CLINICA DE LA ASSUMPTION Magallanes St.Zone V Bangued, Abra Tel No: 074-752-8560 *********************************************************************************** RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT X-RAY REPORT NAME: AGE/SEX: FILM NO.: REQUESTING PHYSICIAN: ADDRESS: DATE: EXAM: CHEST PA O.P.D. RADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS CHEST PA: No definite active parenchymal opacities seen Pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. Heart is not enlarged. Diaphragm is normal in position and contour. Both costophrenic sulci and visualized bones are intact. IMPRESSION: NORMAL CHEST RADIOGRAPH ROSEMARIE C MARZAN MD.DBPR ,FPCR ,FUSP RADIOLOGIST/SONOLOGIST GLYGORIC A. CORTEZ, MD SONOLOGIST/RADIOLOGIST ROSEMARIE C MARZAN MD.DBPR ,FPCR ,FUSP RADIOLOGIST/SONOLOGIST