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CPR Classes Palm Springs: Save Lives with CPR Certification

CPR Classes and CPR Certification in Palm
Springs CA Increase the Survival of Cardiac
Arrest Victims
CPR is the acronym for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and it highlights a skill of saving life of a person.
Undertaking CPR Certification in Palm Springs CA empowers common people to resuscitate other individuals,
who experience sudden cardiac arrest.
In fact, individuals spending even only few hours to learn CPR may reap plenty of benefits based on their efforts for
the coming years. In this blog post, we have discussed the two major benefits of getting a CPR certification from a
reputed institute in California.
You May Help a Person to Save His or Her Life
If you want to understand the influence of CPR during emergencies in a better way, you should look at the statistics
given by the American Heart Association as
More than 35,000 of out-of-hospital based sudden cardiac arrest take place each year.
Approximately, 70percent of total cardiac arrest take place at workplace or home itself.
A majority of victims seem to be healthy without any type of risk factors or cardiac problems.
Out of total 5, about four cardiac arrests take place at home only, according to which the victim of cardiac
arrest is likely to be your loved one.
If you have a look at the statistics, if you administer CPR during an emergency, you may easily save the life
of a person at home itself, like a friend, a parent or a child.
On the other side, a CPR-certified individual has sound knowledge of CPR based on the topics he learned during
CPR Classes in Palm Springs CA. In this way, the certified person thus helps in reducing the loss of a patient’s
life during emergencies. By performing CPR, function of a person’s brain remains preserved even during cardiac
When you learn to perform this procedure, you supply enough amount of oxygen to a victim of cardiac arrest and
thereby, increase the chance of keep the flow of blood and important organs in the individual alive.
You May Increase the Survival Rate Even in Case of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Sudden cardiac arrest is a big problem and despite only limited numbers of individuals knows the ways to identify
and address it accurately. According to the instructors conducting CPR and BLS Certification in Palm Springs
CA, sudden cardiac arrest is a health condition, which leads to stoppage in the heartbeat suddenly.
Whenever this type of situation takes place, blood stops to move towards vital organs present in the human body,
including the brain. Thus, any SCA victim may die in the case experts address the problem of cardiac arrest even for
more than 15minutes.
Accordingly to AHA, about 92percent of victims of sudden cardiac arrest die before they reach to the hospital.
Positively, immediate CPR treatment may increase the chance of a victim’s survival by about 2times or 3times after
a cardiac arrest.
Acquiring CPR certification in CPR Certification in Palm Springs CA may create a huge difference for a victim
of cardiac arrest and his/her family members. Hence, if you perform CPR, you may help in increasing the rate of
survival of victims from sudden cardiac arrest across the world.
About Us :73700 Dinah Shore Drive
Suite 107
Palm Desert, CA 92211
760-832-iCPR (4277)