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Energy Sources & Chains Worksheet

NAME: ________________________________________________
DATE: ____________________
Examine sources of energy and energy chains.
Read the following paragraphs and use the information to complete task (a) on
the next page
Hydro Energy
As a renewable energy resource, hydropower
is one of the most commercially developed. By
building a dam or barrier, a large reservoir can
be used to create a controlled flow of water
that will drive a turbine, generating
electricity. This energy source can often
be more reliable than solar or wind power.
Hydropower is non-polluting, but does have
environmental impacts. Hydropower facilities
can affect land use, homes, and natural
habitats in the dam area.
Coal is a black or brownish rock. We burn coal
to create energy. We mine coal out of the
ground so we can burn it for energy. There
are two ways that we can mine coal:
underground mining and surface mining. Coal is
a reliable source of energy. We can rely on
it day and night, summer and winter, sunshine
electricity. However, when coal is burned, it
releases many toxic gases and pollutants
into the atmosphere.
NAME: ________________________________________________
a) Fill in the table below with the information from the text.
DATE: ____________________