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Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Guide for Polyethylene Pipe

Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for
Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
An interactive guidebook for prequalification and review
Compiled by PipelineLearning.com as part of an interactive learning program
for prequalification and review of DOT Operator Qualification (OQ):
Subtask -- 21-04 Heat Iron Saddle Fusion
Utility Operator -- PG&E
(ILM PG&E) 21-04 Heat Iron Saddle Fusion 170828a
© September 2017, Pipeline Partners, all rights reserved.
This publication may not be duplicated in any way without express written consent of the
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be incorporated in any commercial programs, other books, data bases, or any kind of software
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Preface...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Study Procedures and Course Organization...................................................................................... 3
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Operator Study Guide..................................................................................................................................... 6
Operator Procedures Manual................................................................................................................... 14
Self-Study Exam............................................................................................................................................... 37
Questions............................................................................................................................................... 37
There are 3 parts to this
The interactive
guidebook, videos, and
study questions are
based on information
you need to know from
the required OQ content
The questions
throughout are
designed to engage you
in the learning process.
They are included in
the videos and can
also be accessed on
your mobile device via
text, email, or instant
This interactive guidebook is the physical
component of the digital learning system which
supports your efforts to learn the required
Operator Qualification (OQ) covered tasks. It
will direct you to the specific area in the utility
operator content that it corresponds with.
Whether you are seeking to be qualified for the
first time, or you are looking to re-qualify, the
interactive guidebook, together with the online
system of videos and questions, is tailored to help
you prepare for, achieve and maintain your OQs.
Why did we develop this system of learning?
New technology has made it possible to improve
and expand upon traditional learning methods,
bringing them out beyond the four walls of the
traditional classroom and into our everyday lives.
A digital format can now give you the benefits of
a classroom experience on your mobile device.
This allows learning to continue beyond a specific
time and physical space, making learning happen,
whenever and wherever it is needed.
Studies show that gaining new knowledge is
best accomplished when: participants are fully
engaged, the emphasis is taken off getting the
right answer, and there is a hands-on component
to learning. You will see these concepts illustrated
in the interactive videos that are part of this
system, where questions are asked before the
information is presented in the video. This process
is called “priming” and it is designed to engage
the brain to stop and think, therefore preparing
the brain to receive the new information. Getting
the right answer is not the point. The process
your brain is going through is the important thing.
You can answer questions and take the quizzes
during and after the videos as many times as you
like. Viewing the videos also primes your brain to
recall the information during hands-on training
and/or during final evaluation.
3 parts to this system
Interactive guidebook, videos, and study questions.
The questions are designed to fully engage you in the learning process, anytime, anywhere.
They are included in the videos and can be accessed on your mobile device, via text, email, and
instant messaging.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Study Procedures and Course Organization
The following study procedures
will help you achieve a higher
level of success with this
subject matter.
Check to see that you
have received the right
materials that match your
qualification requirements.
2. If all study materials are in
order, and you have read
the Preface to this course,
you are ready to start.
The following steps will improve
your learning experience:
Preview the entire manual,
reviewing the table of
contents and section
Read the Operator Study
Guide within this document,
paying specific attention to
the relative task description
and evaluation content to
familiarize yourself with the
Read the assigned materials.
Keep in mind that, throughout the
interactive videos, there are links
to specific sections within the
Operator Procedures Manual which
are included within this guide as
Take notes, write your questions
leading into, and exiting each
procedure, and review the relative
section within the procedures
manual within this guide.
Focus on the demonstrations within
the interactive videos, the questions
leading into each demonstration,
and at the end of each video and
this guide. They are key to the
successful preparation for handson training and/or final exam and
When you come to the self-study
exam at the end of this guide, allow
yourself time to thoroughly review
all relative materials to assure
understanding and verify answers.
Note: The primer-questions and self-study
exams provided within the interactive
videos and at the end of this guide, are
representative of the qualification exam
and evaluation questions: That is, while
they guide you in the form and content
of the final exam and evaluation, they do
not include all of the possible questions
you will encounter during an OQ exam
and evaluation. Similar questions will
appear on the final exam and evaluation
measuring your mastery of the content
within this document and presented within
the interactive videos. You should revisit
these materials in conjunction with the
interactive videos if you have any doubt
concerning the important information
and skills to achieve and maintain your
qualification for the specific tasks to be
studied and applied.
The qualification process typically consists
of a computer based-exam and/or a skills
demonstration which is administered by a
qualified evaluator. Any formulas needed
to answer an evaluation question are
available within the Operator Procedures
Manual or a designated reference card
which is typically permissible for use
during examination.
Participants will find that total hours of
preparation will vary depending on the
current level of mastery of a required task.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
The principle of heat fusion is to heat two surfaces to a designated temperature, and then fuse
them together by application of a sufficient force. This force causes the melted materials to
flow and mix, thereby resulting in fusion. When fused according to the appropriate connection
procedures, the joint area becomes as strong as, or stronger than, the pipe itself in both tensile
and pressure properties. Properly fused joints are absolutely leak proof. As soon as the joint
cools to near ambient temperature, it is ready for handling.
This document and the corresponding interactive videos emphasize the importance of
mastering specific procedures. This Operator Qualification Manual with this guide covers the
following sections:
Weather Conditions
Required Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Times
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Selection and Inspection
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Preparation
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion
Visual Inspection of Saddle Fusion Connection
Disable an Unacceptable Fitting
Troubleshooting for Heat Iron Saddle Fusion
Upon completion of this course, you are pre-qualified for:
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual).
To enable you to reach the goals of this course, material is structured around the Operator
Procedures Manual on Page 14 and of the Operator Study Guide on Page 6.
Operator Study Guide
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
This page is for reference to the corresponding interactive learning lab at www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
This page is for reference to the corresponding interactive learning lab at www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
This page is for reference to the corresponding interactive learning lab at www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
This page is for reference to the corresponding interactive learning lab at www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
This page is for reference to the corresponding interactive learning lab at www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
This page is for reference to the corresponding interactive learning lab at www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Subtasks 21-03,
DOT Operator Qualification
21-04, and 21-05 “Heat Iron Socket and Saddle Fusions”
This is NOT a guidance document.
Rev. 0, 08/01/2016
If information in this study guide disagrees with a PG&E guidance document, the guidance document prevails.
Evaluation Method(s)
Written examination
Performance observation
Pass/Fail Criteria
Performance observation: Candidate to perform heat iron socket/saddle fusion on PE pipe and
apply visual acceptance criteria.
o If candidate answers all questions correctly, AND passes evaluator inspection by either of
the means described below, then candidate passes performance component.
 Candidate indicates connection is ready for evaluator inspection and the connection
passes evaluator inspection.
 Candidate self-identifies unacceptable connection and correctly identifies all defects.
Candidate then produces two additional connections that both pass candidate and
evaluator inspection.
o If any of the three criteria below apply, then candidate is unsuccessful in performance
 Candidate answers any evaluator question incorrectly.
 Candidate indicates connection is ready for evaluator inspection and the connection
fails evaluator inspection.
 After self-identifying unacceptable connection and correctly identifying all defects,
either of the candidate’s two additional connections fail candidate or evaluator
Evaluation Delivered By
Gas Qualifications team
Any gas personnel who need to perform plastic connections.
PG&E Internal
©2016 Pacific Gas and Electric Company
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Operator Procedure
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
This utility procedure establishes a uniform method for safely saddle fusing fittings onto Pacific
Gas and Electric Company (PG&E or Company) distribution polyethylene (PE) natural gas
Heat iron saddle fusion is not approved for 1-1/4 inch iron pipe size (IPS) pipe or on PE pipe
pressurized over 60 pounds per square inch gauge (psig).
This procedure is not to be used to install high-volume tapping tees (HVTTs) or branch
saddles. See Utility Procedure TD-4170P-33, “Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe
(Mechanical Assist Tool),” for this application.
Level of Use: Reference Use
Gas maintenance and construction (M&C) personnel (Title 200 and 300), gas estimators, gas
distribution engineers, new business inspectors, Company gas construction contractors,
qualified contractors and subcontractors, including personnel involved in PG&E polyethylene
pipeline connection training and qualification programs.
PG&E cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard.
The cautions and warnings in this procedure are therefore not all inclusive.
Natural gas can explode, damaging equipment and injuring public and personnel. Review
Utility Procedure TD-4414P-04; “Assessing and Working with Hazardous / Gaseous
Atmosphere,” to understand how to assess and evaluate a potentially hazardous/gaseous
atmosphere in the event natural gas is present or anticipated.
Carefully read and understand this entire procedure before performing any heat iron saddle
fusion connections on PE pipe. Personal safety and the safety of others are dependent on
training, qualification and attention in the use of this procedure.
Bodily injury, such as cuts, abrasions, and skin burns may occur if steps in this procedure are
not followed. Training and periodic review regarding the use of equipment in this procedure
are essential to prevent serious bodily injury or equipment damage.
Heating irons are not explosion proof. Operation of heating irons in a hazardous/gaseous
atmosphere without necessary safety precautions may result in serious injury or death.
Electrical shock and associated burns can occur when working in a wet environment without
properly grounded power cords.
Isopropyl alcohol is flammable and toxic. Use only in a well ventilated area and keep away
from sources of ignition, per Gas Design Standard (GDS) M-13.3, “Cleaning Products for
Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings.”
PG&E Internal
©2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Qualification Requirements
Personnel must be qualified to perform PE pipeline connections per
GDS D-34, “Qualifications for Joining Plastic Pipe.”
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personnel implementing this procedure must reference and use equipment listed in the
Gas Operations Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Matrix, including the following:
Long-sleeved shirt
Leather gloves (clean and free of any contaminants)
Safety glasses
Tools and Equipment
Gather the following equipment:
A valid standard certificate of calibration, valid calibration sticker, or both must
accompany pyrometers when used to verify surface temperatures of PE pipe, heat
iron faces, or both.
Pyrometer per GDS M-10.2, “Pyrometers for Use with Polyethylene Pipe.”
Clock or stopwatch
Soft felt tip pen for marking the pipe
PVC or PE Electrical tape
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Weather Conditions........................................................................................... 3
Required Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Times.......................................................... 4
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Selection, and Inspection ........................................... 4
Heat iron Saddle Fusion Preparation................................................................. 7
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion.................................................................................. 11
Visual Inspection of Saddle Fusion Connection............................................... 15
Disable an Unacceptable Fitting ...................................................................... 19
Appendix 1, TROUBLESHOOTING FOR HEAT IRON SADDLE FUSION ......................... 22
Weather Conditions
Weather conditions may affect the ability to complete steps in this procedure.
The Company reserves the right to determine the suitability of weather conditions
and protective measures.
Take the following precautions as necessary in regards to weather conditions:
Windscreens or temporary enclosures must be used to protect the fusion area from
wind, snow, and rain.
Shielding the fusion area is mandatory when weather or air movement conditions can
compromise the heat iron fusion quality.
Shield the heat iron in an insulated protective bag to prevent excessive heat loss and
contamination from wind, blowing dust, and precipitation.
Do not perform any heat iron fusions when fusion surface areas are wet from
condensation, rain, or snow.
Fusion surface areas must be dry, clean, and protected from falling rain and snow.
After preparation, protect the surface areas from contamination until joined.
PG&E Internal
©2015 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
1.1 (continued)
Check the pipe temperature using a pyrometer.
IF the pipe temperature is 100° Fahrenheit (F) or higher,
THEN add an additional 5 minutes of cooling time per Table 1, “Required
Heating, Holding, and Cooling Times”).
Required Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Times
Table 1, “Required Heating, Holding, and Cooling Times” below lists the heating, holding, and
cooling times for heat iron saddle fusion (manual).
Table 1. Required Heating, Holding, and Cooling Times
Fusion Type
Pipe Size
Heat Iron Service
Saddle / Tapping
Tee (Manual)
Approximate Force
• 80 Initial
• 30-50
Heat Time
Hold Time
Cool Time (Minutes)
Pipe Less
Than 100°F
Pipe 100°F
or More
Table 1 Definitions
Initial Heating Force: Force (pounds) applied to establish full contact between the pipe and fitting and the heat iron face
(usually 1 to 3 seconds).
Heating Force: Force in pounds applied during the heating time.
Joining Force: Force in pounds applied to establish the fusion between the fitting and the pipe.
Heat Time: Length of time heat is applied.
Hold Time: Time required holding the joining force.
Cool Time: Minimum time required for fusion to cool after hold time is achieved.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion Selection, and Inspection
Select the correct size and type of heating iron, heating iron faces, and accessory equipment
for the connection being made per Utility Procedure WP4170-03, “Polyethylene Heat Iron
Maintenance and Operations,” and the following GDS:
M-10.1, “Heating Irons and Faces for PE Pipe”
M-10.3, “Heat Fusion Accessories for Polyethylene Pipe”
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
3.1 (continued)
M-13.3 “Cleaning Products for Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings”
M-13.5 “Cutters for PE Pipe”
Personal injury may result from failure to inspect a heat iron OR by installing heat
iron faces, without verifying that the surface and face temperatures are cool enough
for safe handling.
Inspect the heat iron, and heat iron faces for serviceability, function, and cleanliness such as:
Electrical cord and plug
Temperature gauge
Heat iron faces for scratches in the coating surface, gouges in the face material, or
other defects
Personal injury may result from mishandling tools with pinch-points.
Inspect the accessory equipment for serviceability, function, and cleanliness such as:
Bar clamp
Cold ring clamps
Protective bag
IF the heat iron, heat iron faces, or accessory equipment are damaged,
THEN STOP this procedure AND complete a Material Problem Report (MPR) using
Utility Procedure SCM-2106P-01, “Material Problem Report Procedure.”
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PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
IF the heat iron, heat iron faces, or accessory equipment are contaminated,
THEN clean the equipment.
IF the contamination cannot be removed,
THEN STOP this procedure, AND complete an MPR using Utility Procedure
IF the heat iron faces are not attached to the heat iron,
THEN install the appropriate heat iron faces onto the heat iron.
Verify that the heat iron faces are seated on the heaters body, AND that foreign material is not
trapped between the surfaces.
Plug in the heat iron AND turn ON, with the unit in its protective bag.
Adjust the heat iron so that the heat iron face temperature is 500° F ± 10° F.
Verify the temperature on both heat iron faces using a pyrometer.
Allow the heat iron and heat iron faces to stabilize at this temperature range before
Determine the location on the pipe where the saddle fitting will be fused.
Fusion failure may result from use of scratched or damaged pipe or saddle fitting.
Inspect the pipe and saddle fitting for any of the following signs of damage:
IF the pipe fusion surface area is damaged,
THEN STOP this procedure AND do not use this section of pipe.
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
IF the saddle fitting is damaged,
THEN STOP this procedure AND do not use this saddle fitting.
Complete an MPR using Utility Procedure SCM-2106P-01.
Heat iron Saddle Fusion Preparation
Equipment damage may occur from creating heat iron saddle fusion connections on
either of the following:
Pipes pressurized over 60 psig
1-1/4 inch IPS pipe.
Clean no less than 12 inches on each side of the area where the saddle fitting will be installed
around the entire circumference using a new wiper soaked in water.
Dry the pipe using a new wiper.
Mark the centerline where the fitting is to be installed on the pipe using a soft felt tip pen.
Measure AND mark both sides from the centerline on the pipe referring to Table 2, “Clean
Zone Line Measurements.”
Table 2. Clean Zone Line Measurements
Iron Pipe Size (IPS)
Clean Zone Lines from
Centerline (Inches)
2 thru 8
Approximately 12
Wrap the pipe at least once with electrical tape at the established marks; this establishes the
clean zone as shown in Figure 1, “Centerline and Clean Zone Lines.”
Figure 1. Centerline and Clean Zone Lines
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Clean this zone around the entire circumference of the pipe end using a new wiper with
isopropyl alcohol per Figure 2, “Clean with Isopropyl Alcohol.”
Figure 2. Clean with Isopropyl Alcohol
IF any contamination cannot be removed,
THEN STOP this procedure AND do not use this section of pipe.
Position re-rounding clamps on both sides of the fusion area OR install the bar clamp as
shown in Figure 3, “Positioning Re-Rounding Clamps on Both Sides of Fusion Area.”
Re-Rounding Clamps
Figure 3. Positioning Re-Rounding Clamps on Both Sides of Fusion Area
Support the pipe to eliminate bending or bowing during the heating and saddle fusing steps.
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Clean the saddle fitting fusion surface area using a new wiper with isopropyl alcohol.
IF any contamination cannot be removed,
THEN STOP this procedure AND do not use this saddle fitting.
Use a new piece of 50 to 60-grit aluminum oxide cloth to remove the surface finish (oxidation)
on the outside pipe wall as shown in Figure 4, “Removing the Surface Finish on Outside Pipe
Wall,” and the inside saddle fitting surface as shown in Figure 5, “Removing the Surface Finish
from the Saddle.”
Figure 4. Removing the Surface Finish on Outside Pipe Wall
Figure 5. Removing the Surface Finish from the Saddle
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PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
23 www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Remove any residual aluminum oxide grit from the pipe and saddle fitting using a new dry
wiper on the outside pipe wall as shown in Figure 6, “Remove Residual Grit from Pipe,” and
the inside saddle fitting surface as shown in Figure 7, “Remove Residual Grit from Fitting.”
Figure 6. Remove Residual Grit from Pipe
Figure 7. Remove Residual Grit from Fitting
Protect the fusion surface areas of the pipe and fitting from contamination until joined. Do not
touch cleaned surface with your bare or gloved hands.
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion
IF any of the steps in Section 5 cannot be completed in rapid succession,
THEN the connection is unacceptable and cannot be used.
Read and understand Sections 5.2 through 5.15 before starting Section 5.2 as these
procedure steps must be completed in rapid succession.
Verify the temperature on both of the heat iron faces using a pyrometer.
IF the temperature on both heat iron faces are not equal, and cannot be regulated,
THEN STOP this procedure, AND complete an MPR using Utility Procedure
Place the heat iron onto the pipe at the predetermined location.
Pipe or fitting damage may occur from one or more of the following:
Applying downward force to the heat iron, not the saddle fitting
Twisting or moving the saddle fitting from side to side
Place the saddle fitting onto the heat iron face.
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PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
25 www.pipelinelearning.playposit.com
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Apply initial heating force of approximately 80 pounds to the saddle fitting as shown in
Figure 8, “Applying Initial Heating Force to the Saddle Fitting.”
Heat Iron and Faces
Figure 8. Applying Initial Heating Force to the Saddle Fitting
After initial heating time has lapsed, 1 to 3 seconds, apply relaxed heating force of
approximately 30 to 50 pounds.
Start the heating time countdown while holding the entire assembly steady.
Pipe damage may occur from not removing the heat iron from the pipe in a straight
upward motion.
After the required amount of heat time has elapsed:
Remove the entire assembly from the pipe in a straight upward motion.
Snap the saddle fitting free from the heat iron face.
Place the heat iron in its protective bag.
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PipelineLearning.Com integrates both digital and hands-on learning for prequalification and review.
PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Inspect the melt patterns on both the saddle fitting and the pipe are complete as shown in
Figure 9, “Verifying That Melt Patterns Are Complete.”
Fitting Melt Pattern
Pipe Melt Pattern
Figure 9. Verifying That Melt Patterns Are Complete
IF either melt pattern is incomplete,
THEN continue to fuse the saddle fitting to the pipe for wall thickness reinforcement.
This fitting must not be placed in service.
Proceed to Section 7, “Disabling an Unacceptable Fitting.”
Center the saddle fitting in the pipe melt pattern AND press fusion together using
approximately 50 to 80 pounds of joining force.
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Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Maintain joining force while observing for a uniform double-melt bead to form around the entire
base of the saddle fitting as shown in Figure 10, “Applying and Maintaining Joining Force.”
Figure 10. Applying and Maintaining Joining Force
WHEN a uniform double-melt bead has formed around the entire base of the saddle fitting,
THEN relax the applied joining force.
Damage to the connection will occur if the connection is moved, tapped or tested
before the required cooling time has elapsed.
Allow the connection to completely cool for the required cooling time per Table 1, “Required
Heating, Holding, and Cooling Times.”
Inspect the connection along the entire fusion interface following the criteria in Section 6,
“Visual Inspection of Saddle Fusion Connection.”
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Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Visual Inspection of Saddle Fusion Connection
Inspect pipe for a complete heat iron melt pattern.
IF the heat iron melt pattern is complete as shown in Figure 11, “Complete Melt
THEN proceed to the Section 6.2.
Complete Melt
Figure 11. Complete Melt Pattern
IF the melt pattern is not complete as shown in Figure 12, “Incomplete Melt Pattern,”
THEN discontinue inspection AND proceed to Section 7.
Melt Pattern
Figure 12. Incomplete Melt Pattern
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Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Ensure that the fitting is correctly placed within the heat iron melt pattern.
IF the fitting is correctly placed within the melt pattern as shown in Figure 13, “Correctly
Placed Fitting,”
THEN proceed to the Section 6.3.
Correctly Placed Fitting
Figure 13. Correctly Placed Fitting
IF the fitting is not correctly placed within the heat iron melt pattern as shown in
Figure 14, “Incorrectly Placed Fitting,”
THEN discontinue inspection AND proceed to Section 7.
Incorrectly Placed Fitting
Figure 14. Incorrectly Placed Fitting
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Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Inspect the entire circumference at the base of the fitting for a uniform double melt bead.
IF the entire base of the fitting has a uniform double-melt bead as shown in Figure 15,
“Uniform Double Melt Bead,”
THEN proceed to the Section 6.4.
Uniform Double Melt Bead
Figure 15. Uniform Double Melt Bead
IF the entire base of the fitting does not have a uniform double-melt bead as shown in
Figure 16, “No Uniform Double Melt Bead,”
THEN discontinue inspection AND proceed to Section 7.
No Uniform Double Melt Bead
Figure 16. No Uniform Double Melt Bead
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Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Inspect the entire circumference at the base of the fitting for excessive melt bead.
IF the base of the fitting has a correct-sized uniform double-melt bead as shown in
Figure 17, “Correct Sized Uniform Double Melt Bead,”
THEN the connection is visually acceptable.
Correct Size Melt Bead
Figure 17. Correct Sized Uniform Double Melt Bead
IF the base of the fitting has excessive melt bead as shown in Figure 18, “Excessive
Melt Bead,”
THEN discontinue inspection AND proceed to Section 7.
Excessive Melt Bead
Figure 18. Excessive Melt Bead
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Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Before placing the connection into service leak test the connection per GDS A-34, “Piping
Design and Test Requirements.”
Disable an Unacceptable Fitting
Do not cut into pressurized pipe when removing the service saddle OR tapping tee.
Cut the lateral connection OR tapping tower above the base of the saddle connection as
shown in Figure 19, “Showing a Disabled Fitting.”
Disabled Fitting
(Lateral Connection
or Tapping Tower
Figure 19. Showing a Disabled Fitting
Determine the cause of failure.
Refer to Appendix 1, “Troubleshooting For Heat Iron Saddle Fusion.”
END of Instructions
Clock or stopwatch: A device designed to measure the duration between steps and the
intervals between them to provide visual timing to the minute and second.
Superintendents and supervisors verify communication of this utility procedure to gas field
Utility Standard TD-4170S, “Plastic Pipeline Design, Construction, Maintenance, and
Operations Requirements”
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Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 49, Part 192, “Transportation of natural and other gas by
pipe: minimum Federal Safety Requirements”
CPUC G.O. 112-E, “State of California Rules Governing Design, Construction, Testing,
Operation, and Maintenance of Gas Gathering, Transmission, and Distribution Piping
Developmental References:
GDS A-34, “Piping Design and Test Requirements”
GDS B-90.1, “Plastic System Saddle Fittings”
GDS M-10.1, “Heating Irons and Faces for Polyethylene Pipeline”
GDS M-10.2, “Pyrometers”
GDS M-10.3, “Heat Fusion Accessories for Polyethylene Pipeline”
GDS M-10.4, “Heat Fusion Assist Tools and Accessories for PE Pipe”
GDS M-13.3 “Cleaning Products for Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings”
Supplemental References:
American Gas Association (AGA) Plastic Pipe Manual for Gas Service
Annual Book of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standards, Section 8:
Code of Safe Practices
Utility Standard SAFE-1001S, “Safety and Health Program Standard”
Appendix 1, Troubleshooting For Heat Iron Saddle Fusion”
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PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015 Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
This document supersedes Utility Procedure TD-4170P-32, “Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for
Polyethylene Pipe (Manual), Rev. 0, published 03/2013.
Lenny Caldwell, Manager, Gas Methods and Procedures
Michael Lane, Senior Specialist, Gas Methods and Procedures
Michael Lane, Senior Specialist, Gas Methods and Procedures
What Changed?
PG&E Internal
Converted the document to the latest GDI template.
Updated process to incorporate additional inspections, and cleaning.
Added use of Isopropyl alcohol as a cleaning agent.
Included additional references to Utility Procedure SCM-2106P-01,
“Material Problem Report Procedure” to remove damaged tools from
Updated process for clarity.
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Utility Procedure: TD-4170P-32
Publication Date: 07/15/2015; Effective Date: 10/01/2015
Rev: 1
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
Page 1 of 1
Incomplete melt pattern on pipe
Heat iron faces not aligned with pipe
Defective heating tool
Heat iron temperature not within specified
Misalignment of fitting base to pipe
Defective heating tool
Insufficient heating force
Insufficient joining force
Heat iron temperature not within specified
Misalignment of fitting base to pipe
Heat iron temperature not within specified
Uneven joining force applied to fitting
Defective or worn equipment
Insufficient heating time
Insufficient joining force
Insufficient heating force
Heat iron temperature not within specified
Excessive heating time
Excessive joining force
Heat iron temperature not within specified
Hydrocarbon contamination
No uniform double melt bead around fitting base
One melt bead larger than the other
Melt bead too small
Melt bead too large
Rough, pockmarked melt bead surface.
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PipelineLearning.Com is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pipeline.Partners, LLC, and has no affiliation with PG&E.
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
What is distance from the center mark to create a clean zone area for heat iron saddle fusion on 2” IPS?
A. 12”
B. 18”
C. 24”
If contamination cannot be removed from the section of the pipe to be used, what is the corrective action?
A. Use a hand scraper to remove the contamination
B. Do not use the section of the pipe
C. Use 50/60 grit aluminum oxide cloth to remove contamination
What is the purpose of the re-rounding clamp for heat iron saddle fusion on 2” Polyethylene Pipe?
A. To support the pipe during the heat fusion process
B. To curve the pipe for the heat fusion process
C. To heat the pipe during the heat fusion process
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What is used to check the temperature of the heat iron faces when fusing 2”
polyethylene pipe?
A. A contact pyrometer
B. A thermometer
C. A barometer
What is the proper heat iron temperature for heat iron saddle fusion on 2” polyethylene pipe?
A. 500 F +/- 10 degrees
B. 400 F +/- 10 degrees
C. 300 F +/- 10 degrees
What is the initial application force for heat iron saddle fusion on 2” IPS?
A. 50lbs pressure for 1-15 seconds
B. 70lbs pressure for 6-12 seconds
C. 80lbs pressure for 1-3 seconds
After initial application force of 80 lbs, what force should you relax to?
A. 50-80lbs
B. 20-30lbs
C. 30-50lbs
Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
What is the total heat time for heat iron saddle fusion on 2” IPS?
A. 3 seconds
B. 45 seconds
C. 1 minute
What is the total cool time for heat iron saddle fusion on 2” IPS?
A. 15 minutes
B. 1 minute
C. 45 seconds
If a saddle fuse is unacceptable and cannot be placed in service, what is the corrective action that must be taken?
A. Cut out the section of the pipe and replace with new pipe
B. Remove the cap and cutter from the tapping tee so that it cannot be used
C. Cut off the tapping tee below the thread tower just above the base
** Answers on pg 41
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Heat Iron Saddle Fusion for Polyethylene Pipe (Manual)
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C