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Construction Assessment: Demolition, Codes, Site Inspection

CPCCBC4010B - Assessment 6 – LA017855
Lee Mays: 804038671
CPCCBC5010B - Assessment 6 – LA018001
Lee Mays: 804038671
Question 1
Demolition of Existing Dwelling Plan
Site Address:
Contact Name:
Phone No:
Building Surveyor:
Contact No:
Project No:
Office Number:
General Requirements
Prior to any demolition planning or execution an investigation of the structure must be
completed in accordance with clause 1.6 and clause of AS2601‐2001
The investigation of the structure must include:
Materials of construction; particularly location and nature of potentially hazardous materials
Type of construction
Investigation of structure
Elements of members to maintain stability against vertical and horizontal loads
Type, extent and status for services including gas, electrical, plumbing and
Condition of the structure
Investigation of the site
Work Plan
 Any other details of the structure regarding its strength or structuraly compromising factors
The investigation of the site must include:
Type, extent and status for services including gas, electrical, plumbing and
Location and extent of any underground structures including basements/other subfloors.
Presence of any retaining structures that support adjoining ground or buildings
Any hazardous or explosive materials located on the site.
The location of any above ground services in particular power lines and telecommunications
poles and cabling.
The status of the land with regards to soil reactivity.
 The existence of any adjoining structures or fabrications
A work plan must be prepared by a competent person and include:
Location of the site
Overall height of the structure above ground
The occupancy class of the building as well as a brief description of the structure itself.
Details of method of demolition proposed
Guidelines for the safe handling of and disposal of demolition materials
Detailed step by step account of demolition procedure and timeline
Allocation of all required protective and preventative measures, i.e. overhead protection etc.
The dimensions of the demolition exclusion zone boundaries
All plans and illustrations and accompanying written documents as required.
Provisions of a traffic management plan
Provisions of an environmental management plan
OH&S Systems in accordance with AS4801
When explosives are being used the following requirements of clauses & 2.3 must be met:
Before a contracts are awarded, an experienced person in the field of demolition, explosives
and structural engineering must asses the suitability of the structure for demolition.
All investigative reports (Structure & Site) including all drawings, plans and specifications
must be included in any discourse with demolition experts.
Elements of members to maintain stability against vertical and horizontal loads
In preparing the work plan to include the use of explosives all other required persons should
be contacted. The work plan must include the submission requirements listed in AS 2187.2.
The works must be executed by competent persons with all required licensing and approvals,
with due regard at all times for safe working practices for people and surrounding structures.
Modification to the works plan which may be necessary as the work progresses, must be
made by a competent person in accordance with clause 2.1 with all relevant bodies notified
Question 2 - Refer to figure 1.1 for Load Diagram on Page 9
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CPCCBC5010B - Assessment 6 – LA018001
Lee Mays: 804038671
Question 3
The following is a list of the Building Code of Australia requirements for the dwelling if it was to be built
within each respective building zone:
Bush Fire
AS3959 ‐ Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas:
All Class 1 buildings located in a designated bushfire prone area are to be constructed in accordance
with the requirements of AS3959 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas. AS3959 provides a
method of assessing the bushfire risk of a site by categorising the terrain including the slope and type
of vegetation present. Due to it's location, Project 1 would likely be assessed with a BAL rating of 19
(moderate risk) with regards to AS 3959-2009.
High Wind
AS 1170.2 – 2002 ‐ Structural design actions ‐ Wind actions:
Project 1 is situated in Region A ‐ Normal. Therefore, if additional bracing is required this could be
achieved by appropriate anchorage systems and bracing systems recommended by AS 1170.2 – 2002.
AS 1170.4 – 2002 ‐ Structural design actions, Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia:
Due to the location of the dwelling in Project 1, it would be highly unlikely that earthquake building codes
and requirements would be observed.
Section 3.7.5 Alpine areas:
Alpine areas for NSW are defined as areas which are 1200m or above the Australian height datum, and
sub alpine areas are though between 600 ‐ 1200m in NSW. Project 1 lies in the sub alpine area and as
such is not subject to Alpine building codes or requirements.
Question 4: Answer on next page
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CPCCBC5010B - Assessment 6 – LA018001
Lee Mays: 804038671
Question 4a
Site Address:
Contact Name:
Phone No:
Building Surveyor:
Contact No:
Project No:
Office Number:
Checklist item
Is this a KDRB site?
Is site already clear?
Rubbish / Debris
Is this site clear of rubbish and other debris?
Is this site currently clear of grass and vegetation?
Is the site clear of trees that will need to be removed or trimmed
for construction?
Condition of the rear fence:
- Good
- Average
- Damaged
- Does it require replacement or removal?
- Not applicable
Condition of the left hand fence:
- Good
- Average
- Damaged
- Does it require replacement or removal?
- Not applicable
Condition of the right hand fence:
- Good
- Average
- Damaged
- Does it require replacement or removal?
- Not applicable
Condition of other fencing:
- Good
- Average
- Damaged
- Does it require replacement or removal?
- Not applicable
Road, Kerb and Footpath
Is the kerb free from damage?
Is the road free from damage?
Is the footpath free from damage?
Retaining Walls and Drop Edge Beam
Are there existing walls present?
If yes, what is their condition?
- Good
- Average
- Damaged
- Does it require replacement or removal?
- Not applicable
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Lee Mays: 804038671
Does this site require retaining walls and/drop edge beam that
should be allowed for in the tender?
Will this site require import OR export of fill?
Is this site clear of rock?
Is this site clear of overhead power lines that will affect deliveries
including plant and materials?
Is this site clear of traffic hazards that will affect deliveries and
require traffic control?
Will this site require construction parking due to high traffic
Will this site require additional crane hire?
Is this site free from other issues that will require additional site
allowances? (nominate issues. i.e tight access, steep site)
Additional Information
Could this site be affected by sewer or other drainage systems?
Could this site require marine grade building elements?
Is there water on site?
Will scaffold shade-cloth be needed?
Sketch boundary where site fence will be required? (nominate
estimate LM)
Is there any additional power requirements if this site is a duplex?
Please add any additional information or notes bellow:
What plans and information was supplied to compile this report?
Please list items bellow including diagram and document reference numbers and codes:
Sign Off
Are all areas of the above report inspected and considered for the
type of build to be constructed on this site?
Completed by (PRINT NAME):
Contact Number:
Date completed: ____/____/_________
4b) Refer to figure 1.2 for Site Diagram on Page 10
Question 5
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Lee Mays: 804038671
AUS Standards &
Special provisions
AS 3018-1997
AS 3947.2-1997
Water (Plumbing
and drainage)
AS 3500.5:2012
Support platform required for in-roof heater units.
Provide plumbing for the installation of rainwater tanks.
AS 5601.1:2013
The water heating service is an instantaneous gas unit.
AS S009:2006
ACA TS008-1997
Conceal all wiring entering building in underground conduit for
ease of replacement.
Pre-wiring for all services to be completed before linings and
finishes completed.
All wiring to be connected to house via underground conduit.
Security (Doors)
Fire Safety
Smoke alarms hard wired into lighting circuit wiring.
Smoke alarms hard wired into lighting circuit.
Heating/AC &
Mechanical ventilation to be installed in bathrooms and
kitchen areas.
Question 6
Site Address:
Auditor Name:
Date of Inspection:
Contact Number:
Checklist item
Does the form work comply with AS 3600 & AS2870?
Is the form work material strong enough to withstand the load of the slab?
Is the form work water-tight?
Is the form work placed properly as per slab layout?
Are the reinforcing bars of good quality?
Is the size and spacing of reinforcing bars as specified in drawings?
Is clear cover for reinforcement properly maintained as specified in drawings?
Is the size, numbers and placement of columns reinforcement in
accordance with specification drawings?
Is the footing zone easily accessible and safe for pouring?
Has the ideal concrete ratio been determined correctly?
Is the concrete mixed correctly and under suitable conditions?
Is the inside of form clean and free of water or unwanted materials?
Is the concrete poured with correct screeding method?
Has the concrete cured properly?
Timber Floor
Is timber identified as specified?
Are timber grades as specified?
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CPCCBC5010B - Assessment 6 – LA018001
Lee Mays: 804038671
Do timber grades comply with AS 2796.1 (hardwood) and AS 2796.2 (grading)?
Is timber preservative treated according to AS1604.1?
Is the moisture content within the acceptable range?
Do steel straps comply with AS 1397/Z275?
Do self-drilling screws comply with AS 3566.1 and AS 3566.2?
Do structural adhesives comply with AS 1328.1?
Does structural sheet flooring comply with AS 2329?
Is structural sheet flooring level and smooth?
Are flooring junctions level and smooth?
Do damp-proof courses comply with AS/NZS 4200.1?
Are fasteners of the correct type and galvanised as specified?
Are all element sizes and lengths correct according to specification
Concrete Floor
Is top soil and sand blinding layer compacted properly?
Is the form work material strong enough to withstand the load of the concrete?
Is the form work water-tight?
Is the form work placed properly as per slab layout?
Are the reinforcing bars of good quality?
Is the size and spacing of reinforcing bars as specified in drawings?
Is clear cover for reinforcement properly maintained as specified in drawings?
Is the size and spacing of reinforcing bars as specified in drawings?
Is the mesh minimum lap as specified?
Is the mesh minimum cover as specified?
Are all embedded items correctly positioned?
Are correct corrosion protected fixings used as specified?
Do anchor bolts for structural steel comply with AS 4100 clause 15.3.1?
Do galvanised ferrous fixings comply with AS 4680 or AS 1214?
Are all movement joints installed as specified?
Does pre-mixed supply of concrete comply with AS 1379?
Has the correct screeding method been used?
Is concrete protected from premature drying?
Is the finish correct as specified including levels and falls?
Timber Frame Walls
Is timber identified as specified?
Are timber grades as specified?
Do timber grades comply with AS 2796.1 (hardwood) and AS 2796.2 (grading)?
Is timber preservative treated according to AS1604.1 or alternative standards?
Is the moisture content within the acceptable range?
Do steel straps comply with AS 1397/Z275?
Do self-drilling screws comply with AS 3566.1 and AS 3566.2?
Do structural adhesives comply with AS 1328.1?
Does plywood comply with AS/NZS 2269.0?
Is structural sheet flooring and flooring junctions level and smooth?
Are fasteners the correct type and galvanised as specified?
Are wall framing sizes and grades as specified?
Are structural plywood of the correct type and grade as specified?
Are damp proof course installed?
Do damp-proof courses comply with AS/NZS 4200.1?
Masonry walls
Do materials and components comply with specification requirements?
Do steel components comply with AS 1214 or AS/NZS 4680?
Do masonry units comply with AS 4456.4?
Do flashing and damp proof courses comply with AS/NZS 2904?
Do mortar materials comply with AS/NZS 3972?
Are joints installed where specified and required?
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CPCCBC5010B - Assessment 6 – LA018001
Lee Mays: 804038671
Are perpends vertically aligned?
Is unpainted lacework clean and as specified?
Are damp proof courses installed where specified?
Do movement joints comply with AS 4773.1 section 13?
Are blockwork control joints installed as specified?
Are flexible ties and anchors provided?
Are joint materials applied as specified?
Are bed joint reinforcements installed?
Do cold formed lintels comply with AS/NZS 4600?
Do steel flats and angles comply with AS 4773.1 table 12.1?
Do specified materials comply with AS/NZS 4680 (mild steel galvanised) and AS/NZS
2699.3 with regards to corrosion protection?
Are lintels installed as specified?
Are cleaning holes provided for reinforced masonry?
Are bond beams installed as specified?
Are starter bars secure and installed as required?
Are lintel blocks installed as specified?
Is core filling grout applied as specified?
Truss roof
Are trusses made according to design drawings?
Are trusses marked as specified?
Is certification provided?
Are support trusses installed?
Are ties and wind bracing provided?
Do nail plated prefabricated roof trusses comply with AS 4440?
Does support for water containers comply with AS/NZS 3500.4?
Are trusses inspected after been delivered to site for any damages occurred
during transportation?
Are trusses stacked correctly on even, flat ground to keep them straight?
Are trusses lifted from correct lifting points during the erection process?
Are trusses braced correctly according to roof design plan?
Framed roof
Is timber identified as specified?
Are timber grades as specified?
Do timber grades comply with AS 2796.1 (hardwood) and AS 2796.2 (grading)?
Is timber preservative treated according to AS1604.1 or alternative standards?
Is the moisture content within the acceptable range?
Do steel straps comply with AS 1397/Z275?
Do self-drilling screws comply with AS 3566.1 and AS 3566.2?
Do structural adhesives comply with AS 1328.1?
Are fasteners of the correct type galvanised as specified?
Are all element sizes and lengths correct according to the design
drawings and specification?
Is sarking installed correctly?
Is flashing installed correctly?
Is the anti-ponding board installed correctly?
Are roof battens of the correct type and fixed as specified?
Are ceiling battens of the correct type and fixed as specified?
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