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Subcontractor Safety Responsibilities: OHSA Compliance

A subcontractor is an employer who hires workers and is hired in turn by a contractor.
Responsibilities are:
Before starting work, ensure compliance with the health and safety policy and program
for the project. Make it clear to employees that failure to comply can result in injury to
workers or damage to the workplace.
Provide training that is adequate to meet the requirements of the OHSA, the regulations,
and the project heath and safety program.
Coordinate all activities through the site superintendent.
Provide, inspect, and maintain PPE in good condition as required for direct-hire
Monitor site conditions daily.
Record – and report where required by the OHSA and regulations – all injuries, accidents,
and near misses.
Clean up work areas as often as necessary but at least daily.
Conduct regular safety talks for employees (see IHSA’s Safety Talks Manual (V005)).
Provide any legislated and site – specific training as required.
Provide compensation and time necessary to employees who participate on the JHSC.
Provide adequate facilities (toilets, wash-up, tool storage, first aid, etc.) for employees.
Notify site superintendent of any lost – time injuries, medical aid cases, and reportable
occurrences on the project.
Cooperate in accident investigation and reporting.