Uploaded by Mike Hinkens

Civil War Battles

Generals at Bull Run
General Irwin McDowell vs.General PGT Beauregard
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Anaconda Plan
Jefferson Davis – President
of CSA
Battle of Shiloh – April
Battle of Antietam
September 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg
December 13, 1862
Ambrose E. Burnside
Battle of Chancellorsville
May 1, 1863
James Ewell Brown
'Jeb' Stuart
Thomas J. "Stonewall"
“Old Blue Light
Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker
Battle of Vicksburg – July 1863
Gen. Albert Johnson
Battle of the Wilderness
• Grant took his army
of 155,000 men (2X
that of Lee’s) and
headed directly
towards Richmond
in hopes of
engaging Lee.
• May 1864
Siege of Petersburg
Sherman’s March
• Major General William
Tecumseh Sherman
• On November 12, 1864,
Sherman marched out of
Atlanta toward the
Atlantic coast.
• Tracing a line of march
between Macon and
Augusta, he carved a
sixty-mile wide swath of
destruction in the
Confederacy's heartland.