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Last Revision: May 2009
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Table of Contents and Timeline Chart
Start the Class
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
Chapter 2: Relationship Management Setup
Chapter 3: Working with Contacts
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Chapter 6: Task Management
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Relationship Management
Session Total Class Presentation 15.3 hours
Chapter Description
Minutes to Complete
Presentation: 5 minutes
Relationship Management Overview
Presentation: 30 minutes
Relationship Management Setup
Presentation: 90 minutes
Working with Contacts
Presentation: 120 minutes
Campaigns and Segmentation
Presentation: 85 minutes
Interactions and Document Management
Presentation: 90 minutes
Task Management
Presentation: 60 minutes
Opportunity Management
Presentation: 85 minutes
Profiling and Classification
Presentation: 60 minutes
Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Presentation: 45 minutes
Quotation to Contacts
Presentation: 45 minutes
Document Archiving
Presentation: 45 minutes
Outlook Synchronization
Presentation: 150 minutes
Presentation: 5 minutes
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Presentation: 10 minutes
Required Materials
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009 Relationship Management slide
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009 Relationship Management Manual
Before the Class
If you are using the Cronus database, ensure that you have a clean database
installed. A clean database is required for the exercises to work correctly.
Opening Section
Display Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Relationship Management slide 1 as
students come into the room.
Display slide 2. Introductions
Introduce yourself to students.
Display slide 3. General Information
Tell about general information such as starting and ending time of the classes and
facilities students can use.
Display slide 4. Course Description
Give the course description – goal, target audience, job descriptions.
Ask students if they have any learning objectives not highlighted on the slide. If
students voice objectives that are outside the scope of the class, you can try to get
back to them if time permits.
Write students’ objectives on a flip chart sheet in the room. Revise them during
the class to ensure that all of the students’ learning objectives are met.
Mention that the chapters contain instructional text on the different areas of the
Relationship Management functionality. Each area includes theoretical parts to
show how functionality works, as well as practical exercises.
Display slide 5. Course Outline
Give the overall outline of the course. Explain that the course consists of six
Relationship Management
sessions, each session contains one to three chapters of the manual.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview
The goals of this chapter are to:
Define what Relationship Management is.
Explain the Relationship Management functionality.
Discuss selling points for Relationship Management.
Presentation: 30 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 6. Session 1
List the objectives of this session.
Display slide 7. Relationship Management Overview
Give a general idea of the Relationship Management functionality:
Introduce Microsoft Dynamics NAV as an integrated environment
for running any business.
Describe the Relationship Management functionality as an important
part of the program and describe the activities this area covers.
Introduce students to the concept of Relationship Management.
Describe the benefits of a Customer Relationship Management
(CRM) component as an integral part of an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system – Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.
Discuss Relationship Management as of the tool that offers
flexibility in managing communication with contacts and business
Display slide 8. RM Selling Points
Give the main idea of the selling points for Relationship Management.
Note that Relationship Management keeps all information about your
contacts in one place, so there is no need to search through the whole
Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.
Mention that Relationship Management is customizable to meet
specific needs, providing a competitive advantage to companies that
Relationship Management
use it.
State that using Relationship Management is simple and
Point out that the solution can help a company centralize data.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview
The goals of this chapter are to:
Prepare Role Center for Relationship Management.
Discuss the Marketing Setup window.
Set up interactions for automatic recording.
Set up synchronization of contacts with customers, vendors, and
bank accounts.
Review the consequences of synchronization.
Set up and perform a search for contact duplicates.
Presentation: 90 minutes
How to Teach this Chapter
Display slide 9. Role Center Profile Setup
Introduce students to profiles in the RoleTailored client. Point out that the Sales
Manager profile is a default profile used in this course.
Help students set the Sales Manager profile as a default one.
Display slide 11. The Marketing Setup Window
Discuss the Marketing Setup window. Point out seven FastTabs in this window
that are used for setting up Relationship Management and describe their fields:
Show the General FastTab. Discuss the ways of storing files that can
be used as attachments to interaction templates.
Point out the two options: Embedded and Disk File. Explain
what the index mode is.
o Highlight the two ways of indexing information in Relationship
Management: Automatic and Manual. Explain the difference
between them.
Show the Inheritance FastTab of the Marketing Setup window.
Explain what inheritance is and what can be inherited in Relationship
Explain the defaults in Relationship Management and how to set
them up.
Relationship Management
Describe number series used in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Help
students set up number series for contacts, campaigns, segments, todos, and opportunities.
State that the Relationship Management application area allows the
user to search for duplicate contacts, the contact duplicate search
only applies to contact companies (and not to contact persons).
Explain the ways to search for duplicate contacts.
Explain how to set up the automatic search for duplicates.
Explain and show how to set up duplicate search string, referring
to the example provided in the manual.
Open the E-Mail Logging FastTab. State that in the Relationship
Management application area it is possible to exchange e-mail
messages with contacts, customers, vendors, and so on. It is possible
to send and receive e-mail messages either from Microsoft Dynamics
NAV or from Microsoft® Office Outlook®.
Explain how to set up the e-mail parameters. Highlight that they
are available in the Classic version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Open the Synchronization FastTab. Describe what synchronization
between contacts and customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts is.
Explain how to set it up.
Display slide 11. Points to Remember
Explain students what important information must be taken into consideration
when setting up Relationship Management.
Display slide 12. Set Up Contact Synchronization
Explain what synchronization in Relationship Management means:
State that if some contacts are also customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts, it is possible to synchronize their contact cards with their
customer cards, vendor cards, and/or bank account cards.
Help student set up synchronization between contacts and
customers, vendors, and bank accounts.
Describe the consequences of synchronization set up on this FastTab.
Display slide 13. Automatically Recorded Interactions
Automatically recorded interactions are set up in the Interaction Template Setup
window. Discuss the following about interactions:
Specify that the Relationship Management application area allows a
company to record all the interactions with contacts, for example,
meetings, phone calls, e-mail messages, printing sales orders.
State that the program stores recorded interactions in the Interaction
Log Entry window.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Note that the program can automatically record sales, purchase, and
service documents that you create and print for your customers and
vendors. Describe other cases when the program can automatically
record an interaction.
State what must be done for the program to record the interaction
Display slide 14. Session 1 Summary
Review the key concepts. Ask students if they have any questions.
Lab 2.1 - Set Up Salutation for a Contact
Suggest that students perform Lab 2.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students answer the questions
from the “Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 2 and check their answers in
the “Solutions” section of that same chapter.
Relationship Management
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Set up mailing and industry groups for contacts.
Set up business relations, job responsibilities, Web sources, and
organizational levels for contacts.
Discuss a contact card.
Create contact companies.
View related contacts.
Create contact persons.
Set up search parameters and search for contacts.
Search for duplicates and handle duplicate contacts.
Synchronize contacts with customers, vendors, and bank accounts.
Export contacts.
View contact statistics.
Generate contact reports.
Presentation: 90 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 15. Session 2
List the objectives of this session.
Display slide 16. Set Up Contact Parameters
State that in Relationship Management it is possible to record as contacts all the
external entities that the user has business relations with, for example, customers,
prospective customers, vendors, lawyers, consultants, and so on.
Explain in detail how to set up the following contact-related parameters:
Mailing Groups
Industry Groups
Business Relations
Web Sources
Organizational Levels
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Job Responsibilities
Describe how the parameters are used and how to assign them to contacts.
Display slide 17. General Contact Information
Open a contact card. Go into detail when explaining the general information
presented on the General FastTab.
Briefly mention what other FastTabs are meant for and the options that they
Display slide 18. Contact Types
Highlight three types of contacts that the user can create. Point out the difference
between them when registering in the program.
Display slide 19. Contact Companies
Explain students how to create contact companies. Assign industry groups,
business relations, and Web sources. Write comments.
Lab 3.1 – Set Up a Contact Company
Suggest that students perform Lab 3.1 from the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 20. Contact Persons
Provide a general description of contact persons:
Tell about contact people that the user can create.
Help students create a contact person who works for a company that
is already registered in the program.
Assign job responsibilities to the contact.
Explain how to view contacts that relate to a company registered in
the program.
Show how to register an independent contact person.
Display slide 21. Operations with Contacts
Describe what actions can be performed on contacts:
Explain and show how to link a contact to a customer, vendor, or
bank account.
Point out and the show how to find out whether a contact is already
linked to any of them. Show how to learn if a customer, vendor, or
bank account is already linked to a contact.
Relationship Management
Give an overview of the Contact Search feature. Briefly go over the
names of the fields that can be found using this feature.
Explain what a Blurry Key is and how it is possible to use it. Show
how to set up the search parameters and briefly mention that it is
possible to set up delimiters for the search.
Show how to search for contacts from the main menu and use the
system to compose search expressions. Show how to find contacts
from the contact card or the contact list. Explain how it is possible to
search for a contact while working with wizards. Demonstrate an
example of searching for a contact. Briefly go over the search tips.
Tell students about possibility to search for duplicate contacts. Show
students how to search for duplicate contacts manually and how to
handle duplicates.
Lab 3.3 – Link a Contact Card to a Bank Account Card
Suggest that students perform Lab 3.3 from the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 22. Contact Statistics and Reports
Explain what information is stored on the Contact Statistics card. Explain what a
contact report is and how it can be used. Discuss each of the five contact report
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students accomplish Labs
3.2, 3.4, and 3.5 from the training manual, and answer the questions from the
“Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 3; check their answers in the
“Solutions” section of the same chapter.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Discuss campaigns and segments.
Set up and create campaigns.
Create interactions with campaigns.
Create and activate sales prices and line discounts.
Observe campaign statistics.
Create segments.
Add and remove contacts from segments.
Save segmentation criteria.
Create segments by reusing saved segmentation criteria.
Link segments to a campaign.
Create interactions for segments.
Create segments by reusing logged segments.
View campaign entries linked to the segment.
Presentation: 60 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 23. Set Up Campaigns
Introduce students to campaigns:
Explain what a campaign is.
State that it is possible to create campaigns for mailings and other
types of interactions.
Explain that these features are used to create and keep track of mass
mailings and other interactions in connection with sales and
marketing activities.
o Explain how to set up campaign status codes.
Open a campaign card and discuss the fields on the card.
Show how to create an interaction linked to a campaign.
o Note how to change the status of a campaign.
Define campaign pricing.
Relationship Management
Show how to create sales prices and sales line discounts for a
Lab 4.1 – Plan a Campaign
Suggest that students perform Lab 4.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 24. Create Segments and Interactions
Explain what a segment is. Show how to create a segment and enter general
information. State that it is possible to create an interaction for a segment and
demonstrate an example of this.
Display slide 25. Operations with Segments
Inform students of operations that can be performed with segments:
Show students how to add contacts to a segment and remove them
from a segment.
State that the user can send documents to contacts added to a
segment while logging it.
Explain how to link a segment to a campaign.
o Mention that this linkage is mandatory for being able to activate
sales prices and sales line discount for a campaign.
Lab 4.4 – Send a Letter to Contacts from a Segment
Suggest that students perform Lab 4.4 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 26. Save and Reuse Segments
Discuss how to save a segment and segmentation criteria. Show students how to
use them when creating a new segment.
Display slide 27. Campaigns Prices
Highlight how to activate/deactivate sales prices and line discounts
in a campaign. Show where this can be done.
Explain to the students how to review a campaign while it is in
progress. Discuss the fields in the Campaign Statistics window.
Display slide 28. Session 2 Summary
Review the key concepts. Ask students if they have any questions.
Test Your Knowledge
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students accomplish Labs
4.2, 4.3 and 4.5 from the training manual, and answer the questions from the
“Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 4; check their answers in the
“Solutions” section of the same chapter.
Relationship Management
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Set up interactions.
Create interaction templates.
Set up interaction groups.
Manage interaction attachments.
Use the Create Interaction wizard for creating interactions.
Record phone calls as interactions.
Record e-mails as interactions.
Work with automatically recorded interactions.
Manage postponed interactions.
Cancel and delete interaction log entries.
View interaction statistics.
Presentation: 90 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 29. Session 3
List the objectives of this session.
Display slide 30. Set Up Interactions
Point out the interaction parameters that must be set up:
Explain what an interaction template is and what they are used for.
o Explain in detail how to create and interaction template and
assign an attachment to it.
Discuss what an interaction group is and how to set it up. State that
each group has an interaction template assigned to it.
o Show an example of an interaction template.
Mention that an interaction template can have an attachment
assigned to it.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Point out actions that can be taken on attachments: creating,
importing, exporting, copying, deleting. Describe the possible
document types for an attachment.
Lab 5.1 – Create an Interaction Template with an
Suggest that students perform Lab 5.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 31. Create Interactions
Tell students about the two ways of creating interactions:
State that it is possible to create an interaction using the Create
Interaction wizard.
Explain how to open the wizard and what mandatory information
must be specified.
o Go through the wizard steps and explain how to import an
o Explain where to find a recorded interaction.
Briefly mention about recording interaction automatically when a
specific action is taken in the program.
Display slide 32. Operations with Interactions
Describe actions that can be taken on interactions:
Tell about postponing an interaction while creating it and the reasons
why it may be necessary.
Mention that a postponed interaction can be finished any time later.
o Show where postponed interactions can be found.
State that you can postpone and resume creation of an interaction as
many times as you need.
State that a postponed interaction can be deleted.
Lab 5.2 – Record an Interaction
Suggest that students perform Lab 5.2 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 33. Calls and E-mails
Stress on recording interactions for calls and e-mails:
Explain how to record a phone call as an interaction in the program.
Tell students about the two ways of sending an e-mail message to a
Relationship Management
Using the Create Mail wizard
Creating an interaction. Show how to send and receive an e-mail
from Microsoft Dynamics NAV using Microsoft Office Outlook.
Highlight that making phone calls and sending e-mail messages is
possible to record as interactions only in the Classic version of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Display slide 34. Automatically Recorded Interactions
Discuss actions that make the program to record interactions:
Tell about interactions that are recorded automatically by the
List actions that lead to creating an interaction.
Demonstrate one of the actions that make the program create an
interaction log entry.
Show the created log entry as a result of what you did.
Display slide 35. Cancel and Delete Interactions
List actions that can be taken on interactions:
Point out that interactions created by the user can be canceled. Name
the reasons for that.
Canceled interactions can be deleted using the Delete Interaction Log
Entries batch job.
Briefly mention about filters that may be specified in the batch
Display slide 36. Interaction Statistics
Tell about windows that can be used for viewing interaction
Discuss what information the user can find in these windows.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students accomplish Lab 5.3
from the training manual, and answer the questions from the “Test Your
Knowledge” section of chapter 5; check their answers in the “Solutions” section
of the same chapter.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Describe activities and to-dos.
Set up teams and activities.
Create to-dos.
Assign activities to salespeople and teams.
Create recurring to-dos.
Modify to-dos.
Convert team to-dos.
Send meeting invitations.
Close, cancel and delete to-dos.
View statistical information about to-dos.
Presentation: 60 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 37. Teams and Activities
Give information about teams:
Describe what teams are.
Demonstrate how to set up a team and assign salespeople to it.
Give information about activities:
Describe what activities are.
Show how to set up an activity.
State that it is possible to assign large tasks composed of several
to-dos to salespeople or teams.
Explain how to assign an activity and go through the process in
the Assign Activity wizard.
Show how to assign activities to teams and salespeople.
Display slide 38. Create and Delegate To-Dos
Discuss creation and delegation of to-dos:
Relationship Management
Explain what a to-do is and who it can be created for.
o Mention the place in the program where a to-do can be created
o State that there are several types of to-dos, then list and explain
each of them.
o Go over the fields in the Create To-do wizard, pointing out
which ones are mandatory and which are optional.
o Explain the difference between the Blank or Phone Call to-do
and the Meeting to-do. Give examples of how to create to-dos of
both types.
Discuss how to delegate a to-do.
Explain why it may be necessary to delegate a to-do.
Explain how to delegate a team to-do to a salesperson to-do and
vice versa, and a salesperson to-do to another salesperson to-do.
Use an example to explain how to reassign a team to-do to
another team.
Lab 6.1 – Create a To-Do for a Salesperson
Suggest that students perform Lab 6.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 39. Send E-mail Invitations
Explain how meeting invitations can be sent to the meeting attendees.
Demonstrate an example of sending an invitation from Microsoft Dynamics
Lab 6.2 – Send E-Mail Meeting Invitations
Suggest that students perform Lab 6.2 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 40. Close, Cancel and Delete To-Dos
Explain how to mark a completed to-do as closed or canceled. Explain how to
close a team to-do. Show how to delete a to-do.
Display slide 41. To-Do Statistics
Explain how to view to-do statistics and what information the user can view
about to-dos. Tell about options that determine what the to-do matrix shows.
Display slide 42. Session 3 Summary
Review the key concepts. Ask students if they have any questions.
Test Your Knowledge
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students answer the questions
from the “Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 6; check their answers in the
“Solutions” section of that same chapter.
Relationship Management
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Set up opportunities.
Create opportunities.
Update opportunities with the Update Opportunity wizard.
Create to-dos for opportunities.
Assign sales quotes to opportunities.
Link opportunities to sales quotes.
Create sales orders for opportunities.
Close and delete opportunities.
View opportunities statistics.
Presentation: 60 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 43. Session 4
List the objectives of this session.
Display side 44. Set Up Opportunities
Discuss opportunities:
Explain what an opportunity is. Mention that prior to starting
opportunity management the user must set up sales cycles and sales
cycle stages.
Explain in detail what a sales cycle and a sales cycle stage are and
how to set them up. Mention how to set up close opportunity codes
and default sales cycle codes.
Explain how to create an opportunity, review the wizard steps and
explain the fields in the wizard.
Show how to activate an opportunity.
Discuss the fields on the opportunity card.
Mention that it is possible to update an opportunity.
Show how this is done using the Update Opportunity wizard.
Lab 7.1 – Set Up a Sales Cycle
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Suggest that students perform Lab 7.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 45. Operations with Opportunities
Describe what actions can be performed on opportunities:
State that it is possible to create a to-do for an opportunity. Briefly
mention how this is done through the Create To-do wizard.
Add that it is possible to create sales quotes and orders for
opportunities. Show how this can be done.
Mention that a sales quote created for an opportunity can be
converted into a sales order. Show how this can be done.
Lab 7.3 – Make a Sales Order from a Sales Quote
Suggest that students perform Lab 7.3 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 46. Close and Delete Opportunities
Discuss closing and deleting opportunities with students, and mention about
opportunity statistics:
Explain that it is possible to close opportunities when the
negotiations are over.
Explain that when closing an opportunity, the user can specify
the reasons for closing it. To do this, the user must set up close
opportunity codes.
o Show the procedure for closing an opportunity.
Also state that the user can delete opportunities, for example, after a
deal has been concluded.
o Follow the procedure for deleting an opportunity.
State that opportunity statistics about can be viewed in a number of
ways and from several different windows.
Show some of the ways in which this can be done. Focus on
contact, campaign and salesperson statistics.
o Briefly mention sales cycle stage statistics.
Show the Opportunities Chart Pane and how it can be used.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students accomplish Lab 7.2
from the training manual, and answer the questions from the “Test Your
Knowledge” section of chapter 7; check their answers in the “Solutions” section
of that same chapter.
Relationship Management
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Describe profile questionnaires.
Set up profile questionnaires.
Update profile questionnaires.
Explain automatic classification.
Create contact rating.
Enter contact profiles.
Add contacts to segments using profile information.
Test and print questionnaires.
Presentation: 60 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 47. Create Profile
Provide information about profiles:
Inform the students that it is possible to create questionnaires that
provide profiles of contacts.
Mention that these profiles are visible on the lines of the contact
card, giving the user a quick overview of information about the
Go through the steps for setting up the profile questionnaires.
Note that once a line in the Profile Questionnaire Setup window
is filled in with a question, one or more lines with answers to the
question must be filled in.
Show how to assign a profile questionnaire to a contact.
Display the Contact Profile Answers window where the user can
select answers that fit the selected contact.
Mention that if a question is not answered automatically by the
program and no answers are selected in this window, the correct
answers will not be displayed on the contact card for this contact.
Lab 8.1 – Set Up a Profile Questionnaire
Suggest that students perform Lab 8.1 in the training manual. Give
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 48. Contact Rating
Discuss contact ratings:
State that it is possible to create ratings for the contacts to be
displayed on the contact card.
Mention that a number of existing questions and answers can be
Discuss two methods for creating ratings for the contacts. Describe
the process for manually creating a contact rating.
Stress that entering rating points manually is possible only in the
Classic version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Display slide 49. Use Profile Information
Discuss the usage of profile questionnaire information as a filter
when adding contacts to a segment.
Demonstrate where and how the user can specify a profile
questionnaire when adding contacts to a segment.
Display a segment with contacts added as a result of using profile
questionnaire information.
Display slide 50. Update Profile and View Reports
Tell students how they can update profile and view reports:
Explain that the program does not automatically update the
classification of contacts.
o To have the correct number of contacts recorded for each answer
in the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, the user must
regularly update the contact classification. This is done through
the Update Contact Classification batch job.
o Add that this batch job updates all the answers to the profile
questions that are automatically answered by the program, based
on contact data and information of a customer or a vendor that
this contact is linked to.
o Demonstrate how to update contact classification.
Describe the process for printing a test report for profile
Note that a test report lists information from each line of the Profile
Questionnaire Setup window. Add that it is possible to print
questionnaires to be distributed to contacts and returned to the
Relationship Management
Describe the handouts report as well. Mention that it is possible to
print the profile questionnaires and distribute them to the contacts
with this report. Go through the procedure for printing this report.
Lab 8.4 – Update Contact Classification and Print a Report
Suggest that students perform Lab 8.4 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 51. Session 4 Summary
Review the key concepts. Ask students if they have any questions.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students accomplish Labs 8.2
and 8.3 from the training material, and answer the questions from the “Test Your
Knowledge” section of chapter 8; check their answers in the “Solutions” section
of that same chapter.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Set up salutations.
Assign a salutation code to a contact.
Create interactions with a salutation in an attachment for contacts.
Send documents in different languages to contacts from one
Presentation: 30 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 52. Session 5
List the objectives of this session.
Display slide 53. Set Up Multilanguage Formulas
Describe the Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment feature:
Mention that it allows the user to set up salutations in different
languages and attach documents to these salutations in different
Add that when salutations are being set up, the program
automatically selects the salutation in the language in which the
customer or contact is set up.
This simplifies the user’s ability to send out a standard document
to international customers of different nationalities.
Introduce the Salutation Formulas Setup window.
Mention that Salutation Formulas Setup window is used to set up
various salutation formulas that are used when sending any kind of
correspondence to contacts.
Guide the students through the process of setting up the salutation
Lab 9.1 – Create Salutation Formulas
Suggest that students perform Lab 9.1 in the training manual. Give
Relationship Management
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 54. Assign a Salutation Code
State that when a contact is registered in the program, it is possible to select from
different contact salutations depending on the contacts language, profession,
gender, and so on.
Add that a salutation code is assigned to the contact on the contact card. Describe
the process for assigning the salutation code to a contact.
Display slide 55. Multilanguage Attachments
Introduce students to multilanguage attachments:
State that during interaction with a contact, it is possible to send
someone a document where you can insert a salutation that you want
to use.
Mention that sending documents is done though the Create
Interaction wizard.
o Go over the example of a Microsoft® Word document.
Mention that it is possible to create a segment and use it for sending
document in different languages to contacts added to this segment.
Demonstrate how to change a document language for one of the
contacts added to the segment.
Lab 9.2 – Send Multilanguage Documents to Contacts in a
Suggest that students perform Lab 9.2 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students answer the questions
from the “Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 9; check their answers in the
“Solutions” section of that same chapter.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Set up customer templates.
Create a sales quote using contact and customer template
Convert a sales quote to a sales order using contact and customer
template information.
Presentation: 30 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 56. Customer Templates
Introduce students to working with customer templates:
State that it is possible to create sales, purchase, and service
documents based on a contact instead of a customer.
Note that the information from the contact record and customer
template is necessary to create quotes.
o Briefly mention what the Quotation to Contact feature allows the
user to do.
Highlight that prior to using customer templates, they must be set up.
Guide students through the process of setting up the customer
Describe the fields on the customer template card.
Point out which fields are mandatory for filling in.
Show where the user can find all customer templates stored in
the program.
Lab 10.1 – Set Up Customer Template
Suggest that students perform Lab 10.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 57. Create Quotes
Discuss using contact and customer template information:
Relationship Management
State that at a certain stage in the sales cycle of the opportunity or
when a contact is close to becoming a customer, it may be necessary
to make a sales quote for the contact.
Mention that if the contact is a customer, the program uses the
customer information to create the quote.
Highlight that if the contact involved in this opportunity is not yet a
customer, the user can still create the quote.
Discuss the situation when several customer templates are available
for a quote.
Guide the students through the steps for creating a sales quote
from the Opportunity List window.
Mention that prior to creating the sales quote, a contact must be
defined, the customer template must be set up, and an opportunity for
the company must exist.
Note that it is possible to make a sales quote directly in the Sales
Quote window for a contact that has not yet become a customer.
o Guide the students through the steps of creating a quote from the
Sales Quote Window.
Converting a quote into an order presumes linking a contact with a
State that if the contact is not linked to a customer when the user
clicks Make Order, the program asks whether the user wants to
convert the contact into a customer.
Stress that the user must let the program convert a contact into a
customer, otherwise a sales order will not be created.
Go through the steps for creating a sales order.
Lab 10.2 – Create a Sales Quote and a Sales Order
Suggest that students perform Lab 10.2 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students answer the questions
from the “Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 10 and check their answers
in the “Solutions” section of that same chapter.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Archive a copy of a sales quote.
Create an interaction log entry while printing a sales quote.
Restore a sales quote from the archive.
Archive a copy of a sales order.
Create an interaction log entry while printing a sales order.
Restore a sales order from the archive.
Presentation: 30 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 58. Archive Sales Quotes
Introduce students to creating an archive version of documents:
State that the user can make the program create an interaction log
entry every time a sales, purchase, and service document change
their nature: being created, converted, or printed.
Discuss saving an archive copy of a document before changing its
Describe the changes that take place while the document is being
Tell about changing the number in the No. of Archived Versions
field on the sales quote card.
o Show the archive entry in the Sales List Archive window.
o Mention about setting up automatic archiving of sales and
purchase documents in the program.
Point out that it is possible to print a sales quote and, in addition,
perform both archiving a copy and creating an interaction log entry
at the same time.
Show the Log Interaction and Archive Document check boxes in the
Sales – Quote window while printing a quote.
o Add that in case of printing, a log entry appears in the Interaction
Log Entry window for the contact and salesperson involved in
the sales quote.
Relationship Management
Explain that if a copy of a document was archived, the document can
be rolled back to a previous version.
Mention the two ways of restoring a quote: from the interaction
log entries created for a contact or salesperson and from the sales
quote card.
Mention that if a sales quote was archived, converted into an order,
and the order was posted, the user will not be able to restore a quote
– the program will display an error message.
Lab 11.1 – Issue a Quote to a Contact
Suggest that students perform Lab 11.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Lab 11.2 – Restore the Quote
Suggest that students perform Lab 11.2 in the training manual. Give
approximately 10 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 59. Archive Sales Orders
Tell about archiving sales orders:
Mention that the procedure of archiving and restoring a sales order is
similar to that for a sales quote.
o Tell about changes that take place while archiving a document.
State that when an order is sent for confirmation, the user can make
the program create an interaction log entry for this document and
save an archive copy for future reference.
Mention the Archive Document and Log Interaction check boxes
in the Order Confirmation window.
o Mention that in case of printing, a log entry is created for the
contact in the Interaction Log Entries window.
Briefly describe how to restore a sales order from the archive.
o Mention the two ways of restoring a sales order: from the
interaction log entries created for a contact or salesperson and
from the sales order card.
Display slide 60. Session 5 Summary
Review the key concepts. Ask students if they have any questions.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students answer the questions
from the “Test Your Knowledge” section of chapter 11; check their answers in
the “Solutions” section of that same chapter.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
Chapter Overview:
The goals of this chapter are to:
Define Outlook Synchronization concepts.
Set up Outlook Synchronization on the Microsoft Dynamics® NAV
Describe synchronization.
Set up levels of synchronization.
Explain Outlook synchronization user roles.
Set up Outlook Synchronization on the Microsoft® Office Outlook®
Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV synchronization Add-in.
Configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV synchronization Add-in.
Perform troubleshooting on the Microsoft Office Outlook side.
View synchronization progress window.
Review specifics of successful work with Outlook Synchronization.
Presentation: 150 minutes
How to Teach This Chapter
Display slide 61. Session 6
List the objectives of this session.
Display slide 62. Synchronization Entities
Explain why Outlook Synchronization is important in today’s
business environment.
Briefly go over the tasks that can be carried out using the
Outlook Synchronization functionality.
Explain what a synchronization entity is. Define synchronization
entities both on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft office
Outlook sides.
Display slide 63. Synchronization Levels
Discuss levels of synchronization and synchronization user:
State that there are two levels of synchronization.
Relationship Management
o Describe each level with examples.
o In the program, show how to set up each level.
Point out setting up a synchronization user.
Mention that after defining a synchronization user and
synchronization entities, it is necessary to register synchronization
entities in the program.
o Show the Outlook Synch. Change Log Set. batch job.
Display slide 64. Synchronization User Roles
State what synchronization user roles are used in Outlook
Synchronization. Describe what each role is capable of.
Stress that all actions that relate to setting synchronization entities
and synchronization entities on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side
can be fulfilled only by a power user or an administrator.
Lab 12.1 – Map the Customer Table to Outlook Contact
Suggest that students perform Lab 12.1 in the training manual. Give
approximately 20 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 65. Synchronization Add-in
Discuss Synchronization Add-in on the Outlook side:
Define what must be done on the Microsoft Office Outlook side to
get ready for Outlook Synchronization.
Discuss the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization Add-in that
is installed on the Microsoft Office Outlook side.
Mention about the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization
toolbar and the Settings window.
Point out that these two tools are used for controlling and
managing the synchronization process.
Display slide 66. Outlook Synchronization Toolbar
Show the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization toolbar in Microsoft Office
Explain the purpose of each of four buttons on the toolbar.
Display slide 67. The Settings Window
Discuss the Settings window:
Describe the four tabs the window contains.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Instructor Notes
o Discuss the options on each tab.
Set up synchronization on the Microsoft Office Outlook side.
o Mention about the two ways of running synchronization:
automatically and manually.
Discuss the synchronization process. Run synchronization manually.
Display slide 68. Synchronization Errors and Conflicts
Point out that if synchronization errors or conflicts occur, they can be viewed in
the Troubleshooting window.
Describe the content of two tabs in this window. Provide clues about how to
resolve conflicts and errors.
Lab 12.3 – Resolve Synchronization Conflicts
Suggest that students perform Lab 12.3 in the training manual. Give
approximately 15 minutes for this task. Provide assistance if requested.
Display slide 69. Session 12 Summary
Review the key concepts. Ask student if they have any questions.
Test Your Knowledge
As a home assignment for this chapter, suggest that students accomplish Lab 12.2
from the training material, and answer the questions from the “Test Your
Knowledge” section of chapter 12 and check their answers in the “Solutions”
section of that same chapter.
Relationship Management
Chapter Overview
The goal of this chapter is to review the key points that have been covered in this
Presentation: 5 minutes
How to Teach this Chapter
Display slide 70: Course Summary
This is the end of the course.
Review the list of key points with students. Have everyone review their list of
Display slide 71: Questions and Answers
Encourage students to ask questions if they have any.
** Intended for Instructor Preparation Only **
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
The objectives are:
Define what Relationship Management is.
Explain the Relationship Management functionality.
Discuss selling points for Relationship Management.
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
This chapter introduces you to the concept of Relationship Management. This
chapter explains what must be done to implement Relationship Management and
the benefits of an integrated solution: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and
Relationship Management. In addition, the vision for Relationship Management
is discussed, along with the overall structure of the Relationship Management
Defining Relationship Management
To Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009, Relationship Management is more than just
a set of tools – it is a module designed to manage all your contacts and the
interactions you have with them. It is also a business strategy to identify, attract,
and retain customers. It is a tool, which helps businesses to optimize profitability
and increase customer satisfaction. Implementing this software solution for a
customer does not mean that this customer has a marketing strategy. Defining a
strategy must actually be the first stage in implementing customer Relationship
Management (CRM). The process must start with companies that are
implementing a marketing strategy. And then they can go on to adjust a program
to support this Relationship Management.
The goal for your customer’s clients is to establish long relationships with their
customers. The Relationship Management functionality will help them create and
maintain these relationships. Clearly, this means that your clients have first to
decide to become a customer-focused company and then determine a strategy to
achieve this. If the strategy of using Relationship Management is not effective,
there is the strong possibility that the implementation of a product conducted by
Relationship Management will fail. A successful Relationship Management
implementation integrates business processes with IT systems.
Integrated Solution Benefits
CRM complements Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and is dependent on
integration with an ERP system to provide a complete picture of a customer
For example:
Marketing people need to know what customers have purchased in
the past before attempting to interest customers in new products or
cross-selling opportunities. This information may come from an
order history in the ERP system.
Salespeople need to know if products are available before accepting
new orders, ensuring that the products can be delivered to suit the
customer's need. This information may come from an item card in an
inventory management module.
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
Production managers need to have a complete overview of vendors
and when specific vendors will deliver material used in the
The finance department in the company needs fully updated and
accessible information from the company’s bankers.
Service people need to know if a customer has been billed for or has
paid for their support contract before responding to support
incidents. This information may come from billing or cash receipt
information held in an accounts receivable module.
Business partners need to be able to view customer-related ERP data,
just as e-customers ordering online need to know that the goods they
are ordering are in stock and quoted at the latest price. This
information may come from an inventory control module.
In all these examples, different groups of people in a company need to access
information stored in different places. When using an integrated solution, the
whole company shares and has access to different data information, and this
enables everybody in the company to always have an entire overview of the
Relationship Management Functionality
This section examines the Relationship Management functionality. The section
also introduces the ideas and vision behind Relationship Management, and the
structure of the product.
Relationship Management Vision
Communication is a key word in the vision for Relationship Management. The
aim of using Relationship Management is making companies able to tailor
communication with different customers (both existing and potential), vendors,
business partners, and others according to their needs. Flexibility in managing
communication is an essential part in companies’ business if they want to
succeed in the future.
This means that Relationship Management is a tool that helps companies
communicate with their customers based on their previous interactions. This tool
also simplifies enterprises’ ability to keep track of all the documents that a
company sends to its customers.
This allows enterprises, which use Relationship Management, to communicate
with their customers on a more individual basis and thereby enables them to
perform one-to-one marketing.
Relationship Management Structure
This part presents the features and granules that are included in Relationship
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
The datasheet for Relationship Management is represented in the following table.
The Key Features column includes both the key features of Relationship
Management and also the six granules that Relationship Management consists of.
Contact Management is the basic granule that Relationship Management cannot
be sold without.
Key Features
Maintain an overview of your contacts.
Management Duplicate check automatically alerts you if you enter contact
(Granule 5.110) information that already exists.
Categorize your contacts based on profiling criteria created by
Personalize your approach to your contacts.
Organize your campaign, marketing, and sales tasks.
Management Create to-do lists for yourself.
(Granule 5.150) Assign tasks to other users or teams of users recorded in the
Create an activity composed of several to-dos.
Create internal to-dos without a contact.
Classify your contacts into different categories, and tailor your
Classification marketing messages to suit the individual needs of the
(Granule 5.110) customer.
Automatically group your contacts into different classes based
on criteria specified by you, for example, group contacts in
terms of revenue.
Rate your contacts based on the weight of two questions to
identify the value of a third question.
Organize campaigns based on the segments you create.
Management Segment your contacts based on specific criteria, such as sales,
(Granule 5.130) contact profiles, and interactions.
Reuse existing segments, for example, specify whether these
segments are to be updated every time new information on the
Sales &
Receivables - contact is entered, or “freeze” the group for follow-up
activities, such as direct mailing
Make use of multilanguage templates to target contacts in
(Granule 3.390) different languages.
Mail merge the identified segment with a Microsoft® Word
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
Management &
Interaction Log
(Granule 5.160)
Log the interactions that you have with your contacts, such as a
telephone call, a meeting, or a letter. If an interaction contains a
document, you can save it under the relevant contact and keep
track of the document in question.
Record interactions performed in other application areas,
including documents sent to your contacts.
Call a contact simply by clicking the button on the contact card
and using Telephony Application Programming Interface
(TAPI) compliant telecom devices.
Keep track of sales opportunities.
Management Section your sales process into different stages.
(Granule 5.140) Maintain an overview of opportunities in your sales pipeline.
Contact Search Search for all information related to a contact, such as an
(Granule 5.170) opportunity, an address, or a comment.
If the contact name is misspelled, you still can retrieve
information as “fuzzy” logic functionality is available.
E-Mail Logging
for Microsoft
(Granule 5.180)
Log all your e-mail correspondence – inbound or outbound.
Log your e-mails sent through Microsoft Dynamics NAV or
sent through Microsoft Outlook®.
This is a server-based solution used to keep your e-mails in
their natural environment.
Granule 3.810 Job Queue is also required for this feature.
Outlook Client Synchronize any data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV with data in
Microsoft Outlook.
(Granule 5.190) Create, update, cancel, and delete records in one program, and
the other program is automatically updated.
Gain access to contact information when you are working
System Requirements
Microsoft® Exchange Server (min. version 5.5 with service pack 4) for E-Mail
Logging for Microsoft Exchange.
For making phone calls, Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 is required.
For Mail Merge and Outlook Client Integration, Microsoft Office 2003 SP3 or
2007 SP1is required.
The following operating systems are supported:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 or later (X86 or running 32 bit on X64)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later (X86 or running 32 bit on X64)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 or later (X86 or running 32 bit on X64)
Microsoft Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise, or Ultimate) SP1 or later (X86
or running 32 bit on X64)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (X86 or running 32 bit on X64)
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
Selling Points for Relationship Management
This section contains the selling points for Relationship Management. This is not
an in-depth discussion of the selling points and is only meant to give you an
ERP Solution Integration
A company only has to know one software platform.
The Relationship Management functionality is completely integrated within
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It is a front-office application that is supported by
back-office information.
Easy to Customize
It is possible to customize the application to meet specific needs. This gives
competitive advantages.
Easy to Use
The new wizards, which are an integral part of Relationship Management, help
users to work easily with the product. Using the product is quick and easy to
All the Needed Information in One Place
Users can access customer information while talking to a customer on the phone.
Communication is individually tailored to each customer, and customer loyalty
will increase as a result.
Chapter 1: Relationship Management Overview
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
The objectives for this chapter are:
Prepare Role Center for Relationship Management.
Discuss the Marketing Setup window.
Set up interactions for automatic recording.
Set up synchronization of contacts with customers, vendors, and
bank accounts.
Review the consequences of synchronization.
Set up and perform a search for contact duplicates.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Before being able to work with activities, opportunities, interactions, and so on, it
is necessary to set up Microsoft Dynamics® NAV Relationship Management.
This chapter provides you with information about how to set up the Relationship
Management functionality to meet your business needs in the best possible way.
Setting Up the Role Center
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the RoleTailored client comes with preconfigured
Role Centers to fit many of the fundamental roles in companies. When you set a
certain Role Center as default, you will start from a single navigational window
that displays information pertinent to your role in the company. From the Role
Center, you can navigate to additional information and open separate windows
for performing tasks and viewing data. The Role Center is customizable so that
you can add to the starting page the links to the program entities that you use
most often.
For Relationship Management, the Sales Manager profile is recommended for
working at. Its starting page contains direct links to the documents and reports
the CRM managers and other employees tend to work with.
To be able to use the Sales Manager profile, set it up as default:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > RoleTailored Client > Profiles.
2. Open the card for the Sales Manager profile.
3. Select the Default Role Center check box and click OK.
4. Restart Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Marketing Setup Window
Most of the setup options for the Relationship Management functionality can be
adjusted in the Marketing Setup window. In this window, you can decide in
what way you want the program to manage certain characteristics of your
contacts, for example, default values and number series.
To open the Marketing Setup window, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing and under Tasks, click
Marketing Setup.
The Marketing Setup window contains eight FastTabs:
E-mail Logging
General FastTab
The General FastTab includes three fields:
Attachment Storage Type
Attachment Storage Location
Index Mode
The following sub-topics describe these fields and values that can be specified.
Attachment Storage
All the documents that you send to your contacts, in addition to the documents
that you receive from your contacts, can be stored within Microsoft Dynamics
NAV. For example, you can store letters, price lists, product information, and so
on. You can link these documents as attachments to interaction templates, which
are used when creating interactions, such as, sending a letter to a contact (for
more information about creating interactions, refer to the “Interactions and
Document Management” chapter).
Before you can start working with attachments, you must specify the place where
they will be stored. You do this on the General FastTab of the Marketing Setup
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
In the Attachment Storage Type field, you can choose where you want the
program to store the attachments:
To store attachments within Microsoft Dynamics NAV, select the
Embedded option.
To store attachments on a disk, select Disk File. Having selected this
option, you need to specify the drive and path to the location where
the attachments are stored.
NOTE: Storage related options are available in the Classic client of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2009.
To facilitate the access to attachments, it is recommended that you store the
attachments within Microsoft Dynamics NAV. However, if you decide to store
them as a file on a disk, ensure that all users of the Sales & Marketing application
area have access to that file.
Index Mode
The contact search index can be generated manually or automatically. To indicate
the way you want it to be generated, in the Index Mode field, select among the
two options: Auto or Manual.
Index Mode Option
If this option is selected, each time you add or modify
any information about a contact (for example, if you
change the description of an interaction or a contact
address) the program will automatically use new
information in these fields in a future search.
If this option is selected, you will need to run the
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Generate Search Index request form for the program to
use the new or modified information in future search.
Inheritance FastTab
Some information about contact companies is identical to information about
contact persons working for these companies (for example, the address details:
the Address, Address 2, and Post Code fields, and so on). Each time you create
a contact person, the program can automatically copy information from these
fields from the contact company card to the contact person card. This prevents
you from entering the same information manually both on the contact company
and the contact person cards.
You can have the program copy the following information:
The salesperson code
The territory code
The country/region code
The language code
Address details, such as information from the Address, Address 2,
City, Post Code, and Country fields
Communication details, such as the fax, telex, and phone number
You can specify, which information of the mentioned above must be copied by
selecting an appropriate check box on the Inheritance FastTab of the Marketing
Setup window.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
For example, if you want the program to automatically copy the salesperson code
from a contact company card to a contact person card for a person working for
this company, select the Salesperson Code check box on the Inheritance
When you modify one or more of these fields on the contact company card while
the corresponding check boxes are selected on the Inheritance FastTab, the
program will automatically modify the field(s) on the contact person card (unless
you have manually modified the field on the contact person card).
Defaults FastTab
You can have the program automatically assign a specific language code,
territory code, salesperson code, country/region code, and sales cycle code as
defaults to each new contact you create. To do this, on the Defaults FastTab of
the Marketing Setup window, you must enter the codes you want to use as
default values.
For example, if you want the program to automatically assign the GB country
code to each new contact you create, select GB in the Country/Region Code
NOTE: The inheritance of fields overrides the default values you have set up.
This means that if you have set up English as a default language, but the contact
company’s language has been modified to German, the program will
automatically assign German as the language code for the contact persons you
create for that company.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Default Salutation Codes
You can set up a default salutation code to be used automatically by the program
for your contact companies and your contact persons. To specify a default
company or person salutation code, on the Defaults FastTab of the Marketing
Setup window, click the AssistButton next to the Company Salutation Code
field or Person Salutation Code field and select a code from the Salutations
window. If you need, you can create a new salutation code (for more information
about salutations, refer to the “Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment”
Default Sales Cycle Code
The program can record all the sales opportunities you have with your contacts
(for more information about creating and working with opportunities, refer to the
“Opportunity Management” chapter). You can set up a default sales cycle code
that the program will automatically assign to each new opportunity you create.
You do this on the Defaults FastTab by selecting a sales cycle code in the Sales
Cycle Code field.
Default To-Do Date Calculation
The To-do Date Calculation field is used during synchronization with
Microsoft® Office Outlook®. If during the work with a Microsoft Office Outlook
task you have not entered any due date, Microsoft Dynamics NAV will use the
current date. An Outlook task can be synchronized with a Microsoft Dynamics
NAV to-do. Thus, if you want the program to calculate a due date for this task,
then in this field, enter the to-do date calculation formula that you want the
program to use to calculate the ending date for to-dos. For more information
about Outlook Synchronization, refer to the “Outlook Synchronization” chapter.
NOTE: The current version of the program does not use this field.
Numbering FastTab
On the Numbering FastTab of the Marketing Setup window, you can set up
number series for contacts, campaigns, segments, to-dos, and opportunities.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Number series are used to have the program automatically assign the next
available number when you create a new contact, campaign, segment, to-do, or
If you have set up number series, for example, for contacts, then when you are
creating a new contact card, the program automatically enters the next available
contact number.
Lab 2.1 – Set Up Salutation for a Contact
In this lab, you will practice setting up a default salutation code to be used for
contact persons.
You are a sales manager. You find it necessary to assign a default salutation to be
used for your contact persons. You know that your contacts will be men.
Challenge Yourself
Assign the M default salutation code.
Step by Step
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing >
Marketing Setup.
2. In the Marketing Setup window, go to the Defaults FastTab.
3. Click the AssistButton next to Person Salutation Code field and
from the Salutations list, select the M salutation code for Male
Married or Unmarried.
4. In the Marketing Setup window, click OK.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Setting Up Automatically Recorded Interactions
The Sales & Marketing application area makes it possible to record all the
interactions you have with your contacts, such as, meetings, phone calls, e-mail
messages, printing sales and purchase orders, and so on. The program records
interactions if an interaction template code is specified for each of your activities.
Sales, Purchase, and Service Documents
The program can automatically record interactions when you create and print
sales, purchase, and service documents for your customers and vendors.
You can have the program automatically create an interaction when you take one
of the following actions in the program:
Print sales and purchase quotes.
Print sales and purchase orders.
Print sales and purchase invoices.
Print sales and purchase blanket orders.
Print sales reminders and statements.
Print sales and purchase credit memos.
Print sales shipment notes.
Print purchase receipts.
Create service orders.
Print sales return orders and return receipts.
Print sales finance charge memos.
Print purchase return shipments and return order confirmations.
Print service contracts, contract quotes, and quotes.
NOTE: The current version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV does not create an
interaction log entry as a service order is posted.
The program does not allow opening a service order from log entry that had
been created during creation of the order if this order was already posted.
For the program to automatically create interactions when you perform one of the
actions listed above, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
Interaction template codes for sales, purchase, and service
documents must be set up. This assigns the interaction templates to
sales, purchase, and service documents making the program create
interactions automatically each time a specific action on the
documents is performed.
Synchronization between contacts and corresponding customers,
vendors, and bank accounts must be set up. This enables linking
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
contacts with customers, vendors, and bank accounts. Linking makes
it possible to create log entries for operations with documents
performed for customers, vendors, and bank accounts.
The customer, vendor, or bank account must also be registered as a
contact in the Sales & Marketing application area.
Step 2 is covered in the “Setting Up Synchronization Between Contacts and
Customers, Vendors, and/or Bank Accounts” section in this chapter.
For information about verifying that the customer, vendor, and/or bank account is
linked to a contact and vice versa, refer to the “Synchronizing Contacts with
Customers, Vendors, and Bank Accounts” section in the “Contacts” chapter.
To set up interaction template codes for sales, purchase, and service documents,
perform the following procedure:
1. Open the Interaction Template Setup window by clicking
Departments > Administration > Application Setup > Sales &
Marketing > Marketing, and then under Tasks, click Interaction
Template Setup.
2. On the Sales, Purchases, and Service FastTabs of the Interaction
Template Setup window, specify interaction templates to be used
for creating interactions.
Cover Sheets
You can have the program automatically create an interaction when you print
cover sheets for your contacts from the contact card and the Segment window.
To do that, specify the COVERSH interaction template in the Cover Sheets field
on the General FastTab of the Interaction Template Setup window.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
To read about creating an interaction log entry while printing cover sheets, refer
to the “Interactions and Document Management” chapter.
E-Mail Logging
You can have the program automatically create an interaction when you send email messages to your contacts. Sending messages is available from the contact,
customer, vendor, and the bank account cards by clicking the envelope button
to the right of the E-Mail field and using the Create Mail wizard. To be able
to send and receive e-mail message, you must have Microsoft® Office Outlook®
NOTE: Sending and receiving e-mail messages are recorded as interactions
when working in the Classic client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
For the program to automatically record interactions when sending e-mails, you
Specify the interaction template code for e-mail messages on the
General FastTab in the Interaction Template Setup window. In the
E-Mails field, select the EMAIL interaction template.
Set up the E-Mail Logging feature on the E-Mail Logging tab of the
Marketing Setup window.
The E-Mail Logging feature creates interaction log entries for your incoming and
outgoing e-mails and provides link between an interaction log entry and an email message that was sent or received – it becomes an attachment to the log
entry. To use the E-Mail Logging feature, set up the following parameters:
Time Interval (Sec.)
The NAV Queue folder
E-Mail Logging Profile
Queue Folder Name
Storage Folder Name
E-Mail Logging User ID
NOTE: You can set up e-mail logging parameters only in the Classic client of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. In the RoleTailored client, e-mail setup fields are
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
The following table explains the values in the fields on the E-mail Logging tab.
Time Interval
In this field, enter the interval in seconds that you want
messages in the Microsoft Navision Queue folder to be
checked. The default is 30 seconds, but you can change it.
Profile Name
In this field, specify a Microsoft Office Outlook profile to be
used for e-mail logging. Click the AssistButton button to find
a profile name to insert in the field. If you only have one
Outlook profile (which is normally the case), this profile will
automatically be selected when you click the AssistButton
Queue Folder
In this field, specify a folder that you want to use as your
queue folder for your e-mail messages in Microsoft Office
Outlook. Click the AssistButton button to select the folder.
Storage Folder
In this field, specify the folder that you want to use as your
storage folder for your e-mail messages in Microsoft Office
Outlook. Click the AssistButton button to select the folder.
Logging User
Use this field to enter the user you want to use for testing or
demonstrating the logging. You can select one by clicking the
AssistButton next to this field. The user must have a Windows
login registered in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. When this
Microsoft Dynamics NAV user logs in, the program starts
logging e-mails with the interval specified in the Time
Interval (Sec.) field. Fill out this field, if Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Application Server is not used.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
NOTE: For more detailed information about installation and setup of the e-mail
logging functionality, refer to the Relationship Management–Navision Technical
White Paper.
The options in the fields described in the previous table are correlated in the
following manner.
In Microsoft Office Outlook, set up rules that define which e-mails
will be copied to the NAV Queue folder for the E-Mail Logging
feature to detect and link to the corresponding interaction log entries.
NOTE: To find out how to set up rules in Microsoft Office Outlook, refer to
Microsoft Office Outlook help.
Create the NAV Queue folder in Microsoft Office Outlook (you can
give this folder any name) and then select it in the Queue Folder
Name field on the E-Mail Logging tab in the Marketing Setup
Create the NAV Storage folder in Microsoft Office Outlook (you
can give this folder any name), and then select it in the Storage
Folder Name field on the E-Mail Logging tab in the Marketing
Setup window. When the E-Mail Logging feature is set up and you
send an e-mail using the Create Interaction wizard, clicking Finish
sends an e-mail message. The message becomes the attachment for
the recorded interaction in the Interaction Log Entries window.
The description you entered on the first page of the wizard becomes
the subject of the e-mail.
NOTE: If no interaction template is specified, the Create Mail wizard will be
unavailable. Clicking the envelope button will open the Message window in
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Microsoft Office Outlook to create and send the message without recording an
interaction log entry.
To find out how to send e-mail messages to contacts and receive them from
contacts, refer to the “Interactions and Document Management” chapter.
Making Phone Calls
For the program to record interactions when you are making a call, you must
1. Use the Classic client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
2. Use cards of the registered customers, vendors, or banks for making
3. Specify an interaction template code for outgoing phone calls on the
General FastTab of the Interaction Template Setup window. The
program will use it when it records interactions.
To make a phone call to a contact, open its card and go to the Communication
tab. The procedure of calling is described in the “Interactions and Document
Management” chapter.
Setting Up Synchronization Between Contacts and
Customers, Vendors, and/or Bank Accounts
Synchronization between contacts and customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts
means linking contacts with respective customers, vendors, and bank accounts.
Setting up synchronization involves:
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Specifying business relation codes for customers, vendors, and bank
Linking contacts with customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts.
To specify business relation codes, go to the Synchronization FastTab of the
Marketing Setup window. In the respective fields, specify:
CUST for customers
VEND for vendors
BANK for bank accounts
Having specified business relation codes, you can link a contact to a customer,
vendor, and/or bank account. For information about how to link and create
contacts from customers, vendors, or bank accounts, refer to the “Synchronizing
the Contacts with the Customers, Vendors, and/or Bank Accounts” section in the
“Contacts” chapter.
With the synchronization set up, keep in mind the consequences it brings.
Consequences of Synchronization
When the contact card is synchronized with the customer card, vendor card,
and/or bank account card, the following is true:
You only have to update information in one place. For example, if
you modify the phone number on the contact card, the program will
automatically make the same modification on the customer card,
vendor card, and/or bank account card.
If a contact company is synchronized with a customer, all contact
persons that relate to that company are also synchronized with that
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
If you have specified a number series for contacts, then when you
create a customer card, a vendor card, or a bank account card, the
program automatically creates a contact card for the customer,
vendor, or bank account.
From the contact’s customer card, you can create sales quotes,
blanket orders, and orders – a contact linked will be specified
automatically on these documents.
From the contact’s vendor card, you can create purchase quotes,
blanket orders, and orders – a contact linked will be specified
automatically on these documents.
You can have the program record interactions automatically when
you perform specific actions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, such as
printing orders, creating service orders, sending e-mail messages,
and so on. Interaction log entries will be created for a contact linked
to a customer or vendor which the specific actions are performed for.
If you delete a contact linked to a customer, vendor, and/or bank
account, only the contact card is removed from the program. The
customer, vendor, and/or bank account card remain(s) in the
If you delete a customer, vendor, and/or bank account linked to the
contact, the contact card remains in the program.
Setting Up Duplicate Search
The Sales & Marketing application area offers you a possibility to search for
duplicate contacts. The contact duplicate search only applies to contact
companies (and not to contact persons).
You can search for duplicates in two ways:
Have the program automatically generate search strings and then
search for a possible duplicate each time you create a contact.
Search for contacts manually, for example, after you have created
new contacts.
Specify the way you want to search for duplicates on the Duplicates FastTab of
the Marketing Setup window.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Setting Up Automatic Search for Duplicates
If you want the program to automatically maintain the search strings you have
defined in the Duplicate Search String Setup window, select the Maintain
Dupl. Search Strings check box.
Select the Autosearch for Duplicates check box if you want the program to
automatically search for duplicates each time you create a new contact. If you
want to search for duplicates manually, clear this check box. To find out how to
do it, refer to the “Contacts” chapter.
Setting Up Duplicate Search Strings
When searching for duplicates, the program uses search strings. Each time you
generate the duplicate search (or each time you create a new company), the
program compares the new contact’s search strings with the search strings of the
other contacts in the program.
Search strings are set up in the Duplicate Search String Setup window by
combining the first and last characters of any of the following fields in the
Contact table: Name, Name 2, Address, Address 2, Post Code, City, Phone
No., and VAT Registration No. This window can be accessed by clicking
Related Information > Setup > Duplicate Search String Setup in the
Marketing Setup window.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
For example, set up the search strings – as shown in the “The Duplicate Search
String Setup Window” figure for a contact with the following information
specified on his contact card:
London Postmaster
10 North Lake Avenue
London GB-N12 5XY
VAT Registration No.: 895741963
Tel: 5544 5566
As a result, the program will create the following search strings:
89574, 41963, 55445, 45566
Search Hit Percentage
On the Duplicates FastTab of the Marketing Setup window, you can define a
search hit percentage. The search hit percentage is the level of precision you want
the program to apply when searching for duplicates, in other words, how many
search strings must be identical between two contacts for the program to consider
them duplicates.
A low percentage specified in the Search Hit % field results in the
program finding many duplicates, however many of these will not be
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
true duplicates. For example, if the percent is equal to 5, the program
will consider as duplicates all contacts with 5 percent of identical
search strings.
A high percentage specified in this field gives a better chance of
finding true duplicates. For example, if the percent is equal to 90, the
program will consider as duplicates all contacts with 90 percent of
identical search strings.
The Sales & Marketing application area offers you the following:
You can have the program copy general information from the
company card to the contact card for a contact who works for this
If your contact is already registered in the program as a customer,
vendor, and/or bank account, you can link them using business
relation code. Then, if you change information on a contact card, the
corresponding information will be changed on the appropriate
customer, vendor, and/or bank account card.
You can have the program perform search for duplicate contacts
every time you create a new contact company.
The program enables you to record all types of interactions you have
with your contacts, such as, meetings, phone calls, e-mail messages,
printing sales orders, and so on.
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Test Your Knowledge
1. Can the documents that you receive from your contacts be stored within
Microsoft Dynamics NAV?
2. True or False:
Before you can synchronize contacts with customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts, you must specify a business relation code for customers, vendors,
and bank accounts.
3. Complete the following sentence:
If you want the program to automatically copy the salesperson code from the
contact company card to the contact cards of the persons working for this
company, select the __________________ check box on the Inheritance
4. What can a contact be linked with? (Select all that apply.)
( ) Customer
( ) Bank account
( ) Vendor
( ) Team
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
5. What defines the level of precision you can apply when searching for
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 2: Setup Procedures
Test Your Knowledge
1. Can the documents that you receive from your contacts be stored within
Microsoft Dynamics NAV?
Yes. All the documents that you send to your contacts, in addition to the
documents that you receive from your contacts, can be stored within Microsoft
Dynamics NAV.
2. True or False:
Before you can synchronize contacts with customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts, you must specify a business relation code for customers, vendors,
and bank accounts.
True: Before you can synchronize contacts with customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts, you must specify a business relation code for customers, vendors, and
bank accounts.
3. Complete the following sentence:
If you want the program to automatically copy the salesperson code from the
contact company card to the contact cards of the persons working for this
company, select the __________________ check box on the Inheritance
If you want the program to automatically copy the salesperson code from the
contact company card to the contact cards of the persons working for this
company, select the Salesperson Code check box on the Inheritance FastTab.
4. What can a contact be linked with?
(√) Customer
(√) Bank account
(√) Vendor
( ) Salesperson
5. What defines the level of precision you can apply when searching for
The level of precision for searching for duplicates is defined by percentage of
search hit.
Chapter 3: Contacts
The objectives for this chapter are:
Set up mailing and industry groups for contacts.
Set up business relations, job responsibilities, Web sources, and
organizational levels for contacts.
Discuss a contact card.
Create contact companies.
View related contacts.
Create contact persons.
Set up search parameters and search for contacts.
Search for duplicates and handle duplicate contacts.
Synchronize contacts with customers, vendors, and bank accounts.
Export contacts.
View contact statistics.
Generate contact reports.
Chapter 3: Contacts
This chapter examines working with contacts namely what contacts are, how to
create and search for contacts, and how to synchronize them with customers,
vendors, and bank accounts. The chapter also describes how to view statistics for
a contact and generate contact reports.
Setting Up Contact Information
In the Sales & Marketing application area, all the external business associates
that you deal with, for example, customers, prospective customers, vendors,
lawyers, consultants, and so on, can be recorded as contacts.
When creating a contact in the program, you can specify the industry the contact
companies belong to or business relations you have with the contact. To be able
to do this, you must first set up the following contact information in the program:
Mailing groups
Industry groups
Business relations
Web sources
Organizational levels
Job responsibilities
Setting Up Mailing Groups
Mailing groups are used to identify groups of contacts that you want to send the
same information to, such as a price list or a holiday card. Set up mailing groups
in the Mailing Groups window.
Setting up a mailing group involves creating a mailing group code and assigning
it to contacts.
To create a mailing group code, follow this procedure:
1. Click Departments > Administration > Application Setup > Sales
& Marketing > Marketing, and under Lists, click Mailing Groups.
The list of mailing groups appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new mailing group code.
Chapter 3: Contacts
3. In the Code field, enter a code for the new mailing group.
4. In the Description field, enter a description of the new mailing
The mailing group code is created. Now you need you assign it to contacts.
1. In the Mailing Groups window, click Related Information >
Mailing Group > Contacts.
2. In the Mailing Group Contacts window, click the AssistButton next
to the Contact No. field and select a contact you want to assign this
group to. The other two fields, Contact Company Name and
Contact Name, are filled in automatically. You can assign the
mailing group to as many contacts as you need.
3. When finished assigning the mailing group to contacts, click OK to
save your changes and go back to the Mailing Groups window.
The value in the No. of Contacts field shows the number of contacts you
assigned the mailing group to.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Setting Up Industry Groups
Industry groups can be used for specifying which industry your contact
companies belong to, for example, the retail industry. Set up industry groups in
the Industry Groups window.
Setting up an industry group includes creating an industry group code and
assigning it to contacts.
To create an industry group code, do the following:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing and under
Lists, click Industry Groups.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new industry group.
Chapter 3: Contacts
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new industry group.
Now as the industry group code is created, you need to assign it to contacts. The
procedure of assigning is similar to the one for assigning a mailing group to
In the Industry Groups window, the No. of Contacts field contains the number
of contacts you assigned the industry group to.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Setting Up Business Relations
Business relations are used to indicate what business relations you have with
your contact companies. You can specify whether a contact is a customer, a bank,
a vendor, and so on. Set up business relations in the Business Relations window.
Setting up business relations involves creating a business relation type and
assigning it to contacts.
To create a business relation type, do the following:
1. Click Departments > Administration > Application Setup > Sales
& Marketing > Marketing, and then under Lists, click Business
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new business relation type.
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new business relation
Now as the business relation type of created, you need to assign it to contacts.
The procedure of assigning is similar to those for assigning mailing and industry
groups to contacts.
In the Business Relations window, the No. of Contacts field contains the
number of contacts you assigned the business relation to.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Setting Up Job Responsibilities
You can set up the job responsibilities you want to use when entering
information about your contact persons, for example, Sales Responsible. Set up
job responsibilities in the Job Responsibilities window.
Setting up job responsibilities involves creating a job responsibility type and
assigning it to contacts.
To create a job responsibility type, perform the following actions:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and then
under Lists, click Job Responsibilities.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new job responsibility type.
Chapter 3: Contacts
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new type.
Now as the job responsibility type is created, you need to assign it to contacts.
The procedure of assigning is similar to the one for assigning a mailing group, an
industry group, and a business relation type to contacts.
In the Job Responsibilities window, the No. of Contacts field contains the
number of contacts you assigned the job responsibility to.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Setting Up Web Sources
In the Web Sources window, you can set up the Web sources (search engines
and Web sites) you want the program to use when looking for information about
your contacts companies on the Internet.
Set up a Web source by creating a Web source code and specifying the URL that
the program will use when you are searching for contact companies information.
To set up a Web source code, follow this procedure:
1. Click Departments > Administration > Application Setup > Sales
& Marketing > Marketing and under Lists, click Web Sources.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to specify a new Web source.
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new Web source.
4. In the URL field, enter the URL that the program will use to search
for information about the contact company on the Internet. Type %1
to indicate the place of the search word in the URL.
When you launch the Web source from a contact company card, the program will
replace %1 with the search word (for example, the name of the company)
specified in the Contact Web Sources window for that contact.
Setting Up Organizational Levels
You can set up the organizational levels you want to want to assign your contact
persons to, for example, Manager or Accountant. You can create such a level in
the Organizational Levels window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
To set up an organizational level, do the following:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and under
Lists, click Organization Levels.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to specify a new organizational level.
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new organizational
As the organizational level is created, you can assign it to the contact. To find out
how to assign it to the contact, refer to “Creating Contact Companies” and
“Creating Contact Persons” sections in this chapter.
The Contact Card
The contact card is a Microsoft Dynamics NAV entity used for storing
information about your contacts. The contact card contains both basic
information (for example, the name, address, and phone number of the contact)
and business information that helps you improve and personalize your business
relationship with your contacts, such as information about a company‟s size and
You can record in the program each company or person you deal with using the
contact card.
The contact card can be opened from the list of the contacts. To open the contact
list, in the navigation pane, click the Home button, and then click Contacts.
Chapter 3: Contacts
To open a card for a contact, double-click its name on the list. The following
figure shows the contact card for The Cannon Group.
By combining general and detailed information about the contact, the contact
card gives you an instant view of who the contact is. The contact card is
composed of several parts:
The General FastTab, which contains general information such as
contact‟s name, address, phone number and so on.
The Lines FastTab, which contains a contact‟s profile questionnaire.
For more information about managing profile questionnaire, refer to
the “Profiling and Classification” chapter.
The Communication FastTab that is used for storing
communication information, such as a fax number and an e-mail.
The Segmentation FastTab where you can view specific information
about the number of mailing groups, industry groups, business
relations, and job responsibilities assigned to the contact, and
contact‟s organizational level. On this FastTab, you can also
determine if the contact must be excluded from segments.
The Foreign Trade FastTab which contains information about
contact‟s territory code, currency code and VAT registration number.
Chapter 3: Contacts
General FastTab
On the General FastTab, you can enter general information about your contact,
such as the following:
Type of the contact
Contact company name details
Contact person name details
Address details
Information about last interactions the contact was involved in
The date of the next to-do the contact is to be involved in
Type of Contact
The contact card can be created for either a contact person or a contact company.
In the Type field, you can determine whether the contact is a company or a
If the contact is a person, the Company No. field contains the
number of the contact company the person works for, and the
Company Name field contains the name of the contact company the
person works for.
If the contact is a company, the Company No. and Company Name
fields are filled in with the relevant information about the company
and are disabled.
Company Details
If the contact is a person, you can view details about the company that the contact
person works for in the Company Details window.
To open the Company Details window, click the AssistButton button to the right
of the Company Name field. If a contact is a company, you can open this
window by clicking the AssistButton next to the Name field.
Chapter 3: Contacts
In Company Details window, you can enter basic information about the
company the person works for. With this window, you do not have to open the
contact card to get general information about the company.
Name Details
If the contact is a person, you can enter the details of the contact‟s name – such
as first name, middle name, initials, and job title – in the Name Details window.
To open the Name Details window, click the AssistButton button to the right of
the Name field.
In this window, you can enter the different parts of a contact‟s name, and the
contact‟s job title and salutation.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Interactions Involving the Contact
The contact card contains several fields that relate to interactions the contact was
involved in. These fields are:
Date of Last Interaction
Last Date Attempted
The Date of Last Interaction field contains the date of the last successful
interaction involving the contact.
The Last Date Attempted field contains the date when the contact was last
contacted, for example, when you tried to call the contact with or without
The information in these two fields varies depending on the contact type:
If the contact is a company, the Date of Last Interaction and Last
Date Attempted fields contain information based on the interactions
involving the company, in addition to those involving the contact
persons working for that company.
If the contact is a person, the Date of Last Interaction and Last
Date Attempted fields contain information based on the interactions
involving the particular person.
Clicking the date next to the fields opens the Interaction Log Entries window
with detailed information about the interaction.
To-Dos Involving the Contact
The Next To-do Date field contains the date of the next to-do the contact will be
involved in.
Clicking the date next to the field opens the To-do List window where you can
view additional information about the forthcoming to-do.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Communication FastTab
This FastTab can be used for entering additional information for communicating
with the contact. Some fields like Phone No. and Salutation Code are identical
to the fields on the General FastTab. The other fields like E-Mail or Fax No.
offer ways of communicating with the contact.
From this FastTab, you can make phone calls and send e-mail messages and have
the program create interaction about it.
NOTE: Sending e-mail messages and making phone calls from a contact card
are only recorded as interactions when working in the Classic version of
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
To find out about creating interactions when sending e-mail messages and
making phone calls, refer to the “Interaction and Document Management”
Segmentation FastTab
The Segmentation FastTab contains information about the mailing groups,
business relations, industry groups, job responsibilities, and an organizational
level assigned to the contact. This information can later be used, for example, for
adding contacts to segments.
Chapter 3: Contacts
The following table contains explanations of the fields located on this FastTab.
No. of Mailing
This field contains the number of mailing groups assigned to
the contact.
No. of Business
This field contains the number of business relations assigned
to the contact.
No. of Industry
This field contains the number of industry groups assigned to
the contact.
No. of
This field contains the number of job responsibilities assigned
to the contact.
Level Code
This field contains the organizational code for the contact.
Exclude from
If this check box is selected, the program will not include the
contact in segments.
If the contact is a person, the No. of Mailing Groups, No. of Business
Relations, and No. of Industry Groups fields contain information about the
mailing groups, business relations, and industry groups assigned to the contact
company the person works for.
To view which mailing groups, business relations, and industry groups are
assigned to the contact, click the number next to these fields. Thus, clicking the
number next to the No. of Business Relations field opens the Contact Business
Chapter 3: Contacts
Relations window with a list of the business relations you have assigned to the
contact company.
You can assign job responsibilities and organizations levels only to contact
For detailed information about how to assign mailing groups, business relations,
industry groups, and/or job responsibilities to the contact, refer to the “Creating
Contact Companies” and “Creating Contact Persons” sections in this chapter.
Creating Contact Companies
You create a contact company by specifying the Company type on a new contact
To create a contact company in the Sales & Marketing application area, follow
this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button, and then click
Contacts. The list of the existing contacts appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a card for a new contact.
3. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available contact number.
4. In the Type field, select Company.
5. In the Name field, enter the name of the contact company.
6. In the Address, Post Code/City, and Phone No. fields, enter the
relevant information.
7. In the Salesperson Code field, select the name of the responsible
As you created the contact company, it appears among other contacts on the
contact list.
Chapter 3: Contacts
After specifying general information about your new contact company, you can
enter specific information, such as the industry the company belongs to, your
business relationship with the company, and so on.
Assigning Industry Groups to Contact Companies
Each contact can have several industry groups assigned. To assign an industry
group to a contact, follow this procedure:
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Company > Industry Groups. The Contact Industry Groups
window appears.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Industry Group Code field, and
select an industry group to assign to the company. The Industry
Group Description field is filled in automatically with the
description of the industry group you have selected.
3. Click OK.
When the industry group(s) is specified for the contact, the program
automatically increments the value in the No. of Industry Groups field on the
Segmentation FastTab of the contact card by one.
Assigning Business Relations
Similar to industry groups, a contact can have several business relations assigned.
To assign business relations to a contact, follow this procedure:
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Company > Business Relations. The Contact Business Relations
window appears.
Chapter 3: Contacts
2. Click the AssistButton in the Business Relation Code field and
select a code for business relations. The Business Relation
Description field is filled in automatically.
NOTE: You can specify as many business relations as you need for a contact,.
However, the program will not allow you to select among the ones specified on
the Synchronization FastTab of the Marketing Setup window. Those business
relations are assigned by the program automatically when a contact is linked to
or created as a customer, vendor or bank account.
3. Click OK.
Once the business group(s) is specified for the contact, the program automatically
increments the value in the No. of Business Relations field on the Segmentation
FastTab of the contact card by one.
The procedure of assigning mailing groups to a contact is similar to that
described for industry groups and business relations. In this case, the value in the
No. of Mailing Groups field is incremented by one when a mailing group is
assigned to the contact.
Assigning Web Sources
Use Web sources to have quick access to information about your contact on the
In the Contact Web Sources window, you can select a search engine or Web site
and enter a search word that the program will use when searching for information
about the contact on the Internet.
To assign a Web source to a contact, follow this procedure:
Chapter 3: Contacts
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Company > Web Sources. The Contact Web Sources window
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Web Source Code field and select
the desired search engine or Web site. The Web Source Description
field is filled in automatically.
3. In the Search Word field, enter the word you want the program to
use to search for information about the company.
Launching Web Sources
To have the program open your Internet browser and display a list of matching
links, in the Contact Web Sources window, click Actions > Functions >
Launch. The program uses URL specified for the Web source and replaces %1
with the search word. Then, the program opens the Internet browser displaying
search results.
Viewing Related Contacts
You can view a list of the contacts that are working for a company in the
Contact List window. This window contains both the contact company and the
contact persons working for this company.
To view a list of the contact persons working for, for example, The Cannon
Group, on the contact card for The Cannon Group, click Related Information >
Contact > Related Contacts.
Chapter 3: Contacts
This window enables you to quickly navigate from the contact company card to
the contact person card for a person working for this company.
Entering Comments
For any contact, you can write comments. You can do it in the Rlshp. Mgt.
Comment Sheet window. To do this, follow this procedure:
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
2. The work date is automatically entered in the Date field. You can
change it to any other date.
Chapter 3: Contacts
3. In the Comment field, enter any comments you have about the
4. Click OK.
Lab 3.1 – Set Up a Contact Company
In this lab, you will practice creating a contact company.
As a salesperson working for Cronus, you regularly meet prospective customers.
At the end of each week, you enter the results of your visits in the Sales &
Marketing application area.
Earlier today, you had a meeting with a new prospective customer, a company
called MultiSport, which seemed to be interested in Cronus‟s new bicycle model.
Challenge Yourself
1. Register MultiSport in the program with an industry group and a
business relationship assigned.
2. Specify a Web source with a search word.
3. Write a comment for MultiSport.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create MultiSport as a contact company in the Sales & Marketing
application area. The company details are:
MultiSport Ltd.
2200 Newport Street
GB-N12 5XY London
Telephone 5050-4545
Richard Lum (RL) is the responsible salesperson.
2. As a reseller of sport equipment, MultiSport Ltd. belongs to the retail
industry. Assign the Retail industry group to MultiSport in the
Contact Industry Groups window.
3. MultiSport is not yet a customer of Cronus, but a prospective
customer. Assign the PROS business relationship to MultiSport in
the Contact Business Relations window.
4. Because you closely follow your contact‟s business environment,
you want to have quick access through Microsoft Network (MSN) to
all types of information about MultiSport Ltd. on the Internet. Assign
MSN as a Web source for MultiSport. Use “Multisport” as a search
5. You want to specify that any questions concerning MultiSport must
be addressed to you. Enter this information in the Rlshp. Mgt.
Comment Sheet window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Step by Step
Create MultiSport as a contact company in the Sales & Marketing application
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new contact.
3. Press ENTER to let the program to enter the next available number
for a contact.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select Company.
5. In the Name field, enter “MultiSport Ltd”. In the Address field,
enter “2200 newport street”.
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Post Code field and select CA-ON
N6B 1V7.
7. In the City field, click the AssistButton and select London.
8. In the Phone No. field, enter “50504545”.
Assign the Retail industry group to MultiSport.
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Company > Industry Groups.
2. In the Contact Industry Groups window, click the AssistButton
next to the Industry Group Code field and select RET for Retail.
3. Click OK.
Enter the PROS business relationship that you have with MultiSport in the
Contact Business Relations window.
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Company > Business Relations.
2. In the Contact Business Relations window, click the AssistButton
next to the Business Relations Code field and select PROS for
Prospective customer.
3. Click OK.
Assign MSN as a Web source for MultiSport. Use “Multisport” as the search
1. On the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Company > Web Sources.
2. In the Contact Web Sources window, click the AssistButton next to
the Web Source Code field and select MSN as a Web source.
3. In the Search Word field, enter “Multisport”.
4. Click OK.
Enter a comment stating that you want to handle any questions concerning
Chapter 3: Contacts
1. In the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
2. In the Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Sheet window, click the AssistButton
next to the Date field and select the current date.
3. In the Comment field, enter “Please address me any questions
concerning MultiSport”.
4. Click OK.
Creating Contact Persons
Create a contact person by specifying the Person type on a new contact card.
Contact persons can be either of two types:
Created for existing contact companies
Independent contact persons
Creating Contact Persons for Existing Contact
You can create a contact and indicate that he or she works for a company
registered in the program. To do this, use the following procedure:
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a card for a new contact.
3. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available contact number.
4. In the Type field, click the AssistButton and select Person.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Company No. field and select the
number of the company the contact works for.
The program automatically copies the address details, salesperson code, and
phone number from the company's contact card to the contact person‟s contact
As the contact person is created, it appears among other contacts on the contact
list and on the list of related contacts for the company.
Entering Name Details
You can specify name details for the contact person. To do so, follow this
1. Open the Name Details window by clicking the AssistButton next to
the Name field on the General FastTab.
2. Fill in any fields with information you need to have for your contact.
3. After finished, click OK to save your changes.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Creating Independent Contact Persons
The Sales & Marketing application area also allows you to register independent
contact persons. Independent contact persons are people who do not work for a
particular company, but who work independently or free-lance. You can enter the
details of an independent contact person on a contact card.
To create an independent contact person, follow this procedure:
1. On the list of the contacts, click New to create a card for a new
2. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available contact number.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select Person.
4. Leave the Company No. field empty.
5. In the Name field, enter the contact person‟s name.
6. Enter the contact person‟s address details in the appropriate fields.
As the contact is created, it appears on the contact list among other contacts.
Browsing to an Independent Contact in the Contact List
The program automatically inserts independent contact persons at the top of the
contact list.
To find the independent contact in the contact list, open the contact list and scroll
to the top of the contact list.
The program displays the independent contacts in alphabetical order.
Lab 3.2 – Create Contact Persons
In this lab, you will practice creating an independent contact and a contact that
relate to an existing company. This lab will use information specified in the
previous lab.
A few weeks after your first meeting at MultiSport, you meet the purchaser, Mr.
Smith. When you come back to the office, you want to record Mr. Smith in the
program as a contact person at MultiSport. Mr. Smith gave you his business card,
which looks like this:
MultiSport Ltd.
Responsibility – Purchaser
2200 Newport Street, GB-N12 5XY London
Chapter 3: Contacts
Phone 5050 4545
Direct 5050 4567
For the translation of all publications concerning their products and corporate
information, Cronus works with a freelance translator, Madeline Parker. She
gave you her business card with the following address:
456 Swimthon Street
GB-MO2 4RT Manchester
You want to record her as a contact in the program.
Make sure your contacts are now registered in the program.
Challenge Yourself
Register Mr. Smith in the program.
Register Madeline Parker as an independent contact person.
Enter Madeline Parker‟s address details.
Find your contacts in the program.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a contact card for Mr. Smith. In the Company No. field,
specify the number of MultiSport.
2. Enter Mr. Smith‟s details in the Name Details window.
3. Specify Smith‟s job responsibility as Purchase.
4. Create a contact card for Madeline Parker as an independent contact
person. Leave the Company No. field empty.
5. Enter Madeline Parker‟s address details.
6. Find the contacts you created on the contact list.
7. Find Mr. Smith on the list of the related contacts for MultiSport.
Step by Step
Create a contact card for Mr. Smith. Include the details listed on the business
1. On the contact list, click New.
2. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
a contact.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select Person.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Company No. field and select
Enter Mr. Smith’s details in the Name Details window.
1. On the contact card, click the AssistButton next to the Name field.
Chapter 3: Contacts
2. In the Name Details window, enter information from a business
3. Click OK to go back to the contact card.
Enter John Smith’s job responsibility in the program.
1. On the Smith‟s contact card, click Related Information > Contact
> Person > Job Responsibilities.
2. In the Contact Job Responsibilities window, click the AssistButton
next to the Job Responsibility Code field and select PURCHASE
for the Purchase job responsibility.
3. Click OK.
Create a contact card for Madeline Parker as an independent contact person.
1. On the contact list, click New.
2. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
a contact.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select Person.
Leave the Company No. field empty.
4. In the Name field, enter Madeline Parker.
Enter Madeline Parker’s address details.
1. In the Address field of the Madeline Parker contact card, enter “456
Swimthon Street”.
2. In the Post Code field, enter “GB-MO2 4RT,” in the City field,
enter “Manchester”.
Find the contacts you created on the contact list.
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Browse to MultiSport contact company. Refer to the record for Mr.
Smith below the company‟s one.
3. Scroll to the top of the list to find Madeline Parker.
Find Mr. Smith on the list of the related contacts for MultiSport.
1. On the contact list, browse to the MultiSport contact company card.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Related Contacts. View
that the record about Mr. Smith exists.
Searching for Contacts
The Contact Search feature allows you to increase the accuracy of your search
for contacts. The results of the search will be based on the closest match for the
word or group of words you specify as a search expression. For contact search,
use the Contact Search window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
In the Find What field, enter a word or a group of words you want to search for.
You do not have to enter the exact word or phrase to find results. Just enter one
of the words you are looking for.
For example, when an employee receives a phone call, he or she needs to quickly
find the contact card and other information to serve the customer individually.
The employee may not always have his contact‟s complete name to search for or
perhaps he or she cannot recall exactly how it is spelled. With Contact Search,
the employee can find a contact using the approximate spelling of the contact‟s
name or just the contact‟s company name or some other detail about the contact
that he or she can recall quickly.
Fields Used by Contact Search
While searching for contacts, the program considers the following fields.
Fields used in the Contact Card window include:
Search Name
Name 2
Address 2
Phone No.
Telex No.
Fax No.
Telex Answer Back
VAT Registration No.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Post Code
Home Page
Company Name
Mobile Phone No.
The field in the Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Sheet window:
Field in the Interaction Log Entry window:
The field in the To-do window:
The field in the Opportunity Card window:
Blurry Keys
For all words that the program has found in the previously-mentioned fields, it
creates one or two blurry keys following a certain fuzzy logic algorithm, for
example, JN for Jean or KRX and KRK for Karch. When performing a contact
search, the program first searches for the exact match. After that, it performs the
search on the basis of the blurry keys which allows the program to find words
with a close spelling and/or pronunciation in the languages of the RomanoGermanic group, and therefore increases the search hit rate.
If the Exact Match check box in the Contact Search window is selected or you
use the wildcards in your search expression, the program does not use the blurry
keys while searching for contacts.
To be able to use the Contact Search feature, you must set up some parameters
that the program will use while searching for contacts.
Setting Up Search Parameters
Before performing contact search, you must set up the following parameters:
Index mode
Search delimiters
Chapter 3: Contacts
Reindexing Information
You need to index the information that must be used for future searches,
especially if you have modified or added any information. If no indexing took
place, contact search will have no parameters for searching.
You may choose to have the contact search index generated automatically or do
it manually. The option for this is set up in Index Mode field on the General
FastTab of the Marketing Setup window. If the automatic index mode is
selected, the program indexes information for future searches automatically each
time the information in the supported fields is added or modified.
To manually reindex information about contacts:
1. Click Departments > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Periodic Activities, under Tasks, click Generate Contact Search
2. To reindex information about all the contacts, do not specify contact
number or any other filters. Otherwise, reindexing will be preformed
3. Click OK to start reindexing. The progress bar appears, indicating
the status of the process. It shows information about both the overall
and the current processes.
NOTE: Try to avoid clicking Cancel during the reindexing process. This may
cause unpredictable results, and the search function will work incorrectly.
Setting Up Delimiters
You may also want to define a set of characters that the program will use to split
the textual information into smaller parts, which will be used while you are
performing the contact search.
Chapter 3: Contacts
The following characters are used by the program as default delimiters:
! "#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
Using delimiters in the program allows you to increase the search hit rate.
For example, you entered the comment in the Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line
Call the manager,important!
You were in a hurry and did not read this sentence again: as a result, you forgot
to put a space between the two words: “manager” and “important”.
Later, you are looking for the contact with this comment. Unless you have put a
comma (,) into the delimiters set, you will not be able to find this entry. If a
comma is not considered by the program as a separator between words, you will
never find this comment line by entering either manager or important in the Find
What field. The program will look for the “manager,important” entry only.
To set up search delimiters, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and then
under Lists, click Contact Search Delimiters.
2. The program opens the list of the contact search delimiters that are
used while searching for contacts.
Chapter 3: Contacts
3. Enter or delete any delimiters you want. In both cases, the dialog box
appears asking if you want to reindex the information according to
the new settings.
4. To start reindexing сlick Yes: the progress bar appears. Your new
settings are saved into the database. If you click No, your changes
will not be accepted.
NOTE: If you have changed the set of delimiters and then decided to return to
the default one, click Actions > Functions > Restore Delimiters Defaults.
The four characters are used by the program as delimiters regardless of whether
or not they are included in the current delimiters list or not. These characters are:
space ( )
asterisk (*)
“at” (@)
question mark (?)
Entering Search Expressions
A search expression is one or several words that you want the program to use
while searching for a contact. The search expression may be either as simple as
one descriptive word or more complex: several words (possibly with wildcards)
Chapter 3: Contacts
joined by logical operators. The full list of implemented logical operators and
wildcard symbols is provided in the following table, along with examples of
searching for “Sonnmatt” and “Design”.
Wild Card
Logical Operators
logical „or‟
To search for contacts which have
“Sonnmatt” or “Design” as part of text in
their fields.
For example, Sonnmatt | Design.
logical „and‟
To search for contacts which have
“Sonnmatt” and “Design” as part of text in
their fields.
For example, Sonnmatt & Design.
logical „not'
To search for contacts which do not have
“Sonnmatt” as part of text in their fields.
For example, <> Sonnmatt.
„ ‟
exact phrase
To search for contacts which have the
exact phrase “Sonnmatt Design” in their
For example, Sonnmatt Design.
one unknown
To search for contacts which have
“Sannmatt” or “Sonnmatt” and so on as
part of text in their fields.
For example, S?nnmatt.
string of unknown
To search for contacts which have texts
that contain “on” as part of their fields.
For example, *on*, *on, on*.
ignore case
To search for contacts which have
“sonnmatt” or “SONNMATT” and so on as
part of text in their fields.
For example, @Sonnmatt.
The following extended examples will help you create search expressions. They
will illustrate the most controversial and difficult cases to minimize the
possibility of making a mistake and to increase the accuracy of your search
The default OR operator
By default, Contact Search finds the contacts that include any of the key words
that are entered in the Find What field. The contacts containing more matching
results will be the first on the list of the search results.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Thus, if you simply type “Sonnmatt Design”, the program will consider this
search expression in the following way: Sonnmatt | Design and will show all
contacts that have any of these words.
The And logical operator
The And logical operator is used by the program to search for the contacts whose
textual information in the fields includes all key words entered in the Find What
field. Please note that these key words may or may not be located in the same
field or in the same record related to the contact. But the position on the search
results list will reflect the relevance of each contact – the ones containing
matches within the same field or record will be the first on the list.
Thus, if you have entered “bicycle & discount”, the program will look for these
words within the textual information of the contact (for instance, the word
“bicycle” may be found in the opportunities, and “discount” in the interactions
involving this contact).
Case sensitivity by default
By default, the key words entered in the Find What field are case-sensitive. If
you put @ at the beginning of the search expression, you will ask the program
not to take letter case into consideration while searching.
For example:
manager – case-sensitive
@manager – case-insensitive
Exact phrase
The search expression entered (or converted by the program) in single quotes
presupposes that the program looks for the exact phrase that must be located in
one field of a particular record. The match must reflect the order of the words
precisely as they appear in the search expression.
If you type “London Light Company”, the program will find exactly this phrase,
which is specified in one field of the contact.
Search expression optimization
To enhance the program‟s speed while searching, Contact Search has the query
optimization function. This feature removes the redundant elements from the
search expression.
For example: if you enter “Sonnmatt Design | Sonnmatt”, the program will
simplify the search expression and will look for “Sonnmatt”. If you enter
“Sonnmatt Design & Sonnmatt”, the program will search for “Sonnmatt Design”.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Using the Program to Compose Search Expressions
If you are not sure how to enter a search expression, you can have the program
help you compose it. Do the following:
1. Click Departments > Sales & Marketing > Marketing > Contact
Search: the Contact Search window appears.
2. In the Find What field, type a word or phrase that is related to the
contact you want to find, or leave the field blank.
3. Click the AssistButton button next to the Find What field. The
Query Details window appears.
4. In the Logical Operator field, click the AssistButton and select the
option you need.
5. In the Word(s) field, add a new word or edit the existing one (if any)
for the contact you want to find.
6. Select the Exclude check box for any of the search words if you
want the program to search for the contacts that do not contain those
search word(s).
7. Select the Match Case check box if you want the program to take
letter case into consideration.
You may enter several lines of the extended search expression. For that, repeat
steps 4-7 for each new search expression.
8. Click OK. The Contact Search window appears. The program
breaks down the search expression and places it in the Find What
field using special symbols.
Chapter 3: Contacts
You may specify other search parameters (repeat steps 3-8).
9. To define what area you want to use for searching, click the
AssistButton next to the Search Area field. You can select among
Contact, Interaction Log Entry, To-do, Opportunity, and Rlshp. Mgt.
Comment Line.
10. To specify the contact type to perform search among, click the
AssistButton next to the Contact Type field. You can select between
Company and Person.
11. Click Find to initiate the search. The results are listed on the lines in
this window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
NOTE: If you have entered an incorrect search expression, a warning message
will appear. Press F1 to find out the rules for entering search expressions.
Incorrect Search Expressions
There are some unacceptable ways of entering search expressions. If your search
expression is written with mistakes, the program will show the warning message
informing you of an incorrect query. Following are some examples of incorrect
search expressions and the ways of correcting them:
Sonnmatt && Design – only one logical operator is allowed before
every key word.
Sonnmatt <>& Design – wrong order of the phrase components.
Sonnmatt | *? – each key word must contain meaningful characters.
@‟london light company‟ – you may not look for the exact phrase
and at the same time ignore the case.
*? , @&, *&, @* – you may not enter a search expression that
consists of the wild cards combination only.
@sonnmatt@design – you may not use wild cards (@) in the middle
of a search word.
The Contact Search function can be run from
The main menu in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
The contact card or contact list.
The Create Interaction, Create To-do, and Create Opportunity
Searching for Contacts from the Main Menu
The Contact Search window has already been opened from the main menu when
you composed the search expression using the program. To search for a contact
from the main menu, follow this procedure:
1. Click Departments > Sales & Marketing > Marketing > Contact
Search. The Contact Search window appears.
Chapter 3: Contacts
2. In the Find What field, type a word or phrase that is related to the
contact you want to find.
3. Click the AssistButton in the Search Area field and select the area
to search in.
4. Select the type of contact you will search among in the Contact
Type field: All, Company, or Person.
5. If you want the program to find only exact matches, select the Exact
Match check box.
6. In the Action Pane, click Find.
7. The search results (if any) will be displayed on the lines in the
bottom part of the window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
8. Select the contact you need, and in the Action Pane, click Show to
view the contact card.
9. If you want to view the place where the search result was found, in
the Contact Search window, click the number in the No. of Records
field for the contact you need. The Search Result List appears.
From this window, you can also view the corresponding card (or the
list for the Interaction Log Entry) by clicking Show.
Searching for Contacts from the Contact Card or the
Contact List
You can also use the Contact Search function from the contact card or the contact
To search for contacts from the contact card or the contact list, click Actions >
Functions > Contact Search. The Contact Search window appears.
The procedure of entering search expression and searching for contacts is similar
to one described for contact searching from the main menu.
NOTE: When you search for contacts from the contact card or contact list, you
can use an additional functionality. If you searched from the contact card, then
when you select one of the search results in the Contact Search window and click
OK, the program automatically opens the contact card for this contact. If you
were searching from the Contact List window, clicking OK with the search result
selected opens the Contact List window with the contact in question selected.
Searching for Contacts while Working with Wizards
You can search for contacts from the Create To-do, Create Opportunity, and
Create Interaction wizards by clicking the Contact Search button. As the
Chapter 3: Contacts
Contact Search window appears, follow the same procedure as for entering a
search expression and searching for a contact from the main menu (from step 2).
Search Tips
The following are search tips that help when you are searching for a contact:
If you are not familiar with logical operators, wild cards, and syntax
rules of Contact Search, use the Query Details window to facilitate
building a search expression.
Be careful when entering just a number of words in the Find What
field. This may cause the program to find too many results.
If you received too many results, try repeat searching with the Exact
Match check box on the Contact Search window selected.
If you are not sure about the spelling of the word, keep the Exact
Match check box clear. In this case, the program will search for all
approximate matches (for example, the words that sound or are
spelled alike).
Try to avoid selecting the Exclude check box in the Query Details
window in combination with wildcards. Generating search results
may become a time-consuming operation.
Lab 3.3 – Find a Contact
In this lab, you will practice using the Contact Search function.
You are going to talk to a contact about an opportunity with new tables. You
remember that there is information about this opportunity in the program. When
on the phone, you ask the person to give you the contact‟s name. You are not
sure about the spelling of the last name, but contact‟s first name is Pete.
Challenge Yourself
Try to find the contact using this information about the opportunity. Then, use
contact‟s first name as additional information to find the contact you need.
Need a Little Help?
1. Find contacts using “new table” as a search expression in the
Contact Search window.
2. Enter “Pete” as additional information to find the contact.
Step by Step
Find contacts using “new table” as a search expression in the Contact Search
Chapter 3: Contacts
Open the list of the contacts.
Click the Actions > Functions > Contact Search.
In the Find What field, enter “new table”.
In the Action Pane of the Contact Search window, click Find. The
search results appear on the lines of the Contact Search window.
The Contact Search feature found too many contacts. Additional information is
necessary to narrow the search results.
Enter “Pete” as additional information to find the contact.
1. In the Find What field of the Contact Search window, enter “Pete”.
2. Make the search function look for both new tables and Pete. The
search expression now is “new table & Pete”.
3. Click Find. Four search results appear on the lines of the Contact
Search window.
4. Browse to the contact whose contact name contains Pete.
Searching for Duplicates
If you selected the Autosearch for Duplicates check box in the Marketing
Setup window, the program will automatically search for possible duplicates
each time you create a new contact company. Only contact companies participate
in duplicate search.
Chapter 3: Contacts
If you additionally synchronized contacts with customers, vendors, and bank
accounts, then when you create a new customer, vendor, or bank account, the
program will not only create a new contact, but also automatically will search for
Searching for Duplicates Manually
If you want to search for duplicates manually, for example, after you have
created a new contact, clear the Autosearch for Duplicates check box in the
Marketing Setup window.
To be able to search for duplicates manually, you must generate duplicate search
strings. Then, the program will compare them for finding duplicates.
Generating Duplicate Search Strings
The program uses the search strings you have set up in the Duplicate Search
String Setup window to search for duplicates. For the program to accurately
search for duplicate contacts, you must generate an updated list of search strings
for the contacts in the program. This means you must update search strings for
already existing contacts and create search strings for newly created contacts.
To manually generate duplicate search strings, use the Generate Duplicate Search
String batch job. To do this, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Marketing > Generate Duplicate Search String.
2. To generate search strings for all the contact companies, do not
specify contact number or any other filters. Otherwise, search strings
will be generated selectively.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Viewing the Duplicates Found
After duplicate search strings are generated, the program uses them to search for
duplicates. If two contacts have a percentage of search strings equal to or greater
than the search hit percent specified in the Marketing Setup window, the
program considers the two contacts duplicates.
You can view a list of the duplicates the program has found in the Contact
Duplicates window. To open this window, click Departments > Sales &
Marketing > Marketing, and in Periodic Activities under Tasks, click
Duplicate Contacts.
In the Contact Duplicates window, each line represents one possible duplicate.
This means that if a contact has, for example, two possible duplicates, the
program will show one line for each of them.
Handling Duplicate Contacts
If the two contacts are not true duplicates, but separate contacts, select the
Separate Contacts check box for one of them. When you have specified that the
contacts are two separate contacts, the program will not take these two contacts
into consideration the next time you run a search for duplicates.
If the two contacts are true duplicates, the program does not automatically
remove one of them. Therefore, if you want, you need to do it manually. Delete a
contact by deleting his or her contact card on the contact list.
Lab 3.4 – Search for Duplicates
In this lab, you will practice finding duplicates.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Find contact duplicates with the search hit set to 50.
Need a Little Help
1. Specify a search hit percent equal to 50.
2. Generate duplicate contact search strings.
3. View duplicate search results.
Step by Step
Specify a search hit percent equal to 50.
Open the Marketing Setup window.
In the Marketing Setup window, go to the Duplicates FastTab.
In the Search Hit % field, enter “50”.
Click OK.
Generate duplicate contact search strings.
1. Click Departments > Sales & Marketing > Marketing > Generate
Duplicate Search String.
2. Do not specify any filters and click OK.
View duplicate search results.
Open the Duplicate Contacts window to view the duplicate search results.
The program used 50 as a hit percentage for searching for duplicates using search
strings. When five search strings of other contacts (out of ten search strings in
total) are identical to the search strings generated, the program will consider the
two contacts duplicates.
Demonstration – Create a Duplicate Contact
To observe how the duplicate search function works, you must deactivate the
autosearch function and then create a duplicate contact. Follow this procedure:
1. Open the Marketing Setup window.
2. On the Duplicates FastTab, clear the Autosearch for Duplicates
check box. Click OK.
3. Open the list of the contacts.
4. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new contact. Enter the
following details:
Zuni Home Crafts Ltd.
456 Main Street
GB-DY5-4DJ Dudley
5. As a new contact was created, you need to generate duplicate search
strings. Open the Generate Duplicate Search String window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
6. Do not specify any filters and click OK. The program generates
duplicate search strings and compares them for finding duplicates
among contacts.
7. To view the results the program generated, open the Contact
Duplicates window.
8. The new contact appears as a duplicate to another contact in the
Contact Duplicates window.
Synchronizing Contacts with Customers, Vendors, and/or
Bank Accounts
Synchronizing contacts with customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts is useful,
if some of your contacts are or become customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts. The procedure of specifying business relation codes for customers,
vendors, and bank accounts for being able to synchronize a contact with either of
them is described in the “Setup Procedures” chapter. As business relation codes
are specified, you can synchronize contacts with customers, vendors, and bank
accounts by:
Linking contacts with existing customers, vendors, and/or bank
Creating customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts from the contact
Creating contacts from customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts.
Linking Contacts to Existing Customer, Vendors, and
Bank Accounts
To link a contact to an existing customer, perform these actions:
Chapter 3: Contacts
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Browse to the contact you need to link to a customer, and click
Actions > Functions > Link with existing > Customer. The
Customer Link window appears.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Customer No. field and select the
customer you want to link the contact to. In the Current Master
Fields field, specify which fields the program must prioritize in case
of conflicting information in fields common to the contact card and
the bank account card.
For example, if the address is different from one card to the other, you can
specify that the valid information is on the contact card by selecting Contact.
Leave this field without changes as you are working from the contact list.
4. Click OK.
NOTE: When linking a contact to a vendor, click Actions > Functions > Link
with existing > Vendor.
When linking a contact to a bank account, click Actions > Functions > Link with
existing > Bank.
NOTE: If you did not specify any of the business relation codes, the program
displays an error message when you try to link a contact with an existing
customer, vendor, or bank account respectively, and no link will be created.
To verify to which customer, vendor, or bank account a contact is already linked
to, perform the following actions:
1. On the list of the contacts, select a contact that you need to verify if
he or she is linked to a customer, vendor, or bank account.
2. Click Relation Information > Contact > Customer/Vendor/Bank
Acc. If a contact is linked to either customer, vendor, or bank
account, a corresponding card appears. If no, a message appears
informing you about that.
Chapter 3: Contacts
To verify which contact is linked to a customer, vendor, or bank account, do the
1. Open the list of customers to find out what contact is linked to the
2. Select a customer and click Related Information > Customer >
Contact. The list of contacts linked to the selected customer appears.
Follow this procedure to find out what contacts are linked to a vendor or bank
account from the relative lists: the vendor list and the bank account list
Creating Contacts from Customers, Vendors, and Bank
If you have specified business relation codes for customers, vendors, and bank
accounts, then each time you create a customer card, a vendor card, or a bank
account card, the program automatically creates a contact card for the customer,
vendor, or bank account in the Sales & Marketing application area. Another way
to link contacts with customers, vendors, and bank accounts is to have the
program create contacts from existing customers, vendors, or bank accounts.
The following procedure shows how to create a contact from a customer. You
can create contacts from vendors and bank accounts by following a similar
1. Click Administration > IT Administration > Contact Creation >
Create Contacts From Customers. The Create Conts. from
Customers window appears.
2. Specify the number of the customer if you only want to create a
contact from the specific customer. If not, do not specify any filters.
Chapter 3: Contacts
3. Click OK to start creating contacts.
The program automatically assigns the CUST business relation code specified in
the Marketing Setup window to the newly created contact(s). To view this
business relation code on the contact card, go to the Segmentation FastTab and
click the number next to the No. of Business Relations field. The Contact
Business Relations window appears with this code specified.
Creating Customers, Vendors, and Bank Accounts from
As the business relations you have with your contacts evolve, you may want to
record your contacts as customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts.
The following procedure shows how to create contacts as vendors. You can
create contacts as customers and bank accounts by following a similar procedure.
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Select the contact that you want to create as a vendor, and click
Actions > Functions> Create as > Vendor.
3. Confirm the subsequent message.
The program automatically transfers the contact information from the contact
card to the vendor card. You may also add specific vendor information to the
vendor card, such as invoicing and payment details.
The program automatically assigns the VEND business relation code to the
contact. To view it, on the contact card, go to the Segmentation FastTab, and
then click the number next to the No. of Business Relations field. The Contact
Business Relations window appears with this code specified.
If there is a business relation that is no longer relevant, the program does not
automatically remove it. You do this manually in the Contact Business
Relations window.
Check the General, Communication, and Foreign Trade FastTabs to ensure
that the information entered by the program is correct.
Demonstration: Create a Contact as a Customer
In this demonstration, you will create contact MultiSport Ltd. as a customer. For
that, follow this procedure:
1. Open the contact list.
2. Browse to MultiSport. Remember that the list of the contacts is
displayed in the alphabetical order.
3. With MultiSport selected, click Actions > Functions > Create as >
4. Click OK to confirm your intention.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Now, it is necessary to delete any business relations that no longer apply to
1. Open the contact card for MultiSport.
2. On the contact card, go to the Segmentation FastTab. Click the
figure next to the No. of Business Relations field.
3. In the Contact Business Relations window, select PROS and click
Actions > Delete as MultiSport has become a customer.
4. Click Yes to confirm your intention.
Lab 3.5 – Link a Contact Card to a Bank Account Card
In this lab, you will practice linking a contact to a bank account.
You create a new contact, but it appears to be already recorded in the program as
a bank account in the Financial Management application area. Link a contact and
a bank account.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a new contact company.
2. Link the bank account card for the New Bank of London to the
contact card for the bank.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a new contact company by entering New Bank of London as a
contact name.
2. Link the bank account card for the New Bank of London to the
contact card.
3. Verify that the contact is now linked to the bank.
Step by Step
Create a new contact company by entering New Bank of London as a contact
Open the list of the contacts. In the Action Pane, click New.
Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number.
In the Name field, enter “New Bank of London”.
Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select Company.
In the Name field, enter “New Bank of London”.
In the Salesperson Code field, select AH.
Link the bank account card for the New Bank of London to the contact card.
Chapter 3: Contacts
1. In the contact card for New Bank of London, click Actions >
Functions > Link with existing > Bank.
2. In the Bank Account Link window, click the AssistButton next to
the Bank Account No. field and select NBL for New Ban of
3. Click OK.
Verify that the contact is now linked to the bank.
1. On the contact list, select contact New Bank of London.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Customer/Vendor/Bank
Acc. The back account card appears for the bank linked to the
Deleting Contacts, Customers, Vendors, and Bank
If you delete a contact linked to a customer, vendor, and/or bank account, only
the contact card is removed from the program. The customer card, vendor card,
or bank account card linked to the contact card remains in the program.
To delete a contact, browse to the relevant contact card, click Actions > Delete,
and confirm the subsequent message.
Exporting Contacts
You can select a list of contacts from your database and export it to a disk, for
example, if you want to send it to an advertising agent.
To do it, take the following actions:
1. Click Departments > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Periodic Activities, under Tasks, click Export Contacts. The
Export Contact window appears:
Chapter 3: Contacts
2. Specify any filters if it necessary to select the contacts you want to
3. Click OK to start exporting.
Contact Statistics
In the Contact Statistics window, you can view the key figures concerning your
contacts. To open the Contact Statistics window, on the list of the contacts,
select a contact, and in the Action Pane, click Statistics.
The Contact Statistics window consists of two FastTabs:
General FastTab
On the General FastTab of the Contact Statistics window, you can view the
number of interactions the contact was involved in along with their total cost and
Click the number to the right of the No. of Interactions, Cost (LCY) and
Duration (Min.) fields to view a list of these interactions in the Interaction Log
Entries window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
In the Interaction Log Entries window, the program displays one line for each
interaction involving the contact. You can view details about each interaction in
this window.
Opportunities FastTab
On the Opportunities FastTab, you can view information about the opportunities
the contact is involved in, and their total estimated value and current calculated
value. The estimated value is the value entered by the salespeople as the
estimated value of the opportunity. The current calculated value is the value that
the program calculates based on the estimated value and the probability for the
opportunity resulting in a sale.
Click the figure to the right of the No. of Opportunities, Estimated Value
(LCY) and Current Calc. Value (LCY) fields to view a list of the opportunity
entries in the Opportunity Entries window.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Contact Reports
The Sales & Marketing application area provides you with the reports which you
can use to view and print information concerning your contacts.
There are five contact-specific reports:
Contact – List Report
Contact – Company Summary Report
Contact – Person Summary Report
Contact – Labels Report
Contact – Cover Sheet Report
Some of these reports can be accessed from Departments > Sales & Marketing
> Sales, in Reports, under Reports and Analysis. For the other the paths are
specified in the corresponding sib-sections further.
Contact – List Report
With this report, print a list of your contacts. The report provides details about
each contact, related opportunities and to-dos, and includes the following
The number, name, address, and type of the contact.
The number of opportunities the contact is involved in, their total
estimated value, and calculated current value.
The total cost and duration of the interactions the contact is involved
The next to-do date.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Contact – Company Summary Report
With this report, you can print overall information about contact companies. The
report provides details about the company, related interactions and to-dos, and
includes the following information:
The number, name, and address of the contact company.
A list of the to-dos the contact company is involved in, including
company number, description, date, type, priority, status, and the
code of the salesperson or team handling the to-do.
A list of the interactions the contact company is involved in,
including their entry number, description, date, initiator, information
flow, the salesperson handling the interaction, and the number of the
to-do that the interaction is linked to.
Contact – Person Summary Report
With this report, you can print overall information about contact persons.
To open this report, in the navigation pane, click the Department button, and
then click Sales & Marketing > Sales, and under Reports, in Reports and
Analysis, click Org. Profile Summary.
The report provides details about the person, related interactions and to-dos, and
it includes the following information:
The number, name, and address of the contact person.
A list of the to-dos the contact person is involved in, including their
number, description, date, type, priority, status, and the code of the
salesperson or team handling the to-do.
A list of the interactions the contact person is involved in, including
their entry number, description, date, initiator, information flow, the
salesperson handling the interaction, and the number of the to-do that
the interaction is linked to.
Contact – Labels Report
With this report, you can print labels with the contacts‟ names and addresses. The
report can be used when sending sales and marketing campaign letters, for
To open this report, in the navigation pane, click the Department button, and
then click Sales & Marketing > Sales, and under Reports, in Reports and
Analysis, click Contacts Labels.
On the Options FastTab, you can select the format you want to use when
printing labels for your contacts.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Contact – Cover Sheet Report
With this report, you can print cover sheets to send to your contacts. To open the
report, select a contact you want to print cover sheets for and click Actions >
Functions > Print Cover Sheet.
In the Text field on the Options FastTab, enter the text that you want to appear
on the cover sheet. In the Remarks area, select check boxes next to the phases
you want to appear on the report, and/or select the last check box in this area and
enter your own comment. The program automatically marks options on the
printed cover sheet for check boxes you selected here.
Chapter 3: Contacts
If the Log Interaction check box is selected when you print cover sheets, an
interaction is created automatically for the selected contact. To read more about
creating interactions for contacts, refer to the “Interactions and Document
Management” chapter.
Chapter 3: Contacts
With Microsoft Dynamics® NAV, you can record three types of contacts you deal
Contact persons
Contact companies
Independent contact persons
The program offers you an opportunity to search for duplicates each time you
create a new contact.
Also, you can synchronize your contacts with customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts. It is very useful, if some of your contacts are also registered as
customers, vendors, and/or bank accounts in the program. You synchronize
contacts with customers, vendors, or bank accounts by
Linking a contact to a customer, vendor, or bank account.
Creating a contact from a customer, vendor, or bank account.
Creating a customer, vendor, or bank account from a contact.
Chapter 3: Contacts
Test Your Knowledge
1. Where can you view which business relations are assigned to a contact?
2. True or False:
You create a contact person by converting a contact created as a company to
a contact person using the Convert to Contact function.
3. Complete the following sentence:
If you select the _______________ check box, the program will
automatically search for possible duplicates each time you create a new
contact company.
4. What function is used for searching for a contact?
( ) Contact Search
( ) Company Search
( ) Person Search
( ) Segment Search
5. When does it make sense to synchronize a contact card with a customer card?
Chapter 3: Contacts
Chapter 3: Contacts
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 3: Contacts
Test Your Knowledge
1. Where can you view which business relations are assigned to a contact?
On the Segmentation FastTab of the contact card.
2. True or False:
You create a contact person by converting a contact created as a company to
a contact person using the Convert to Contact function.
False. You can a contact person by creating a new contact card and selecting
Person in the Type field.
3. Complete the following sentence:
If you select the _______________ check box, the program will
automatically search for possible duplicates each time you create a new
contact company.
Model Answer:
If you select the Autosearch for Duplicates check box, the program will
automatically search for possible duplicates each time you create a new contact
4. What function is used for searching for a contact?
(√) Contact Search
( ) Company Search
( ) Person Search
( ) Segment Search
5. When does it make sense to synchronize a contact card with a customer card?
If some of your contacts are or become customers, vendors, and/or bank
accounts, you can synchronize their contact cards with their customer cards,
vendor cards, and/or bank account cards.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
The objectives for this chapter are:
Discuss campaigns and segments.
Set up and create campaigns.
Create interactions with campaigns.
Create and activate sales prices and line discounts.
Observe campaign statistics.
Create segments.
Add and remove contacts from segments.
Save segmentation criteria.
Create segments by reusing saved segmentation criteria.
Link segments to a campaign.
Create interactions for segments.
Create segments by reusing logged segments.
View campaign entries linked to the segment.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
In the Sales & Marketing application area, you can create and keep track of
excessive mailings and other interactions related to your sales and marketing
activities. To facilitate this, the program offers the ability to use campaigns and
segments. This chapter tells you how to:
Create and use campaigns and segments.
Add contacts to campaigns and segments.
Link campaigns and segments.
Create interactions log entries when working with segments and
Setting Up Campaigns
A campaign is any sort of activity that involves a number of contacts. It can be
anything from sending out catalogs and special offers to organizing a special
event (in this case the contacts might be both vendors and customers). You can
record contact responses to campaigns as interactions.
Before using campaigns, you must set up campaign status codes. Then these
codes can be assigned to campaigns and thus facilitate managing the campaigns.
You change a campaign status as the working process goes; which enables one to
identify the current stage of the campaign and to prepare for the stage that
Setting Up Campaign Status Codes
The demonstration database in the program already contains a list of campaign
status codes created. To set up a new campaign status code, follow this
1. Click Departments > Administrations > Application Setup >
Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and under Lists, click Campaign
Status. A list of the existing campaign statuses appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new campaign status.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new campaign status.
Repeat the procedure for each new campaign status you want to create. With the
campaign statuses created, you can assign them to your campaigns.
Creating Campaigns
You can view general information about any of the campaigns using the
campaign card.
To record a new campaign in the program, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button and then click
Campaigns. The list of the existing campaigns appears.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new campaign. The
program opens a new window for registering a campaign.
3. Press ENTER. The program automatically enters the next available
number for campaigns.
4. In the Description field, enter a description of the campaign.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Status Code field. From the
Campaign Status list, select the appropriate status code.
6. In the Stating Date field, enter today’s date.
7. In the Salesperson Code field, enter the responsible salesperson.
Creating Interactions for Campaigns
After you have created a campaign, you can record interactions for it. For
recording interactions use the Create Interaction wizard.
The following section demonstrates how the information about a campaign is
specified in the Create Interaction wizard. For more details about interactions and
using the Create Interaction wizard, refer to the “Interactions and Document
Management” chapter.
Entering Campaign Information in the Create Interaction
You can enter information about the campaign that an interaction is linked to on
the last page of the wizard. You can also specify if the contact is a target contact
for the campaign and if the interaction records are the response to the selected
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
To enter information about the campaign, follow this procedure:
1. Open a contact card for a contact you want to interaction with. To do
this, in the navigation pane, click Home > Contacts. Browse to the
contact and double-click on its name.
2. In the Action Pane of the contact card, click Create Interact. The
Create Interaction wizard appears.
3. Fill in the fields on the wizard pages. On the top of each page, you
can find out whether the fields on this page are mandatory and must
be filled or may be left empty. On the last page of the wizard, you
can specify a campaign and link it to the interaction. Do this by
clicking the AssistButton button next to the What campaign is the
interaction linked to? field.
4. In the Campaign List window that appears, select the campaign that
the interaction is linked to and click OK.
5. If the contact is part of the target group for the campaign, select the
This contact is being targeted as part of a campaign check box.
6. If the interaction is a response to the campaign, select the This
interaction is a response to a campaign field.
7. Click Finish.
When you click Finish, the program automatically updates the Interaction Log
Entries window for the contact and enters a new entry in the Campaign Entries
window for the relevant campaign. If no campaign has been selected for the
interaction, the program will create a log entry appears only for the contact and
the salesperson selected for the interaction
Viewing the Interaction in the Campaign Entries Window
The recorded interaction can be viewed in the Campaign Entries window that is
opened for the relevant campaign.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
1. To open the Campaign Entries window, in the navigation pane,
open the list of the campaigns.
2. Find the campaign card for the campaign you want to view the
campaign entries and click Related Information > Campaign >
Entries. The Campaign Entries window appears.
To view the interaction log entry linked to the campaign entry, select the
campaign entry, and then click Related Information > Entry > Interaction Log
The Interaction Log Entries window appears.
Changing the Campaign Status
As your campaign goes on, you must modify its status. You can do this directly
on the campaign card.
To modify the status of the campaign, follow this procedure:
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
1. Open the campaign card of the campaign you want to change the
status of.
2. On the campaign card, click the AssistButton next to the Status
Code field.
3. From the Campaign Status list, select the appropriate option.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Lab 4.1 – Plan a Campaign
In this lab, you will practice creating a new campaign and modifying its status.
You are going to start a new national campaign to promote your new Millennium
office furniture series.
After a few weeks, as your campaign goes on, you publish an advertisement, and
the campaign is actually started.
Challenge Yourself
1. Record the new campaign.
2. Modify the status of the campaign.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create the new campaign in the program and call it Promoting
Millennium Series.
2. Modify the status of the campaign from 1-PLAN to 5-START
directly on the campaign card.
Step by Step
Create the new campaign in the program and call it Promoting Millennium
1. Open the list of the campaigns.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new campaign.
3. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
the campaign.
4. In the Description field, enter “Promoting Millennium Series”.
5. In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, specify the dates when
the campaign started and is to be ended.
6. In the Salesperson Code field, click the AssistButton and select AH
as a responsible salesperson for this campaign.
Modify the status of the campaign from 1-PLAN to 5-START directly on the
campaign card.
1. Click the AssistButton next to the Status Code field, enter select 5START as the current status of the campaign.
2. Click OK to close the campaign card and save your changes.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Lab 4.2 – Create an Interaction Linked to a Campaign
In this lab, you will practice creating an interaction with the campaign
information specified.
As part of the Increase Sales campaign, you are planning to hold a press
conference at the Hotel Continental to present a new product. You have a
meeting with contact David Hodgson. The meeting at the hotel went well.
Challenge Yourself
Record this meeting as an interaction linked to the Increase Sales campaign.
Step by Step
1. On the contact list, select David Hodgson since you want to create an
interaction for him. In the Action Pane of the contact card, click
Create Interact. The Create Interaction wizard appears.
2. Specify the type of the interaction and enter its description. Click
3. On the second and third page, you can leave the fields without
changes since this information is optional. On the last page of the
wizard, select a campaign by clicking the AssistButton button next to
the What campaign is the interaction linked to? field. The
Campaign List window appears.
4. From this window, select a campaign you want to link the interaction
to and click OK.
5. As the interaction is a response to the campaign, select the This
interaction is a response to a campaign field.
When you have created the interaction, the last page of the Create Interaction
wizard will look as the following figure shows.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
6. Having specified all the necessary information for the interaction,
click Finish.
Campaign Pricing
Companies operating in price-sensitive markets may offer items at special prices
for targeted segments of the market. The Campaign Pricing feature greatly
facilitates this process. It offers two different ways of setting up a promotional
price campaign:
Using fixed sales prices
Using discount percentages
Creating Sales Prices for a Campaign
When you have set up your campaign, you can specify the sales prices for the
individual items specified for this campaign. Use the Sales Prices window
opened from a campaign card.
To specify sales prices for a campaign, follow this procedure:
1. Open the campaign you want to set the prices for.
2. Click Related Information > Campaign > Sales Prices. The Sales
Prices window appears.
3. The Sales Type Filter field is set to Campaign, and the Sales Code
Filter field contains the campaign number for the campaign you are
working with. The program copies the values from the Starting Date
and Ending Date fields on the campaign card to the lines in the
Sales Prices window, so you cannot change the starting and ending
dates on the individual lines.
4. Fill in the Item No., Unit of Measure, and Unit Price fields on the
lines. You can also specify the variant code if there are several
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
variants of the item. To do that, you must first make the Variant
Code column visible by right-clicking the lines header, clicking
Choose Columns, selecting this column, and clicking OK.
5. If the customer has to purchase a minimum quantity to be able to
obtain the campaign price, fill in the Minimum Quantity field.
6. You can also specify the currency code and indicate whether a line
discount and invoice discount are to be allowed. For that, you must
also make the Currency Code, Allow Line Disc. and Allow Invoice
Disc. columns visible.
Repeat steps 3-5 for every item you want to create a sales price for.
Creating Sales Line Discounts for a Campaign
When you have set up your campaign, you can specify the discount percent that
the customer will receive on the individual items. You specify this on the lines in
the Sales Line Discounts window.
To specify sales line discounts for a campaign, follow this procedure:
1. Open the campaign you want to register sales line discounts for.
2. Click Related Information > Campaign > Sales Line Discounts.
The Sales Line Discounts window appears.
3. The Sales Type Filter field contains Campaign, and the Sales Code
Filter field contains the campaign number. The campaign will cover
the period defined on the campaign card. You cannot change the
starting and ending dates on the individual lines as the program
copies the values from the Starting Date and Ending Date fields on
the campaign card.
4. In the Type field, click the AssistButton and select whether you are
to specify a discount for an item or for an item discount group.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
5. In the Item Code field, select one of the two options:
o The item number if in the Type field you selected Item
o The item discount group code, if in the Type field, you selected
Item Disc. Group
6. Fill in the Unit of Measure and the Line Discount % fields with the
appropriate information. You can also specify the variant code if
there are several variants of the item. To do that, you first must make
the Variant Code column visible: right-click the lines header, click
Choose Columns, select Variant Code, and click OK.
7. If the customer needs to purchase a minimum quantity to be able to
obtain the percent of the campaign discount, fill in the Minimum
Quantity field.
8. If necessary, you can also specify the currency code. For that, you
first must make the Currency Code column visible.
Repeat steps 3-5 for every item for which you want to create a sales line
Activating/Deactivating Sales Prices and Line Discounts
in a Campaign
Once you set up the sales prices and/or line discounts, you must activate them to
allow the campaign prices/discounts to be reflected.
To activate sales prices/line discounts for a campaign, you first must make at
least one segment as a target segment for the campaign. To make a target
segment for a campaign, follow these steps:
1. On the list of the existing campaigns, browse to the relevant
campaign, and in the Action Pane, click Segments. The list of the
segments for the selected campaign appears.
2. Select a segment and double-click it to open its card.
3. Go to the Campaign FastTab. Select the Campaign Target check
box. Now this segment is a part of the target of this campaign. To
find out how to link a segment to a campaign, refer to the “Linking
Segments to Campaigns” topic in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
NOTE: If the Campaign Target check box on the Campaign FastTab of segment
card is selected, the sales prices/line discounts are activated for all contacts in
the segment. If the sales prices/line discounts are not to be offered to all the
contacts in the segment, you can clear the Campaign Target check box on lines
for the contacts in question.
Now you can activate sales prices/discounts. Follow this procedure:
1. Close the Segment window.
2. Return to your campaign that you specified sales prices and line
discounts for.
3. On the campaign card, click Actions > Functions > Activate Sales
Prices/Line Discounts. The Activated field on the General FastTab
now contains Yes.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
If, for example, you want a campaign to stop before the ending date you specified
for it, you can deactivate the sales prices/line discounts for that campaign.
To deactivate sales prices/line discounts, follow this procedure:
1. Open the campaign card for the campaign you want to deactivate
sales prices/line discounts.
2. Click Actions > Functions > Deactivate Sales Prices/Line
The sales prices/line discounts are deactivated. The Activated field now contains
NOTE: If you clear the Campaign Target check box on either the segment card
or the segment line, the sales prices and line discounts will be deactivated for
either the segment or the segment line.
Campaign Statistics
You can get a precise overview of how a campaign is going. You can view this
information in the Campaign Statistics window. This window provides
information about the costs and success rates of each campaign.
To open the Campaign Statistics window, in the Action Pane of the campaign
card, click Statistics.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
The Response Rate % field shows the percentage of contacts contacted by the
campaign who have responded to it.
The Avg. Cost per Response field shows how much you have spent on each
response that you have received.
The Avg. Duration per Response field shows how much time you have spent on
each response that you have received.
The No. of Opportunities field shows how many opportunities linked to the
campaign were created.
Setting Up Segments
Segments are groups of contacts selected according to specific criteria. You can
set up segments if you want to select a group of contacts, for example, from the
same the industry, or according to the business relation you have with the
contact, or the interactions you have had with the contact, and so on. You can
also create segments for working with campaigns or for other purposes. You use
segments to create interactions, such as mailings. Another way of using segments
is viewing statistics about sales and marketing activities for contacts from
Setting up segments involves creating a segment itself by entering general
information about the segment and adding contacts to be included in the segment.
To create the segment in the program, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the existing segments. In the navigation pane, click
the Home button, and then Segments.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new segment.
3. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available segment number.
4. In the Description field, enter a description of the segment.
5. In the Salesperson Code field, enter the responsible salesperson.
After entering general information about the segment, you must select the
contacts to be included in the segment. You can add all existing contacts to the
segment or use a variety of criteria to add only selected contacts. For example,
you can select contact persons working at a customer site who are responsible for
purchases at their company.
Use filters to add contacts according to, for example, the contact person’s job
responsibility or the contact company’s business relation or industry. You can
remove contacts that were added earlier using filters, such as mailing groups.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Demonstration – Add Contacts to the Segment
This demonstration explains how to add contacts to a segment. For selecting
which contacts must be added, the business relation you have with contacts and
their job responsibility will be used as a filter.
You need to add contacts that have the business relation of the Customer type
and who are responsible for purchases. Follow this procedure:
1. Open the segment card for the segment you created. In the Action
Pane, click Add Contacts. The Add Contacts window appears.
2. On the Options FastTab, leave check boxes without changes because
they do not relate to the filters you are going to specify. Go to the
Business Relation FastTab. Click the AssistButton next to the
Business Relation Code field and select CUST for the customer
business relation.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
3. To specify the job responsibility for the contacts you are adding to
the segment, go to the Job Responsibility FastTab. Click the
AssistButton in the Job Responsibility Code field and select
4. Click OK.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
The program adds all contacts that meet the specified criteria to the segment.
NOTE: If no criteria are specified while adding contacts to the segment, all
contacts registered in the program will be added to the segment.
The Segment window now looks as shown in the following figure.
In the No. of Lines field on the General FastTab, the program has automatically
calculated the number of contacts added according to your criteria.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Lab 4.3 – Create a Segment
In this lab, you will practice creating a new segment.
This year at Cronus, you have decided to sponsor the biggest national golf
tournament and want to invite some of your contacts to attend this event.
Challenge Yourself
Create a segment with contacts that are members of the press.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a new segment.
2. Add contacts that are members of the press.
Step by Step
Create a new segment.
1. Open the list of the segments.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new segment.
3. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available segment number.
4. In the Description field, enter ”National Golf”.
5. In the Salesperson Code field, select John Roberts as a responsible
Add contacts that are members of the press.
1. In the Action Pane, click Add Contacts. The Add Contacts window
2. Clear all previously specified filters.
3. Go to the Business Relation FastTab. Click the AssistButton next to
the Business Relation Code field and select Press for customer
4. Click OK to add contacts to the segment.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Removing Contacts from the Segment
Once you have added contacts to your segment, you can also remove them from
it. You do this by specifying the criteria for the contacts to be removed. For
example, you can remove all contacts in a specific mailing group or those on a
certain organizational level. Furthermore, if you have made a mistake when
adding contacts and now want to remove the entire group that you added
previously, then you can use the same criteria to remove the contacts as the one
when you added them to the segment.
The program offers two batch jobs for reducing the number of contacts in the
The Remove Contacts – Reduce batch job
The Remove Contacts – Refine batch job
The request pages for the two batch jobs look similar because they serve one
purpose: removing contacts from the segment. The difference is that the Remove
Contacts – Reduce batch job is used for specifying the criteria to remove contacts
from the segment, while the Remove Contacts – Refine batch job is for
specifying the criteria by which the contacts must remain in the segment.
To remove contacts from a segment, follow this procedure:
1. Open the segment card for the segment you want to remove contacts
2. In the Segment window, click Actions > Functions > Contacts >
Reduce Contacts. The Remove Contacts – Reduce request form
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
3. In the Remove Contacts - Reduce request form, specify criteria for
the contacts to be removed from the segment.
4. Click OK.
If all contacts meet your criteria and must be removed, the following message
The program asks you about resetting number of criteria action. Each action that
you perform with the segment using its criteria is recorded in Segment Criteria
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
If you click Yes in the message, the program will reset the number of the actions
for the segment. If you click No, the program continues recording actions
performed for the segment. After you have reduced your segment by excluding,
for example, contacts with the business relation of the Customer type and job
responsibility of the Purchase type, the Segment window will look as shows the
“Contact Removed from the Segment” figure.
The segment is empty because you removed contacts specifying the same criteria
as you selected when adding them.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Go Back Function
If for some reason you need to reverse the addition or removal of a group of
contacts from a segment, you can do this with the Go Back function. In such a
way, the program allows you to undo your segmentation actions.
To add contacts you have just removed, go to the Segment window you removed
the contacts from and click Actions > Functions > Segment > Go Back.
NOTE: The Go Back function is only available if you selected not to reset
numbering of criteria actions when removing contacts from the segment.
The program automatically places the contacts that you have removed back.
Saving Segmentation Criteria
You can save your segmentation criteria to be able to reuse them for other
campaigns and interactions.
To save the segmentation criteria that you have defined, follow this procedure:
1. Open the segment card for the segment which you want to save
criteria of.
2. In the Segment window, click Actions > Functions > Segment >
Save Criteria. The Save Segment Criteria window appears.
3. In the Code field, enter a code for the segment criteria.
4. In the Description field, enter a description of the segment criteria.
5. Click OK. A record about the save segment criteria appears in the
Saved Segment Criteria List window.
NOTE: You can save segment criteria if at least one criteria action was taken:
the No. of Criteria Actions field on the General FastTab shows the number
different from zero.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Creating Segments by Reusing Saved Segment Criteria
You can use saved segmentation criteria to create new segments. Follow this
procedure to create a new segment using the previously saved segmentation
1. Open the list of the segments.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new segment.
3. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available segment number.
4. In the Description field, enter a description of your new segment.
5. In the Salesperson Code field, specify a salesperson responsible for
this segment.
6. To reuse the segment criteria, click Actions > Functions > Segment
> Reuse Criteria. The Saved Segment Criteria List window
7. Select the saved segment criteria you want to use and click OK.
The program automatically fills in the fields of the Segment window with
information from saved segment criteria.
Linking Segments to Campaigns
You can link segments to specific campaigns. By linking, you indicate that the
segment becomes a part of the campaign you select.
To do this, follow this procedure:
1. Open the segment card for the segment you need to link to a
campaign. Go to the Campaign FastTab.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Campaign No. field. From the
list, select a campaign. The Campaign Description field is filled in
automatically with the respective value.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
3. If the segment is part of the target of the selected campaign, select
the Campaign Target check box.
4. If the interaction that will be created for the segment is a response to
the selected campaign, select the Campaign Response check box.
For information about creating interactions, refer to the “Creating
Interaction for Segments” section in this chapter.
Creating Interactions for Segments
Creating interactions for a segment involves all the contacts added to that
segment. You can create interaction directly from the Segment window. To have
the program record interactions automatically, you must specify an interaction
template for a segment and other interaction-related information.
Entering Interaction Information for a Segment
To enable the program to create interactions for a segment, you need to specify
the interaction template and other interaction-related information. To do that,
follow this procedure:
1. In the Segment window, go to the Interaction FastTab.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Interaction Template Code field
and select the interaction template you want to use.
When you leave the Interaction Template Code field, the following message
appears if you already have lines defined for this segment:
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
3. Because you want to apply the interaction template to all the contacts
in the segment, click Yes.
To fill in the different fields on the Interaction FastTab, the program copies
information from in the Interaction Template window for the selected
interaction template. If the interaction template contains an attachment, the
program shows Yes next to the Attachment field in the Segment window.
The Interaction FastTab of the Segment window looks as the following figure
When an interaction is created for this segment, each contact of it will be sent the
same attachment and similar record about the interaction will appear in the
interaction log entry. If necessary, you can modify an attachment and interaction
template for each of the contacts, meaning personalize the interaction.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Personalizing an Interaction for One Contact
You can personalize an interaction for one or several contacts in a segment. You
can do it, for example, by adding a sentence to a letter or changing an interaction
template for that person.
To personalize an interaction for a contact, follow this procedure:
1. Open the Segment window.
2. On the Lines FastTab, browse to the line with the contact you to
personalize an interaction for.
3. On this line, click the AssistButton next to the Attachment field.
The program launches Microsoft® Office Word® and opens the letter for the
4. Add the personalized text to the letter.
5. Close the Microsoft Word document.
6. Confirm the subsequent message.
7. The program automatically enters Unique in the Attachment field to
show that the attachment is personalized. For other contacts, the
Attachment field contains Inherited.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
You can also personalize an interaction code for one or several contacts in the
segment. To do that, click the AssistButton next to the Interaction Template
Code field for the contact on the Lines FastTab and select a template you want to
assign to this particular contact.
Printing Segment Labels
If you need to send letters to contacts in the segment, you can print labels with
their names and addresses. To do this, follow this procedure:
1. In the Segment window, click Actions > Print > Labels. The
Segment - Labels window appears.
2. The program automatically selects the option 36 x 70 mm (3
columns). Select other dimensions if necessary.
3. Click Print.
4. Check the printer settings and click OK.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Logging the Segment and Printing Letters
You can print letters that are stored as attachments and have them recorded in the
program as interactions. Whether a letter will be printed, sent through e-mail or
by fax depends on which correspondence type is selected on the Interaction
FastTab of the segment card. To print a letter, follow this procedure:
1. Go to the Interaction FastTab of the Segment window.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Correspondence Type (Default)
field and select Hard Copy. This option ensures that letters will be
printed. If you select E-Mail, your letters will be sent by e-mail as an
interaction is created. If you select Fax, your letters will be sent by
3. In the Action Pane of the Segment window, click Log. The Log
Segment window appears.
The Send Attachments check box is selected by default. Leave it as-is to have
the program print out the attachments.
4. Click OK.
The program automatically prints the letters and logs the segment. Because the
segment has been logged, it disappears from list of the segments, so you will not
be able to find it there.
After logging the segment, the program automatically records an interaction for
each contact in the segment and creates an entry for the campaign to which the
segment was linked.
Creating Segments by Reusing Logged Segments
You can save time by creating segments from segments that have already been
logged, instead of starting from the beginning. For example, you might want to
create a segment similar to the logged one, except for certain contacts.
To create a segment by reusing a logged one, follow this procedure:
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
1. Open a new segment card.
2. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available segment number.
3. In the Description field, enter a description of the new segment.
4. In the Salesperson Code field, specify a salesperson responsible for
that segment.
5. To reuse logged segment, click Actions > Functions > Segment >
Reuse Segment. The Logged Segments window appears.
NOTE: If the segment is not a new one and already contains any criteria, a
message appears asking you whether you want to reuse a logged segment.
6. Select the line with the logged segment you need and click OK.
The program automatically fills in the fields in the Segment window with the
criteria specified in the logged segment.
If needed, you can manually remove any contacts that you do not want to be
included in the new segment. To remove a contact, in the Segment window,
select the line with the contact to be deleted and press CTRL+D. Then, confirm
the subsequent message.
Repeat this procedure to remove any other unwanted contacts from the segment.
In the No. of Lines field on the General FastTab, you can see the updated
number of contacts in the segment.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Viewing Interaction Log Entries Linked to the Segment
You may need to view an interaction of letters sent. You may want to view it, for
example, if the contact calls you wants to talk about the interaction, but you do
not remember the details. To view the interaction again, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Browse to the contact you want to view interaction log entries for
and click Related Information > Contacts > Interaction Log
Entries. The Interaction Log Entries window for the contact
3. To read a letter that was sent while the segment was being logged,
select a line with the needed interaction and click Show. Then,
Microsoft Word opens the attachment.
The program automatically launches Microsoft Word and opens the interaction.
NOTE: If you click the No value in the Attachment field, no Microsoft Word
document will be opened.
Viewing Campaign Entries Linked to the Segment
Once the segment has been logged, the program automatically creates a
campaign entry for the campaign linked to the segment. You can view the
campaign entry in the Campaign Entries window opened from a campaign card.
To view the records, do the following:
1. Open the list of campaigns.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
2. Browse to the campaign you want to view the entries for and click
Related Information > Campaign > Entries. The Campaign
Entries window appears.
You can view the cost of the interaction and how many contacts you sent it to.
For more detailed information about the interaction, click Related Information
> Entry > Interaction Log Entry.
Lab 4.4 – Send a Letter to Contacts from a Segment
In this lab, you will practice sending a letter from attachment to contacts in the
Send a letter to the contacts in the segment you created earlier using the Business
Letter interaction template. Save the segment criteria to use it further.
Challenge Yourself
1. Perform the necessary set up to be able to send letters to the contacts
in the segment.
2. Save segment criteria and send a letter to contacts in the segment.
Need a Little Help?
1. Open the National Golf segment and apply the Business Letter
interaction template to send a letter.
2. Use the Save Segment Criteria function to save criteria for the
National Golf segment.
Step by Step
Open the National Golf segment and apply the Business Letter interaction
template to send a letter.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
1. Open the National Golf segment.
2. Go to the Interaction FastTab.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Interaction Template Code field
and select BUS for sending a business letter from the attachment.
You cannot first log the segment and then use its criteria. So the process of
logging the segment is interrupted for saving segment criteria.
Use the Save Segment Criteria function to save criteria for the National Golf
1. Click Actions > Functions > Segment > Save Criteria.
2. In the Save Segment Criteria, specify the code and description for
saving criteria.
3. Click OK.
Now, as the segment criteria are saved, you can log it.
4. In the Action Pane, click Log.
5. Select the Send Attachments check box and click OK.
Lab 4.5 – Use Saved Segmentation Criteria
This lab is a continuation of the previous one. Now, you will practice reusing
saves segmentation criteria and linking a segment to a campaign.
A year passed, and you have a new office furniture series to promote: the Futurus
series. The campaign you made last year was of a great success, and you want to
work with the same category of contacts. Last year you saved the segmentation
criteria that you want to reuse for the new segment.
Challenge Yourself
Create a new campaign.
Create a new segment.
Reuse the saved segmentation criteria.
Link this segment to the new campaign.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a new campaign called Target for Futurus Campaign.
2. Create a new segment called Target for Futurus Campaign.
3. Use the saved segmentation criteria for the National Golf segment to
select the contacts to target for the new campaign.
4. Link the Target for Futurus Campaign segment to the Target for
Futurus Campaign campaign.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Step by Step
Create a new campaign called Target for Futurus Campaign.
Open the list of the campaigns.
In the Action Pane, click New to create a new campaign.
Press ENTER to let the program to enter the next available number.
In the Description field, enter “Target for Futurus Campaign”.
In the Starting Date field, specify the current date.
In the Ending Date field, specify the date when the campaign is
about to be closed.
7. In the Salesperson Code field, specify a salesperson responsible for
the campaign.
Create a new segment called Target for Futurus Campaign.
Open the list of the segments.
In the Action Pane, click New to create a new segment.
Press ENTER to let the program to enter the next available number.
In the Description field, enter “Target for Futurus Campaign”.
In the Salesperson Code field, specify a salesperson responsible for
the campaign.
Use the saved segmentation criteria for the National Golf segment to select the
contacts to target for the new campaign.
1. Click Actions > Functions > Segment > Reuse Criteria.
2. In the Saved Segment Criteria List window, select a segment
which criteria you want to use and click OK.
Link the Target for Futurus Campaign segment to the Target for Futurus
Campaign campaign.
1. Go to the Campaign FastTab of the Segment window.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Campaign field and select Target
for Futurus Campaign.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
With Microsoft Dynamics® NAV, you can create campaigns and segments.
Campaigns simplify the process of applying sales prices and discounts to a
specific set of contacts. You can make a segment be a part of a campaign.
With segments, you can create interactions directly from the Segment window.
When logging a segment, you can have the program not only to create an
interaction, but also to send attachments to all contacts in the segment. Having
logged the segment, you can use it when creating a new one. You can also save
segment criteria and reuse it for the new segment.
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Test Your Knowledge
1. What must you specify when creating a segment?
2. True or False:
When you log a segment, the program automatically creates an entry for the
campaign to record this action.
3. Complete the following sentence:
In the No. of Lines field on the General FastTab, the program enters the
number of ____________________ added according to the criteria.
4. If the Activated field on the General FastTab of the campaign card contains
Yes, what does it mean?
( ) The segment contains contacts
( ) The segment is a part of a campaign
( ) The sales prices/line discounts are activated
( ) The campaign is started
5. How can you change the status of the campaign?
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 4: Campaigns and Segmentation
Test Your Knowledge
1. What must you specify when creating a segment?
When creating a segment, you must specify a code, a description for a segment,
and a salesperson that is responsible for this segment.
2. True or False:
When you log the segment, the program automatically creates an entry for
the campaign to record this action.
True: You can view a record about this in the Campaign Entries window
opened from a campaign card.
3. Complete the following sentence:
In the No. of Lines field on the General FastTab, the program enters the
number of ____________________ added according to the criteria.
In the No. of Lines field on the General FastTab, the program enters the number
of contacts added according to the criteria.
4. If the Activated field on the General FastTab of the campaign card contains
Yes, what does it mean?
( ) The segment contains contacts
( ) The segment is a part of a campaign
(√) The sales prices/line discounts are activated
( ) The campaign is started
5. How can you change the status of a campaign?
The status of a campaign can be changed in the Status Code field on the
General FastTab of the campaign card.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
The objectives for this chapter are:
Set up interactions.
Create interaction templates.
Set up interaction groups.
Manage interaction attachments.
Use the Create Interaction wizard for creating interactions.
Record phone calls as interactions.
Record e-mails as interactions.
Work with automatically recorded interactions.
Manage postponed interactions.
Cancel and delete interaction log entries.
View interaction statistics.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
The Sales & Marketing application area of Microsoft Dynamics® NAV offers a
possibility to create a record for all the types of communications you have with
your contacts, for example, correspondence, meetings, sales and purchase
documents, and so on. This enables you to effectively keep track of the sales and
marketing documentation that you send to your contacts, and thus improve the
quality of your business interactions.
This chapter explains setting up and managing interactions and such interaction
elements as interaction templates, interaction groups, and attachments.
Setting Up Interactions
The program can create interactions entries of information about specific actions
you performed involving contacts in the program. Once an interaction is recorded
you can refer to it later if you need, for example, to retrieve some details of it.
Interactions can be created for your contacts and salespeople and can be linked to
to-dos, campaigns, segments, and opportunities.
To be able to create interactions, it is necessary to set up the following
Interaction templates
Interaction groups
Interaction attachments
Interaction templates are used for creating interactions. Using these templates
allows you to indicate the type of interaction you are dealing with, in addition to
a variety of additional attributes of an interaction (for example communication
type, language, information flow direction etc.). Interaction templates can belong
to interaction groups and can contain attachments.
Interaction groups are collections of interaction templates grouped for the same
usage purpose. Interaction groups are used to
View statistics for a group of interaction templates - you can see how
many times you have used a particular interaction template or
interaction group to create interactions.
Group the interaction templates that you use to create interactions one for storing all your letters, another one for your price lists, and so
Several interaction templates can be assigned to one interaction group.
Interaction attachments are documents created in Microsoft® Office Word®,
Microsoft® Office Excel®, or any other application, and imported to an
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
interaction template. You may need to have an attachment for sending invitations
or business letters, for example.
Creating Interaction Templates
When dealing with your contacts, you can have the program create interactions
for them. To make the program do this, you must specify an interaction template
while creating an interaction to indicate its type.
To specify an interaction template, first it is necessary to set it up, performing the
following steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Lists, click Interaction Templates. The program displays the list of
the interaction templates.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create an interaction template. The
program opens the Interaction Templates window with an empty
line created for the new interaction template.
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields.
4. If you want to assign the interaction template to an interaction group
(for viewing statistics at a later stage, for example), click the
AssistButton next to the Interaction Group Code field and select
the interaction group that you want the interaction template to belong
5. In the Wizard Action field, select what action on the attachment you
want the program to perform when you click Next on the second
page of the Create Interaction wizard. You can select among three
options: Blank, Open, and Import. For more information about
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
working with attachments, refer to the “Managing Attachments of
Interaction Templates” topic in this chapter.
6. To be able to interact with a contact in his or her preferred language,
you can set a language code for the interaction. To do this, click the
AssistButton next to the Language Code (Default) field. The
Interact. Tmpl. Languages window appears. Click the AssistButton
next to the Language Code field and select the appropriate language
from the list.
7. In the Interact. Tmpl. Languages window, you can also insert
attachments in different languages into the interaction templates. Do
this by clicking Related Information > Attachment > Create. The
program creates a Microsoft Office Word document that you can
insert as an attachment into the current interaction template.
You can create as many interaction template attachments in different languages
as you need. The procedure of creating, importing, exporting, or copying an
attachment in the Interact. Tmpl. Languages window is the same as the one for
the Interaction Templates window. For more information about managing an
attachment, refer to the “Managing Attachments of Interaction Templates” topic
in this chapter.
8. If you want the program to use the correspondence type you select in
the Correspondence Type (Default) field, and not the one selected
on the contact card, select the Ignore Contact Corres. Type check
9. In the Unit Cost (LCY) field, enter the usual cost for this type of
10. In the Unit Duration (Min.) field, enter the usual duration for this
type of interaction.
11. In the Initiated By field, specify who usually initiates this type of
interaction. There are two options: Us and Them.
a. Select Us if the interaction is usually initiated by your company.
b. Select Them if the interaction is usually initiated by your
12. In the Information Flow field, specify the direction of information
flow for this type of interaction. There are two options: Outbound
and Inbound.
a. Select Outbound if the information is usually sent by your
b. Select Inbound if the information is usually received by your
Entering Campaign-Specific Information
If you always use the same interaction template to create interactions linked to a
specific campaign, you can link the interaction template to that campaign. Do this
by specifying a campaign code in the Campaign No. field in the Interaction
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Templates window. The program will then link the interactions you create to the
specified campaign, using the interaction template.
If the contacts involved in the interactions are usually the target of a campaign,
select the Campaign Target check box.
If you intend to use the interaction template to record interactions that are a
response to a campaign, select the Campaign Response check box.
Now that an interaction template has been set up, you can use it for creating
Setting Up Interaction Groups
Interaction groups help you collect several interaction templates for the same
usage. Interaction groups are set up in the Interaction Groups window. Setting
up an interaction group involves creating a group code and assigning interaction
templates to it.
To set up a new interaction group, do the following:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administrations >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Lists, click Interaction Groups. A list of interaction groups
2. In the Action Pane, click New. The Interaction Groups window
appears with an empty line created for a new group.
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new interaction
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
The interaction group code is created. To continue setting up an interaction
group, assign interaction templates to it. To accomplish this, do the following:
1. Click Related Information > Interaction Group > Interaction
2. In the Action Pane of the Interaction Templates window, click
3. In the Code field, enter a code for the interaction template.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Interaction Group Code field,
and from the interaction groups list, select an interaction group you
want to assign the interaction template to. The program
automatically fills in this field with the interaction group you opened
the Interaction Templates window for.
5. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the template you
just added.
6. If you need, fill in other fields for the interaction template.
NOTE: Descriptions of the fields in the Interaction Templates window and their
options can be found in the “Creating Interaction Templates” topic.
Repeat steps 2-6 for all the interaction templates you want to assign to the
interaction group.
7. When finished with assigning templates to the group, click OK.
This finishes creating an interaction group. You can create as many interaction
groups as you need.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Managing Attachments to Interaction Templates
Interaction templates can use attachments. An attachment can be, for example, a
letter to a contact. When an interaction template with an attachment is used for
creating an interaction, the attachment can be sent to one or several contacts as
the interaction is created. Attachments can be any type of a document, for
example, Microsoft Word document, Microsoft Excel file, text file, and so on.
However, Microsoft Dynamics NAV is only fully integrated with Microsoft
Word. This means that you can only create Microsoft Word documents from
within Microsoft Dynamics NAV; you cannot create Microsoft Excel files or
other types of attachments directly from within Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
There are several ways of attaching a file to an interaction template. You can:
Create Microsoft Word documents directly from the Interaction
Templates window.
Import any type of a document.
Copy an existing attachment from another interaction template.
Creating Microsoft Word Documents
If you have Microsoft Word 2002, Microsoft Word 2003, or Microsoft Word
2007 installed, you can create attachments (Microsoft Word documents only)
directly from Microsoft Dynamics NAV, in particular from the Interaction
Templates window. When creating attachments from within Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, a new Microsoft Word document opens.
In the Microsoft Word document, you can add merge fields. Merge fields are
fields in a Microsoft Word document that are to be substituted with values from
Microsoft Dynamics NAV when the attachment is sent to a contact. To add a
merge field:
1. Go to the Mailings tab in Microsoft Word and click Insert Merge
2. From the list of fields, select the one you want to add to the
The merge fields cannot be modified as the list of available merge fields is
supplied by Microsoft Dynamics NAV. When the attachment is sent to the
contact(s) and an interaction being is created, Microsoft Dynamics NAV fills in
the fields with the relevant information from the Contact Card, Interaction Log
Entries, Salesperson/Purchaser Card, and/or Company Information windows
and sends the modified attachment to the contact(s).
To create a standard letter and make it an attachment for an interaction template,
follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of interaction templates.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
2. Select the interaction template you want to create an attachment for
and click Related Information > Attachment > Create. Make sure
that Attachment field for this interaction template contains No.
The program automatically launches Microsoft Word and opens a new document.
3. In the new Microsoft Word document, enter the main text for your
document, and insert the relevant merge fields.
4. Close the document. In the dialog box that appears asking you
whether you want to import the attachment, click Yes to continue.
Only the Microsoft Word document that you have opened from within Microsoft
Dynamics NAV can use merge fields to be filled in by the program. A Microsoft
Word document created outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV is not linked to the
application and therefore and cannot have merge fields filled in with the relevant
values. To link a document created outside Microsoft Dynamics NAV to an
interaction template or an interaction, you must import this new document. For
more information about importing an attachment, refer to the “Importing
Attachments” subtopic in this chapter.
NOTE: Only one attachment can be inserted in an interaction template. If you
try to create an attachment for an interaction template already containing an
attachment, the program will suggest replacing the existing attachment.
To open an attachment to the interaction template, click the Yes option in the
Attachment field on the interaction template list.
Saving Microsoft Word Documents
When the Microsoft Word document linked to Microsoft Dynamics NAV is
open, clicking the Save button in Microsoft Word will save the changes in the
document. When you close Microsoft Word, the program will ask if you want to
save the changes and import the document into the program.
If you do not import the document into Microsoft Dynamics NAV, the changes
you have made will not be saved in the attachment.
NOTE: When you are working in the Interaction Templates window, if two or
more users open and modify an interaction template attachment (a Microsoft
Word document) simultaneously, the program will only save the changes made
by the first user to import the document into Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The
changes made by the other user(s) will not be taken into account.
NOTE: When you are working in a Microsoft Word document opened from
within Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you cannot return to work in the program
before you have closed Microsoft Word.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Lab 5.1 – Create an Interaction Template with an Attachment
In this lab, you will practice creating an interaction template and inserting an
attachment with merge fields in it.
You need to create an interaction template for the follow-up letters. For this
template, you need to insert a Microsoft Word document as an attachment and
assign this interaction template to the Letter interaction group. Include the
following merge fields in the attachment: the contact’s name, e-mail address, the
salesperson’s name and telephone number.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create an interaction template.
2. Assign this template to the Letter interaction group.
3. Create an attachment with the merge fields.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create an interaction template with the FOLLOWUP code using the
following information:
Unit Cost: 10 LCY
Unit duration: 10 min
Correspondence Type: E-Mail
2. Assign the FOLLOWUP interaction template to the Letter
interaction group.
3. Create an attachment with the contact’s name and e-mail address, the
salesperson’s name and telephone number as merge fields and insert
it in the template.
Step by Step
Create an interaction template with the FOLLOWUP code.
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Lists, click Interaction Templates.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new template.
3. In the Code field, enter “FOLLOWUP”.
4. In the Unit Cost (LCY) field, enter “10”.
5. In the Unit Duration (Min.) field, enter “10”.
6. In the Correspondence Type field, select E-Mail.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Assign the FOLLOWUP interaction template to the Letter interaction group.
Click the AssistButton next to the Interaction Group Code field, and select
Create an attachment with the contact’s name and e-mail address, the
salesperson’s name and telephone number as merge fields and insert it in the
1. Click Related Information > Attachment > Create. In the
Microsoft Word document, click Mailings > Insert Merge Field.
From the list of merge fields, select the following fields:
o «Contact_Name»
o «Contact_Mail_Address»
o «SalespersonPurchaser_Name»
o «SalespersonPurchaser_Phone»
2. Click Insert and then click Close.
3. Save and close the Microsoft Word document. Now the interaction
template has an attachment with the contact’s information.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Importing Attachments
Instead of creating a new document, you can import an existing one to Microsoft
Dynamics NAV. For example, you may want to attach a Microsoft Excel file to
an interaction template. To do that, you must create the file and save it on a disk
first, and then import it into Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
To import an attachment to an interaction template, in the Interaction
Templates window, click Related Information > Attachment > Import. The
Import Attachment window appears.
Browse to the file you want to import as an attachment and click Open. The
program will import the document.
Copying Attachments
You can also insert attachments in an interaction template by copying the
attachment assigned to another interaction template. To copy an attachment from
one interaction template to another, follow this procedure:
1. In the Interaction Templates window, select the interaction
template you want to copy an attachment to.
2. Click Related Information > Attachment, and then Copy from.
The Interact. Tmpl. Languages window appears, showing a list of all the
interaction templates that contain attachments.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
3. Select the interaction template containing the attachment that you
want to copy and then click OK.
Once the attachment is copied, the program sets the Attachment field to Yes for
the selected interaction template in the Interaction Template window.
Attachment-Specific Information in the Interaction Templates
If an interaction template contains an attachment, in the Interaction Template
window, the Attachment field contains Yes. This field is not editable. Clicking
Yes makes the program open the attached document.
In the Correspondence Type field, you can specify how the attachment of the
interaction template will be sent to contacts. There are three options: Fax, EMail, and Hard Copy. If you fill in this field, next time when you create an
interaction the program will automatically fill in the Correspondence Type field
in the Create Interaction wizard or in the Segment window and select the
appropriate way to send the attachment.
In the Wizard Action field, you specify the action that you want the program to
perform as you click Next on the second page of the Create Interaction wizard.
There are three options:
Blank: If you select this option, the program immediately displays
the second page of the wizard as you click Next.
Open: If you select this option, the program will open the attachment
as you click Next.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Import: If you select this option, the program will import the
attachment as you click Next.
Removing Attachments from Interaction Templates
You can remove an attachment assigned to an interaction template. It may be
necessary, for example, if the document is not used anymore, and you want to
replace it.
To remove an attachment from an interaction template, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the interaction templates.
2. Browse to the interaction template containing the attachment that
you want to delete and click Related Information > Attachment >
3. Confirm your intention to delete the attachment.
The program will remove the attachment.
NOTE: Removing the attachment from the interaction template does not affect
the attachments for interactions created based on that interaction template
previously. You can still open these attachments from the Interaction Log
Entries window by clicking Yes for each interaction log entry.
Exporting Attachments
You can export the attachments contained in interaction templates to a disk. You
may want to do this, for example, if the attachment is a Microsoft® PowerPoint
presentation that you want to be stored on a disk.
To export an attachment, follow this procedure:
1. In the Interaction Templates window, select the interaction
template containing the attachment you want to export.
2. Click Related Information > Attachment and then Export. The
Export Attachment window appears.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
3. Select a path and give the attachment a name to store it as a file.
Click OK.
The program will export the attachment.
Using the Create Interaction Wizard
The program offers several ways of creating interactions:
Using the Create Interaction wizard for a single contact or
Using the Segment window for one or several contacts. Creating
interactions from this window is covered in the “Campaign and
Segmentation” chapter.
Automatically when you perform specific actions in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV. The list of such actions is presented in the
“Automatically Recorded Interactions” section in this chapter.
NOTE: In terms of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, creating interactions means
recording or logging them in the Interaction Log Entries window.
Create Interaction Wizard
Open the Create Interaction wizard from the contact card or the
salesperson/purchaser card by clicking the Create Interact button in the Action
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Mandatory Information
On the pages of the Create Interaction wizard, specify the following information:
The interaction template to indicate the type of the interaction you
are creating and make the program record an interaction log entry.
The name of the contact involved in the interaction.
The salesperson/purchaser responsible for the interaction.
The description of the interaction.
The date of the interaction.
The program automatically enters the values specified for the selected interaction
template, but you can change them.
The following table lists the optional fields that can be found on the pages of the
Create Interaction wizard.
If the interaction contains an attachment, in this field, you
can specify the way the program will handle an attached
document. There are four options: Blank, Hard Copy, EMail, and Fax.
If you select Hard Copy, then when you click Finish,
the program will automatically print the attachment.
If you select E-Mail, then when you click Finish, the
program will automatically send the attachment by email.
If you select Fax and the program is integrated with a
fax, the attachment will be sent automatically by fax.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
If you leave this field blank, the program will not send
or print the attachment. You can use this option, for
example, if you have already printed or sent the
attachment before recording the interaction.
Time of
In these fields, you can specify the date and time when the
interaction was created.
Direction of
Information Flow
In this field, you can specify the direction the information
flows. You can select among the Inbound and Outbound
Initiated by
In this field, you can specify who was an initiator of the
interaction. You can select among Us and Them.
Evaluation of the
In this field, specify how you evaluate this interaction. You
can select among five options: Very Positive, Positive,
Neutral, Negative, and Very Negative.
It is also possible to evaluate the interaction in the
Interaction Log Entries window after it was logged.
Interaction cost
In this field, you can specify estimated value of the
In this field, you can specify, how long the interaction will
Campaign code
By specifying a campaign code in this field, you can link
the interaction to a campaign. If the interaction is linked to
a campaign, when you click Finish, the program will
automatically record the interaction as a campaign entry for
the specified campaign.
Opportunity code
By specifying an opportunity code in this field, you can
link the interaction to an opportunity.
The following screen shots show the fields described.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Importing Attachments
If you have chosen an interaction template that does not include an attachment,
but for which the Import option has been selected in the Wizard Action field in
the Interaction Template window, then you can import the attachment while
creating an interaction with the Create Interaction wizard. When you click Next
in the second page of the wizard, a dialog box appears, offering you to browse to
the file you want to attach. This enables you, for example, to have received
letters attached to the interaction entry.
To import an attachment, do these steps:
1. Scan the letter received.
2. Import it with the Create Interaction wizard.
As you click Finish in the Create Interaction wizard, the interaction log entry is
recorded and the scanned letter is attached to it in the Interaction Log Entries
Viewing Recorded Interactions
You can view the created interaction in the Interaction Log Entries window for
the specific contact or salesperson.
For example, to see the interactions involving The Cannon Group, on the contact
card, click Related Information > Contact, and then Interaction Log Entries.
The Interaction Log Entries window for The Cannon Group appears:
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
The Interaction Log Entries window contains a list of all the interactions
involving the contact, presenting the details for each interaction, such as cost,
duration, and the salesperson that handled them. If the interaction contains an
attachment (for example, a letter or another document sent), you can view it by
clicking Yes in the Attachment field or clicking Show in the Action Pane.
NOTE: For interactions that do not contain an attachment clicking Show opens
the document in NAV the interactions are created for. Clicking No for such
interactions does not lead to any results.
The Interaction Log Entry window can also be accessed from a salesperson
card, a to-do card, a contact card, a campaign card or a list of opportunities. In
each case, it will display interactions recorded for the respective entity.
Postponing the Interaction
While creating an interaction, you may decide to interrupt this process by closing
the Create Interaction wizard, for example, if you need to add some details to a
salesperson or campaign card, or simply to postpone creating an interaction. You
can close the wizard in several ways:
By clicking the Close button.
By pressing the ESC key.
If you close the wizard, a message appears asking whether you want to finish this
interaction later. Click Yes if you want to postpone the creation of this interaction
and finish it later. When you click Yes, the program automatically stores the
newly created interaction in the Postponed Interactions window. If you have
linked the interaction to a campaign, the program does not insert a new entry in
the Campaign Entry window yet. It will be inserted when the interaction is
logged in Interaction Log Entries.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
If a postponed interaction contains an attachment, it will be stored in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV. To view an attachment stored for a contact, do the following:
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Select the contact which you want to view an attachment for the
postponed interaction for.
3. Click Related Information > Contact > Postpones Interactions.
4. In the Postponed Interactions window, select the interaction with
the attachment you want to view, and click Show. You can continue
editing the attachment only in the Create Interaction wizard when
you resume the interaction.
Finishing and Deleting Postponed Interactions
You can finish or delete a postponed interaction from any location it is created –
a contact, salesperson, and to-do cards, or a list of opportunities.
To finish a postponed interaction:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Administration Sales/Purchase
button, and then click Salespeople/Purchasers. Select a salesperson
you want to finish an interaction for and click Related Information
> Salesperson > Postponed Interactions.
2. Select the interaction you want to finish, and in the Action Pane,
click Resume.
3. Fill in the remaining fields in the wizard and modify the attachment,
if necessary.
4. Click Finish.
Now the interaction is logged to the interaction log, and if you have linked the
interaction to a campaign, a record also appears in the Campaign Entry window.
5. To view this record, on the list of campaigns, select a campaign you
want to view entries for and click Related Information >
Campaign Entries. For information about campaign entries, refer to
the “Campaign and Segmentation” chapter.
NOTE: You can postpone and resume creation of an interaction as many times
as you want.
To delete a postponed interaction:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Administration Sales/Purchase
button, and then click Salespeople/Purchasers. Select a salesperson
you want to delete an interaction for and click Related Information
> Salesperson > Postponed Interactions.
2. Select the interaction you want to delete, and click Actions >
Functions > Delete or click Actions > Delete.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
3. To confirm the deletion, click Yes in the message that appears.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Lab 5.2 – Record Interactions
In this lab, you will practice recording an interaction for one of your contacts.
You have just come back from a meeting with John Smith at MultiSport, where
you presented your new line of bicycles to him. The meeting went well.
Challenge Yourself
1. Record the interaction.
2. Evaluate the meeting during recording the interaction.
Need a Little Help
1. For contact John Smith, record an interaction using the BUS
interaction template. Its correspondence type is hard copy, which
makes the program automatically print the letter as the interaction is
2. Specify your evaluation of the interaction as a very positive one.
3. Indicate a successful attempt of the interaction.
Step by Step
For contact John Smith, create an interaction using the Business Letter
interaction template.
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to John Smith from
2. In the Action Pane, click Create Interact.
3. In the Create Interaction wizard, click the AssistButton next to the
What is the type of interaction? field and select BUS for Business
4. In the Description field, enter description of the meeting.
Specify your evaluation of the interaction as a very positive one.
Click Next. Click the AssistButton next to the Enter the evaluation of the
interaction here field and select Very Positive.
Indicate a successful attempt of the interaction.
Select the The interaction attempt was successful check box.
As you click Finish, a record about this interaction is created in the interaction
log and a letter is printed.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Making Phone Calls
You can have the program create interaction entries as you make a phone call to
your contacts.
Before you can record phone calls as interactions in the program, you must
ensure that the interaction template code for outgoing phone calls has been
selected in the Outgoing Calls field on the General FastTab in the Interaction
Template Setup window.
NOTE: Making phone calls is only recorded as interaction when working with
the Classic client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For performing the procedures
described in this section, be sure to open the Classic client.
When you want to make a call, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Sales & Marketing > Marketing >
2. Browse to the contact you want to call to.
3. Go to the Communication tab. Click the button
next to the
Phone No. field. Make sure the phone number for the contact is
specified. As you click this button, the Make Phone Call wizard
4. Fill in the Description field. Other fields on this page are filled in by
the program.
5. Select the Dial Contact on Next check box, if you want to start
calling the contact once you click Next in the wizard. In this case,
the Phone Dialer application opens with the contact phone number
specified. Click Dial to perform a call. You will continue working
with the wizard after performing a call.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
6. If you do not select the Dial Contact on Next check box, clicking
Next moves you to the next page of the wizard.
7. Fill in the What is your evaluation of the phone call? field with
either of the available options: Very Positive, Positive, Neutral,
Negative, and Very Negative.
8. Click Next. On this page, you can specify a campaign and/or an
opportunity to link them to the call.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
9. Click Finish.
As the interaction is recorded, you can view it in the Interaction Log Entries
window, opened from the contact card for the contact who you called to. To open
the Interaction Log Entries window, on the contact card, click Contact >
Interaction Log Entries. The window contains a new entry for the phone call.
NOTE: In the RoleTailored client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, to be able to
make phone calls, you must have Microsoft Office Communicator installed.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
You can have the program create interaction entries as you send e-mails to your
NOTE: Sending and receiving e-mails are only recorded as interactions in the
Classic client of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For performing the procedures
described in this section, be sure to open the Classic client.
If you have Microsoft® Office Outlook® installed, you can send your e-mails
from Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This is an easy and quick way to communicate
with your contacts (customers, vendors, and so on).
As your e-mails are logged as interaction log entries, you can share the
information about any e-mail correspondence going on with your external
contacts. This allows other members of the organization to follow up on e-mail
From the Interaction Log Entries window, you can open mails and view their
contents. To do this, select the entry for the mail in question, and then click the
Show button.
Before you can send e-mails, set up
The interaction template code in the E-Mails field on the General
tab in the Interaction Template Setup window.
The E-Mail Logging feature on the E-Mail Logging tab of the
Marketing Setup window.
To read about setting up interaction templates and the E-Mail Logging feature,
refer to the “Setup Procedure” chapter.
The section below describes how you send e-mails and have them logged in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Sending E-Mails
There are two ways to send e-mails to your contacts from Microsoft Dynamics
By clicking the envelope button
to the right of the E-Mail field
on the Communication tab on the contact card and going through
the process of creating an e-mail message with the Create Mail
By using the Create Interaction wizard, and selecting e-mail as a
correspondence type. For more information about sending e-mails
with the Create Interaction wizard, refer to the “Using the Create
Interaction Wizard” section in this chapter.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
To send an e-mail with the Create Mail wizard and create an interaction log
entry, follow these steps:
1. Open the contact card for the contact you want to send an e-mail
message to. Go to the Communication tab.
2. Make sure an e-mail address is specified for the contact. Click the
envelope button
wizard appears.
to the right of the E-Mail field. The Create Mail
3. Fill in the Description field. Other fields are filled in by the
4. Select the Mail contact on Next check box, if you want to start
writing an e-mail message as you click Next.
In this case, a standard Microsoft Office Outlook window opens
where you can write a message. Clicking Send will send your
message to the contact. You will continue working with the wizard
after sending a message.
If you do not select the Mail contact on Next check box, clicking
Next moves you to the next page of the wizard.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
5. Fill in the What is your evaluation of the mail? field with either of
the available options: Very Positive, Positive, Neutral, Negative, and
Very Negative.
You may want to link the mail to a campaign and/or an opportunity, or change
the mail initiator, cost, or duration. You can do it in the relevant fields of this
page in the wizard.
6. Click Finish.
As you click Finish in the wizard, an interaction log entry about the message sent
is created for the contact.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
NOTE: The procedure of logging received e-mails is the same as for e-mails
sent. For further details about the E-Mail Logging feature, refer to the section
“E-Mail Logging for MS Exchange Server” in the Sales & Marketing–Navision
Technical White Paper.
Automatically Recorded Interactions
You can have the program automatically record the sales, purchase, and service
documents that you create and print for your contacts as interactions. You can do
this only if the contact in question is also recorded in the program as a customer,
vendor, or bank.
For example, if a contact is also recorded as a customer, you can create a sales
quote from the contact’s customer card, and you can have the program
automatically record an interaction when you print the sales quote.
When you perform certain sales, purchase, and service actions in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV for a customer or vendor that is also recorded as a contact, the
program automatically records the action as an interaction for the contact in the
Sales & Marketing application area.
The program records interactions when you do the following:
Print sales and purchase quotes.
Print sales and purchase orders.
Print sales and purchase invoices.
Print sales and purchase blanket orders.
Print sales reminders.
Print sales statements.
Print sales and purchase credit memos.
Print sales shipment notes.
Print purchase receipts.
Create service orders.
Print sales return orders and return receipts.
Print sales finance charge memos.
Print purchase return shipments and return order confirmations.
Print service contracts, contract quotes, and quotes.
NOTE: The current version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV does not create an
interaction log entry when a service order is posted.
If a service order had been logged during creation and then posted, the program
does not allow opening a service order from the log.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
You can see the interactions that the program has automatically created for a
contact in the contact’s interaction log.
Demonstration – Create and Print Sales Quotes for
In this demonstration, you will see that a sales quote created and printed for a
customer can be recorded as an interaction. If a contact is registered in the
program and linked with that customer – the program will create an interaction
entry for a sales quote created and printed.
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to the contact you want to
create a sale quote for. A contact must not be an independent contact.
2. To be able to create a sales quote, the contact you selected must be
linked to a customer, vendor, and/or bank account. To find out what
the contact is linked to, click Related Information > Contact >
Customer/Vendor/Bank Acc. As any of the three cards may appear,
for the sake of the example, suppose that the customer card appears.
NOTE: If a contact is not linked to a customer, vendor, and/or bank account yet,
you must link it to any of them. For information about linking a contact to a
customer, vendor, and/or bank account, refer to the “Contacts” chapter.
3. Before creating a sales quote, ensure that the posting groups are
specified for a customer. To do this, on the Invoicing FastTab of the
customer card, verify that the Gen. Bus. Posting Group, VAT Bus.
Posting Group, and Customer Posting Group fields are filled in
with appropriate posting groups.
4. On the customer card, click Related Information > Sales > Quotes.
The Sales Quotes window with the list of the sales quotes appears.
5. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new sales quote.
6. Press ENTER to have the program automatically enter the next
available sales quote number. The program also fills in the fields for
the customer and the linked contact.
7. Enter the quote details.
8. In the Action Pane, click Print to print the sales quote. The Sales Quote window appears.
9. On the Options FastTab, choose whether you want to show internal
information, archive a document, and specify the number of copies
you want to be printed. Make sure the Log Interaction check box is
10. Click Print.
The program will automatically record the sales quote as an interaction for the
contact though it was created for the customer also. You can view the interaction
entry by selecting the line with the quote and clicking Show in the Interaction
Log Entries window opened for the contact.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Printing a Contact Cover Sheet
The program can automatically create an interaction entry when you print cover
sheets to send to your contacts. To have the program do it, select the Log
Interaction check box in the Contact – Cover Sheet window. By default, this
check box is selected. An interaction log entry is not created if this check box is
To create log entries and print cover sheets for a contact, follow these steps:
1. On the contact card for your contact, click Actions > Functions >
Print Cover Sheet. The Contact - Cover Sheet window appears.
2. Go to the Options FastTab.
3. Fill in the Text field with the relevant text and select any check
boxes in the Remarks area according to your needs.
4. Click Print.
The program will print cover sheets and create a new interaction entry for the
contact. You can view it in the Interaction Log Entries window for this contact.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Lab 5.3 – Create an Automatically Recorded Interaction
In this lab, you will practice performing actions that make the program
automatically create an interaction.
In his letter, John Drave, a new contact, told you that he is interested in buying
50 bicycles (item number 1000). Since you have not signed a contract with John,
you decide to register him as a contact and create and print a sales quote for him.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a new contact card for John Drave and link it to a customer.
2. Create a sales quote for John for 50 bicycles and print it.
3. Verify that the interaction log entry is created.
Step by Step
Create a new contact card for John Drave.
1. On the list of the contacts, click New.
2. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
a customer.
3. In the Type field, click the AssistButton and select Company.
4. In the Name field, enter “John Drave”.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Salesperson Code field and select
PS as a salesperson who will handle John.
6. Click Actions > Functions > Link with existing > Customer.
7. In the Customer No. field of the Customer Link window, click the
AssistButton and select customer to link with John.
Create a quote for John for 50 bicycles and print it.
1. In the Action Pane of the contact card, click Sales Quotes.
2. In the Action Pane of the Sales Quotes window that appears, click
New to create a new quote.
3. On the Lines FastTab, click the AssistButton next to the Type field,
and select Item.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the No. field, and select 1000,
Bicycle. In the Quantity field, enter “50”.
5. In the Action Pane of the sales quote, click Print. Make sure the Log
Interaction check box.
6. Click Print.
Verify that the interaction log entry is created.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
1. From the contact card, click Related Information > Contact >
Interaction Log Entries.
2. Browse to the entry that relates to printing of the sales quote.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Canceling and Deleting Interaction Log Entries
You can manage interaction log entries by canceling or deleting them. You may
want to cancel an interaction entry if, for example, it records an interaction that
has never been performed. Deleting interaction log entries may be needed if the
list of interaction entries is overloaded with records.
Canceling Interaction Log Entries
To cancel an interaction log entry, follow these steps:
1. Open the Interaction Log Entries window.
2. Select the interaction log entry you want to cancel and click Actions
> Functions > Switch Checkmark in Canceled.
3. Confirm cancellation in the subsequent message.
NOTE: You can cancel several interactions at once by selecting them in the
Interaction Log Entries window and using the Switch Checkmark in Canceled
Deleting Interaction Log Entries
As you canceled an interaction log entry, it can be deleted. Only canceled
interaction log entries can be deleted. To delete canceled interaction log entries,
follow this procedure:
1. Click Departments > Administration > IT Administration > Data
Deletion > Tasks, and then under Marketing Activities, click
Delete Canceled Interaction Log Entries. The Delete Interaction
Log Entries window appears.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
2. To the right of the Entry No. field, click the AssistButton and select
the interaction log entry or the range of them that you want to delete.
NOTE: You can specify any other parameter to indicate which of the canceled
interaction log entries you want to delete. If no parameters are specified, the
program will delete all canceled interaction entries.
3. Click OK.
The program deletes the interaction log entries you have specified.
Interaction Statistics
You can view statistics about your interactions in the Interaction Tmpl.
Statistics window and the Interaction Group Statistics window.
Interaction Template Statistics
In the Interaction Tmpl. Statistics window, you can view information about the
interaction templates, such as the number of interactions created using the
interaction templates, the total cost, and total duration of these interactions.
To open the Interaction Tmpl. Statistics window, do the following:
1. Open the list of interaction templates.
2. Select the interaction template that you want to view statistics for.
3. In the Action Pane, click Statistics.
To see the details about the interactions created with the interaction template, in
the Interaction Tmpl. Statistics window, click the number next to the No. of
Interactions, Cost (LCY), or Duration (Min.) field. In either case, the
Interaction Log Entries window appears displaying a list of interactions. To
view detailed information of each interaction, select an interaction entry and click
Show. If an interaction does not contain an attachment, a corresponding card
appears (an order, quote, or another one). If yes, the attachment opens.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Interaction Group Statistics
In the Interaction Group Statistics window, you can view information about
interaction groups. The window displays the statistics for interaction templates
assigned to one or another group. For example, for the LETTER interaction
group, you can see how many interactions were created using interaction
templates from this group, and their total cost and duration.
To open the Interaction Group Statistics window, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the interaction groups.
2. Select the interaction group that you want to view statistics for.
3. In the Action Pane click Statistics.
To see details about the interactions created using interaction templates from the
interaction group, in the Interaction Group Statistics window, click the number
next to the No. of Interactions, Cost (LCY), or Duration (Min.) fields. In either
case, the Interaction Log Entries window appears displaying a list of
interactions. To view detailed information of each interaction, select an
interaction entry and click Show. If an interaction does not contain an
attachment, a corresponding card appears (an order, quote, or another one). If
yes, the attachment opens.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Microsoft Dynamics NAV offers you a possibility of recording interactions for
all types of communications you have with your business partners. You can
create interaction entries manually by using the Create Interaction wizard, or you
can have the program record interactions when you
Make a phone call or send an e-mail message.
Perform specific actions in the program such as print a sales quote.
Interactions you create can have attachments which can be created directly from
Microsoft Dynamics NAV or saved on a disk and then imported to the program.
During creation of an interaction, you can postpone the interaction and resume
and finish it later. You can manage interaction entries by canceling and deleting
You can also view interactions statistics by interaction templates and interaction
groups. From statistics, you can learn how many interactions an interaction
template participated in, interaction cost, and duration.
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Test Your Knowledge
1. What must you do to delete an interaction log entry?
2. True or False:
You can send e-mails to your contacts only by clicking the envelope icon
next to the E-Mail field on the Communication FastTab on a contact card.
3. Complete the following sentence:
You can ______________ and _________________ creation of an
interaction as many times as you need.
4. You can insert attachments in interaction templates by (select all that apply):
( ) Copying the attachments assigned to other interaction templates
( ) Creating a new attachment
( ) Modifying a document stored in the Attachments folder
( ) Importing a created document into Microsoft Dynamics NAV
5. Your attachment contains merge fields. Where is information taken for filling
them in?
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 5: Interactions and Document Management
Test Your Knowledge
1. What must you do to delete an interaction log entry?
You must first cancel it because only canceled log entries can be deleted.
2. True or False:
You can send e-mails to your contacts only by clicking the envelope icon
next to the E-Mail field on the Communication FastTab on a contact card.
False: There are two ways of sending e-mails to your contacts from Microsoft
Dynamics NAV: you can click the envelope icon to the right of the E-Mail field
on the Communication FastTab on the contact card. Or you can use the Create
Interaction wizard, and select E-Mail in the Correspondence Type field.
3. Complete the following sentence:
You can ______________ and _________________ creation of an
interaction as many times as you need.
You can postpone and resume creation of an interaction as many times as you
4. You can insert attachments in interaction templates by:
(√) Copying the attachments assigned to other interaction templates
(√) Creating a new attachment
( ) Modifying a document stored in the Attachments folder
(√) Importing a created document into Microsoft Dynamics NAV
5. Your attachment contains merge fields. Where is information taken for filling
them in?
Microsoft Dynamics NAV fills in the merge fields with the information from the
Contact Card, Interaction Log Entries, Salesperson/Purchaser Card, and
Company Information windows.
Chapter 6: Task Management
The objectives for this chapter are:
Describe activities and to-dos.
Set up teams and activities.
Create to-dos.
Assign activities to salespeople and teams.
Create recurring to-dos.
Modify to-dos.
Convert team to-dos.
Send meeting invitations.
Close, cancel and delete to-dos.
View statistical information about to-dos.
Chapter 6: Task Management
In the Sales & Marketing application area, all tasks you want to assign to your
salespeople can be recorded. With the program, you can track performance of
these tasks. In the program, such tasks are called activities and to-dos.
This chapter tells you how to assign to-dos and activities to an individual
salesperson or a group of salespeople and make the program record interaction
log entries whenever tasks are carried out.
Setting Up Teams
A team is a group of salespeople that is created for a specific purpose, such as
marketing, internal audit, or some other specific function within it.
Setting up a team includes two steps:
1. Creating a team code.
2. Adding salespeople to the team.
To create a team code, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button, and then click
Teams. The list of the existing teams appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new team code.
3. In the Code field, enter a code for the new team.
4. In the Name field, enter a name for the new team.
Chapter 6: Task Management
The team is created. Now you can add salespeople to it. However, the team may
be left empty.
1. To add salespeople to the team, in the Action Pane, click
Salespeople. The Team Salespeople window appears.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Salesperson Code field and select
a salesperson you want to add to the team. The salesperson’s name
appears in the Salesperson Name field.
Repeat this step for each salesperson you want to add to the team. You can add as
many salespeople as you need.
Deleting Teams
If a team is no longer relevant, you can delete it. Follow this procedure:
Open the list of the teams.
Browse to the team you want to delete.
Press CTRL+D.
A message appears asking you whether you want to delete a team.
Confirm your intention by clicking Yes.
NOTE: The to-dos related to this team will not be deleted. If necessary, you
delete them manually. If to-dos are canceled, use the Delete To-dos batch job.
To-dos are described in the “To-dos Overview” topic in this chapter. To read
Chapter 6: Task Management
more about deleting canceled to-dos, refer to the “Closing, Canceling, and
Deleting To-dos” section in this chapter.
Setting Up Activities
Activities are large tasks that may consist of several smaller tasks called to-dos.
By setting up activities, you can create a number of to-dos much more quickly
than if you create each to-do individually. Each to-do can be assigned a type,
priority, and date formula. The program uses the latter for calculating the date of
completing a to-do.
You set up an activity and the to-dos that make up that activity in the Activity
window. To set up an activity, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Lists, click Activities. The list of the existing activities appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new activity. The Activity
window for the new activity appears.
Chapter 6: Task Management
3. In the Code field, enter a code for the new activity.
4. In the Description field, enter a description of the activity.
5. On the first empty line of the Lines FastTab, click the AssistButton
next to the Type field and select the type of a to-do to be included in
the activity. If the to-do you are creating is not a meeting or a phone
call, leave this field blank.
6. In the Description field, enter a description of the to-do.
7. In the Priority field, select a priority for the to-do.
8. In the Date Formula field, enter a date formula. The program will
use it to calculate when the activity step, meaning this to-do, it to be
completed. The program calculates the date by which the step is
completed basing on the date the activity was assigned. Date
formulas are entered according to the Microsoft Dynamics® NAV
rules for entering date formulas.
You can include as many to-dos to the activity as you need to.
To-Dos Overview
To-dos are tasks that are assigned to an individual person or a group of people.
To-dos can be part of activities or created individually. In the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, each to-do has an individual card to store a variety of relevant
business information on.
To-dos can be of the following types:
Phone Call
Chapter 6: Task Management
To-dos of the Meeting type may contain multiple participants. You can associate
to-dos with contacts, salespeople, teams, campaigns, opportunities or segments.
Each to-do can be assigned a priority level and a status. A to-do can be marked as
closed if it is completed, or canceled, if it is no longer relevant, and/or if you
want to delete it.
You can create recurring to-dos, that is, tasks that must be repeated at a defined
Statistical information about to-dos can be viewed in the To-dos Matrix
window. Information displayed in this window can be customized to show you
precisely what you need to view.
To be able to assign to-dos and activities to teams, first it is necessary to set up
each of them.
Creating To-Dos
You can create to-dos for all the tasks that you want to assign to contacts,
salespeople or teams. If you need to assign to-dos to your employees, you must
register them in the program as salespeople.
You create to-dos in the To-do List window. Depending on where you open the
To-do List window from, the window shows to-dos either for contacts,
salespeople, campaigns, segments, opportunities or teams. The following
procedure shows how to create a to-do from a salesperson.
1. Open a list of salespeople. In the navigation pane, click the
Administration Sales/Purchase button, and then click
2. Browse to the salesperson you want to create a to-do for and click
Related Information > Salesperson > To-Dos.
Chapter 6: Task Management
3. In the Action Pane of the To-do List window, click Create To-do.
The Create To-do wizard appears.
4. Fill in the fields on the first page. The Description field is a
mandatory one and must be filled in before you can click Next. For
to-dos of the Meeting type, you must also fill in the Starting Time
field and the Duration field if the to-do is not an all-day event.
5. If a to-do is of the Meeting type that will last the whole day, select
the All Day Event check box.
NOTE: To be able to create a to-do of the Meeting type, a salesperson you are
creating the to-do for must have an e-mail address specified.
6. Click Next.
7. If you are creating a to-do of the Meeting type, then on the second
page in the Create To-do wizard, add attendees and fill in the fields
for each attendee. You can select them from among contacts and
NOTE: Information about the to-do organizer cannot be changed or deleted; this
salesperson is set as the to-do organizer since the to-do is created from this
salesperson’s card.
NOTE: If the to-do has been created from the place other than a salesperson
card, you must specify a salesperson or a team before you can click Next or
Having added attendees of the meeting, you can send them invitations. When
dealing with to-dos, attachments are referred to as invitations. To be able to send
invitations, do the following:
8. Assign the interaction template which has an attachment inserted to
the to-do by clicking the AssistButton next to the Interaction
Template Code field and selecting a template with an attachment.
If you want to use your attachment as an invitation, first, you must insert this
attachment into an interaction template, and then use this template in the wizard.
You cannot create an attachment in the wizard, you can only modify it.
If at least one meeting attendee is of the Contact type, to be able to send an
invitation to that attendee, a to-do must have an attachment. The attendee will
receive a common Microsoft® Office Outlook® e-mail message with the
invitation attached.
Attendees of the Salesperson type will receive invitations composed of the text
offered by Microsoft Dynamics NAV with merge fields in it. The program fills in
these fields automatically with information from salespersons’ cards when you
Chapter 6: Task Management
are sending the invitation. Invitations for attendees of the Salesperson type are
also sent through Microsoft Office Outlook.
To be able to send invitations to contacts and salespeople added as attendees they
must have an e-mail address specified. To find out how to send invitations to
attendees, refer to the “Sending E-Mail Meeting Invitations” section in this
In the Language Code field, you can change the language of the interaction
The Attachment field shows whether the interaction template, and therefore the
to-do, has an attachment. The Yes option in this field indicates that you can use
this interaction template for sending invitations to attendees. Moreover, if this
field contains Yes, you can view and edit the invitation by clicking Yes.
9. Fill in the other relevant fields on the following page in the wizard.
10. When you have completed the Create To-do wizard, the to-do
appears in the salesperson’s to-do list.
Chapter 6: Task Management
The to-do also appears on the to-do lists of the invited attendees (salespeople and
When you create a to-do and assign it to a team, the to-do will appear not only on
team’s to-do list but also on the to-do lists of salespeople that are members of
that team.
Demonstration – Create To-dos for a Segment
This demonstration shows how to use a segment for creating to-dos for it.
To create a to-do for a segment, follow this procedure:
Chapter 6: Task Management
1. Open the list of the existing segments. In the navigation pane, click
the Home button, and then click Segments.
2. Browse to the segment you need to create a to-do for.
3. Click Related Information > Segment > To-Dos. The to-do list
window appears.
4. In the Action Pane, click Create To-do. Follow the wizard
instructions. If you are creating a to-do of the Meeting type, the
program will add all contacts from the segment to the attendee list
for this to-do.
5. Click Finish, and confirm the following message:
If you click No, the to-do will not be created.
If you are creating a to-do of the Blank of Phone Call type, the program will
create a to-do for each contact in the segment.
There is another place in the program from which to-dos can be created. When
you print a sales quote, the program offers you to create a follow-up to-do. In
such a way, you can create a to-do to remind you to call a customer and follow
up on the quote.
Lab 6.1 – Create a To-Do for a Salesperson
In this lab, you will practice creating a to-do for a salesperson.
You need one of your salespeople, Debra L. Core, to send a letter to Patrick Dalle
from Lovaina Contractors.
Challenge Yourself
Assign Debra L. Core a to-do to send a letter to Patrick Dalle from Lovaina
Contractors, with detailed information about the Millennium bicycle series.
Step by Step
1. In the navigation pane, click Administration Sales/Purchase >
2. On the list of the salespeople, select DC for Debra L. Core and click
Related Information > Salesperson > To-dos.
3. In the Action Pane, click Create To-do.
Chapter 6: Task Management
4. Leave the field with the to-do type empty. In the Description field,
enter “To send a letter to Patrick Dalle”.
5. Click Next.
6. In the Who is the contact? field, click the AssistButton and select
contact CT100219, Patrick Dalle.
7. Click Finish.
The created to-do appears on the to-do lists for Debra Core and Patrick Dalle.
Creating Recurring To-Dos
You can create recurring to-dos for tasks that occur periodically. You specify that
a to-do is a recurring one either on the last page in the Create To-do wizard or on
the Recurrence FastTab of the To-do Card once the to-do is created.
To specify that a to-do is recurring in the To-do Card window, take the
following actions:
1. Open the to-do card. You can do it on the to-do list by selecting a todo you want to make a recurring one and clicking Related
Information > To-do > Card.
2. Go to the Recurring FastTab.
3. Select the Recurring check box.
4. Specify a date formula in the Recurring Date Interval field. The
program will use this formula to assign this recurring to-do to a
salesperson or a team.
5. Specify the date the program will use as the first due date. Do it by
selecting Due Date or Closing Date in the Calc. Due Date From
6. Now, when you close or cancel the to-do, the following message will
A new recurring to-do will be created.
For creating a recurring to-do in the Create To-do wizard, specify this
information on the last page in the wizard.
Demonstration – Create Recurring To-dos
This demonstration shows how to make a recurring to-do which must be
performed each month.
Chapter 6: Task Management
You decide that the Identify key persons to-do must be a recurring one,
performed each month. This to-do is assigned to contact CT200107, Pete Male.
You make this change on the to-do card:
Open the list of the contacts.
Browse to the contact Pete Male.
Click Related Information > Contact > To-dos.
Select the to-do you want to be a recurring one, and click Related
Information > To-do > Card: the to-do card appears.
5. Go to the Recurring FastTab and select the Recurring check box.
6. The Recurring Date Interval and Calc. Due Date From fields are
now active, and you can enter information there.
The Recurring FastTab will then look like the following figure.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Assigning Activities
You can assign large tasks (activities) composed of several to-dos to salespeople
or teams. If you need to assign activities to your employees, you must register
them in the program as salespeople.
Activities can be assigned using the To-do List window. The following
procedure shows how to assign activities to a contact.
1. Open a list of the contacts.
2. Browse to the contact you want to assign the activity to, and then
click Related Information > Contact > To-dos: the To-do List
window appears.
Chapter 6: Task Management
3. Click Actions > Functions > Assign Activities. The Assign Activity
wizard appears.
4. Specify the activity code and the starting date for the activity. The
program automatically fills in the field with the responsible
salesperson copying it from the contact card. Click Next.
5. To link a campaign or a segment to the activity, select either or both
on the second page in the wizard.
6. When you click Finish, the program automatically assigns all the todos within the activity to the contact. There will be no entry for the
activity itself as it is represented by to-dos it consists of.
If you assign an activity to a team, and this activity contains to-dos of the
Meeting type, you must specify a to-do organizer on the first page of the wizard.
If you assign this kind of activity to a salesperson, the to-do organizer will be the
salesperson selected in the Salesperson Code field on the first page of the
Chapter 6: Task Management
Modifying To-dos
Sometimes you may need to modify a to-do by linking it to a contact or changing
its priority level or status. You do this on the to-do card.
If you need to add, delete, or change an attendee for a to-do of the Meeting type
or change the attachment that will be sent to attendees as a meeting invitation,
you can do this from the Attendee Scheduling card for that to-do.
To modify the to-do attendees, do the following:
1. Open a list of the salespeople and browse to the salesperson the to-do
is assigned to.
2. Click Related Information > Salesperson > To-dos.
3. Select the to-do of the Meeting type which you want to modify.
4. Click Related Information > To-do > Attendee Scheduling. The
Attendee Scheduling window appears.
NOTE: If the salesperson you selected is not a meeting organizer, you can still
modify the to-do. No need to search for the to-do organizer and open this window
for him.
5. Add, delete, or replace the to-do attendees. The to-do organizer
cannot be changed.
In this window, you can also add or modify the attachment that will be sent to the
1. To change the attachment for the to-do, go to the Interaction
FastTab, and in the Attachment field, click the Yes option if you are
about to modify the attachment or No if you want to import the
Chapter 6: Task Management
In either case the Microsoft Word document opens.
2. If you clicked Yes in the Attachment field, an attachment is opened
in Microsoft Word. You can modify an attachment, save and close it.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV inserts an attachment you modified.
3. If you clicked No, Microsoft Word opens a blank document. Write
any text to want, save it and close. Microsoft Dynamics NAV asks
you if you want to import this document as an attachment. Click Yes.
The value in the Attachment field changes to Yes.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
Delegating To-Dos
A to-do assigned to a team or a salesperson can be delegated to another team or
salesperson. The following topics tell how to delegate
Chapter 6: Task Management
A salesperson to-do to another salesperson.
A team to-do to a salesperson.
A salesperson to-do to a team.
A team to-do to another team.
Delegating a Salesperson To-Do to Another Salesperson
You may need to do delegate a to-do if the salesperson to which it has been
assigned cannot complete it.
For delegating to-dos use the To-do Card window. The following procedure
shows how to delegate a to-do assigned to a salesperson to another salesperson.
1. Open the list of the salespeople.
2. Browse to the salesperson the to-do has been assigned to, and click
Related Information > Salesperson > To-dos.
3. In the To-do List window, select the to-do you want to delegate to
another salesperson and click Related Information > To-do >
Card. The to-do card appears.
Chapter 6: Task Management
4. To delegate the to-do to another salesperson, click the AssistButton
next to the Salesperson Code field and select the salesperson you
want to delegate this to-do to. The program automatically transfers
the to-do from one salesperson to another.
NOTE: You cannot change the salesperson code for to-dos of the Meeting type,
because this salesperson is a to-do organizer.
Delegating Team To-Dos to a Salesperson
To delegate a team to-do to a salesperson, do the following:
1. On the list of teams, select the team whose to-do you want to
delegate to a salesperson, and then click Related Information >
Team > To-dos. The To-do List window appears.
2. Select the to-do and open its card.
3. On the to-do card, click the AssistButton next to the Salesperson
Code field.
4. Select the salesperson you want to delegate this to-do to and click
5. Confirm the subsequent message.
When a team to-do of the Meeting type is delegated to a salesperson, the list of
meeting attendees is copied from the team to-do attendee list. If the salesperson
you delegate a to-do to was a to-do attendee, it then becomes the meeting
organizer. The meeting organizer of the initial team to-do becomes a meeting
Chapter 6: Task Management
Delegating Salesperson To-Dos to a Team
Perform the following procedure to delegate a salesperson to-do to a team:
1. Open a list of the salespeople and browse to the salesperson whose
to-do you want to delegate to a team.
2. Click Related Information > Salesperson > To-dos. The To-do
List window appears.
3. Select the to-do you want to delegate to a team, and open its card.
4. On the to-do card, click the AssistButton next to the Team Code
5. Select the team to which you want to reassign this to-do.
If you delegate a salesperson to-do of the Meeting type to a team, then
salespeople included in the new team will be assigned to this to-do as attendees.
The to-do organizer will not be changed.
NOTE: You cannot delegate a to-do to both a salesperson and a team. If you
enter a salesperson code, the program automatically clears the Team Code field.
If you enter a team code, the program automatically clears the Salesperson Code
field. You cannot remove both the salesperson code and team code from To-do
Card – you must specify at least one of them.
Delegating a Team To-Do to Another Team
To delegate a team to-do to another team, do the following:
1. Open the list of the teams and select the team whose to-do you want
to delegate to another team.
2. Click Related Information > Team > To-dos. The To-do List
window appears.
3. Select the to-do you want to reassign to another team and open its
4. On the to-do card, click the AssistButton next to the Team Code
5. Select the team you want to delegate this to-do to.
6. Confirm the subsequent message.
If you delegate a team to-do of the Meeting type to another team, then
salespeople included in the new team will be assigned to this to-do as attendees.
The to-do organizer will not be changed.
Sending E-Mail Meeting Invitations
You can send meeting invitations using Microsoft Office Outlook e-mail
Chapter 6: Task Management
When you send invitations to attendees, none of the attendees will receive an
Outlook meeting request. They will receive an e-mail message in their inbox,
informing him or her of the meeting. Because you send meeting invitations in
this way, you will not be able to receive the accepted/declined/tentative
notifications from the attendee.
To send a meeting invitation, do the following:
Open a list of the salespeople.
Browse to the salesperson which the to-do is assigned to.
Open the list of the to-dos for the salesperson.
Select the to-do of the Meeting type for which an invitation must be
sent and open the to-do card.
5. Click Related Information > To-do > Attendee Scheduling.
6. On the Lines FastTab, select the Send Invitation check box for the
attendees you want to send an invitation to (by default this check box
is selected for every attendee with an e-mail address).
7. Click Actions > Functions > Send Invitations. Confirm the
subsequent message.
To send an invitation to attendees of the Contact type, the to-do must contain an
attachment. Invitations can only be sent to those attendees for whom an e-mail
address is specified. You can add or edit an attendee's e-mail in the
salesperson/purchaser card or contact card. You can find more information about
invitations in the “Creating To-dos” topic in this chapter.
8. If you have already sent invitations to the attendees and want to
resend them, click Actions > Functions > Send Invitations and
confirm the subsequent message.
9. If you have not sent invitations to some attendees or added new ones
and wish them to receive an invitation, select the Send Invitation
check boxes for those attendees, and then click Actions > Functions
> Send Invitations. The following message appears:
10. Select the appropriate option and click OK.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Attachments will only be sent to attendees of the Contact type.
Attendees of the Salesperson type will receive the following text:
Dear [SP Name],
You are cordially invited to attend the meeting, which will take place on
[date] at [time].
Yours sincerely,
[Meeting Organizer's Name]
[date sent] [time sent]
The text in brackets is a merge field. The program automatically substitutes the
merge fields with the relevant information from the salespersons’ cards. You
cannot modify this text.
NOTE: When an invitation is sent to an attendee, the Invitation Sent check box
is selected for that attendee. A log entry is created in the Interaction Log Entries
table for all contacts to whom invitations were sent. The Send Invitation check
box is not editable for the meeting organizer – it is always selected.
Lab 6.2 – Send E-Mail Meeting Invitations
In this lab, you will practice sending an invitation for the meeting attendees.
You need to create a to-do of the Meeting type with Annette Hill as the to-do
organizer and with Richard Lum and Yvonne McKay as the meeting attendees.
Moreover, you need to send the invitation to Yvonne McKay.
Challenge Yourself
Send the invitation to Yvonne McKay.
Need a Little Help?
1. Make sure Yvonne McKay, which contact number is CT100160, has
an e-mail address specified.
2. Create a to-do of the Meeting type with Annette Hill as the to-do
3. Add Richard Lum and Yvonne McKay as the meeting attendees.
4. Send the invitation to Yvonne McKay.
Step by Step
Make sure Yvonne McKay has an e-mail address specified.
Chapter 6: Task Management
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to Yvonne McKay which
contact number is CT100160.
2. Open Yvonne McKay’s contact card.
3. Go to the Communication FastTab. Verify that an e-mail address is
specified in the E-Mail field.
4. Close the contact card.
Create a to-do of the Meeting type with Annette Hill as the to-do organizer.
1. Open the list of the salespeople/purchasers.
2. Select AH for Annette Hill and click Related Information >
Salesperson > To-dos.
3. In the Action Pane of the To-do List window, click Create To-do.
4. In the What is the type of the to-do? field, click the AssistButton
and select Meeting. Click Next.
5. On the second page of the Create To-do wizard, Annette Hill is
assigned as an organizer.
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Which template will you use for
this e-mail invitation? field and select BUS. This template has an
attachment imported in it so you can use it for sending invitations.
The Attachment field now contains the Yes option.
Add Richard Lum and Yvonne McKay as the meeting attendees.
1. On the second line, in the Attendance Type field, click the
AssistButton and select Required. In the Attendee Type field, select
Salesperson, and in the Attendee Name field, select Richard Lum.
2. On the third line, In the Attendee Type field, select Contact, and in
the Attendee No. field, select CT100160 for Yvonne McKay.
3. Click Finish to complete a to-do.
Send the invitation to Yvonne McKay.
1. In the To-do List window for Annette Hill, browse to the to-do you
just created and open its card.
2. In the To-do Card window, click Related Information > To-do >
Attendee Scheduling.
3. In the Attendee Scheduling window, click Yes next to the
Attachment field. A Microsoft Word document opens. Type the
invitation text, save and close the document.
4. Select the Send Invitation check box for Yvonne McKay and click
Actions > Functions > Send Invitation.
Closing, Canceling, and Deleting To-Dos
You can mark completed to-dos as closed. Once a to-do is closed, you can, for
example, choose to view only current to-dos in the To-dos Matrix window. If a
Chapter 6: Task Management
to-do is no longer relevant, you can cancel it. If you have many to-dos that are
canceled, you may want to delete some or all of them.
Closing or Canceling Salesperson To-Dos
To close or cancel a salesperson to-do, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the salespeople and browse to the salesperson whose
to-do you want to close or cancel.
2. Click Related Information > Salesperson > To-dos. The To-do
List window appears.
3. Select the to-do you want to close or cancel and open its card.
4. Select the Closed or Canceled check box.
If you select the Closed check box, you will be prompted for a reply about
whether you want to create the interaction log entry or not. Clicking Yes runs the
Create Interaction wizard where you will need to fill in the relevant fields.
The procedure of closing and cancelling to-dos for contacts is similar to this.
Closing Team To-Dos
To close a team to-do, follow this procedure:
1. Open a list of the teams and browse to the team whose to-do you
want to close.
2. Click Related Information > Team > To-dos. The To-do List
window appears.
3. Open the to-do card for the to-do you want to close.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Completed By field and select the
salesperson who completed this to-do.
5. Click Yes in the message box that appears. After that the to-do will
be closed.
When closing a team to-do, the program offers you to create an interaction log
entry for this to-do.
The procedure of closing and cancelling to-dos for campaigns and segments is
similar to this.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Deleting To-Dos
To delete canceled to-dos, use the Delete To-dos window. You can specify filters
to choose which to-dos must be deleted. To delete canceled to-dos, follow this
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration > It
Administration > Data Deletion > Marketing Activities > Delete
Canceled To-dos. The Delete To-dos request form appears.
2. To specify which of the canceled to-dos you want to delete, fill in the
relevant fields in the window. If no filters are specified, all canceled
to-dos will be deleted as you click OK.
3. Click OK to run the batch job and delete canceled to-dos.
Demonstration – Delete To-Dos
This demonstration shows how to delete canceled to-dos for a salesperson.
Annette Hill (AH) has a large number of canceled to-dos. After several to-do
were assigned to her and some of them are already closed, the list of to-dos for
her looks as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 6: Task Management
You want to clean the list of her to-dos by deleting the canceled ones.
1. Open the Delete To-dos window.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Salesperson Code field and select
AH for Annette Hill. Leave other fields empty as you want to delete
all the canceled to-dos and only for Annette Hill.
Chapter 6: Task Management
3. Click OK to run the Delete To-dos batch job. The program deletes
all the canceled to-dos for Annette Hill.
Now, the list of Annette Hill’s to-dos looks as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Viewing Statistical Information About To-Dos
You can view statistical information about to-dos in several different windows.
The To-do List window lists the to-dos for a specific team, contact, salesperson,
segment or campaign, and the to-do card, containing all the details about an
individual to-do.
Another window that is used for displaying statistical information the To-dos
Matrix window. To display in this window what exactly you want to view about
to-dos, you need to specify filters in the To-dos window. You open this window
by clicking Departments > Sales & Marketing > Marketing > To-dos in the
navigation pane.
The window has three FastTabs.
On the General FastTab, you can select whether you want to view
to-dos assigned either to a salesperson, team, contact, or campaign.
On the Filters FastTab you can specify on which individual
salesperson, team, campaign, or contact statistics must be displayed.
On the Matrix Options FastTab, you select time interval for the
amounts in the matrix to be viewed, and the range of values to be
displayed in the matrix.
Once all the filters are specified, in the Action Pane, click Show Matrix. The
To-dos Matrix window appears.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Here, you can see salespeople and to-dos performed from month to month.
Demonstration – View Information About To-Dos
This information shows how to view statistical information about to-dos assigned
to a contact company.
You want to see how many to-dos relate to contact company CT000001, The
Cannon Group PLC. Follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Departments button, and then click
Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and under Tasks, click To-dos.
2. Go to the General FastTab.
3. In the Show as Lines field, select Salesperson.
4. In the Show field, select No. of To-dos.
5. In the View by field, on the matrix Options FastTab, select Month.
6. In the Action Pane, click Show Matrix.
Chapter 6: Task Management
7. Close the To-dos Matrix window. On the Filters FastTab of the Todos window, in the Contact Company No. Filter field, click the
AssistButton next to it, and select company CT00001, The Cannon
Group PLC. Click Show Matrix. The To-dos Matrix window now
looks something like this:
You can see how many to-dos are performed by the salespeople that relate to the
contact company, The Cannon Group PLC.
Chapter 6: Task Management
With help of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can effectively manage your tasks
by creating activities and to-dos and assigning them to salespeople, teams,
contacts, campaigns, or segments. Later, you can delegate to-dos to another
salesperson or team.
Using to-dos, you can send meeting invitations to the meeting attendees. If a doto is no longer relevant, you can close, cancel and then delete it.
The program offers you a possibility to view statistical information on
salesperson, team, campaign, or contact to-dos.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Test Your Knowledge
1. What do activities consist of?
2. True or False:
You can view information about to-dos in several different windows.
3. Complete the following sentence:
To create a recurring task, you must select the ________________ check
4. How can you send an invitation to a contact?
( ) From the to-do list
( ) From the Attendee Scheduling window
( ) From the contact card
( ) You cannot send such an invitation
5. How can you delete a canceled to-do?
Chapter 6: Task Management
6. True or False:
Recurring tasks are tasks that you have to create periodically.
Chapter 6: Task Management
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 6: Task Management
Test Your Knowledge
1. What do activities consist of?
Activities consist of smaller tasks called to-dos.
2. True or False:
You can view information about to-dos in several different windows.
True: You can view to-dos statistics from the To-do List window, which lists the
to-dos for a specific team, contact, salesperson, segment or campaign, and the todo card, containing all the details about a specific to-do.
3. Complete the following sentence:
To create a recurring task, you must select the ________________ check
To create a recurring task, you must select the Recurring check box.
4. How can you send an invitation to a contact?
( ) From the to-do list
(√) From the Attendee Scheduling window
( ) From the contact card
( ) You cannot send such an invitation
5. How can you delete a to-do?
You must use the Delete To-dos batch job to delete the canceled to-do.
6. True or False:
Recurring tasks are tasks that you have to create periodically.
False: Recurring tasks are tasks that occur periodically.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
The objectives of this chapter are:
Set up opportunities.
Create opportunities.
Update opportunities with the Update Opportunity wizard.
Create to-dos for opportunities.
Assign sales quotes to opportunities.
Link opportunities to sales quotes.
Create sales orders for opportunities.
Close and delete opportunities.
View opportunities statistics.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Introduction to Opportunity Management
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV offers you a possibility of managing your sales
opportunities. In the program, sales opportunities are referred to as opportunities.
This chapter tells you how to set up, update, close, and delete opportunities. The
chapter also describes creating sales quotes and sales orders for opportunities and
working with to-dos.
The program also makes it possible to view statistical information on
Setting Up Opportunity Parameters
Before you begin working with opportunities, the following opportunity
parameters must be set up:
Sales cycles
Sales cycle stages
Close opportunity codes
Default sales cycle codes
Setting Up Sales Cycles
A sales cycle is a model of the way an opportunity will be carried out. A sales
cycle is made up of a series of stages that indicate the percentage of completeness
of the opportunity. Typically, you set up separate sales cycles for each group of
your contacts (for example, an industry group or a segment) whose members
follow the same sales cycle.
To set up a new sales cycle, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing > Sales
Cycles. The list of the existing sales cycles appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new sales cycle.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new sales cycle.
4. In the Probability Calculation field, specify the way of how the
program must calculate the probability of the opportunity completing
this sales cycle.
The probability calculation is based on values in the Chances of Success (%)
and/or the Completed (%) fields located on the Lines FastTab of the opportunity
card. In the Probability Calculation field, select among four options. The
following table describes what each of these options means.
Field Option
If you select this option, the probability percentage is
calculated by multiplying the contents of the Chances
of Success % and Completed % fields.
If you select this option, the probability percentage is
calculated by adding the contents of the Chances of
Success % and Completed % fields.
Chances of Success
If you select either of these options, the probability
percentage is copied from the corresponding field on
the opportunity card.
Completed %
5. If you want a sales cycle not to be used when creating new
opportunities, select the Block check box.
Repeat steps 2 – 5 to set up as many sales cycles as you want.
Once you have set up the sales cycle, you can set up the stages within it.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Setting Up Sales Cycle Stages
Each sales cycle consists of several sales cycle stages. To set up sales cycle
stages, follow this procedure:
1. In the Sales Cycle window, browse to the sales cycle, for which you
want to set up stages, and click Related Information > Sales Cycle
> Stages. The Sales Cycle Stages window appears.
2. On the first empty line, fill in the Stage and Description fields with
the number and description of the stage.
3. In the Completed % field, enter the percentage of the sales cycle
that has been completed when the opportunity reaches this stage.
4. In the Activity Code field, enter the code for the activity associated
with the stage.
5. Select the Quote Required check box if a quote is required at this
stage before the opportunity can move on to the next stage in the
sales cycle.
6. Select the Allow Skip check box to allow the opportunity to skip this
stage and move on to the next stage.
7. In the Date Formula field, specify the date formula. It is used to
calculate dates for planned activities when you run the Opportunity –
Details report.
8. If necessary, you can enter comments for the sales cycle stage. To do
so, click Related Information > Sales Cycle Stage > Comments.
9. In the Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Sheet window, enter comments and
click OK.
As the comment is entered, the value in the Comment field in the Sales Cycle
Stages window is changed to Yes.
Repeat steps 2 to 8 to set up as many stages as you want within the sales cycle.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Once stages for the sales cycle are set up, the Sales Cycle Stages window will
look as shown on the “Sales Cycle Stages Are Set Up” figure.
Setting Up Close Opportunity Codes
Close opportunity codes are used to indicate the reason an opportunity was
closed. Close opportunity codes can be used for statistics and analysis of sales
To set up a new close opportunity code, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing > Close
Opportunity Codes. The list of the existing close opportunity codes
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new close opportunity
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new close opportunity
4. In the Type field, specify whether the opportunity was won or lost as
you close it.
The No. of Opportunities field shows the number of opportunities that were
closed using this close code. As a new close opportunity code was not used by
any opportunity, the field contains zero.
Repeat steps 2 – 4 to set up as many close opportunity codes as you want.
Setting Up the Default Sales Cycle Code
It may happen that one of the sales cycles applies to most of your opportunities.
In that case, this sales cycle can be specified as a default one that the program
will assign to opportunities when they are created.
To specify a default sales cycle, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and then
click Marketing Setup. The Marketing Setup window appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
2. Go to the Defaults FastTab.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Sales Cycle Code field and select
the sales cycle that you want to use as the default one.
Once you set up sales cycles and sales cycle stages, you can assign them to
opportunities you work with.
Lab 7.1 – Set Up a Sales Cycle
In this lab, you will practice setting up a sales cycle with sales cycle stages.
You are a sales manager at Cronus. You are planning to deal with medium-sized
customers. So you need to register sales cycles and sales cycle stages to be
assigned to the opportunity.
Challenge Yourself
1. Set up a new sales cycle. Specify the probability calculation.
2. Create sales cycle stages.
3. Allow at least one stage to be skipped, and make at least one stage
require a quote.
Need a Little Help?
1. Set up a new sales cycle and name it MED-SIZED.
2. Use chances of success for the probability calculation.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
3. Create 4 sales cycle stages.
4. Allow the first and second stages to be skipped.
5. Require a quote for the third and fourth stages.
Step by Step
Set up a new sales cycle and name it MED-SIZED.
1. Open the Sales Cycles window.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new sales cycle.
3. In the Code field, enter “MED-SIZE”. In the Description field, enter
“Medium-sized customers”.
Use chances of success for the probability calculation.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Probability Calculation field,
and select Chances of Success %.
Create 4 sales cycle stages.
1. In the Sales Cycles window, select the sales cycle you have just
created and click Related Information > Sales Cycle > Stages.
2. In the Stage field, enter “1” since it is the first stage of the cycle.
3. In the Description field, enter description of the stage, for example,
4. In the Completed % field, enter the percentage of the sales cycle
that has been completed when the opportunity reaches this stage.
5. In the Activity Code field, enter the code for the activity associated
with the stage.
6. Leave the Quote Required and Allow Skip check boxes empty.
7. Select the Allow Skip check box to allow the opportunity to skip this
stage and move on to the next stage.
Create three more sales cycle stages. Give the second stage the Workshop name
and select the Allow Skip check box.
For the third stage, name it Proposal and select the Quote Required check box.
For the fourth stage, name it Contract Sign and also select the Quote Required
check box.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Setting Up Opportunities
In the program, opportunities are created for reflecting sales opportunities you
have with your contacts. Opportunities can be associated either with a
salesperson, contact, or a campaign.
Opportunities are created with the Create Opportunities wizard. You provide
information about the contact, salesperson, sales cycle, and dates of creating and
an estimated closing date, along with your estimates for the sales value of the
opportunity and the chances of its success.
Creating Opportunities
The Create Opportunities wizard can be opened from the Opportunity List
window. Depending on where you access the Opportunity List window from, it
shows opportunities either for contacts, campaigns, or salespeople.
The following procedure shows how to create an opportunity from the list of the
1. Click Home > Contacts in the navigation pane.
2. Browse to the contact that the opportunity in linked to, and click
Related Information > Contact > Opportunities > List.
3. In the Opportunity List window, click Create Opportunity. The
Create Opportunity wizard appears.
4. Enter a description of the new opportunity, specify the date it is
created and indicate its priority. Click Next.
5. On the second page in the wizard, specify a salesperson who is
involved with this opportunity and a sales cycle code.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
The program fills in the Which salesperson is involved with this opportunity?
field with the salesperson code specified on the contact card for the contact you
are creating the opportunity for.
6. Click Next.
7. On the third page, you can link the opportunity to a campaign and/or
a segment. To link the opportunity to the campaign, click the
AssistButton next to the What campaign is the interaction linked
to? field, on the list of the campaigns, select the one to specify, and
click OK.
8. To link the opportunity to the segment, click the AssistButton next to
the Opportunities will be created for contacts linked to segment
field, from the list of the segments select the one to specify, and click
9. Click Next.
10. On the last page, the opportunity can be activated. If this step is
skipped, you will be able to activate the opportunity later.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
11. Having entered all information about the opportunity, click Finish.
Now the opportunity appears in the Opportunity List window for the contact. If
you have specified a salesperson and campaign while creating the opportunity,
this opportunity also appears in the Opportunity List window for them.
Activating an Opportunity
Once you have set up an opportunity, it remains inactive (unless you activated it
on the last page in the Create Opportunity wizard). Activating an opportunity is
performed with the Update Opportunity wizard. The wizard can also be used to
change dates, estimated values, or chances of success, to move the opportunity to
prior or later sales cycle stages and to skip stages, if necessary.
As an opportunity is inactive, its status in the Opportunity List window is Not
Started. Activating an opportunity moves it to the first sales cycle stage.
To activate an opportunity, follow this procedure:
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
1. In the Opportunity List window, select the opportunity you want to
activate, and click Actions > Functions > Update. The Update
Opportunity wizard appears.
2. On the first window, select First since you want to move the
opportunity to the first stage. Click Next.
NOTE: First is the only option that is available for activating an opportunity.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the What is the sales cycle stage?
field and select the stage.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the What is the date of this change?
field and specify the date when you change the opportunity. Click
5. On the next page, specify the estimated sales value, chance of
success, and estimated closing date.
6. If you want all open to-dos created for this opportunity to be
cancelled, select the Cancel existing open to-dos check box.
7. Click Finish.
In the Opportunity List window, you can see that the opportunity status is now
changed to In Progress.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Updating Opportunities
There may be situations where you need to move an opportunity back to a
previous stage in the sales cycle. Do this if you have moved them to the next
stage too soon or if a stage needs to be repeated. You can also skip a stage if they
move faster than expected in the sales cycle they follow. Updating an opportunity
is performed in the Update Opportunities wizard.
The following procedure shows how to update an opportunity for a contact:
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to the contact you want to
update the opportunity for.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Opportunities > List.
3. In the Opportunity List window, select an opportunity you want to
update and click Actions > Functions > Update. The Update
Opportunity wizard appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
4. On the first page of the wizard, click the AssistButton to select the
relevant option. You can select among Next, Previous, Skip, Update,
and Jump. Within a sales cycle, you can only skip stages for which
you have selected the Allow Skip check box in the Sales Cycle
Stages window.
Once an opportunity gets to the appropriate stage, you will be asked to create a
sales quote. It can be created directly from the Update Opportunity wizard by
clicking the Sales Quote button.
NOTE: If the opportunity status is Not Started and you want to update it, the
only option that is available in the Update Opportunity wizard, is First.
If the opportunity status is In Progress, you will not be able to select First in the
Update Opportunity wizard.
5. Click Next.
6. Fill in other fields in the wizard offers before clicking Finish.
In the Opportunity List window, the value in the Current Sales Cycle Stage
field for the opportunity is changed reflecting the update.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Lab. 7.2 – Create and Activate an Opportunity
In this lab, you will practice activating an opportunity and moving it to the first
sales cycle stage. In this lab, you will use data you set up in the previous one.
You make a new contact regarding the Millennium series with a company called
The Bicycle Warehouse. You need to create and activate an opportunity.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a contact.
2. Create an opportunity for this contact.
3. Move the opportunity to the first stage.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a contact card for a new contact whose name is James Bart,
and address is: 16 Cecil Street, GB-WD1 6YG Watford.
2. Create an opportunity for James. Assign the opportunity the sales
cycle and stages you created for medium-sized customers.
3. Activate the first sales cycle stage of your opportunity.
Step by Step
Create a contact card for a new contact whose name is James Bart, and address
is: 16 Cecil Street, GB-WD1 6YG Watford.
1. On the list of the contacts, click New to create a card for a new
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
2. Press Enter to let the program to enter the next available contact
number. Click the AssistButton in the Type field and select Person.
3. In the Name field, enter “James Bart”.
4. In the Address field, enter “16 Cecil Street”.
5. In the Post Code field, click the AssistButton next to it, and select
WD1 6YG.
6. In the City field, select Watford.
7. In the Country/Region Code field, click the AssistButton next to it,
and select GB.
Create an opportunity for James. Assign the opportunity the sales cycle and
stages you created for medium-sized customers.
1. On the contact card for James Bart, click Related Information >
Contact > Opportunities > List.
2. In the Action Pane of the Opportunity List window, click Create
3. In the Create Opportunity wizard, fill in the fields with relevant
information. For the sales cycle code, select MED-SIZE that you
created in the previous lab. The newly created opportunity appears in
the Opportunity List window.
Activate the first stage of your opportunity.
1. In the Opportunity List window, select the opportunity you just
created, and click Actions > Functions > Update.
2. Select First as a first cycle stage and click Next. Specify the
estimated sales value, chance of success and the estimated closing
3. After you click Finish, the status of the opportunity in the
Opportunity List window is changed to In Progress.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Viewing Opportunities
Once you have created one or several opportunities, you can view the
opportunities in either the Opportunity List window or the individual
opportunity card for each of your opportunities.
Opportunity List Window
You can open the Opportunity List window from a salesperson, campaign, and
contact card. The window displays refined information depending on where you
open it from. For example, if you open the Opportunity List window from a
salesperson card, the window displays only opportunities handled by that
If an opportunity is closed, it appears at the bottom of the list. The procedure of
closing opportunities is described in the “Closing and Deleting Opportunities”
section in this chapter.
Opportunity Card
From the Opportunity List window, you can open the opportunity card for an
individual opportunity to view the detailed information about it.
To open an opportunity card, in the Opportunity List window, select an
opportunity you want to open a card for and click Actions > View, or doubleclick the opportunity number. The opportunity card appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
The opportunity card is composed of two parts:
General FastTab
Lines FastTab
The General FastTab contains general information about the opportunity, such
as the description of the opportunity, the sales cycle that it is assigned to, the
contact, salesperson, or campaign linked to the opportunity, and so on.
The Lines FastTab contains the entries made by the program when you update or
close the opportunity. From the lines, you can see, whether the opportunity is
active, what sales cycle stage it is at, and so on.
In this window, you can also create a new opportunity by clicking Create
Opportunity in the Action Pane.
Creating To-Dos for Opportunities
Opportunities can consist of to-dos. Earlier, the training material acquainted you
with to-dos as parts of activities (to read more about it, refer to the “Task
Management” chapter). To-dos can also be referred to as smaller tasks an
opportunity can be broken down into. You create to-dos from the To-do List
window for the opportunity. As to-dos relate to an opportunity, they also must be
associated either with a contact, salesperson, or campaign.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
The following procedure shows how to create to-dos for an opportunity assigned
to a campaign:
1. Click Home > Campaigns in the navigation pane.
2. Select the campaign and click Related Information > Campaign >
Opportunities > List.
3. Select the opportunity you want to create to-dos for and click
Related Information > Opportunity >To-dos. The To-do List
window for the opportunity appears.
4. In the Action Pane of the To-do List window, click Create To-do.
The Create To-do wizard appears.
5. Fill in the fields in the wizard before clicking Finish. For
information about the Create To-do wizard, refer to the “Task
Management” chapter.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Now the newly created to-do appears in the To-do List window for the
Creating Sales Quotes and Orders for Opportunities
When handling sales opportunities, you may need to create a quote for the
contact that the opportunity is assigned to. If necessary, then the quote may be
converted into an order.
Creating Sales Quotes for Opportunities
Sales quotes for opportunities can be created directly from the Opportunity List
window. The following procedure shows how to assign a sales quote to an
opportunity created for a contact:
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to the contact you want to
create a quote for.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Opportunities > List.
3. In the Opportunity List window, click Actions > Functions >
Assign Sales Quote. The Sales Quote window appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
NOTE: To be able to create a sales quote for an opportunity, this opportunity
must have the In Progress status and no other sales quote must already be
assigned to it.
4. Fill in the fields on the Lines FastTab of the Sales Quote window.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Another way of assigning a sales quote to an opportunity is selecting its number
of the opportunity card.
1. Open the list of the opportunities for a contact.
2. Select the opportunity you want to assign a sales quote to and
double-click it to open its card.
3. On the opportunity card, click the AssistButton next to the Sales
Document Type field, and select Quote.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Sales Document No. field, and
select one of the existing sales quotes.
NOTE: Only one sales quote can be assigned to an opportunity. If an
opportunity already has a quote assigned, then during the attempt of assigning
another quote, a message appears informing you of a quote assigned.
You can view the quote is assigned. For that, in the Opportunity Card window,
click Actions > Functions > Show Sales Quote.
To link a sales quote to an opportunity from the Sales Quote window:
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Browse to the contact you need to bind a sales quote with an
opportunity and click Related Information > Contact > Sales
3. In the Sales Quotes window, open a sales quote you need to bind to
an opportunity.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
4. In the Sales Quote window, click the AssistButton next to the
Opportunity No. field, and select the opportunity to which you want
to assign this sales quote.
If the opportunity you selected already has a sales quote assigned to it, the error
message appears informing you of it.
Creating Sales Orders for Opportunities
You can make sales orders from the sales quotes that you have assigned to your
Before you can do this, you must either create a customer from the contact, use a
customer template in the sales quote, or link a contact to a customer (to find out
about linking a contact to a customer refer to the “Contacts” chapter). For more
information about using customer templates, refer to the “Quotation to Contacts”
The following procedure shows how to create sales orders for opportunities for a
salesperson/purchaser using the customer template.
First, you need to assign a sales quote to the opportunity.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
1. Open the list of the salespeople and browse to the
salesperson/purchaser for which you want to create an order for the
2. Click Related Information > Salesperson > Opportunities > List.
The Opportunity List window for that salesperson appears.
3. Select the opportunity for which you want to create a sales order, and
then click Actions > Functions > Assign Sales Quote. The Sales
Quote window appears, containing the sales quote.
NOTE: If the sales quote is already assigned to this opportunity, a warning
message appears telling you about it. In that case, to open the sales quote
assigned, in the Opportunity List window, click Actions > Functions > Show
Sales Quote.
4. Enter any additional information in the Sales Quote window and fill
in the lines. Remember to specify a customer who is to receive items
specified in the quote in the Sell-to Customer No. field or a
customer template in the Sell-to Customer Template Code field.
NOTE: If a customer template is used instead of a customer, the program will
ask you whether you want to create a customer. Click Yes, otherwise the
program will not let you convert a sales quote into a sales order.
Once the sales quote is created and everything is ready for converting it into a
sales order, you can proceed to the following steps:
5. To convert the quote into an order, in the Action Pane, click Make
Order. A message appears asking you to confirm.
6. To be able to make an order, you must close the opportunity you
assigned a sales quote to. If you have not closed it yet while making
an order, a message appears asking whether you want to close it
now. Click Yes to continue converting the quote into the order.
7. When you click Yes, the Update Opportunity wizard appears where
you can close the opportunity (for more information about closing an
opportunity, refer to the “Closing and Deleting Opportunities”
section in this chapter).
As the last step of converting the sales quote is performed, the sales order is
created, and the sales quote is deleted.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
The newly created sales order appears in the sales order list for the customer you
specified in the Sell-to Customer No. field. If on the sales quote you specified
the customer template, a record about the sales order appears on the sales orders
list for the customer created from the template.
To view the newly created sales order, follow these steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button, and then click
2. Browse to the customer who was involved in the sales quote or
created from the customer template and click Related Information
> Sales > Orders. The list of all the sales orders for this customer
3. To open the sales order card, double-click order number on the list.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Closing and Deleting Opportunities
When the negotiations are over, opportunities can be closed. When closing an
opportunity, you specify the reasons for closing it. To be able to specify the
reasons, you must first set up close opportunity codes. For more information
about setting up close opportunity codes, refer to the “Setting Up Close
Opportunity Codes” topic in this chapter.
The following procedure shows how to close opportunities opened for a contact:
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to the contact with the
opportunity you want to close.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Opportunities > List.
3. In the Opportunity List window, click Action > Functions > Close.
The Close Opportunity wizard appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
4. Specify whether the opportunity is won or lost. Click Next.
5. Specify the reason for closing the opportunity, date of closing and
sales if it is won. If needed, select the Cancel existing open to-dos
check box. All the open to-dos created for this opportunity will be
6. Click Finish.
After you have closed the opportunity, the program places a check mark in the
Closed check box for that opportunity in the Opportunity List window.
Deleting Opportunities
You can delete closed opportunities, for example, after you have concluded a
deal or when the Opportunity List window is overloaded with closed
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
To delete closed opportunities, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration > It
Administration > Data Deletion > Marketing Activities > Delete
Closed Opportunities. The Delete Opportunities request form
2. Specify any filter is you want to delete a particular closed
opportunity, for example, assigned to a specific salesperson or
campaign. If no filters are specified, the program will be all closed
opportunities as you click OK.
3. Click OK to run the batch job.
As the closed opportunities are deleted, the Opportunity List window now looks
as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Lab 7.3 – Make a Sales Order from a Sales Quote
In this lab, you will practice assigning a sales quote to an opportunity and
converting a quote into an order.
Your opportunity reaches the stage where you must provide a quote to the
contact David Hodgson. He agrees on your terms and wants to make a sales order
from the sales quote.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a quote from an opportunity for a customer.
2. Convert a quote into an order.
Need a Little Help?
Assign a sales quote to the opportunity created for David.
Specify a customer the items are to be shipped to.
Close the opportunity.
Create an order from the quote. Ignore any inventory warnings you
may receive.
Step by Step
Assign a sales quote to the opportunity created for David.
1. On the list of the contacts, browse to contact David Hodgson.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Opportunities > List.
3. Browse to the opportunity which status is In Progress. Click Actions
> Functions > Assign Sales Quote. Sales quote is assigned to a
contact and created from the opportunity. Fill in the lines on the
Lines FastTab.
Specify a customer the items are to be shipped to.
In the Sell-to Customer No. field, click the AssistButton and select 10000, The
Canon Group PLC.
Close the opportunity.
As the status of the opportunity was In Progress, you need to close it.
1. In the Action Pane, click Make Order. The message appears asking
you if you want to close the opportunity.
2. Click Yes. The Close Opportunity wizard appears.
3. Specify whether the opportunity is lost or won and the close
opportunity code.
4. Click Finish.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Create an order from the quote.
Continue making a sales order. After all steps, the converted sales quote is
deleted, and a new sales order appears on the list of the sales orders for David
Opportunities Statistics
You can view statistics about opportunities from several different windows. The
Opportunities FastTab of the Contact Statistics, Salesperson Statistics, and
Campaign Statistics windows provides statistical information about the
opportunities for the individual contact, salesperson, or campaign. The Sales
Cycle Statistics and Sales Cycle Stage Statistics windows show statistics for
each individual sales cycle, sales cycle stage. Finally, in the Opportunities
window, you can choose the type of information to be displayed, the period you
want to view, and apply filters there to view exactly what you need about the
Contact, Campaign, and Salesperson Statistics
The Opportunities FastTab in the Contact Statistics, Salesperson Statistics,
and Campaign Statistics windows shows:
The number of open opportunities a contact, salesperson, or
campaign is involved
The estimated value and the current value of all the opportunities.
To see statistics for contacts, salespeople, or campaigns, browse to the relevant
card, and in the Action Pane of the card, click Statistics. The relevant window
with statistics appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Sales Cycle and Sales Cycle Stage Statistics
The Sales Cycle Statistics and Sales Cycle Stage Statistics windows display:
The number of opportunities that was created using the selected sales
cycle or sales cycle stage
The estimated value
The current value of the opportunities for the sales cycle or sales
cycle stage.
In the Sales Cycle Stage Statistics window, the opportunities are divided into
active and inactive opportunities. This window also reports the average number
of days the opportunity entry was open, which refers to inactive opportunities.
Sales Cycle Statistics
To open the Sales Cycle Statistics window and view the sales cycle statistics,
follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Sales, and under Administration, in Opportunity, click Sales
Cycles. The Sales Cycles window appears.
2. Select the sales cycle you want to see statistics for.
3. In the Action Pane, click Statistics. The window looks like this:
Sales Cycle Stage Statistics
To open the Sales Cycle Stage Statistics window and view the sales cycle stage
statistics, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Sales, and under Administration, in Opportunity, click Sales
Cycles. The Sales Cycles window appears.
2. Select the sales cycle that contains the stage you want to see statistics
3. Click Related Information > Sales Cycle > Stages. The Sales
Cycle Stages window appears.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
4. Select the relevant sales cycle stage, and in the Action Pane, click
Statistics. The Sales Cycle Stage Statistics window for that stage
Opportunity Statistics
The Opportunity Statistics window provides the information about an
individual opportunity on:
The sales cycle stage
The current value
The chances of success
The number of interactions linked to the opportunity
You can view which interactions are recorded for the opportunity if you click the
number in the No. of Interactions field in the Opportunity Statistics window.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Open the Opportunity Statistics window from the Opportunity List window.
The following procedure shows how to view the opportunity statistics opened for
a salesperson/purchaser. Follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the salespeople/purchasers and browse to the
salesperson the opportunity is assigned to.
2. Click Related Information > Salesperson > Opportunities > List.
The Opportunity List window appears.
3. Select the opportunity you want to view statistics, and in the Action
Pane, click Statistics. The Opportunity Statistics window appears.
Opportunities Window
In the Opportunities window, you can gain an overview of all your
opportunities. You open the window by clicking Departments > Sales &
Marketing > Sales, and in Tasks, click Opportunities.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
This window contains fields where you can specify what exactly you want to
view about opportunities. You can, for example, have the program display the
opportunities performed by a campaign or the calculated current value of the
opportunities performed by a salesperson. This can be specified on the General
On the Filters FastTab of the Opportunities window, you can set filters, for
example, if you only want to include information about opportunities that are at a
certain sales cycle.
The time period can be selected on the Matrix Options FastTab.
When all the options are set up, in the Action Pane, click Show Matrix. The
Opportunities Matrix window appears.
The window displays different information depending on the options you select
in the Opportunities window.
Demonstration – View Opportunity Statistics
You want to see the current value of your opportunities in months from
November 2000 to March 2001. Follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Sales > Opportunities.
2. Go to the General FastTab.
3. In the Show as Lines field, select Contact.
4. In the Show field, select Cal. Current Value (LCY).
5. Click Show Matrix. The Opportunities Matrix window will look
as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Now you decide to include only opportunities in the EX-LARGE sales cycle.
1. In the Opportunities window, click the Customize button in the
upper right corner.
2. From the list, select Customize This Page. In the right pane, select
the Show Filter Pane check box. Click OK.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Where field, and select Sales
Cycle Filter.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Sales Cycle Filter and select EXLARGE. The Opportunities window now looks as shown in the
following figure.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
5. In the Action Pane, click Show Matrix to see the new opportunities
matrix with the additional filter. Now, the Opportunities Matrix
window looks as shown on the following figure.
Using the Opportunities Chart Pane
Statistical information on an opportunity can also be viewed on the
Opportunities Chart Pane in the Opportunity List window. This chart serves
for graphically comparing and analyzing, for instance, your estimated value and
the calculated current value of your opportunities.
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
The program takes opportunity entries and uses them to create a chart in the
Opportunities Chart Pane. By applying various filters you can display exactly
what you need concerning opportunity statistics.
To display Opportunities Chart Pane for an opportunity assigned to a contact,
do the following:
1. Open the Opportunity List window for a contact.
2. Click the Customize button in the upper right corner and select
Chart Pane. The Chart Pane appears at the bottom of the
Opportunities List window.
3. In the filter fields on the upper left, down left, and down right
corners of the chart pane, click the AssistButtons to select filters for
displaying exactly what you need. In the middle of the
Opportunities Chart Pane, you can view charts for the selected
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Microsoft Dynamics NAV helps you effectively manage sales opportunities. In
the Sales & Marketing application area, you can use opportunities which consist
Sales cycles
Sales cycle stages
Close opportunity code
For an opportunity created for a contact, salesperson, or campaign, you can
assign a sales quote which then can be converted into a sales order. If an
opportunity is no longer valid, you can close and delete it.
The program offers you several ways of viewing statistics of opportunities:
From Contact Statistics, Salesperson Statistics, and Campaign
Statistics windows
Sales Cycle Statistics and Sales Cycle Stage Statistics window
The Opportunity Statistics window
The Opportunity List window
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Test Your Knowledge
1. Who can opportunities be associated with?
2. True or False:
The Opportunity List window shows opportunities only for campaigns no
matter where it is opened from.
3. Complete the following sentence:
The probability calculation is based on the ____________________ and/or
the __________________fields located on the Lines FastTab of the
opportunity card.
4. Why using close opportunity codes?
( ) To indicate the reason an opportunity was closed
( ) To indicate how close an opportunity was to be won
( ) To indicate how many to-dos were close to an opportunity
( ) To indicate what salesperson was close to winning an opportunity
5. What opportunities must be assigned to a salesperson/ purchaser?
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 7: Opportunity Management
Test Your Knowledge
1. Who can opportunities be associated with?
All opportunities must be associated with a salesperson, contact, or a campaign.
2. True or False:
The Opportunity List window shows opportunities only for campaigns no
matter where it is opened from.
False: Depending on where you access the Opportunity List window from, the
window shows opportunities for either contacts, campaigns, or salespeople.
3. Complete the following sentence:
The probability calculation is based on the ____________________ and/or
the __________________fields located on the Lines FastTab of the
opportunity card.
The probability calculation is based on the Chances of Success (%) and/or the
Completed (%) fields located on the Lines FastTab of the opportunity card.
4. Why using close opportunity codes?
(√) To indicate the reason an opportunity was closed
( ) To indicate how close an opportunity was to be won
( ) To indicate how many to-dos were close to an opportunity
( ) To indicate what salesperson was close to winning an opportunity
5. What opportunities must be assigned to a salesperson/ purchaser?
All opportunities must be assigned to a salesperson/purchaser and must involve a
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
The objectives for this chapter are:
Describe profile questionnaires.
Set up profile questionnaires.
Update profile questionnaires.
Explain automatic classification.
Create contact rating.
Enter contact profiles.
Add contacts to segments using profile information.
Test and print questionnaires.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
The Profiling and Classification feature enables you to specify additional
information about your contacts. This information is presented in a form of
questions that you ask your contacts, along with the answers, and is called a
profile questionnaire. Answers can be given manually or automatically. This
chapter tells you how to:
Set up a profile questionnaire and assign it to a contact.
Have the program give answers to the questions automatically.
Rate your contacts according to the answers they give.
Profile Questionnaires
Profile questionnaires are used to provide additional information about your
contacts. For a contact, several different profile questionnaires can be created.
Later, one of them can be assigned. The profile questions are visible on the Lines
FastTab of the contact card, giving you a quick overview of information about
the contact.
To be able to assign a profile questionnaire, it first must be set up.
Setting Up Profile Questionnaires
Each profile questionnaire consists of one or several questions and one or several
answers to each question. Setting up a profile questionnaire involves:
Creating a profile questionnaire code with specifying a contact type
the questionnaire must be used for.
Entering questions you intend to ask your contacts and giving
answers to them.
To create a new profile questionnaire code and specify a contact type for it,
follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Marketing, and then under Administration, in Profile, click
Questionnaire Setup. The Profile Questionnaires window appears.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
In the Action Pane, click New to create a new profile.
In the Code field, enter a code for a new profile.
In the Description field, enter a description for the new profile.
Click the AssistButton next to the Priority field, and select among
the existing priorities: Very Low, Low, Normal, High, or Very High.
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Contact Type field, and select the
type of contact you want to use this profile questionnaire for. You
can select among people and companies. The profile questionnaire
will be available for assigning to contacts of the relative type if their
business relation type coincides with the type selected in this field.
7. In the Business Relation Code field, click the AssistButton and
select the business relation this profile applies to.
Now, as the profile questionnaire is created, you can enter questions and answers
for it. You can give answers manually or have the program automatically answer
some of the questions based on information specified on the contact card (for
more information about answering profile questions automatically, refer to the
“Automatic Classification” topic in the chapter).
To enter questions and answers, take the following actions:
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
1. In the Action Pane of the Profile Questionnaires window, click
Edit Questionnaire Setup. The Profile Questionnaire Setup
window appears.
2. On the first empty line, click the AssistButton next to the Type field
and select Question.
3. In the Description field, enter the question.
4. If more than one answer can be applied to a contact, select the
Multiple Answers check box.
Once you have entered a question, you must give at least one answer to it. The
lines with answers must be right below the line with the question. You fill in the
answers in the order that you want them to appear on a printed questionnaire.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field, and select Answer.
6. In the Description field, enter the answer.
7. In the Priority field, click the AssistButton and select the priority
level you want to assign to the answer: Very Low (Hidden), Low,
Normal, High, or Very High.
Repeat steps 2-7 to enter as many questions and answers as you need.
The next fields in the Profile Questionnaire Setup window are used when
automatic contact classification is set up. They are described in the “Automatic
Classification” topic in this chapter.
Once the questions and answers are entered, the Profile Questionnaire Setup
window looks as shown on the following figure.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Moving Lines Up or Down
In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, you can move a line to a different
place, for example, if you want the answers to a question to appear in a different
order or to move a question and its answers to a different place in the
questionnaire. To do so, perform the following procedure:
1. Open the Profile Questionnaire Setup window.
2. Select the line to be moved, and click Actions > Function > Move
Up or Actions > Function > Move Down.
The program moves the selected line one line up or one line down.
Assigning a Profile Questionnaire to a Contact
Once the profile questionnaire is set up, it can be assigned to a contact. Assigned
profiles help view additional information on contacts directly on their cards.
To assign a profile to a contact, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Contacts.
2. Browse to the contact you want to assign a profile questionnaire and
click Related Information > Contact > Profiles.
3. In the Contact Profile Answers window, click the AssistButton next
to the Profile Questionnaire Code field. The Profile Questionnaire
List window appears with a list of profiles available for the selected
type of contact.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
4. Select a profile to be assigned to the contact and click OK.
5. The Contact Profile Answers window fields are filled in with
information from the selected profile.
6. Click OK to save your changes.
As the profile questionnaire is assigned to the contact, answers on questions from
the profile can be viewed on the Lines FastTab on the contact card.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Automatic Classification
You can have the program automatically classify your contacts according to
contact, customer, vendor, and information by selecting questions that must be
answered automatically. Automatic contact classification supposes giving
answers to questions automatically as you assign the profile questionnaire
containing these questions to a contact. The program takes information about
customers and vendors that are synchronized with the contact and uses it for
generating answers (for more about synchronizing contacts with customer,
vendor, and bank account, refer to the “Synchronizing Contacts with Customers,
Vendors, and/or Bank Accounts” section in the “Contacts” chapter).
To have the program automatically answer the questions entered in the Profile
Questionnaire Setup window, follow this procedure:
1. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, browse to the question
that you want to be automatically answered, and then click Related
Information > Line > Question Details. The Profile Question
Details window appears.
The fields on the General FastTab are filled in for you, based on the information
you entered in the Profile Questionnaire Setup window. If you change them in
the Profile Question Details window, the settings will be inherited by the
Profile Questionnaire Setup window.
2. On the Classification FastTab of the Profile Question Details
window, select the Auto Contact Classification check box.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Once you select the Auto Contact Classification check box, other fields on this
FastTab become editable. The following table explains the meaning of the fields
on the Classification FastTab.
Customer Class. Field
Vendor Class. Field
Contact Class. Field
Starting Date
Ending Date
In these fields, select the criteria you want the
program to use for classifying contacts. You can
only fill in one of these fields. Once you fill in one
of these fields, the other two will become noneditable, but fields on the right side of this
FastTab will become available for editing.
In these fields, set up date formulas for the dates
the program will use to start and stop classifying
Classification Method
In this field, select the method the program will
use to classify the contacts. You can select among
Defined Value, Percentage Value, and Percentage
of Contacts. For information about these options,
refer to the “Classification Method” section in this
Sorting Method
In this field, select the sorting method for the
automatic classification the question is based on.
You can select among two options: Ascending and
Descending. You only need to fill in this field if
either Percentage of Value or Percentage of
Contacts in the Classification Method field is
No. of Decimals
In this field, enter the number of decimal places
you will use when filling in the From Value and
To Value fields in the Profile Questionnaire
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Setup window for answers to the question.
3. After you have selected the necessary options, close the Profile
Question Details window by clicking OK. If you click Cancel, no
changes will be saved.
As the automatic contact classification is set up for a question, the Auto Contact
Classification check box in the Profile Questionnaire Setup window is selected
for that question. Now, you must specify criteria for the program to choose which
answer is correct.
4. For the question that you set to auto classification, in the Profile
Questionnaire Setup window, specify values that the program will
use when choosing the correct answer to the question.
To understand what the values in these fields mean, take a look at the question
Discount (%) Current Year on the “Automatic Contact Specification Is Set Up”
figure. After the auto classification had been performed, the program found five
contacts who had discounts more than five times (according to the value in the
From Value field), one contact who had discounts from two to four times
(according to the value in the From Value and To Value fields), and 62 contacts
who had discounts only once during the current year (according to the value
specified in the To Value field).
The No. of Contacts field shows how many contacts gave this answer. This field
is filled in by the program after the automatic classification is performed.
Updating Profile Questionnaires
The program does not automatically update the classification of contacts. To
have the correct number of contacts recorded for each answer in the Profile
Questionnaire Setup window, you must regularly update the contact
classification. Do this with the Update Contact Classification batch job.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
This batch job updates all the answers to the profile questions that are
automatically answered by the program based on customer, vendor, or contact
data. If you want to include more information to be updated, you can select
additional fields to be included in the batch job.
To update contact classification, follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Marketing, and then under Tasks, in Periodic Activities, click
Update Contact Classification.
2. The Update Contact Classification request form appears.
3. On the Profile Questionnaire Header FastTab, set filters for the
profile questionnaires you want to update. If you want to update all
the profile questionnaires, do not specify any filters.
4. On the Options FastTab, enter the date of the update. Only new
information up to that date and entered on that date will be included
in the update.
5. Click OK to run the batch job. If you do not want to run the batch
job now, click Cancel to close the batch job.
The program compares information on customer, vendor, and contact cards, and
if new information was entered prior to or on the specified date, the program uses
this information for answering the questions in the profile questionnaires.
Classification Method
The Classification Method field determines the method that the program will
use to classify contacts. There are three options: Defined Value, Percentage of
Value, and Percentage of Contacts. The following table offers description of each
option of this field.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Defined Value
Select this option if you want the automatic classification to
be based on a defined value of sales, purchases, and so on.
For example, you can define answer A to apply only to
contacts where the profit is less than 30,000 LCY, answer B
to apply to contacts with profit between 30,000 and 149,999
LCY, and answer C to apply to contacts with profit more than
150,000 LCY.
Percentage of
Select this option if you want the automatic classification to
be based on a percentage of sales, purchases, and so on. If
you select this option, you can define the way the program
will sort the contacts in the Sorting Method field. For
example, you can define answer A to apply to the contacts
that make up the lowest 30% profit, answer B to the contacts
that make up the next 50 %, and answer C to the contacts that
account for the top 20% of your profits.
Percentage of
Select this option if you want the automatic classification to
be based on a percentage of contacts. For example, you can
define answer A to apply to the 20% of your contacts that you
have profited most from, answer B to the next 50 %, and
answer C to the last 30%.
Lab 8.1 – Set Up a Questionnaire
In this lab, you will practice setting up a profile questionnaire for a vendor.
You need to set up a new questionnaire for contacts that are vendors. Answers
must be given automatically by the program.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a profile questionnaire with a question and answers.
2. Make the program choose correct answers to the question.
3. Assign the new profile questionnaire to a contact.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a profile questionnaire called Sales.
2. Enter a question, Number of sales, and answers
o 1..49
o 50..99
o 100+
3. Make the program use automatic classification by specifying the
following information:
o Purchase (LCY)
o Current Year (use percentage of value)
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
o Defined Value
4. Assign the profile questionnaire to contact AR Day Property
Step by Step
Create a profile questionnaire called Sales.
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Marketing > Questionnaire Setup.
2. In the Profile Questionnaires window, click New to create a new
3. In the Code and Description field, enter “Sales” for the new profile
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Contact Type field and select
Enter a question and answers.
In the Action Pane, click Edit Questionnaire Setup.
Click the AssistButton in the Type field and select Question.
In the Description field, enter “Number of sales”.
On the new line, click the AssistButton in the Type field and select
5. In the Description field, enter “1..49”.
6. For the second answer, enter “50..99”. For the third answer, enter
Make the program use automatic classification.
1. Click Related Information > Line > Question Details.
2. Select the Auto Contact Classification check box.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Vendor Class. Field field and
select Purchase (LCY).
4. In the Starting Date Formula field, enter CY for the current year.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Classification Method field and
select Defined Value. Click OK.
6. In the To Value field for the first answer, enter “49”.
7. In the From Value field for the second answer, enter “50”. In the To
Value field, enter “99”.
8. In the From Value field for the third answer, enter “100”.
9. Click OK.
Assign the profile questionnaire to contact AR Day Property Management.
1. Open the list of the contacts and browse to contact company
CT000067, AR Day Property Management.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Profiles. The Contact
Profile Answer window appears.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Profile Questionnaire Code field
and select the Sales profile you just created.
4. Click OK.
Contact Rating
NOTE: To work with the following section, use the Classic version of Microsoft
Dynamics® NAV 2009.
Contact rating is similar to contact estimation. Create a contact rating by giving
points to each answer in the contact profile questionnaire and, depending on the
range you specified in the From Value and To Value fields, the program will
group your contacts into the categories. You create categories separately, for
example, High, Low, or A, B, and C.
There are two methods for rating your contacts:
Use the Create Rating wizard. Access the wizard from the Profile
Questionnaire Setup window by clicking Actions > Functions >
Create Rating.
Set the rating up manually.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Creating Contact Rating Manually
NOTE: Remember to open the Classic version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
To manually create rating for your contacts, follow this procedure:
1. Open the Profile Questionnaire window.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Profile Questionnaire Code field
and select a profile questionnaire you need to create rating for.
3. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, select the line with the
question you want to rate and click Line > Question Details.
4. On the Classification tab of the Profile Question Details window,
select the Auto Contact Classification check box.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Contact Class. Field field and
select Rating.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
6. Fill in the Min. % Questions field (0 is default) with the percent of
questions that must be answered for rating to be calculated by the
7. Click the Answer Points button.
8. In the Points field, enter the points you want to assign to each
9. If you want to get an overview of the points you have given to each
answer, click Points > List. The Answer Points List window
appears, where you can view all the points you assigned.
10. Return to the Profile Questionnaire Setup window.
11. Click Functions > Update Classification. The Update Contact
Classification batch job appears. To update classification on all
contacts, do not specify any filters. Click OK to run an update.
You can now view the result of your rating on the lines in two places:
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, the values in the From
Value, To Value, and No. of Contacts fields.
On the lines of the contact card for the contact the selected profile is
assigned to.
Creating Contact Rating Automatically
To have the program create contact ratings automatically, follow these actions:
1. Open the Questionnaire Setup window.
2. Select a profile which you want to create rating for and click Edit
Questionnaire Setup.
3. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, click Actions >
Functions > Create Rating.
4. In the Create Rating wizard, click the AssistButton next to the For
which questionnaire should this rating be created field and select,
for example, CUSTOMER.
5. In the Describe the type of rating field, enter the questionnaire
6. In the What percentage of questions need to be answered before a
rating is assigned? field, enter “20” to indicate the percentage of
questions needed to be answered before a rating is assigned.
7. Click Next.
8. In the Specify which of the following grouping methods you will
use to rate your contacts field, select ABC. Click Next.
9. For rating A, set the interval from 1 to 20. Click Next.
10. For rating B, set the interval from 21 to 40. Click Next.
11. For rating C, set the interval from 41 to 60.
12. Click Next, and then Finish.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
13. Go back to the Profile Questionnaires window. Browse to the
CUSTOMER profile and click Edit Questionnaire Setup.
14. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, browse to the new
question with Answer C. Its values are from 41 to 60.
The new question, answers, and rating appear at the bottom of the list. The
description of the rating type you entered in the wizard is used as a new question.
Answers are grouping methods you selected. The values you specified for rating
are entered in the From Value and To Value fields.
Lab 8.2 – Rate Your Contacts
In this lab, you will practice creating rating for a contact.
You need to create rating of your prospects to make it possible for you to identify
the ideal prospects to focus your sales campaign on.
Challenge Yourself
You choose to base the rating on four different questions to group your prospects
in the following categories: Ideal, Good, Average, Not interesting.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a new profile questionnaire with the code name IDEAL.
2. Set up questions and answers in the questionnaire.
3. Create rating of your prospects based on these four questions to
group them into the categories: Ideal, Good, Average, Not
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Step by Step
Create a new profile questionnaire with the code name Ideal.
1. Open the Profile Questionnaire Setup window.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Profile Questionnaire Code field.
3. In the Profile Questionnaire window, go to the first empty line to
create a new profile.
4. In the Code and Description fields, enter “Ideal”.
Set up questions and answers in the questionnaire.
1. Click Edit Questionnaire Setup.
2. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, set up the questions
and answers shown in the following figure.
Create the rating of your prospects based on these four questions to group them
into the categories: Ideal, Good, Average, Not interesting.
1. For each with a question, click Related Information > Line >
Question Details.
2. In the Profile Question Details window, select the Auto Contact
Classification check box.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Contact Class. Field field and
select Rating.
4. In the Min. % Questions field, enter “20”.
5. In the Action Pane of the Profile Question Details window, click
Answer Points.
6. Enter the points you want to assign to each answer listed in the
Answer Points window.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
7. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, click Functions >
Update Classification.
8. Click OK to run the batch job and update classification.
Adding Contacts to Segments Using Profile Information
You can use profile information as criteria for selecting contacts for segments.
Detailed information about segments can be found in the “Campaigns and
Segmentation” chapter.
To add contacts to a segment taking into consideration their profile information,
follow this procedure:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button, and then click
2. Select the segment to which you want to add contacts and open its
3. In the Action Pane, click Add Contacts. The Add Contacts window
4. Go the Profile FastTab and click the AssistButton next to the Profile
Questionnaire Code field to select the relevant questionnaire.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Line No. field. Select the line that
contains profile questionnaire code and description – the question
and answers – that you want the program to use as a filter when you
select contacts for the segment.
6. After you filled in all the fields on the other FastTabs of the Add
Contacts window, click OK.
The program adds all the contacts that meet the selected answer on the selected
questionnaire to the segment.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Lab 8.3 – Add Contacts to a Segment
In this lab, you will practice adding contact to a segment according to their
You want to add to a segment (SM 10001 - Increase Sale) all your contacts that
are companies with more than 1000 employees.
Challenge Yourself
Use a profile questionnaire as criteria for adding contact companies to the
Increase Sale segment.
Step by Step
Open the list of the segments.
Open the segment card for the Increase sale segment.
In the Action Pane, click Add Contacts.
Click the AssistButton next to the Profile Questionnaire Code field
and select COMPANY.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Line No. field and select line
50000 since it refers to the company with more than 1000
6. Leave all other fields on other FastTabs of the Add Contact request
form empty.
7. Click OK to run the batch job and add all relevant companies to the
The Segment window with companies added now looks as shown in the
following figure.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
NOTE: This lab ends using the Classic version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV in
this chapter.
Testing and Printing Questionnaires
You can print test reports and questionnaire handouts. Both reports and handouts
print the questionnaire questions and answers, but the handout is designed to be
viewed by your contacts. Specifying filters determines the information and the
questionnaires to be printed on the reports.
You can print test reports of your profile questionnaires. A test report shows
information from each line of the Profile Questionnaire Setup window. You
can also print questionnaires to be distributed to your contacts and returned to
Printing the Test Report
To print a test report, follow this procedure:
1. Open the Profile Questionnaires window.
2. Select a profile you want to print a test report for and click Edit
Questionnaire Setup.
3. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, click Actions >
Function > Test Report. The Questionnaire - Test window
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Code field and select the
questionnaire you want to test (if you leave this field blank, the
questions and answers for all your questionnaires will appear on the
5. To print the report, click the Print button. To preview the report on
screen, click Preview. If you do not want to print the report, click
The following figure shows a preview of the report.
Printing the Questionnaire – Handouts Report
With the questionnaire handouts report, you can print your profile questionnaires
and distribute them among your contacts. To print the report, follow this
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
1. Open the Profile Questionnaires window.
2. Select a profile you want to print a handouts report for and click Edit
Questionnaire Setup.
3. In the Profile Questionnaire Setup window, click Actions >
Function > Print. The Questionnaire – Handouts window appears.
4. On the Profile Questionnaire Header FastTab, click the
AssistButton next to the Code field and select the profile
questionnaire that you want to print. If you leave this field empty, all
your questionnaires will be printed.
5. On the Options FastTab, select the Print Classification Fields
check box if you want the report also to include the questions that are
automatically answered by the program.
6. To print the report, click the Print button. To preview the report on
screen, click Preview. If you do not want to print the report, click
The following figure shows a preview of this report.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Lab 8.4 – Update Contact Classification and Print a Report
In this lab, you will practice updating contact classification with the Update
Classification wizard and printing a handouts report.
Make the contact classification up-to-date. Print a report.
Challenge Yourself
Update the contact classification with the Update Classification wizard. Print the
Step by Step
Update the contact classification.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Sales & Marketing >
Marketing > Update Contact Classification.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Code field and select the
COMPANY profile questionnaire code. Click OK.
Print a test report for your new questionnaire.
1. Open the Profile Questionnaires window.
2. Select the profile for which you want to print a report. In the Action
Pane, click Edit Questionnaire Setup.
3. Click Actions > Functions > Print. Click Print to print out the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV offers you means for entering additional information
about your contacts: profile questionnaires. A profile questionnaire is a set of
questions and answers about the contact. You can give answers manually or have
the program do it automatically.
Using profile questionnaire information as criteria of selection enables you to add
contacts to a segment.
Profile questionnaires can be printed and distributed among your contacts.
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Test Your Knowledge
1. What are questionnaires used for?
2. True or False:
Automatic classification is used for having the program automatically
generate questions and give answers.
3. Complete the following sentence:
You can use _____ information to add contacts to _____ for your campaigns.
4. The Update Contact Classification batch job updates
( ) Contacts
( ) Questions
( ) Answers
( ) Customers
5. Where do you set up contact rating?
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment and write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 8: Profiling and Classification
Test Your Knowledge
1. What are questionnaires used for?
You create your profile questionnaires to provide precisely the information you
want to view on the contact card.
2. True or False:
Automatic classification is used for having the program automatically
generate questions and give answers.
False. You can have the program automatically answer the questions that you set
3. Complete the following sentence:
You can use _____ information to add contacts to _____ for your campaigns.
You can use profile information to add contacts to segments for your campaigns.
4. The Update Contact Classification batch job updates
( ) Contacts
( ) Questions
(√) Answers
( ) Customers
5. Where do you set up contact rating?
You set up contact rating in two places:
The Answer Points window.
The Contact Rating wizard.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
The objectives for this chapter are:
Set up salutations.
Assign a salutation code to a contact.
Create interactions with a salutation in an attachment for contacts.
Send documents in different languages to contacts from one
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
This chapter describes the Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment feature. The
feature allows you to set up salutations and attach documents to these salutations.
Both salutations and documents can be in different languages. With this feature,
you can have the program automatically choose the salutation in the language in
which the customer or contact is registered.
To be able to interact with a contact in his or her preferred language and to salute
the contact accordingly, the new solution will allow the user to select documents
in several languages and to salute the contact in his or her own language.
Setting Up Salutations
When sending any kind of correspondence to contacts, you can use a salutation to
address them. A salutation consists of a set of parameters that comprise a
salutation formula. Before being able to use salutations, you need to set up
salutation formulas.
Setting up a salutation involves creating a salutation code and setting up
salutation formulas in different languages.
To create a salutation code, perform the following actions:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing, and in
Lists, click Salutations. The list of the salutations appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new salutation code.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
3. Fill in the Code and Description fields for the new salutation.
Once the salutation is created, you can set up the parameters to make up a
salutation formula:
1. Click Related Information > Salutation > Formulas. The
Salutation Formulas window appears.
2. In the Action Pane of the Salutation Formulas window, click New
to create a new formula.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Language Code field and select a
language code from this list. To create a new one, if necessary, click
New in the Languages list.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Salutation Type field and select
among the two options: Formal or Informal.
5. In the Salutation field, type a formula like the one shown in the
following window. Here, you have chosen to use a formula in
English, such as: Dear Ms. %1 %2 %3. At the end of the formula,
place a comma as it is addressing a person.
NOTE: If you choose a different language, the salutation must be written in that
language. For example, write “Sehr geehrte” instead of “Dear,” if you select
German language code.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Name 1 field and select the
parameter that composes the first part of the formula (%1). Select
among Job Title, First Name, Middle Name, Surname, Initials, and
Company Name.
NOTE: You can select up to five parameters (%1 %2 %3 %4 %5), using the
same procedure as described in step 6.
Lab 9.1 – Create Salutation Formulas
In this lab, you will practice creating a salutation with salutation formulas.
As a sales manager working for Cronus, you regularly meet prospective
You need to create salutation formulas that can be used when sending
correspondence to these contacts.
Challenge Yourself
Create a salutation with salutation formulas in two different languages.
Need a Little Help?
Create the Mister salutation code.
Set up a formal salutation for job title and surname for in English.
Set up an informal salutation for surname in English.
Set up a formal salutation for job title and surname for a male in
Step by Step
Create the Mister salutation code.
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Marketing >
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new salutation.
3. In the Code and Description fields, enter “Mister”.
Set up a formal salutation for job title and surname for a male in English.
1. Click Related Information > Salutation > Formulas.
2. In the Salutation Formulas window, click the AssistButton next to
the Language Code field and select the code for the language you
want to use. For the sake of this lab, select ENU.
3. Leave the Salutation Type field value set up to Formal.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
4. In the Salutation field, enter “Dear %1 %2,”. Remember to place a
comma at the end of the salutation.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Name 1 field, and select Job Title.
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Name 2 field, and select Surname.
Set up an informal salutation for a male in English.
1. On the second line in the Salutation Formulas window, click the
AssistButton next to the Language Code field and select the ENU.
2. Click the Salutation Type field and select Informal.
3. In the Salutation field, enter “Dear %1,”. Remember to place a
comma at the end of the salutation.
Set up a formal salutation for job title and surname for a male in German.
1. On the next empty line, click the AssistButton next to the Language
Code field and select the DEU for German.
2. Leave the Salutation Type field value set up to Formal.
3. In the Salutation field, enter “Sehr geehrte %1 %2,”. Remember to
place a comma at the end of the salutation.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Name 1 field, and select Job Title.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Name 2 field, and select Surname.
After setting up the salutation formulas, the Salutation Formulas window for
the Mister salutation looks as shown in the following figure.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Assigning Salutation Code to a Contact
When you register a contact in the program, you can assign a salutation code,
taking into account contact’s language, profession, gender, and so on. The
salutation code will be used in any kind of correspondence you have with your
The salutation code can be assigned to the contact in the Salutation Code field
on the contact card. To assign a salutation, click the AssistButton next to this
field and select the salutation from the Salutation list.
Creating an Interaction with a Salutation in an Attachment
When you interact with a contact, you can send him or her a document. In this
document, you can choose among formal and informal salutations. For more
information about sending documents while creating interaction, refer to the
“Interactions and Document Management” chapter.
NOTE: Before you begin this procedure, you must fill in the Language Code
field, the Salutation Code field, and the Correspondence Type field on the
contact card.
English is the default language; therefore, the Language Code field can be left
To create an interaction, perform the following steps:
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
1. Open a contact card for a contact you want to create an interaction
for. In the Action Pane of the contact card, click Create Interact.
The Create Interaction wizard appears:
2. In the What is the type of interaction? field, click the AssistButton
to select the relevant type of interaction.
NOTE: Check if the interaction has an attachment inserted. If not, you can
create one by clicking Attachment > Create in the Interaction Templates
window, which you can open by clicking the Advanced button in the Interaction
Templates list.
3. In the Describe your interaction field, write a description of the
interaction. It will be used as the heading of your document.
4. Follow the instructions of the wizard until the Word document
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
5. Add the necessary text to the document and merge fields
Formal_Salutation and Informal_Salutation. The program substitutes
values in these fields with actual salutations. In such a way, you
decide which salutation to choose for addressing the contact. For
more information about working with merge fields, refer to the
“Interactions and Document Management” chapter.
6. Save and close the Word document. Microsoft Dynamics® NAV asks
you if you want to import the modified document. Click Yes.
7. Follow the rest of the steps offered by the wizard. Click Finish when
the interaction is ready.
As you finish working with the wizard, the program prints out the document and
creates a record about the interaction in the Interaction Log Entries window for
the contact. The way the document will be send to the contact depends on the
correspondence type you selected in the wizard: the document can be printed out
so that you can send it by fax or e-mail.
Sending Multilanguage Documents to Contacts in the
When working with a segment that has contacts added to it, you can send
documents to each of the contacts while logging the segment. For each of the
contacts, you can have the program to send documents in different languages. For
more information about creating, adding contacts to and logging the segment,
refer to the “Campaigns and Segmentation” chapter.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
To make the program send documents in different languages to the contacts from
the segment, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the segments.
2. Take the Increase sale segment as an example. Open its card.
Notice that this segment is linked to the BUS interaction template, which has an
attachment. Also, 79 contacts are added to the segment. This means that while
you are logging the segment, the same document will be sent to all the contacts
from the segment. Suppose one of the contacts needs to receive this document in
Danish. To change the language for the document for that contact, take the
following actions:
3. On the Lines FastTab, click the AssistButton next to the Language
Code field for the contact that needs to receive the document in
Danish. The Salutation Interaction Languages window appears.
4. Select the language you want the document in the attachment to be
written in. Click OK.
NOTE: The Segment Interaction Languages window contains languages that
are specified for the interaction template that is selected for the segment.
The program inserts the code of the selected language to the Language Code
field and uses that language for composing the attached document in for the
selected contact.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
To verify that the attachment language is changed, click the AssistButton next to
the Attachment field for the contact. Microsoft Word opens a document in
The attached document is similar to that attached for other contacts but its fields
are written in Danish. Close the document to proceed to sending the attached
documents to the contacts.
NOTE: Make sure that the Correspondence Type field is filled in for the
contacts. If it is blank for any contacts, those contacts will not receive the
attached document.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
The final operation is logging the segment and sending the documents to the
5. In the Action Pane of the Segment window, click Log, and then in
the Log Segment request form, click OK. Notice that the Send
Attachments check box is selected.
For contacts with the e-mail correspondence type, the program will send e-mails
with the document attached. For the contacts with the hard copy of fax
correspondence type, the program will print out the documents so that you can
send them to the contacts.
A record about the segment logged appears in the Interaction Log Entries
window for all the contacts that were involved in this segment. You can view
these records by clicking Related Information > Contact > Interaction Log
Entries from the contact list.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Lab 9.2 – Send Multilanguage Documents to Contacts in a
In this lab, you will practice choosing a language for the document to be sent to a
This year at Cronus you have decided to sponsor a major national golf
tournament, and you want to invite some of your contacts to attend this event.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a segment with contact customers.
2. Assign an interaction template.
3. Send the attached document to the contacts.
Need a Little Help?
Create a new segment called Tournament.
Add contacts of the Customer type to it.
Assign the Golf interaction template to the segment.
For AR day Property Management change the document language to
5. Log the segment and send documents to the contacts.
Step by Step
Create a new segment called Tournament.
Open the list of the segments.
In the Action Pane, click New to create a new segment.
In the Code and Description fields, enter “Tournament”.
Click the AssistButton in the Salesperson Code field, and select AH
for Annette Hill to be responsible for this segment.
Add contacts of the Customer type to the segment.
1. In the Action Pane of the Segment window, click Add Contacts.
2. On the Contact FastTab, click the AssistButton next to the Type
field, and select Company.
3. Click OK to add contacts that are registered as customers to the
segment. The program adds 168 contact to the segment.
Assign the Golf interaction template to the segment.
1. Go to the Interaction FastTab of the Segment window.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
2. Click the AssistButton in the Interaction Template Code field and
select Golf. All the contacts inherit settings of the selected
interaction template.
For AR day Property Management change the document language to Danish.
1. Click the AssistButton next to the Language Code field for contact
AR day Property Management.
2. In the Segment Interaction Languages window, select DAN for
Danish language. Click OK.
Log the segment and send documents to the contacts.
1. In the Action Pane of the Segment window, click Log.
2. In the Log Segment batch job, click OK.
All the contacts in this segment will receive e-mails with the attached document
in the language selected for them. Also, the program will create an interaction log
entry for each contact from the segment.
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
The Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment feature helps you create
salutations in different languages. With this feature, you can
Assign salutation codes to be used in correspondence with the
contacts you are dealing with.
Create interactions for contacts and attach documents with
Send documents in different languages to contacts from one
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Test Your Knowledge
1. Who can salutation codes be assigned to?
2. True or False:
Before creating the interaction with the contact, only the Correspondence
Code field must be filled in.
3. Complete the following sentence:
When setting up salutation, you can select up to ______ parameters.
4. In which language can you set up salutations?
( ) English
( ) German
( ) Danish
( ) Any language
5. Can you set up informal salutations?
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 9: Multilanguage Salutation and Attachment
Test Your Knowledge
1. Who can salutation codes be assigned to?
Salutation codes can be assigned to the contact in the Salutation Code field on
the contact card.
2. True or False:
Before creating the interaction with the contact, only the Correspondence
Type field must be filled in.
False: You must fill in not only the Correspondence Type field, but also the
Language Code field and the Salutation Code field on the contact card.
3. Complete the following sentence:
When setting up salutation, you can select up to ______ parameters.
When setting up salutation, you can select up to five parameters.
4. In which language can you set up salutations?
( ) English
( ) German
( ) Danish
( √ ) Any language
5. Can you set up informal salutations?
In the same document, you can insert either formal or informal salutation.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
The objectives for this chapter are:
Set up customer templates.
Create a sales quote using contact and customer template
Convert a sales quote using contact and customer template
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV offers the Quotation to Contact feature, which makes
it possible to create sales, purchase, and service documents on the basis of a
contact or a customer template instead of a customer.
The feature allows you to:
Issue quotes to contacts from different countries.
Use different language codes.
Use different general, VAT, or customers business posting groups.
Use different price group codes.
This chapter explains how to use the feature for creating sales quotes, and then
how to set up customer templates and use them for converting quotes into orders.
Setting Up Customer Templates
Often, your contacts or prospective customers ask for quotes. Those contacts or
potential customers may not yet be registered as customers in the program. For
you to make sales quotes for them, you must use a customer template. By using
the templates, you avoid the necessity of registering customers.
Customer templates are documents that contain business information about
customers such as a currency code, territory code, general business posting
group, VAT business posting group, customer posing group, and so on. Use a
customer template to create a customer from a contact. In such a way,
information from a customer template is passed to a contact card.
To set up a customer template, take the following actions:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Sales > Customer
Templates. The list of the templates appears.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
2. To create a new customer template, in the Action Pane, click New.
3. In the Customer Template Card window, fill in the Code and the
Description fields for the new customer template.
4. Fill in the Country/Region Code, Territory Code, and Currency
Code fields. If the contact is not a customer yet, these fields are used
as search criteria by the program to match a contact with the
customer template on the sales quote.
5. The Gen. Bus. Posting Group and the Customer Posting Group
fields are mandatory and must also be filled in.
6. The remaining fields are optional and may be left empty.
You have now set up the customer template.
Lab 10.1 – Set Up Customer Templates
In this lab, you will practice creating a new customer template.
You need to set up three customer templates to help ease your salespeople’s
Challenge Yourself
You need to set up three customer templates with the following information:
Template 1
Template 2
Template 3
Great Britain
Great Britain
Great Britain
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Gen. Bus. Posting
Customer Posting
Payment terms
14 days
7 days
14 days
Step by Step
Set up the Platinum customer template for customers from Great Britain, who
live in Scotland, use USD as currency, and their payment terms are 14 days.
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Sales & Marketing > Sales > Customer
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new customer template.
3. In the Code and Description fields, enter “Platinum”.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Country/Region Code field, and
select GB for Great Britain.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Territory Code field, and select
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Currency Code field, and select
7. Click the AssistButton next to the Gen. Bus. Posting Group, and
8. Click the AssistButton next to the Customer Posting Group field,
and select FOREIGN.
9. Click the AssistButton next to the Payment Terms Code field, and
select 14 DAYS.
10. Click OK to store your customer template.
Set up the Gold customer template for customers from Great Britain, who live in
London, use EUR as currency, and their payment terms are seven days.
1. On the list of the customer templates, click New to create a new
customer template.
2. In the Code and Description fields, enter “Gold”.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Country/Region Code field, and
select GB for Great Britain.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Territory Code field, and select
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Currency Code field, and select
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Gen. Bus. Posting Group, and
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
7. Click the AssistButton next to the Customer Posting Group field,
and select FOREIGN.
8. Click the AssistButton next to the Payment Terms Code field, and
select 7 DAYS.
9. Click OK to store your customer template.
Set up the Silver customer template for customers from Great Britain, who live in
London, use AUD as currency, and their payment terms are 14 days.
1. On the list of the customer templates, click New to create a new
customer template.
2. In the Code and Description fields, enter “Silver”.
3. Click the AssistButton next to the Country/Region Code field, and
select GB for Great Britain.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Territory Code field, and select
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Currency Code field, and select
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Gen. Bus. Posting Group, and
7. Click the AssistButton next to the Customer Posting Group field,
and select FOREIGN.
8. Click the AssistButton next to the Payment Terms Code field, and
select 14 DAYS.
9. Click OK to store your customer template.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Using Contact and Customer Template Information
At a certain stage of a sales cycle, or when a contact with the opportunity is close
to becoming a real customer, you may want to make a sales quote for that
contact. You can specify that a quote is required at a certain stage when setting
up sales cycles for the opportunity.
For creating sales quotes, information from either a contact card or a customer
template is necessary.
NOTE: To be able to create a purchase quote, use a contact that is linked to a
vendor. For creating a service quote, use a contact that is linked to a customer.
Creating a Sales Quote for the Opportunity
It is possible to create a sales quote for an opportunity that is assigned to a
salesperson, campaign, or a contact. To read about working with opportunities,
refer to the “Opportunity Management” chapter. This chapter discusses the
opportunities that are assigned to salespeople.
If the contact involved in an opportunity is a customer, the program uses the
customer information to create the quote.
If the contact is not yet a customer, you can still create the quote for the
opportunity. In this case, the program uses the most appropriate customer
template, or you can choose one yourself. The program uses search parameters
such as country code, currency code, or territory code to select the customer
template on the basis of the contact.
The following procedure shows how to create a sales quote for an opportunity
assigned to a salesperson.
1. In the navigation pane, click the Administration Sales/Purchase
button, and then click Salespeople/Purchasers. The list of the
salespeople/purchasers appears.
2. Select the salesperson/purchaser for whom you have created the
opportunity. Click Related Information > Salesperson >
Opportunities > List. The Opportunity List window for the
salesperson appears.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
3. Select the opportunity and click Actions > Functions > Assign Sales
Quote. The Sales Quote window appears.
NOTE: The opportunity must have the In Progress status.
NOTE: If the sales quote is already assigned to the opportunity, a waring
message appears telling you about it. In that case, click Actions > Functions >
Show Sales Quote.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
If the contact company selected in the sales quote in the Sell-to Contact No.
field is linked to a customer, the program retrieves the customer information
from the customer card.
NOTE: If a contact company is linked to a customer, the program fills in the
Sell-to Customer No. field with the customer. If not, the field will be empty.
Another way to verify if a contact is linked to a customer is to open the contact
card for this contact and click Related Information > Contact >
Customer/Vendor/Bank Acc. If a customer, vendor, or bank account card is
shown, the contact is linked to either of them. If not, a warning message appears
telling you about it.
If the contact company is not linked to a customer, and only one customer
template is found with the same country code, currency code, and territory code
as for the contact, the program fills in the Sell-to Customer Template Code
If more than one customer template fits the contact, select the relevant customer
template by clicking the AssistButton next to the Sell-to Customer Template
Code field.
4. Fill in the details of the Sales Quote window, print it, and send it to
the company.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Creating a Sales Quote from the Sales Quotes Window
It is possible to make a sales quote in the Sales Quotes window for a contact that
has not yet become a customer, and is not linked to any customer. If the quote
later becomes an order, the program will prompt you to create the customer
because an order can only be based on a customer record.
To create a sales quote for a contact that is not linked to a customer, perform the
following steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button and then click
Contacts. The list of the contacts appears.
2. Browse to the contact you want to create a sales quote for. For
example, select contact CT100216, Bonnie Kearney. Click Related
Information > Contact > Sales Quotes. The Sales Quote window
3. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new sales quote.
4. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
the sales quote.
5. The program fill in the Sell-to Contact No. field and other fields that
relate to the selected contact.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
6. To specify which customer template you want to use, click the
AssistButton next to the Sell-to Customer Template Code field and
select one from the list of templates.
7. Fill in the details of the Sales Quote window, print it, and send it to
the customer.
Converting a Sales Quote into a Sales Order
When the contact is satisfied with the proposal, a sales quote can be converted
into an order. The sales quote can be converted if a customer is assigned to it,
since a sales order can be based only on customer information. To assign a
customer to a quote you need to:
1. Register the customer in the program.
2. Link the customer to the contact the quote is created for.
3. Specify that this customer in the Sell-to Customer No. field on the
sales quote that you are about to convert into an order.
However, you can skip creating a new customer and linking it to the contact.
When you click Make Order, the program asks you if you want to transform the
contact into a customer. If you select Yes, a customer is created for the contact
and the quote is transformed into an order. For the program to create a customer
from a contact, you must specify customer template in the Sell-to Customer
Template Code field on the sales quote.
NOTE: If a sales quote has been created from the sales quote list and only a
customer template is specified, you must specify a contact in the Sell-to Contact
No. field. Now, the quote can be converted into an order.
To convert a sales quote into a sales order, perform the following procedure:
1. For a contact, open the list of the sales quotes with the quote you
want to convert into a sales order.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
2. Select a quote you want to convert to an order, and in the Action
Pane, click Make Order. If the program finds that no customer is
linked to this contact, you are prompted to create a customer now.
3. Create a customer by clicking Yes.
The program shows a message telling you that a customer was created. For
creating a customer, the program used the information from the contact card and
the customer template. Once the customer has been created, the contact becomes
linked to that customer. This connection can be viewed in the Sales Quotes
window for the contact.
The quote is transformed into a sales order. The program deletes the sales quote.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
4. To open the created sales order, in the navigation pane, click Home
> Sales Orders.
5. Browse to the order just created, print it and send to the customer.
Lab 10.2 – Create a Sales Quote and a Sales Order
In the lab, you will practice creating a sales quote and converting it into a sales
order. This lab uses a customer template created in Lab 10.1.
You receive a phone call from one your contacts, Kinnareds Traeindustri AB,
about necessity of creating a sales quote for contact company Brille, who is from
Great Britain. Brille is not registered as a customer.
Things go well, and Brille want to sign a contract. So you need to convert a quote
into an order to Brille.
Challenge Yourself
1. Register a contact company Brille.
2. Create a sales quote for Brille with the customer template specified.
3. Convert it into a sales order.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a contact card for the contact company Brille.
2. Create a sales quote for Brille. Assign the Platinum customer
template to the sales quote.
3. Fill in the sales quote, print it, and send it to Kinnareds Traeindustri.
4. Convert a sales quote to the sales order.
Step by Step
Create a contact card for the contact company Brille.
On the list of the contacts, click New.
Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number.
In the Type field, select Company.
Fill in contact information for Brille.
In the Salesperson Code field, select AH.
Create a sales quote for Brille. Assign the Platinum customer template to the
sales quote.
1. Click Related Information > Contacts > Sales Quotes.
2. In the Sales Quotes window, click New to create a new sales quote.
3. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
the sales quote.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Sell-to Customer Template Code
field and select the Platinum template you created in lablab 10.1.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Salesperson Code field and select
RL for Richard Lum.
Fill in the sales quote, print it, and send to Kinnareds Traeindustri AB.
1. On the Lines FastTab of the Sales Quote window, fill in the line for
office furniture.
2. In the Action Pane, click Print. Send the sales quote to Kinnareds
Traeindustri AB by fax.
Convert a sales quote to the sales order, print it, and send to Brille.
1. To make an order, in the Action Pane, click Make Order.
2. Click Yes, when the program asks you whether you want to create a
3. Open the list of the sales orders.
4. Browse to the order you just created, open it, print, and send to Brille
by fax.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
The Quotation to Contacts feature enables you to use contact information and
customer templates for creating sales, purchase, and service documents.
The feature makes contact information sufficient for creating a sales quote. A
customer template is sufficient for converting a sales quote into a sales order.
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Test Your Knowledge
1. What is necessary for creating quotes?
2. True or False:
An order can be based on a contact record.
3. Complete the following sentence:
When you are creating a new customer template, the _______ and _______
fields are mandatory and must be filled in.
4. When you are creating a sales quote, more than one customer template fits
the contact. How can you choose which template to use?
( ) The first one on the list will be used
( ) The last one on the list will be used
( ) The program chooses the suitable template
( ) You can choose a template by clicking the AssistButton next to the
Sell-to Customer Template Code field
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
5. You are converting a sales quote into a sales order. You specified a contact
and a customer template on the quote. What does the program ask while you
are creating the order?
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 10: Quotation to Contacts
Test Your Knowledge
1. What is necessary for creating quotes?
To be able to make sales quotes, you must create and define one or more
customer templates.
2. True or False:
An order can be based on a contact record.
False: An order can still only be based on a customer record.
3. Complete the following sentence:
When you are creating a new customer template, the _______ and _______
fields are mandatory and must be filled in.
When you are creating a new customer template, the Gen. Bus. Posting Group
and Customer Posting Group fields are mandatory and must be filled in.
4. When you are creating a sales quote, more than one customer template fits
the contact. How can you choose which template to use?
( ) The first one on the list will be used
( ) The last one on the list will be used
( ) The program chooses the suitable template
(√)You can choose a template by clicking the AssistButton next to the
Sell-to Customer Template Code field
5. You are converting a sales quote into a sales order. You specified a contact
and a customer template on the quote. What does the program ask while you
are creating the order?
The program asks whether you want to create a customer while converting a
sales quote into a sales order.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
The objective for this chapter are:
Archive a copy of a sales quote.
Create an interaction log entry while printing a sales quote.
Restore a sales quote from the archive.
Archive a copy of a sales order.
Create an interaction log entry while printing a sales order.
Restore a sales order from the archive.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
This chapter explains how to archive and restore sales documents and create
interaction log entries while going through the sales process. The procedures of
archiving and restoring purchase documents and creating interaction log entries
are similar to those described for the sales documents.
In the current version of Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009, the sales and purchase
documents can be archived. This means that when you go through the sales and
purchase process, and the documents change their nature (for example, from a
quote to an order), archiving enables you to:
Save a copy of a document (to archive a copy) and create an
interaction log entry for the document
Roll back to a previous version of the document
Archive versions and logged documents can be used later for viewing the sales
process history.
Saving a Sales Quote
To keep track of the sales process, it is convenient to save versions of previous
documents, for example, quotes.
Manual Archiving
A version of a sales quote can be archived in the Sales Quote window. To
archive a sales quote, follow these steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Sales Quotes.
2. On the list of the sales quotes, browse to the sales quote you want to
create an archive copy for and open its card.
3. In the Sales Quote window, click Actions > Functions > Archive
4. In the subsequent message, click Yes to confirm your intention about
creating an archive version of the document.
While saving a version of the document, the following actions are taking place:
The number in No. of Archived Versions field on the sales quote
card is incremented by one. This number shows how many archive
version a sales quote has.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
An archive entry appears in the Sales List Archive window.
You can also archive a version of the document while printing it.
1. In the Sales Quote window, click Print.
2. In the Sales – Quote window, select the Archive Document check
Notice that the Log Interaction check box is selected by default. That means that
as you print the quote, a log entry appears in the Interaction Log Entries
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
window for the contact the quote is assigned to (in this case, it is contact
CT00002) and a salesperson assigned to the quote (in this case, it is Peter
3. Click Print.
You can view an interaction log entry for the salesperson and for the contact
created and a copy of the sales quote archived.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Automatic Archiving
The program can be set up to create archive versions of sales and purchase
documents automatically.
For sales documents, set up automatic archiving in the Sales Receivable Setup
window, which can be accessed by clicking Departments > Sales & Marketing
> Administration > Sales & Receivables Setup.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Select the Archive Quotes and Orders check box for the program to save a
copy of a sales quote that is being converted into an order and a sales order that is
being posted.
NOTE: For purchase documents, the program can also be set up to create
archive versions automatically. For that, select the Archive Quotes and Orders
check box in the Purchase Payables Setup window.
As you have archive versions of a sales quote, you can roll it back to any of
archived copies.
Restoring a Sales Quote
You can restore a previously archived version of a sales quote in two different
From interaction log entries created for the contact person, contact
company, or salesperson.
From the sales quote card.
To restore a sales quote from the contact interaction log entries, do the following:
1. Open the list of the contacts and select a contact you want to restore
a quote for.
2. Click Related Information > Contact > Interaction Log Entries.
The Interaction Log Entries window appears.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
3. Select the interaction log entry for the quote that you want to look at
and click Show. The saved version of the document appears.
4. Click Restore and click Yes in the dialog box that appears. Now the
quote has been restored.
5. To view the restored quote version, go back to the list of the contacts
and click Related Information > Contact > Sales Quotes.
6. In the Sales Quote window, double-click the quote to see it restored.
To restore a sales quote from the sales quote card, follow these steps:
1. Open the list of the sales quotes.
2. Find the relevant quote and open its card.
3. Click the number next to the No. of Archived Versions field on the
General FastTab of the Sales Quote window. The Sales List
Archive window appears with a list of archived versions.
4. If you want to look at details of the archived versions, select the
version you want to look at and click Related Information > Line >
Card. The Sales Quote Archive window appears.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
5. To view a card of the customer who is involved in the sales quote,
click Related Information > Version > Card.
6. To restore the selected archive version of the sales quote, go back to
the Sales Quote Archive window, and in the Action Pane, click
Restore. The sales quote is restored.
NOTE: An archived version of a sales quote cannot be restored, if this sales
quote was converted into a sales order.
If you created archived versions of sales quotes and sales orders and then deleted
quotes and orders, these created archived versions can be found at Departments
> Sales & Marketing > History. Click Sales Quote Archives or Sales Order
Archives to view and restore documents.
Saving a Sales Order
As with a sales quote, you can save an archive version of a sales order no matter
whether it was created from a sales quote or just from scratch, in addition, you
can create an interaction log entry while performing specific actions on it. When
you print out and send an order for confirmation to the customer, the program
creates a log entry with this document and saves an archive copy for future
reference. This enables you to track all versions of orders sent to the customer.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
The procedure of creating an interaction log entry and saving an archive version
of a sales order is the same as for quotes.
If you want to send the order to the customer, do the following:
1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Sales Orders.
2. On the list of the sales orders, select an order you want to send to the
customer and click Actions > Print > Order Confirmation.
3. In the Order Confirmation window, select both the Archive
Document and the Log Interaction check boxes.
Once you click Print, the program will not just send the order for confirmation to
the customer, but also create an archived version of the order and an interaction
entry for the contact and salesperson involved in the order. You can see the
number of the archived versions next to the No. of Archive Versions field on the
General FastTab of the Sales Order window.
To view interaction log entries for the contact, take these steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Sales Orders.
2. On the list of the sales orders, select the order you just sent for
confirmation and open its card.
3. Since interaction log entries can be viewed for a contact involved in
this order, and not for the order itself, you must open the contact list
with the contact. For that, in the Sales Order window, click the
AssistButton next to the Sell-to Contact No. field. The Contact List
window appears.
4. Select the contact who is assigned to the sales order you worked with
and click Related Information > Contact > Interaction Log
Entries. The Interaction Log Entries window appears.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
If the contact belongs to a company and not an individual contact, then this
interaction is recorded for the contact company also. To view the interaction for a
contact company, follow these steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click Home > Contacts.
2. Browse to the company that the contact belongs to. Contacts that
belong to companies are listed below the company name. Another
way to view related contact is to select a company and click Related
Information > Contact > Related Contacts. The Contact List
window appears with a list of the related contacts.
3. When you find a company that the contact belongs to, select it and
click Related Information > Contact > Interaction Log Entries.
The Interaction Log Entries window appears with a list of log
The Contact No. field for these records shows the number of the contact that
belongs to this company.
NOTE: An archived version of a sales quote cannot be restored if this sales
quote was converted into a sales order.
Restoring a Sales Order
Sometimes a customer wants you to create a sales order using a previous version
of the sales order. If a sales order was previously archived, you can restore it.
As with the sales quote, you can restore a sales order in one of the two ways:
From the interaction log entries created for contact person, contact
company, or salesperson.
From the sales order card itself.
The procedure of restoring a sales order is similar to that for restoring a sales
To restore a sales order from the contact person or contact company interaction
log entries, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the contacts.
2. Browse to the contact person or contact company you want to restore
the sales order for. Click Related Information > Contact >
Interaction Log Entries. The Interaction Log Entries window
3. On the list of log entries, select the entry for the sales order. To view
the card for this entry, click Show. The Sales Order Archive
window appears.
4. To restore a sales order from this version, click Restore. The sales
order has been restored. You can print it and send to the customer.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
To restore a sales order from the sales order card, follow this procedure:
1. Open the list of the sales orders.
2. Select a sales order and open its card.
3. If the order has archived version, you can see it by the number in the
No. of Archived Versions field. If it is more than zero, click it. A
list of the archived versions appears.
4. Select the version you want to restore and click Related
Information > Line > Card.
5. Click Restore: the order has been restored.
Now you can print the order and send it to the customer.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Lab 11.1 – Issue a Quote to a Contact
In this lab, you will practice creating a sales quote and sending it to a contact.
You have received a phone call from Ergonomic Office Systems requesting a
quote for office furniture. Register a quote and send it by fax.
Challenge Yourself
1. Create a sales quote.
2. Send it by fax to Ergonomic Office Systems.
Need a Little Help?
1. Create a sales quote for Ergonomic Office Systems using a customer
2. Fill in the details of the quote using the item Olympic Office System.
3. Send the quote by fax to Ergonomic Office Systems. Make sure that
you create the log entry and save a copy of the quote in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV.
Step by Step
Create a sales quote for Ergonomic Office Systems using a customer template.
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button and then click Sales
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new sales quote.
3. Press ENTER to let the program enter the next available number for
the quote.
4. Click the AssistButton next to the Sell-to Contact No. field. The
Contact List window appears.
5. Select contact CT100004, Ergonomic Office Systems, and click OK.
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Sell-to Customer Template Code
field and select the GB LND customer template.
Fill in the details of the quote using the item Olympic Office System.
1. Go to the Lines FastTab of the Sales Quote window.
2. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select Item.
3. In the Quantity field, enter “1”.
Send the quote by fax to Ergonomic Office Systems. Make sure that you create
the log entry and save a copy of the quote in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
1. To send a quote by fax, you have to print it out first. In the Sales
Quote window, click Actions > Print.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
2. Select the Log Interaction and Archive Document check boxes to
create a log entry and save a copy of the document.
3. Click Print to print the sales quote out and send it by fax.
Lab 11.2 – Restore the Quote
In this lab, you will practice restoring the previously archived sales quote. This
lab is a continuation of Lab 11.1.
Two days later, the purchase manager from Ergonomic Office Systems calls and
requests changes to the quote. He now wants to have two more items on the
quote and change the shipment method to CIF.
Three weeks later, the purchase manager decides to place an order based on a
previous quote.
Challenge Yourself
Modify the sales quote to fit the new request.
Send the new quote.
Restore the previous quote.
Make the order from this quote.
Need a Little Help?
1. Open the quote, and change the quantity by incrementing two units
and shipment terms.
2. Send the new quote with changes for confirmation and save a copy.
3. Open the previously saved sales quote and restore it.
4. Convert the quote into the sales order.
Step by Step
Open the quote and change the quantity by incrementing two units and shipment
1. In the navigation pane, click the Home button and then click Sales
2. On the list of the quotes, browse to the quote you created for
Ergonomic Office Systems in Lab 11.1 and double-click it to open
its card.
3. On the Lines FastTab, in the Quantity field, increment the quantity
by two.
4. Go to the Shipping FastTab. Click the AssistButton next to the
Shipment Method Code field and select CIF.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Send the new quote with changes for confirmation and save a copy.
1. Click Actions > Print. Select the Archive Document check box for
saving a copy of this quote.
2. Click Print to print the quote and send it for confirmation by fax.
Open the previously saved sales quote and restore it.
1. Open the sales quote a copy of which you sent to Ergonomic Office
2. Click the number in the No. of Archived Versions field.
3. In the Sales List Archive window, select the version you want to
restore and click Related Information > Line > Card.
4. In the Sales Quote Archive window, click Restore. The previous
version of the sales quote is restored. Confirm your intention by
clicking Yes in the consequent message.
Convert the quote into the sales order.
1. In the Action Pane of the Sales Quote window, click Make Order.
2. Click Yes to confirm your intention in converting the sales quote to
an order.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV offers you a possibility of archiving sales and
purchase documents and creating an interaction log entry while specific actions
on those documents are performed. Thus, you can have the program create an
interaction log entry while printing a sales quote or a sales order. You can also
archive a copy of the quote or order and refer to it in further work. Archiving a
document enables you to restore it from any of the previously archived versions.
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Test Your Knowledge
1. What documents can be archived?
2. True or False:
Only one version of the document can be archived.
3. Complete the following sentence:
You can restore a sales quote from ___________ and from ______________.
4. What check boxes must be selected to create a log entry and save a sales
quote while printing it? (Select all that apply.)
( ) Log Interaction
( ) Archive Quote
( ) No. of Copies
( ) Archive Document
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
5. Can you restore a sales order? If yes, how can you do it?
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 11: Document Archiving
Test Your Knowledge
1. What documents can be archived?
You can archive sales, purchase, and service documents.
2. True or False:
Only one version of the document can be archived.
False. You can create as many document archived versions as you want. The
number of archived versions for the document can be seen in the No. of
Archived Versions field in the document.
3. Complete the following sentence:
You can restore a sales quote from ___________ and from ______________.
You can restore a sales quote from a interaction log entry created for a contact
and from a sales quote card.
4. What check boxes must be selected to create a log entry and save a sales
quote while printing it?
(√) Log Interaction
( ) Archive Quote
( ) No. of Copies
(√) Archive Document
5. Is it possible to restore a sales order? If yes, how can you do it?
Yes, it is possible to restore a sales order if the previous version of the sales order
is archived. Find a contact for which you want to restore a sales order, and access
the Sales Order window. Click the figure next to the No. of Archived Versions
field, select a version, and from the Sales List Archive window, open the Sales
Quote Archive window. In the Action Pane, click Restore: the sales order is
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
The objectives for this chapter are:
Define Outlook Synchronization concepts.
Set up Outlook Synchronization on the Microsoft Dynamics® NAV
Describe synchronization.
Set up levels of synchronization.
Explain Outlook synchronization user roles.
Set up Outlook Synchronization on the Microsoft® Office Outlook®
Install Microsoft Dynamics NAV synchronization Add-in.
Configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV synchronization Add-in.
Perform troubleshooting on the Microsoft Office Outlook side.
View synchronization progress window.
Review specifics of successful work with Outlook Synchronization.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Introduction to Outlook Synchronization
To allow everybody in an organization to know as much as possible about the
ongoing relations with contacts, it is essential to have as much of the exchanged
information stored for public use as possible. This will allow any salesperson to
continue working exactly where another salesperson left off with a customer after
the last interaction. It will also allow you to plan your meetings and appointments
in Microsoft Office Outlook and immediately access the same information in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This will save you considerable time and prevent
unnecessary duplicate work.
Outlook Synchronization enables users to keep data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
and Outlook up-to-date. After changing information on one side, the user can
update data in the related items on another side to reflect these changes.
Synchronization is run in Outlook and can be performed either automatically in a
predefined period of time or manually by using a convenient interface.
With the help of the Outlook Synchronization functionality, you can synchronize
any data from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Outlook and vice versa.
This chapter provides information about synchronization and describes the most
common synchronization procedures. Demonstrations give practical application
of the most common actions taken by an administrator and a power user.
Setting Up Outlook Synchronization on the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Side
Outlook Synchronization setup on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side involves
performing the following actions:
Setting up synchronization entities
Setting up levels of synchronization
Setting up levels synchronization users
Registering synchronization entities
Synchronization Entity
During synchronization, the data flows from one program to another. Any item
that can be synchronized is referred to as a synchronization entity. In Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, a synchronization entity can be represented by:
Sets of filtered entries satisfying custom selection criteria
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
In Microsoft Outlook, the following objects can be mapped to synchronization
Levels of Synchronization
The synchronization levels represent a hierarchical structure, each level of which
refers to details of a certain Microsoft Dynamics NAV entity and a specific
Outlook item. This structure enables users to configure mappings not only to
Outlook items but also to the collections associated with these items.
There are two levels of synchronization each including two major stages. The
following table provides the levels and their description.
Synchronization Level
Level 1
Microsoft Dynamics NAV records are to be
synchronized with Outlook items. A Microsoft
Dynamics NAV table specified on this level is
considered a master table in terms of Outlook
Along with tables and items, their fields and
properties are also synchronized.
Level 2
On this level, Microsoft Dynamics NAV record
sets (or sub-entities) linked to the Level 1 table
by table relation are to be synchronized with
Outlook collections linked to the Outlook item.
Along with record sets (or sub-entities) and
collections, their fields and element properties
are also synchronized.
This level is an addition to Level 1 synchronization
as it helps setup additional tables and collection
elements properties associated with the Level 1
The following diagram depicts an example of the two levels of synchronization.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
From the diagram, observe that the Level 1 synchronization involves
synchronizing of Microsoft Dynamics NAV records (To-dos) with Outlook items
(Appointments), including record fields (Description, Priority, Starting Date,
and so on) with Outlook item properties (Subject, Importance, Date, and so on).
The Level 2 synchronization supposes synchronizing Microsoft Dynamics NAV
sub-entities (Attendees) with Outlook collections (Recipients), along with
synchronizing the sub-entity fields (Attendee Type, Attendee Name, Response
Status, and so on) with the Outlook collection element properties (Type, Name,
Response Status, and so on).
NOTE: On the Outlook side, the hierarchy of the items is the following: each
Outlook item has properties. An Outlook item may have collections linked to it.
Collections consist of collection elements. Each collection element has
properties. In this document, element properties are referred to as Outlook
collection element property.
These correspondences comprise a mapping schema that contains the information
about which items and their attributes take part in synchronization.
Setting Up Level 1 Synchronization
Level 1 synchronization is set up on the General FastTab of the Outlook Synch.
Entity window and respective fields. To make it obvious, you will set up Level 1
synchronization for the Customer table from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side
and Contact Item from Outlook. You will synchronize only foreign customers –
customers for which the territory code is set to Foreign.
As it was already mentioned, the process of setting up each level of
synchronization consists of two major stages. To fulfill the first major stage of
the Level 1 synchronization – define a master table and an Outlook item for
synchronizing – follow this procedure:
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Microsoft Office Outlook Integration >
Outlook Synch. Entities.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new synchronization entity.
3. In the Code field, enter its name, for example “CUST”.
4. In the Description field, enter text that describes this entity, for
example, “Microsoft Dynamics NAV Customers”. Keep in mind that
that this description will be used in Outlook as the label of the text
box for Outlook folders selected for synchronization.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Table No. field on the General
FastTab of the window. From the Outlook Synch. Table List
window that appears, select a table, for this example, select table 18,
Customer, and then click OK to confirm your choice.
The Table Name field on the General FastTab of the Outlook Synch. Entity
window is filled in automatically with the name of the selected table, which is
called a master table further in this chapter.
Now you need to define the condition as the source for selecting records from the
master table for synchronization by applying a specific filter to the master table.
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Condition field. The Outlook
Synch. Filters window appears.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
7. Click the AssistButton next to the Field Name field to open the list
of fields for the master table selected in the Table No. field.
8. In the Outlook Synch. Table Fields window, select a field and then
click OK. For this example, select Territory Code.
9. In the Outlook Synch. Filters window, click the AssistButton next
to the Type field and select CONST or FILTER. For this example,
select CONST.
10. Fill in the Value field with required filtering value. For this example,
select FOREIGN. The final filtering expression will be displayed in
the Filtering Expression field.
11. When you are finished with the filters, click OK to apply them and
go back to the Outlook Synch. Entity window.
12. To specify which Outlook item must be synchronized with the
master table, click the AssistButton next to the Outlook Item field.
The Outlook Synch. Lookup Names window appears.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
13. From the list of available Outlook items, select ContactItem and then
click OK.
The Outlook Synch. Entity window for the new entity now looks similar to that
in the “Setting Up Level 1 Synchronization” figure:
This ends specifying the Microsoft Dynamics NAV master table and the Outlook
item for synchronization. To fulfill the second major stage – define Microsoft
Dynamics NAV table fields and Outlook item properties that will be
synchronized – follow these steps:
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
1. In the Outlook Synch. Entity window for the entity you just created,
click Related Information > Synch. Entity > Fields. The Outlook
Synch. Fields window appears.
2. To specify a field that will be mapped to an Outlook item property,
in the Outlook Synch. Fields window, click the AssistButton next to
the Field No. field and select the field.
NOTE: If the Table No. field is empty when you select a field name, select a field
from the list for the master table, which you specified in the Table No. field on
the General FastTab of the Outlook Synch. Entity window.
There may be a situation when the field that you want to synchronize is absent in
the table, which you specified in the Table No. field on the General FastTab of
the Outlook Synch. Entity window. In that case, that field can be retrieved from
another table using a table relation. You can specify that table in the Table No.
3. To retrieve a table to specify a table relation for, in the Outlook
Synch. Fields window, click the AssistButton next to the Table No.
4. In the Outlook Synch. Table List window, select a table and click
OK. The Table Name field is filled in automatically.
5. Now define table relations between the selected and the master
tables. Do so by clicking the AssistButton next to the Table
Relation field. The Outlook Synch. Filters – Table Relation
window appears.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
6. Click the AssistButton next to the Field Name field to open the list
of fields for the table selected on the Lines FastTab.
7. In the Outlook Synch. Table Fields window, select a field and then
click OK.
8. In the Outlook Synch. Filters window, click the AssistButton next
to the Type field and select FIELD.
9. Click the AssistButton next to the Value field. This will open the
Outlook Synch. Table Fields window with a list fields of the master
table selected in the Table No. field on the General FastTab of the
Outlook Synch. Entity window.
10. Select a field and then click OK to insert this field in the Value field.
The final filtering expression will be displayed in the Filtering
Expression field.
11. When you are finished with the filters, click OK to apply them and
go back to the Outlook Synch. Fields window.
NOTE: The Condition field can be used to define the condition for retrieving a
certain value from several different tables.
Example: You have the Affiliation Type field in your master table (this is not a
real field; it is hypothetical) and need to retrieve the name of the master table
this field belongs to. This field can belong to the either Customer or Vendor
table. So if the value belongs to customer, you will need to retrieve his name from
the Customer table, if it is the vendor’s, from the Vendor table.
12. In the Outlook Property field of the Outlook Synch. Fields
window, click the AssistButton and select the Outlook property that
will be synchronized with the selected Microsoft Dynamics NAV
table field. Other fields in this window are optional and can be left
without changing.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
For the sake of this example, after applying table relations and specifying tables,
table fields, and Outlook item properties that are to be synchronized, the Outlook
Synch. Fields window looks like the following figure.
13. Click OK to apply your changes.
NOTE: While synchronization is being performed, Microsoft Dynamics NAV
table fields are filled in with the corresponding Outlook item values in the same
order in which they are positioned in the Outlook Synch. Fields window.
Setting Up Level 2 Synchronization
Similar to setting up Level 1, Level 2 synchronization consists of two major
Specifying one or more supplementary tables and one or more
Outlook collections.
Mapping supplementary table fields to Outlook collection element
To fulfill the first major stage – specify supplementary tables and Outlook
collections – follow these steps:
1. Open the Outlook Synch. Entity window for the entity you just set
up Level 1 synchronization. To do so, in the navigation pane, click
Departments > Administration > Application Setup > Microsoft
Office Outlook Integration > Outlook Synch. Entities.
2. On the Lines FastTab, click the AssistButton next to the Table No.
3. In the Outlook Synch. Table List window, select a table that will
act as a supplementary table and click OK. The Table Name field is
filled in with the name of the table automatically.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
To bind the master and supplementary tables in the synchronization entity, define
the way these tables are related. Defining the tables is performed by associating
fields of the master table with those in the supplementary one.
4. On the Lines FastTab, click the AssistButton next to the Table
Relation field. The Outlook Synch. Filters – Table Relation
window appears.
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Field Name field to open the list
of fields for the supplementary table selected on the Lines FastTab.
6. In the Outlook Synch. Table Fields window, select a field and then
click OK.
7. In the Outlook Synch. Filters window, click the AssistButton next
to the Type field and select FIELD.
8. Click the AssistButton next to the Value field. This will open the
Outlook Synch. Table Fields window with a list fields of the master
table selected in the Table No. field on the General FastTab of the
Outlook Synch. Entity window.
9. Select a field and then click OK to insert this field in the Value field.
The final filtering expression will be displayed in the Filtering
Expression field.
The following is the example of the Outlook Synch. Filters – Table Relation
window with the table relations specified.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
10. When you are finished with the filters, click OK to apply them.
11. To define an Outlook collection to be mapped to the supplementary
table selected, on the Lines FastTab of the Outlook Synch. Entity
field, click the AssistButton next to the Outlook Collection field.
The Outlook Synch Lookup Names window appears.
12. Select an Outlook collection to be mapped to the supplementary
table and click OK.
If the selected collection depends on other entities, you must define these
dependencies. An example of the dependency can be an attendee that has a
contact person, a contact company, and a salesperson as dependencies. The
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
dependency record will eventually be used during synchronization to determine
which record must be created in Microsoft Dynamics NAV when a new
collection element is added to an Outlook Item.
13. To define dependencies for the collection, click the number in the
No. of Dependencies field. The Outlook Synch. Dependencies
window appears.
14. In the Action Pane, click New to specify a new dependency.
15. Click the AssistButton next to the Depend. Synch. Entity Code
field and select a synchronization entity. The Description field is
filled in automatically with the description of the synchronization
16. Click the Condition field. The Outlook Synch. Filters window
appears. Fill in the fields here just as you did when setting up
conditions for the master table. When done, click OK.
17. To set up table relations, click the Table Relation field. The Table
Relation window appears. Fill in the fields here just as you did when
setting up table relations between the master table and a
supplementary table. When done, click OK.
The following is the example of the Outlook Synch. Dependencies window with
the specified dependencies.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
18. When you are finished with specifying dependencies, click OK.
Notice that the number in the No. of Dependencies field in the Outlook Synch.
Entity window has changed, and now it shows the number of dependencies you
have specified.
NOTE: If a synchronization entity assigned to a synchronization user has
dependencies, you will not be able to specify Outlook collections to be
synchronized for that synchronization entity; you must also assign dependent
synchronization entities to the same synchronization user. For more about
configuring dependencies, refer to the “Defining a Synchronization User”
Now, it is necessary to map supplementary table fields to Outlook collection
element properties. To do so, proceed to the following steps:
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
1. Go back to the Outlook Synch. Entity window for the
synchronization entity that you are setting up.
2. On the Lines FastTab, select a line with the supplementary table and
Outlook collection you specified and click Actions > Line >
The Outlook Synch. Fields window appears. The process of mapping
supplementary table fields to Outlook collection element properties is similar to
the process of mapping the master table fields to the Outlook item properties. To
continue setting up synchronization, do the following:
3. To specify a field that will be mapped to an Outlook item property,
in the Outlook Synch. Fields window, click the AssistButton next to
the Field No. field and select the field.
NOTE: If the Table No. field is empty when you select a field name, the program
suggests that you select a field from the list of fields of the supplementary table
that you specified in the Table No. field on the Lines FastTab of the Outlook
Synch. Entity window.
There may be a situation when the field that you want to synchronize is absent in
the table that you specified in the Table No. field on the Lines FastTab of the
Outlook Synch. Entity window. In that case, that field can be retrieved from
another table using a table relation. You can specify that table in the Table No.
4. To specify the table in the Table No. field, in the Outlook Synch.
Fields window, click the AssistButton next to the Table No. field.
5. In the Outlook Synch. Table List window, select a table and click
OK. The Table Name field is filled in automatically.
6. To set up table relations, click the Table Relation field. The
Outlook Synch. Filters – Table Relation window appears. Fill in
the fields here just as you did when setting up table relations between
the master table and a supplementary table for Level 1
synchronization. When done, click OK.
7. In the Outlook Property field of the Outlook Synch. Fields
window, click the AssistButton and select the Outlook collection
element property that will be synchronized with the selected
Microsoft Dynamics NAV table field. Other fields in this window
are optional and can be left without changing.
8. Click OK to apply your changes.
In the Outlook Synch. Fields window, the Search Field field is used for
defining which Outlook collection element property must be used as a search
field to search for depending entities.
When a new collection element is added for the Outlook item, the program is
trying to find an Outlook item that corresponds to that collection element in the
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
synchronization folders that you specify. It uses the Outlook item property
marked as search field for the search.
For instance, whenever a new recipient is added to an Outlook appointment item,
the program is searching for the Outlook contact item associated with this
recipient by its Address property in the synchronization folder that stores
Outlook contacts.
If the Outlook contact item is found, it is then sent to Microsoft Dynamics NAV
during synchronization process along with the recipient. This way, Microsoft
Dynamics NAV can synchronize dependent synchronization entities while
synchronizing collection elements.
To define which Outlook collection element property must be used as a search
field for searching depending entities, select the Search Field check box next to
the relevant Outlook Property field.
NOTE: You can specify fields that can be used as search fields only while setting
up Level 2 synchronization.
Outlook Synchronization User Roles
For each table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV that takes part in synchronization,
synchronization user roles determine what specific actions are permissible for the
user. In other words, the user can read, insert, modify, or delete entries in the
synchronization related Microsoft Dynamics NAV tables based on the
permissions available with a specific role.
In Outlook synchronization, there are three roles:
Power User
A user is a role whose permissions are limited to viewing the settings of the
synchronization and actually performs synchronization of entities. Under this
role, the user cannot create, change, or remove any synchronization related
Power User
In contrast to the user role, a power user can change another user's
synchronization preferences in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The power user can
only operate with the user setup functionality.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
An administrator has the ability to define the synchronization users and change
the synchronization entities. For more information about these activities, refer to
the “Defining a Synchronization User” demonstration and “Levels of
Synchronization” topic in this chapter.
NOTE: All scenarios that relate to setting up synchronization entities and
synchronization users on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side, can be fulfilled only
by a power user or an administrator.
Demonstration − Defining a Synchronization User
In this demonstration, an administrator specifies a set of entities that the
synchronization user can work with and defines in what direction the user can
synchronize data. A user selected for synchronization must already have a
Windows login registered in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Follow these steps:
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Microsoft Office Outlook Integration >
Outlook Synch. User Setup. The list of Outlook synchronization
users appears.
2. In the Action Pane, click New to create a new synchronization user.
The Outlook Synch. User Setup window appears.
3. In the User ID field, click the AssistButton and select the user. This
user must already be registered in the system and have a valid
Windows login.
4. To specify synchronization entities for this user, in the Outlook
Synch. User Setup window, click the AssistButton next to the
Synch. Entity Code field and select an entity. The Description field
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
is filled in automatically with the description of the selected
synchronization entity.
5. In the Synch. Direction field, click the AssistButton to select the
direction of synchronization: Bidirectional, Microsoft Dynamics
NAV to Outlook, or Outlook to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
6. To specify which Outlook collections you want to be synchronized,
in the No. of Elements field, click the number. The Outlook Synch.
Setup Details window appears.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
7. In the Action Pane of this window, click New to assign an Outlook
collection that you want to take part in the synchronization process.
8. Click the Outlook Collection field on the first empty line. The
Outlook Synch. Lookup Names window appears.
9. Select an Outlook collection that you want to take part in the
synchronization process and click OK.
The collection is not chosen, however, and the program responds with an error
message which informs that this collection is based on entities that have not been
set up for synchronization for the current synchronization user. The system
administrator stops this procedure and sets up the required entities for the current
The administrator views what dependencies exist for the Recipients collection.
To view dependencies, follow these steps:
1. Open the list of the synchronization entities. In the navigation pane,
click Departments > Administration > Application Setup >
Microsoft Office Outlook Integration > Outlook Synch. Entities.
2. Because for the synchronization user the APP entity was specified,
browse to the APP entity and open its card.
3. On the Lines FastTab of the window, go to the Outlook Collection
field with Recipients.
4. Click Actions > Line > Dependencies. The Outlook Synch.
Dependencies window opens.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
This window displays a list of entities that relate to the synchronization entity.
The administrator sets up the following entities to be synchronized for the current
synchronization user as well:
CONT_COMP: This entity is required for synchronizing Microsoft
Dynamics NAV contacts of the Company type.
CONT_PERS: This entity is required for synchronizing Microsoft
Dynamics NAV contacts of the Person type.
CONT_SP: This entity is required for synchronizing Microsoft
Dynamics NAV salespeople.
As the administrator, you perform the following procedure to set up entities to be
1. Open the Outlook Synch. User Setup window.
2. Click New to create a new entry for the same synchronization user.
3. In the Synch. Entity Code field, click the AssistButton and select
the CONT_COMP entity.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the CONT_PERS and CONT_SP entities.
With the dependencies added to the synchronization process, the administrator
returns to the procedure of setting up the recipients for the APP synchronization
1. In the Outlook Synch. User Setup window, select the
synchronization user that you set up with the APP synchronization
entity assigned.
2. Click Related Information > Setup > Synch. Elements. The
Outlook Synch. Setup Details window opens.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
3. Click within the Outlook Collection field on the first entry. The
Outlook Synch. Lookup Names window opens.
4. Select the Recipients entry and click OK. Now the Outlook Synch.
Setup Details window contains the name of the Recipients collection
in the Outlook Collection field.
NOTE: Other Outlook collections that you did not select will not take part in
If no Outlook collection is selected for synchronization, the program will perform
only Level 1 synchronization. To read more about levels of synchronization, refer
to the “Levels of Synchronization” topic in this chapter.
5. In the Outlook Synch. Setup Details window, click OK.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
6. The number in the No. of Elements field of the Outlook Synch.
User Setup window is changed since you added the Recipients
Outlook collection.
7. To specify a condition regarding what data the user wants to be
synchronized from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Outlook, click the
AssistButton next to the Condition field. The Outlook Synch.
Filters – Condition window appears.
8. Click the AssistButton next to the Field Name field.
9. In the Outlook Synch. Table Fields window, select, for example, a
salesperson and click OK.
10. Click the AssistButton next to the Type field and select CONST.
11. In the Value field, you can specify the salesperson code AH.
NOTE: In a real-world scenario, a synchronization user ID and the salesperson
code are the same.
The final filtering expression is displayed in the Filtering Expression field.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
NOTE: The meaning of the filter you just set up for this entity is that during
synchronization, Annette Hill will receive only her to-dos.
If you leave the Condition field empty, all to-dos from Microsoft Dynamics NAV
will be synchronized with AH’s Outlook appointments (as you selected the APP
entity that relates to appointments on the Outlook side). For contacts, you can
leave the Condition field empty to have all Microsoft Dynamics NAV contacts in
your Outlook. If you want, you can apply the same condition to the contacts.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV items that do not meet the specified condition will not
take part in synchronization.
12. Click OK to go back to the Outlook Synch. User Setup window.
NOTE: While selecting synchronization entities in the Outlook Synch. User
Setup window, you can select only among existing ones with their predefined
settings. You can create another synchronization entity and specify exactly what
you want to be synchronized. For more information about creating a
synchronization entity, refer to the “Set Up Level 1 Synchronization”
As soon as the synchronization starts, the program creates an internal document
to store these correlations. This document is called a mapping schema.
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization add-in that is installed on the
Outlook side receives the mapping schema and keeps it in the isolated storage to
make the entity mapping available to Outlook. To find out more about Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Synchronization add-in, refer to the “Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization Add-in” topic in this chapter.
For convenience, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV synchronization includes a set of
default entity mappings. As in Outlook Integration for version 4.0 of Microsoft
Dynamics NAV, the following mappings are already configured:
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Contacts of the Person and Company types
NOTE: Defining a synchronization user is one of the two crucial steps in
initiating synchronization. Another step is registering table fields that are
participating in the synchronization process within Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
For more information about registering field, refer to the “Registering
Synchronization Entities” topic in this chapter.
Registering Synchronization Entities
Once you have finished setting up Level 1 and Level 2 of synchronization, you
must run the Outlook Synch. Change Log Set. batch job. This batch job makes
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Change Log functionality track all the fields that
you have specified during setup. This step is essential for Outlook
Synchronization. If you omit this step – no changes will be detected in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV and consequently nothing will be synchronized with Outlook.
The Outlook Synch. Change Log Set. request page can be accessed either from
the Outlook Synch. Entity or from the Outlook Synch. User Setup window by
clicking Related Information > Synch. Entity > Register in Change Log
Lab 12.1 − Map the Customer Table to Outlook Contact Item
In this lab, you will practice adding a field for a master table and an Outlook
collection property to participate in synchronization.
As a sales manager, you want to specify an additional field to be synchronized on
the Level 1of synchronization.
Challenge Yourself
Add the Country/Region field for the Level 1 of synchronization where
Customer is a master table. Map this field to the corresponding property of the
Outlook item.
Need a Little Help?
1. Browse to the entity you created, which is set up for synchronizing
the Customer table from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side with the
Contact item from the Outlook side.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
2. Add the Country/Region field for the master table and specify the
corresponding Outlook item property for synchronization. Be sure to
add the Country/Region field on the fourth line of the window.
Step by Step
Browse to the entity you created, which is set up for synchronizing the Customer
table from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side with the Contact item from the
Outlook side.
1. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Administration >
Application Setup > Microsoft Office Outlook Integration >
Outlook Synch. Entities.
2. On the list of the Outlook synchronization entities, select the entity
for which you want to add a field for the master table and open its
Add the Country/Region field for the master table and specify the corresponding
Outlook item property for synchronization.
1. To add a field for the master table, in the Outlook Synch. Entity
window, click Related Information > Synch. Entity > Fields. The
Outlook Synch. Fields window appears.
2. Go to the fourth line and click New.
3. In the Table No. field, click the AssistButton and select 9 for the
Country/Region table. From this table, select the Country/Region
field. Click OK.
4. Define table relations between the selected and the master tables by
clicking the AssistButton next to the Table Relation field. The
Outlook Synch. Filters – Table Relation window appears.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
5. Click the AssistButton next to the Field Name field to open the list
of fields for the supplementary table selected on the Lines FastTab.
6. In the Outlook Synch. Table Fields window, select the Code field
and then click OK.
7. In the Outlook Synch. Filters window, click the AssistButton next
to the Type field and select FIELD.
8. Click the AssistButton next to the Value field. This will open the
Outlook Synch. Table Fields window with a list fields of the master
table selected in the Table No. field on the General FastTab of the
Outlook Synch. Entity window.
9. Select field 35, Country/Region, and then click OK to insert this
field in the Value field. The final filtering expression will be
displayed in the Filtering Expression field.
10. When you are finished with the filters, click OK to apply them and
go back to the Outlook Synch. Fields window.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
11. Click the AssistButton next to the Field No. field. In the Outlook
Synch. Table Fields window, select field 2, Name and click OK.
The Field Name field is filled in automatically.
12. In the Outlook Property field of the Outlook Synch. Fields
window, click the AssistButton and select the
BusinessAddressCountry property. The Outlook Synch. Fields
window now looks like the following figure.
Now, one more Microsoft Dynamics NAV table and table field will be
synchronized with the Outlook item property.
13. Click OK to apply your changes.
Setting Up Outlook Synchronization on the Outlook Side
To define the synchronization settings, specify troubleshooting options, and
perform synchronization, the user appeals to the interface available in Outlook.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization Add-in
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization add-in is a key component of the
synchronization setup process and the main user interface to control the settings
of synchronization. This component also features a mechanism for the resolution
of synchronization conflicts and errors. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization add-in is installed at the Outlook side.
Specifics in Installing Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization Add-in
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization add-in contains the means
necessary for setting up and adjusting synchronization options. The add-in is the
only part of Outlook synchronization that users install on the Outlook side. The
“Synchronization Add-in Options” topic will cover how to install, set up, and
remove the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization add-in. The Microsoft
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Dynamics NAV Synchronization add-in is a part of the Microsoft Dynamics
NAV installation package and you must choose to install it.
The procedure of installing the add-in component is part of the standard
Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation.
After you install the add-in, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization
toolbar will appear in Outlook the next time that you start it.
Synchronization Add-in Options
This section covers all the settings and options available on the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Synchronization toolbar and in the Settings window used for
adjusting the way synchronization is to be performed.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization Toolbar
The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization toolbar makes it possible to do
the following:
Start synchronization.
Set up synchronization options.
Resolve synchronization conflicts and observe synchronization
Test the connection status.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
The Synchronize button starts synchronizing the Outlook items that have not
been synchronized since the last modification and items that have not been
synchronized at all (new items).
The Full Synchronization button lets users synchronize all Outlook items that
are stored in folders specified on the Folders tab of the Settings window. It also
retrieves all Microsoft Dynamics NAV entities, not only those that were changed.
Outlook items are not synchronized if no fields have changed since the last
For example, full synchronization might be required when you first start using
the synchronization feature and you want to transfer all Microsoft Dynamics
NAV entities into Outlook, not only those that were changed there. By default,
the Full Synchronization button cannot be seen. However, it can be added to the
toolbar using the Customize tab of the Settings window.
NOTE: If a different custom toolbar called Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization exists in your Outlook, it will be removed during the add-in
installation. All buttons that were on that custom toolbar will be lost.
Settings Window
When a user clicks the Settings button, the Settings window appears, where
synchronization and conflict resolution settings can be adjusted. This window
contains five tabs:
General Tab
The General tab controls the primary synchronization options. Here, the user can
specify information about different aspects of the synchronization process. To
define the behavior of the program in case a conflict occurs, the user must select
a desirable option in the Synchronization conflicts resolution group.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Connection Tab
The Connection tab contains options for setting up a server for communication
between Outlook and Microsoft Dynamics NAV, in addition to the connection
type to be used to interact with that server.
The following server options are available:
Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Server Tier
Communication will be performed through the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. If this option is
selected, the user can adjust Web service settings.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Microsoft Dynamics
NAV Database Server
Communication is performed through the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV database server. If the user selects
this option, it is possible to view the C/FRONT.NET
related settings in the Connection Type area in this
Microsoft SQL Server
The SQL server will be responsible for
communication. If you select this option, you will be
able to select a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database
name in the Connection Type area.
In the Company Name field, the user enters the name of the company that is
involved in synchronization. The company must already be registered in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Folders Tab
To select the folders for synchronizing Outlook items with Microsoft Dynamics
NAV entities and for storing already synchronized items, use the Folders tab.
The controls in the Settings window are added dynamically, depending on the
information about the synchronized entities that is retrieved from Microsoft
Dynamics NAV Server. The server obtains information about the synchronized
entities from the Outlook Synch. User Setup window. There must be a separate
folder for each synchronization entity that the user defined in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV. The labels for these controls correspond to the values of the
Description field in the Outlook Synch. Entity window in Microsoft Dynamics
NOTE: Specifying folders is essential. If no folder is specified, the solution will
not work.
Filters Tab
On the Filters tab, you can specify criteria to define more accurately the Outlook
items that will be synchronized with Microsoft Dynamics NAV entities. The
items sorted out will not be synchronized. The items that the user will apply
filters to originate from the folders specified on the Folders tab.
Each item type has its own set of filters that can be edited in the Filter window.
The user can click the Edit button on the Filters tab next to the filter to be
The filter expressions are shown in the rows in the Do not synchronize items
that match these criteria area. In this area, the user can delete excessive criteria
or add more using the functionality available in the Define more criteria area in
the Filter window.
Customize Tab
On the Customize tab, select which command buttons are available on the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization toolbar.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Be aware that the Settings button is absent from the list of options because it is
always visible.
Synchronization Process
When all the settings in the Settings window are defined, you can run
synchronization. You do this only on the Outlook side by clicking the
Synchronize button on the Synchronization toolbar.
You can run synchronization manually any time you want to update information
on Microsoft Dynamics NAV side and the Outlook side. Or you can have
synchronization to run automatically in the predefined period of time. You
specified this period in the Schedule automatic synchronization every …
minutes field on the General tab of the Settings window in Outlook.
Synchronization is being performed according to the mapping schema retrieved
from Microsoft Dynamics NAV. It contains Microsoft Dynamics NAV entities
and respective Outlook items that must be synchronized.
While synchronization is being performed, you can view its progress in the
Synchronization Progress window.
Synchronization Progress Window
The Synchronization Progress window shows the status of the synchronization
being performed. By design, it is similar to the Send/Receive window available
in Outlook.
The user accesses the Synchronization Progress window by clicking the
Synchronize button on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization toolbar.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
NOTE: The Synchronization Progress window opens only if the Show
synchronization progress check box on the General tab of the Settings window is
selected and synchronization is run manually. If the Schedule automatic
synchronization every … minutes check box is selected on the General tab of
the Settings window and synchronization is started automatically, the
Synchronization Progress window will not be shown.
If a user clicks the Synchronize button on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar while the synchronization is already running in the
background, the Synchronization Progress window pops up to display the
current status of the synchronization.
In the Synchronization Progress window, the user can view details of the
current synchronization process. Clicking the Details button reveals the
synchronization status of:
The synchronization process
Outlook and Microsoft Dynamics NAV items
When the synchronization process is complete, the Synchronization Progress
window displays the summary of the performed actions.
NOTE: To be able to view the synchronization summary, the Show
synchronization summary check box in the Settings window must be selected.
Demonstration − Synchronize Automatically
A sales manager has to synchronize Outlook items and Microsoft Dynamics
NAV entities. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV entities are contacts of the
Company type, meetings, and tasks. The synchronization options must provide
automatic running of synchronization every 60 minutes.
If a synchronization conflict appears during synchronization (meaning that both
corresponding and previously synchronized Microsoft Dynamics NAV entity and
Outlook item were changed), all Microsoft Dynamics NAV entities must be
replaced with Outlook items. For each folder in Outlook where synchronized
items are to be stored, apply a filter with conditions that limit the number of
Outlook items that will be synchronized.
To synchronize items, you as a sales manager must do the following:
1. Click the Settings button on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar. This opens the Settings window.
2. On the General tab, fill in the available fields in the following way:
Field Name
Schedule automatic
Select this field. Put 60 as the frequency
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
synchronization every
for automatic synchronization
Show synchronization
Select this check box.
Show synchronization
Select this check box.
conflicts resolution
Select the Replace Microsoft Dynamics
NAV records with Outlook items
3. On the Connection tab, fill in the available fields as follows:
Field Name
Server Type
Select the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Service Tier option
Connection Type
Web Service
Company Name
Enter the name of the demo company:
CRONUS International Ltd.
4. Click the Folders tab to assign folders for storing synchronized data.
On this tab, fields that have folder names as captions are available.
5. To define a path of each of these folders, click the AssistButton next
to the field. The Select Folder window appears.
o For contacts of the Company type select Contacts.
o For the Meeting select the Appointments folder.
o For Tasks select Tasks.
6. In the Filters tab, specify filters for each entity that are to be
synchronized. To start defining filters, click Edit next to contacts of
the Company type. The Filter window appears. Use the information
in the following table.
Field Name
Field Name
7. Click OK to apply the filter.
8. On the Settings window, click Edit next to the Meeting folder label.
In the Filter window, select the following values:
Field Name
Field Name
9. Click OK.
10. On the Settings window, click Edit next to the Tasks folder label. In
the Filter window, select the following values:
Field Name
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Field Name
Creation Time
on or after
11. After you have set up all the options necessary for completing the
demonstration, click OK to apply the changes. The program will run
synchronization in every 60 minutes and will resolve
synchronization conflicts by replacing all Microsoft Dynamics NAV
entities with Outlook items.
Lab 12.2 − Synchronize Manually
In this lab, you will practice running synchronization manually. This lab is based
on the results of the Synchronize Automatically demonstration.
Synchronize Outlook items and Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects manually
instead of automatically.
Challenge Yourself
The sales manager creates an appointment, a task, and a contact in Outlook to
synchronize with the corresponding Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects by
performing the following:
Create an appointment.
Make it appear in the calendar.
Start the synchronization manually.
Check synchronization results.
Need a Little Help?
1. Specify the exact subject, location, label, and time for the new
appointment. Make the appointment appear in the calendar as the out
of office time.
2. Start the synchronization manually, instead of waiting until
automatic synchronization will run.
3. Verify that the items in the folders specified in the Settings window
are synchronized with Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects.
Step by Step
Specify the exact subject, location, label, and time for the new appointment.
Make the appointment appear in the calendar as the out of office time.
1. In Outlook, open the folder that was specified for storing calendar
items and then click New > Appointment. Use the information in
the following table.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Field Name
Meeting with Customers (with Outlook as their subjects)
Enter where this appointment is to occur
Label List
Start Time
The twelfth of the current month
All Day Event
Show As
Out of Office
2. In the Tasks window, open the folder that was specified for storing
tasks and then click New > Task. Fill in all the necessary fields to
create the task.
3. In the Contacts window, open the folder that was specified for
storing contacts and then click New > Contact. Fill in all the
necessary fields to create the contact.
Start the synchronization manually, instead of waiting until automatic
synchronization will run.
1. Click the Settings button on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar to open the Settings window.
2. On the General tab, select the Show synchronization summary
check box. This option makes sure that after you perform
synchronization, the Synchronization Summary window opens and
displays what items have been synchronized.
According to the settings made in the Synchronize Automatically demonstration,
synchronization must run every 60 minutes. Clear the Schedule automatic
synchronization every … minutes check box to run synchronization manually.
3. Click OK to apply your changes and close and window.
4. Click the Synchronize button on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar.
Verify that the items in the folders specified in the Settings window are
synchronized with Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects.
5. Open the Synchronization Summary window to view the number
of items that have been synchronized.
6. Verify that the items you have created in Outlook appeared in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
You can view the list of the synchronization errors and conflicts that occurred
during synchronization. To make this information available, you open the
Troubleshooting window by clicking the Troubleshooting button on the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Synchronization toolbar.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
One of two outcomes after the synchronization is performed is possible:
No errors or conflicts have been logged. In this case, the
Troubleshooting button is white in color.
At least one conflict or error has been logged. The Troubleshooting
button is red.
In both cases, if you click the Troubleshooting button, the Troubleshooting
window appears, with or without errors and conflicts.
The Troubleshooting window contains two tabs:
Errors – Displays synchronization errors.
Conflicts – Displays synchronization conflicts.
Errors Tab
The Errors tab displays the errors occurred during synchronization process. New
entries are added, for example, as a consequence of an attempt to synchronize
items from a folder that has been deleted. After every synchronization session,
the program updates the list of errors on the Errors tab.
After correcting an error either on the Outlook or Microsoft Dynamics NAV side,
the user can delete the corresponding error record manually by clicking the
Delete button on the Errors tab toolbar. The Delete All button makes it possible
to delete all the records in the error log.
Technical problems like Outlook exceptions or operating system errors that
occurred during synchronization are stored in the log file created in the Outlook
folder and are often not displayed on the Errors tab. This log is intended for the
system administrators.
NOTE: New errors make the list bigger even if the identical entries already exist
– the same error can be listed more than once.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Conflicts Tab
The Conflicts tab contains information about the mapped Outlook items and
Microsoft Dynamics NAV entities that have been modified after the previous
synchronization, both on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Outlook side. The
entries displayed on the Conflicts tab show which objects cannot be
synchronized automatically, and the user has to decide how to resolve the
If the program registers any conflicts, the list of conflicts is updated.
NOTE: Records of synchronization conflicts will be stored and then displayed on
the Conflicts tab if the Resolve conflicts manually option is selected on the
General tab of the Settings window. If you select any other option for conflict
resolution, synchronization conflicts will be resolved automatically according to
the selected option and therefore will not be logged.
NOTE: Conflicts that remained from the previous synchronization are deleted.
Lab 12.3 − Resolve Synchronization Conflicts
In this lab, you will practice resolving synchronization conflicts that occur. This
lab is based on the result of Lab 12.2.
The sales manager needs to manually resolve the conflicts that occurred during
The appointment created in Lab 12.2 now exists in the user’s Outlook. And now
the sales manager calls to that user and asks him to postpone an appointment
until the 14th of the current month. However, by mistake the user changed the
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
date to the 13th. In his turn, the sales manager also changes the time on the
corresponding to-do in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Challenge Yourself
Resolve the logged conflict in favor of information provided by the sales
Step by Step
In Outlook, click Settings on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar. The Settings window opens.
On the General tab, select the Resolve conflicts manually option in
the Synchronization conflicts resolution area. This option signifies
that each synchronization conflict will be stored in the
troubleshooting log.
Click OK to apply changes and close the Settings window.
In Outlook, open the appointment that you created for the
Synchronize Manually demonstration. Change the date to the 13th of
this month and save the appointment.
Click Synchronize on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar to run synchronization. The
Troubleshooting button turns to red, which means that
synchronization conflicts occurred and have been logged.
Click Troubleshooting on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Synchronization toolbar. The Troubleshooting window appears.
Go to the Conflicts tab to view the synchronization conflict.
To view details of this conflict, double-click the appropriate entry.
The Conflict Details window appears and shows what data has been
mismatched during synchronization. In this case it will be dates.
Click OK to close the window.
To resolve the conflict in favor of the sales manager, select the
conflict and then click the Replace Outlook Item button on the
Click OK to close the Troubleshooting window. Click OK to apply
changes on the confirmation message that appears.
Open the appointment that you synchronized with Microsoft
Dynamics NAV to notice that the date has been changed to the 14th.
Points to Remember
When synchronizing such different applications as Microsoft Dynamics NAV
and Outlook, the user must consider the specifics of each. This section helps
avoid many pitfalls of synchronization.
Working with Contacts
When working with contacts, remember the following:
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Salespeople can only be created in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Because of functional limitations imposed by Microsoft Dynamics
NAV for adding salespeople (absence of the No. Series
functionality), whenever an Outlook contact is to be synchronized
with a Microsoft Dynamics NAV salesperson – the latter must be
created in Microsoft Dynamics NAV as a salesperson and then
synchronized to Outlook. After the salesperson is created in this
manner, its properties can be synchronized both directions.
Make sure that the Full Name field is empty on the Contact Card
window in Outlook (or it contains the same value as the Company
field) for contacts that are to be synchronized with Microsoft
Dynamics NAV contacts of the Company type. Since the name of
contacts of the Company type is always the same as the company
name, the related Outlook contacts either must not have the full
name specified or the full name must be identical to the value in the
Company field. If the user specifies the full name different from the
company name, the data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV can become
As you set up synchronization and run the Outlook Synch. Change
Log Set. batch job the first time, you must reopen the Microsoft
Dynamics NAV application. This enables the program to log
changes made in synchronization entities. Registering entities in the
change log is necessary to make them available for the Outlook
To make sure that the e-mail address of a newly synchronized
salesperson is stored in the correct format, define the e-mail address
in Outlook. Because of the specifics of storing e-mail addresses at
the Exchange server in Outlook, the correct e-mail format will be
applied only when the address is specified for the contact in Outlook.
Therefore, if a Microsoft Dynamics NAV salesperson is
synchronized for the first time, leave its e-mail address empty,
synchronize the contact with Outlook, add the e-mail address to the
contact in Outlook and synchronize the change back to Microsoft
Dynamics NAV.
Avoid starting names of companies with the word “The”. Because of
the specifics of Outlook, the word “The” that starts a company name
is moved to the end of the name (e.g. “Cannon Group, The”).
Therefore the synchronization will fail because the related Microsoft
Dynamics NAV contact of the Company type will not be found.
Working with Tasks and Appointments
The following recommendations will facilitate working with tasks and
The name of the actual Outlook user (the synchronization user) must
coincide with the name of the salesperson in Microsoft Dynamics
NAV. To synchronize tasks and appointments, the Outlook user must
be the salesperson in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The name and e-
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
mail address must be identical in both applications. Otherwise the
synchronization fails.
When you create an appointment or task, select related contacts and
recipients only from the folders defined in the synchronization setup.
If contacts and recipients are selected from other folders, these
appointments and tasks will not be synchronized.
Outlook tasks can be synchronized with Microsoft Dynamics NAV
to-dos either of the Phone Call or Blank type. To-dos of these types
can have only one contact assigned. If more than one contact is
specified for the corresponding Outlook task, the program
automatically chooses the last and ignores the rest.
If you intend to use a contact as a related contact in tasks and
appointments, do not fill in the Title field (with Mr. or Mrs.) in the
Check Full Name window accessed by clicking the Full Name
button in the Contact window in Outlook. Otherwise, the program
may not find this contact during synchronization.
When synchronizing Outlook tasks, select only contacts that are
already synchronized with Microsoft Dynamics NAV contacts of the
Company or Person type (not Salespeople). Microsoft Dynamics
NAV allows only contacts of the Person or Company type to be
assigned a to-do (the Phone Call or Blank type).
Tasks assigned to other users, but stored in the synchronization
folder of the Outlook synchronization user are not synchronized.
Appointments stored in the synchronization folder but containing the
organizer different from the Outlook synchronization user are not
synchronized because of Outlook limitations.
Make sure that the contact added manually to tasks and appointments
is recognized as a valid Outlook contact and is stored in the
synchronization folders. If you insert a contact manually, you must
check if the specified value is the name of a valid Outlook contact
(using the Check Names button available on the Tools menu).
Otherwise the contact is not synchronized.
General Settings
When synchronizing data, consider the following Outlook specifics:
The synchronization folder moved to the Deleted Items folder in
Outlook can still be used during synchronization. To remove a
synchronization folder the user must delete it completely from the
Deleted Items, too. Then it is necessary to run the synchronization
and restart Outlook for the changes to take effect.
Avoid duplicates in the fields marked as Search Fields in the
synchronization entity settings in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Such
fields are used for finding synchronization entities. Otherwise
Outlook only synchronizes the first one it finds, ignoring the other
ones. For example, as the related contacts are identified by their
names, there must not be two such contacts that have the same name.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Multiple profiles in Outlook are not supported. If you have more
than one Outlook profile connected to different Exchange servers,
and one of them is prepared from synchronization, then all profiles
will have identical synchronization settings (except the folders
selected for storing synchronized items).
Do not change the system time manually. The current version of
synchronization supports only automatic time changes caused by a
time zone change or summer/winter time change. Therefore, it is not
recommended to change the system time manually.
Adjust the time span between automatic synchronizations according
to the number of objects that must be synchronized. If many entities
are expected to be synchronized, increase the scheduled period of
time that needs to elapse between synchronization.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV offers a feature for synchronizing its entities with
corresponding Outlook items: Outlook Synchronization. You can choose among
three synchronization directions: from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Outlook,
from Outlook to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, or bidirectional.
The synchronization entities are set up on Microsoft Dynamics NAV side.
Synchronization becomes available for a synchronization user when:
The synchronization entities are created in Microsoft Dynamics
The needed synchronization entity is added for the user in the
Outlook Synch. User Setup window.
Table fields participating in synchronization are registered.
On the Outlook side, you can run the synchronization process and view
synchronization errors and conflicts that occur.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Test Your Knowledge
1. What does Level 1 synchronization include?
2. True or False:
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, a synchronization entity can be represented by
tables, fields, and sets of filtered entries.
3. Complete the following sentence:
Directions of synchronization can be from _______________ to, from
___________________ to, and ______________.
4. Which of the following Outlook objects can be mapped to synchronization
entities in Microsoft Dynamics NAV? (Select all that apply.)
( ) Items
( ) Letters
( ) Collections
( ) Properties
5. Where can you view the list of synchronization errors?
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
6. True or False:
The Synchronization Progress window is always open if the Show
synchronization progress check box is selected.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment to write down three Key Points you have learned from this
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
Test Your Knowledge
1. What does Level 1 include?
On the Level 1, Microsoft Dynamics NAV records are to be synchronized with
Outlook items.
Along with tables and items, their fields and properties are synchronized.
2. True or False:
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, a synchronization entity can be represented by
tables, fields, and sets of filtered entries.
True: In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, a synchronization entity can be represented
by tables, fields, and sets of filtered entries.
3. Complete the following sentence:
Directions of synchronization can be from _______________ to, from
___________________ to, and ______________.
Directions of synchronization can be from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Outlook,
from Outlook to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and bidirectional
4. Which of the following Outlook objects can be mapped to synchronization
entities in Microsoft Dynamics NAV?
(√) Items
( ) Letters
(√) Collections
(√) Properties
5. Where can you view the list of synchronization errors?
The list of synchronization errors that occur during synchronization can be
viewed on the Outlook side.
6. True or False:
The Synchronization Progress window is always open if the Show
synchronization progress check box is selected.
Chapter 12: Outlook Synchronization
False: If the Schedule automatic synchronization every … minutes check box
is selected on the General tab of the Settings window and synchronization is
started automatically, the Synchronization Progress window will not be shown.