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Anecdotal Records in Education: A Comprehensive Guide

Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Record
An anecdotal record is an observation
that is written like a short story. They are
descriptions of incidents or events that
are important to the person observing.
Anecdotal records are short, objective and
as accurate as possible.
Anecdotal Record
Anecdotal records is a record of some significant
item of conduct, a record of an episode in the
life of students, a word picture of the student in
action, a word snapshot at the moment of the
incident, any narration of events in which may
be significant about his personality.
Anecdotal Record
Written observations of students in anecdotal records allow us to:
Assess development in all areas; physical, social, cognitive and emotional
Obtain greater understanding of the student and in identifying the causes of student’s
Show progress and share information
Assess the curriculum
Gather data to drive various decisions
Characteristics of Anecdotal
Anecdotal records must possess certain characteristics as given below
They should contain a factual descriptions of what happened, when it
happened, and under what circumstances the behavior occurred.
The interpretations and recommended action should be noted
separately from the description.
Each anecdotal record should contain a record of a single incident.
Characteristics of Anecdotal
The incident recorded should be that is considered to be significant to the students
growth and development
Simple reports of behavior
Result of direct observation.
Accurate and specific
Gives context of child's behavior
Records typical or unusual behaviors
provide information regarding a student's development over a period of
provide ongoing records about individual instructional needs
capture observations of significant behaviors that might otherwise be lost
provide ongoing documentation of learning that may be shared with
students, parents and teachers.
To furnish the multiplicity of evidence needed for good cumulative record.
To substitute for vague generalizations about students specific exact
description of behavior.
To stimulate teachers to look for information i.e. pertinent in helping each
student realize good self- adjustment.
To understand individual’s basic personality pattern and his reactions in
different situations.
Keep a notebook handy to make brief notes to remind you of incidents you wish
to include in the record. Also include the name, time and setting in your notes.
Write the record as soon as possible after the event. The longer you leave it to
write your anecdotal record, the more subjective and vague the observation will
In your anecdotal record identify the time, child, date and setting.
Describe the actions and what was said.
Include the responses of other people if they relate to the action.
Describe the event in the sequence that it occurred.
Record should be complete.
They should be compiled and filed.
They should be emphasized as an educational resource.
The teacher should have practice and training in making observations and writing records.
To relate the incident correctly for drawing inferences the following items to be
The first part of an anecdotal record should be factual, simple and clear.
Name of the students
Unit/ ward/ department
Date and time
Brief report of what happened.
The second part of an anecdotal record may include additional comments,
analysis and conclusions based on interpretations and judgments.
Features of a Good Anecdotal
It provides an accurate description of a specific event.
It describes the setting sufficiently to give the event meaning.
The interpretation is separated from the description.
The event it describes is one that relates to the child’s personal development or
social interactions.
The event it describes is either representative of the typical behavior of the child
or significant because it is strikingly different from his usual form of behavior.
Types of Anecdotal Records
Evaluative Statements
The teacher includes statements that evaluate or judge the behavior of the pupil
“… X was very active in our English class and wanted to do just what she wanted to
do. She simply did not have consideration for others. I had to ask her to sit in front.
For this, she showed a bad attitude.”
Types of Anecdotal Records
Interpretive Statements
These statements are attempts to account for or explain the behavior of the pupil
on the basis of single observation noted.
“… X has been over-active in class lately. He won’t stay in his seat. He is growing so
fast that he cannot remain settled… Of course, the inward change, the growth,
causes the restlessness.”
Types of Anecdotal Records
Generalized Descriptive Statements
Statements with very broad general terms and with qualifying adverbs
(frequently, everyday, always, etc.)
“… X has been awfully restless these days. He is whispering most of the time. He is
not kept busy. In the circle during various discussions, even though he is interested,
his arms are moving, or he is punching the one sitting next to him.”
Types of Anecdotal Records
Specific or Concrete Descriptive Statement
The teacher describes concretely the situation in which the action or comment
“… X did not go out to play during recess although the weather was just fine. She
stayed in the room by herself. She was reading a novel.”
Sample Anecdotal Record
Anecdotal Record
Activity/Location: Learning center – Tables
Date : 11/09/19
Observer: Teacher Fathimath
Student’s Name: Ali
Description of Event:
Ali ran over to the table where other students were completing puzzles shouting, “Here I
come!” He then approached another student and asked, “Can I have that puzzle?” Other
student: No, I’m not finished. Ali: But I need that one to build my rocket ship. Other student:
Mrs. H says you have to wait your turn. Ali: “No, I want them now”. Ali gave a push on the
other student’s shoulder and snatched the puzzle. While the other student started crying
Ali ran back to his table and sat down with the puzzle.
Let’s Give it a Try!
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-0AlHFcQfk
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9_jt5YaC34&list
Watch these two video clips and write an anecdotal record for
each clip.
Some things to remember about
anecdotal records…
 Professionalism-
Anecdotal records are confidential!
 The objective analysis is not conclusions or diagnoses.
 Should
not include any bias.