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Section ..B

Student No. 1873281
Assignment: SEMATICS in the Knowledge building process
Student No. 1873281
Section B
Question 1: Semantic (Density) Analysis
Here are the sematic maps of different formulas that one can use in financial mathematics, which illustrate the
complexity of meaning, how these meanings are related (or not ) to one another within the mathematical discourse
and financial mathematics.
Student No. 1873281
Assignment: SEMATICS in the Knowledge building process
Starting with the present value (A) of annuities. For the reason that annuities are regular payments made, the
formula itself is a result of cumulative knowledge building. Because as an annuity, it thus makes it a sequence of
payments. Similarly, to the future value of annuities. So there can be more relation establish with other meanings
(such as the geometric sum derived from first principle, with the formula of both future (B) and present value (A) of
annuities – together with its part of compound interest formula (D) in it), leading to a stronger sematic density (SD+).
Student No. 1873281
Assignment: SEMATICS in the Knowledge building process
Moreover, for one get the conceptual understanding of “effective and nominal interest rates” (C), one should start
building from the knowledge of compound interest (which involves fewer meanings), towards a concept or
knowledge that is concerned with greater implication of meanings. And that will be the concept of “effective and
nominal interest rates” (C). therefore, by doing so we are strengthening the sematic density (SD↑) to become strong
(SD+). In conclusion, since these formulas are not bound to one topic or big idea within the Mathematics context.
Therefore, the use of it means that they are concerned with cumulative knowledge building. So, to say that
segmentalism is more avoided in financial mathematics.
Question 2: Responding using the videos
The semantic density of the knowledge presented
Simple interest
Throughout this lesson, financial mathematics concepts which are
complex were being used. This shows that the sematic density of this
lesson was relatively strong (SD+).
Compound interest
This lesson was an inductive lesson, whereby it started with by solving an
example, It could be said that the kno wledge-building was based on the
procedural knowledge. So the lesson itself, was strengthening the sematic
density (SD↑)
Future Value
Looking at the idea that financial mathematics concepts, which are
complex and networked, are used in this lesson. It shows that the sematic
density of this lesson was relatively strong (SD+) as part of formal
knowledge and understanding.
Future value
The lesson outlines a shift from an everyday knowledge to scientific
knowledge, thus it shows that the repacking of meaning is concerned.
Therefore the lesson resulted in SD+
Present Value
Like wise, here the lesson (SD↑), since there is a shift from symbols of few
meanings towards one implicating a greater range of meanings (
Outstanding balance
The focus knowledge of this lesson was how meanings and ideas are
related to one another, in other to solve the different problem. So since
the semantic density can also be conceive in terms of relationality, as
ideas and meaning were being related, the stronger the SD get.
Student No. 1873281
Assignment: SEMATICS in the Knowledge building process
ii) How sequential knowledge is constructed ( or not) in the lesson using the idea of semantic waves.
Simple interest
In relation to the sequence of how knowledge is constructed in this lesson,
starting from introducing the big idea of the topic, there is a quick shift to
the knowledge of finance that is tied to our everyday life. So the sematic
range, waves from the prosaic code (SG+,SD-) to rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+).
Therefore, the knowledge building exist through building on what learners
already know already know (inductive explanation).
Compound interest
Likewise, in this lesson, the sematic range, waves from the prosaic code
(SG+,SD-) to rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+). Because the knowledge building
exist through building on what learners already know already know
(inductive explanation). Moreover, it waves back to prosaic code (SG+,SD-),
for further clarity before introducing the new idea in a lesson, then to
rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+) which is the new idea of using logs.
Future Value
Here the sequence of the lesson is based on the sematic range, whereby
there is a wave from rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+) to prosaic code (SG+,SD-),
ends with relational understanding of the knowledge presented at the
rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+).
Future value
Again, here the sequence of the lesson is based on the sematic range,
whereby there is a wave from rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+) to prosaic code
(SG+,SD-), ends at the rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+). As a result, the
cummulative knowledge building is seen through the relational
understanding that learner have obtained.
Present Value
Similarly, present value lesson. Knowledge is sequential constructed based
on the sematic range, whereby there is a wave from rhizomatic code (SG,SD+) to prosaic code (SG+,SD-), ends at the rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+). As a
result, the cummulative knowledge building is seen through the relational
understanding that learner have obtained.
Student No. 1873281
Assignment: SEMATICS in the Knowledge building process
Outstanding balance
With a relational understanding that learners have. This lesson is sequence
in a way that allows them to generalize knowledge across different context
or ideas such as present value, future value and compound interest. It
shows that the sematic range, start waving from rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+)
which is part of formal knowledge, then it goes to prosaic code (SG+,SD-),
and then back to rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+) continuously. But note that
more time is spent on the rhizomatic code (SG-,SD+).