6/3/2020 1 1 Chapter 10: Magnetic Fields Section 1 Understanding Magnetism 2 1 6/3/2020 Section 1 Understanding Magnetism Main Idea : Magnets and electric currents produce magnetic fields. Essential Questions What are some properties of magnets? What causes an object to be magnetic? What are the characteristics of magnetic fields? What is the relationship between magnetic fields and electric currents? 3 Properties of Magnets Magnet: An object that attracts iron and some other materials Properties of the magnets Magnet is Polarized ( The magnets have north and south poles) Metals that are not attracted to magnets are (Brass, copper, and aluminum) are common. Magnets only attract some metals are (Iron, nickel, and cobalt) are strongly attracted. 4 2 6/3/2020 Properties of Magnets Properties of the magnets All magnets have two singular poles or Monopoles When magnet is broken in half, magnets orient themselves in a N & S direction. 5 Properties of Magnets Types of the magnets Temporary magnet : That lose its magnetization by time or by removing the impact. These objects have no poles. When a magnet touches one of these objects, such as the nail, the magnet polarizes the object, making it a temporary magnet. This process is called magnetization by induction. Materials containing these elements, called ferromagnetic materials, can become temporary magnets. A steel nail can become a temporary magnet because it is made of iron with tiny amounts of carbon and other materials. Permanent magnet That does not lose its magnetization by time such as natural magnets and industrial magnets. 6 3 6/3/2020 Properties of Magnets Earth’s magnetic field The needle of a compass points in a north-south direction because Earth itself is a giant magnet. A compass’s north pole points to Earth’s geographic North Pole. As you will read, however, a magnet's north pole is always attracted to a magnetic south pole. Therefore, what we call the North Pole is actually near Earth’s magnetic south pole, and the South Pole is near Earth’s magnetic north pole. When magnet is broken in half, magnets orient themselves in a N & S direction. 7 Properties of Magnets Earth’s magnetic field 8 4 6/3/2020 Properties of Magnets Magnetic domains Each atom in ferromagnetic materials acts like a tiny magnet, each has two poles. When the magnetic fields of the electrons in a group of neighboring atoms are all aligned in the same direction, the group is called a domain. When a piece of iron is not in a magnetic field, the domains point in random directions, and their magnetic fields cancel one another out. 9 Properties of Magnets Magnetic domains If, however, a piece of iron is placed in a magnetic field, the domains tend to align with the external field. In the case of a temporary magnet, after the external field is removed, the domains return to their random arrangement. In a permanent magnet, the iron has been alloyed with other substances to keep the domains aligned after the external magnetic field is removed. 10 5 6/3/2020 Properties of Magnets Creating permanent magnets Heating an object contains ferromagnetic materials in the presence of strong magnet. Thermal energy frees the atoms in each of the object’s domains. The domains can rotate and align with the magnet’s poles. The object is then cooled, and its atoms become less free to rotate. 11 Properties of Magnets Magnetic field Magnetic Field is Created by the Magnets A vector quantity, Symbolized by B Direction is given by the direction a north pole of a compass needle points in that location Magnetic field are fields that exist in space where magnets would experience a force. 12 6 6/3/2020 Properties of Magnets Magnetic field Lines Note that magnetic field lines, like electric field lines, are imaginary. They are used to help us visualize a field, and they also provide a measure of the strength of the magnetic field. The number of magnetic field lines passing through a surface is called the magnetic flux. The flux per unit area is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. The magnetic flux is most concentrated at the poles; thus, this is where the magnetic field strength is the greatest. 13 Electromagnetism How can current produce a strong magnetic field? Because the electric current creates a magnetic field around the wire, that effects on the compass needle. 14 7 6/3/2020 Electromagnetism Magnetic fields from current-carrying wires The field lines form closed loops around the current-carrying wire. The magnetic field around a current-carrying wire is always perpendicular to that wire. Just as field lines around permanent magnets form closed loops, the field lines around current-carrying wires also form closed loops. The circular pattern of iron filings shown in the top panel of Figure represents these loops. 15 The factors that the strength of magnetic field depends on: directly proportional to the current in the wire proportional inversely with the distance from the wire. 16 8 6/3/2020 Direction of magnetic field for loop coil How to determine the direction of the magnetic field around a current carrying wire? By using the right-hand rule: Thumb points in the direction of the current. The fingers of the hand encircling the wire points in the direction of the magnetic field. 17 I I B N B B I N N B X I B B I N I 18 9 6/3/2020 Direction of magnetic field 19 Examples of magnetic field for coil loops 20 10 6/3/2020 Examples of magnetic field for coil loops A compass shows the direction of the field lines. If you reverse the direction of the current, the compass needle also reverses its direction, as shown in the figure at right. 21 Electromagnetism A wire connected to a circuit and coiled into many spiral loops is a solenoid. When current is turned on in a solenoid, each loop produces its own magnetic field. The fields are all in the same direction, so they add together. This magnetic field is similar to the field of a permanent magnet. The solenoid is an electromagnet, which is a magnet whose magnetic field is produced by electric current. https://www.twig-world.com/experiment/makingan-electromagnet-4154/ 22 11 6/3/2020 The factors that the strength of magnetic field a solenoid: proportional to the current in the solenoid’s loops. Increased by placing an ironcontaining rod inside it. Proportional to The number of the solenoid loops. The spaces between the solenoid loops. (invers proportional) 23 Direction of magnetic field for solenoid How to determine the direction of the solenoid magnetic field? By using the right-hand rule: Thumb points in the direction of the magnetic field direction. The fingers curling with the current direction. 24 12 6/3/2020 25 5- How does the strength of a magnetic field, 1 cm from a current-carrying wire, compare with each of the following? A. The strength of the field that is 2 cm from the wire B. The strength of the field that is 0.5 cm from the wire SOLUTION: a) Because magnetic field strength varies inversely with distance from the wire, the magnetic field at 1 cm will be twice as strong as the magnetic field at 2 cm. b) Because magnetic field strength varies inversely with distance from the wire, the magnetic field at 1 cm will be three times as strong as the magnetic field at 3 cm. 26 13 6/3/2020 6. A long, straight current-carrying wire lies in a north-south direction. a) The north pole of a compass needle placed above this wire points toward the east. In what direction is the current? a) from south to north b) If a compass were placed underneath this wire, in which direction would the compass needle point? b) west 27 7- A student makes a magnet by winding wire around a nail and connecting it to a battery, as shown in the figure. Which end of the nail- the pointed end or the headwill be the north pole? SOLUTION: the pointed end 28 14 6/3/2020 8. You have a battery, a spool of wire, a glass rod, an iron rod, and an aluminum rod. Which rod could you use to make an electromagnet that can pick up steel objects? Explain. SOLUTION: • Use the iron rod. Iron would be attracted to a permanent magnet and take on properties of a magnet, whereas aluminum or glass would not. • This effect would support the magnetic field in the wire coil and thus make the strongest electromagnet. 29 9. Challenge The electromagnet in the previous problem works well, but you would like to make the strength of the electromagnet adjustable by using a potentiometer as a variable resistor. Is this possible? Explain. SOLUTION: • Yes. • Connect the potentiometer in series with the power supply and the coil. • Adjusting the potentiometer for more resistance will decrease the current and the field strength. 30 15 6/3/2020 Section Check Question 1 What happens when the North Pole of one magnet is brought near the South Pole of another magnet? A. The magnets attract each other. B. There will be no effect. C. The magnets repel each other. D. The magnets partially attract and partially repel each other. 31 Section Check Question 2 What is the direction of a magnetic field line (imaginary line) of a bar magnet? A. Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines emerge from the magnet at its North Pole and enter the magnet at its South Pole; they do not travel inside the magnet. B. Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines emerge from the magnet at its South Pole and enter the magnet at its North Pole; they do not travel inside the magnet. C. Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines emerge from the South Pole and enter the magnet at its North Pole. Inside the magnet, the magnetic field lines travel from the North Pole to the South Pole. D. Outside the magnet, magnetic field lines emerge from the North Pole and Continued enter the magnet at its South Pole. Inside the magnet, the magnetic field lines travel from the South Pole to the North Pole. 32 16 6/3/2020 Section Check Question 3 What will happen if you lay a wire across the top of a small compass and connect the ends of a wire to complete an electrical circuit? A. The needle of the compass will point in the same direction of the current in the wire. B. The needle of the compass will point in the opposite direction of the current in the wire. C. The needle of the compass will point in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the current in the wire. D. The needle of the compass will point in the direction making an angle of 45° with the direction of the current in the wire. 33 Chapter 10: Magnetic Fields Section 2 Applying Magnetic Forces 34 17 6/3/2020 Big Idea Many devices, including earbuds and electric motors, rely on forces from magnetic fields in order to work. Essential Questions How is the direction of the force on a current-carrying wire related to the direction of the magnetic field? What affects the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field? What are the characteristics of the design and operation of an electric motor? What affects the force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field? 35 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires When you put a magnet in a magnetic field, the magnet can move. What happens when you put a currentcarrying wire in a magnetic field? Michael Faraday, who performed many electricity and magnetism experiments during the nineteenth century, discovered that a magnetic field produces a force on a current-carrying wire. The force on the wire is always at right angles to both the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of current, as shown in the left part of Figure. When current changes direction, so does the force. 36 18 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Direction of force You can use a right-hand rule to determine the direction of force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field. Thumb is in the direction of the wire’s conventional (+) current. Fingers are in the direction of B Palm is in the direction of FB –On a positive particle –You can think of this as your hand pushing the particle 37 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Arrows in three dimensions The relationship among magnetic field, electric current, and force is three-dimensional. How do you accurately represent directional arrows in three dimensions on a two-dimensional piece of paper? Imagine an archer shooting an arrow toward you. The arrow looks like a dot. Now imagine the same arrow going away from you. The arrow looks like a cross. You can use dots to represent magnetic fields that go into a piece of paper, and crosses to represent fields that go out of the paper, as shown in Figure on the opposite page. 38 19 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires • A magnetic field exerts a force on a current-carrying wire. • The force on the wire is always at right angles to both the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of current. • When current changes direction, so does the force. The size of the force depends on: • the current, • the length of wire in the field, • the strength of the magnetic field, and • the angle between the current and the magnetic field. Force on a Current-Carrying Wire in a Magnetic Field F L B s in 39 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires The strength of a magnetic field, B, is measured in tesla, T. 1 T is equivalent to 1 N/Aּm. Note that if the wire is not perpendicular to the magnetic field, a factor of sin θ is introduced in the above equation, resulting in F = ILB sin θ. As the wire becomes parallel to the magnetic field, the angle θ becomes zero, and the force is reduced to zero. When θ = 90°, the equation is again F = ILB. 40 20 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Loudspeakers One use of the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is in a loudspeaker. A loudspeaker changes electric energy to sound energy using a coil of fine wire mounted on a paper cone and placed in a magnetic field. The amplifier driving the loudspeaker sends a current through the coil. The magnetic field from the permanent magnet is oriented radially so it is perpendicular to both the coil of wire and the direction of motion of the coil. A music player sends current through an earbud's wires. The current enters the coil, changing direction between 40 and 40,000 times each second, depending on the pitches of the tones it represents. 41 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Loudspeakers The force from the magnetic field on the coil pushes the coil in and out, depending on the direction of current. This causes the membrane to vibrate, thereby producing sound waves. Each time the current changes direction twice, the membrane vibrates back and forth once. Most loudspeakers and headphones work in a similar way. A magnetic field exerts a force on a coil of wire mounted on a paper or plastic cone. As the wire moves, it pushes the coil into and out of the field. This motion causes the cone to vibrate and produce sound waves. A force exerted on the coil, because it is in a magnetic field, pushes the coil either into or out of the field, depending on the direction of the current. The motion of the coil causes the cone to vibrate, thereby creating sound waves in the air. 42 21 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires 43 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires 44 22 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Galvanometers A galvanometer is a device used to measure very small currents, and therefore, it can be used as a voltmeter or an ammeter. Current in the wire loop shown in the left of Figure passes in one end of the loop and out the other. As it does, the force on the loop pushes one side of the loop down and the other side up. The resulting torque causes the loop to rotate. The magnitude of the torque on the loop is proportional to the magnitude of the current. This is the principle used in a galvanometer. 45 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Galvanometers The resistance of the coil of wire in a sensitive galvanometer is about Ω. To measure larger currents, a galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by placing a resistor with resistance smaller than the galvanometer in parallel with the meter. Most of the current, Is, passes through the resistor, called the shunt, because the current is inversely proportional to resistance; whereas only a few microamps, Im, flow through the galvanometer. The resistance of the shunt is chosen according to the desired deflection scale. 46 23 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Galvanometers A galvanometer also can be connected as a voltmeter. To make a voltmeter, a resistor, called the multiplier, is placed in series with the meter, as shown in the figure. The galvanometer measures the current through the multiplier. The current is represented by I = V/R, where V is the voltage across the voltmeter and R is the effective resistance of the galvanometer and the multiplier resistor. 47 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Electric Motor An electric motor is an apparatus that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The wire coil in an electric motor is called the armature. The armature is made of many loops mounted on a shaft or axle. The total force acting on the armature is proportional to nILB, where n is the total number of turns on the armature, B is the strength of the magnetic field, I is the current, and L is the length of wire in each turn that moves perpendicular to the magnetic field, and B is the strength of the magnetic field. The magnetic field is produced either by a permanent magnet or by an electromagnet (called a field coil). The torque on the armature is controlled by varying the current through the motor. The larger the torque, the faster the armature turns. 48 24 6/3/2020 Forces on Current-Carrying Wires Electric Motor 49 50 25 6/3/2020 Forces on Single Charged Particle 51 52 26 6/3/2020 53 The signals used to determine the direction of the magnetic field Up ( Toward the positive y axis) Towards the north Right (Toward the positive x axis) Towards the east Perpendicular into page: inward (Toward the negative Z axis) Down ( Toward the negative y axis) Towards the south left ( Toward the negative x axis ) Towards the west Perpendicular out of page: outward (Toward the positive Z axis) 54 27 6/3/2020 Forces on Single Charged Particles Use with Example Problem 2. Problem KNOWN F = 2.810−14 N v = 1.7106 m/s q = e = 1.60210−19 C θ = 90° UNKNOWN B=? An engineer is designing a deflection system for an electron-beam device and needs a force of 2.810−14 N on each electron in the beam, SOLVE FOR THE UNKNOWN which travels at 1.7106 m/s. Determine the • Use the relationship among the magnetic required field strength. field, force, charge, and speed. F Response B qv sin SKETCH AND ANALYZE THE PROBLEM • Sketch the 2.810 14 N situation. 19 1.60210 C 1.7106 m/s sin 90 • List the knowns 0.10 T and unknowns. EVALUATE THE ANSWER • 0.10 T is reasonable for a magnetic field in an deflection system. 55 Force on a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field 56 28 6/3/2020 Synchrotrons Because the direction of force is always perpendicular to a charged particle’s velocity in a magnetic field, magnets can be used to direct a charged particle’s path. For example, accelerating particles in a synchrotron, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), move in a circle as they maintain their velocity at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. You can see several segments of the 27-km-long tunnel housing the LHC in Figure. As the particles gain speed, the magnetic field in the tunnel is increased to keep the radius of the circle constant. 57 Synchrotrons Additional magnets provide horizontal and vertical forces to focus the beam. Additional segments along the LHC tunnel add fixed amounts of energy that accelerate the particles. Because charged particles go through many accelerators in multiple passes around the synchrotron, the particles can reach extremely high energies. The LHC was designed to give accelerating protons enough energy to travel against a potential difference of 7.2 trillion volts. To reduce electrical power needs, the magnets in the LHC use superconducting wires 58 29 6/3/2020 25. In what direction is the force on an electron if that electron is moving east through a magnetic field that points north? SOLUTION: down 26. What are the magnitude and direction of the force acting on the proton shown in Figure 20? SOLUTION: F = qvB = (+1.60×10−19 C)(4.0×107 m/s)(0.50 T) = 3.2×10−12 N The direction of force is up. 59 27. A stream of doubly ionized particles (missing two electrons and thus carrying a net charge of two elementary charges) moves at a velocity of 3.0×104 m/s perpendicular to a magnetic field of 9.0×10−2 T. How large is the force acting on each ion? SOLUTION: F = qvB = (2)(1.60×10−19 C) (3.0×104 m/s)(9.0×10−2 T) = 8.6×10−16 N 60 30 6/3/2020 28. Triply ionized particles in a beam carry a net positive charge of three elementary charge units. The beam enters a magnetic field of 4.0×10−2 T. The particles have a speed of 9.0×106 m/s and move at right angles to the field. How large is the force acting on each particle? SOLUTION: F = qvB = (3)(1.60×10−19 C)(9.0×106 m/s)(4.0×10−2 T) = 1.7×10−13 N 61 Galvanometer A galvanometer deflects full-scale for a 50.0-μ A current. What must be the total resistance of the series resistor and the galvanometer to make a voltmeter with 10.0-V fullscale deflection? R= v/I = 10 / 50 * 10-6 = 200 *103 Ω 62 31 6/3/2020 Section Check A current-carrying wire is kept in a magnetic field such that the direction of the flow of conventional current is perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. In which direction will the wire experience the force? A. In the direction of the magnetic field. B. In a direction opposite to the magnetic field. C. In a direction perpendicular to both the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the conventional current. D. In a direction perpendicular to both the direction of the magnetic field and the direction opposite to the direction of the conventional current. 63 Section Check 64 32 6/3/2020 Section Check 65 Section Check 66 33