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Secondary Level Written Report Rubric

Written Report Rubric-Secondary Level
The introduction clearly and concisely
states the paper’s purpose. The
introduction engages the reader, states
the main topic and provides a preview of
the structure of the paper.
3 Points
There is one, clear, well-focused topic.
Main idea stands out and is supported
by detailed information.
3 Points
The conclusion is engages the reader and
restates the paper’s purpose. The
conclusions are strongly supported by
details and factual information identified
within the paper.
3 Points
No errors in punctuation, capitalization
and spelling. No errors in sentence
structure and word usage (their/ there/
they’re, two/ too/ and to, your/you’re,
its/it’s, etc.)
3 Points
All cited works are noted in APA format
with no errors. The bibliography
contains more than the specified
number of proper references such as
journal articles, books, internet sources,
3 Points
All paragraphs written in the order in
which events occurred. The first
sentence of each paragraph contains the
main topic of the paragraph.
3 Points
Report is double spaced. Report has a
title page. Title page contains the
writer’s name and date in the upper
right hand corner of page. Title of paper
is centered in the middle of the page.
3 Points
Report is free from sentence fragments
or run-on sentences. Writer uses
complete sentences which include a
subject and a verb.
3 Points
The introduction clearly states the main
topic and previews the structure of the
paper but is not particularly inviting to
the reader.
The introduction states the main topic
but does not adequately preview the
structure of the paper nor is it
particularly inviting to the reader.
There is no clear introduction of the main
topic or structure of the paper.
2 Points
Main idea or assignment questions are
clear but supporting information is
2 Points
The conclusion restates the paper’s
purpose. Conclusions are not fully
supported by details and factual
information identified within the paper.
1 Point
Main idea or assignment questions are
somewhat clear but there is a need for
more supporting information.
1 Point
The conclusion does not adequately
restate the paper’s purpose.
Conclusions are not supported by details
and factual information identified within
the paper.
1 Point
Several errors in punctuation,
capitalization and spelling. Manu errors
in sentence structure and word usage.
0 Points
The main idea is not clear. There is a
seemingly random collection of
0 Points
The conclusion does not restate the
paper’s purpose and there is little
indication of conclusions drawn from
details and factual information identified
within the paper.
0 Points
Numerous errors in punctuation,
capitalization and spelling. Numerous
errors in sentence structure and word
1 Point
Few cited works are presented in the
correct APA format. The bibliography
includes less than the minimum required
number of proper references such as
journal articles, books, internet sources,
1 Point
Some paragraphs written in the order in
which events occurred. The first
sentence of some paragraphs contain
the main topic of the paragraph.
0 Points
Citations and/or bibliography absent. If
bibliography is present, Few proper
references are included such as journal
articles, books, internet sources, etc.
Report may not be double spaced. Title
page lacks the name of the report,
student name, or date. Title and/ or
name and date are not in the correct
1 Point
Report contains several sentence
fragments or run-on sentences. Most
sentences are complete sentences which
include a subject and a verb.
1 Point
Report is not double spaced. Title page is
2 Points
Almost no errors in punctuation,
capitalization and spelling. Almost no
errors in sentence structure and word
2 Points
Some cited works are noted in APA
format. Some errors evident. The
bibliography includes the minimum
specified number of proper references,
such as journal articles, books, internet
sources, etc.
2 Points
Most paragraphs written in the order in
which events occurred. The first
sentence of most paragraphs contains
the main topic of the paragraph.
2 Points
Report is double spaced. Title page is
present but name or title may not be in
the correct position.
2 Points
Report contains few sentence fragments
or run-on sentences. Nearly all
sentences are complete sentences.
Sentences include a subject and a verb.
2 Points
0 Points
Paragraphs are not written in the order
in which events occurred. The first
sentence of paragraphs do not contain
the main topic of the paragraph.
0 Points
Report contains numerous sentence
fragments or run-on sentences. Few
sentences are complete sentences which
include a subject and a verb.
0 Points