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7th Grade Social Studies Test: Southern & Eastern Africa

Natalie Bako
EDPS 646
July 7, 2020
This assessment is created for a seventh grade Social Studies class in a public middle school in Indiana.
The content taught prior to the test, is based on a chapter titled “Southern and Eastern Africa” from the
district adopted text book My World Geography by Pearson. The class makeup is heterogeneous.
Multiple Choice:
Directions: For this section circle the correct answer for each item. There is only one correct answer per
What type of ecosystem supports zebras and lions?
a. The savanna
b. The woodlands
c. The forest
d. The desert
What harm does the tsetse fly cause?
a. Itchy bumps
b. loss of sight
c. vomiting and diarrhea
d. sleepiness
Homo erectus lived in Africa between:
a. 1 and 2 million years ago
b. 1 and 2 hundred thousand years ago
c. 1 and 2 billion years ago
d. 1 and 2 thousand years ago
Under apartheid black South Africans could not do the following:
a. Vote
b. Leave the country
c. Marry someone of a different race
d. Both A and C
Which reason describes why AIDS is so deadly in Southern and Eastern Africa?
a. There is no treatment for AIDS.
b. It is against their religion to seek medical treatment for AIDS.
c. Many countries are too poor to treat the sick.
d. The government does not allow treatment for AIDS.
Where was the Bantu people’s original homeland?
a. West Africa
b. North Africa
c. Europe
d. Southern Africa
7. What is the biggest environmental challenge in Eastern and Southern Africa?
a. High temperatures
b. Lack of water
c. Dust storms
d. Flooding
8. The Darfur conflict is a conflict taking place in Darfur over:
a. Food
b. Land
c. Water
d. Political power
9. Which of the following is a lasting effect of apartheid?
a. Black South Africans are still living in poverty
b. Black South Africans aren’t allowed to be politically active
c. Citizens can’t participate in their government
d. South Africa’s government is still unstable
10. Which religion is practiced by more than half of the people of Southern and Eastern Africa?
a. Islam
b. Christianity
c. Indigenous Religions
d. Judaism
True or False
Directions: For this section evaluate whether the statement is true or false. Circle true if you
believe the statement is true. Circle false if you believe the statement is false.
Trade drove the spread of ideas through early civilizations in Africa. True of False
Girls have more access to education in Southern and Eastern Africa. True of False
Most people in Eastern and Southern Africa speak the same language. True or False
F.W. de Klerk is credited with helping to end apartheid in South Africa. True or False
Fill Ins
Directions: For this section please read each question and write your answer in the blank.
15. The Darfur conflict is known as an attempt to destroy a whole people, also known as? ________
16. The European attitude of thinking that their culture was superior was known as? ___________
17. The Kikuyu people of Kenya began a movement called ____________ that included using force
to gain independence from the ______________.
18. Most people in Southern and Eastern Africa are ____________ to the region.
Directions: In the left column below there are descriptions of European groups that impacted
the path of Southern and Eastern Africa. For each description, choose the name of the European group
being described from the right column and place the letter identifying in on the line preceding the
number of the description. Each European group name in the right column may be used once, more
than once, or not at all.
1. _____ This European group was the
first to begin trade with Africa in the
2. ______ Colonists of this European
group were reported to ended
slavery in Africa in 1833.
3. Colonists from this European group
settled in Southern Africa and farmed
the land.
4. ______ This European group was
responsible for expanding the slave
5. _______ This European group held
the most land in Africa during the 19th
and early 20th century.
6. _______ This European group
colonized on the island of
The British
The Dutch
The Portugese
The Germans
The French
The Italians
For each place, write the letter from the map that shows its location.
(I wanted to label this map with letters, I ran
out of time in order to submit on time my intention was to letter each correct answer and
provide one distractor.
South Africa _____
Madagascar _____
Kenya ___________
Lake Victoria ______
Khartoum ________
Kalahari Desert ____
Correspondence with Multiple Choice:
Most items assessed key ideas of the standards that were prevalent in the chapters. The items were
written as clearly and concisely as possible in order to make the assessment easy to understand. In
addition, the alternatives were plausible so that it would make it difficult for a student that lacked the
knowledge of the concepts to be able to accurately guess. The correct answers were also independent
of the other alternatives.
Correspondence with True and False:
The items assessed important ideas from the chapter. I took care not to have a pattern in my true false
questions, none were opinions, and they did not contain verbal clues. All of the statements were
definitely true or false as well.
Fill Ins:
In this section the items assessed an important aspect of the unit’s targets, understanding the meaning
of genocide and ethnocentrism as well as the populations that fought back. For the completion
questions, the omitted words were vocabulary words or central to the concept. All items only had one
or two blanks. All answers are a single word.
This unit had geography standards attached to it so I felt that the geography portion was a good way to
assess student understanding of geography. In both exercises the premise was consistent throughout
the item set. There are fewer than ten responses in both sets. Every response was a plausible
alternative in the first matching activity.