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Ancient Egyptian Makeup: History & Significance

The earliest artefacts of makeup date back to 4000-3100BCE in
Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians (men, women, and children alike)
use Kohl, the black material made mostly from the mineral galena, as
eyeliner and brow liner and malachite powder, the green-blue pigment,
as eye shadow. The most popular makeup applicator was the brush.
Makeup has both aesthetic and health significance to ancient
Egyptians. Eye makeup was used regularly because it emphasizes eye
shape and size, especially during religious rituals when it is of high
importance that people show up in front of the gods well-presented.
On the other hand, kohl has therapeutic value as it protects the eyes
from infections from the desert, sunlight, and flies. Today, makeup (or
cosmetics, in general) is still being valued for artistic, cultural,
religious, and health purposes. The continuously-growing makeup
industry shows that as society progresses, so does the regard for
Mark, J. J. (2017, May 4). Cosmetics, Perfume, & Hygiene in Ancient Egypt. Ancient History Encyclopedia.
Cosmetics Use in Ancient Egypt. (2020). History of Cosmetics. http://www.historyofcosmetics.net/cosmetichistory/ancient-egypt-cosmetics/