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Syntax-Directed Translation & Type Checking

• In syntax-directed translation, we attach ATTRIBUTES to
grammar symbols.
• The values of the attributes are computed by SEMANTIC
RULES associated with grammar productions.
• Conceptually, we have the following flow:
• There are two ways to represent the semantic rules we
associate with grammar symbols.
order in which semantic actions should be executed
– TRANSLATION SCHEMES explicitly specify the ordering of
the semantic actions.
Synthesized attributes
• Synthesized attributes depend only on the attributes of
children. They are the most common attribute type.
Calculating synthesized attributes
Inherited attributes
• An inherited attribute is defined in terms of the
attributes of the node’s parents and/or siblings.
Calculating Inherited attributes
id1, id2, id3
Dependency Graphs
S-Attributed example
Type Checking
• Language comes with type system
– Set of rules
– What types are there?
– Where do they appear?
• Compiler’s job
– Assign type expression to each component
– Determine that these type expressions
– conform to the type system
The purpose of types
• To define what the program should do.
– e.g. read an array of integers and return a double
• To guarantee that the program is meaningful.
– that it does not add a string to an integer
– that variables are declared before they are used
• To document the programmer's intentions.
– better than comments, which are not checked by the compiler
• To optimize the use of hardware.
– reserve the minimal amount of memory, but not more
– use the most appropriate machine instructions
What belongs to type checking
Depending on language, the type checker can prevent
• application of a function to wrong number of arguments,
• application of integer functions to floats,
• use of undeclared variables in expressions,
• functions that do not return values,
• division by zero
• array indices out of bounds,
• Languages differ greatly in how strict their static semantics is:
few of the things above is checked by all programming
Type Checking:
Dynamic and Static
• Type checking can be done dynamically for any language (i.e at
– compiler generates code to do the checks at runtime
• Better to do it statically (i.e. at compile-time)
• A sound type system eliminates the need for dynamic
• A language is strongly typed if compiler guarantees that
program it accepts will run without type error.
– Examples of strongly typed: Java, C#, Pascal, Ruby, Python
Rules for Type Checking
• Type Synthesis
– Builds the type of an expression from the types of
its subexpressions
– Requires names to be declared before usage
• Type inference
– determines the type of a construct from the way it
is used
Type Conversions
• Type conversion rules vary from language to language
• Explicit type conversion
– Must be done by the programmer
– Called cast
• Implicit type conversion
– Done automatically by the compiler
– Called coercions
– Widening (used most often) vs narrowing