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Influence of Quality Service and Promotion on Purchase Decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume 3 Issue 6, October 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Influence of Quality Service and Promotion on
Purchase Decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung
Juliati Gulo, Togu Harlen Lbn. Raja, Karina Silaen
Sekolah Tinggi ILMU Ekonomi LMII, Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Quality of service is very much needed considering that the customer or
customer has desires that must be fulfilled and satisfied. Consumers always
expect to get the maximum service from the providers of products or services,
in this case consumers want to be treated professionally and obtain something
as expected, the quality of service can influence purchasing decisions made by
consumers. In addition to the quality of service companies providing products,
in this case Indomaret needs to pay attention to promotional activities,
where tothe promotion of the public or consumers can get to know more
about the products provided ranging from benefits, quality, the price of the
product. Therefore, in this study, the authors used service quality and
promotion as the independent variable and purchasing decisions as the
dependent variable.
How to cite this paper:
Juliati Gulo | Togu Harlen Lbn. Raja |
Karina Silaen "Influence of Quality Service
and Promotion on Purchase Decisions on
Indomaret Beringin Tembung" Published
Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 24566470, Volume-3 |
2019, pp.1-8, URL:
The method used in this research is quantitative with an associative approach.
The sampling technique in this study is probability sampling with a simple
random sampling approach of 50 respondents. Data collection was carried out
by distributing questionnaires to respondents who were Indomaret Bering in
Tembung customers. Data analysis techniques using validity test, reliability
test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test,
and the coefficient of determination R2 test operated through the SPSS 16.
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
Commons Attribution
The results of t-test research on service quality variables indicate that part
there is an influence of service quality on purchasing decisions, then the
results of t-test research on promotion variables indicate that part there is no
influence of promotions on purchasing decisions. The results of the research in
the F test show that the quality of service and promotion together influence
the purchasing decision. The coefficient of determination, R2 shows that
service quality and promotion influence purchasing decisions and the rest is
influenced by other variables not included in this study.
KEYWORDS: Service Quality, Promotion And Purchase Decision
In one place there are many good business activities carried
out by the community, companies and government that as a
whole aims to meet the needs of the community every day.
Meeting the needs of diverse communities can be met if
there are business activities that produce products and
services in order to maintain human life. Products and
services produced by the community, companies, and
government will be obtained by the community or
consumers through the distribution of human needs services
through traditional and modern trade. One type of modern
trading business today is a retail services such as Indomaret,
Alfamart, Alfamidi and others that sell all types of
community needs.
In an area there are a number of mini markets, including
Alfamart, Alfamidi, Indomaret and there are also a number of
wholesalers and traditional markets that sell the same
products. According to direct observation Indomaret is more
in demand by the public or consumers to shop for various
needs compared to other money-market that also sell the
same product. This is due to the service provided by
Indomaret employees to satisfy more consumers where
employees are always friendly to every visitor or customer
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28007 |
who shines at the place. Maximum service quality from the
company will create value that is felt by consumers.
Companies can not only rely on available facilities and
technology, but how to create optimal service quality. After
consumers feel the quality of services provided they give a
perception and assessment of the quality of service. If
consumers feel quite satisfied with the quality of services
provided, this is a positive value for the company. Quality of
service is very much needed considering that customers or
consumers have desires that must be fulfilled and satisfied.
Consumers always expect to get maximum service from the
providers of products or services, in this case consumers
want to be treated professionally and obtain something as
expected. Quality of service can influence purchasing
decisions made by consumers.
Through the provision of good quality service to consumers,
the company will get many benefits, including consumers
who are satisfied with the services provided by the company,
will recommend it to others and find it difficult to move to
other places, so that many people will come and will be very
help companies to continue to improve service quality.
Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 1
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Danang Sunyonto, 2013, stated that the quality of service is a
presentation of services or products according to the size
applicable at the place held and the delivery is at least the
same as desired and expected by consumers.
Promotion is a very effective strategy for the company to
make the public aware of the available products in the form
of goods or services so that consumers take advantage of the
opportunity to shop or use products available at Indomaret.
With the promotion of the product itself is better known by
the wider community. Promotion is one of the things that
companies need to carry out to market their products.
Promotion is related to various activities carried out by the
company to try to arrange communication between the
goodness of its products and persuade the target customers
and consumers to buy the product.
Promotion mix by the company will create a separate
assessment on the minds of consumers so that consumers'
evaluations of product promotion directly or indirectly will
create an image of a product.
Otto R. Payangan, 2014, stated that promotion is a key
variable in marketing strategies and can be seen as an
element to create market domination opportunities.
Promotional activities not only function as a communication
tool between companies and consumers, but also as a tool to
influence consumers in purchasing or using services in
accordance with their wants and needs.
In some places that provide a variety of products such as
Alfamart, Alfamidi, Indomaret, wholesalers, and traditional
markets that offer the same product, but there is only one
place chosen by consumers to shop for various needs,
namely Indomaret where consumers have a strong
perception that by shopping at these will get satisfactory
results both from the product and from the services
provided by workers or employees and in accordance with
expectations even though in terms of price are almost the
same as other competitors.
The available mini markets are made in such a way as to
provide a special attraction for consumers such as neatly
arranged shelves, a large variety of products, practical
payments with the cashier system, and air-conditioned
In this life, humans are faced with various kinds of needs and
desires with the development in the field of science and
technology, socio-cultural and economic, thus causing
human needs and desires for products in the form of goods
and services to increase. The number of business units that
exist in the midst of the community will be able to help the
community in meeting their needs for both products and
services. Where the public can get a lot of choices on the
products available in some money-market.
The success of a company will be obtained when offering
products that are needed by the public or consumers
accompanied by appropriate services and promotions.
Companies must be able to provide customers with goods or
services that have better service, and have a higher quality
value compared to other competitors. Consumer behavior
determines the decision-making process in purchasing for
every consumer the same. The decision making process is an
approach to solving problems in human activities to buy
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28007 |
goods or services in meeting their needs. The purchase
decision referred to here is consumer behavior that is based
on a strong belief and confidence in making a decision to
make a purchase at Indomaret and believes that the
purchase decision that has been taken is the right thing.
Adirama Aldi in Sarini Kodu, 2012, stated that the purchase
decision is a person's attitude to buy or use a product in the
form of goods or services that are believed to satisfy him and
the willingness to bear the risks that may arise.
2. Formulation of the problem
Based on the background described above, the formulation
of the problem is as follows:
1. Is there an influence on service quality on purchasing
decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung?
Is there any influence of promotion on purchasing
decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung?
Is there an influence on the quality of service and
promotion together on purchasing decisions on
Indomaret Beringin Tembung?
3. Research Purposes
Based on the background that has been explained is
supported by the formulation of the problem, the research
objectives are as follows:
1. To find out whether there is an influence of service
quality on purchasing decisions on Indomaret Beringin
To find out whether there is an effect of promotion on
purchasing decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung.
To find out whether there is an influence of service
quality and promotion together on purchasing decisions
on Indomaret Beringin Tembung.
4. Research Benefits
There are several benefits obtained in conducting research
activities are as follows:
A. For writers
For the writer, that is to be able to compare and practice the
theories that have been obtained during lectures with the
situations and conditions that exist in the company and the
reality of daily work.
B. For Companies
For companies, that can be used as consideration and can
provide information that can be used as a reference in
evaluating in order to improve services and determine the
company's strategy going forward.
C. For Other Parties
For other parties, that can be used as reference material to
conduct further research on the same theme and can
enrich science, especially related to marketing management.
5. Quality of Service
Zeithalm and Bitner in Donni Juni Priansa, 2017, stated that
the quality of service is a total experience that can only
be evaluated by consumers.
Lovelock in Fajar Laksana, 2017, stated that service quality is
the expected level of quality, and controlling diversity in
achieving that quality to meet consumer needs.
Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 2
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Parasuraman in Ujang Sumarwan, et al, 2013, stated
that service quality is defined as how far the difference is
between reality and customer expectations for the service
they receive or receive.
Febriano Clinton Polla, et al, 2018, explained the results
of his research that simultaneously promotion and
service quality significantly influence consumer
purchasing decisions in PT. Indomaret Manado Unit
Jalan Sea.
6. Promotion
Fajar Laksana, 2017, stated that the promotion is a
communication from the seller and the buyer that comes
from the right information that aims to change the attitudes
and behavior of the buyer, who was not familiar to be
acquainted so as to become a buyer and keep in mind the
Jackson R. S. Weenas, 2013, explained the results of his
research that promotion and service quality had a
positive influence on the dependent variable, namely
purchasing decisions Spring Bed Comforta at PT.
Messenger Sinar Pratama in Manado.
Donni Juni Priansa, 2017, stated that promotion is one of the
efforts made by the company to communicate the products it
offers. Promotional activities aimed to inform, persuade, and
warned consumers to be the product with the aim of
creating the desired sales.
Daryanto, 2011, explained that the promotion is a one-way
flow of information or persuasion that can direct an
organization or someone to create transactions between
buyers and sellers.
9. Thinking Framework
The framework of thought is a temporary explanation
relating to the problem being studied.
Melva and Togu Harlen, 2011, stated that the framework of
thought is the rationale or logic of thinking when trying to do
a research which as a whole must still refer to the literature
or reading materials needed to help the scholarship of a
research that will be produced.
7. Purchase Decision
Donni Juni Priansa, 2017, stated that the purchase decision is
a process that cannot be separated from the nature of
consumer involvement with the product.
Adirama Aldi in Sarini Kodu, 2012 , stated that the purchase
decision is a person's attitude to buy or use a product in the
form of goods or services that are believed to satisfy him and
the willingness to bear the risks that may arise.
Purchasing decisions are the formation of preferences for
brands in a collection of choices which then
continues with the intention to make a purchase of a
product (Pryas Aji Pramana, 2012).
8. Prior Researchers
1. Ronal Aprianto, 2013, explained the results of his
research that the Quality of Service and Promotion
together (simultaneously) significantly influence the
Purchasing Decision on on Drinking Water Refill
Rainbow City Lubuklinggau. This is evident from the
results of the F test that obtained a value of count =
60.837> Ftable value = 3.11, accepted at a significance
level of 5%.
Herry Widagdo, 2011, explained the results of his
research that Promotion had an influence on the
decision to purchase a computer at PT. XYZ Palembang.
Irmayanti Hamidah and Roni Ika Setiawan, 2014,
explained the results of their research that promotion
and quality of service together had a significant effect at
the 5% level. Service quality has the most dominant
influence on purchasing decisions for Honda Vario
products at PT. Mitra
Mustika Tbk .
Intan Agustina, et al., 2018, explained the results of her
research that promotion and service quality had a
significant positive effect on consumer purchasing
decisions in Indomaret Lumajang District, with the
result of a coefficient of determination R2 of 51.8%.
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28007 |
Source: Processed Data 2019
10. Premise
The premise is as a foundation that is considered correct and
is used to draw conclusions that can be accepted by others.
Melva and Togu Harlen, 2011, state that the premise is the
basis of logic or the basis of thought that forms a process of
reasoning based on logic that seeks to connect two different
propositions to draw conclusions. The premise is the basis
for the formation of hypotheses in the form of theories and
research results related to research being conducted by
Premise 1
Herry Widagdo, 2011, explained the results of his research
that the promotion variable had a positive and significant
effect on purchasing decisions at PT. XYZ Palembang.
Premise 2
Ronal Aprianto, 2013, explained the results of his research
that the quality of service and promotion together
(simultaneously) significantly influenced the purchase
decision on the Lubuklinggau City Rainbow Water Refill.
Premise 3
Irmayanti Hamidah and Roni Ika Setiawan, 2014, explained
the results of their research that promotion had a positive
and significant effect on purchasing decisions at PT. Mitra
Pinasthika Mustika Tbk, service quality has a positive and
significant impact on purchasing decisions at PT. Mitra
Pinasthika Mustika Tbk, and independent variables that
include promotion and service quality together
(simultaneously) influencing purchasing decisions at PT.
Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Tbk.
Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 3
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Premise 4
Intan Agustina, et al., 2018, explained the results of their
research that there was a significant influence of service
quality on purchasing decisions at Indomaret Lumajang, and
there was a significant influence on the service quality on
purchasing decisions at Indomaret Lumajang.
Premise 5
Febriano Clinton Polla , et al, 2018, explained the results of
his research that promotion influences purchasing decisions
at PT. Indomaret Sea Road Unit.
Premise 6
Sarini Kodu, 2013, explained the results of his research that
service quality influences the purchase decision of Toyota
Avanza at PT. Hasjrat Abadi Manado.
11. Hypothesis
The research hypothesis is a temporary statement whose
truth is uncertain and testing needs to be done with that
statement. The research hypothesis is supported by the
results of previous researchers and also the premise, in this
study there are several hypotheses as follows:
1. There is an influence between the quality of service and
purchasing decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung.
There is an influence between promotion on purchasing
decisions on Indomaret Beringin Tembung.
Together there is an influence between service quality
and promotion on purchasing decisions on Indomaret
Beringin Tembung.
12. Research Methodology
12.1. Research Form
The research method used in this study is a quantitative
method with an associative approach that aims to determine
the relationship between two or more variables. Quantitative
research is research by obtaining data in the form of
numerical data or qualitative data (Sugiyono, 2010).
12.2. Research Location and Time
This research was conducted on Indomaret Beringin
Tembung, Jln. Pasar VII Tembung. This research was
conducted from July-August 2019.
12.3. Population and sample
Population is a number of individuals who are in a place that
is the object of doing research. The population is very
necessary in conducting research because with the
population the researcher can obtain a number of data or
information that is useful to get answers in his research and
can draw a conclusion that is needed.
Melva and Togu Harlen, 2011, stated that the population is a
whole unit of objects or subjects related to research and of
course in accordance with the number of problems at the
place of conducting research on the problems that occur. The
population in this study are consumers who have or are
shopping at Indomaret Beringin Tembung, with a population
of 200 people.
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28007 |
The sample is part of the population that is used to represent
the entire population that is on the object or subject
inresearch. Samples are very necessary because given the
large number of populations that exist in the object of
research, the presence of samples can make it easier for
researchers to conduct research and find answers or
solutions to research problems that are happening in the
Melva and Togu Harlen, 2011, stated that the sample is a
portion of the population that is the unit of analysis in
conducting research for someone in solving research
problems that are happening in the field. do research. The
sampling technique of this study used a probability sampling
technique with a simple random sampling approach.
Sugiyono, 2010, explaining that the probability sampling is a
sampling technique, sampling which provide opportunities
equally and to all members of the population to be elected as
members of the sample. Then explain that simple random
sampling is a way or method of taking samples from existing
populations that are carried out randomly without regard to
the levels that exist in these elements of the population.
To calculate the number of samples from the population, the
researchers used the sampling formula proposed by
Suharsimi Arikunto, 2017, stating that "If the number of
respondents is less than 100, all samples are taken, whereas
if the number of respondents is more than 100 then the
sampling is 10% - 15% or 20% - 25% or more. Based on this
opinion, the sampling in this study is 25% of the total
population because the population exceeds 100, 200 people.
For that 200 X 25% = 50, the number of samples in this
study was 50 respondents.
12.4. Data Collection Techniques
The techniques used in this study are :
1. Primary data
Primary data is data obtained directly from empirical direct
research results from those directly involved using certain
data collection techniques (Sugiyono, 2010). Primary data
collection techniques used in this study are:
A. Data was obtained directly from respondents using a
questionnaire distributed to Indomaret Beringin
Tembung customers.
B. Data obtained from the results of observation, namely
data collection through direct observation activities.
2. Secondary Data
Secondary data is data obtained from other parties or
2010). Secondary data collection techniques used in this
study, namely:
A. Literature study
Collecting data obtained from books, scientific papers and
opinions of competent experts and have relevance to the
phenomena to be studied.
B. Study documentation
Data collection using written notes or documentation,
pictures, or other objects related to the phenomenon under
Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 4
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13. Research and Discussion Results
13.1. Validity Test Results
K. Services 1
K. Services 2
K. Service 3
K. Services 4
K. Services 5
K. Services 6
K. Services 7
K. Services 8
K. Services 9
K. Services 10
K. Services 11
K. Services 12
Promotion 1
Promotion 2
Promotion 3
Promotion 4
Promotion 5
Promotion 6
Promotion 7
K. Purchase 1
K. Purchase 2
K. Purchase 3
K. Purchase 4
K. Purchase 5
K. Purchase 6
K. Purchase 7
K. Purchase 8
Scale Mean if
Item Deleted
Item-Total Statistics
Scale Variance
Corrected Itemif Item Deleted Total Correlation
Source: Processed Data 2019
Cronbach's Alpha
if Item Deleted
Based on the results of the SPSS 16 program output on Item-Total Statistics it can be seen that the value of Corrected Item-Total
Correlation is greater than r table so that means that the value of each statement attribute is greater than 0,361 so it can be
concluded that the statement is valid.
13.2. Reliability Test Results
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
Source: Processed Data (2019)
Based on the results of the SPSS 16 program output on Reliability Statistics it can be seen that the Cronbach's Alpha value is
0.930 which means it is greater than 0, 60 thus it can be concluded that the measuring instrument is reliable.
13.3. Classic Assumption Test Results
13.3.1. Normality Test
Source: Processed Data 2019
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Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 5
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Based on the results of the SPSS 16 program output on the Normal PP Plot of Regression Standardized Residual, it can be seen
that the data spreads around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the diagonal line showing normal distribution
patterns so that the normality test is fulfilled.
13.3.2. Multicollinearity Test
K. Service
Coefficients a
Std. Error
Source: Processed Data 2019
Based on the results of SPSS 16 output on Coefficients it can be seen that the VIF coefficient 10, it can be concluded that there is
no multicollinearity so it can be concluded that the data used passes classical assumptions because multicollinearity does not
13.3.3. Heteroscedasticity Test
Source: Processed Data 2019
Based on the results of SPSS 16 output on the Scatterplot image, it can be seen that the distribution of points in the plot does
not indicate the existence of a certain pattern, so it can be said that the model is free from the assumption of heteroscedasticity.
13.4. Multiple Linear Regression Results
K. Service
Coefficients a
Std. Error
Source: Processed Data 2019
Based on the results of the SPSS 16 program output on Coefficients describe the regression equation, namely:
Y = 15.337 + 0.348 X 1 – 0.007 X 2
Where :
: the constant number of Unstandardized Coefficients is 15,337.
: the first regression coefficient number at X1 (Service Quality) of 0.348.
: the second regression coefficient number of X2 (Promotion) is -0.007.
13.5. Hypothetical Results
13.5.1. Effect of Service Quality (X1 ) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)
Coefficients a
Std. Error
(Constant) 15,337
1 K. Service
Promotion -.007
Source: Processed Data 2019
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Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 6
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Based on the results output in the table SPSS 16 Coefficients for the first regression coefficient of the variable quality of service
shows the results of the t value of 3.499 > t table of 2.021 so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. This means that part there is
an influence of service quality on purchasing decisions.
13.5.2. Effect of Promotion (X2 ) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)
Coefficients a
Std. Error
(Constant) 15,337
1 K. Service
Promotion -.007
Source: Processed Data 2019
Based on the results of the SPSS 16 program output on the coefficients for the regression coefficients of the two promotion
variables, the results of the t- test value of -0.042 t table of 2.021 so that H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected. This means that part
there is no influence of promotion on purchasing decisions.
13.5.3. Effect of Service Quality (X1) and Promotion (X2) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
.000 a
Source: Processed Data 2019
Based on the results SPSS output 16 at tables Anova shows the calculated F value of 12.030> F table 3.20 so that H0 rejected
and H1 accepted. This means that the independent variable of service quality and promotion together influence the dependent
variable on purchasing decisions.
13.6. Coefficient of Determination R 2
.582 a
Summary Model b
R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
Source: Processed Data 2019
Based on the results SPSS output 16 in Table Model Summary shows the value of R Square of 0.339 or 33.9 %. This means that
the independent variables affect the service quality and the promotion of the dependent variable desperation purchases by
33.9 % and the rest influenced by other factors, not examined in this study, such as price, location, social class, culture and so
14. Conclusions
This study aims to determine "The Effect of Service Quality
and Promotion Against Purchasing Decisions on Indomaret
Beringin Tembung". Based on research and data processing
results that have been carried out in this study, the following
conclusions are obtained:
1. Based on the results of the hypothesis on the results of
the t test on the service quality variable obtained t value
of 3.499 > t table of 2.021 so it can be concluded that
part there is an influence between the service quality
variables in the purchase decision variable.
2. Based on the results of the hypothesis on the results of
the t test on the promotion variable obtained t value of 0.042 t table of 2.021 so it can be concluded that part
there is no influence between the promotion variables in
the purchase decision variable.
3. Based on the hypothesis of the F test results obtained
value of F count equal to 12.030> F table 3.20 so that it
can be concluded that the variable quality of service and
promotion Retained Earnings together have an effect on
the variable purchase decisions.
Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28007 |
Based on the test results of the coefficient of
determination (R 2) obtained a value of R Square in
0.339. This means that service quality and promotion
variables influence purchasing decisions by 33.9% and
the remaining 66.1% is influenced by other variables not
included in this study, such as price, location, social
class, culture and so on.
15. Suggestions
After conducting research, discussion, and drawing
conclusions from the results of the research, the authors
provide suggestions relating to the research that has been
done to be used as input and material considerations that
are useful for interested parties, namely as follows:
1. For Indomaret Beringin Tembung
A. Indomaret Beringin Tembung needs to maintain the
quality of service that has been done and improve it
because satisfying service quality will influence
consumers to make purchasing decisions.
Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
Page 7
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
B. Indomaret Beringin Tembung needs to improve its
promotional activities so that the public or consumers
can get to know or know more about what products are
available at the Indomaret. Some promotional activities
that need to be done are in the form of giving discounts,
giving gifts directly, for example by holding events or
music events with many prizes that are provided by
Indomaret with the aim that consumers are increasingly
high interest and interested in buying.
2. For Further Researchers
The next researcher is expected to be able to analyze other
variables which are factors in the emergence of purchasing
decisions such as price, location, social class, culture and so
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Volume – 3 | Issue – 6
September - October 2019
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