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Comparative Study of Different Approaches for Measuring Difficulty Level of Question

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470
Comparative Study of Different Approaches for
Measuring Difficulty Level of Question
Ayesha Pathan, Dr. Pravin Futane
Department of Computer Engineering, PCCOE, Pune, Maharashtra, India
How to cite this paper: Ayesha Pathan |
Dr. Pravin Futane "Comparative Study
Measuring Difficulty Level of
Question" Published in International
Journal of Trend in Scientific Research
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 24566470, Volume-3 |
Issue-3, April 2019,
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an Open Access article
distributed under
the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Semantics-based information representations such as ontologies are found to be
very useful in repeatedly generating important factual questions. Formative the
difficulty-level Of these system generated questions is helpful to successfully
make use of them in various learning and specialized applications. The accessible
approaches for result the difficulty-level of factual questions are very simple and
are limited to a few basic principles. We suggest a new tactic for this problem by
considering an edifying theory called Item Response Theory (IRT).
In the IRT, facts skill of end users (learners) are considered for assigning
difficulty levels, because of the assumptions that a given question is apparent
differently by learners of various proficiencies. We have done a detailed study on
the features/factors of a question statement which could perhaps determine its
difficulty-level for three learner categories (experts, intermediates, and easy).
KEYWORDS: Difficulty level estimation, Item response theory, Question generation,
Automatic Quiz Generation, Difficulty Ranking, Semantic Similarity
Question difficulty is important in test creation and question
analysis. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that test
construction is really time-consuming for teachers. The use
of Computer Assisted Assessment reduces considerably the
time spent By teachers by Constructing examinations paper.
There are many types of assessment or 'testing' to access
student's learning curves.
However, written examination is the most common
approach used by any higher education institutions for
students' assessment. Question is an element that is
intertwined with the examination. Questions raised in the
paper plays an important role in e orts to test the students'
overall cognitive levels held each semester. Effective style of
questioning as described by Swart is always an issue to help
students attend to the desired learning outcome.
Furthermore, to make it effective, balancing between lower
and higher-level question is a must Swart Bloom's
Taxonomy, created by Bloom has been widely accepted as a
guideline in designing reasonable examination questions
belonging to various cognitive levels. The hierarchical
models of Bloom's are widely used in education fields
constructing questions to ensure balancing and student
cognitive mastery.
1. Hochschule fur Technik Stuttgart Schellingstr
Empirically verify that Bloom's taxonomy ,a standard tool for
difficulty estimation during question creation. Question
difficulty estimates guide test creation, but are too costly for
small-scale testing. We empirically verify that Bloom's
Taxonomy, a standard tool for difficulty estimation during
question creation, reliably predicts question difficulty
observed after testing in a short-answer corpus. We also find
that difficulty can be approximated by the amount of
variation in student answers, which can be computed before
grading. We showthat question difficulty and its
approximations are useful for automated grading, allowing
us to identify the optimal feature set for grading each
question even in an unseen-question setting. Testing is a
core component of teaching, and many tasks in NLP for
education are concerned with creating good questions and
correctly grading the answers. We look at how to estimate
question difficulty from question wording as a link between
the two tasks. From a test creation point of view, knowing
question difficulty levels is imperative: Too many easy
questions, and the test will be unable to distinguish between
the more able test-takers, who all achieve equally good
results. Too many hard questions, and only the most able
test-takers will be clearly distinguishable from the (low
performance result.)
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21532 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019
Page: 88
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
2. Neung Viriyadamrongkij and Twittie Senivongse
Online inquiry communities such as Question-Answer
Communities (QAC) have captured interest of online users
since they can share and search for any information from
any place in the world. The number of questions and
answers submitted to a popular community can increase
rapidly, and that can make it difficult for users who look for
the \right" questions to answer. That is, from the view of
knowledgeable experienced users, they tend to look for hard
challenging questions as an opportunity to share their
knowledge and to build respect with the community. Hence
it is desirable to distinguish difficult questions from easy
ones. Current researches estimate complexity of questions
based on the analysis of the features of the QAC without
considering the contents of the questions. This paper
presents a method to measure question difficulty levels
based directly on the question contents. In particular, we
analyze the difficulty of terms that appear in a JavaScriptrelated question, based on the proposed JavaScript concept
hierarchy. In an evaluation of the performance of the
question difficulty estimation, our concept based measure
givessimilar performance to that of the existing measure
based on the features of the QAC.
3. Sasitorn Nuthong, Suntorn Witosurapot (2017):
This Automatic Quiz Generation system is utterly handy for
reducing teachers' workloads in quiz creation. Nevertheless,
by exploiting a coarse-granular concern inside difficulty
ranking mechanism, only a few number of automatic
generated quizzes can be obtained. In order to increase the
number of usable quizzes, we suggest how a 5-level difficulty
ranking score using a hybrid similarity measurement
approach together with property filtering of the key data can
be potential for serving this propose. Based on experiment
results, our proposed similarity measure outperforms three
other candidates. Enabling users with finer options of
making sensible quiz generation. Hence, this mechanism can
be regarded as a synergistic technology for improving
teachers' quality of life for the future.
4. Surbhi Choudhary, Abdul Rais Abdul Waheed,
Shrutika Gawandi, Kavita Joshi (2015):
In this modern world e-book has become a basic
requirement for the candidates to appear and prepare for
their competitive exams within college premises. In this
paper we are proposing a replica system for smart question
paper generation of universities. The mechanism behind this
system is that many random question papers are generated
along with the complexity level of the questions in terms of
percentage.[4] After generation that particular question is
then mailed to the respective university. In this system
administration of the database inputs set of question paper
with an option of check box to tick the accurate answer.
More ever weightage of the particular question in terms of
marks and hours and the complexity of the question is
determined. After this course whole question paper all along
with the weightage is stored in the database. Inside order to
make question paper for 100 marks, admin sets all the
weightage and difficulties to solve the problem. When the
difficulty and weightage is specified a pre doc le as per
selected format will be downloaded to the admin and an
electronic mail will be triggered.
Variety of difficulty may vary from easy, Medium and hard.
5. Pawel Jurczyk, Eugene Agichtein (2007):
Question-Answer portals such as Naver and Yahoo! Answers
are rapidly fetching rich sources of information on a lot of
topics which are not well served by general web search
engines. Unluckily, the quality of the submitted answers is
uneven, ranging from excellent detailed answers to snappy
and insulting remarks or even advertisements for
commercial content. Furthermore, user feed-back for many
topics is sparse, and can be insufficient to reliably identify
good answers from the bad ones. Hence, estimating the
ability of users is a critical task for this rising domain, with
potential applications to answer ranking, spam detection,
and incentive mechanism design. We present an analysis of
the link structure of a general-purpose question answering
community to discover authoritative users, and capable
experimental results over a dataset of more than 3 million
answers from a popular community QA site. We also explain
structural differences between question topics that correlate
with the success of link analysis for authority discovery.
Existing system:
There are very few such system previous available like a
method was proposed based on Measuring Difficulty Levels
of JavaScript online Questions in Question-Answer
Community Based on Concept Hierarchy.
We propose a system to automate paper setting and to
measure the difficulty levels of questions in an Engineering
subjects by analyzing the Terminology that appears in the
Figure4.1. System Architecture
Establishing mechanisms to control and predict the difficulty
of assessment questions is clearly a big gap in existing
question generation literature. Our contributions have
covered the deeper aspects of the problem, and proposed
strategies, that exploit ontologies and associated measures,
to provide a better difficulty-level predicting model, that can
address this gap. We developed the difficulty level model
(DLM) by introducing three learner specific logistic
regression models for predicting the difficulty of a given
question for three categories of learners. The output of these
three models was then interpreted using the Item Response
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21532 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019
Page: 89
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Theory to assign high, medium or low difficulty level. The
overall performance of the DLM and the individual
performance of the three regression models based on crossvalidation were reported and they are found to be
satisfactory. Comparison with the state-of-the-art method
shows an improvement of 8.5 difficulty-levels of benchmark
questions. The model proposed in this paper for predicting
the difficulty-level of questions is limited to A Box based
factual questions. It would be interesting to extend this
model to questions that are generated using the T Box-based
approaches. However, the challenges to be ad-dressed would
be much more, since, in the T Box-based methods, we have
to deal with many complex restriction types (unlike in the
case of A Box-based methods) and their influence on the
difficulty-level of the question framed out of them needs a
detailed investigation. For establishing the propositions and
techniques stated in this paper, we have implemented a
system which demonstrates the feasibility of the methods on
medium sized ontologies. It would be interesting to
investigate the working of the system on large ontologies.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD21532 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019
Page: 90