Manual Activity (ERP) after applying code Please carry out the following manual steps in your system after applying the correction instructions. Contents 1. Creating Implementations of BADI’s...................................................................................... 2 Changes to BADI ‘BADI_SD_BILLING_ITEM’ Implementation (AEI_WS_BILLING_CHK) ....................................................................................................... 2 Changes to BADI ‘BADI_SD_BILLING’ Implementation (AEI_WS_BILLING_CHECK) ... 2 2. Activation of BTE Events........................................................................................................ 5 3. Creation of GUI Status for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ .............................................................. 5 STEPS FOR CREATING GUI S TATUS - ......................................................................................... 5 4. Creation of GUI Titles for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ ............................................................ 12 STEPS FOR CREATING GUI TITLE ............................................................................................. 12 5. Text Elements for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’.......................................................................... 13 6. Creation of transaction code for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’.................................................... 17 7. Text Elements for program ‘SAPLJ1AE’ ............................................................................. 18 1. Creating Implementations of BADI’s Refer SAP notes 1623229 to download the SAR files. The SAR Files must be used to create implementations for ‘BADI_SD_BILLING’ and ‘BADI_SD_BILLING_ITEM’. Once the implementations are created, carry out the below code changes. Changes to BADI ‘BADI_SD_BILLING_ITEM’ Implementation (AEI_WS_BILLING_CHK) Choose method VBRK_VBRP_DATA_TRANSFER. Paste the following code activate the implementation METHOD if_ex_badi_sd_billing_item~vbrk_vbrp_data_transfer. DATA : xvbpa TYPE vbpavb_tab. IF fvbrp-aubel IS NOT INITIAL. "Fill Partner function table SELECT * FROM vbpa INTO TABLE xvbpa WHERE vbeln EQ fvbrp-aubel. ENDIF. " Validate billing data and fill bupla , xblnr(ODN number) CALL FUNCTION 'J_1A_WS_AEI_BILLING_CHECK' EXPORTING s_vbrp = fvbrp IMPORTING ret_fsubrc = fsubrc TABLES t_xvbpa = xvbpa CHANGING s_vbrk = fvbrk. ENDMETHOD. Changes to BADI ‘BADI_SD_BILLING’ Implementation (AEI_WS_BILLING_CHECK) 1. Choose method INVOICE_DOCUMENT_CHECK. 2. Paste the following code and activate the method METHOD if_ex_badi_sd_billing~invoice_document_check. DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA : wa_xvbrk lt_xvbrk : wa_yvbrk lt_yvbrk : lv_component : wa_j1acae : wa_brnch wa_anx3date TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE vbrkvb, vbrkvb_t. vbrkvb, vbrkvb_t. t005-intca. j_1acae. j_1asnr-j_1asnr, j_1asnr-anx3_date, wa_blart wa_doccls wa_fkdat TYPE tvfk-blart, TYPE j_1adoccls-j_1acoccls, TYPE vbrk-fkdat. * Pass data from table to work area APPEND LINES OF fxvbrk TO lt_xvbrk. APPEND LINES OF fyvbrk TO lt_yvbrk. LOOP AT lt_xvbrk INTO wa_xvbrk. CLEAR wa_brnch. wa_brnch = wa_xvbrk-bupla. * Perform Company code. CALL FUNCTION 'J_1BSA_COMPONENT_ACTIVE' EXPORTING bukrs = wa_xvbrk-bukrs component = '**' IMPORTING active_component = lv_component EXCEPTIONS component_not_active = 01 error_message = 09 OTHERS = 02. IF sy-subrc = 9. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'A' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. CASE lv_component. WHEN 'AR'. SELECT SINGLE * "#EC WARNOK FROM j_1acae INTO wa_j1acae WHERE bukrs = wa_xvbrk-bukrs AND cae_ref = wa_xvbrk-vbeln. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. IF wa_j1acae-rfc_sent_lock EQ 'X' OR wa_j1acaecae_status EQ 'I'. MESSAGE e003(j_1a_ws_cae) WITH wa_xvbrk-vbeln. ENDIF. IF wa_j1acae-cae_status CA 'CAO'. IF wa_xvbrk-fksto EQ 'X'. MESSAGE e008(j_1a_ws_cae). ELSE. *** Allow release to accounting. CLEAR wa_yvbrk. READ TABLE lt_yvbrk INTO wa_yvbrk WITH KEY vbeln = wa_xvb rk-vbeln. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. IF wa_xvbrk-fkdat NE wa_yvbrk-fkdat. MESSAGE e008(j_1a_ws_cae). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ELSEIF wa_xvbrk-fksto EQ 'X'. DELETE j_1acae FROM wa_j1acae. ENDIF. ELSE. SELECT SINGLE blart FROM tvfk INTO wa_blart WHERE fkart = wa_xvbrk-fkart. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND wa_blart IS NOT INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE doccls FROM t003_i INTO wa_doccls WHERE land1 = 'AR' AND blart = wa_blart AND ( offnrel EQ 'B' OR offnrel EQ 'C ' ) . IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND wa_doccls IS NOT INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE anx3_date FROM j_1asnr INTO wa_anx3date WHERE bukrs = wa_xvbrk-bukrs AND j_1asnr = wa_brnch AND wsbrnch EQ 'X'. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. wa_fkdat = wa_xvbrk-fkdat. IF wa_fkdat LT wa_anx3date. MESSAGE e004(j_1a_ws_cae) WITH wa_fkdat wa_anx3date. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. 3. Choose method INVOICE_DOCUMENT_ADD and double click. 4. Paste the following code and activate the method and the implementation METHOD if_ex_badi_sd_billing~invoice_document_add. DATA : xvbrk TYPE vbrkvb_t, xvbrp TYPE vbrpvb_t, xkomv TYPE va_komv_t, xvbpa TYPE vbpavb_tab, yvbrk TYPE vbrkvb_t, yvbrp TYPE vbrpvb_t. xvbrk xvbrp xkomv xvbpa yvbrk yvbrp = = = = = = fxvbrk. fxvbrp. fxkomv. fxvbpa. fyvbrk. fyvbrp. *** calling function module to update CAE table(J_1ACAE and J_1ACONTING ENCY). CALL FUNCTION 'J_1A_WS_AEI_UPDATE_TASK' IN UPDATE TASK TABLES t_xvbrk = xvbrk t_xvbrp = xvbrp t_xkomv = xkomv t_xvbpa = xvbpa t_yvbrk = yvbrk t_yvbrp = yvbrp. ENDMETHOD. 2. Activation of BTE Events Steps for creating new BTE entry 1. Go to t-code FIBF 2. Click on Settings -> Identification->SAP Applications 3. Click on New Entries Button and Enter the following 4. 5. 6. 7. Press Save and then Back. Click on Settings -> P/S Modules -> of an SAP Application Find the Event – 00001025 and 00001030 in the list Make the following entries against the Event – 00001025 and 00001030 Event 00001025 00001030 Ctr Appl. AEI AEI Function Module J_1A_WS_POST_BTE_CHEC_1025 J_1A_WS_POST_BTE_UPDATE_1030 8. Save the Event list. 3. Creation of GUI Status for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ STEPS FOR CREATING GUI STATUS 1. Go to t-code se38 2. In the drop-down list select – ‘Program’ 3. In the text box below drop down list enter Program as ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ and Click on button 4. Select the program name J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ available under the Object name, right click on the mouse select CREATE -> GUI Status For Status SCREEN_100 In the dialog window enter the following – a. Program - J_1A_WS_MONITOR b. Status - SCREEN_100 c. Short Text - AR CAE Process Status d. Status type - Normal Screen e. Click on ‘OK’ button. Update the Application toolbar as follows - Static Function Texts Function Code Function Type Function Text Icon Name Icon Text Info. Text REFRESH CONTING Refresh Switch to Conting. ICON_REFRESH ICON_DELIVERY Refresh Contingency SEND_J1ACA Send ICON_SUBMIT Send to AFIP Refresh Switch to Contingency Mode Send to AFIP CONTING_RS Reverse Contingency ICON_DELETE_ALL_ATTRIBUTE S TEST_RFC Test connection ICON_TEST Reset Contingency Mode Check RFC Connection Reset Contingency Mode Check RFC Connection PRO_CONT Process Contingency ICON_OPERATION Process Contingency LAST_ODN Get Last ODN ICON_PREVIOUS_STEP Get Last ODN ARCHIVE Archive/Display ICON_READ_FILE Display/Archive Process Documents in Contingency Get last approved ODN Archive or Display XML file from AFIP Update the Function Keys as follows – 5. Set the Function type of BACK, EXIT and CANCEL as ‘E’. Fast Path R C D T O 6. Save and Activate the GUI Status. Click the Extras -> Active Functions in Current Status. Select all the Function codes and Click on ‘ACTIVE FUNCTIONS’ button For Status SCREEN_200 1. In the dialog window enter the following – a. Program - J_1A_WS_MONITOR b. Status - SCREEN_200 c. Short Text - GUI Status For Screen 0200 d. Status type - Dialog Box e. Click on ‘OK’ button. Update the Application toolbar as follows - Static Function Texts Function Code CONTINUE CANCEL Function Type E Function Text Continue Cancel Icon Name ICON_OKAY ICON_CANCEL Icon Text Continue Cancel Info. Text Fast Path A Update the Function Keys as follows – 2. Save and Activate the GUI Status. Click the Extras -> Active Functions in Current Status. Select all the Function codes and Click on ‘ACTIVE FUNCTIONS’ button. For Status SCREEN_0300 1. In the dialog window enter the following – a. Program - J_1A_WS_MONITOR b. Status - SCREEN_0300 c. Short Text - GUI Status For Screen 0300 d. Status type - Dialog Box e. Click on ‘OK’ button. Update the Application toolbar as follows - Static Function Texts Function Code CONTINUE CANCEL Function Type E Function Text Continue Cancel Icon Name ICON_OKAY ICON_CANCEL Icon Text Continue Cancel Info. Text Fast Path A Update the Function Keys as follows – 2. Save and Activate the GUI Status. Click the Extras -> Active Functions in Current Status. Select all the Function codes and Click on ‘ACTIVE FUNCTIONS’ button. For Status SCREEN_400 1. In the dialog window enter the following – f. Program - J_1A_WS_MONITOR g. Status - SCREEN_400 h. Short Text - GUI Status for Screen 0400 i. Status type - Dialog Box j. Click on ‘OK’ button. Update the Application toolbar as follows - Static Function Texts Function Code CONTINUE CANCEL Function Type E Function Text Continue Cancel Icon Name ICON_OKAY ICON_CANCEL Icon Text Continue Cancel Info. Text Fast Path A Update the Function Keys as follows – 2. Save and Activate the GUI Status. Click the Extras -> Active Functions in Current Status. Select all the Function codes and Click on ‘ACTIVE FUNCTIONS’ button. For Status SCREEN_500 1. In the dialog window enter the following – k. Program - J_1A_WS_MONITOR l. Status - SCREEN_500 m. Short Text - GUI Status for Screen 0500 n. Status type - Dialog Box o. Click on ‘OK’ button. Update the Application toolbar as follows - Static Function Texts Function Code CONTINUE CANCEL Function Type E Function Text Continue Cancel Icon Name ICON_OKAY ICON_CANCEL Icon Text Continue Cancel Info. Text Fast Path A Update the Function Keys as follows – 2. Save and Activate the GUI Status. Click the Extras -> Active Functions in Current Status. Select all the Function codes and Click on ‘ACTIVE FUNCTIONS’ button. For Status SCREEN_600 3. In the dialog window enter the following – p. Program - J_1A_WS_MONITOR q. Status - SCREEN_600 r. Short Text - GUI Status for Screen 0600 s. Status type - Normal Screen t. Click on ‘OK’ button. Update the Application toolbar as follows - Static Function Texts Function Code SAVE_FILE Function Type Function Text Save to File Icon Name ICON_SYSTEM_SAVE Update the Function Keys as follows – Icon Text SAVE Info. Text Save XML to file Fast Path 1. Set the Function type of BACK, EXIT and CANCEL as ‘E’. 2. Save and Activate the GUI Status. Click the Extras -> Active Functions in Current Status. Select all the Function codes and Click on ‘ACTIVE FUNCTIONS’ button. 4. Creation of GUI Titles for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ STEPS FOR CREATING GUI TITLE 1. Go to t-code se80 2. In the drop-down list select – ‘Program’ 3. In the text box below drop down list enter Program as ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ and Click on button 4. Select the program name J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ available under the Object name, right click on the mouse select CREATE -> GUI Titles For Title TITLE_100 In the dialog window enter the following – a. Title code - TITLE_100 b. Title - AR: Monitoring Tool for Web Services of Argentina c. Click on ‘ALL TITLE’ button and Activate For Title SCREEN_200_T In the dialog window enter the following – a. Title code - SCREEN_200_T b. Title - Please select the branches c. Click on ‘ALL TITLE’ button and Activate For Title SCREEN_0300_T In the dialog window enter the following – a. Title code - SCREEN_0300_T b. Title - Please Select Branches to set contingency c. Click on ‘ALL TITLE’ button and Activate For Title SCREEN_0400_T In the dialog window enter the following – a. Title code - SCREEN_0400_T b. Title – ‘Get last approved ODN’ c. Click on ‘ALL TITLE’ button and Activate For Title SCREEN_500_T In the dialog window enter the following – a. Title code - SCREEN_500_T b. Title – ‘Update Reference’ c. Click on ‘ALL TITLE’ button and Activate For Title SCREEN_600_T In the dialog window enter the following – a. Title code - SCREEN_600_T b. Title – ‘Displaying XML file from AFIP’ c. Click on ‘ALL TITLE’ button and Activate 5. Text Elements for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ Perform the following tasks after the code is implemented using the correction instructions – 1. Go to t-code se38. 2. Enter the program name as ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ 3. Click on ‘Change’ Button. 4. Navigate to Go to -> Text Elements -> Selection Texts 5. Update the text as per the below list – Name Text BRNCH Branch number BUDAT Posting Date BUKRS Company Code CAE_DUDT CAE due date CAE_NAME Changed by Dictionary ref. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CAE_RFYR CAE_STAT CONT DOCCLS KUNNR P_AFIP P_APP P_ARCH P_CONT P_COUNT P_DISP P_FNAME P_PRES P_VARI REF_FI REF_SD SEL_FI SEL_SD S_PRTCH XBLNR Fiscal Year CAE Invoice Status Yes Yes Document Class Customer Execute in background(AFIP) Application server Archive XML(Background) Execute in background(Contgy) Maximum No. of Hits Display ALV File Path Presentation server Layout Accounting Document Billing Document FI Documents SD Documents Char. to be printed Reference Yes Yes Yes Yes 6. Click on Save button 7. Click on ‘Text Symbols’ Tab 8. Update the Text Symbols as per the below list – Sym 001 002 003 004 005 009 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 Text General Selection Criteria Do you intend to set the contingency branch? Displaying LOG Details Additional Parameters Do you want to process the selected documents? Please enter the values Task System failure Communication failure Resource Failure Other Error is created for company code branch doc class and print char @DF\Q Approved@ @F1\Q Rejected @ @M3\Q In Process@ @9Y\Q Can be process through contingency @ @BZ\Q New Document@ @5C\Q Error Doc @ @AH\Q Click here to display LOG@ @5B\Q No LOG available@ dLen mLen 26 44 22 21 46 23 4 14 21 16 11 27 6 9 14 15 16 17 42 19 17 32 23 26 49 22 21 46 23 19 14 21 16 11 27 6 9 14 15 16 17 42 19 17 32 23 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 STATUS LOG Error while updating J_1ACAE table! Error while updating J_1ACONTINGENCY table! No RFC Destination maintained for company code Connection to WS is Successful for company code Connection failed for company code Contingency mode is reset for company code Contingency is set for company code Type Message Text Set Contingency Process Contingency Contingency Branch is not maintained for Company code inconsistent with last-assigned date Document number Document date Error in argentina doc. numbering for company code Document type Reference No successfully updated for document Contingency flag is not set for document number Error in updating accounting document Accounting document is updated successfully Reference doc number is not updated in VBRK table Reference is updated successfully in VBRK table Selection Criteria for Billing Document Selection Criteria for FI Document Error while updating Contingency flag table(J_1ACON) with company code Output Specification Type of View No documents available to update ODN numbers Communicated with RFC System to get last ODN number used System Failure while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Communication failure while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Resource failure while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Error in communicating RFC System while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Another document is already in process for the same combination. Try again later. Document is in process : Unable to set the lock 6 3 35 43 46 47 34 42 35 4 12 15 19 53 36 15 13 50 13 12 33 47 37 43 49 47 39 34 70 6 3 38 43 46 47 34 42 35 4 12 15 19 53 37 20 13 50 13 12 33 47 37 43 49 47 39 34 70 20 12 44 56 61 68 132 12 45 56 61 68 63 63 80 80 81 81 22 24 22 24 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 is locked for processing RFC Sent lock is set : Unable to set RFC Sent lock No authorization to process this document (Authorization Object - J_1A_AFIP) System Failure while calling bapi to get XML file Communication failure while calling bapi to get last XML file Resource failure while calling bapi to get XML file Error in communicating RFC System while calling bapi to get last XML file Output selection Presentation Server File Path , branch The document for company code is already approved. is selected to process via contingency , Print Character Unable to release the lock for document is unlocked Error while connecting. , Branch indicator Error in creating the accounting document Document is already released Document could not be released. Check document Message class: and number: cannot be blocked Value of Hits must be greater than zero Error in communicating RFC System while calling bapi to get ODN Detais The last ODN approved by AFIP is inconsistent with the reference in the table J_1ACAE . Do you want to update ODN in J_1ACAE table? ODN Inconsistency The last ODN approved for company code ,document class is Save XML File Can not display multiple XML files. Do you want to save? is not Approved. RFC destination has to be selected now Regime 2485 identified. Request sent to AFIP 24 20 29 76 24 20 29 81 49 61 51 73 49 61 51 73 16 19 9 8 12 16 20 38 17 39 11 23 18 41 28 46 14 11 17 39 70 18 19 9 8 12 16 20 38 18 39 11 23 18 41 28 46 14 11 17 39 70 29 55 45 17 38 15 2 13 56 16 38 23 20 29 55 45 17 38 15 2 13 56 16 38 23 20 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 131 Regime 2904 identified. Response received from AFIP Displaying the XML from AFIP Error in communicating RFC System Error while reading RFC destination File: Saved successfully in DIR_HOME Directory of Application server(Transaction code : AL11) File saved successfully in location of Presentation server Error while saving file is currently being processed Contingency reason Maintain contingency branch for Company code is updated with reference. Cannot update the document with the reference XML File not found 23 27 28 33 35 5 87 23 27 28 33 35 5 88 35 22 23 28 18 44 26 27 18 18 35 22 23 28 18 44 26 27 18 18 9. Click on Save and Activate button. 6. Creation of transaction code for ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ 1. Go to t-code se80 2. In the drop-down list select – ‘Program’ 3. In the text box below drop down list enter Program as ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ and Click on button 4. Select the program name J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ available under the Object name, right click on the mouse select CREATE -> Transaction 5. Enter the following details in the dialog box and press OK button 6. Enter the program name as ‘J_1A_WS_MONITOR’ and select the check boxes SAP GUI for HTML, JAVA and Windows. 7. Click on SAVE button. 7. Text Elements for program ‘SAPLJ1AE’ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sym 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 Go to t-code se38. Enter the program name as ‘SAPLJ1AE’ Click on ‘Change’ Button. Navigate to Go to -> Text Elements -> Selection Texts Update the text as per the below list – Text National Taxes Provincial Taxes Municipal Taxes Internal Taxes Other Missing entry in table J_1AOFNR1 Error due to inconsistency in ODN number range and approved numbers Maintain number range as the existing number range has reached the maximum limit ODN Number is generated Error while generating ODN Number The reference field value is not same as the document number Branch could not be determined Official document type could not be determined BAPI request data is not populated Connection to WS is successful Document sent to AFIP Response received from AFIP 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 There is no response from AFIP Server,process again after some time. System Failure Communication failure Resource failure Error in communicating RFC System The batch of documents are approved The document is approved The XML message id is The batch of documents are partially approved The document is partially approved The document is rejected and error messages are below. Error: Description: Calling BAPI to get the last approved ODN number as the error code is 10016 The combination is as follows. CCode: Branch: Doc Cls: Prnt Char: Code: J_1ACAE table is updated with rejection status, RFC_SENT_LOCK as " " & XMLME SSAGEID Error in updating RFC Sent lock & rejection status for current doc in J_1ACAE table Updated rejection details for current doc in J_1A_WS_REJ table Error in updating rejection details in J_1A_WS_REJ table Billing date cannot be earlier than last Annexure date Posting date Error in updating J_1ACAE table Processing date should not exceed 5 days to the billing date Processing date should not exceed 10 days to the billing date Currency code could not be determined Tax type for customer is not maintained Tax number for customer is not maintained Exchange rate could not be determined Exchange rate should be greater than zero Exchange rate for Argentina local currency should be 1. CUIT of company code is missing RFC destination has to be selected now Error while reading RFC destination. Updated J_1ACAE with CAE_STATUS as "E". RFC_SENT_LOCK is reset. The reference value should be initial in order to process the document to AFIP This document can not processed to AFIP as the branch or reference is invalid Tax type for customer is not correct The last ODN generated for this combination is Communicated with RFC System to get last ODN number used System Failure while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Communication failure while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Resource failure while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Error in communicating RFC System while calling bapi to get last ODN number used Error in updating accounting document Accounting document is updated successfully 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 Error in creating the accounting document Document is already released Doc. could not be released. Check document Message class: and number: Document is currently being processed cannot be blocked Error in updating CAE_STATUS in J_1ACAE table Communicated with RFC System to get last ODN number used Inconsistency in ODN Number, so updating the tables System Failure while calling bapi to get CAE Number and CAE Due date Communication failure while calling bapi to get CAE Number and CAE Due date Resource failure while calling bapi to get CAE Number and CAE Due date Error in communicating RFC System while calling bapi to get CAE Number and CAE Due date 086 087 Table J_1ACAE updated with response data by fetching last approved ODN details. Error in updating J_1ACAE table with Alert Data 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 Table J_1ACAE updated with New Status because of PI Failure Error in updating J_1ACAE table with New Status because of PI Failure Table J_1ACAE updated Regime 2485 identified. Building data for document Error while validating the built data 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Regime 2904 identified. Data is built and ODN number will be generated now Calling BAPI to send the data to AFIP Regime is not supported. Exchange rate ratios could not be determined The issuing date of the current document must be the same or greater than the issuing date of the last document approved for the same company code, document class/type and branch. Issuing date should not exceed 5 days to the billing date Issuing date should not exceed 10 days to the billing date Official document type is not as defined by AFIP Tax number for customer is not correct Quantity is an integer value and allowed up to 6 digits Unit of measure could not be determined Selling Quantity is mandatory when UOM is other than 97 and 99. Quantity is mandatory when UOM is other than 97 and 99. Material code is missing Material code should not be longer than 13 characters Material unit price could not be determined Item discount amount should be less than or equal to (item unit price * selling qunatity). Issuing date should not exceed 5 days to the posting date Issuing date should not exceed 10 days to the posting date Tax details for customer is missing Quantity could not be determined Unit of measure could not be determined Item text could not be determined Reference 3 could not be determined No RFC destination maintained Document header is not populated Communicated with RFC System 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 The document is under observation Table J_1ACAE could not be updated with in process status “I” Document is in process & Status is set to "I" Billing Doc blocked to change the reference Reference is not updated in VBRK table Reference is updated successfully in VBRK table Unable to release the lock for billing Doc after changing the reference value ANX3_DATE is updated successfully in J_1ANSR table Error in updating ANX3_DATE in J_1ANSR table Table J_1ACAE updated Error in updating J_1ACAE table Rejection Code is for document number ODN Number is skipped The generated ODN number is already authorized Set the current number to zero for the corresponding ODN number range Correct the corresponding ODN number range interval 6. Save and activate the program.