Hotjet-Waxer - Operation – Short Instruction 1) PREPARATIONS 1.1) Important Notices Make sure that all safety instructions and warning notices contained in the operator’s manual are observed. Check whether the system was connected in a technically correct manner (voltage supply via Harting connector, ball valve for compressed air in the system cabinet open, compressed air setting 2.4 bar, connections wax applicator head, connection and position of product detection sensor). 1.2) Filling of the tank The system has not yet been switched on, the operation sequences from point 2 – “Operation” have not yet been carried out! Open the tank cover and fill in the wax up to 2/3 maximum of the tank capacity. 1.3) Starting the System a) Switch on the main switch, after booting of the control you’ll see the below home mask. Home Mask Mask Settings (Product selection, configuration) Selection Mask System Parameters Selection Mask Dot Programming Activation / Deactivation Applicator Head Selection Mask Cleaning / Filling Product Designation Filling Level Tank (digital) Hotjet-Waxer-Kurzanleitung-16-01-11.docx 1 Hotjet-Waxer - Operation – Short Instruction b) Check the system parameters (required temperatures for tank (85 degrees C – hysteresis 5degrees C), hose and applicator head (65 or 55 degrees C), hysteresis +/- 3 degrees C each). (icon ). c) Has the correct production program been loaded? (if necessary, load via mask “Settings” Production a second program). 1.4) Filling of the system (required only in case of initial or re-commissioning) Notice: The system cannot be filled until the required temperature in all heating components has been reached. In order to fill the system, select the mask “Cleaning” (icon ) Activate the applicator head (refer to mask description). Make sure that the wax will be collected in a container. Touch the “Start” button in the middle of the mask. The liquid wax is now flowing to the applicator head. Deactivate the function “Filling” after the wax comes out of the head with the “Stop” button - again in the middle of the mask. Change to the home mask again e.g. by touching the circle icon . Activation / Deactivation Start/ Stop Button User Level Hotjet-Waxer-Kurzanleitung-16-01-11.docx 2 Hotjet-Waxer - Operation – Short Instruction 2) Operation 2.1) Before Production Activate the automatic operation by touching the button “START” in the home mask. As soon as the sensor steadily recognizes cans, a wax dot will be applied onto the same. Automatic operation is only possible when the required temperature has been reached. 2.2) Correction of size and position of the wax dot Touch head icon in the home mask ( ) Thereafter the below mask dot programming (Glue Pattern) is shown. Distance / Diameter between the individual cans Selection of Function Stitching (dot application relating to line 1) Selection of three different dot sizes / wax quantity Button „START“(Release only when required temperatures = actual temperatures) Offset Position Wax Dot Visualization of error messages and warning notices In order to change the dot size / wax quantity the same-named selection field is available. For the dot size you can choose between “Small/Medium and Large”. If these possibilities are not be sufficient, you can vary the system pressure at the tank in +/- 0.2 bar steps within the range of the working pressure of 1.5 to 2.5 bar. Finish the production by touching the “STOP” button (possible in all masks at lower left). Hotjet-Waxer-Kurzanleitung-16-01-11.docx 3