you can advise customers, the greater the likelihood of those customers returning for another meal/drink and the greater the chance they will tell their friends and family to come Meet management expectations – management expects all customer-contact staff to be sales people and product knowledge is the key to being able to do this effectively Demonstrate a focus on the customer and their dining experience – as opposed to focussing on (just) what the venue wants to sell/achieve. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 105. Trainer Notes Trainer advises features trainees need to focus on should relate to: The relationship between specific foods and beverages Knowledge of specific foods Knowledge of specific beverages Products sourced from the local area Enterprise menus, specials and trends. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 141 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 106. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses the need to consider the relationship between specific foods and beverages: You should develop knowledge about the foods on your menu and the beverages which work well together with them You should be able to recommend at least one generic „food and beverage‟ match/combination for every item on you menu Matches are commonly food and wine, or food and beer combinations Some venues: 142 List possible matches on their menus Have a poster behind the bar listing possible matches. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 107. Trainer Notes Trainer advises as a general statement trainees should learn about all the food items on their menus stating these menus may differ: Between meals – the lunch menu may be different to the dinner menu On days of the week – the food offered on weekends may differ to the menu items offered on week days Dependant on menu types – there is always a difference between menu items listed on table d‟hôte, à la carte and function menus. They should seek to find out about characteristics of dishes – which can include capturing details about aspects such as: Taste and aroma Consistency (tactile/in-mouth) of the product Special growing/feeding of livestock Cut of meat/part of the animal used Cooking style Time to prepare – or is the item already cooked and ready to serve? Service options – is the dish available just as main course, or can it also be served as an entrée? Is it available only for eat-in dining or can it be served as a take-away dish? Price © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 143 Notes and PowerPoint slides Serve size – how big is the menu item? Origin of: The ingredients in the dish – which are local, which are national and which are imported? The name of the dish – if the dish has a special name, what was the origin of that name? For example, how did „Monkey Gland Steak‟ get its name? Opinions (from experts and customers) – in relation to: Taste of the dish Value-for-money Cultural and dietary aspects – identifying those for whom the dish would be acceptable/suitable and those for whom it would not be. 144 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 108. Trainer Notes Trainer states knowledge about specific beverages should embrace: The alcohol strength for all alcoholic beverages The country of origin of products Prices – for individual drinks and full bottles/units Different (standard) serve sizes of drinks and packaged products Taste Colour Special characteristics – for example, the gold flakes in Goldwasser or the worm in certain tequilas Vintages available – for the wines Prizes/awards won by wines, spirits and beers Uses for wines, spirits and liqueurs (as applicable) – such as: Beverages which can be served „neat‟ Mixed drinks – knowledge of the mixers which can be used with spirits Cocktails Cooking or other food-related uses. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 145 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 109. Trainer Notes Trainer discusses the need to find out about product sourced from the local area: „Local‟ has two meanings in this context: The immediate region – any place which is close by The country in which you live – anywhere in the country can be referred to as „local‟ To help the local economy and promote local products you must identify: 146 Local wines, beers and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages Locally „processed‟ items Raw materials/ingredients/food/products grown or raised locally – including famous/well-known and items as well as specifically national products not commonly found elsewhere. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 110. Trainer Notes Trainer tells trainees they should strive to learn the following information about local products: Names of the products and their characteristics (flavour, appearance) Names of growers/providers and their location – and how to get there Quantities/packages available for sale to the public Whether there are customs restrictions on tourists taking these products out of the country Cost How they are/may be eaten or consumed Popularity of items with nationals/locals Basics of how items are grown or produced. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 147 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 111. Trainer Notes Trainer explains trainees need to know about workplace menus: Serve size Taste – „hot‟, „spicy‟, „creamy‟, „bitter‟ Which items are „fresh‟ and which are pre-prepared/frozen and reconstituted Dishes which are cooked and ready-to-serve – and the cooking time/waiting time for other items Items which may be served as main course and entrée Ingredients „ Cooking/preparation style Cultural and dietary acceptability. 148 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 112. Trainer Notes Trainer advises trainees about knowledge required in relation to Specials: Items available as part of the special deal – food and beverages When the special begins – and when it finished Cost Who is eligible for the special – the special may be available to everyone or only to nominated categories of people (such as tour group members; those attending a wedding) What makes the special, special – is it the special low price? Is it the great valuefor-money? Is it the dishes or drinks which are featured? © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 149 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 113. Trainer Notes Trainer addresses need to find out about local or venue-specific trends as this knowledge can be used to: Make recommendation about food and drinks Engage customers in conversation Demonstrate your professionalism in the industry and your job Further determine emerging trends – trends by their very nature are constantly changing. 150 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 114. Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 151 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 115. 152 Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 116. Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 153 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 117. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies for students the Performance Criteria for this Element, as listed on the slide. Class Activity – General discussion Trainer leads a general class discussion on student experience and knowledge about providing advice to F&B customers by asking questions such as: What food and drink combinations do you know of which are generally acceptable? What advice would you give/have you given to customers who wanted help with their food and drink choices? What are special food dishes of your workplace/country? What are special beverages/drinks of your workplace/country? 154 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 118. Trainer Notes Trainer states many customers will require help when choosing beverages to accompany their selected dishes highlighting it is part of the standard service by any outlet for staff to help customers choose a beverage to suit both their preferences and match appropriately with what they are eating. Trainer indicates advice about drinks to accompany food can be offered in response to enquiries, or offered as part of service provision without being asked explaining occasions providing an opportunity or need to advise customers in this regard include: Serving a customer at the bar who is thinking about having a meal Serving the customer at a table who has ordered, or is about to order, their food Greeting and seating the customer – by advising them of any Specials which may be available In public areas – where customers approach you and ask a question about the dining facilities available Taking a reservation or enquiry over the telephone – where customers make enquiries about what is on the menu and drink lists Responding to requests for room service to guest rooms When helping customers in a bottle shop/take-away liquor situation – by helping customers to choose a beverage to accompany a meal being prepared at home. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 155 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 119. Trainer Notes Trainer emphasises need to ask questions before making recommendations presenting basic questions which may need to be asked : Do they want an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink to accompany their food? Do they want a beverage they can share with others, or is the request for assistance just for them as an individual? If they want wine, do they prefer red or white wine? Do they prefer a still wine or a sparkling wine? What have they selected in the way of food? It is important to identify this in order for you to suggest an appropriate food and drink combination. Do they want to try something local? Many tourists/visitors are eager to try a local/national product specific to your country or region. Are they looking for a new experience or do they want something they know they like? 156 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 120. Trainer Notes Trainer highlights two important points to note when making recommendations: It is never acceptable to respond to the question “What do you recommend to go with the fish?” with “I don‟t know, I don‟t drink”, or simply “I don‟t know”. Even though you may not drink (alcohol), and despite the fact you might not have personally tasted all the beverages on the drink list it is your job to provide an intelligent response/suggestion to the patron You must understand your advice regarding suitable food and wine combinations will never always be acceptable to all people you provide assistance to. People are individuals and they may not like/prefer the suggestions you make. This is to be expected so never get upset with yourself or annoyed at the customers if they ignore your advice or express disbelief about what you have recommended. Accept their decision with good grace and, where applicable, make another suggestion. Class Activity – Demonstration Trainer demonstrates to students how to ask questions to patrons as part of the process of making recommendations for matching food and beverages. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 157 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 121. Trainer Notes Trainer identifies some basic suggestions for matching Western style foods with wine highlighting: These are only generic suggestions There is a great variation in wines of the same type from different countries and from different vintages There can be a significant variation between the tastes of the same menu item between different kitchens/venues. 158 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 122. Trainer Notes Trainer presents guidelines for matching Asian food with wine: There is less of a pleasing match of food with strong-flavoured reds White wines tend to be more acceptable than red wines There should be a preference for wines which complement the food, as opposed to „contrasting‟ the food – see next slide. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 159 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 123. Trainer Notes Trainer explains one way of matching food and wine is the „Complement or Contrast‟ approach as follows. ‘Complementing’ food and wine When complementing food with wine, try to select wines which will harmonise well with the dishes and their ingredients – general guidelines are: 160 Whites with fish, chicken, veal and pork Reds with dark meat Reds with cheese Delicate wines with delicate food Full-bodied wines with full-bodied food Sweet wines with sweet food Champagne or sparkling wine can generally go with anything and with any course as there are many, many styles of this type of wine. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 124. Trainer Notes Trainer explains „Contrasting‟ wine and food: „Contrasting‟ relates to selecting a wine which stands distinctly on its own when compared to the food being eaten and is viewed as a separate taste experience This approach seeks to distinctly differentiate the wine from the food, as opposed to creating a reciprocal/harmonious match with the food being eaten It is, however, best to apply the concept a style of wine goes well with a style of food and then fine-tune your selection from that point, taste-testing dishes and wines, and taking professional advice from wine experts. Class Activity – Local menu matched with wine Trainer presents a local food menu and wine list and shows trainees how the „Complement‟ and „Contrast‟ approach to F&B matches would work with these two lists. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 161 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 125. 162 Trainer Notes Trainer advises there is always the possible need to provide assistance to customers in their selection of food and beverage items. Tips on the general provision of assistance All information should be provided clearly and accurately/honestly Make sure you speak clearly, confidently and audibly You should provide assistance to customers at every opportunity – this assistance may need to be provided to regular customers as well as tourists/visitors who have never been to the venue before Often, customers will ask you for this help, but frequently – by observing customers, or listening to what they are saying – you can offer this advice before they ask for it, thus providing outstanding customer service Remember, not all those who need help will ask for it: it is part of your professionalism to be proactive in offering it If you are ever in doubt about whether to offer assistance: ask the customer if they would like some help. Never hold back on offering assistance simply because you are unsure about whether it is wanted or not You must bear in mind some people are too 'frightened' to ask, they may be in a strange town, they may in a different culture, or they may be amongst people who are speaking a different language In addition, customers may have had a bad day and feel if they ask for something, they will not get it anyway Or, they may have had a previous bad experience with service and feel asking anyone will simply be a waste of time: in these cases, your offer of help can turn a negative service situation into a positive one. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 126. Trainer Notes Trainer looks at providing drink-related advice stating advice may need to be given when: Customers are unsure about what they would like – sometimes regular customers come in and are bored with their normal drink, and want something a bit different The drink or brand they have ordered is unavailable – after apologising you must be able to recommend a suitable alternative It is a special occasion – customers often want „something different‟ to celebrate a special occasion. This may be a promotion at work, a new addition to the family, or they are having a birthday: suggest something really different to their traditional drink – Champagne or sparkling wine is a common choice for many You have a new product in stock – let the customers know: tell them what it is like, what it goes with, how much it costs, how strong it is, and so on The customer is feeling „off colour‟ or a bit low – you may want to suggest some refreshing style of drink, or a non-alcoholic alternative to their usual They are dining – see next section They do not want to drink alcohol, or they need to limit their alcohol intake – you have a moral and legal duty to assist patrons who do not want to consume alcohol, or want only a little. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 163 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 127. Trainer Notes Trainer advises there is a need (as identified earlier) to ask questions before advising customers – for example: Do they want a hot or cold drink? Do they want something alcoholic or non-alcoholic? Would they prefer a beer, a wine or a mixed drink? Have they tried your cocktails? Do they prefer a red or a white wine? Do they want a bottle or is just a glass their preference? 164 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 128. Trainer Notes Trainer tells trainees when they have determined customer preferences/wants/needs what they need it is useful if they can give them information about things such as: Taste, colour and aroma of the product – let them have a look at the bottle/product … perhaps a free small taste (if house rules allow this)? Whether it is imported or domestic – including identification of the country of origin: in some cases it is a „selling point‟ if it is domestic, and in others it is a „selling point‟ if it is imported How it may be consumed – give the customers some options about how they can experience the beverage: can it be served over crushed ice? Can it be mixed with a fruit juice or aerated water? Can it be made into a cocktail? The alcoholic strength – never guess at this (for responsible service of alcohol reasons): read it from the label Size of the drink, glass, can, bottle or carafe which can be served – try to match the size offered to the number of people in the party/at the table Any special points about it – mention industry awards it may have won, mention things like the worm in certain tequilas, any special advertising campaigns running for it, any competitions people can enter if they buy some of the product. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 165 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 129. Trainer Notes Trainer presents giving assistance with food stating: When describing items, make sure you make them sound appealing by using descriptive words like “succulent", “delicious”, “fresh this morning”, “made fresh this afternoon”, but make sure you are not misleading in what you say. If you know the steak is tough, then do not describe it as “juicy and succulent, melt in the mouth”. Items which may need to be covered include: Soup of the day – make sure you know the correct name and the ingredients. Is it thick? Thin? Fish of the day – what is the name of the fish? What cut is it (whole; fillet; steak; cutlet)? How is cooked and presented? Roast of day – what sort of meat? What type of joint? The vegetables for the session – How are they cooked? Sauces – what sort of sauces are available and what are they used on (Meat? Fish? Vegetables?) Many venues have a staff briefing before each service session where the kitchen advises waiting staff about the food, specials, and vegetables being served for the session – take notes to identify what is available. 166 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 130. Trainer Notes Trainer urges trainees to be alert to provide other assistance in addition to F&B items – for example: Carrying drinks for them to a table – where waiters are busy or there is a large number of drinks to be taken to a table Rounding up their children who may have gone wandering a little too far from the table – this helps provide „Wow‟ service Getting a copy of today's newspaper for someone who wants to read an article they have heard of Helping guests with luggage – in or out of the property Holding a door open – for guests/customers who are coming in or leaving Supplying nasal tissues to someone who seems to need them – without having to be asked Obtaining a street directory for the customer to look at if they are unsure about the local area Phoning a taxi if the customer indicates they want when Offering/getting some extra ice for a customer if they seem to have run out but they still have some drink left Going to another part of the venue to get a bottle of wine the guest wants, but which is not on the wine list in this particular area. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 167 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 131. Trainer Notes Trainer presents/recaps basics when responding to customer questions: All responses to customer questions about food and beverages must be answered: Courteously Correctly/accurately Honestly When responding you must: 168 Speak clearly Speak confidently Talk loud enough so people can hear you – without shouting. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 132. Trainer Notes Trainer highlights need to plan to answer questions: Many questions asked by customers can be predicted Prepare answers for these – they are often regularly occurring questions Realise effective answers to questions can differentiate service between venues When customers ask questions they are not being rude or showing ignorance. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 169 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 133. Trainer Notes Trainer reminds trainees in relation to responding to customer questions: It is part of your job to help customers by answering their questions – answering customer questions is not an additional task added to your Position Description you are being asked to undertake free-of-charge: you are being paid to answer customer questions Customer questions are not an interruption to your work – they are an integral part of it Never give customers the feeling their question is stupid or weird, or the answer should be „obvious‟ These notes have suggested you ask questions on several occasions so as you can provide the best service or advice, so why customers not do the same thing so they can optimise the enjoyment they get from their dining experience? 170 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 134. Trainer Notes Trainer supplies strategy for responding to questions asked by customers: Be polite Always address them promptly Never give the impression their questions is: A nuisance, an interruption or an imposition Stupid The one-hundredth time you have been asked the same question Smile when dealing with the question Give customers your full attention Give customers time – do not rush your response/explanation Ensure they understand your answer, directions or recommendations – ask if everything you have said to them is clear: ask if they have any other questions. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 171 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 135. Trainer Notes Trainer highlights trainees will never know the answer to all questions and when they do not know the answer they should: Apologise to the customer Tell them you do not know the answer to their question Tell them you will go and find out, ask the kitchen, ask bar staff or speak to management Do so – find out the required information Go back to the customer and pass on what you have found out. Class Activity – Demonstration Trainer demonstrates how to respond to a question where they do not know the answer. 172 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 136. Trainer Notes Trainer informs trainees can make special requests in relation to: Timing issues – such as customers/tables asking for their food to be served „as quickly as possible‟, or asking there is a gap of an hour between each course Cultural issues – some guests may ask for food and beverages to meet their cultural and/or religious needs Dietary requirements – see later slides Personal preference requests – in relation to serve size, extra amounts of certain foods, no sauce or no chips, a special way of cooking not listed on the menu, or the inclusion or exclusion of nominated ingredients from a dish How steaks are to be cooked – see later slide Entrées required as main courses – or main course meals requested as entrées. Always check with the kitchen or your supervisor before committing the venue to meeting these needs. Class Activity – Internet Research Trainer arranges for trainees to visit following websites, take notes and discuss: © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 173 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 137. Trainer Notes Trainer advises customers may make dietary-related requests as follows: Vegetarian requests – this is a common dietary-related request and can include: 174 Lacto-ova vegetarians/Ova-lacto vegetarians – these are the majority of „vegetarians‟: they eat dairy products and eggs but not meat of any kind (meat, poultry or fish) Lacto-vegetarians – they do not eat meat, poultry or fish: they do not eat eggs but they do eat dairy products Pescatarians – people who do not eat meat, poultry or animal flesh but do eat fish Vegan – this definition is open to various definitions so it is best to check exactly what the diner means when they say they are a „vegan‟. Generally a vegan can be seen as anyone who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs or dairy products and doesn‟t eat foods derived from animals (such as gelatine). The person may also ask they are served only raw/unprocessed foods, or foods which have not reached a temperature of above 46ºC (because they believe foods above this temperature have had some/most of their dietary goodness removed/be harmful to the human body. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 138. Trainer Notes Trainer continues to present examples of diet-related special requests: Requests for low-salt meals Requests for low-sugar/no sugar meals –for diabetics Requests for lactose-reduced milk – for those who are lactose intolerant Requests for gluten-free food – from patrons who have celiac disease Requests for a macrobiotic diet – for those who are especially health-focussed they will request unprocessed vegan foods, no oil and no sugar. Class Activity – Distribute and Discuss Menus Trainer obtains a range of menus with items suitable for a range of dietary needs and: Distributes same Asks trainees to identify relevant foods suitable for nominated dietary conditions/requests. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 175 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 139. Trainer Notes Trainer emphasises it is extremely important to make sure special requests relating to dietary issues and/or identified medical conditions receive extra/special attention and care as there can be severe consequences if these dietary needs are not met. These needs can be seen to include any situation where the customer/guest has mentioned they have special needs in relation to: Allergies Medications Health-related conditions –such as diabetes Specific diets which are mentioned. The consequences (such as the possibility of anaphylactic shock, increased blood sugar levels and other reactions diners may have to various foods or substances) can result in the property being sued where the health of the guest suffers as a result of being served a meal which does not comply with their stated requirements. 176 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 140. Trainer Notes Trainer explains the keys in relation to dealing with health-related special requests are: Always check with management or the kitchen to determine whether or not a specific stated dietary request can be accommodated or not Make doubly sure those preparing the dish know the specific dietary requirements which have been requested Never assume the kitchen can accommodate dietary needs of patrons – even if you have accommodated similar requests in the past Double check with the kitchen when you pick up a dish for service to the table – ask them if they have prepared the food as requested and obtain positive confirmation before taking the dish to the table Ensure appropriate emergency procedures are in place to manage situations where customers are adversely affected by foodstuffs while on the premises – these procedures may be included in the Emergency Management Plan for the premises and may include the procedures for providing first aid in the property and for summoning professional assistance. Class Activity – Guest Speaker Trainer arranges for suitable person to attend and discuss: Dealing with special food requests relating to health issues – venue practice; suggestions; foods served; dishes not provided; limits on what the venue can/does do Emergency protocols which are in place Refusing to take an order for a meal the kitchen/venue is not prepared to serve. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 177 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 141. Trainer Notes Trainer introduces possible cultural food-related needs: Jewish guests Jewish customers may wish to eat „kosher‟ food – meaning food deemed by them to be „proper‟ according to Biblical beliefs and laws A full understanding of kosher food is complex and the following notes are designed to provide an overview rather than a detailed study Kosher meat may only be sourced from certain allowed animals such as ruminants with split hooves, domestic birds (such as chicken and turkey) and fish with fins and removable scales All ruminants must be slaughtered by special slaughtermen according to Jewish law, and during food preparation, special other considerations must be observed such as ensuring that milk and meat are not mixed together Special requirements also apply to the equipment used (that is, making it kosher), including special cleaning techniques and resting periods between usage A limited number of establishments have addressed the needs of those seeking kosher food and provide all necessary prerequisites, supervision and requirements: they advertise their ability and capacity to provide these services and a web search will readily identify them. 178 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Muslim guests Muslims eat „halal‟ food – that is, food which is allowed or lawful Foods which are not halal are referred to as „haram‟ and these foods include pork (and its by-products), any animal not slaughtered according to special requirements, blood, carnivorous animals, birds of prey and animals without external ears Muslims may also not drink alcohol Any foods not obviously halal, or haram, are deemed „mashbooh‟ and should be avoided because of their uncertain origin/nature. Hindu guests Hindus have a great respect for food and the way it interacts with other aspects of day-to-day life While they are not total vegetarians, they do not each much meat as they regard the killing of animals for food as bad karma They generally shun spicy foods, mushrooms, garlic and onions but will eat other genuine vegetarian dishes which are not bitter, sour or salty. Class Activity – Presentation of Local Menus Trainer obtains sample local menus containing dishes which are suitable for a range of different cultural needs and identifies the menu items suitable for each identified culture. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 179 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 142. Trainer Notes Trainer tells trainees it is important to note on the order how the guest wants their steak cooked identifying degrees of doneness are: Blue – steak is seared on both sides then served Rare – steak is served when browned on both sides, and meat still contains blood Medium rare – steak has less blood than a rare steak, though blood is still just present Medium to well-done – steak is cooked all the way through, no sign of blood Well-done: steak is cooked very well – a little burnt on the outside and definitely no sign of blood. 180 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 143. Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 181 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 144. 182 Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 145. Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 183 Notes and PowerPoint slides Slide Slide No 146. Trainer Notes Trainer provides a recap of the Element asking questions to check trainee understanding and responding to questions from trainees, as required. Trainer thanks trainees for their attention and encourages them to apply course content as required in their workplace activities. 184 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Recommended training equipment Recommended training equipment Filing cabinets and supporting materials – manila folders; file boxes Computer with Internet access Telephone Sample menus and drink/beverage lists, promotional materials, tent cards Recipes – for menu items and drinks Workplace operational manuals, policies and Standard Operating Procedures Reference books – cooking, food, drinks, wine, cocktails Industry magazines – food and beverages Supplier price lists and catalogues – food and beverages Supplier information sheets – food and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages) Actual samples of new food and beverage items and ingredients Standard range of food ingredients and finished food products – such as appetisers, soups, meat, poultry, fish and seafood, snacks, cheese, pasta, noodles, vegetables, fruit, salad, pre-packaged food items, specialist food items, desserts Comprehensive range of alcoholic beverages – such as wines (red and white; varietal and generic; still and sparkling; fortified), beers, spirits, liqueurs, ready-to-drink (pre-mixed) beverages Comprehensive range of non-alcoholic beverages – such as dairy products, fruit juices, waters, aerated waters Sample Position Descriptions, Job Descriptions, Job Specifications and Job Analysis sheets for food and beverage staff Media articles on food and beverages/new products/new trends/new dishes List of local food and beverage events, promotions, shows, conferences, meetings, producers Promotional and information materials from food and wine growers, producers and suppliers List of local wines matched to local dishes © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 185 Recommended training equipment 186 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View Connect your laptop or computer to your projector equipment as per manufacturers‟ instructions. In PowerPoint, on the Slide Show menu, click Set up Show. Under Multiple monitors, select the Show Presenter View check box. In the Display slide show on list, click the monitor you want the slide show presentation to appear on. Source: Note: In Presenter View: You see your notes and have full control of the presentation Your trainees only see the slide projected on to the screen More Information You can obtain more information on how to use PowerPoint from the Microsoft Online Help Centre, available at: Note Regarding Currency of URLs Please note that where references have been made to URLs in these training resources trainers will need to verify that the resource or document referred to is still current on the internet. Trainers should endeavour, where possible, to source similar alternative examples of material where it is found that either the website or the document in question is no longer available online. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 187 Instructions for Trainers for using PowerPoint – Presenter View 188 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge Appendix – ASEAN acronyms Appendix – ASEAN acronyms AADCP ASEAN – Australia Development Cooperation Program. ACCSTP ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals. AEC ASEAN Economic Community. AMS ASEAN Member States. ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations. ASEC ASEAN Secretariat. ATM ASEAN Tourism Ministers. ATPMC ASEAN Tourism Professionals Monitoring Committee. ATPRS ASEAN Tourism Professional Registration System. ATFTMD ASEAN Task Force on Tourism Manpower Development. CATC Common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum. MRA Mutual Recognition Arrangement. MTCO Mekong Tourism Coordinating office. NTO National Tourism Organisation. NTPB National Tourism Professional Board. RQFSRS Regional Qualifications Framework and Skills Recognition System. TPCB Tourism Professional Certification Board. © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge 189 Appendix – ASEAN acronyms 190 © ASEAN 2013 Trainer Guide Develop and maintain food & beverage product knowledge