See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Modelling and validation of motorcyclist helmet with composite shell Article in International Journal of Crashworthiness · April 2012 DOI: 10.1080/13588265.2011.648465 CITATIONS READS 10 471 3 authors, including: Caroline Deck University of Strasbourg 100 PUBLICATIONS 1,474 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Caroline Deck on 25 August 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. This article was downloaded by: [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] On: 10 January 2012, At: 01:39 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Crashworthiness Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Modelling and validation of motorcyclist helmet with composite shell a a V. Tinard , C. Deck & R. Willinger a a Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France Available online: 09 Jan 2012 To cite this article: V. Tinard, C. Deck & R. Willinger (2012): Modelling and validation of motorcyclist helmet with composite shell, International Journal of Crashworthiness, DOI:10.1080/13588265.2011.648465 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. International Journal of Crashworthiness iFirst 2012, 1–7 Modelling and validation of motorcyclist helmet with composite shell V. Tinard, C. Deck and R. Willinger∗ Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 (Received 23 May 2011; final version received 7 December 2011) The aim of this paper is to propose a new helmet finite element model of a commercial helmet with a composite outer shell and to validate it under normative conditions against experimental tests. After a meshing of the helmet based on the computer-aided design (CAD) provided by the manufacturer, the mechanical properties of each component of the helmet (the outer shell and the foam) have been implemented under LS-DYNA FE code. The composite outer shell has been modelled with a non-homogeneous law by taking into account characteristics of each ply composing the laminate in terms of elastic behaviour as well as rupture behaviour. The foam characteristics are based on literature data. After coupling of the helmet model with the headform model, the novel helmet model has then been validated against experimental data under normative conditions as prescribed by standard ECE 22.05. Keywords: composite helmet; finite element modelling; standard validation Introduction Motorcyclists’ helmets for motorcyclists are basically made from two main parts, the outer shell and the foam liner. The main function of the outer shell is to distribute impact loads over a large area and to protect the head from the penetration of sharp objects. There are essentially two different types of outer shells: thermoplastic and composite outer shells. Thermoplastic outer shells can be made either of ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) or polycarbonate. Composite outer shells are usually made of fibrereinforced plastics. The type of plastic commonly used is epoxy resin and the type of reinforcement is glass fibre due to its relatively low cost and fairly good mechanical performance. Carbon and Kevlar are also used, but only for the most advanced or competition helmets. The main advantage of using composite outer shells lies in their capability of absorbing more energy by rupture in comparison with thermoplastic outer shells. The main function of the energy-absorbing liner is to provide a stopping distance for the head during an impact. The material commonly used for the foam liner is expanded polystyrene (EPS) as it has excellent performances, lightweight characteristics and low cost. In order to better understand the helmet behaviour in case of impact, a number of authors have proposed helmet models. The first helmet models that can be found in the literature are lumped-mass models. Köstner and Stöcker in 1987 [7] and Mills and Gilchrist in 1988 [9] proposed lumped-mass models of helmet with a symmetrical outer shell and whose foam was based on springs and dampers. ∗ Corresponding author. Email: ISSN: 1358-8265 print / ISSN: 1754-2111 online C 2012 Taylor & Francis The main disadvantage of such models is that they did not take into account the helmet geometry and thus are not reliable for quantitative studies. Furthermore, they allow describing the deformation only in a specific direction, which involves recalibrating the model for each impact configuration. Finally, these models can be used only for linear impacts, excluding any possibility of analysing tangential ones. In order to compensate for these limitations, finite element models of motorcyclist helmets have been developed. These models can be divided into two categories according to the helmet outer shell material (homogeneous thermoplastic or composite outer shell). Focusing on helmet finite element models with composite outer shell, only five models are reported in the literature. The first one has been proposed by Brands in 1997 [1] and aimed to explain the dynamical behaviour of a helmet during impact. The author validated this model with regard to standard ECE 22.04. However, the outer shell was modelled with an elastic law as the author has considered that there was no delamination during impact and that the fibres of the composite material were randomly oriented. The model developed by Kostopoulos et al. in 2002 [8] aimed to evaluate the absorption capability of three different fibres included in the composite materials (glass, carbon and Kevlar) of the outer shell of a motorcyclist helmet in case of impacts. The authors concluded that the materials with the lowest shear modulus lead to additional absorption mechanisms and thus allow a better helmet behaviour in case of impact. The model proposed by Kostopoulos et al. is the most 2 V. Tinard et al. Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 Figure 1. Illustration of foam meshing. advanced helmet finite element model with composite outer shell as the authors used realistic theoretical properties for the composite material and took into account delamination in the modelling of the rupture. Nevertheless, their model remains a simplified modelling of a laminate and the mechanical properties come from literature data and were not obtained through experimental tests. Pinnoji and Mahajan [12], Cernicchi et al. [2] and Ghajari et al. [5] proposed models of helmets with composite outer shell and coupled them with an anatomical head model in order to evaluate the injury risk sustained by the head in case of normative impacts. The authors have concluded that wearing helmet allows a decrease of the injury risk sustained by head in case of normative impact, even if normative requirements seem to be insufficient to really protect a human head. Mills et al. [10] also proposed a helmet finite element model with composite outer shell and EPS foam. As the authors have focused their study on the friction coefficients between the different parts of the helmet, they have modelled the composite outer shell by considering a simple elastic model. Considering the limitations of the existing helmet finite element models found in the literature, the aim of the present work is to propose a new helmet finite element model with composite outer shell whose characteristics will be based on experimental tests of the material and structure under consideration and which will finally be validated against experimental tests under normative conditions. (CAD) file. The outer shell was meshed with 7542 shell elements, with a thickness varying from 2.7 mm to 3.5 mm according to the considered helmet area. The foam was meshed with 13,145 brick elements and 398 tetrahedron elements. Its thickness ranges from 13 mm for the chin to 46 mm for the vertex area. Specific attention has been applied to the foam meshing as its geometry is quite complicated, as illustrated in Figure 1. The headform used to perform the normative impacts was meshed by means of 3280 shell elements and considered as rigid with a mass of 5.7 kg (corresponding to the M headform of ECE 22.05 standard). The two test anvils were meshed with solid elements (2820 elements for kerbstone anvil and 306 for flat anvil) and were considered as rigid. An illustration of the headform helmet and anvils meshing is given in Figure 2. Materials For the helmet under consideration, foam is made of EPS of two different densities. As illustrated in Figure 3, front and cheeks have an 85 kg·m−3 specific mass, whereas for other parts, this parameter is 55 kg·m−3. The material constitutive Model description Geometry and meshing The finite element modelling of the considered helmet under impact consists of four parts: the helmet outer shell, the helmet foam, the headform and the anvils (kerbstone and flat). The comfort liner has not been included in the model as it has been considered that it has no influence on headform response during an impact. The geometry of the helmet outer shell and the foam was provided by the manufacturer in a computer-aided design Figure 2. Illustration of headform helmet and anvils meshing (kerbstone anvil on the left and flat anvil on the right). International Journal of Crashworthiness 3 Table 1. Mechanical properties of foam for the two considered expanded polystyrenes (specific mass of 55 and 85 kg·m−3). Foam + Chin [12] Front + Cheek [3] 55 15 0.01 85 28 0.01 4 4 3 3 2 1 0 0.0 Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 Stress (MPa) Stress (MPa) ρ (kg·m−3) E (MPa) υ 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 2 1 0 0.0 1.0 0.2 law model was implemented under LS-DYNA by means of law ∗ MAT CRUSHABLE FOAM. Thus, the stress versus volumetric strain functions for both types of polystyrene materials were introduced. The mechanical characteristics of the considered EPSs come from experiments reported in the literature [3, 12] and are summarised in Table 1. Regarding the outer shell mechanical properties, a detailed presentation of the methodology used to identify the constitutive law of the heterogeneous composite structure can be found in Tinard et al. [13] in terms of elastic behaviour as well as rupture behaviour. The results of this study are synthesised hereafter. The helmet outer shell is divided into four areas corresponding to different laminates of glass fibres-reinforced epoxy resin. These laminates are combinations of four plies: one biaxial ply and three mat plies. The composition of the outer shell is illustrated in Figure 4. Elastic and rupture properties of each ply composing these laminates have been obtained through experimental tests coupled with a combined experimental–numerical 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Volumetric strain Volumetric strain method. Elastic characterisation of each layer composing the outer shell has been based on experimental modal analysis on samples combined with a coupled experimental–numerical method. Starting with an initial estimation of parameters to be identified, the coupled experimental–numerical method has iteratively updated these parameters until the difference between values obtained from numerical calculation and experiments is minimised. An error function containing the deviation between experimental and calculated results has been established. Rupture characterisation has been performed by impact tests on the entire outer shell. Tests have been performed for two different impact velocities in the vertex area. The characterisation has been done by identifying composite outer shell fracture and in terms of force–displacement curves of the impact point. All these characteristics have been implemented under LS-DYNA by means of a ∗ MAT ENHANCED COMPOSITE DAMAGE law. The elastic properties of each ply composing the outer shell are summarised in Table 2 and rupture properties are reported in Table 3. Interfaces and boundary conditions As the meshes of the outer shell and the foam were not continuous, an interface has been introduced to model the Table 2. Elastic mechanical properties of each ply composing the helmet outer shell. Ply Figure 3. Illustration of the two areas composing the foam. Front and cheeks are made of expanded polystyrene of 85 kg·m−3 specific mass, whereas foam and chin are made of expanded polystyrene of 55 kg·m−3 specific mass. Biaxial Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3 EL (GPa) ET (GPa) GLT (GPa) υ LT ρ (kg·m−3) 14 13 9 16 14 13 9 16 11 9 6 13 0.29 0.32 0.31 0.3 2000 2300 2100 2000 Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 4 V. Tinard et al. Figure 4. Illustration of the four areas of the outer shell and their ply organisation. interactions between these two components. A tied interface (∗ CONTACT TIED SHELL EDGE TO SURFACE CONSTRAINED OFFSET under LS-DYNA) has been used for this purpose to prevent any translation between the foam and the outer shell but node rotation is nevertheless allowed. Sliding interfaces (∗ CONTACT SURFACE TO SURFACE) have also been assumed to model contact between the outer shell and the anvil as well as between the headform and the foam. Friction coefficients of 0.1 and 0.2 were used, respectively, for these two interfaces. Helmet model validation procedure For the validation step of the developed helmet model, simulations have been performed based on ECE 22.05 standard impacts [4]. The ECE 22.05 requires a series of tests, the severest of which are impact absorption tests. The impact absorption capacity is determined by recording the acceleration of the headform fitted with the helmet when it is dropped in a guided free fall at a specific impact velocity upon a fixed steel anvil. The sites of the helmet to be imTable 3. Rupture parameters of each ply composing the helmet outer shell. Strength (MPa) Longitudinal compressive (XC ) Longitudinal tensile (XT ) Transverse compressive (YC ) Transverse tensile (YT ) Shear (SC ) pacted sequentially are point B on the front, point X on either side, point R on the rear, point P on the crown and an optional point S on the chin bar. The specified impact velocity is 7.5 m·s−1 for each impact point, except for point S, where it is 5.5 m s−1. The two types of anvils required by the ECE 22.05 standard have been used for the simulations: a flat circular anvil and a kerbstone anvil. As approval limits, ECE 22.05 standard requires that the linear resultant acceleration peak does not exceed 275 g and that HIC (Head Injury Criteria) does not exceed 2400. HIC is a head injury evaluation criterion widely used in the automotive industry [11] and is given by: Biaxial Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3 1100 600 900 1400 260 1100 150 600 150 900 670 1400 260 100 150 100 150 90 670 100 HIC = (t1 − t2 ) 1 t1 − t2 2.5 t2 a(t) dt , (1) t1 where a(t) is the measured linear acceleration of the headform’s centre of gravity in multiples of g, and t1 and t2 are any two instants during the impact. Results and discussion The validation of the helmet model is performed with regard to experimental data provided by the manufacturer in terms of linear acceleration of the headform recorded during the impact and HIC. Impacts have been carried out for four impact locations (B, P, R and X) and for both anvils required in ECE 22.05 standard. Results obtained in terms of headform response for impacts on the kerbstone anvil for all considered impact points are presented in Figure 5. As it can be observed, a good correlation has been obtained between experimental and numerical results in terms of acceleration peak as well as time evolution in all considered configurations. International Journal of Crashworthiness Vertex impact Frontal impact experimental simulation 200 150 100 50 0 250 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 250 2 4 6 8 10 12 experimental simulation 200 150 100 50 0 0 14 0 2 4 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 200 experimental simulation 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 8 10 12 14 Lateral impact Rear impact 200 6 Time (ms) Time (ms) 250 5 10 12 14 experimental simulation 150 100 50 0 0 2 Time (ms) 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (ms) Figure 5. Comparison between experimental (black) and numerical (grey) accelerations for impacts on kerbstone anvil for the four considered impact points. Results in terms of HIC are also coherent for all impact configurations, as shown in Table 4. The obtained values show a very good correlation between experimental results and numerical ones for frontal (B), vertex (P) and rear (R) impacts. For lateral impacts (X), a higher difference can be observed between experimental and numerical values but results remain acceptable (Table 5). Regarding results obtained for impacts on a flat anvil, a good correlation between experimental and numerical results can also be observed in terms of acceleration peak as well as peak duration for all considered impact points, as illustrated in Figure 6. Results are also coherent in terms of HIC, except for lateral impacts (X), where the experimental value is twice of the numerical one. The proposed helmet model with composite outer shell has thus been validated under normative conditions against experimental data in terms of headform linear acceleration and HIC. However, some aspects have not been dealt with and they require further considerations. The first aspect to be considered is the influence of the temperature on the helmet response. Indeed, all experimental tests and simulations have been performed under ambient conditions (+20◦ C) and it could be interesting to carry out experimental and numerical tests at extreme temperature (+50◦ C and –20◦ C). Moreover, in order to complete the validation of the helmet model, impacts have to be performed on the chin area (point S), as required by Directive ECE 22.05. Table 4. Results obtained in terms of HIC during impacts on kerbstone anvil. Table 5. Results obtained in terms of HIC during impacts on flat anvil. HIC Experimental Simulation Frontal impact Vertex impact Rear impact Lateral impact 1613 1618 1871 1851 1585 1505 1251 992 HIC Experimental Simulation Frontal impact Vertex impact Rear impact Lateral impact 1868 1862 1989 2141 2020 1972 1972 968 6 V. Tinard et al. Frontal impact Vertex impact 250 experimental simulation 200 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 250 150 100 200 150 100 50 50 0 experimental simulation 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 8 10 250 experimental simulation 200 Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 6 12 Lateral impact Rear impact 250 4 Time (ms) Time (ms) 150 100 experimental simulation 200 150 100 50 50 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (ms) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Time (ms) Figure 6. Comparison between experimental (black) and numerical (grey) accelerations for impacts on flat anvil for the four considered impact points. A second aspect concerns the modelling of the helmet itself and especially the outer shell modelling. Regarding the geometry of the outer shell, some simplifications have been performed as lapping between the different areas which have not been taken into account in the model. Finally, regarding energy absorption mechanisms of the composite outer shell, only damage has been modelled using the Tsai–Wu criteria. Delamination has indeed not been considered for this model. However, some authors have shown that this mechanism is of huge importance for crash of composite materials. Kostopoulos et al., in 2002, showed that delamination plays an important part in energy absorption process, as it represents up to 12% of impact energy [8]. Another study led by Iannucci in 2006 [6] proposed a method for modelling delamination in composite laminates and compared results of experimental impacts and simulation impacts on laminates with and without modelling of delamination. Results obtained showed a better correlation with experimental results when delamination is considered. This aspect has thus to be further developed in order to propose a more complete composite outer shell model. Conclusion The aim of the present study is to propose a new finite elements model of a commercial helmet with composite outer shell and to validate it against experimental tests under normative conditions. The first step consisted in meshing the helmet model from a CAD provided by the manufacturer. The final meshing counts a total of 21,085 elements (13,543 brick elements and 7542 shell elements). The helmet meshing has then been transferred under LS-DYNA and mechanical properties of the foam and the outer shell have been implemented into the model. The foam mechanical properties came from literature data and those of the outer shell (in terms of elastic and rupture characteristics) have been obtained through experimental tests. The second step consisted in validating the helmet model against experimental tests under normative conditions by superposing experimental and numerical headform acceleration versus time. Simulations performed on both anvils (kerbstone and flat anvils) have shown a good agreement with experimental results in terms of linear International Journal of Crashworthiness acceleration of the headform’s centre of gravity as well as HIC. The proposed helmet finite elements model has thus been validated for the four impact points and on both anvils, as required by the European standard ECE 22.05. The proposed approach constitutes an important step towards numerical tools for new helmet design and optimisation. Acknowledgements This work has been developed within the ANR PREDIT project BioCASQ (French Department of Transport). The authors wish to thank Shark Helmets for their collaboration. Downloaded by [Université de Strasbourg, SCD ] at 01:39 10 January 2012 References D.W.A. Brands, Development and validation of a finite element model of a motorcycle helmet, Ph.D. diss., Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, 1996. A. Cernicchi, U. Galvanetto, and L. 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