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Engineering Geology & Rock Mechanics Exam Paper

Total number of printed pages: 3.
Engineering Geology & Rock Mechanics
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 21
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
* The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
* Answer any Five Questions.
1. (a) What is geomorphology? Describe the internal structure &
composition of earth with diagram.
(b) Describe the work done by running water.
2. (a) Name the relative hardness of mineral according to Moh’s
scale? What are the types of fracture appears on mineral? 3+3=6.
(b)What are igneous rocks? What are the types of igneous
rocks? Describe outcrop, bedding or stratification? 1+ 1+ 4 = 6.
3. (a)What is dip and strike? Describe the parts of a fold.
3+ 3.
(b) A rock sample has a bulk density of 2.92 gm/cc. Its moisture
4 ×3 =12
8. Write short note
content was found to be 2.3 %. Determine the dry density of the
a) Gravity dam and Arc dam
b) Angular conformity & disconformities
4. (a) Describe the physical & mechanical properties of rocks. 6
d) Erosion by wind
(b) How faults develop in rocks? Describe the parts of a fault
with proper diagram.
5. (a) What is seismic wave? Name its types. Discuss how focus
and epicentre can be measured.
3+3 =6
(b) How magnitude and intensity of an earthquake is determined?
6. (a) How pumping of an well is calculated. What is unconfined
and confined aquifer?
3+3= 6
(b) What is infiltration? Mention factors affecting infiltration.
7. (a) Describe resistivity method of sub surface investigation. 6
(b) What is refraction method and seismic method of sub surface
c) Aquifer, aquiclude and aquifuge