Uploaded by Annette Putnam Petz

Reading & Writing Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template – Reading & Writing
Introductory Information:
Topic: Comprehension or Vocabulary
Grade Level:
Mentor Text (APA):
Strategy/Activity/Source (APA):
RATIONALE for the lesson plan: (match to standard and share reading/writing connection -3-4
sentences each)
State Standards [e.g. CCSS]:
Student Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to………
Assessment/Evaluation Statement: (assessment matches objective)
I will know my students have met the objective when………
Materials List:
Body of the Lesson:
Anticipatory Set:
Communication of Objective: “Today, we will……. “
Input: (any review or necessary information prior to the lesson)
Modeling (I do):
Guided Practice (We do):
Check for Understanding:
Independent Practice/Assessment (You do):