May 2020 BSBMGT502 Manage People Performance NIXON GIOVANNY PARRA ARAQUE – 820279 Macquarie Institute Sydney Table of Contents Task 1 – Develop KPIs and Evaluate Performance: Activity ………..Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Task 2 – Essay: The Future of Performance Management Systems…………………Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Task 3 - Develop a Performance Management Plan ………………………. ………….8 TASK 1 Develop KPIs and Evaluate Performance: Activity In this assessment task, you and a partner will assume the role of manager and employee respectively. As a manager, you will be required to assign a small practical task to your employee. In consultation with the employee (role play); complete the following; ▪ Explain the task and arrange a meeting ▪ Brief the employee on the task (task to be performed by the employee) ▪ Convey performance expectations ▪ Discuss how the performance will be evaluated ▪ Develop KPIs (mutually agreed) The task should be a do-able task that can be performed in the class. The trainer/assessor will allocate time such that the rest of the class can be an audience when the tasks are performed. Ideally, the tasks should be enough to be completed within 15 minutes. Some of the examples of the task include; ▪ Making a cocktail ▪ Teaching a yoga technique ▪ Origami ▪ Performing a computer based task ▪ Playing an instrument ▪ Researching and presenting information Tasks should be interesting enough to generate interest of both the participant (employee) and the audience. Ensure that you provide the participant enough time to practice the task before performing. For large classes, the trainer/assessor will have the flexibility to organise the practical sessions on different days as suitable according to the schedules. Overall, you will; ▪ Develop and assign a task to a classmate (role-play) The chosen activity will be preparing a new cocktail for one of the best pubs in the city. The manager has chosen one of the new bartenders to try this new recipe. This venue is one of the busiest during the whole year which gives to this task and extra bit of difficulty because he must remember all the ingredients perfectly, do it in a fashionable way and give and outstanding performance while preparing it to the many customers that attend every day. Student 1.- Manager (Mark) Student 2.- Bartender (John) ▪ Provide written instructions (email or hand-written notes) Before the trial of the new recipe the manager decides to send an email with general information of the pub, safety and cleanliness procedures as well as an overall look into the full cocktail’s menu. Along with all that information, the new recipe and all the procedures have been presented as the next mail draft shows. “Hi John in the next attachment you’ll find all the information regarding the new recipe that we will be trying next week. Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions. Kind regards. 1.- Make sure that you have washed your hands before you start, as well as all of the implements to be used and the area where you are going to work. 2.- Double check all the ingredients of the recipe, in order to have everything you need prior to start. 3.- Bring all the implements close to you so you don’t need to be running from one place to another to find the shake..! 4.- Put on a big smile and let’s start the show. 5.- Prepare the recipe accordingly, make sure to use the right ingredients and the correct measurements for each one of them. Mix. 6.- Make sure to provide a fresh and fun presentation for the cocktail. 7.- Try it. 8.- Share your thoughts on the flavour and presentation. ▪ Develop KPIs for the task 1.- Order fulfilment time.- (Employee time / Average time) x 100 OFT = (12.25 min / 7 min ) x 100 = 150 % OFT > 100% needs practice. 2.- Percentage of errors.- ( # errors / #steps to be performed ) x 100 % errors = ( 6 / 15 ) x 100 = 0.4 x 100 = 40% % errors > 10% needs training 3.- Wastage.- 100 – ( # cocktails done / # cocktails calculated per bottle ) x 100 % wastage = 100 – ( 6 / 8 ) x 100 = 100 – 75 = 25% % wastage < 30% good job 4.- Customer satisfaction rate.- average satisfaction rate CSR = 90% overall satisfaction CSR > 80% great job ▪ Develop a performance evaluation sheet (form) 1 SIMPLE PERFORMANCE REVIEW EMPLOYEE NAME John DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE ID POSITION HELD Bartender LAST REVIEW DATE 1 Bar staff REVIEWER NAME Mark REVIEWER TITLE Manager - TODAY'S DATE 8/6/20 CHARACTERISTICS QUALITY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY GOOD Works to Full Potential EXCELLENT X Quality of Work X Work Consistency X Communication X Independent Work X Takes Initiative X Group Work X Productivity X Creativity X Coworker Relations X Client Relations X Technical Skills X Dependability X Punctuality X Attendance X GOALS ACHIEVED GOALS SET IN PREVIOUS REVIEW? GOALS FOR NEXT REVIEW PERIOD Improve communication with the rest of the team as well as preparation techniques. COMMENTS AND APPROVAL COMMENTS Deliverables are always of a great quality, John is an overall good employee. Needs training regarding relation techniques to perform better under pressure. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE REVIEWER SIGNATURE ▪ Evaluate performance using a performance appraisal sheet 2 EMPLOYEE NAME John DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE ID POSITION HELD Bartender LAST REVIEW DATE Bar staff REVIEWER NAME Mark REVIEWER TITLE Manager - TODAY'S DATE 8/6/20 Rating Scale : 1.- Unsatisfactory or poor performance.- Performance does not meet the require standards. Major improvements needed. 2.- Fair performance.- Performance partially meets the require standard. Less than satisfactory could be doing better. 3.- Good or average Performance.- Performance has meet require standard. Can perform duties with minimal supervision. 4.- Very good or outstanding performance. Perform exceeds the required standard. PERFORMANCE COMPETENCY For each performance item listed within competency bands, please select the evaluation most suited. PERFORMANCE COMPETENCY 1 2 3 4 Job knowledge X Quality of Work X Productivity X Attendance X Relations with others X Commitment to safety X Overall appraisal rating TOTAL 2 X 0 0 15 8 COMMENTS Overall score = 23 / 32 = 72% Score over 70% relates a good employee. Some skills are still to be developed. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE REVIEWER SIGNATURE ▪ Provide feedback to the participant – including any development needs (skills, knowledge etc.) The employee showed an overall great skill set to perform the job. There are some areas to improve like techniques while mixing the ingredients, this techniques need to be corrected in order to improve times and wastage control. There is another area of improvement to be taken into account that is team work, during the performance the employee should have relied onto his teammates to perform some secondary tasks during the preparation. ▪ Keep all the paperwork and submit for marking TASK 2 Description: Performance management systems are described as key tools to transform people's talent and motivation into a strategic organisational advantage (Herman A., 2009). Performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organisation. In recent times, there has been a debate of efficacy of Performance Management Systems with some scholars questioning the real purpose and applicability of the PM process. You will be required to write an essay on the topic, “The Future of Performance Management Systems” drawing from existing theories and models of Performance Management, current issues and challenges identified in literature and your own view of the benefits and sustainability of performance management systems in a rapidly changing workplace environment. The essay must be written in your own words and appropriate referencing and citation must be used in all external references (preferred: Harvard referencing system: Your trainer/assessor will provide you with referencing guidelines. There is no specific structure of essay but it will be expected that you will present your essay with at least three identifiable sections; Introduction, body (main headings) and conclusion. The essay must contain sources/references from a wide range of publications including books, magazines, journals and online resources. Only online references will not be accepted. In an event where a book or a publication is accessed online or an electronic format, it should be appropriate referenced using the referencing guide. The essay must contain your own views on the topic and not just the review of the literature. The contents must be coherent and presented in a logical sequence (not just copy and paste from various sources) leading to a conclusion. In your assessment, include the legislative environment, performance-based award systems and employee motivation within a PM system Word Limit: 1500 words The Future of Performance Management Systems The next steps for performance management systems within the workplace seems to be bound for major improvement. Due to the workforce is key in any industry, it is important to develop new ways of communication between managers and workers in order to ensure satisfaction in both parties. According to the experience of traditional performance management to create a true system for managing it is required flexibility, communication, and focus on the organisation needs. Not only the need to improve channels to obtain a more accurate assessment has been noted, but also due to new technologies implementation and the increasing need to share and receive information in real time it becomes undeniable that the cycle between assessments has to be reduce. For this reason waiting for a yearly appraisal to address achievements or major failures seems to be extremely long. On one hand the actual procedures to obtain a performance appraisal seems to be extremely inaccurate because of a lack of continuous assessment, which brings to an easily discourage workforce3. This happens when in various episodes an important achievement has been overlooked and probably forgotten for when the review time comes. For this reason it is important to develop better performance management systems in terms of acknowledge properly the good or bad behaviour of every worker involved in a certain activity. Along with this is is also important address the amount of stress that this reviews could cause on every member of the team. As an example of this, many Japanese companies use a long stablished performance management custom, giving their workers an extremely dangerous fear of failure when appraisal times come as well as a fairly known work overload . This kind of old fashioned systems push their workers to an irreparable edge sometimes resulting in alcoholism, poor work life balance or even suicide attempts. As serious as it is in Japan4 probably it is not the same for other companies around the world. Even though it is important to have a closer relation between worker and manager, sharing feedback to ensure a continuous improvement along the way and also making sure that the workforce is being properly encouraged by providing all the safety mentally and physically for each member of any team. On the other hand the need to align the employees deliverables with the company objectives it is also a very important milestone to achieve a sustainable performance management system through time5. Many objectives and procedures of different companies are outdated and do not represent the reality regarding the technology advances and new environmental initiatives as well as new procedures. For this reason it is important to clearly state in specific terms the output and attitudes expected of employee to achieve a certain outcome. It is also mandatory to have an overall review on the procedures of the company to make sure it is still outlined with the employee expectations regarding time frames, quality and quantity of the workload. An example of this might be after the COVID 19 hit around the world all of the delivery companies had a normal operation, but after the pandemic, the usage of this services increased potentially, not only for electronics or clothes, but also for essentials as goods and medicines on a daily basis. Pushing companies to update their operations procedures, their online systems capability but specially and the most affected area was the customer service support. Due to social distancing in many countries the call centres used for this purpose where no longer in use, and many of them are even definitively closed. Creating an extra workload on 3 4 5 d_Challenges the employees as they have to use their own resources and sometimes even extra hours to finish the same activity. This new normality must also impulse a review on the performance management systems and indicators to adjust to this many changes and do not have a wrong qualification of employees that have not meet the standard criteria of the company. In conclusion to develop a sustainable work performance management system it is mandatory to improve the tools and techniques that are actually in place. To achieve that it is important to observe and assist performance by watching attentively as the plan puts in action and intervene where and when necessary to ensure compliance. Also evaluate performance in a continuous way during task execution as well as assess outcomes. Interact and positively review constantly discussing performance, sharing observations, requesting employee feedback and jointly innovate on how to improve in the future. TASK 3 In this assessment, you will be required to develop a performance management plan for a fictitious company. You may also take an example of your current or previous workplace but must produce your own work (use of existing organisational documents will be considered as plagiarism). However, some references can be used with appropriate citation and referencing. Your trainer/assessor will provide you with referencing guidelines. Develop a performance management plan that includes; ▪ Executive summary Buy n’ Ride is a company that has been developed to meet a gap in the market in this city. There has been many business dedicated to online shopping but not to the extend an detailed catalogue of our company, for this reason in the first year of the company the acceptance of the customers and the market capture has been rising since its first delivery where done. At this time the CEO of the company has approved the development of a performance management plan to improve the overall conduct of the company. Improve net revenue, customer satisfaction and reduce employee attrition. The most important asset of a company is always its people, we make proud of ourselves to have employees with proper life-work balance, competitive rates, growth opportunities and a safe workplace culture. Therefore the success of our company, it depends of every single member of our team to keep having this outstanding grow and this plan is meant to be the tool to make sure that this becomes a reality. After three months period the results of this plan has been extremely positive and an overall acceptance from our employees and team members. After this plan was put in place the company met its expectations in the following areas: - Customer satisfaction increased to a steady 97% - Average returns where reduced notoriously and the acceptance increased to a 85%. This item still needs to be improved. Actions are already being attempt to improve. - Time management has been the major improvement of this plan achieving an outstanding 93% exceeding our expectations. For this reason a reward program will be implemented in the next steps of this plan. - The reduction of the carbon footprint in the operations process has been a number one priority for this company. To achieve that the company has switched the packaging to a sustainable material achieving a reduction of 70%. For this matter there is still the need to take further actions to keep the reduction and met the expectations for the next two review periods. ▪ PM aims and objectives This performance management plan aim is to provide a continuous improvement in the operation of the online purchase and delivery chain in terms of net revenue, customer satisfaction and employee overall performance. It has been developed entirely with the compliance of each manager and employees. The goals stated in this plan are going to be used to evaluate the performance of the employees at the end of every three month period along the current financial year. - Customer satisfaction.- the use of this metric its fundamental for many companies and is based on the average rate that a customer provides after each purchase/ delivery and return/refunds. Achieve and average customer satisfaction of 95% of the enquires. - Management.- assess each branch performance measure in terms of team’s goals. Each branch will be responsible of reducing return of wrong or damaged delivered products. The acceptance rate will be of no less than 90%. - Time management.- reduce time of delivery. Improving shipping time of each shopper by providing a detailed quadrant map to easily identify products on every aisle of the supermarket. Divide the area of each branch into specific quadrants and assign a more dynamic and reachable route to each delivery partner. This metric will be measure in terms of improving efficiency of delivery times from an actual 65% to a 85% by the end of the period. - Sustainability.- As part of our green initiative the company will be replacing as much as possible plastic packaging for paper bags. Reduce the delivery’s process carbon print within 50%. - Human Resources.- measure employee satisfaction by team and aggressively communicate this information to the entire organization to encourage managers to improve employee retention. Reduce attrition to less than 5% for high performers. ▪ Key business processes (target performance areas) 1.- On-time shipping.- ( Within the limit / total shipped) x 100 OTS = ( 130 / 200 ) x 100 = 65% OTS needs 20% improvement. 2.- Order accuracy.- ( #perfect orders / total orders ) x 100 % accuracy = ( 160 / 200 ) x 100 = 80% % accuracy needs 10% improvement 3.- Attrition rate (period of time ).- ( #employees left / average # employees ) x 100 % attrition rate = ( 4 / 16 ) x 100 = 25% % attrition rate needs to be reduce by 20% 4.- Customer retention rate.- ((CE – CN) / CS )) x 100 6 CE = Number of customers at the end of period = 300 CN = Number of new customers acquired during period = 75 CS = Number of customers at start of period = 250 CRR = ( ( 300 – 75 ) / 250 ) x 100 = 90% ▪ PM framework (the PM need and how it will be addressed; what, why and how) The performance management framework is the core of the plan because it gives managers the framework, support and tools with which to make a systematic, continuous improvements to the overall service delivered to customers. It supports the achievement of better outcomes for customers by providing an accountability of the actions of each team member on every step of the chain. By using the key performance indicators it is possible to define a desired performance vs the actual performance and identify the gap between them and the limits where this indicators should be. The focus of the indicators is the employee performance relating to time management, employee satisfaction and efficiency based on these it will be possible to improve customer satisfaction. 6 After this first assessment it will be possible for the managers to identify the root or cause for the gap between the performance acceptance and the actual performance rates. One of most important reasons that this plan will identify is the lack of proper training and continuous mentoring for every employee. The best way to close the performance gap is to develop better training and mentoring programs throughout the period to ensure that at the end the goals are being achieved. By implanting this programs the employees should be able to improve time management and fulfil the required time frame for each delivery, resulting in an increase of employee efficiency as well as customer retention rate by providing and accurate and on-time order. ▪ Key PM Approach and tools (e.g. balanced score card approach) ––– BUY N’ RIDE ––– CUSTOMER FINANCIAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Increase company profitability Optimize revenue and expenses Maintain high levels of customer satisfaction Increase customer profitability KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS % Net profit margin TARGETS INITIATIVES CURRENT INTERVAL NEXT 7% T 12% $ Net cash flow 22.101 M 24 $ Sales to date 30.564 T 35.05 $ Cost per ride 0.24 M 0.12 32% T 50% % Only one order rate 16% M 10% $ Revenue per client 300 M 350 12 M 5 % Survey excellent score $ Average new customer acquisition cost PROGRAMS N/A Begin customer rewards project Project to train employees on new customer rewards BUDGETS N/A $5,000.00 initiative 0.5 hour per employee INTERNAL PROCESSES Build and improve the customer network Increase shoppers expertise Improve service delivery Build a culture that encourages innovation LEARNING Nurture highperforming employees # New customers 315 M 350 % Market share 6% T 10% Average order fulfilment time 315 M 350 % Scheduling adherence 6% T 10% 9 M 7 % Active projects running on time 75% M 85% and on budget 50% M 55% # Employee engagement index 27 T 40 # Ideas received for new/improved service from employees 25 M 25 75% T 85% 9% M 5% 15 M 18 % Processes optimized % Employee satisfaction % Employee turnover Continuously improve skills and competence # Training hours per full-time equivalent % Employees meeting professional development requirements 72% T 85% Training for shoppers Review the service delivery process 0.5 hour per shopper 5.0 hours manager Ask for and reward employee ideas that improve processes Write up employee innovations in the company newsletter Determine bonus structure for successive years of service Group to decide rewards for completed training programs $25/idea, $500/success idea Groups: 5 hours manager 1 hour manager ▪ Performance planning and risk assessment PERFORMANCE PLANNING During the period of the PIP the employee will be monitored to assess if appropriate improvement is being made. If the expected outcomes are not achieved/improvements attained more formal action may be initiated under the relevant procedure. 1 Name of employee John Job title Delivery Partner. Department Operation Date of Initial Meeting 08/06/2020 Name(s) of other attendee(s) All the members of the group Duties & Improvement Expected Support & Required: Outcome/Measurement Dependencies Improve delivery times Daily: Update delivery route and HR will have a close look once the route has been register delivery times. to this issue Manager to chosen. Have handy the review daily route spreadsheet. Time Management: deliver closer destinations first. 2 Improve communications Weekly: Review outcomes with all Manager will work closer with the rest of team. the members of the team. . with the employee to Maintain a cordial make sure the standards communication and with are being accomplished. the team members. Review Date: Met/Not Review Date: Met/Not 16/06/2020 Met/ 23/07/2020 Met/ Partially Partially Met 1 Delivery times have slightly Partially improved 2 Met Not met Delivery haven’t times haven’t improve since last review Communication with other Partially team members have had a Communication with other team Not met members has become aggressive. small improvement After two reviews have been conducted the employee will be removed from the company for not having met any of the goals that were expected to be improved. Proper procedures will be put in place to remove the employee from its duties. RISK ASSESSMENT MATRIX LOW RISK RATING KEY MEDIUM HIGH EXTREME 0 – ACCEPTABLE 1 – ALARP (as low 2 – GENERALLY 3 – INTOLERABLE as reasonably UNACCEPTABLE practicable) –––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––– –– OK TO –– TAKE SEEK SUPPORT PLACE EVENT PROCEED MITIGATION ON HOLD EFFORTS SEVERITY ACCEPTABLE LITTLE TO NO EFFECT ON EVENT TOLERABLE UNDESIRABLE INTOLERABLE EFFECTS ARE FELT, SERIOUS IMPACT COULD RESULT IN BUT NOT TO THE COURSE OF DISASTER CRITICAL TO ACTION AND OUTCOME OUTCOME LIKELIHOOD IMPROBABLE RISK IS UNLIKELY TO OCCUR LOW –1– MEDIUM –4– MEDIUM –6– HIGH – 10 – POSSIBLE LOW MEDIUM HIGH EXTREME RISK WILL LIKELY OCCUR –2– –5– –8– – 11 – PROBABLE MEDIUM HIGH HIGH EXTREME RISK WILL OCCUR –3– –7– –9– – 12 – RISK POTENTI RISK AL AREAS SEVERITY OF IMPACT RISK RISK LIKELIHOO LEVEL D 1 Shipping time Operati on Tolerable e 2 Drop offs time Operati on Undesirable 3 Accuracy Operati on REF/I D 4 Communicati on between team members Custom er service Probabl Probabl High e Undesirab le High Probabl High e Tolerable Possible Mediu m MITIGATIONS / WARNINGS / REMEDIES Mapping the supermarket aisle and training Accurate assignations of routes Learning the catalog and products location Establish a safe and adequate channel for communicatio n between team members to avoid misunderstandi ng and improve communicatio n ▪ Legislative issues (e.g. unfair dismissal) codes of conduct, awards The company Buy n’ Ride follows strict procedures and standards. Not only internal policies but also government regulations. The company based its guidelines and procedures on the Fair-work and Ombudsman Act7 principally. 7 To mention some regulations relevant to this performance management plan the company will state its guideline according to under performance and the actions to take. It is consider employee underperformance when the goals and expectations are not being met, as well as when the employee presents misconduct at workplace and this has been an ongoing issue along management and coworkers. It may include: - Not carrying out their work to the required standard or not doing their job at all - Not following workplace policies, rules or procedures - Unacceptable behaviour at work, using rude words towards co-workers - Disruptive or negative behaviour at work, constantly interrupting normal operations The company following this guidelines and the performance management plan will arrange a review meeting with the employee and identify the causes for the underperformance and the best ways to address those issues, as well as detailing future goals and targets to be achieve on the next follow up review. If the underperformance remains an ongoing issue the company will proceed to the final notice and the dismissal of the employee. The company will make sure that proper procedures have been followed and the employee is not unfairly dismissed, is given the right notice of termination and is given the right final pay. ▪ Data gathering observation and documentation All the data and reports needed to obtain an accurate performance management will be gather within the forms presented in this document. After all the data recollection the manager will make a proper review and provide a formal report of the outcomes and results of the plan. EMPLOYEE NAME John DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE ID POSITION HELD Shopper LAST REVIEW DATE Operations. REVIEWER NAME Mark REVIEWER TITLE Manager 16/06/2020 TODAY'S DATE 30/7/20 CHARACTERISTICS QUALITY UNSATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY Works to Full Potential X Quality of Work X Work Consistency GOOD X Communication X Independent Work X Takes Initiative X Group Work X Productivity X Creativity X Coworker Relations X Client Relations X Technical Skills X Dependability Punctuality EXCELLENT X X Attendance X GOALS ACHIEVED GOALS SET IN PREVIOUS REVIEW? The employee haven’t met the goals needed to remain in the company, after training, mentoring and continuous support. For this reason the recommendation form the manager department of this branch is the lawful dismissal. GOALS FOR NEXT REVIEW PERIOD Improve communication with the rest of the team as well as time management. COMMENTS After a continuous follow up with the employee, there was no way to find the lack of motivation or issues that develop if underperformance. It might be suggested by the employee in the last review meeting, that he has being having personal issues resulting in the underperformance at the workplace. It has been suggested to provide and extra 3 months period health insurance for this employee. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE REVIEWER SIGNATURE ▪ Performance appraisal EMPLOYEE NAME John DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE ID POSITION HELD Shopper LAST REVIEW DATE Opeations REVIEWER NAME Mark REVIEWER TITLE Manager 16/06/2020 TODAY'S DATE 23/07/2020 Rating Scale : 1.- Unsatisfactory or poor performance.- Performance does not meet the require standards. Major improvements needed. 2.- Fair performance.- Performance partially meets the require standard. Less than satisfactory could be doing better. 3.- Good or average Performance.- Performance has meet require standard. Can perform duties with minimal supervision. 4.- Very good or outstanding performance. Perform exceeds the required standard. PERFORMANCE COMPETENCY For each performance item listed within competency bands, please select the evaluation most suited. PERFORMANCE COMPETENCY 1 2 3 Job knowledge Quality of Work 4 X X Productivity X Attendance X Relations with others X Commitment to safety X Overall appraisal rating TOTAL X 1 6 6 COMMENTS Overall score = 16 / 32 = 50% Score under 50% or equal rates a regular employee. Goals are not being achieved. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE REVIEWER SIGNATURE ▪ Performance feedback and employee development Overall the performance management plan objectives have been met. Besides one employee dismissal then plan could be scored as successful. Employee attrition has been reduced to a 1% within the high performer’s band of shoppers and delivery partners. By improving employee satisfaction not only the customer satisfaction has also been met but also the revenue of the company has shown rising tendency in the last three month period. Employees have shown a welcoming behaviour towards improvement in the routes designation and mapping of the aisles to easily find the products and reduce shipping time as well as improve accuracy. After the review the feedback received from the employees has been positive and met the expectations. 4 ▪ Costs and resources COSTS AND RESOURCES ALLOCATION Activity Description Duration (days) Resource position tittle Rate daily Total costs 1 PLANNING 2 COMMUNICATION 3 EXECUTING 4 REVIEW 4 Management team 50 200 5 REPORT 2 Management team 50 100 TOTAL 10 Manager 40 400 5 Manager 40 200 10 Manager and employees 31 65 650 1550