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The Tiers
Bastard Tier
Named for its position between the Northern
Empire and the Southern Tiers, the Bastard
Tier is a melting pot of culture, commerce and
intrigue. The single city known
unceremoniously as The Bastard City holds
the majority of the Bastard Tires 640,000
population with a tiny 8,000 Beast Tribe
population that lives mainly in the Bastard City
as well. There is no single ruler of the Tier but
the most powerful of the merchant families call
themselves "Noble" and control much of the
land. The largest percent of the population are
Sumarians but all races are present in the Tier.
Stalwart is a lush coastal land with many of the
population being close to the coast or in the
farming lands to the north-west. The
population of Earth Genasi is some 300,000
with some 40,000 of various other Tiersmen.
Their Beast Tribe, mainly Dragonborn and
Tritons, population is around 16,000. They are
a highly militarised nation with all citizens
having to go through military service for at
least 2 years. Oddly they also allow Beast
Tribes to join the military and use them as
effective shock units. With their extremely
large coastline they have grown rich of
maritime trade and boast the greatest army in
the Tiers. They are ruled by an Oligarchy of
three families, the Straydus, Sender and
Culture - Honour-bound, straightforward
people who value peace but prepare for war,
Japanese names
Culture - Republic, mercantile, mercenary,
very money orientated, Italian names
Azure is a verdant farmland paradise also
known as the Green Basket ruled by a Queen
who is the head of the most powerful house
and land Barons who own the farms and their
workers. With around 55% (630,800) of the
population of Tiersmen and 75% (139,000) of
the Beast Tribes it is the most populous of the
nations in the Tiers. Almost all the population
of Tiersmen here is Halfling. They have
managed to tame many of the Beast Tribes
here (mainly Bugbears) and use them as
labour on the many farms they own and toil.
There is only a single city in Azure called
Azure where the current ruling family of House
Variah rules the land under Queen Variah
Culture - Feudal Monarchy, noble and lower
classes with Beastmen at the bottom of the
social ladder, farmers and the like as well,
English names
The small mountainous nation of Apex is
known as Vendriens Well as it is surrounded
by mountains with a single large river running
through its centre, splitting around a central
island where the fortress Ascension Hall is
located. It is from here that Queen Vendrien
Atanta resides and rules her country from. The
nations 95,000 population is almost all Fire
Genasi with few other Tiersmen and a small
8,000 Beast Tribe (mainly Bugbear). Aside
from the ruling Vendrien family there are three
other families of Nobles, Pelox, Tarkis and
Culture - Family Caste system (Nobles,
Soldiers, Labourers, Merchants) but good
hearted and rarely abusive to others of their
nation, fanatically loyal to the Queen and
country, Spanish names
The Vellum Citadel - Some 1,200
A library fortress, the largest achieve of
written word in the Tiers where the School of
Ink and Quill protect and maintain the
knowledge stored there. It stands apart from
any political disagreements and instead
focuses on the pursuit of knowledge and
The Free Cities
Is a collection of five cities and the various
villages and towns that they control which are
in a loose alliance as a protective measure
against the other nations of the Tiers.
Culture - Mercantile, family orientated, Greek
They are Setting Sun - Population 20,000
The largest of the Free Cities, nearly all the
population are Water Genasi. A very
mercantile city with the largest exports in
pearls, fish and jewellery have made it also the
Northern Empire
Not much is known about the North to most
other than those whom trade with it (or come
from it in the case of Disfavoured or Scarlet
Chorus), but what is known is that the Empire
has prospered under the reign of the Overlord.
Most the population is Human or Goliath with a
recent influx of many Hobgoblins from the rest
of the conquered lands.
Living Archons
Archons are the most powerful people in this
world, they are able to weave magics far
beyond the mortals that serve below them and
can live seemingly indefinitely. Though how
they gain this power is not known, it is known
that one must be born an Exarch to rise to
become an Archon.
Tunon The Adjudicator (Justice)
Small stop off town used as a halfway point
between the Free Cities and the Bastard Tier.
The oldest of the Archons, his origins lost to all
but himself and the Overlord whom he follows,
Tunan is the Archon of Justice and the creator
of the Fatebinders. Though he rarely aids in
conquest of new lands it is not unheard of
though usually through peaceful means. His
primary concern is the implementation of The
Overlords Law and the management of the
Fatebinders. Tunan is the second ONLY to the
Overlord and can judge other Archons with
impunity as his word is the Law of the
Overlord, though he would never misuse this
power, many believe that Tunan is no man but
the living embodiment of Law and Justice. To
aid in his impartial nature he constructed the
Face Of Judgement, a white metal mask that
he would wear during judgements to eliminate
any outward appearance of bias. He is a cold,
dispassionate but ultimately fair creature who
lives solely to carry out justice. He also has a
very close association with Bleden Mark the
Headsman of the Court who carries out
judgements of execution to those not present
for judgement or deemed too dangerous for
others (mainly other Archons). He wears
simple black and red robes that fully cover his
body and his Face of Judgement at all times.
Various other villages - Population 26,000 odd.
Graven Ashe (War)
Ardent - Population 16,000
Also mainly Water Genasi, mainly deals with
banking and trading of valuable minerals.
Last-Harbor - Population 14,000
A mix of Water and Air Genasi, mainly deals
with lumber and ship building.
Spiral's Maw - Population 12,000
Mainly Water Genasi, has a near monopoly on
shellfish and crustaceans.
Baris-In-Chains - Population 10,000
Mainly Air Genasi, smaller population is
sustained on the large amounts of fishermen
and divers for seaweed and other ocean flora.
Other notable places Lethian's Crossing - Population 1,200
A former Warlord fighting against the Overlord
and indeed leading his legion of the Northern
Empire to victory after victory, even killing the
former Archon of War, Graven Ashe is well
known as a military genius and the foremost
general of the time. Eventually agreeing to
serve the Overlord as the new Archon of War
Graven Ashe is known by his Disfavoured
Legion as a General first and a Father second.
He knows each and every member of his
legion and his love and protective nature has
manifested into the ability to take some of the
pain of his soldiers and heal them through
even the most grievous wounds.
Cairn (Stone)
As tall as the hills, the Archon of Stone is said
to be the master of earth and soil, destroyer of
mountains and cities. Currently bound beneath
Graven Ashe he leads the Earthshaker Guild
teaching them how to manipulate the rock and
soil of the world. Feared by all this man made
of both flesh and stone is known as one of the
most destructive of all the Archons. Though a
quiet and reserved man he has bouts of rage
that level all around him.
The Voices of Nerat (Secrets)
No longer a man in the usual sense of the
word, but as with most true monsters, it started
life as a human. A noble heir from a swampy
fiefdom far off in the north, he rose to
prominence when he skinned and tortured his
own family to find information about troop
movements to give to the Overlord. A gifted
torturer and possessing an immense gift for
finding out secrets it became common
knowledge that he could steal your mind and
know all your secrets. Now nothing more than
red leathers, a bronze mask and green flames
for body, the monster that is called the Voices
of Nerat leads the Scarlet Chorus, an army
made of conscripts and killers.
Bleden Mark (Shadows)
Every shadow hides a killer. This common
saying came about from the Archon of
Shadows, the Executioner of the Overlords
will. Now working directly for Tunan as an
extension of the Court's power and influence
this ebon skinned, red masked and white
haired man knows no pity, mercy and has
never failed in his assignments.
Sirin (Song)
Currently bound under the Voice of Nerat, Sirin
is the Archon of Song, able to manipulate
people with nothing more than her voice.
When she sings those whom hear her are
flooded with whatever emotions she wishes
them to feel, she can control them directly or
lead them to conclusions she favours. The
youngest of all the Archons she has recently
found disfavour with the Overlord for some
unknown reason and has a bronze headdress
placed upon her. This suppresses her powers
somewhat but she is still the most prolific user
of enchantment magic in the known world.
Dead/Missing Archons
Thousand Embers (Fire)
More a Scholar than Warrior, this Tires born
Archon pondered the intricacies of the "Inner
Fire" that dwelt in all people (the drive to eat,
reproduce and destroy). He penned many
books on the subject and many introspective
works on his own power over fire. He
disappeared in 73 TR and soon after a cabal
of mages claimed to be his followers and
successors founding the School of Wild Wrath.
Though not as talented as the Archon their
destructive power was apparent to all.
Occulted Jade (Tides)
The Archon of Tides is the founder and only
head of the School of Tides. Her mastery of
the controlling the oceans, moons and all the
transitory forms of water lead her to form a
cabal of seafaring traders, musicians and
academicians. A patron of the arts, this
fascination with art has lead the school to be in
the good graces of all the powers of the Tiers.
However, for unknown reasons a few years
ago she and most of her school sailed West
into uncharted waters and has yet to return.
The Sun Queen (Fire)
The founder of Apex, not much is known about
the Warrior Queen of old other than her battle
with an Exarch lead to the creation of The
Scar, the miles-wide swath of destruction that
persists to this day, centuries later.
Monk - Flavour difference as no Monasteries
more like to be called Brawlers or Favoured of
Orphan Midwife (Rebirth)
Where she walks, plants sprout, the sick grow
vigorous and men would enter fits of rage and
animals into heat. Her healing magics are
unparalleled but she is currently missing after
some argument with the Overlord of the East.
Class Changes
Important notes! Magic is a highly sort after
ability and if you are able to cast even the
most simple of spells you WILL be either
hunted or recruited by some power. Only the
truly powerful and influential Mages can be
Barbarian - Only difference is Rage, instead
of gaining resistance you instead gain DR
equal to your Rage Damage. Most likely from
Scarlet Chorus or Tribal.
Bard - Extremely rare, only known one is The
Archon Of Song - Sirin OR be the Troubadour
(non magic bard).
Cleric - NON. Gods do not exist in this world,
only the Archons do and they grant power
and/or guidance to their followers, therefore no
clerics exist but divine souls do.
Druid - Called Mystics in this world there is no
difference aside. Many from the various
schools of magic are mystics OR non magic
variant - Beastmaster.
Fighter - No difference bar second wind which
is now 1d4 + fighter level instead of 1d10.
Paladin - Elite Knights - non magical variant.
Ranger - No difference OR non magic variant.
Rogue - No difference.
Sorcerer - Most magic users in this world are
sorcerers, magic in the blood is uncommon but
not rare, likely part of a school of magic but not
needed. Others are sworn to an Archon and
they get guidance and/or power from them.
-Only Dragonborn or Lizardfolk can be
Draconic Sorcerers
- Can be Divine Sorcerer, this is the ONLY
way to gain cleric spells.
Warlock - Your patron is linked to the
archetypes available, most warlocks in the
world are hexblade though.
You are either a Hexblade wielding a Artifact
OR bound to an Archon / are an Exalted.
- Fiend
Re-skinned as a Chosen of an Archon.
Example - Thousand Embers or The Sun
Dark One's Blessing - wreaths defeated
creatures in flames and then those flames
wrap around you providing you additional
temporary hit points.
Dark One's Own Luck - the Archon who's
power you have made this pact provides an
insight into the situation.
Fiendish Resilience - Your link to your Archons
power provides you with the ability to use your
protective flames to resist the effects of an
element of your choice until your next long
creature as an omen of ill fate and evil, the
destruction of their crops and livestock and all
but inevitable if the Ashen Wolf is seen.
Hurl Through Hell - When you hit a creature
with an attack you can cause them to explode
in flames that consume them. They take 10d10
fire damage in addition to the attack. You may
use this once per long rest.
Ashen Wolf Expanded Spells:
- Fey
Re-skinned as a Chosen of Sirin.
All effects are brought about by you singing.
- Old God
Same but likely the rarest, if you choose this
archtype you will likely be the only person with
these features.
- The Undying
Doesn't Exist.
- The Celestial
Doesn't Exist.
- The Hexblade
Most common warlock, some 80% are
Hexblade, just have to find an Artefact and
bind to it and then can become a Hexblade.
The Artefact is not always a weapon, work with
the DM to decide what Artefact is found and
- The Ashen Wolf
Worshipped by many Beast Tribes, is a great
hunter and devourer, also sometimes seen as
death, the end and fear. A giant wolf made of
ash and flame many Tiersmen see this
1st - Inflict Wounds, Longstrider
2nd - Flame Blade, Pass Without Trace
3rd - Melf's Minute Meteors, Haste
4th - Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
5th - Cloudkill, Rary's telepathic bond
Breath of Smoke
Starting at 1st level, you can exhale a 15-foot
long cone of blistering embers as an action.
Creatures within the cone must make a
Constitution saving throw against your warlock
spell save DC. Creatures that fail take fire
damage equal to your warlock level + your
Charisma modifier, and are blinded for one
minute. They can repeat their saving throw at
the end of each of their turns, ending the effect
on a success.
Once you activate this feature, you cannot do
so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Additionally, you can breathe and see normally
in smoke or ash-filled air.
Feast for the Fire
Beginning at 6th level, the Ashen Wolf
empowers you with a fragment of its terrible
hunger. Whenever you move during
combat, you can choose to leave behind a trail
of ash that hangs gently in the air, lightly
obscuring the area until the start of your next
turn. Whenever a hostile creature enters
this trail, you can use a reaction to summon a
set of flaming fangs to bite them. Make a
melee spell attack roll against the target. If you
hit, the target takes 1d10 fire damage.
Endless Pursuit
At 10th level, your patron grants you a portion
of its primal stamina. You gain resistance to
fire damage.
Whenever you finish a short rest, you can
choose to reduce your level of exhaustion by
one. You can do this twice, and you recover
these uses when you finish a long rest.
The Hounds of Hell
At 14th level, you unlock the power to
incarnate in the form of your patron. As an
action, you assume the form of a Medium
or Large canine creature wrapped in flame.
Your statistics are unchanged, and your
equipment merges into your new form but still
functions as normal. For 1 minute, or until you
exit this form as a bonus action, you gain the
following benefits:
You ignore your current level of exhaustion.
Your speed increases by 20 feet.
You have advantage on melee attack rolls
against a creature if at least one of your allies
is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
You are immune to fire damage.
When you use this feature, two hell hounds
(MM pg. 182) burst forth from your burning
flesh into spaces within 5 feet of you. They
respond eagerly to your commands for the
duration of the change, and are elementals,
not fiends.
When you exit this form, you immediately
attempt to reabsorb the hell hounds. The hell
hounds instantly fall apart as ash and swirl
back to you from up to 300 feet away. If one
hell hound has died or cannot return due to
distance, you gain one level of exhaustion. If
both are absent, you gain two levels of
exhaustion and are stunned for 1 round.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so
again until you finish a long rest.
Eldritch Invocations
Chronicle of the Flame
Prerequisite: Ashen Wolf patron, Pact of the
Tome feature
You can perform a ritual honouring your patron
during a short or long rest. When you do so,
choose either Dexterity or Strength saving
throws. When you make a saving throw of
this type, you can use a reaction to gain
advantage on that saving throw and cast a
single cantrip. Once you use this reaction, you
cannot do so again until you finish a short or
long rest.
Essence of Ash
Prerequisite: Ashen Wolf patron, Pact of the
Chain feature
If you have an Emberborn as your familiar, it
gains additional hit points equal to your
warlock level plus twice your Charisma
When you reach 11th level, the Emberborn
can grow in size to become a Medium
creature, at your discretion. While it is Medium,
its bite attack deals 2d6 piercing damage and
2d6 fire damage, and the Emberborn's speed
increases to 50 feet.
Creatures hit by the bite attack must make a
DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked
At 16th level, the Medium Emberborn's bite
attack deals 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6
fire damage.
Hellfire Infusion
Prerequisite: Ashen Wolf patron, eldritch blast
Whenever you cast eldritch blast, you can use
your bonus action to empower it with
elemental fire. The damage dice per blast
changes to 3d4, and the spell deals fire
damage instead of force damage. When you
do so, enemies within 5 feet of you take
necrotic damage equal to 1d4 + your
Charisma modifier.
Hide of Cinders
Prerequisite: Ashen Wolf patron, Pact of the
Blade feature
You can summon a coating of ash and
smoking wood to cover your skin, protecting
you from harm. You can choose to have your
AC equal 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your
Charisma modifier. When you do, you can use
your reaction when you are hit with a melee
attack to inflict fire damage equal to your
Charisma modifier to your attacker.
Hunger of the Wolf
Prerequisite: Ashen Wolf patron
Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit
points, you can use a bonus action to cast a
cantrip targeting an enemy within 10 feet.
Once you use this invocation, you cannot do
so again until you finish a short or long rest.
Scorched Blade
Prerequisite: Ashen Wolf patron, Pact of the
Blade feature
You can create a wickedly-barbed longsword
made from embers and red-hot steel using
your Pact of the Blade feature. You can
choose to have this weapon deal fire damage.
When you grapple a target while holding this
weapon, you can choose to inflict fire damage
equal to your Charisma modifier
to the target at the start of each of your turns.
Damage this weapon deals treats immunity to
fire damage as resistance to fire damage
instead. You can choose to use your Charisma
modifier for attack and damage rolls made with
this weapon.
Through Fire and Flame
Prerequisite: 13th level, Ashen Wolf patron
Whenever you are exposed to fire damage,
you can use your reaction to absorb the
elemental fire as an offering to the Ashen Wolf.
The damage is negated, and instead you gain
temporary hit points equal to the amount of
damage you would have taken before
resistances and immunities. The amount of
temporary hit points received at one time
cannot exceed three times your Charisma
You can use this feature twice, and these uses
recover whenever you finish a short or long
Wizard - Same but called Sages, must be
from the School of Ink and Quill or have found
a sage's magic book OR low magic variant,
more on lore keeping and knowledge than
magical ability - Scholar.
Feat Changes
Removed Feats
Heavy Armour Master - OP as shit for system.
Medium Armour Master - Redundant for
Character Creation
Choose to be a Beastman OR Tiersman.
Beastmen then choose their tribe which is
racial dependant.
Tiersman then choose a tool proficiency,
simple weapon proficiency and a skill related
to the character.
Starting HP is 5 + CON modifier at level 0,
then from and including level 1, 2+CON is
gained as hp.
Group rolled stats - ranged between 65 - 85.
Individual attractiveness stats. At least two 14
scores before additional modifiers not
including attractiveness.
Additional Information
Iron and Bronze
Mounted Combatant - No mounts in game.
Near all weapons and armour made from
metal is bronze. Full-plate CANNOT be made
from bronze, only Iron.
Tough - Else would be a "must have" feat.
DR and Pen
Drow High Magic, Fade Away, Fey
Teleportation, Flames of Phlegethos and
Infernal Constitution - Races don’t exist.
Your AC is now 10+DEX (unarmoured defence
still works) and shields also grant 2 AC, but
armour now has DR values. DR stands for
Damage Reduction, and is an amount you
remove from damage you take from any
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
(not damage taken from a saving throw) while
wearing it.
Changed Feats
Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter - No
longer give +10 Damage but +10 PEN instead.
Dwarven Fortitude - available to all races.
Elven Accuracy, Prodigy - available to all
Orcish Fury, Wood Elf Magic - available to all
Armour and Weapon Changes, see end of
document (Important, scared to move
All packs also include a single man tent.
Weapons will also have Penetration (PEN),
this reduces the DR of the creature you hit.
E.g. You attack with a weapon with 2 PEN and
hit a creature wearing armour with 4 DR, your
damage would be reduced by 2.
PEN DOES NOT deal increased damage, it
just reduces the foes DR.
Chain Vest
Ring Mail
Chain Mail
Full Plate
1d4 bludgeoning
Finesse, Light, thrown 20/60
1d4 piercing
1d4 piercing
2d4 bludgeoning
Light, thrown 20/60
1d6 Slashing
1d6 slashing
Thrown 30/120
1d6 piercing
1d6 piercing
Light Hammer
Light, thrown 20/60
1d6 bludgeoning
1d6 piercing
1d8 bludgeoning
1d8 bludgeoning
Versatile (1d10)
1d8 bludgeoning
1d8 bludgeoning
2d4 slashing
2d4 slashing
1d6 piercing
1d6 piercing
Thrown 20/60, versatile
Bolts 80/320, loading, twohanded, no mod to damage
Finesse, thrown 20/60
1d6 piercing
1d8 piercing
Arrows 80/320, two-handed
1d6 piercing
Bullets 30/120
Versatile (1d12)
1d10 slashing
1d10 slashing
Versatile (1d10)
1d8 slashing
1d8 slashing
Heavy, two-handed, training
2d12 slashing
2d12 slashing
Ignores Shield AC, training
2d4 bludgeoning
2d4 bludgeoning
Heavy, reach, two-handed
2d6 slashing
2d6 slashing
Heavy, two-handed
2d10 slashing
2d10 slashing
Heavy, two-handed, training
2d8 slashing
2d8 slashing
Heavy, reach, two-handed
1d10 slashing
1d10 slashing
Finesse, versatile (2d6)
1d10 slashing
1d10 slashing
Heavy, two-handed
2d8 bludgeoning
2d8 bludgeoning
1d8 piercing
1d8 piercing
1d6 piercing
1d6 piercing
Heavy, two-handed, reach
10ft, disadv attacks within 5ft
1d6 piercing
1d6 piercing
Finesse, light
2d4 slashing
2d4 slashing
Finesse, light
1d6 piercing
1d6 piercing
1d8 piercing
1d8 piercing
War Pick
Thrown 20/60, versatile
2d4 piercing
2d4 piercing
Versatile (1d10)
1d8 bludgeoning
1d8 bludgeoning
Finesse, thrown 20/60,
versatile (1d10)
Bolts 100/400, heavy,
loading, two-handed, no mod
to damage, trained
Arrows 150/600, heavy, twohanded
Special (PHB), thrown 5/15
1d8 piercing
1d8 piercing
2d4 piercing
2d6 piercing
1d8 piercing
Age - Mature age 16, usually die around 30
but can live (in theory) to 75.
Dwarf - Don't Exist
Elf - Don't Exist
Size - Comparable to humans though weigh
slightly more on average.
Gnome - Don't Exist
Speed - 30ft walking
Half-Elf - Don't Exist
Tiefling - Don't Exist
Goliath / Half Goliath - From the Northern
Empire, mostly Disfavoured.
Aasimer - Don't Exist
Tabaxi - Don't Exist
Aarkokca - Don't Exist
Mountain Born, acclimated to high altitude,
including elevations to 20,000ft as well as
adapted to cold climates.
Age - Mature age 16, usually die around 30
but can live (in theory) to 80.
Human - All around
Age - Mature age 16, usually die around 30
but can live (in theory) to 80.
Size - Medium, between 7 and 8ft tall, weigh
between 280 and 340lbs.
Speed - 30ft walking
Size - Medium, from 5 to well over 6ft tall and
weigh between a large range.
Speed - 30ft walking
Adaptable, gain another language or skill.
Halfling - From Azure primarily
Age - Mature age 16, usually die around 50
but can live (in theory) to 250.
Size - Small, averaging 3ft and weigh 40lbs.
Speed - 25 walking
Variants Azure - Use to larger "friends", can use
medium or larger creatures as cover for hiding.
Genasi Age - Mature age 16, usually die around 30
but can live (in theory) to 100.
Size - Medium, wide range of sizes, depends
on what base race the Genasi is.
Speed - 30ft walking
Fire - From Apex
Darkvision, 60ft.
Earth - From Stalwart
Earth Walk, you can move across difficult
terrain made of earth or stone without
expending extra movement.
Tiers - Brave, advantage on saving throws to
be frightened.
Water - From The Free Cities
Half-Orc - From Bastard Tier, not called HalfOrcs, called Sumarians.
Air - From The Free Cities
Darkvision, 60ft.
Amphibious, swim speed of 30ft and can
breathe air and water.
Unending Breath, you can hold your breath
indefinitely while not incapacitated.
Hobgoblin - Not from Tiers but can be found
around the Bastard Tier.
Firbolg - From around Haven, forest tribes.
Darkvision, 60ft.
Tribal - Look at Professions for Firbolg
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature age 16, usually die around 40
but can live (in theory) to 80.
Age - Mature age 20, usually die around 100
but can live (in theory) to 300.
Size - Medium, comparable to humans.
Size - Medium, between 7-8ft and weigh 240300lbs.
Speed - 30ft walking
Speed - 30ft walking
Dragonborn - Beast Tribes around Stalwart
Kenku - Beast Tribes of Bastard Tier
Tribal - Look at Professions for Dragonborn
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature age 12, usually die around 24
but can live (in theory) to 80.
Size - Medium, usually above 6ft and weighing
average 250lbs.
Tribal - Look at Professions for Kenku
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature age 12, usually die by 16 but can
live (in theory) to 60.
Size - Around 5ft and weigh between 90 120lbs.
Speed - 30ft walking
Speed - 30ft walking
Bugbear - Beast Tribes from Azure
Lizardfolk - Beast Tribes of Haven
Tribal - Look at Professions for Bugbear
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature age 14, usually die around 25
but can live (in theory) to 80.
Size - Medium, between 6-8ft and weigh 250350lbs.
Tribal - Look at Professions for Lizardfolk
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature around 14, usually die around 25
but can live (in theory) to 100.
Size - Medium, weighing slightly more than
humans being bulkier.
Speed - 30ft walking
Speed - 30ft walking and 30ft swim speed
Minotaur - Beast Tribes from Azure
Triton - The Five Wives (Stalwart Isles) Tribes
Tribal - Look at Professions for Bugbear
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature age 14, usually die around 25
but can live (in theory) to 120.
Tribal - Look at Professions for Triton
Beastman Tribes.
Age - Mature age 15, usually die around 70
but can live (in theory) to 200.
Size - Medium, between 6-8ft and weigh 300400lbs.
Size - Medium, slightly smaller than humans.
Speed - 30ft walking
Amphibious, can breathe in air and water.
Sneaky, proficiency in stealth.
Beastman Tribe
You are from one of the many tribes of
Beastmen, creatures outside of civilization you
may have a small tribal village but more likely
you and your brethren live with the land,
moving as the seasons do and ranging far
around your territory.
All Tribes give you at +2 and +1 OR three +1's
to any two/three stats you wish.
Below are set Tribes in the world but, with the
permission and aid of your DM, you can edit or
make ANY kind of Tribe.
Skills - 2 from Arcana, Athletics, Animal
Handling, Survival, Nature, Stealth, History or
Surprise Attack, if you surprise a creature you
deal an additional 2d6 damage with your first
attack. One use per combat.
Long Claws, unarmed attacks deal 1d4
slashing damage and are finesse.
Languages, Common and Bestial.
- Stonestalkers
The largest tribe of wild Beastmen who claim a
large territory of the Western part of Azure.
Earth Walk, can move across stone or earth
without expending extra movement if difficult
- Katvanas
The collective name for all those who work
with the Teirsmen as farmers and labourers.
Most Bugbears are from Azure, they are in
many tribes but the largest is the Katvanas
Tribe. In truth the Katvanas are many different
tribes but all work for the Halfling Tiersmen
who rule Azure as farm hands. The truly wild
Beasts consist of the large tribe of the
Stonestalkers, the man hunters of the
Shadowstalkers, the cave dwelling
Westreavers, river and lake based Mantaborn
and finally the animal taming Thornstags.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
leather armour, totemic token or tattoos
marking your tribe, 3 rations and a hunting
Features Darkvision 60ft
Long-Limbed, reach of an extra 5ft on melee
Powerful Build, count as one size larger for
carrying capacity.
Farm Hands, after being used by the Halflings
of Azure for many years these Beasts are
more palatable to the Tiersmen as they
understand basic social ques. Gain proficiency
in Persuasion.
- Shadowhunters
The most hated and feared of ALL Beastmen
Tribes across the Tiers. Their home has never
been located and they are constantly hunting
and killing Tiersmen, claiming that they are the
true rulers of the Tiers. Recognisable by their
black fur and red eyes these are true monsters
that slaughter all Tiersmen they come across.
Shadows Protect, can cast Pass Without a
Trace once a long rest.
- Westreavers
Cave dwellers and mountainous tribes who are
fiercely territorial.
Frenzied, unarmed attacks deal 1d6 instead of
- Mantaborn
Thos who live near rivers and lakes and whos
diet cosists mainly of fish are known as
Natural Swimmers, gain a swim speed of 30ft.
- Thornstags
They are highly territorial and aggressive to all
not of their tribe and colour. Each colour has
around 1,200 members of which the
chromatics are tribal and live in smaller groups
of 40 - 200 with the metallic's being under
Stalwarts protection and fight for them.
Bugbears whom live in lush forests and are
more in tune with nature and with the other
breasts of the land.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
leather armour, totemic token or tattoos
marking your tribe, 3 rations and a hunting
Master Tamers, gain animal handling
Features Breath Attack and Resistance which depends
on which tribe you are from. (PHB)
The Largest of the Beastmen, the Minotaurs
claim a large area around some of the
Oldwalls in Azure. A few work with or for the
Halflings but most stay within their mountain
lands hunting the large creatures whom also
call their lands home.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
leather armour, totemic token or tattoos
marking your tribe, 3 rations and a hunting
Languages, Common and Draconic.
- Chromatics
Red, Blue, Black, Green and White
Dragonborn are the "wild" and aggressive
tribes that raid, pillage and act as many
perceive Beast Tribes. Massively territorial and
likely to fight each other as much as others,
these Dragonborn are excellent raiders.
- Metallics
Features Powerful Build, count as one size larger when
determining carry capacity.
Labyrinthine recall, you can perfectly recall any
path travelled.
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper and Brass are
the more civilized Dragonborn, willing to trade
and interact with the local Stalwart Tiersmen.
This does not mean there is no conflict as
many of their lands are considered holy and
outsiders of the tribe are not permitted entry.
Reach, gain an additional 5ft reach.
Horned, you can use your horns as a melee
attack dealing 1d6+STR damage with 2 PEN.
Charge, if you use your action to dash you can
use your bonus action to attack with your
Trackers, proficiency in survival.
Beings native to the region known as Stalwart,
these scaled creatures have the ability to
breath out elemental bile from their mouths.
Natives of the 5 wives, the eastern coastline of
Stalwart, these creatures live in and around
the sea, some choosing to stay beneath the
waves while others make little villages by the
coast. All Tritons love the water and hate to be
away from it. This deep connection has lead
them to worship the great creatures of the
depths but also lends them a special
relationship to the School of Tides, water
mages whom it is said their Archon learnt from
the Tritons.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
leather armour, totemic token or tattoos
marking your tribe, 3 rations and a hunting
Listen to the Waves, gain proficiency in
Arcana, Animal Handling or Nature.
Features -
The central isle contains this tribe who are avid
traders and on good terms with the Stalwart
people. Their main source of shellfish and
various underwater materials they receive the
protection of the Stalwart armies.
Speed - 30ft walking and 30ft swimming
One with the Sea, you can communicate
simple ideas to beasts that can breathe water,
they understand you but you cannot them.
Deep Divers, resistance to cold and ignore any
drawbacks from underwater environment (can
see in the dark water but not in dark on land).
- Kanatile
Tiers-Talk, having the interaction with
Teirsmen means you know what to say to get
them on your side, gain proficiency in
- Scalesurge
Languages, Common and Aquan.
- Frozen Cloud
Largest of the tribes, the Frozen Cloud live in a
large atoll nearly a day off the eastern coast of
Stalwart. This makes them invaluable as a
stop off point for pirates and smugglers who
wish to pay the Tritons to move their
contraband to a village on the coast without
the eyes of the authorities. This has lead to
many negative views from the Stalwart people.
Night Swimmers, gain 30ft Darkvision.
- Crabshell
Live on the most northern isle off Stalwart and
have a close relationship with the many Giant
Crabs that share the isle with them. A more
xenophobic tribe, they are exclusively the only
known Beast Tribe whom have a form of
heavy armour made of the crab shells.
Hunters whom worship the shark and its
nature. Cold bloodied killers who kill any that
they come across, the location of their tribe is
unknown but believed to be near the
Hunters of the Deep, gain proficiency in
The original natives of the Bastard Tier these
Beastmen have been decimated by the
Sumerians who now claim the land. Being
forced into either hiding in the wilds or into the
slums of their great city these once proud
people are now looked upon with scorn by all
but criminals looking for cheap labour.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
leather armour, totemic token or tattoos
marking your tribe and 3 rations.
Crabs Protect, gain proficiency in Scale Mail.
Features -
- Ocean Caller
Mimicry, the ability to perfectly mimic a noise
that they have heard. A creature may attempt
to tell if the noise is an imitation by making an
insight check against the performance check
of the Kenku.
The most magically gifted of the Triton Tribes
living on the most southern isle, they are lead
by their most powerful mystics and believe that
one must live in balance with nature. Their
ability to tame many marine animals has lead
them to be feared by smugglers and pirates
who would travel too close to their isle. They
have the closest relationship with the School of
Expert Forgery, can duplicate other creatures
handwriting and craftwork near perfectly. Get
advantage when making a forgery or
duplicating an existing object.
Proficiency in Stealth and Performance.
Lightweight, can use a reaction to gain
resistance to falling damage until the start of
your next turn.
- Shardnip
Only whispered about by most of the Bastard
City these Kenku have adapted best to city life
becoming one of the largest criminal powers in
the Tiers. Their reach extends well beyond the
Bastard City through loans, forged documents
and paid muscle. They also have a small cable
of assassins whom study their targets loved
ones and using their mimicry, lure them to their
doom. Though they hire many races only the
Kenku family members are considered non
required and can eat raw meat from nearly any
source to survive. Gain advantage on saves
against poison and disease.
- Sharpbeaks
These Kenku fled to the forests when the
Sumerians came, quickly adapting to the tall
trees and becoming agile hunters. Using their
lightweights and their nature mimicry they lead
creatures into ambushes where they are set
upon my arrows from the tree tops. Extremely
xenophobic as all Kenku outside the city are,
they will kill Tiersmen on sight.
Rain from above, gain proficiency with
shortbows and a climb speed of 15ft.
A gang to all but themselves this tribe has
fallen into the slums of the Bastard City and
are now mainly targets for criminals to force
into service. They have learnt to be small and
unassuming else be beaten by guards, or
killed by drunken citizens. The advantage to
this though means they tend to hear more than
people know…
The swamps, forests and caves around lakes
of Haven host a multitude of Lizard Tribes. The
smallest tribes on average, ranging from 200
to less than 50, these tribes are usually 3-5
families banding together. The tribe ranges
from extreme xenophobe to open trading and
their leadership is a varied as well, some value
personal strength, some the ability to help
guide and others hereditary. The only constant
is their fondness of water. All tribes will be
near a river, lake, within a swamp or some
location with easy access to large volumes of
water. They all believe that they came from the
water and when they die they wish to be
returned to the water. This has lead to many
conflicts with Tiersmen seeing this as an
attempt to poison their water supplies.
Stay Low, gain proficiency in perception and
while in an urban environment you gain
advantage to stealth checks when not moving.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
totemic token or tattoos marking your tribe, 3
rations and a hunting trap.
- Trawlhooks
Features -
A tribe that has taken to the mountains and
living on whatever they find up there. This has
lead them to be more carnivorous and
aggressive than most other Kenku, a more
savage nature mixed with scare food has
transformed them into wandering cannibals.
Powerful Bite, can make unarmed attacks by
biting which deals 1d6 + STR piercing dam if
Food is food, you can sustain yourself on half
the amount of food and water normally
Waste Nothing, as part of a short rest you may
use bone and hide from a beast, construct,
Part of the Family, being part of the largest
crime family in the Tiers has its perks, and you
know how to claim them. Gain proficiency in
intimidation and you can usually get away with
causing small damages to crime organisations
as long as you name drop.
- Kolekar
Hold Breath, you can hold your breath for up
to 15 mins.
dragon, monstrosity or plant creature of small
or larger to make a single item from: a shield,
club, javelin or 1d4 darts/blowgun needles.
You need a blade to do this.
Tiers-philic, you know how to interact with
Tiresmen and get on their good side, gain
proficiency in persuasion.
- Swampborn
Natural Armour, when not wearing armour
your AC is 13+ DEX
Languages, Common and Draconic.
- Tokra
A larger tribe of some 150 members, the Tokra
value peace and balance above all, believing
in the natural order of things and only raising
arms when their land is threatened. Their
leaders are powerful mystics whom teach the
most promising of their tribe to be their
successor. They are situated in a large cave
off the River of the Sun near Setting Sun. This
close proximity has not been a problem to
either side as the city wishes the river to be
kept clean and safe and the lizards provide a
free protection service.
River Guardians, you know a tainted body of
water when you see one, you have the ability
to know if a liquid is or has poison/disease in it.
- Blackscale
The largest of the lizardfolk come from this
tribe, with their tar like scales, huge frames
and viscous predatory nature they are the
most feared even by other lizardfolk. They live
in the swamp that borders the lands of LastHarbour and the city has a long standing
bounty on any Blackscale heads. They value
physical strength above all and as such their
leader is the biggest and strongest.
Darken Predators, once per long rest you may
add your level to your damage.
- Ekmo
The friendliest of the lizard tribes, this 200
strong lizardfolk tribe believes that the future of
their people lies in co-operation with the
Teirsmen. They do this via trading in animal
pelts, providing services as guides or experts
in the local fauna and flora of their forest within
Ardent borders.
An isolationist tribe of some 200 whom live in
the same swamp as the Blackscales, they
reside within a cave underneath the largest
tree in the swamp. This has become sacred
lands to them as they believe they originated
from the cave and that the tree is their link the
spirit of the swamp. They view the Blackscales
as a blight on the swamp and fight them
This is my Swamp, gain the favourite terrain
feature from the ranger class when concerning
swamps and resistance to poison damage.
- Ro-tum
A large tribe but whose customs and even
location is unknown to all but those who have
worked for years to gain their trust. What is
believed is they are the most numerous of all
lizardfolk tribes, prefer to scare and dissuade
people entering their forest more than direct
conflict and that they have bizarre features.
With elongated dorsal fins, webbed hands and
feet and scales more closely resembling those
of a shark more than lizard they are very
Alien World, you are amphibious and can cast
shape water at 1st level once a long rest.
Commonly known as the “Green Giants” of the
Tiers, these Beastmen are the least despised
and feared by Tiersmen. This does not mean
they are welcomed into their society, more like
a curiosity that when satisfied can again turn
into loathing. Being over 7ft tall on average
only the Minotaurs really threaten them in raw
size and strength. They tend to have a more
peaceful nature and are the longest lived out
of all those who dwell in the Tiers. They all
value connection to nature and have the most
mystics out of any other population. They have
a close relationship with Lizardfolk.
Equipment - A simple weapon of your choice,
leather armour, totemic token or tattoos
marking your tribe and 3 rations.
Features Tree Striders, gain advantage in stealth
checks when in a forest.
Hidden Step, bonus action can turn invisible
until start of next turn or until you attack, make
a damage roll or make a saving throw.
Powerful Build, count as one size larger for
carrying capacity.
Speech of Beasts and Plants, you can speak
to animals and plants in a limited capacity and
gain advantage on all CHA checks to influence
Languages, Common and Bestial.
- Farel
Sharing the same forest as the Ekmo
Lizardfolk tribe, they are just as friendly as
their Beast brothers but do not often offer
services, believing that if the forest wants you
it will protect and guide you. They have been
known to produce extremists occasionally who
go out of their way to cause harm to those who
harm the forest, but these outliers are rare and
often internally dealt with.
Teirs-Resistant, having dealt with the
Tiersmen on many occasions you know how
they speak, gain proficiency in persuasion.
The only known hostile Firbolg Tribe, the
Ashbred often cover themselves in Ash and
lead raids against the various villages in
central Haven. They ritually slaughter all they
capture and use the bodies of the slain to
make the land fertile once again. Taking the
circle of life concept to the extreme, they
believe that if you are to farm the land then
you must be ready to give your body back to it
when the land is in need. How they decide
when this is however, is unknown.
I dedicate this kill to the land, whenever you
drop an enemy humanoid to 0 hp, you may
use a bonus action to ritually execute them,
gaining temporary hit points equal to the
number of hit die they have.
Variant – Create your own!
These are just the default tribes in this world,
feel free to create your own if you want as long
as you talk to the DM beforehand and they
agree with the ideas you bring.
All Professions give you at +2 and +1 OR
three +1's to any two/three stats you wish.
Below are set Professions in the world but,
with the permission and aid of your DM, you
can edit or make ANY kind of Profession. The
ones that follow are for specific occupations
and examples.
- Rangar
The largest tribe of Firbolgs known, this 800+
strong tribe is situated along the Sun River and
share the Tokra Lizardfolks belief the River is
sacred. Though less likely to react
aggressively towards pollution or dams, they
are fiercely zealous when concerning it.
Specialising in cleansing magics to keep the
river pure and the animals around healthy,
they have made a name for themselves with
the Tiersmen as possible saviours from
- Ashbred
You have realised that words are mightier than
any weapon and have been using them to aid
your nation for years. You’ve mediated
conflicts to a halt, convinced merchants to sell
only to your people and claimed land just as
well as any sword has.
Skills - Persuasion and Insight or History
Equipment - A set of fine clothes, quill and ink
bottle, book, 10 sheets of parchment, 15gp
and a diplomats pack.
Feature - Silver Tongue
You have learnt how to use words to defuse
the direst of situations, brokering peace and
compromise between even the most battle
ready forces on this world. Gain 2 additional
Languages and you may use your diplomats
badge to avoid penalties for minor crimes in
lands that recognise your authority.
You gain the Background Knowledge Sheet
from the DM.
Can only be chosen if whole party chooses
it and only human, goliath or half goliath
The Disfavoured are one of the greatest of the
armies of The Overlord, the iron-clad legion is
under the personal command of the Archon of
War Graven Ashe. Hailing from the Northern
Empire and originally a force that fought The
Overlord, this Human/Goliath exclusive legion
is the pride of the North and its most able
fighting force.
Feature - Graven Ashe Protects.
Graven Ashe protects even when not there,
his love for his soldiers is so great that he
takes on some on your wounds and heals
them. Gain the ability to call for Graven Ashe
to protect you. Doing this is only ever used as
a last resort and any use outside of a dire
situation will lead to severe consequences.
Using it means you regenerate 1d4 hp per 5
- Crescent Runner
Lightly armoured units that move around and
harass Disfavoured foes as well as provide
forward scouting.
Skills - Perception, Survival and proficiency in
light armour.
Equipment - Brand of the Disfavoured, Iron
Chain Shirt OR Drake Leather Studded
Leather, Iron Melee Weapon of your choice
worth 500gp or less, Iron Ranged Weapon of
your choice and 20 Iron ammunition for that
weapon OR 5 Iron Javelins and an explorers
- Earthshaker
Must be a Bard, Mystic, Sorcerer, Warlock
or Sage.
The magical arm of the Disfavoured, though
loyal to Cain first follow the rigorous
regimentation of the Disfavoured. Masters of
earth and stone they are masters of controlling
a battlefield.
Skills - Arcana, Nature and proficiency in light
Equipment - Brand of Cain, Drake Leather
Studded Leather, Iron Quarterstaff, a book and
explorers pack.
- Oath Bound
The Oath Bound are a select group of elite
Disfavoured - men and women bound together
via magic. Sent ahead of the main legion to
scout territory and assassinate key targets,
each member of an Oath Bound is life-linked
to every other. When one dies, the remaining
members absorb their fallen comrade's
strength, making the last Oath Bound the
hardest to take down.
Skills - Stealth, Perception and proficiency in
light armour.
Equipment - Brand of the Oath Bound, Iron
weapon of your choice worth 500gp or less,
Iron Chain Vest OR Drake Leather Studded
Leather, 2 Iron Daggers, explorers pack,
hunting trap.
- Stone Shield
Must be proficient in Light Armour.
The rank and file of the Disfavoured, these
Iron-clad warriors form the bulk of the legion
and the impenetrable front line of the Iron
Skills - Athletics, Intimidation and proficiency in
medium armour and shields.
Equipment - Brand of the Disfavoured, Iron
Chain Mail OR Iron Scale Mail, Shield, Iron
Melee Weapon of your choice worth 500gp or
less, explorers pack, a shovel and 3 Iron
A dancer, circus member, singer, acrobat or
fortune teller, these are some of the words
used to describe the many wanderers who
travel around the world performing for coin.
Skills - 2 from Acrobatics, Deception,
Performance and Slight Hand
Each Archon is granted limited autonomy over
their area of control. As long as they serve The
Overlords’ goals and do not break any of the
Overlord’s laws, they are permitted to rule their
armies and provinces in a manner of their
choosing. Because of this, the Archons and
the groups they control will often clash with
one another. The Fatebinders were created by
Tunon the Adjudicator, Archon of Justice, to
solve these problems.
As a Fatebinder and servant of Tunon, it is
your duty to resolve disputes that arise
between the different armies and mage guilds.
You decide whose actions are best in line with
The Overlords’ laws, mediate where you can,
and order punishments – and executions –
where required. Any citizen in the Empire can
appeal to a Fatebinder for judgment, even if
their problem doesn’t involve a dispute
between factions. Doing so is dangerous, as a
Fatebinder’s judgments cannot be appealed
and some Binders deal harshly with those who
bother them for trivial complaints.
Cannot be Bestial Race.
Proficiency with a musical instrument
Skills - Any three skills
Equipment - Musical Instrument that you are
proficient with, entertainers pack, 3d6gp.
Equipment – Iron weapon of your choice worth
600gp or less, Rust Leather/Iron armour worth
6000gp or less, pack of your choice, badge of
authority, book to record your judgements, quill
with ink bottle and 100gp.
Feature - Stand and Deliver
Your life a mystery, your words a tapestry,
your actions fantastical. Gain the ability to
charm and gain reverence from the people on
your travels. Whilst in areas of civilisation you
may attempt performance (CHA) checks to
gain goods/services/money, location
appropriate you can either gain a night's stay,
meal, job or as appropriate at DM discretion.
You can also cast the friends cantrip using
CHA as your spell modifier.
The Fatebinders serve a key role in The
Overlords’ vast Empire. While the Overlord’s
rule is absolute, the Empire is too large for to
directly control everyone. Instead, The
Overlord grants authority over different parts of
the Empire to the Archons. Some Archons are
governors of provinces or military districts,
others control important groups like armies,
mage guilds, or specialized agents like the
Feature – The Final Word
A Fatebinders word is final, all know this and
all fear this. Gain proficiency in persuasion or
intimidation, if you already have proficiency
then gain expertise. You may also cast
Command as a 1 level spell once a dawn at
level 1. At level 3 you may cast Suggestion
once a dawn as a 2 level spell. At level 5 you
may cast Hold Person as a 2 level spell. All
spells use CHA as your spell casting modifier.
You gain the Background Knowledge Sheet
from the DM.
Must be a Bard, Mystic, Sorcerer, Warlock
or Sage.
The Forge-Bound are mage-smiths sworn
to The Overlords' service, though their
operations in the Tiers are overseen
by Tunon and his court of Fatebinders.
Each Forge-Bound uses magic as a tool to
augment their personal craft - most commonly
smelting and metalworking but carpenters,
tailors, and tanners are found in the ranks and each mage strives to create that which is
impossible with mundane hands.
Most notably, the Forge-Bound are the sole
masters of iron working in the known world.
Using spells of fire resistance to wade into the
forge fires, the Forge-Bound can work iron at
temperatures no other forge can match, and
with a hands-on touch that no mundane smith
could hope to achieve. Because of this vital
skill, the Forge-Bound are considered a
strategic war asset - their lives regimented and
controlled so that the forges may churn out
iron arms and armour without debate, delay, or
Can't be Bestial Race
Must be a Spell Casting Class
Skills – One Artisan/Tools Expertise and
Equipment – Common clothes, artisan/tool set
you are proficient with, a simple weapon of
your choice, a scholars pack and 20gp.
Feature - Blessing of the Forge
At 1st level, at the end of a long rest, touch
one non-magical object that is a suit of armour
or a simple or martial weapon. Until the end of
your next long rest, the object becomes a
magic item, granting a +1 bonus to AC if it's
armour or a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls if it's a weapon.
Equipment - A scroll case stuffed full of notes
from your studies or prayers, a winter blanket,
a set of common clothes, a herbalism kit,
explores pack and 5 gp.
Feature – Wanderer
You have an excellent memory for maps and
geography, and you can always recall the
general layout of terrain, settlements, and
other features around you. In addition, you can
find food and fresh water for yourself and up to
five other people each day, provided that the
land offers berries, small game, water, and so
Poacher, huntsman, trapper, all could describe
this profession. What you have done is up to
you, did you hunt dangerous animals near
your village? Collect meats for your family? Or
live from day to day eating whatever you can
Skills - Nature or Survival and Animal handling
or Stealth
Equipment - Skinny Knives (counts as two
bronze daggers), trophy of your best hunt,
leather armour, shortbow, 20 arrows and
explorers pack.
Feature - Create Rations
Once you use this feature, you can't use it
again until you finish a long rest.
Whenever you kill a beast you may attempt to
create a ration for every 5lbs of meat and nuts
you find. Making a Survival or Nature DC 10
check will create a ration. You may also create
blankets and clothing out of hide and fur from
animals slain.
Shortbow Proficiency
A wanderer of the Tiers, you have seen many
wonders and secrets, maybe spent time in the
Oldwalls, encountered the legendary creatures
of the world or just the many different peoples
that live here. Many envy your experience and
travels but others see you as a vagrant who
has no real place they belong.
Skills - Medicine and Nature
You live or have at some point lived outside of
the law. Maybe you are a full time criminal who
steals, mugs or even murders, or were falsely
accused but now have a stain upon your
Skills - Sleight of Hand and 1 other of your
choice of thieves’ tools, gaming set, disguise
kit, forgery kit or poisoners’ kit.
Equipment – Set of dark commoner’s clothes,
kit/tool/gaming set you a proficient with and
Feature - An eye/ear for trouble
You know when trouble is coming, either
hearing something, reading someone or
noticing something out of the ordinary. Gain
advantage on perception checks for EITHER
sight or hearing OR advantage on insight
checks to humanoids.
Skills - 2 skills of your choice
Choose one of the following:
- Bronze Brotherhood (Free Cities based)
Originally from the Northern Empire this
mercenary company moved into the free cities
after being hired to protect various merchant
caravans. That was some 300 years ago
meaning all the members are now native to the
Tiers and the company has effectively become
a Free City Company. They have a reputation
as the most trained and dedicated warriors of
the Tiers but is marred by its reputation for
ruthlessness and tenacity. Their banner is that
of a Scourge, the most nightmarish of the
Bane, again showing their belief that
aggression is best when it comes to decision
making. All members are called "Brothers"
regardless of gender with only the First Brother
(the leader) and the First Axe (the leaders
bodyguard and successor) having any other
titles. The current First Brother Rammatum (Air
Genasi) is known as one of the best fighters in
all the Tires… as well as one of the shortest
Equipment - A Bronze Chain Vest, Bronze
Melee Weapon of your choice, 4d6gp and an
explorer’s pack.
Features - Brother of Bronze
You have a fearsome reputation that you know
full well how to use. Whenever you are
dressed as a Brotherhood member and wish to
you may use a physical stat of your choice
instead of CHA for intimidation checks.
Light and Medium Armour Proficiency
A Single Melee Martial Weapon Proficiency
- Freebolt Marauders (Free Cities based)
Hated by many for their apparent lack of
honour when it comes to fighting, these men
and women favour one weapon above all else,
the crossbow. A torrent of bolts fly when they
take the field, their fighting style fits their motto
"A Knight can kill a dozen men, a single bolt
can kill a Knight". Ironically they have been
defeated many times in actual battle as their
fighting style is very rigid and not good at
adapting to quick changes. Despite their less
than stellar record finding employment is never
a problem being that they simply boast too
many mercenaries to be ignored. Their current
leader is an Air Genasi called Manuel Sabas,
the best shot in the Tiers.
Equipment – Bronze Light Crossbow, 20
bronze bolts, quiver, bronze chain shirt OR
studded leather, explores pack and 4d6gp.
Feature – A Single Bolt
Once per short rest you may use your bonus
action to gain advantage on your next attack
while using a crossbow and you may add your
DEX modifier to the damage of that attack.
Proficiency with light crossbows.
- The Broken Regents (All over)
The group now known as the Broken Regents
started life as the personal guard of one of the
Oligarchy families. This families name has
been stricken from the records but is known as
the Regents. Many dispute why it happened
but what did happen was the complete
destruction of the family. Now without anyone
to guard the Regents Guard were expected to
either follow their masters to the grave or retire
and hang up their swords. They did neither.
Fighting as terrorists for the better part of 100
years they were eventually broken at the town
of Hitro in Stalwart by the combined forces of
Oligarchy. Impressed by their valour and as
part of the terms of surrender the group was
merely banished from Stalwart, never to
return. They are now a famed mercenary
company but are well liked for their fair and
just reputation. Their current leader Watcher
Nikiola Hitro is a serene and insightful Earth
Genasi warrior and a direct descendant of the
personal bodyguard of the last Regent.
Equipment – Bronze weapon of your choice
that is not heavy, studded leather armour,
explores pack, common clothes and 4d6gp.
Feature – Dishonoured but not dead.
When you would be brought to 0 you may
choose to use your reaction to gain temporary
hit points equal to your level. You can use this
feature once a long rest.
Feature – Do you know who I work for?
Being a member of such a prestigious
organisation leads to you being offered all the
best jobs and will grant you audiences with
upper class citizens. Gain proficiency in
persuasion and you can always haggle for
better pay with advantage.
- General Sellsword (Wherever)
You have sold your sword all over, working as
a caravan guard, propping up a local militia
and helping hunt down bandits. Never tying
yourself down to any company you may have
worked alongside one or two of weather alone
or with a small group you have made your way
through the world trusting in your instinct and
your arms.
Equipment – A bronze weapon of your choice
worth no more than 20gp, armour worth no
more than 100gp, common clothes and 4d6gp.
Feature – Jack of all
- Tyco Spears (Bastard Tier based)
Regarded by many as the most expensive of
the mercenary groups as well as the smallest,
this company is made up entirely from noble
scions or children of rich families. An
admission fee of 500gp is the main gatekeeper
to most but well worth the cost. They are the
best equipped, usually have the least
dangerous jobs and have all the right
connections to keep employed nearly
constantly. In many of their contracts they
require 3 days of paid work AFTER the main
contract work for "recuperation" at one of
several top end establishments. Never
numbering more than 111 member they are,
despite many claims, one of the most
experienced and well trained mercenary
companies that have never failed a contract.
Their current leader is Lancer Visconti Da
Barbino, a Sumarian known to be extravagant
in all aspects of life.
Equipment – A bronze weapon worth no more
than 50gp, armour worth no more than 250gp,
explorers pack, fine clothes and 50gp.
Proficiency in light and medium armour as well
as simple and martial weapons that don’t
require training.
You are a well-established part of the
mercantile world, freed by talent and wealth
from the constraints of a feudal social order.
You learned your skills as an apprentice to a
merchant and either have stayed in business
with them or made your own way in the world.
Skills - Persuasion and one INT skill and one
artisan tool.
Equipment - A set of artisan’s tools (one of
your choice), a letter of introduction from your
guild, a set of traveller clothes, and a belt
pouch containing 15gp.
Feature - Work with the DM.
Noble Scion
Cannot be a Beastman
A son or daughter of wealth and a life of
privilege, you are use to money, power and the
social status associated with it. Or maybe you
are part of a fallen family, once rich and
respected but now a shadow of its former
glory, leading you to leave and seek fortune.
Regardless you have a education which is
more than 95% of the population can claim.
Skills - 2 skills that are Mental Stat based
Equipment - Fine clothes, a signet ring of your
family, 100gp.
Feature - Social Elite
You are use to a higher class of living and the
peasantry should know this simply by looking
at you. You gain the Background Knowledge
Sheet from the DM. You have the ability to
gain access to high class establishments and
locations with little effort and have advantage
with persuasion checks when talking to other
social elites. You also gain advantage in
intimidation when dealing with lower class
Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points
with a melee attack you can use a bonus
action to flourish and inspire those around you,
giving 1 + your CHA modifier (minimum 1)
temporary hit points to yourself and up to 3
allies within 30ft of you.
You sailed on a seagoing vessel for years. In
that time, you faced down mighty storms,
monsters of the deep, and those who wanted
to sink your craft to the bottomless depths.
Your first love is the distant line of the horizon,
but the time has come to try your hand at
something new.
Skills - Acrobatics or Athletics and Perception
or Survival
Equipment - A belaying pin (club), 50 feet of
silk rope, a lucky charm such as a rabbit foot
or a small stone with a hole in the centre (or
you may roll for a random trinket on the
Trinkets table in chapter 5), a set of common
clothes, and a belt pouch containing 2d6gp.
Feature -
Pit Fighter
Raised in one of the many fighting pits within
the Tiers you have fought for survival since the
day you joined or were forced into the role.
Every city in the Tiers has a fighting pit and
you are treated as a celebrity if you make a
reputation for yourself. Many try and gain that
fame though and many die trying to claim it.
Slaves, animals and other fighters have been
your foes for years, weather you left or are just
having a break though, that’s up to you.
Skills - Athletics and Performance
Equipment - A simple or martial weapon of
your choice costing up to 50gp, armour worth
up to 100gp, a document stating your name
and rank within the pit fighting community and
Feature - Showman
Scarlet Chorus
This is a campaign in its own accord, all
must be Scarlet Chorus and you will
choose a previous profession before you
are conscripted.
The largest of The Overlords’ forces is the
loose collective of the Scarlet Chorus -- more a
crazed horde than an orderly army. Led by the
enigmatic Voices of Nerat, the Archon of
Secrets, the Scarlet Chorus enforce the will of
the Overlord through sheer unstoppable fury
and overwhelming numbers. Though the
Chorus dates back more than a century certainly to the time when Graven Ashe was
fighting a hopeless war against The Overlord,
which is when he managed to almost destroy
Nerat's army - it has no traditions like
the Disfavored, constantly shifting, changing,
and reinventing itself as it takes devastating
casualties in battle, replenished with the
bodies of conscripts and prisoners of war.
Nerat originally formed the Chorus in the
earliest days of its (then his) ascension to
power, cobbling it together from miscreants
from freshly-conquered territories. Its size
grew as The Overlord expanded her great
Empire, with Nerat tasked with subduing
resistance. Those who opposed The
Overlords' Peace were brought to heel and
given a choice: Serve Nerat or die.
Feature - The Horrors Behind Me Are Worse
Than Anything Ahead
You have been hazed by the Scarlet Chorus.
You've likely been beaten, violated and
humiliated many times, fear has become too
familiar to faze you anymore. You are immune
to the frightened condition.
- Blood Chanter Guild
Must be a Bard, Mystic, Sorcerer, Warlock
or Sage.
The Blood Chanters are the Scarlet Chorus'
magical corps. Using fire magic stolen from the
conquered School of Wild Wrath, and spells of
fear and frenzy based on the study of Sirin,
Archon of Song, the Blood Chanters practice a
violent and visceral brand of magic.
Skills - Arcana and Intimidation
Equipment - Whatever you can keep after the
The unwashed, undisciplined, unskilled
masses of the Scarlet Chorus are known as
the Horde. The only advantage these
"soldiers" possess is their overwhelming
Skills - Survival.
Equipment - Whatever you can keep after the
School Of Ink and Quill
Must be a Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock or Sage.
One of the longest surviving schools of magic
in the Tiers, the School of Ink and Quill is a
venerable institution devoted to the acquisition
and preservation of knowledge - or so the
Sages profess. Putting more of their energy
toward amassing knowledge than
disseminating it, they began their scriptorium
some 300 years ago and through a series of
incremental expansions, the structure became
the Vellum Citadel. Through means overt and
covert, the Sages amassed a repository of
knowledge that was without equal in the Tiers.
Around 10 years ago, to adequately preserve
this knowledge, the Sages commenced work
on a single magical scroll - the Silent Archive which would contain the knowledge of the
library and all of its contents for future
Skills - History and 1 other INT skill
- Scarlet Fury
The highly skilled 'special forces' of the Scarlet
Chorus, Furies are trained to ignore pain and
crippling wounds in order to achieve their
goals. Scarlet Furies use a spinning, acrobatic
attack style incorporating dual wielded blades
to confuse and disorient their foes.
Skills - Athletics OR Acrobatics and
Intimidation OR Survival
Equipment - Whatever you can keep after the
- Horde Member
Equipment - Travellers clothes, scholars pack,
a bronze simple weapon of your choice and
Feature - Student of History
You have had the best possible education in
the Tiers. This gives you a deep insight into
many of the locals, important people and
events. You gain the Background Knowledge
Sheet from the DM and have advantage when
recalling events, important names and
locations. You also can gain access to many
places otherwise blocked for the general
population due to your more elite background.
You are also adapt at protecting your mind and
gain advantage against magic that requires a
WIS, INT or CHA saving throw.
You also gain a cantrip from the wizard spell
Skills Equipment - Travellers clothes, explores pack,
a bronze simple weapon of your choice and
Feature - A Student of Fire
School Of Tides
Must be a Bard, Mystic, Sorcerer or
The Archon of Tides has been the only leader
of the School of Tides and this has led to a
very stable school. Learning how to
manipulate the tides and water of all kinds has
made this school invaluable to many. Their
high dedication to the arts also improve their
standing to the rest of the Tiers.
Skills - Arcana and Nature
Equipment - Travellers clothes, explores pack,
a bronze simple weapon of your choice and
Feature - A Student of Water
You know the Ray of Frost cantrip, you also
learn the shape water spell at 1st level and
can cast it at 1st level once a dawn. At 5th
level you become adept at moving through the
water and gain a swim speed equal to your
movement and the amphibious trait.
You know the Thaumaturgy Cantrip, at 3rd
level you can cast hellish rebuke spell as a
2nd level spell once a long rest. At 5th level
you become more in tune with fire and gain
resistance to fire.
The Unbroken of Stalwart are just as their
names says, unbroken. They have never been
successfully invaded by any outside force
since their founding willing to die rather than
give up any of their lands for an extended
period. Though pride and honour are at times
used against them in battle they are no
strangers to using deceit and guile when
needed. Preferring lighter armour for speed
and slashing weapons for overwhelming
damage, these warriors are well respected in
their guerrilla hit and run warfare tactics.
Skills - Acrobatics and Survival
Equipment - Studded Leather, Bronze Katana,
Shortbow, 20 arrows, quiver, explores pack
and 3d6gp.
Feature - Death before Dishonour
School Of Wild Wrath
Must be a Bard, Mystic, Sorcerer, Warlock
or Sage.
Though it wore the name of 'school' for
hundreds of years, the School of Wild Wrath
more resembled a mercenary outfit, with its
elders more than eager to aim the School's
destructive impulses at any foe for the right
price. Having studied the many Archons of Fire
over the ages (most notably Thousand Embers
and the Sun Queen), the School's mages were
concerned with little beyond conflict and battle
- pursuits that made the School largely hated
and reviled.
When your hit points are reduced to 0 but you
do not die outright you can instead reduce
your hit points to 1 hit point. You can use this
feature once a long rest.
Vendrien Guard
Named after the ruling family of Apex, the
Guard has a reputation for being as resilient
and stubborn as the mountains themselves.
Favouring heavy armour, shields and
shortswords these soldiers fight in tight
formations and prefer a slow prolonged battle.
Skills - Athletics and Insight
Equipment - Bronze Ring Mail, Shield, Bronze
Shortsword, explorers pack, 3 javelins and
Feature - For the Queen!
When you miss an attack you may choose to
add an additional bonus to that attack equal to
the number of allies within 30ft of you to a max
of +5. You may use this feature once a short