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COVID-19 ICU Protocol: CARE-Banjara Guidelines

1. All suspected patients (pts) with symptoms of Covid-19 will be admitted to MICU2 (RICU)
2. Two beds in RICU (MICU2) have been removed for use for donning and doffing area, so in force, we
will have only 10 effective beds in RICU.
3. The 6 cubicles in RICU will be serve as individual isolation beds, and as and when patients are
tested to be Covid- negative, they will be initially moved to non-cubicle beds (4 No.s) in RICU
4. MICU1 and ICCU will be used to take in other medical cases and Covid negative patients initially
and depending upon the load, if RICU becomes full, cubicles in MICU1 will be used for suspected
Covid patients.
5. Depending upon the influx of Covid suspected patients, ICCU will be converted into MICU 3 and
may be used as a COVID positive ICU for cohorting, as majority of ICU beds in ICCU are open and not
in an enclosure.
6. RICU will be closed for specialities other than critical care. Cross consultations and referrals will be
managed through Video consultation using Jabber from room 229. RICU consultant will co-ordinate
the decisions from multidisciplinary consults and be responsible for treatment plan.
7. A webcam with mic on desktop and a separate tablet have been arranged in room 229 for video
consults for RICU.
8. This video consults will be also extended to ICCU (MICU3) once covid positive cases are cohorted
9. Surgical department residents will be posted in ICUs to help ICU consultants and fellows for
logistical support.
10. Proper PPE is mandated for all health care staff working in ICUs and ER.
11. Basic PPE within RICU will be cap, mask, surgical gown or hazmat suit, N-95 mask and eye
protection (goggles)
12. HCW coming into contact with pts in RICU will wear an additional PPE- surgical face mask (with
eye shield) on top of N-95, disposable gown over surgical gown or hazmat suit, and if likely to come in
contact with bodily secretions, will wear pinny apron in addition.
13. Basic PPE will be doffed off after a lysol spray, in the prescribed doffing area before coming out of
14. All ventilators and syringe pumps are being modified to be used out of the cubicles in RICU, to
minimize need to enter the cubicles and limit exposure and use of additional PPE.
15. Post- Cath area will be used as Cardiac ICU, and ICU-1st floor will be used as cardiac HDU.
16. Request all consultants, nursing and administrative staff to Co-operate in this regard.