Group Participation Rubric Category Below Basic (1) Basic (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4) Attention Rarely pays attention and attends to tasks Pays little attention and attends to tasks half of the time Pays attention with prompts and attends to tasks for most of the time Pays attention with no prompts and attends to tasks all of the time Instructions Does not follow instructions Follows instructions half of the time Follows instructions most of the time Follows all directions independently Independency Needs continuous prompting to stay engaged Needs moderate prompting to stay engaged Needs minimal prompting to stay engaged Stays engaged with no prompts Peer Interactions Does not initiate conversations or respond to peers Does not initiate conversations and sometimes responds to peers Sometimes initiates conversation and usually responds to peers Independently initiates conversations and responds to peers Staff Interactions Does not initiate conversations or respond to staff Does not initiate conversations and sometimes responds to staff Sometimes initiates conversation and usually responds to staff Independently initiates conversations and responds to staff Name ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________________