Uploaded by Nouman Ejaz

Excel Assignment: Formulas & Data Analysis

Computer Proficiency License
Assignment # 03
Total marks = 20
Due Date
27th July 2020
Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.
It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:
 The assignment is submitted after the due date.
 The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
 Strict action will be taken if the submitted solution is copied from any other student or
the internet.
You should consult the recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not
You are supposed to submit your assignment in xls or xlsx format.
Any other formats like scan images, Doc, Docx, PDF, zip, rar, ppt, and BMP etc will not be accepted.
Topic Covered:
 Module 4 (Spreadsheets):
o Introduction to Microsoft Excel
o Saving an Excel File
o Creating Complex Formula
o Sorting Data
Note: Create an excel file with two sheets, one for Question 1 and other for Question 2.
No assignment will be accepted after the due date via email in any case (whether it is the case of
load shedding or internet malfunctioning etc.). Hence refrain from uploading assignment in the
last hour of deadline. It is recommended to upload solution file at least two days before its closing
If you people find any mistake or confusion in assignment (Question statement), please consult
with your instructor before the deadline. After the deadline no queries will be entertained in this
For any query, feel free to email at:
Questions No 01
10 marks
Create a worksheet in excel with the name “Question 1” with the following data as shown
1. Create a formula in the Quantity column to calculate the total of each type of Medical
Goods statistics in a store sold/Item. Quantity = number goods sold in January + number
goods sold in February + number goods sold in March + number goods sold in April +
number goods sold in May.
2. Create a formula in the Sales column to calculate the sales value of each type of Medical
Sales = Quantity * Price.
3. In the row Grand Total, create a formula to calculate the total number of Medical goods
sold per month.
4. One new row at the bottom of the Worksheet added and label “Mod sale item Name”.
Create formulae in these rows to calculate the Maximum goods name sold per month.
Questions No 02
10 marks
Create a worksheet with the name “Question 2” with the following data as below:
1. Enter the formula to find the number of Male Quarantine patients in cell “G8” and the
number of Female Quarantine patients in cell “G9” respectively.
2. In cells “H8” and “H9”, enter the formula to calculate the total Stipend for Male
Quarantine patients and Female Quarantine patients.
3. In cells “I8” and “I9” calculate the average Stipend for Male Quarantine patients and
Female Quarantine patients using the values calculated in question 2.
4. In cells “J8” and “J9”, calculate the number of Male Quarantine patients and Female
Quarantine patients having pay more than 5,000.
Note: Create an excel file with two sheets, one for Question 1 and another for Question 2.