International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) International Open Access Journal ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | | Volume - 2 | Issue – 4 Review Paper on Wir Wireless eless Sensor Networks (WSN) for Fuzzy Logy Algorithms Ashish Verma1, Mukesh Patidar2 1 M. Tech (Student), 2Professor Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Engineering, Lakshmii Narain College of Technology, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks is a group of spatially dispersed dedicated sensors to monitor and record an environment’s physical conditions and to organize collected data at a central location (Xiao 2004). Wireless Sensor networks (WSNs) have become one of the most interesting areas of research in the past few ew years. A WSN is composed of a number of wireless sensor nodes which form a sensor field and a sink. These large numbers of nodes, having the abilities to sense their surroundings, perform limited computation and communicate wirelessly form the WSNs. It is enjoy great benefits due to their very low cost, small scale, smart sensor nodes etc. Applications of wireless sensor networks such as: span environmental, animal monitoring, industrial monitoring, agricultural monitoring, automation, health monitoring and many other areas. In this paper review on WSN, literature and analysis of fuzzy loge algorithm for consider different numbers of Node and cluster like 100, 200 and 300. Keywords: WSN, Cluster, Fuzzy logy, Sensor I. INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an ad ad-hoc network technology comprising even thousands of autonomic and self-organizing organizing nodes that combine environmental sensing, data processing, and wireless networking. The applications for sensor networks range from homee and industrial environments to military uses. Unlike the traditional computer networks, a WSN is application-oriented oriented and deployed for a specific task. WSNs are data centric, which means that messages are not send to individual nodes but to geographical locations or regions based on the data content. A WSN node is typically battery powered and characterized by extremely small size and low cost. Fig. 1: Cluster based WSN It is wireless network sometimes more specifically referred as Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks as described in a Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) enable new applications and require non-conventional non paradigms for protocol design due to several constraints. Wireless sensor network are using Global Positioning System (GPS) and local positioning algorithms can be used to positioning information and obtain location. The requirement for low device complexity together with low energy consumption, a proper balance between communication and signal/data processing capabilities must be found. @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun Jun 2018 Page: 1971 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 several sensor network applications such as inter cluster communication, node localization and so on. Clustering algorithms have extensive applications in the precedent years and common clustering algorithms have been proposed for energy consumption in recent years in all of these algorithms, and nodes are structured as clusters, superior energy nodes are called as Cluster Head (CH) and other nodes are called as normal sensor nodes. Fig. 2: WSN Technology In recent years an efficient design of a Wireless Sensor Network has become a leading area of research. A Sensor is a device that responds and detects some type of input from both the physical or environmental conditions, such as pressure, heat, light, etc. The output of the sensor is generally an electrical signal that is transmitted to a controller for further processing. II. Types of WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks) Depending on the environment, the types of networks are decided so that those can be deployed underwater, underground, on land, and so on. Different types of WSNs include: 1. Terrestrial WSNs 2. Underground WSNs 3. Underwater WSNs 4. Multimedia WSNs 5. Mobile WSNs II. ENERGY CONSUMPTION Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) plays an extremely significant role in usual lives. Wireless Networks in provisions of constraints of their resources. The energy consumption is the principal concern in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Therefore, a numerous researchers focused on energy efficient algorithms in WSNs for extending the life time of sensors. These differ depending on the deployment of node, the network design, the characteristics of the cluster head nodes and the network operation. Energy is proficient of save by grouping nodes as clusters. A. Cluster Head Clustering is used in order to advance the scalability of network performance. Clustering is useful in III. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. D. Naga Ravikiran and C. G. Dethe (2018) “Improvements in Routing Algorithms to Enhance Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.10 (2) 2018. In this paper improvements in various parameters are compared for three different routing algorithms. First, it is started with Low Energy Adaptive Cluster Hierarchy (LEACH)which is a famed clustering mechanism that elects a CH based on the probability model. Then, work describes a Fuzzy logic system initiated CH selection algorithm for LEACH. 2. Vineet Mishra et al. (2015). “Performance Analysis Of Cluster Formation In Wireless Sensor Networks”, Global Journal of Advance Engineering Technologies and Sciences, 2(11). The energy consumption is the principal concern in WSN. It system is built on an IEEE 802.15.4 wireless mesh network. Wireless Sensor Networking is a network of wireless sensor nodes deployed in an area. The wireless sensor network consists of the sensor nodes. The idea of development of wireless sensor networks was initially motivated by military applications. A WSN provides a reliable, low maintenance, low power method for making measurements in applications where cabled sensors are impractical or otherwise undesirable. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions such as humidity, pressure, temperature, sound, vibration. 3. T. Arivanantham et al. (2014). “Clustering Techniques to Analyze Communication Overhead in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, 4(5). The major problem with wireless sensor network is their limited source of energy, the courage constraint and high traffic load. In this paper we introduce various clustering techniques @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2018 Page: 1972 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 which are to be used to reduce communication overhead and increase network’s lifetime. In the present work, the comparative evaluation of communication overhead for the wireless sensor network based on clustering technique is carried out. As a result of these experiments, we evaluated the communication overhead in WSN using Kmeans clustering algorithm and Fuzzy clustering algorithm. 4. Labisha R.V et al. (2014). “Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks-An Analytical View” International journal 9(3). Wireless sensor network refers to a group of spatially distributed and dedicated sensors for monitoring and recording the physical conditions of environment like temperature, humidity, sound, pollution levels, and wind speed with direction and pressure. Sensors are self powered nodes which also possess limited processing capabilities and the nodes communicate wirelessly through a gateway. The capability of sensing, processing and communication found in sensor networks lead to a vast number of applications of wireless sensor networks in areas such as environmental monitoring, warfare, education, agriculture to name a few. In the present work, the comparative evaluation of communication overhead for the wireless sensor network based off on clustering technique is carried out. 5. Amrinder Kaur et al. (2013). “Simulation of Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of Scientific Engineering, 3(7). Recent advances in wireless sensor networks have settled into an important part of one’s everyday life and gained attention from both the research community and actual users. In wireless sensor networks energy alertness is an essential consideration & it explored to many new protocols specifically designed for sensor networks. This paper presents the overview of wireless sensor networks and their routing challenges and design issues that is faced in designing a protocol for sensor networks. 6. Anshul Shrotriya et al. (2013). “Energy Efficient Modeling of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Different Modulation Schemes Using QualNet” International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 1(3). I have study in the paper that it account for the analysis of energy consumption in existing energy models of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based upon different modulation. There are two main energy models preferred in Wireless Sensor Network, MOTES and MICAZ. So here, we have investigated the more energy efficient energy model under different modulation schemes. So I can simply find the better energy model as well as the better modulation scheme to efficiently utilize the energy in WSN. It has been found that, based upon the modulation schemes; mica z performs better than mica mote energy model. 7. Shiv Prasad Kori et al. (2013). “Performance Comparison in Terms of Communication Overhead for Wireless Sensor Network Based on Clustering Technique” International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, 4(3). The present work, the comparative evaluation of communication overhead for the wireless sensor network based of on clustering technique is carried out. It has been be observed that overhead in cluster based protocol is not much dependent upon update time. Simulation a result indicates that cluster based protocol has low communication overheads compared with the BBM based protocol when sink mobility is high. In these applications a large number of sensors are expected, requiring careful architecture and management of the network. Grouping nodes into clusters has been the most popular approach for support scalability in WSNs. Significant attention has been paid to clustering strategies and algorithms yielding a large number of publications. IV. METHODOLOGY The System has been implemented in the MATLAB. The wireless sensor network is design with following specification in table 1. The method of design simulation has been given below: Table 1: Specification Fuzzy Algorithms S. No. Specification Value 1 NO. of Node and 200, 300 and cluster 400 2 Length of network 1×1m area 3 Maximum range 500 m 4 5 6 7 Noise power in dBm Transmitted power Operating frequency Technology 50 dbm 1 Mw 2.4 GHZ Fuzzy @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2018 Page: 1973 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 A. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering This algorithm works by assigning membership to each data point corresponding to each cluster center on the basis of distance between the cluster center and the data point. For more the data is near to the cluster center more is its membership towards the particular cluster center. In clearly, summation of membership of each data point should be equal to one. 1000 900 88 60 91 25 64 93 31 70 4 16 800 700 2 600 68 3 400 1 8 54 74 71 95 76 47 77 23 18 92 13 200 62 100 80 11 78 87 58 36 73 49 90 38 37 40 66 86 75 26 79 97 41 98 55 24 15 5 100 10 52 33 19 14 53 200 300 69 83 4627 400 500 600 85 8434 51 21 67 45 89 29 63 0 81 43 61 99 94 3042 57 65 17 12 82 300 100 35 50 7 39 22 59 72 9 48 28 500 0 32 446 56 20 700 800 900 96 1000 Fig: 3: Performance of Fuzzy clustering for 100 Nodes 1000 130 169 129 195 143 96 93 37 100 197 51 75 77 38 12 163 147 110 900 192 186 132 43 187 74 200 157 85 112126 114 173 800 73 80 182 165 166 76 156 155 111 125 11514 138 159 42 97 177 150 170 181 36 136 17 4189 24 47 104 174 700 9164 55 22 145 31 844 92 52 193106 40 600 58 144 33 107 46 81 196 168 108 71 83 60 146 34 191 7 148 178 188 53 134 4 500 48 167 162 183 105 82 1711813 6 95 194 109 11 78 87 180 29 198 23 20137 400 153 120 160 50 161 39 79 68 94 27 189 45 3 185 59 300 19 172 152 88 69 184 15116 54 158 131 151 61 135 133 66 10 200 142139 98 56 21 49 199 5 32 117 128 30118 123103 2 90 102 72 122 140 84 6263 164 57 127 179 86 175 99 16 100 35 154101 141 1 176 26 70 121 28 25 65 190 149 67 9 124 119 113 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Fig: 4: Performance of Fuzzy clustering for 200 Nodes 1000 30 19595 128 69 263 29 261 165 43 237 299 145 97242 120 235 180 11963110266 219 182223 116 103 233 207 47283 255 262 169 254 3210 192 159 130 900 92 244 122 161 86 101 206 87 194 250 178 231 104 17611173 57 197 12 280 14 100 26 102 249 136 800 173 8265 66 162 216 56 55 227 77 205 1115 8 121 38 131164 221 59239 17125 258 81 70270 247 259 74 50 36 4 251 700 218 260 134 45 300 291 177 228 297 285 225 264 213 93 124 222 208 236 181 600 6 44 7 253 267 96 68 109 139 243 275 46 132 232 163 294 91 202 168 48 108 295 78 198 88 241 276 34 277 500 196 67 62 252 190 105 298 5 71 83 147 144 185 238 9 230 94 106 107 80 226 279 200 215203 129 98 245 53 175 214 400 286 183 37149 172 20 273 246 113 60 186 158 265 210 61 118 140 292 117 248 151 89 187 170 85 300 127 142 16 72 268 52 229 155 84 272256 112220 58 135193 51 123 31 240 166 217 35 33 293 200 209 42 99 167 18 28 39 189 284 17 23 157 274 3 2 133 11522 148 199137 138 40 282 281 174 271 114 152 184 288 64 204 143 269 79 7527 100 153 290 141 278 154 541 296 7641 212 191 21 125 257 224 211 234 49 289 90 201 150 156 24 160 188 287 126 146 19 13 179 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Fig: 5: Performance of Fuzzy clustering for 300 Nodes VI. CONCLUSION Wireless network is considered as most common service used in industrial and commercial application due to its technological enhancement in the process, interaction and utilisation of low power embedded computational devices. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) utilize fast, cheap, and effective applications to imitate the human intelligence capability of sensing on a wider distributed scale The energy consumption reduction has been taken as a objective in this project. The clustering based network architecture has been proposed in this project to reduce the communication overhead which in turn reduces the energy consumption. The various clustering techniques are available for locating the access point for WSN. Following path is generated for consider number of nodes 100, 200 and 300 respectively using Matlab toll R2013a. Path= 6, 57, 18, 8 (Fig. 3) Path= 6, 18, 27, 8 (Fig. 4) Path= 6, 295, 175, 8 (Fig. 5) REFERENCES 1. D. Naga Ravikiran and C.G. 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