Uploaded by Akshay Devlekar

Stakeholder Prioritization in Business Ethics

Running Head: Activity 2 Assignment
Activity 2 Assignment
Akshay Devlekar
University of the Cumberlands
Activity 2 Assignment
Week 2 Discussion
Lincoln Electric considers customers and employees to be more important
stakeholders than shareholders. Is it appropriate for management to define some
stakeholders as more important than others? Should all stakeholders be considered
equal? Discuss
In my opinion it is okay if Lincoln Electric gives more importance to the
customers and the employees than the shareholders. Customers are like the drivers
of the business and employees are like the fuel which drives the engine, in this case to
be able to work on the customer needs or requirements. Efficient working of
employees are important in order for business to grow.
The basic idea for people to get into business is to make money and traditionally
most of the publicly owned companies make sure of effectively using the shareholders
money. Now a days, organizations can be seen focusing on the other groups of
stakeholders because of the corporate social responsibility and citizenship where the
organization has to make sure that they are socially responsible, and accountable for
their acts while providing high standards to the society and other stakeholders while
maintaining profitability for the stakeholders.
This brings me to the main reasoning why it is ok to give more importance to
the customers and the employees which is organizational health. As we know,
stakeholders are groups while can impact or get impacted by the organization action
Activity 2 Assignment
and decisions, employees and customers are the key stakeholders because of the
reasons specified previously about how they contribute to the organizational growth.
Organizational health is important in order for the effective running of business, to
adapt to the change, grow. If employees and customers are not given equal
importance as that of the shareholders, there’s a chance that it might hamper the
productivity of the employees which will affect their ability to deliver the services on
time ultimately losing the customers. Thus, it may cause a business to come to an end.
Apart from organizational health, in case all the stakeholders are given equal
importance, if one group of stakeholders is dissatisfied, it may cause other satisfied
stakeholders. Along with that it’s a fact that not all the stakeholders have equal impact
on the organization.
Activity 2 Assignment
Kokemuller, N. (2016, October 26). Are Customers and Employees More Important
Than Shareholders? Retrieved from https://smallbusiness.chron.com/customersemployees-important-shareholders-19405.html
Futrell, C., Agnihotri, R., & Krush, M. (2019). ABC's of Relationship Selling through
Service. McGraw-Hill.
Futrell, C., Agnihotri, R., & Krush, M. (2019). ABC's of Relationship Selling through Service.