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Investigation of Air Pollution in Iğdır with Regards to Meteorological Parameters and Topography Between on 2017-2018

Investigation of Air Pollution in Iğdır with Regards to
Meteorological Parameters and Topography Between on
Iğdır'da 2017-2018 Yılları Arasındaki Hava Kirliliğinin
Meteorolojik Parametreler ve Topografya Açısından
Kayra Koray YILMAZ1, Mustafa Engin PERÇİN1, Ömer KARA1, Cevahir GÜÇÜK2,
Bülent ERTAŞ1
İTÜ MTAL, Yıldız Mh. Çırağan Cad. No:34 34349, Beşiktaş / İstanbul
İTÜ Uçak ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi, Meteoroloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Sarıyer, İstanbul
In this study, Iğdır's air pollution with regards to Meteorological parameters and Topography
Between 2017-2018 was investigated. Air pollution has become a major problem in the world. Urban
activities, factories and unnecessary electric use may cause air pollution. Because of air pollution every
year 4.6 million people die. PM10 (10 micron diameter particle), wind direction and temperature values
were evaluated. PM10, wind direction and temperature values were taken from T.C. Ministry of
Environment and Urbanization between 01.01.2017-31.12.2017 and 01.01.2018-31.12.2018. According to
the results, in 2017, the average PM10 value was 128.5, the minimum value was 6.07 and the maximum
PM10 value was 856.4 μg / m³. In 2018, the average PM10 value was determined as 122.1, the minimum
value was 6.42 and the maximum PM10 value was determined as 1108 μg / m³.Temperatures broke the
record of Iğdır history in 2017.According to index were given below, Iğdır has unhealthy air for sensitive
Keywords: Iğdır, PM10, air pollution, air quality
Nowadays greatly, as a result of industrialization and urbanization, is an environmental problem
caused by the increase in the amount and density of foreign and harmful substances in the air, adversely
affecting the health of living beings in the world. Failure to do what is necessary in the world and what to
do about this issue increases this problem further. The problem of air pollution is growing globally, as it
causes an increase in harmful molecules in the air, such as the unplanned settlement of residential
buildings. In regions where it is high, pollution increases in direct proportion of deaths (Toros, 2017).
According to the data of the World Health Organization (WHO) globally, 4.6 million people die every year
due to air pollution. And 9 out of 10 people in the world breathe the highest levels of air pollution (WHO,
2018). Stoves etc. reasons are very high. And if we explain some other reasons with data; 27% lung
inflammation, 18% stroke, 27% heart disease, 20% chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 8% lung cancer
(WHO, 2018).
We can express it like this. If we need to talk about Turkey, respiratory diseases of Istanbul and
accidents outside have emerged conclude that a significant effect on deaths caused by all diseases
(Toros, 2017). Following the industrial revolution natural resources such as coal and oil started to be used
too much to generate energy. As a matter of fact, in 1900, coal consumption rate in the context of world
energy consumption was around 98%. This caused air pollution over time, and in the 1950s mass deaths
occurred in some cities of Europe and the United States (Yazıcı,2018).Air pollution occurs together with
the effects of air pollutants released from various sources to the atmosphere, meteorological factors in
the atmospheric boundary layer and surface topography characteristics. Along with meteorological
factors such as wind speed, direction, temperature pressure, humidity, surface smoothness properties are
also important for the distribution of air pollutants. The most important role of meteorology is that it is
effective in dispersion and separation from the atmosphere (Pekin & Oğuz, 2015).Meteorological factors
also affect the concentration of pollutants and the duration of their stay in the atmosphere (G. Kara, 2012).
The topographic features of the settlements are not suitable, the climate conditions show unfavorable
conditions for most of the year and the human geography factors have negative effects on the air quality
(Kopar and Zengin, While the human factors determine the emission rates and source, the climate and
topography of the regions also affect the distribution of the pollution in the atmosphere (Ilten and Selici
2007). Topographic differences in the city also cause spatial differences in air pollution (Tağıl, 2007).
Air pollution studies in Turkey first began in 1960 in Ankara. Later it continued in other provinces
(Tuncel, 2013). Mostly warm air pollution in the turkey industry occurs due to transport and the transport
of dust. In heating, excessive use of fossil fuels in factories raises air quality to dangerous levels in certain
periods (Toros, 2019). Turkey is alarming in terms of air quality and air quality index is above the
standards of the European Union (European Environment Agency, 2019). According to the European
Environment Agency (2013), 97.2 percent of the urban population in Turkey's unhealthy levels of
particulate matter (PM10) is exposed. In a study of children in the 0-2 age group, it was determined that
there was a positive correlation between the increase in air pollution levels and the hospitalization
between December and January with the increase in respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, sinusitis,
and pneumonia. (Olgun, 1996) According to the results obtained in the capital Ankara, it was determined
that there was a moderate relationship between pollutants and climatic elements especially in March
(Çiçek, 2004). In a study conducted by İncecik and Daylan in Istanbul, it was determined that high
concentrations in SO2 occur more on the European side (İncecik, 2002). Turkey set for 2015 in the annual
average PM10 limit of 56 ug / m3. The amount was found to be below the limit in only 43 of 81 provinces.
It has been observed that Muş (132 µg / m3), Iğdır (121 µg / m3), Siirt (103 µg / m3) and Bolu (102 µg /
m3) are the provinces with the highest level of air pollution (Clean Air Rights Platform, 2016).
Separated from Kars province on May 27, 1992 Turkey's 76 provinces and 4 districts, consists of 8
municipalities and 157 villages and is the only province that Turkey 3 by country (Igdir, 2019). Iğdır Plain
and surroundings Turkey and Eastern Anatolia extent the peculiar climatic characteristics of the
microclimate Iğdır Plain and the continental high mountains It is considered as the Çukurova of the
Eastern Anatolia Region (Iğdır, 2019) .Iğdır is among the 10 worst cities in Europe under WHO's air
pollution index. Mountains do not allow air circulation. This topographic structure of the province of Iğdır
is the main reason for air pollution. The reason of the Iğdır Methodology Directorate was seen to have
exceeded its value 265 times accordingly, and in the case of 2016, the situation was not very different.
Iğdır province exceeded the PM10 value by 242 in 1 year in 2016 (Bozoğlu, 2017). Increase rates in 2019
have increased to PM10 value 355, that is, dangerous level (Iğdır, 2019).
Iğdır is located in Eastern Anatolia and a city with a border to 3 countries. Iğdır has a polluted air
because of topography. It is seems like to Çukurova because of its soils and microclimate. In this study,
PM10 (10 micron diameter particle), wind direction and temperature values were evaluated.
PM10, wind direction and temperature values were taken from T.C. Ministry of Environment and
Urbanization between 01.01.2017-31.12.2017 and 01.01.2018-31.12.2018. Iğdır map was specified
(Figure Z). The temperature index (X) used in the result section was taken from NOAA (The National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the PM10 index (Y) in the result section was taken from
Toros and his friends' article. The temperature and PM10 index were specified in Figure 1. In this study; R
program was used for the analysis. 8762 data was imported as hourly. Data were adapted to RStudio with
the command "read_excel". Data was visualized with the command ("plot(veri$Tarih, veri$.., type = "l",
main = "..", xlab = "Years", ylab = "Values", col="..")"). It was exported in a "PNG" format with “477 widths
and 367 height”. Wind rating statistics were made from Excel.
Hourly PM10 pollution, wind direction and temperature values by months (Figures A-B.), 2-year
charts (Figure C), average values by seasonals (Figure D) and comparison of a randomly selected day,
week, and year (Figure E) were given Figure 2-3. The average, minimum and maximum PM10, wind
direction and temperature values in Iğdır between 01.01.2017-31.12.2017 and 01.01.2018-31.12.2018
were given in the Table 1.
Analyzed visual annual data (Figure A) of 2017, it was determined that PM10 pollution has reached
the highest level between September and November. An increase in the wind direction could not be
detected. The temperature reached one of the highest values in the history of Iğdır in the first months. In
2018 (Figure B), pollution reached a deadly level according to the PM10 index between January and
March. There was an increase in the degree of wind direction between September and December. Air
temperature is ideal. In seasonally evaluated data (Figure D), a decrease in PM10 pollution was detected
in 2018. In 2017, pollution occurred at least in the spring season and at most in the autumn season. In
2018, pollution occurred at least in the spring, but most in the fall. In 2017, a high increase was observed
in the snow and spring seasons in the air temperature. In 2018, average values are almost the same in all
seasons. While the values of the wind degree were approximately similar in 2017, an increase was
observed in summer and autumn in 2018. It was found that PM10 pollution was higher in 2018 in
randomly selected days, weeks, and months (Figure E). The table mentioned above shows that PM10
pollution increased to a higher level in 2018 compared to 2017. However, average values are higher in
2017. This means that in 2017, pollution has progressed more smoothly. But in 2018, unevenly
progressing was determined. The maximum PM10 levels are extra hazardous in both years. Also the
average PM10 levels are unhealthy in both years.
PM10 levels are unhealthy in both years.
Particulate matter (PM10) adversely affects weather conditions and living health. In this study, we
should discuss to Iğdır’s air quality. Iğdır has unhealthy air quality, because of its microclimate. And on
this region they are lots of factories. There is manufacture of cotton, sugar beet, potato etc.in Iğdır.
Medical, ICT, metallurgy etc. on these departments there are some factories. Due to all these factors,
values can sometimes rising too much. We should reduce activities of factories and decrease air
pollution. And government should promote to public to use electrical vehicles. Deforestation should
prevent by government. Finally studies to increase biodiversity should fund. Except these recommends
have nothing to do.
First of all, I would like to thank Cevahir GÜÇÜK for the essential support she gave, then Bülent ERTAŞ,
who advised us on the presentation, Professor Doctor Hüseyin TOROS who took the R lesson to take his
time, and our respectable teachers who gave support in English.
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