Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Mathematical Modelling journal homepage: Numerical resizing study of Al2 O3 and CuO nanofluids in the flat tubes of a radiator M. Elsebay, I. Elbadawy∗, M.H. Shedid, M. Fatouh Department of Mechanical Power Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at El-Mattaria, Helwan University, Masaken El-Helmia P.O., Cairo 11718, Egypt a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 10 February 2015 Revised 20 December 2015 Accepted 13 January 2016 Available online 5 February 2016 Keywords: Numerical Heat transfer Flat tube Radiator Nanofluid a b s t r a c t Heat transfer of coolant flow through the automobile radiators is significant for the optimization of fuel consumption and radiator sizing. Using of nanofluids as a coolant in the car radiators is a crucial topic in the vehicles industry due to the expected enhancement of cooling process. In this study, resizing process for a radiator is performed due to the use of nanofluid instead of water flow. Two nanofluids (Al2 O3 /water and CuO/water) flowing in a flat tube of radiator are investigated numerically to evaluate both thermal and flow performance and accomplish the resizing process. Four volume concentrations of 1, 3, 5 and 7% are studied at Reynolds number ranges from 250 to 1750. The flattened tube model is constructed, discretized, tested and validated with the available data from the literature and the well-known correlations. A significant reduction of the radiator volume is achieved due to marked improvement in the heat transfer performance. On the contrary, the required pumping power after the radiator volume reduction is increased over that needed for base fluid. © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Active and passive methods can be used to improve convective heat transfer. Active methods, which provide better enhancement, require additional external forces and/or equipment which can increase the complexity, capital and operating costs of the system. While passive heat transfer enhancement can be achieved by changing flow geometry or modifying thermo-physical properties of working fluid [1]. The radiator is considered one of the most important components of the vehicle engine. Normally, it represents the cooling system of the engine and generally water is heat transfer medium. The radiators are often louvered finned flat tubes [2]. Flat tube has been recently introduced for use in automotive radiators. A flat tube has a high surface to-crosssectional flow area ratio, which enhances the heat transfer rate and increases the compactness of heat exchangers. Moreover, it achieves small air pressure drop due to its aerodynamic shape [3]. More reductions in the radiator area can be achieved by using nanofluids because of the relatively high thermal transport properties over pure water. Therefore, a significant research effort has been committed for more understanding about the thermal transport properties of nanofluids. A brief literature survey is performed in this paper. ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +96551609016. E-mail addresses:, (I. Elbadawy), (M.H. Shedid). S0307-904X(16)30027-0/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 6438 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 Nomenclature A Cf CP Dh h ho K L Nu p Pm P Pr Q q Re T U Z tube cross sectional area, [m2 ] skin friction coefficient, [-] specific heat, [J/kg.K] hydraulic diameter, [m] heat transfer coefficient, [W/m2 .K] outside heat transfer coefficient, [W/m2 .K] thermal conductivity, [W/m.K] tube length Nusselt number, [-] pressure, [Pa] perimeter, [m] pumping power, [W] Prandtl number, [-] heat transfer rate, [W] heat flux, [W/m2 ] Reynolds number, [-] temperature, [K] velocity vector, [m/s] axial distance from inlet, [m] Greek symbols β ratio of the nanolayer thickness to the original particle radius, β = 0.1 ϕ nanoparticle volumetric concentration, [%] μ dynamic viscosity, [kg/m.s] ρ density, [kg/m3 ] τ shear stress, [N/m2 ] Subscripts amb avg b bf in nf out p s z ambient average bulk base fluid inlet nanofluid outlet particle surface local axial position Park and Pak [2] presented a computational study of laminar flow in flat tubes of different shape and dimension using a mixture of ethylene glycol and water. They implemented their computations in the range of Reynolds number from 10 to 200, which covers the fluid flow rate in the radiator from 18 to 75 l/min for an engine with a volume displacement of 1800 cc. Vajjha et al. [4] performed a numerical study to examine the thermal performance of Al2 O3 and CuO nanoparticles in a mixture of ethylene glycol and water under laminar flow conditions using flat tubes of an automobile radiator. The results demonstrated a significant enhancement of the convective heat transfer coefficient along the flat tubes for the nanofluid over the base fluid. The average heat transfer coefficient of Al2 O3 nanofluid with a volume concentration of 10% is greater than that of the base fluid by about 91%. Also, both the local and the average friction factor and convective heat transfer coefficient increase with nanoparticles volume concentration. For example, the predicted local skin friction coefficient at 6% CuO is 2.75 times that of the base fluid in the fully developed region. Huminic and Huminic [5] investigated the effect of CuO/ethylene glycol nanofluids using different cross sectional tube on the performance of convective heat transfer coefficient. The results show that the convective heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids is higher than those of the base fluid. For example, at a Reynolds number of 10 and 4% CuO nanoparticles volume concentration produces a heat transfer coefficient about 19% larger than that of the base fluid. Also, it was found that enhancement of heat transfer are directly proportional to the particle concentration level and Reynolds number. A high heat transfer coefficient enhancement of 82% is achieved by the flattened tube at Reynolds number of 125 and 4% concentration level in comparison to circular and elliptic tubes. An experimental and numerical study of nanofluids (SiO2 /water) heat transfer characteristics in the automotive cooling system have been performed by Hussein et al. [6]. The results indicated a significant increase in the friction factor and M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 6439 heat transfer coefficient with the nanoparticles volume concentration. While Qiang and Yimin [7] studied experimentally the convective heat transfer and flow characteristics of CuO/water nanofluid. In this study, the suspended nanoparticles achieved a remarkable augmentation of heat transfer performance compared with pure water under the same Reynolds numbers. Also, it was observed that the friction factors of the nanofluids coincide well with those of the pure water in the pressure drop test. That is because the nanofluids, in which the nanoparticles are so small, behave like a pure fluid. Myers et al. [8] developed and analyzed a theoretical model for nanofluid flow, including Brownian motion and thermophoresis. The most significant result of this analysis is the clear decrease in the heat transfer coefficient as the particle concentration increases. According to the above discussion, it can be concluded that the emphasis of heat transfer enhancements due to use of nanofluids however, it is misleading how these improvements reflected in the design process for the radiators and if this new design is always beneficial. The current research adopts nanofluids (AL2 O3 /water and CuO/water) to computationally examine the thermal performance of flat tube used in a vehicle radiator. This study aims to assess the change of the radiator heat transfer area and the pumping power due to nanofluid usage. Heat transfer and pressure drop are studied for different nanoparticles volume concentrations, particle type and Reynolds number. 2. Mathematical modeling The schematic diagram for typical automobile radiator geometry is shown in Fig. 1(a) [5]. The radiator is an arrangement of flat tubes equipped with plate fins for liquid-to-air cooling. Each tube has dimensions of height (H), width (W) and length (L) of 3, 9 and 345 mm, respectively. These dimensions are considered typical ones that were used in a car radiator as reported by Hussein et al. [6]. 2.1. Governing equations The following three conservation equations [5,9] are solved using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) commercial code, Fluent 14.0 [10]. Continuity: ∂ ( ρ U ) = 0, ∂ xi nf i (1) where Ui is a component of the velocity vector (m/s), Momentum: ∂U j ∂ ∂p ∂ μnf (ρnfU jUi ) = − + , ∂ xi ∂ x j ∂ xi ∂ xi (2) where ρ nf is the density of nanofluid (kg/m3 ), p is the pressure (Pa), μnf is nanofluid viscosity (kg/m.s) and i, j ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Energy: ∂ ∂ ∂T .(ρnfCp nfUi T ) = K , ∂ xi ∂ xi nf ∂ xi (3) where Cp nf is the specific heat of the nanofluid (J/kg.K), T is the flow temperature (K) and Knf is the nanofluid thermal conductivity (W/m.K). The following assumptions are used in solving the model (Eqs. (1–3)); • • • The nanofluid inside the tube can be considered as incompressible [4], The flow is laminar; hence the viscous dissipation term can be neglected [11], The single-phase fluid approach will be applied. Although the nanofluid is actually a two-phase fluid in nature, the results of [12–14] show that the nanofluid behaves more like a pure fluid than a liquid–solid mixture. The investigation is carried out at laminar flow condition using two nanofluids with different volume concentrations. Table 1 lists the conditions of the nanofluid flow. At the flat tube inlet, uniform inlet velocity boundary condition is adopted while the outlet boundary condition depends on the flow characteristics. For example, in the cases of the thermal entrance length (Xth = 0.05 Re.Pr.Dh ) is less than the tube length, the outflow boundary condition is used, while the pressure outlet is adopted in other cases. Following Park and Pak [2], air side heat transfer coefficient and temperature are selected by ho = 50 W/m2 K and T = 303 K, respectively at a mean vehicle speed with maximum velocity 72 (km/hr). No slip condition is used to prescribe the tube wall. The governing equations in Section 2.1 are solved by the control volume approach using FLUENT 14.0 [10]. The double precision option is adopted for all computations. A second-order upwind scheme is employed to discretize the convection terms, diffusion terms, and other quantities resulting from the governing equations. A staggered grid scheme is used, in which the velocity components are evaluated at the control volume faces, while the rest of the variables governing the flow field are stored at the central node of the control volume. The pressure–velocity coupling is handled with the SIMPLE scheme for pressure linked equations given by Patankar [15]. Fluent solves the linear systems resulting from discretization 6440 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 Fig. 1. Schematic of (a) the flat tube of atypical radiator [5] and (b) grid layout. Table 1 Flow conditions considered. Parameter Value Reynolds number, Re = ρ VDh /μ (-) Nanoparticles Nanoparticles volume concentration (%) Inlet temperature (K) Outside heat transfer coefficient, ho (W/m2 K) Air temperature (K) 250–1750 [step = 250] (laminar) Al2 O3 and CuO 1, 3, 5, 7 353 50 303 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 6441 schemes using a point implicit (Gauss–Seidel) linear equation solver, in conjunction with an algebraic multi-grid method. For all simulations performed in the present study, converged solutions are considered when the normalized residuals resulting from an iterative process for all governing Eqs. (1–3) are lower than 10−3 . The three velocity components “VX , VY , VZ ”, the pressure “p”, and the temperature “T” throughout the interior computational domain of the flat tube are solved. In data post-processing, the flow outlet temperature, center plane temperature, surface heat flux, surface temperature, centerline pressure and flow outlet pressure are recorded. 2.2. Thermophysical properties of nanofluids By assuming that the nanoparticles are well dispersed within the base fluid, thus the nanoparticles concentration can be considered uniform throughout the system. Therefore, the effective thermo-physical properties of the mixtures can be evaluated using some classical formulae as usually used for two phase flow. These properties might include density, viscosity, thermal conductivity and heat capacitance depending on what form the governing equations are written. Duangthongsuk and Wongwises [16] conducted a comparison of the effects of measured and computed thermo-physical properties of nanofluids on heat transfer performance. The results of the comparison show that the use of the Yu and Choi’s model [17] for thermal conductivity, Eq. (4) and the Wang et al. [18] for viscosity, Eq. (5) to describe the Nusselt number of the nanofluids give good agreement with the use of the measured data. As a result, these models will be considered in the present study. The following correlations have been used to predict nanofluids thermal conductivity [17], viscosity [18], specific heat and density, respectively, ϕ Kbf , 3 K p + 2Kbf − (K p − Kbf )(1 + β ) ϕ μnf = 1 + 7.3ϕ + 123ϕ 2 μbf , Knf = Cpnf = K p + 2Kbf + 2(K p − Kbf )(1 + β ) 3 (4) (5) ϕ ρ p Cpp + (1 − ϕ )ρbfCpbf , ρnf (6) ρnf = (1 − ϕ )ρbf + ϕ ρ p , (7) where β is the ratio of the nanolayer thickness to the original particle radius (β = 0.1), ϕ is the nanoparticles volume concentration and the subscripts “nf”, “bf” and “p” refer to nanofluid, base fluid and particle, respectively. The properties used in this study are listed in Table 2. 2.2.1. Local heat transfer coefficient “hz ”and local Nusselt number “Nuz ” The local heat transfer coefficient and corresponding Nusselt number can be calculated along the flat tube length using the Newton’s law of cooling as follows: qz = hz Tz = hz T f − Ts , (8) z where qz is surface heat flux (W/m2 ), Tf and Ts are the local fluid and surface temperatures (K), respectively and hz is the local heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 .K). From the post processing of the computations, values for qz , Tf and Ts along the tube length can be computed. Tf is calculated as the mean fluid temperature of the middle xy-plane along z-axis. Therefore, the local heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by: hz = qz (T f − Ts )z . (9) The local Nusselt number can be calculated by: N uz = hz Dh , K (10) where Dh is the flat tube hydraulic diameter which is given by: Dh = 4.A , Pm (11) Table 2 Thermal properties of nanoparticles and base fluid [6,19]. Material Specific heat (J/kg.K) Thermal conductivity (W/m.K) Density (kg/m3 ) Viscosity (kg/m.s) Al2 O3 CuO Pure water 773 551 4195 40 33 0.668 3960 60 0 0 973.7 – – 0.0 0 0365 6442 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 where A and Pm are the flat tube cross sectional flow area and perimeter, respectively. According to Eq. (11) and the flat tube layout, shown in Fig. 1 (a), the hydraulic diameter is given by: Dh = 4 π4 H 2 + (W − H )H π H + 2(W − H ) . (12) By substituting in Eq. (12) by height (H), width (W) and length (L) of 3, 9 and 345 mm, respectively, it gives Dh = 4.68 mm. 2.2.2. Average heat transfer coefficient “havg ” and average Nusselt number “Nuavg ” According to Newton’s cooling law the total heat transfer rate is given by: Q = havg As T = havg As (Tb − Ts ), (13) where As is the tube surface area and Tb is the fluid bulk temperature, Eq. (14): Tb = Tin + Tout , 2 (14) where Tin and Tout are inlet and outlet fluid temperatures calculated as the facet average temperature over the inlet and outlet faces, respectively and Ts is the average tube wall temperature computed from the computations post processing data. The total rate of heat loss can be expressed as: Q = ρ AV Cp (Tin − Tout ). (15) From Eqs. (13) and (15) the average heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by: havg = ρ AV Cp (Tin − Tout ) , As (Tb − Ts ) (16) and the corresponding average Nusselt number can be calculated as: N uavg = havg Dh . K (17) 3. Results and discussion The influence of mesh density is investigated first for the case of pure water with Re = 1750 and the center line temperature is a key parameter. The effect of mesh density on the prediction of this quantity using three different levels of refinement based on the mesh accounting number, shown in Fig. 1(b). Solutions are obtained with grid of Nx × Ny × Nz = 10 × 12 × 345 (grid 1), 15 × 18 × 345 (grid 2) and 20 × 24 × 345 (grid 3). Fig. 2(a) shows that predictions of center line temperature, Tc , are effectively grid-independent (typically center line temperature obtained for grid 1 is far from those obtained with grid 2 and grid 3). Note that the predicted quantities such as heat transfer coefficient, skin friction coefficient and pressure drop are found to be grid insensitive to the particular choice of grid 3 with maximum difference of 3%. On the bases of these findings, all results reported subsequently have been obtained using grid 3 to get good solution accuracy. A comparison between the present model and Hussein et al. [6] is made as shown in Fig. 2(b). It is clear that the results are found to be in a good agreement with an average error 2.5%. In addition, Fig. 2(c) shows the predictions of local Nusselt number, Eq. (10), along the flat tube and data obtained by the experimental correlation of Shah and London [20] which correlated for the local Nusselt number for rectangular cross-section ducts with semicircular ends under fully developed laminar flows, which is given by: N uz = 1.953 ReP r Dh Z 1 3 for N uz = 4.364 + 0.0722 ReP r Dh Z ReP r Dh Z for ≥ 33.33, ReP r Dh Z < 33.33. (18) The results are obtained for pure water at Re = 1750. Fig. 2(c) reveals a reasonable good agreement with the above correlation with an average error of 9% that may due to different cross sectional shapes. M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 6443 Fig. 2. (a) Effect of mesh density on the center line temperature, (b) predicted average heat transfer coefficient and Hussein et al.’s data [6] and (c) validation with Shah and London [20]. Fig. 3 shows the effect of AL2 O3 and CuO volume concentration, ϕ , change on the local heat transfer coefficient along the axis (z-direction) at Re = 1750. In general, for the tube length z/L < 0.6 the local heat transfer coefficient decreased while for z/L > 0.6, hz attains a nearly constant values independent of tube length (fully developed region). These constant values are function of ϕ only. 6444 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 Fig. 3. The effect of nanoparticles volume concentration for (a) AL2 O3 and (b) CuO on local heat transfer coefficient at Re = 1750. The effect of AL2 O3 and CuO volume concentration on the predicted average heat transfer coefficient “havg ” at different Reynolds numbers are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. It is clear that the average heat transfer coefficient increased with both nanofluids concentration and Reynolds number. For example for Al2 O3 at Re = 10 0 0, the values of havg enhancement for ϕ = 1, 3, 5 and 7% are approximately 5, 16, 30 and 47%, respectively larger than this for the pure water; for CuO the corresponding enhancements are 3, 13, 24 and 38%. The effect of nanoparticles volume concentration on local skin friction coefficient “Cf ” along the tube length is illustrated in Fig. 5 for Al2 O3 and CuO at Re = 1750. It is observed that the local skin friction coefficient near to the tube inlet reduces rapidly with the tube length, particularly for z/L < 0.1 and is much more constant for the rest length of the tube. At z/L > 0.1, a larger Al2 O3 and CuO concentration resulted to a larger skin friction coefficient. For example at z/L = 0.5 and ϕ = 0, 3 and 7%, Cf equals 0.01, 0.017 and 0.039 for Al2 O3 and 0.01, 0.015 and 0.035 for CuO, respectively. Fig. 6(a) and (b) show the variation of the average skin friction coefficient, Cf,avg , with Reynolds number and different volume concentrations of Al2 O3 and CuO nanoparticles, respectively. It is observed that Cf,avg is increasing with Re as well M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 6445 Fig. 4. Variation of the average heat transfer coefficient with Reynolds number for different nanoparticles volume concentrations of (a) Al2 O3 (b) CuO. as the volume concentration. At Re = 10 0 0 and ϕ = 7%, the average friction coefficient increases by 268% and 260% than that of pure water for Al2 O3 and CuO/water, respectively. Fig. 7 shows the variation of the pressure drop between the inlet and outlet with Reynolds number for both Al2 O3 /water and CuO/water nanofluids. Generally, the pressure drop is increasing with Reynolds number as well as volume concentration increase. However, the increase in pressure drop due to volume concentrations is more pronounced at high Reynolds number. For instance at Re = 250 and ϕ =7%, the pressure drop increases by 268% for Al2 O3 /water and 223% for CuO/water while at Re = 1750, these ratios reach to 267% and 226% for Al2 O3 and CuO/water, respectively. As discussed above, the heat transfer coefficient is enhanced due to use of the nanofluid over the base fluid. Consequently, the required heat transfer area will be reduced for the same cooling load and the new radiator size can be redesigned for the same cooling rate. This might help in decreasing the weight of material, the cost and the fuel consumption of the vehicle. For this purpose, a resizing investigation is performed in the present study to evaluate the effect of a particle volume concentration on the tube length. This study is carried out by calculating the new tube length for different particle 6446 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 Fig. 5. Variation of the local skin coefficient along the tube length with different nanoparticles volume concentrations of (a) Al2 O3 (b) CuO at Re = 1750. concentrations that achieved the same inlet and outlet temperature difference of base fluid as indicated in Eq. (19): Lnew = ρnf AV CPnf (Tin − Tout )bf , hnf Pm (Tb − Ts ) (19) where Lnew is the new tube length. Fig. 8 shows the percentage reduction in the radiator tube length depending on nanoparticles volumetric concentration of Al2 O3 /water and CuO/water nanofluids. It is clear that the radiator tube length reduces due to using nanofluid rather than pure water at the same cooling rate and flow temperatures. This reduction significantly increases with increasing the nanoparticles concentration. Also, it can be observed that Al2 O3 /water nanofluid is more pronounced effect on the tube length reduction than CuO/water nanofluid. M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 6447 Fig. 6. Variation of the average skin friction coefficient with Reynolds number for different nanoparticles volume concentrations of (a) Al2 O3 (b) CuO. Table 3 Resizing of radiator tubes by using Al2 O3 /water nanofluid. ϕ 2 havg (W/m .K) Re LNew (mm) (Power)New (Watt) Power (%) 0% 1% 3% 5% 7% 2154.34 1750 345 0.0 0 0135 0 2190 1666.36 339.38 0.0 0 0145 7.21 2280 1448.73 325.98 0.0 0 0166 22.24 2370 1223.013 313.60 0.0 0 0197 45.38 2440 1024.67 304.60 0.0 0 0237 74.52 The corresponding effect of nanoparticles concentration on pumping power for the redesigned radiator is investigated. The pumping power is computed as the following: P = AV p, (20) where p is the pressure drop along the new tube length, Lnew . A comparison between the required pumping power for nanofluid and that of pure water at the same cooling rate and inlet and outlet temperature difference is performed. 6448 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 Fig. 7. Variation of pressure drop with Reynolds number at different nanoparticles volume concentration of (a) Al2 O3 and (b) CuO. Table 4 Resizing of radiator tubes by using CuO/water nanofluid. ϕ 0% 1% 3% 5% 7% havg (W/m2 /K) Re LNew (mm) (Power)New (Watt) Power (%) 2154.34 1750 345 0.0 0 013 0 2200 1703.76 337.84 0.0 0 014 6.63 2260 1540.44 328.87 0.0 0 016 24 2330 1344.6 318.99 0.0 0 02 47.25 2390 1159.5 310.98 0.0 0 0244 79.48 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 6449 Fig. 8. Percentage reduction in tube length against nanoparticles volume concentration for both Al2 O3 and CuO. Fig. 9. Percentage power increase against nanoparticles volume concentration for both Al2 O3 and CuO. The results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 for Al2 O3 /Water and CuO/Water nanofluids, respectively and indicated in Fig. 9. A significant increase in the pumping power is observed with increasing nanoparticles concentration. As shown in Figs. 8 and 9, Al2 O3 /water nanofluid achieves more radiator compact size and less required pumping power than CuO/water nanofluid. Therefore, Al2 O3 will be more efficient than CuO in the vehicle radiator. 4. Conclusion In this paper, the flow characteristics and heat transfer performance in a flat tube of automobile radiator have been investigated computationally with three distinct working fluids: pure water and two water based nanofluids (small amount of Al2 O3 and CuO nanoparticles in water) at different concentrations. This research addresses explicitly the benefits of enhanced heat transfer rate and drawbacks of high pumping power due to using nanofluids. Most previous studies in this field 6450 M. Elsebay et al. / Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 6437–6450 used non-dimensional parameters that do not highlight about the nanofluids that are not cost free. The following conclusions are made: 1. Addition of Al2 O3 and CuO nanoparticles in water can enhance the heat transfer rate of the automobile radiator. The enhancement degree of average heat transfer coefficient depends on the amount of nanoparticles added to pure water, 2. The increase in heat transfer coefficient reached 45 and 38% for Al2 O3 /water and CuO, respectively compared to the values of the pure water, 3. Friction coefficient and pressure drop increase with using nanofluids. At Re = 1750 and ϕ = 0.07, they increased by 271 and 267% for Al2 O3 /water and 266 and 226% for CuO/water, respectively, 4. Al2 O3 /water nanofluid achieves a higher length reduction than CuO/water nanofluid. Estimated 11.7% and 9.8% reduction of tube length are achieved by adding 7% Al2 O3 and CuO nanoparticles, respectively for the same cooling rate and temperature difference, 5. 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