KIL180044 a tank in aeration is cellular respiration under aerobic catabolism Tn anaerobic digester is anaerobic respiration anaerobic catabolism process in in because anaerobic digester is more energy intensive it must 2 AP to get back HMP anaerobic respiration whereas in cellular respiration which is higher than b electron acceptor is electron about 36 38 ATP anaerobic respiration Noa donor is NHitt nitrite in ammonium in novel conventional process source process autotrophs chemo autotrophs in nitrification carbon produced in anammox process heterotrophs in denitrification electron Oz in nitrification Acceptor Ng NOI process yn denitrification chemoautotrophs Gnsures energy from the conversion and ches not require raw materials unlike heterotrophs cost efficient this makes mel in anammox prices of ammonia autotrophs and sustainable and more killSoo't't a competitive l Et s ES 1 3 Et p competitive inhibitor structure I usually resembles of normal substrate it competes withsubstrate for the active sites F Its mreaction non competitive Es Ets E t P t t t noncompetitiveinhibitor bends on sites other than active site this reducesenzymeaffinity to the substrate EIS F Its s no reaction b s e e s c e f g Vmax competitive inhibitor Uman 2 r noncompetitive inhibitor Imax app km kmapp substrate concentration s KILL80044 c for inhibited reactions Vmax S y K'm 1 U ly S K'm I vmux S l t Imax t ottars 0 251 k'M yMax U'm I 0.0251 o 2.00g Ymhx 0251 y mxtc O 4978 2.009 mmol1mL min Vmay D 05043 mmol1mL K'm for 0.0251 X t 0 4978 Y uninhabited reaction y O 0124 1 0.4882 Vmax s U Hmt CS I Kiss Es tuna story k'm to.Ytssz I 0.012 t m D 012 t Vma 2.048 U'm mate 0.4882 Vmax Ymax U y D 2 OH 8 mmol ml min 0254 mmol1mL since Vmax I Ymaxapp and it is an competitive U'm L K'mapp inhibition KILI80044 substrate A has higher Ymax than which can produce more product Besides substrate Lastly product substrate which has Thus an yield compared tosubstrate B A also has higher hrs thansubstrate B 20.648.7 my11 of the substrate 13 min which also compared to contributes substrate in more production B A has lower km than substrate B 60.151852 mm higher affinity towards enzyme substrate complex substrate It is more better to used in the bioprocess kills it't a i it it Yes 3 hours Oth to 3rdhour Yes from 3M hour to 7th how the higher the cell growth the higher the product formation and vice versa H because 8 hours hour which v corresponds to DX dt MX ft highest pigment production DI rx Mx r cell concentration is the highest at 8th joy Judt ut In t Inxs mx t y from graph 33 I 3 3 7 m re Since m N I I 5h 1 at log phase 1 Mmax 2M Mmay In2 til th U these p 1.15 I 15 h I 6027 h valid at 3rd to 7th hour parameters which is 1 15 h are exponential growth kill80044 b for for B A Fent Mma v Ent I 0.8 Ent OS specify Ent Umar v Font 0.5 I tent 11h I O5 O 7 Foret for A f Llb for B D 56 4h O T o S suitable fbwrate must f O 56 F be 4h more p than co 5 0 35 D 3544 Ll h