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Recycled Ceramic Concrete: Properties & Ultra-fine Sand

Vol.30 No.2 LIU Fengli et al: Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Cer...
DOI 10.1007/s11595-015-1152-3
Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled
Ceramic Aggregate and Ultra-fine Sand
LIU Fengli1,3, LIU Junhua2, MA Baoguo3*, HUANG Jian3, LI Hainan3
(1. Institute of Material and Structure, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China; 2. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kaifeng
University, Kaifeng 475004, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan
430070, China)
Abstract: Recycled ceramic mixed sand (RCMS) was obtained by partially replacing ultra-fine sand
with recycled ceramic coarse sand (RCCS). The effects of RCCS replacement rate on the apparent density,
workability, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of recycled ceramic concrete (RCC) were
investigated. In addition, the relationship between the water-cement ratio and compressive strength of RCC
was also studied. The experimental results indicate that the reusing of recycled ceramic aggregate can improve
the cohesiveness and water retentiveness of fresh concrete and benefit the mechanical properties development.
When the RCCS replacement rate is not less than 40%, the mechanical properties of RCC are superior to
those of the reference concrete. Moreover, when recycled ceramic medium sand was completely used as fine
aggregate, the maximum increase in both compressive strength and splitting tensile strength were obtained,
comparing with those of reference concrete, the increment ratio was 19.85% and 32.73%, respectively. The
microscopic analysis shows that the using of recycled ceramic aggregate can meliorate distinctly the structure
of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) and increase the compaction degree of cement paste. Furthermore, an
expression of the compressive strength of RCC and the cement-water ratio is regressed and gains a good linear
relativity. It is an effective way to recycle waste ceramic, and the consumption of recycled ceramic aggregate
could reach from 26.9% to 47.6% of the total weight of aggregate in producing concrete.
Key words: recycled ceramic coarse sand (RCCS); ultra-fine sand; recycled ceramic concrete (RCC);
property; regression analysis; sustainability
1 Introduction
China has been the world's biggest ceramic
production nation in the past 13 years. The output
of waste ceramic reached more than ten million tons
every year[1]. Due to its poor biodegradability, waste
ceramic has caused serious destruction to environment,
especially in ceramic producing areas. Recycling
waste ceramic can bring us great social, economic
and environmental benefits. Construction consumes
enormous amounts of building materials. The
©Wuhan University of Technology and SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
(Received: May 22, 2014; Acceted: Aug. 5, 2014)
LIU Fengli (刘凤利): E-mail: lfl@henu.edu.cn
*Corresponding author: MA Baoguo (马保国): Prof.; Ph D;
E-mail: mbgjob@163.com
Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No.50902107) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities (No.2013-YB-25)
application of waste ceramic in building materials is
of potential research value. Many scholars, at home or
abroad, make a lot of experimental research on it, and
have made certain theoretical achievement. The results
of relevant research can be classified as follows: Firstly,
it was used as mineral admixture with pozzolanic effect
for concrete or mortar. Silva et al[2] drew conclusion
that a good workability of fresh mortar and high
compaction degree of hardened cement pastes could be
achieved by partially replacing cement with polished
ceramic powder. Cheng et al[3] hold that it could lower
the carbonation resistance and improve the sulphate
corrosion resistance of concrete when ceramic polishing
powder was used as a supplementary cementing
material in concrete. Secondly, waste ceramic was
crushed into fine aggregate which was partly or
completely used to replace natural sand in mortar or
concrete manufacture. Jimenez et al[4] and Higashiyama
et al [5] provided some examples of such studies.
And some positive results were obtained. Thirdly, it
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. www.jwutms.net Apr.2015
was used as recycled coarse aggregate by partial or
complete substituting for ordinary coarse aggregate.
Studies [6-11] on the basic mechanical properties and
microstructure of recycled ceramic concrete (RCC)
concluded that it was feasible to prepare concrete or
mortar with recycled ceramic aggregate. Still, there is a
big gap on behavior of concrete that incorporates ultrafine sand and recycled ceramic aggregate as both fine
and coarse aggregate.
Because of the thin slice shape (thickness often
between 3 mm and 10 mm) and glaze surface of waste
ceramic products, the particle size of recycled ceramic
aggregate should not be too large. However, it often
presents the following problems: Firstly, high schistose
grain content, which is detrimental to the workability
and mechanical properties of concrete. Secondly, high
proportions of glaze surface, which would greatly
weaken the bond strength between aggregate and
hardened cement paste. Namely, particle shape and
surface morphology of recycled ceramic aggregate
are critical to the properties of RCC. Meanwhile, in
the view of energy consumption on waste ceramic
fragmentation, it was recommended that waste ceramic
is preferably used as coarse sand so as to save energy,
and it is also conducive to incorporating recycled
ceramic aggregate and ultra-fine sand and making full
use of the two resources. When waste ceramic is used
to prepare recycled coarse aggregate, it’s good to make
particles under 10mm which is often the maximum
thickness of a ceramic tile.
Wan et al[12] replaced natural coarse aggregate
with recycled ceramic coarse aggregate (fraction size
between 5 mm and 20 mm) in concrete production, and
concluded that the cubic compression strength, axial
compressive strength and splitting tensile strength are
lower than those of ordinary concrete. Ding et al[13]
carried out the comparative experiments between
conventional concrete and RCC in which gravel was
partially (0, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, and 100%) replaced
by recycled ceramic coarse aggregate (fraction size
between 5 mm and 25 mm), and reached similar
conclusion that it will weaken the strength of concrete
when the substitution ratio of recycled ceramic coarse
aggregate increased. However, the recycled ceramic
aggregate used in the two experiments described
above had good gradation and higher strength than
those of natural coarse aggregate. But why did RCC
present lower strength? It is perhaps just owing to that
the particle size of recycled ceramic coarse aggregate
was too large. And the particle shape (flat instead of
spherical or cubic) and surface morphology (smooth
instead of rough) of recycled ceramic coarse aggregate
play negative role on the mechanical properties of
concrete. Instead, Medina et al [7-10] proved that the
microstructure present in the interfacial transition
zone (ITZ) of the recycled aggregate-paste was more
compact and stable than that of the natural aggregatepaste, and reached similar results in mechanical
behavior comparison between RCC and ordinary
concrete by using recycled ceramic coarse aggregate
with particle size of 4/12.5 mm. Halicka et al[11] also
obtained higher compressive strength and tensile
strength of RCC than those of the reference concrete.
Combining the current situation that China
is rich in ultra-fine sand and gross underuse, this
article studied the incorporation of recycled ceramic
aggregate and ultra-fine sand on concrete production.
The objective pursued was to analyze the effect of
the incorporation of recycled ceramic aggregate and
ultra-fine sand on the properties of concrete. And
experiments were carried out to research the effects
of the variation of both replacement rate of recycled
ceramic coarse sand (RCCS) and cement-water ratio on
the properties of RCC.
2 Experimental
2.1 Materials
The materials used to fabricate concrete were
cement, nature medium sand, recycled ceramic mixed
sand (RCMS: the mixture of ultra-fine sand and RCCS),
recycled ceramic medium sand and crushed stone. Fig.1
shows the shape and morphology of RCCS and ultrafine sand. PO 42.5 cement was used as the cementitious
material. The physical and mechanical properties of
cement are listed in Table 1. Ultra-fine sand came from
the local Yellow river. The particle size distribution of
ultra-fine sand is shown in Fig.2. The waste ceramic
used was floor tiles and wall tiles obtained locally from
housing demolition. Waste ceramic were crushed with a
jaw crusher and sieved into particles under 9.5 mm. The
particle size of the crushed ceramic was sorted into three
classes according to their particle size distributions:
RCCS, recycled ceramic medium sand and recycled
ceramic coarse aggregate, respectively. The physical
properties of the coarse and fine aggregate are presented
in Table 2. As shown in Table 2, recycled ceramic
aggregate has the following characteristics: angular,
rough surface, high water absorption and low density
when compared to natural sand. The sieving results of
Vol.30 No.2 LIU Fengli et al: Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Cer...
fine aggregate are also shown in Table 3. Additionally,
the water used was tap water.
Fig.1 Pictures of (a) RCCS and (b) ultra-fine sand
Fig.2 Particle size distrbution of ultra-fine sand
RCCS was mixed with ultra-fine sand with
different proportions to prepare recycled ceramic mixed
sand (RCMS). Recycled ceramic coarse aggregate
(4.75/9.5 mm) was used to completely replace the same
size particles of crushed stone.
The most important difference between the
natural aggregate and the recycled ceramic aggregate
was their physical shape and surface texture. Recycled
ceramic aggregate was irregularly shaped and had
rough surface, while the shape of the natural aggregate
used could be considered as more rounded and smooth
than that of recycled ceramic aggregate.
2.2 Methods
The concrete samples were sized at 150 mm×150
mm×150 mm. The slump and apparent density of
fresh concrete were tested according to GB/T 500802002 “Standard for Test Method of Performance
on Ordinary Fresh Concrete” [14]. The compressive
strength and splitting tensile strength of concrete were
tested according to GB/T 50081-2002 “Standard for
Test Method of Mechanical Properties on Ordinary
Concrete”[15]. The morphology and microstructure of
the cement paste and the interfacial transition zone
(ITZ) between the aggregate and cement matrix were
investigated with a Japanese D/Max-RB scanning
electron microscope (SEM). In addition, some samples
were cut, polished, and then analyzed by SEM-EDS.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Effect of RCCS replacement rate on
properties of concrete
The replacement rate of RCCS has important
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. www.jwutms.net Apr.2015
effect on the properties of RCMS, it determents the
gradation and the average particle size of RCMS,
and also has impact on its particle shape and surface
morphology. Therefore, experimental studies on
some basic properties of concrete with RCMS as fine
aggregate were carried out.
3.1.1 Mix proportion
A total of six concrete mixes were produced
and the mix proportions are shown in Table 4. The
reference concrete (sample number was NF as noted
in Table 4) was prepared with natural medium sand
as the fine aggregate and crushed stone as the coarse
aggregate. Four recycled concrete mixes were prepared
using RCMS (replacing ultra-fine sand with RCCS at
the levels of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%, respectively).
The sieving results of the above RCMS are listed in
Table 5. In addition, one concrete mix (sample number
was RF as noted in Table 4) using recycled ceramic
medium sand as the fine aggregate was also prepared.
In view that recycled ceramic aggregate has the feature
of high water absorption, apart from the free water, the
absorbed water, based on the different water absorption
values between recycled ceramic aggregate and the
ultra-fine sand, which would absorbed completely by
recycled ceramic aggregate was added to the mixing
3.1.2 Apparent density of fresh concrete
Experimental results of the apparent density
of fresh concrete are presented in Fig.3. Overall,
incorporating RCCS and ultra-fine sand as fine
aggregate decreased the apparent density of RCC
when compared to the reference concrete (NF). And it
is evident that the apparent density of RCC decreased
gradually with the increase of RCCS replacement
rate. The decreasing ratio of apparent density by
incorporating 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of RCCS was
0.42%, 1.26%, 2.10%, and 2.94%, respectively. And
the apparent density of concrete with recycled ceramic
medium sand as fine aggregate (RF) was 3.36% lower
than that of the reference concrete (NF).
With the increase of replacement rate of RCCS,
the apparent density of RCC gradually decreased. The
key reason for this could be that recycled ceramic
aggregate has smaller apparent density and its rough
surface can lead to large air-entraining and so on. After
concrete was cut and polished, a typical cross section
of aggregate was exposed. The SEM images of RCCS
and ultra-fine sand are presented in Fig.4. As shown
in Fig.4, RCCS is more porous than ultra-fine sand.
There are a lot of little pores distributed in the cross
section of RCCS, whereas that of the ultra-fine sand is
compact. And the high porosity of RCCS is the main
reason causing a reduction in its apparent density. The
decrease in apparent density of RCC is advantageous
Vol.30 No.2 LIU Fengli et al: Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Cer...
to reduce the self-weight of buildings and develop the
long-span structures.
concrete (NF). The increasing ratio of compressive
strength by incorporating 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%
of RCCS was 8.68%, 6.95%, 1.99% and 8.44%,
respectively. The maximum improvement (19.85%)
occurred when completely using recycled ceramic
medium sand as the fine aggregate.
Fig.4 SEM images of (a) fine aggregate in concrete and (b) cross
section of RCCS
3.1.3 Workability
Experimental results of the slump of fresh
concrete are presented in Table 6. As seen in Table
6, similar concrete slump values (50/60 mm) were
obtained. And based on the observation of concrete
mixture, it was found that RCC has the better
cohesiveness and water retentiveness than those of the
reference concrete (NF). When the replacement rate
of RCCS was increased (from 20% to 80%), more
absorbed water in the mixing water was required to
maintain the similar workability of fresh concrete.
Because recycled ceramic aggregate has the
features as follows: angular, rough surface, high
porosity and high water absorption, under the condition
of the same mixing proportion, recycled concrete with
recycled ceramic aggregate would exhibit a lower
fluidity. The present experimental results indicate
that through adding absorbed water, RCC can reach
similar fluidity with the reference concrete. And adding
absorbed water in the traditional mixing proportion
of concrete proved to be an effective way to solve the
decrease in slump of fresh concrete. The main reason of
improvement in cohesiveness and water retentiveness
with the inclusion of recycled ceramic aggregate
may be attributed to the increase in friction between
aggregate and cement paste due to their angular shape
and rough surface.
3.1.4 Compressive strength
The experimental results of the compressive
strength of concrete are presented in Fig.5. The results
indicate that the compressive strength of RCC did not
change significantly with increasing RCCS content,
when absorbed water was added in the mixing water.
However, it was higher than that of the reference
The reason why compressive strength of RCC
was higher than that of the reference concrete (NF)
may attribute to the following factors: firstly, RCCS has
irregular shape and rough surface, which could enable
good meshing effect between aggregate and hardened
cement paste. Secondly, ceramic micro powder
generated during the fragmentation processes has
pozzolanic activity which could act as supplementary
cementing material in RCC. Thirdly, the effect of
internal curing, due to high porosity and high water
absorption of RCCS, provided guarantees for the
hydration of cement and concrete strength development
in the later age. Fourthly, it is generally known that the
performance of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ)
and the strength of hardened cement stone are weak
areas which often cause the damage of concrete. So the
major reason for higher compressive strength of RCC
may be that the properties of RCCS, such as high water
absorption, having ceramic micro powder on surface,
improved the performance of the interfacial transition
zone (ITZ) between aggregate and hardened cement
stone. Meanwhile, the high water absorption of RCCS
can reduce the effective water-cement ratio of cement
paste, thereby giving higher strength of hardened
cement stone.
3.1.5 Splitting tensile strength
The experimental results of the splitting tensile
strength of concrete are presented in Fig.6. Similar to
the results of compressive strength, the splitting tensile
strength of RCC did not change significantly with
increasing RCCS content, when absorbed water was
added in the mixing water. The increasing ratio of the
splitting tensile strength by incorporating 40%, 60%,
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. www.jwutms.net Apr.2015
and 80% of RCCS was 16.55%, 2.52%, and 30.94%,
respectively. When ultra-fine sand was replaced by
RCCS with 20%, the splitting tensile strength of RCC
was decreased by 12.6%. Similarly, the maximum
increment (32.73%) occurred when recycled ceramic
medium sand was used completely as the fine
The above mentioned results related to the
variation of RCMS properties, such as gradation,
average particle size, average water absorption, the
shape and surface roughness of aggregate etc., when
the percentage of RCCS is different. The positive effect
on the splitting tensile strength is probably due mainly
to the angular shape and rough surface of RCCS which
increased the meshing force between the aggregate and
cement matrix.
The variation law of splitting tensile strength was
not obvious. Nevertheless, when the RCCS replacement
rate is equal to or higher than 40%, the splitting tensile
strength is higher than that of the reference concrete.
And surely there were ways in which RCC meeting the
required splitting tensile strength could be obtained by
adjusting the replacement rate of RCCS.
3.1.6 SEM analysis
are shown in Fig.7. SEM images of the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) in RCC at 150×, 2400×, and
5000× respectively are presented in Fig.8.
Fig.8 SEM images of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in RCC:
(a) 150×; (b) 2400×;(c) 5000×
Fig.7 and Fig.8 show that the RCC has a denser
paste in the range of the interfacial transition zone
(ITZ) than that of the reference concrete (NF). It can
be seen from Fig.7 (a) that there are a large amount
of large dendrite crystals and plenty of micro-pores in
the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between natural
medium sand and cement matrix, as indicated by
white circles. Instead, the properties of the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) between RCCS and cement
matrix were homogenized with the bulk. Those results
prove that the using of recycled ceramic aggregate
can meliorate distinctly the structure of the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) of the concrete, thus the strength
of concrete is improved. The morphology of the
hydration products in cement paste of different concrete
is presented in Fig.9.
Fig.7 SEM images of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ): (a)
between natural medium sand and cement matrix; (b)
between RCCS and cement matrix
In order to find a plausible reason for the results
of the above described tests, some scanning electron
microscope (SEM) observations of concrete samples
were performed. SEM images of the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) in concrete with different fine
aggregate obtained with a magnification of 5000×
Fig.9 SEM images of the hydration products: (a) concrete with
natural medium sand; (b) concrete with RCMS
Because recycled ceramic aggregate has features
of high porosity and high water absorption, the
Vol.30 No.2 LIU Fengli et al: Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Cer...
effective water-cement ratio (w/c) was reduced at some
levels. Besides, micro powder of ceramic generated
during the fragmentation processes can perform
pozzolanic reaction which could increase the number of
hydrated products and fill the micro-pores and microcracks in the cement paste. Those factors are conducive
to improving the compaction degree of the cement
matrix. As shown in Fig.8, the cement paste of RCC
has a more compact matrix and significantly smaller
macro-pores than that of the reference concrete (NF).
And that is one of the reasons that RCC proved to have
higher strength than the reference concrete.
3.1.7 SEM-EDS analysis
The microstructure and element distribution
of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in different
concrete were investigated by using both scanning
electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray energy
dispersive analysis (EDS). Fig.10 shows the SEM-EDS
images of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in the
reference concrete (NF). And the SEM-EDS images
of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in the RCC are
indicated in Fig.11.
Fig.10 SEM image (a) and EDS spectra (b) of the ITZ of the
reference concrete (NF)
As shown in Fig.10 (a) and Fig.11 (a), there
is a micro-crack in the interfacial transition zone
(ITZ) between natural sand and cement matrix in
the reference concrete (NF), whereas the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) between RCCS and cement matrix
in RCC is compact. Two major hydrated products of
Portland cement are hydrated calcium silicate (C-S-H)
Fig.11 SEM image (a) and EDS spectra (b) of the RCC
gel and calcium hydroxide (CH), occupying about 70%
and 20% of the total hydrated products respectively. It
is obvious that the more CH, the higher the mole ratio
of Ca to Si. Comparing Fig.10 (b) and Fig.11 (b), it can
be seen that the mole ratio of Ca to Si at the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) of the reference concrete is higher
than that of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in
RCC. Namely, the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) in
RCC has lower CH content and more C-S-H gel. And it
was good for decreasing the porosity and enhancing the
bonding force of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ).
3.2 Effect of water-cement ratio on compressive strength of concrete
The properties of recycled ceramic aggregate are
different from natural aggregate which is usually used
in ordinary concrete, hence Bolomey formula obtained
in terms of ordinary concrete no longer applies to
RCC. In the present paper, the relationship between
compressive strength of RCC and cement-water ratio
was investigated, and regression coefficients which
are quite different from that of ordinary concrete was
3.2.1 Mixing proportion
Using recycled ceramic medium sand as fine
aggregate, and recycled ceramic coarse aggregate
(particle size of 4.75/9.5 mm) incorporating with
crushed stone (particle size of 9.5/31.5 mm) as coarse
aggregate, seven concrete mixes were prepared for this
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed. www.jwutms.net Apr.2015
study as indicated in Table 7 from sample RC-0.44 to
RC-0.74, in which the water-cement ratio was from 0.44
to 0.74 with an increment of 0.05.
the regressive coefficient. It could provide reference for
the mixing proportion design of RCC.
4 Conclusions
3.2.2 Results and regression analysis
Results of the 28-day compressive strength of
RCC are presented in Table 8. Then regression analysis
was used and the results are presented in Fig.12.
The relationship between the 28-day compressive
strength of RCC and cement-water ratio is worked out
with the help of regression analysis, and expressed as
where, fcu,28 is the compressive strength of RCC at 28 d,
MPa; c/w is the cement-water ratio; fce is the measured
strength of cement at 28 d, MPa, and fce equals 50.7
MPa in this experiment.
The regressive coefficients obtained by regression
analysis are as follows: A=0.278, B=2.058. And the
result reveals that the compressive strength of RCC also
has good linear relationship with cement-water ratio,
similar to that of ordinary concrete. The difference is
a) The particle size of recycled ceramic aggregate
should not be too large. The thickness of waste ceramic
products is the critical factor determining the particle
size. It is feasible to reuse recycled ceramic aggregate
(under 9.5 mm) in partial replacement of natural
aggregate in the manufacture of concrete. It is an easy
and effective way to use RCMS (incorporating RCCS
and ultra-fine sand with proper proportions) as a kind
of sustainable green aggregate.
b) The apparent density of RCC is lower than that
of ordinary concrete. It is helpful to reduce the selfweight of constructions. Under similar workability
condition, when the RCCS replacement rate is no
higher than 20%, the splitting tensile strength of
RCC is poor because the ultra-fine sand has high mud
content and for other reasons. And when the RCCS
replacement rate is no less than 40%, the compressive
strength and splitting tensile strength are higher than
those of the reference concrete. When recycled ceramic
medium sand was completely used as fine aggregate,
the maximum increase in both compressive strength
and splitting tensile strength was obtained, comparing
with those of the reference concrete, the increment ratio
is 19.85% and 32.73%, respectively.
c) RCC has more compact and homogeneous
interfacial transition zone (ITZ) than that of the
reference concrete (NF). In addition, the interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) in RCC has low CH content
and more C-S-H gel. The using of recycled ceramic
aggregate can meliorate distinctly the structure of
the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) of the concrete.
Vol.30 No.2 LIU Fengli et al: Basic Properties of Concrete Incorporating Recycled Cer...
Moreover, the cement paste of RCC has a more
compact matrix and significantly smaller macro-pores
than that of the reference concrete (NF). And those
are the key reasons that RCC proved to have higher
strength than the reference concrete.
d) The compressive strength of RCC also has
good linear relationship with cement-water ratio,
similar to that of ordinary concrete, but they have
different regressive coefficients in regression formula.
An expression of the compressive strength of RCC and
the cement-water ratio is regressed and gains a good
linear relativity. It provides reference for the mixing
proportion design of RCC.
e) The consumption of recycled ceramic aggregate
could reach from 26.9% to 47.6% of the total weight of
the fine and coarse aggregates in producing concrete,
and this method of recycling waste ceramic is energysaving and environment friendly.
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