Error analysis in the performance of translating (from English into Romanian and from Romanian into English) by machine translations Abstract: Google Translate, Bing Translator, Linguee, and other machine translations have been in the centre of attention in the last decades, as the lack of time, the phenomenon of globalization, and various other reasons brought about the need to create an efficient and accurate system of automatic translation. Error Analysis, the branch of applied linguistics, is generally recognised for two main roles: to investigate the process of acquiring the native language or a foreign one and to bring remedial actions in the process of learning from the perspective of the learner and of the teacher. However, the practical justification proposed for the study of the errors is not only to bring efficiency and progress in the field of pedagogy, but also in translation. This area is still to be unexplored, and few researchers approached the errors of the machine translations for Romanian to English and from English to Romanian. In this paper we will present an error analysis of the system used for these languages. Keywords: error analysis, contrastive analysis, machine translation, evaluation of machine translation, computational linguistics Introduction The concept of error analysis was coined by Corder (1981) in the belief that “a good understanding of the nature of error is necessary before a systematic means of eradicating them could be found”. We propose to reveal the importance of the error from perspective of machine translation, concentrated on two translation directions: Romanian into English and English into Romanian. Corder (1967), Selinker (1972), Krashen (1982), Ellis (1985), Cook (2008), and other researchers defined error analysis, identified and classified errors, stressing the important role of the error in the approach of foreign languages. Koponen (2010) and Stymne (2011) followed their models of implementing the strategy of error analysis in the assessment of machine translations. The machine translations are now able to provide translations of words, but also of phrases or sections of texts. They can translate by carrying out the adjustments necessary in order to give a “natural” translation. The best appropriate translation pattern is given by SMT (Statistical Machine Translation). That is a machine translation paradigm, whose parameters are bilingual text corpora, reason why the quality of its services depends on the human translated texts, according to Karami (2014). In his works, Karami describes about Google machine translate history, presents methods, techniques and strategies, and decodes algorithms used in the machine translation process. The motivations that led us to choose this topic are multiple. There are various researches about error analysis and similar concepts that belong to the field of applied linguistics, such contrastive analysis, interlanguage. There are numerous studies about machine translation, the statistical machine translation system. Nevertheless, few works have dealt with studies where types of translation errors are examined, where explanation for the sources or the causes of errors are given. The objectives of this research are to identify and classify types of translation errors given by some machine translations, such as Google Translate, Bing Translator, and Linguee, The results of this study would be used to improve the quality of translation from Romanian into English and from English into Romanian. The data will be collected from 100 systematically selected structures from machine translations. They will be classified, evaluated, and analysed, by taking into consideration the direction of error analysis, translation studies, and machine translations systems’ researches. Conclusion: What this paper attempts to do is to reinforce the study of Error Analysis in the process of improve the machine translation. By proving insights about systematic deformations in translation, the paper highlights the interference, traceable source of errors in order to contribute to the quality of translating from Romanian into English and from English into Romanian by machine translations. The main concern of the paper is to analyse in more details the errors identified in the process of translating from Romanian into English and the opposite, in order to provide a contribution to the improvements of the machine translations in this particular context. 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