MARKING GUIDELINES FOR YEAR 10 MANDATORY HISTORY CHANGING RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS GROUP RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION TASK Marking Criteria for Group Research/Presentation Task Group designs and delivers an engaging and historically informative presentation of between 4 – 5 minutes, appropriate for the class and teacher Provides evidence of thorough research on the events, individuals/groups, and consequences of one topic in the US Civil Rights movement Creatively presents a scenario which reveals clearly different empathetic understanding and perspectives Group works effectively and co-operatively in both the research and presentation components of the task and presents a comprehensive bibliography Group designs and delivers an engaging and historically informative presentation of between 4 – 5 minutes, appropriate for the class and teacher Provides evidence of sound research on the events, individuals/groups and consequences of one topic in the US Civil Rights movement Presents a scenario which reveals some different empathetic understanding and perspectives Group works effectively in both the research and presentation components of the task and presents a detailed bibliography Group attempts to design and deliver a presentation with some engagement and historical information appropriate for the class and teacher. It may be brief. Provides some evidence of research on the events, individuals/groups and consequences of one topic in the US Civil Rights movement Attempts a scenario revealing some different attitudes and opinions on rights and freedoms Group attempts a collaborative effort in the research and/or presentation components of the task and presents a bibliography Group gives a basic and brief presentation to the class and teacher Provides limited evidence of research on one aspect of the US Civil Rights movement Presents a simple situation which may reveal some different ideas on rights and freedoms Group works with limited effectiveness in the research and/or presentation components of the task and presents a limited bibliography Group gives a brief and unstructured presentation Presents basic information about rights and freedoms Group works mostly as individuals on the task Marker’s comments: Marks 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5