Uploaded by Kate Du


Republic of the Philippines
Don Severino delas Alas Campus
Indang, Cavite
EMGT 365 – Management and Organizational Behavior
Name: _______Kate_________________ Date ______7/24/2020_____________
Direction: The following are the questions that you need to answer as part of our
requirements in class. Instead of usual reporting, I would like to know your thoughts on
the topics for our course. You may use examples in your organization to prove your
point, if necessary.
1. What is Organizational Behavior and Its Goals?
Organizational behavior (OB) is the academic study of the ways people act within
groups. Its principles are applied primarily in attempts to make businesses operate more
One of the main goals of organizational behavior (OB) is to explain the behavior of
employees to determine why they act the way they do. Another objective is to predict
how they will act before they do anything, which often makes it easier for managers to
plan their next step. Additionally, those who use this business theory may seek to control
the behavior of their employees to fix any issues.Another of the goals of organizational
behavior is the ability to control how employees act. This usually only comes after
observing them and successfully predicting their behavior, and it often controversial,
because many believe it is not ethical to use observation to control people.
2. Why do we need to understand the behavior and attitudes of all employees in
an organizational setting ?
Those who apply organizational behavior to their business usually start by simply
studying employees. They may look at their overall attitudes and habits to determine
what may need to change. Some concrete details they may gather include facts about
productivity, turnover rates and absenteeism, all of which can tell a lot about employee
attitudes. Once they collect some observations, they can satisfy one of the goals of
organizational behavior, which is to explain the attitude of employees. Once an
explanation is obtained through observation, those in charge of studying workplace
behavior may try to predict how employees will react to a change. This may be useful
when deciding whether to introduce a new concept to the workplace. If a manager is not
sure how employees may react to a major change, then he might make a few smaller
modifications to gauge employee reaction. Then, based on his findings, he can usually
predict how workers will react to a bigger change within the company. This may help
prevent employee resistance to modifications at work, because the manager may be
able to present the change to workers in a different way or avoid it altogether.
3. Who are the individual workers in your school?
In my school, I think the individual workers are all of the staffs. Some of them are
teacher who teach student, some of them are worker who manage student, and some of
them are the people who supply and fix the facilities to ensure us have a wonderful
school time.
4. Discuss how the following factors make an individual worker unique from one
a. Personality
Personality is the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc., that makes a person
different from other people. Because of different people has different individual
personality, there will be a complex relationship between each other. Even though they
regard the same thing, different people will have different solution and attitude to solve
the problem. That is the reason why personality can make individual worker unique from
one another.
b. Values
The word “values” here has a meaning of a principle or quality that is valuable or
desirable. It means that different people has different values, in most of time, the closest
friend have the related values, otherwise they will not come to closest friend. So in the
school, individual worker has individual values, different values will lead them to do
different things, for example, some of the worker will work hard whatever how much
salary they can get, some of them will get slack off in they work even though they have a
very high salary.
c. Attitude
In Chinese, there is a sentence “The attitude determines your altitude and your aptitude”.
Different attitude will lead you to a different future. In a workplace, if your attitude is very
active in your work, when the boss appreciate you, you will improve your position and
get higher salary. But if your attitude is very negative, your boss will not be satisfied with
your work, and most likely you will be fired sooner or later. That’s the importance of
attitude in people’s life.
5. What is workplace diversity? What are the benefits of diversity in the
Workplace diversity describes the qualities that all employees bring to our agency as a
result of their different experiences, backgrounds and beliefs. These may include
gender, age, language, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, religious belief, sexual
orientation, working style, educational level, professional skills, work experience,
socioeconomic background, marital status and/or family responsibilities. Workplace
diversity involves acknowledging the value of our employees and how their differences
can improve the workplace for both the organization and the individual.
workplace diversity offers many positives for employers and employees:
A) Perspectives
Having a mix of cultures, ethnicities and ages in the workplace can bring a variety of
points of view to any project. As such, problems can be thought out and viewed from
fresh eyes.
B) Tolerance
Working with people who come from different backgrounds and walks of life enhances
the personal tolerance levels of every individual employee.
C) Fairness
A more diverse workplace is viewed, from an outside perspective, as being more open to
accepting qualified applicants. Often an employer is seen as "color blind," hiring purely
on the merit of its employees.
D) Skill Set
When a workplace has a number of different demographics it gives the company a much
broader skill set to draw upon, including cultural understanding and foreign language.
E) Legal Protection
One of the clearest, though not as often quoted, benefits of a diverse workplace is that it
is less likely that an employer will be the subject of discrimination claims.