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Student Affairs Strategic Plan 2017-2022

Student Affairs Priorities
Student Affairs Organizational Structure and Units
How we see the role of Student Affairs in the Academic Plan
Over the next five years to 2022, we will continue to deliver progressive, evidence based student
programming and supports across Student Affairs.
We will provide leadership to the development of multiple pan-institutional strategies by
leveraging existing expertise in the areas of student & career development, student advising,
student leadership, the first year experience and student health & wellness. We will coordinate the
development of intentional, theoretically-informed and evidence-based strategies in collaboration
with key partners: the Faculties, faculty members, the Sheridan Student Union and other campus
departments. Together, we will foster and fuel exceptional student experiences.
High level overview of Student Affairs priorities and outcomes for the next 3 years
Alignment of Student Affairs Strategic Priorities 2017 – 22 to Academic Plan
Student Affairs Key Priorities
Academic Priorities
Evolution of Work-Integrated Learning and commitment to Co-operative Education:
Sheridan will have a comprehensive framework for WIL (academic, structural and
operational), coordinated by a WIL hub housed in Student Affairs and a commitment to
high quality co-op experiences for students.
First Year Experience Strategy: Sheridan will have a pan-institutional first year transition
strategy that actively positions students to meet or exceed their learning goals.
Student Advisement Model: Sheridan will have a pan-institutional, theoreticallyinformed and evidence-based model of Academic Advising that focuses on the first year
experience, student engagement, building resilience and mental health & wellbeing.
Mental Health and Wellbeing: Sheridan will adopt a coordinated, comprehensive and
integrated approach to fostering positive student mental health & wellness.
Student Engagement Strategy & Community Building: Sheridan will have a Student
Engagement Strategy that reflects our unique character. It will connect curricular, extracurricular and co-curricular learning with a focus on leadership development, citizenship,
and social responsibility.
Culture of Planning, Accountability and Improvement: Student Affairs’ plans and
priorities will be clearly aligned with the Academic Plan.
Priority 1 - Work Integrated Learning Hub and commitment to Co-operative Education:
Outcome 1A: Sheridan will have a comprehensive framework for WIL (academic, structural, and
operational), coordinated by a WIL Hub housed in Student Affairs
The 2016 Work-Integrated Learning Project submission focused on two critical strategies:
1) A comprehensive framework for WIL; and
2) A Sheridan Community Partner / Employer Relations Strategy
We will establish a Work Integrated Learning Hub of Expertise in Student Affairs.
This Hub will support Sheridan WIL Programs through:
WIL technology
Employer/Community Partner Relationship Mgmt.
Operational Expertise
Data & Reporting
Career Ed Curriculum and Supporting Quality
Outcome 1B: A commitment to high quality co-op experiences for students
Sheridan has over 50 programs that include co-op or internship work-terms and we are committed to quality co-op experiences. Aligned to many of
the priorities of the WIL Hub, the Co-op team will also participate in its own ongoing improvement indicatives.
With a priority on degree programs, the Co-op Department will review it programs, structure, and learning outcomes to improve pedagogy,
practices, and plan for long-term sustainability:
 Review of learning outcomes for preparation course and work-terms
 Develop annual Faculty reports to share information, data, and inform future decisions together
 Plan for sustainability (budget, human resources, and admissions/applications processes)
 Evolve job development efforts and communications with employers
 Reorganize the structure of the department, if required, and as aligned with the WIL Hub outcomes
Priority 1 – Work Integrated Learning Hub and commitment to co-operative education
Actions to achieve the goal
Secure funding to support & resource the development of the Work Integrated Learning Hub (WIL Hub) and project priorities
Hire new project staff
Develop a fulsome business plan for the WIL Hub with dependencies and collaborators identified
Create Sheridan definitions of Work Integrated Learning
Year 1
Soft launch of the WIL Hub
 Communication of WIL Hub to Sheridan Community & conducting a needs analysis of and prioritization of projects with Academic
Faculties & Co-op department and determine quick wins and longer-term projects
Focus on ‘quick wins’ that support Field Placement programs administered within the Academic Faculties. These will include:
 Facilitating a Sheridan wide community of practice for WIL practitioners/shared best practices
 A centralized repository of WIL documentation (eg: MOUs, contracts, field placement manuals, etc.)
 A coordinated reporting and institutional responses to changes in legislation or policy
Initiate first set of long term projects. (Long term projects will be determined jointly between WIL Hub and Faculties).
 Scope out business requirements for a shared IT Platforms for WIL
 Create a framework for coordinated employer/community partner relations and marketing/promotions
Co-op department continuous improvement:
 Review and update of learning outcomes in degree programs and assessment practices
 Development of annual Faculty reports to share data
Year 2
Continue long term projects:
 Secure a shared IT platform for WIL & implementation with IT support
 Develop an institutional Employer/community partner relations strategy
 With CTL, establish quality of learning and consistency of practice re: WIL
 Through the Academic and/or Administrative Policy development processes/governance, create WIL policies and procedures where
Co-op department continuous improvement:
 Sustainability planning (human resources, budgeting, and practices) as well as reviewing industry trends with recommendations for
future implementation
 Evolving job development approaches aligned to broader employer relations strategy
Year 3
Review the progress and results of the WIL Hub Project, to date
 Assess functionality/sustainability of the Shared IT Platform for WIL
 Gather feedback from internal & external stakeholders as to the support/impact of WIL Hub
 Propose a further 2 year ‘go forward’ plan for WIL 2021-2023 to achieve long term outcomes and sustainability
Co-op department continuous improvement:
Reorganization of structure and resources of department, if required.
Completion of milestones
 Finalize WIL Definitions
 An established & effective internal WIL Community of Practice
 A centralized repository for WIL Docs and coordinated institutional data collection & reporting mechanism
 A completed Employer Relations Strategy
 An acquired contemporary WIL IT solution
Priority 2 – First Year Experience Strategy
Outcome: Sheridan will have a pan-institutional first year transition strategy that actively positions
students to meet or exceed their learning goals.
Investing in student transition is a
critical essential to both student and
institutional success & wellbeing
Lizzio’s 5 Senses Model
Priority 2 – First Year Experience Strategy
Actions to achieve the goal
Assessing the current state
• Identification of all relevant data sets, what its telling us & identifying gaps (with IR, CTL, Library/LS, Student Affairs,
• Inventory and assess all existing internal FYE programming and expertise
Launching the Dedicated to Faculty Student Affairs Teams
Implement ‘immediate wins’, enhancing New Student Orientation & Transition – 2018
With the Academic Faculties, landing on a theoretical framework for FYE at Sheridan
With each Faculty, established desired state of FYE & identify existing and required Faculty specific data
Year 1
With IR build the data sources that will allow for term over term assessment of first and beginning year students by program
Year 2
Develop & submit a 3-5 year FYE/Transitions Strategy with Faculties and proposed implementation plan, metrics
Year 3
Scope out requirements for institutional Early Alert/Warning System (EWS)
 Determine relevant stakeholders and establish a collaborative EWS Working Group.
 Explore requirements for an EWS and evaluate potential of existing tools at Sheridan and recommended & compatible
external products.
 Launch an EWS Pilot with targeted student population/academic programs (in alignment with SEM)
Review findings and assess impact of the EWS Pilot and determine feasibility and sustainability if expanding pan institutionally.
Launch a full year FYE/ Transitions Program for all beginning year students
Develop policy/processes and QA
Completion of milestones:
Impacts of intervention (longitudinal):
 Persistence/Retention semester 1-2 and Year 1-2
 Academic Standing – GPA
 Student Feedback re: perception of being effectively supported (AA)
 Student Feedback re: perception of smooth transition & sense of belonging
 KPI (student satisfaction)
 NSSE (student participation)
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Priority 3 – Pan Institutional Student Advisement Model
Outcome: Sheridan will have a pan-institutional, theoretically-informed and evidence-based model of
Academic Advising that focuses on the first year experience, student engagement, building
resilience and mental health & wellbeing.
Advancing a hub & spoke model and using integrated systems will allow for the freedom and flexibility to meet unique needs of Faculties,
their students, while ensuring consistent quality (service standards) and sustainability.
Grounded in student development theory
Clarify & define advising roles and scope of practice
Establish professional advising competencies
Provide advising Resources
Ensure evidence informed advising practices/processes that are connected
Expand and refine data collection, analysis and reporting processes
Refine a CRM system - an IT Systems solution
Develop quality assurance processes and establish metrics
Establish an effective Community of Practice
Year 1
Actions to achieve the goal
Create a Manager, Student Advisement role
Launch Faculty Dedicated Student Affairs Teams (FDSAT)
Assess Current state of Advisement within Student Affair & identify immediate opportunities to better support Acad Advisors within
 Define scope of practice & required competencies for Advising within Student Affairs
 Review and assess all Student Affairs policies/procedures, systems in order to build capacity for broader use
 Compile all data sets and execute a stakeholder/partner participation process
 Present & discuss with Academic Deans and Associate Deans
In consultation with Faculties, identify a student development theory to ground future model
Establish Professional Advising Competencies for Student/Academic Advisors at Sheridan (consulting with CTL, HR and Faculties)
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FDSAT to form a ‘community of practice’ and consultation for Academic Advisors and interested faculty within the Faculty (goal:
Baseline knowledge and problem solving)
In collaboration with the SEM Team, explore a central CRM platform to be utilized by all Student and Academic Advising
Scope Early Alert – Early Warning Systems (EWS)
Launch EWS pilot (as per FYE Priority2)
Student Affairs & FDSAT to deliver symposium for each Faculty re student development related topics tailored to faculty requests, ie:
Student FYE, Student Mental Health, student conduct, etc.
Year 2
In consultation with CTL & HR, develop & launch an onboarding & educational development plan re: Professional Advising
Develop & submit Pan-institutional model of Student Advising, proposed strategy and roll out plan
Assess EWS pilot (as per FYE Priority2)
Year 3
Execute a phased in approach to the implementation of the approved Model and strategy
 Develop a change management plan with the guidance of COPD & HR
 Align the Advising Model with FYE and the institutional SEM process
 Create & execute a communications plan to build awareness and understanding of the Advisement Model with a focus on
Faculties and service units and support an effective roll out
 Develop QA processes and metrics
Host a Student Advisement Symposium for the Sheridan Community
Completion of all milestones
Longitudinal Student Success metrics:
 Student persistence rates
 Student completion rates
 Student academic performance
 Student feedback: perception of being effectively supported
Student satisfaction: KPIs &NSSE
Student usage & Efficiency: Cost per student
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Priority 4 – Student Mental Health & Well Being
Outcome: Sheridan will adopt a coordinated, comprehensive and integrated approach to fostering
positive student mental health & wellness.
Good mental health and overall
wellness are precursors for learning.
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Priority 4 - Student Mental Health & Well Being
Year 1
Actions to achieve the goal
Hiring and onboarding of Manager, Wellness & Counselling Services and a Manager & Clinical Supervisor, Health Centres
Assess current state:
 Identify & Inventory all existing student supports/programs, existing internal expertise & external partnerships
 Identify all relevant internal data and external research
 Compile, summarize and share with internal stakeholders
 Conduct internal stakeholder consultation to ensure accurate picture of student challenges & faculty/staff development needs re: SMH
Focus on Faculty consultation & faculty/Dean/AD educational development re: student mental health, Transitions and the classroom (with CTL
& HR)
Participate in the NCMH Survey
Year 2
Develop and submit proposed Sheridan Student Wellness Strategy & proposed implementation plan
Partner with HR, VP Academic (?), to prepare a proposal re: an institutional commitment to being a ‘Health Promoting’ Institution and sign onto
the Okanagan Charter
Launch a phased in approach to implementation of approved Student Wellness Strategy and roll out
Year 3
Develop assessment tools and QA processes
Host a Student Mental Health Conference for the internal community (perhaps other PS institutions
Completion of milestones
Faculty participation in educational development & consultation
Faculty perceptions of impact on their competence & confidence related to supporting student MH issues
Student perception of the impact of student mental health support and health awareness
Longitudinal NCMH survey results starting with 2019 as benchmark
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Priority 5 – Student Engagement Strategy & Building Community
Outcome: Sheridan will have a Student Engagement Strategy that reflects our unique character. It will
connect curricular, extra-curricular and co-curricular learning with a focus on leadership
development, citizenship, and social responsibility.
Connecting the dots and making the whole
better than the sum of all our parts.
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Priority 5 - Student Engagement Strategy & Building Community
Actions to achieve the goal
Establish a Student Engagement Steering/Working Groups (chaired by Dean of Students – co-chaired by President, SSU?)
 Identification of members & creation of TOR
Year 1
Assess current state of out
 Review of work of the Creative Campus Student Experience Steering Committee & all relevant data/research
 Compile and analyze all existing data ( including KPIs, NSSE, outside of class student participation rates cross college)
 Complete audit of existing student engagement activities and structures and CCR participation
Identification of agreed upon theoretical framework
Year 2
Working Group to develop a 3-5 Year Student Engagement Strategy, that considers the uniqueness of each campus, for submission/approval
 Initiate a student & other stakeholder consultation process to inform goals, priorities
 Draft strategy for review with key stakeholders
 Implementation of ‘quick wins’
 Develop draft operational framework for review and approval
Source out system to allow for online ‘student engagement hub’ that will enhance student awareness, access and connectedness
Year 3
Launch a phased in approach to the implementation of strategy using the approved operational framework
Establish metrics and QA
Completion of all milestones
Increase in first year student participation in out-of-class activity
Growth in Student Leadership Development program and enhanced impact of Student Peer Mentors on Mentees.
Increase in CCR numbers
NSSE – enhanced scores
KPIs – increased student satisfaction
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Priority 6 – Culture of Planning, Accountability and Improvement
Outcome: Student Affairs’ plans and priorities will be clearly aligned with the Academic Plan.
• Development of connected systems
• Use of evidence to inform decisions is routinized
• Focus on assessment and impact metrics
• Enhancement of Quality Assurance processes
• Commitment to ongoing student & stakeholder feedback
• An Intentional employee recruitment, onboarding and development plan
• A deliberate Student Affairs Communication plan
• Accountable to keeping finger on the pulse of our students’ characteristics & the student experience
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Priority 6 – Culture of Planning, Accountability and Improvement
Actions to achieve the goal
Establish one metric within each unit of Student Affairs
Year 1
Professional Development for the Student Affairs Leadership Team re: Assessment in Student Affairs with Mark Chapman and External
Assess current state with a focus on 5 priorities for 2018-22:
 Review of all Quality Assurance processes within each unit of Student Affairs
 Assess and document all data collection processes that track student participation and characteristics/at risk issues
 Review and assess effectiveness and consistency of current evidence informed practices
Assess the existing operating systems and compatibility (CRM, Clockwork, etc)
Enhancements to Quality Assurance processes across all units in Affairs and ensure alignment with institutional expectations
Develop integrated and routinized data collection processes that are sustainable, allow for evidence informed planning and ability to be nimble
Create an employee recruitment, onboarding and ongoing development plan for Student Affairs Administrators, staff and Counsellors
Year 2
Develop a Student Affairs Communication Plan that will focus on:
Year 3
Effective information sharing amongst & across Student Affairs
Enhancing awareness and participation of Students
Creating clarity, within Faculties & other internal stakeholders, of the roles, functions/competencies and student supports within
Student Affairs - fostering collaborative working relationships/partnerships and increasing student usage
Building communication mechanism to share data/intelligence with internal stakeholders
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