Grade Level: Senior High School (Applied) Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP SH-Teacher 1: Florentina M. Visto We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od We ek 1 Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e *Discus s the Entrepr importa eneurs nce of hip entrepr * pages eneurs 1-4 hip *pages 11-15 underst 21-25 and the *pages relevan 31-37 ce of by the Marife course Agustin Acierto identify the basic concept s& charact eristics of entrepr eneurs hip explore Link (if available online) www.slideshare.netjohanicquinoneslopezlesson1i mportanceofentrepreneurship.180712104837%20 (1).pdf www.slideshare.netjohanicquinoneslopez.m1lesso n2entrepreneurialmind1807121051115.pdf Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies job opport unities We *Explai ek 2 n concept s, principl es & process es of develop ing a busines s plan We *identif ek 3 y market proble m, techniq ues on seeking , screeni ng & seizing opport unities, market need, product Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 43-55; by Marife Agustin Acierto Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 61-101 By Marife Agustin Acierto Link (if available online) www.slideshare.netjohanicquinoneslopezm2.lesso n1wgatisaabusinessplan180712105440.pdf Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t: The Prod uct Cycle (page s 107110) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies /its nature & sustain ability, custom er require ments, best product for market need We *Organi ek 4 ze and underst and the key concept s of market, compet itors and product s and services availabl e in the market Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 115121 *pages 129130 *pages 135137 *pages 143148 *pages 153- Link (if available online) n-180725234133%20(1).pdf www.slideshare.netchapter6identifyandmeetamar ketnetentrepreneurship:ideasinactionsontawester publishing www.slideshare.netunderstanding%20customer% 20needs.pdf Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od We ek 5 Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e - Selling Proposi tion & Value Proposi tion -Target Market Custom er Require ments Market Size Validat e Custom errelated concer ns 155 by Marife Agustin Acierto *Valida te Custom errelated concer ns Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 153155 Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e through : intervie w -FGD -Survey ntati on *pages 169174 *pages 181183 By Marife Agustin Acierto We *Discus ek 6 s the Entrepr importa eneurs nce of hip marketi *pages ng mix 189in the 191 develop *pages ment of 197marketi 242 ng strateg y marketi ng mix -7 P’s of marketi ng mix in relation to the Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies busines s opport unity Vis-avis: product , place, price, promot ion, people, packagi ng, positio ning We *Demo ek 7 nstrate underst anding of: -brand name -4 m’s of operati onsmanpo wer, method , machin Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 247251 *pages 257260 Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e e, materia ls We *Devel Entrepr ek 8 op a eneurs Busines hip s Model *pages 265develop 268 a *pages product 273descrip 275 tion *pages suited 281to the 284 product *pages benefit 289-create 291 a prototy pe of the product -discuss the testing of product prototy pe -service descrip Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies tion of the product We -Select ek 9 or pinpoin t potenti al supplie rs of raw materia ls necessa ry for the product ion of the product or services -discuss value supply chain recruit ment Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 297300 *pages 305310 *pages 315319 Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od We ek 10 We ek 11 We ek 12 Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e Forecas t the resourc es of the busines s forecas t the costs to be incurre d comput e profits Demon strate underst anding of financia l statem ents Manife st *pages 333337 *pages 343347 *pages 353363 Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Entrepr eneurs hip *pages 365382 By Marife Agustin Acierto Entrepr eneurs hip Flore ntina Visto Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Flore ntina Visto Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) We ek of the Qu art er/ Gra din g Peri od Most Essenti al Learnin g Compe tencies Lesson LR Exempl devel ar/ oper Learnin g resourc es availabl e underst anding of starting and operati ng a simple busines s Busines s Plan Busines s Operati on Busines s Records *pages 387388 *pages 393395 *pages 411414 By Marife Agustin Acierto Link (if available online) Asse ssme nt (prov ide a link if onlin e) Powe rpoin t Prese ntati on Legend: *These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed most essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.