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Future Perfect Vs Future progressive

Future Perfect Vs. Future Perfect Progressive
Future Perfect: WILL + HAVE + P.P.
The future perfect is formed with the future modal will, the base verb have, and the past
participle of the main verb. It is used when you think the first future action will finish
before the second future action. The following diagram will help illustrate this to
your students:
Make sure you point out that a simple present verb is used in the dependent clause, so
students need to be careful of the subject (the verb will end in -s for the following
subjects: she, he, it, a singular count/countable noun, and a non-count/uncountable noun).
Future Perfect Progressive: WILL + HAVE + BEEN + -ING VERB
The future perfect progressive is formed with the future modal will, the base verb have, the
past participle been, and the -ing form of the main verb. It is used when you think the first
future action will continue until the second future action. The following diagram will
help illustrate this to your students:
Again, a simple present verb is used in the dependent clause, so students need to
determine if the subject requires an -s ending.
Note: If you want to elaborate for more advanced students, you can explain that the future
perfect progressive is formed by combining the future perfect (will + have + p.p.) plus the
basic progressive pattern (be + -ing verb). Since the past participle of the Be verb is been,
you get will + have + been + -ing verb. Also note that have will never be has (no matter what
the subject is) because it is always modal + base verb.
Comparison Chart
To compare the two verb tenses and show your students examples, use the
following verb chart.
This information has been taken from the following source: