WEIF-21 40 TO 90 GHz IMPEDANCE-TRANSFORMING CPW MARCHAND BALUN K. S. Ang, I. D. Robertson, K. Elgaid”, and I. G. Thayne* Microwave and Systems Research Group Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, UK *Nanoelectronics Research Centre University of Glasgow simulations using fill-wave electramagnetic analysis [6] or lumped element models [12]. Various synthesis techniques have also been reported. Tsai and Gupta [13] use the design curves of the origmal Machand balun [141to synthesis a planar Marchand balun based on coupled line equivalent circuit models. Schwindt and Nguyen [15] apply a circuit ABSTRACT It is shown analytically that impedancetransforming planar Marchand baluns can be designed. A GaAs monolithic CPW balun, transforming between a 50!2 source impedance and 160Q load terminations has been realised to demonstrate the technique. The balun operates from 40 to 904%~ with excellent performance. synthesis technique based on the analytically derived INTRODUCTION Baluns are key components in balanced circuit topologies such as double balanced mixers, pushpull amplifier^ and “CY doublers [1]-[4]. Various balun digurations have been reported for applications in microwave integrated circuits (MIC’s) and microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC’s) [5]-[7]. Among them, the planar version of the Marchand balun [8] is perhaps one of the most attsactve due to its planar structure and wideband performance. The planar Marchand balun consists of two coupled sections, which may be realised using microstrip coupled lines [9], Lange couplers [7], multi-layer coupled structures [lo], or spiral coils [ll], [12]. These baluns are usually designed thmugh circuit scattering parameters of the multilayer planar Marchand balun. In this paper, the planar Marchand balun is analysed as a combination of two identical coupled sections. This shnplities the balun design to designing couplers with the approPriate coupling factor. This approach also provides valuable insight into the balun o p t i o n , relating the coupling factor of the coupler to the balun input and output impedances.This results m an effective technique for designing impedance-transforming baluns. ANALYSIS Fig. 1 shows the design graph and a schematic diagram with the port definitions of the planar Marchand balun. It provides balanced outputs to load terminations Z,, h m an unbalanced input with source impedance Z,,. It consists of two coupled sections, each of which is one quarter-wavelength long at the center fhquency of operation. The derivation of the design graph is now descn’bed. 1141 0-7803-5687-X/00/$10.00 0 2000 IEEE 2000 IEEE MlT-S Digest - mu .I When the balun output load termhations are changed from 2, to 21, the balun S matrix of the balun has to be mormalised and is refmed to as [q'h,un, and it can be shown that the S-parameters become:- [? [5 1-c2-+1 Sh.11 -14 4 I 1 I I 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 = 1+ c2 1 - 1) Zdzo Figure 1:Reqyiredcouplingvs. impedance ratio For ideal couplers with infinite directivity and coupling f w , C, the S parameters are given by: sc.11 s ~ sc.21 =, -~ j ~ J Z s~..,~ =o = (44 l+C2[?4) =c =0 1 -C2 Sb.22 (1) For a specific coupling f m r , the design equations for the coupled line are given in terms of its even Sh.23 = (44 and odd mode impedances [16]: z, = z, J E I-c The S parameters of the balun can then be obtained by relating the voltage waves at the three ports, with the known port terminations. The balun S matrixhas the form: r [Slhalun = l l sh.21 '*?I] sh.21 sh,22 sh,23 ',,I ',23 'h,22 (3) Equation (4b) shows that the use of identical coupled sections results in balun outputs of equal amplitude and opposite phase, regardless of the coupling factor and port terminations. To achieve optimum power transfer of -3dB to each port, we require Equating (4b) and (5), the required couprmg factor for optimum b t z pe&rmance is given by: (6) , 1142 To enable accurate charactensat * ion usmg the HP85lOXF RFOW system at the University of Surrey, three b a l m were fabricated and measured as twoports with each spare port terminated onchip m turn. The balun insertion loss and phase error performance are shown in Fig. 3, and the circuit exhibits excellent bandwidth (40to 9OGHz). Figure 3: Measured loss and phase error Eqn (6), results m the graph of required coupling fixtor in dB vs the chosen impedance-transfdg ratio in Fig. 1. It is mtemting to note that when all the ports are terminated with the same impedance like 5052, where the impedance transforming ratio is unity, the required coupling factor is 4 . 8 d B and not -3dB. Based on (4), the use of commonly ass~med -3dB couplers [7] will result in an insertion loss and output isolation Of -3.5dB and input, output retum loss of -9.5dB at the centre frequency. EXPERIMENETAL RESULTS To validate the analyticalresults and d e " the design approach, an impedance transforming mmwave balun has been designed. The balun performs transformation to a higher impedance of 16022. This may reptesent requirements in balance diode mixers and multiplim [17], [4] for transforming between a 50Q source impedance and the diode impedances. The circuits are fabricated on a 400 micron GaAs substrate using the mm-wave IC fabration facilities at the University of Glasgow. The required coupling factor for this chosen impedance transformation, as given by (9, is 8.7dB. This loose coupling can be easily achieved using simple parallel coupled lines. Fig. 2 shows a photograph of the fabricated circuit(s): 0.045 Frequency IGHr 120 The mput and output matching is shown in Fig. 4. The data illustrated has not been r e n d i s e d , but the output impedance has been determined to be 160 Ohms. 0*04' Frequency /GHz 12 Figure 4: Measured port matches Figure 2: Photograph of fabricated circuits 1143 CONCLUSIONS This paper has demonstrated that impedance"sfoming bahns can be realised using planar Marchand bahxns with two identical coupled sections. Analytical results relating the impedancemf&g ratio to the coupling factor of the couplers have been presented. The technique has been verified through experimental results of a mmwave GaAs monolithic planar Marchand baluns using CPW coupled lines. This impedancetmsfinming balun could p v e mvaluable in the design of balanced microwave circuits such as mixem, pushpull amplifiersand frequency doublers. [8] N. 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