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Syllabus Scavenger Hunt: Class Introduction

Syllabus Scavenger Hunt:
Get to know the class, and your classmates
My name: Shiwen Zhu
My partner’s name: Valencia Jones
(cut and paste this section again if you are working with more than one person)
My partner’s program/s:
Where they are working from this summer:
One fascinating fact about my partner:
Reading comic books and playing games
Syllabus Information
1. Where will you find the lecture files for this class? What should you do with them
before each class session?
I can find them in blackboard and I should download and preview them before the class.
2. What museum will we be virtually visiting on Thursday?
Metropolitan Museum of Art
3. What will your assignment be that is due by the start of class one week from today?
Where will you find the information that you need to complete it?
Read Chapter 14 and complete the associated Study Guide. I can find the information from the
textbook we bought and Blackboard-Course work.
3. How can you be certain that you earn your 5 points of Professionalism for each class
Earning 5 points means attending class sessions for 2.5 hours and arriving on time and remaining
attentive, keeping your video on and your phone off, and completing the in-class assignments by the
end of each class period.
4. What is the policy on late work for the class (hint: see the Study Guides section! That
applies to all assignments).
You must submit them by the start of the class session
5. What will your midterm be for this class? Will you be responsible for generating it on
your own?
The midterm will be presenting a series of artworks reflective of a curatorial concept that represents
our course of study to date. We will work collaboratively.
6. After listening to the announcement regarding Attendance by AVP Jason Fox of
Academic Services, what is your plan for ensuring that you log two attendance credits
each week?
Students are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled classes and examination periods.
Absences in excess of four class periods per quarter, or 20 percent of the course, result in the student
receiving a failing grade for the course. Tardiness, early departure or other time away from class in
excess 15 minutes per class session is considered absence.
8. What is the capstone project for this class (the one which is worth the largest
percentage, and due at the end of the quarter)?
Virtual Exhibition. Same as Midterm but students should work independently.
9. Why do I discourage you from using Google for this class?
Too much irrelevant information and incorrect answers can be misleading. Also the source from
Google might not be reliable and accurate.
10. Where will you submit ALL work for this class?
Submissions Folder
And finally: What are you most looking forward to, and most apprehensive about,
regarding this quarter ? (Remember, I’m the only one who will read this part!)
Studying and enjoy the summer.